Java Full Stack Developer: Ankitha 206-661-4043

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Java Full Stack Developer

 Around 8+ years of experience in full stack development in all phases of Software Development Life Cycles ( SDLC),
Worked with Software methodologies like AGILE/Scrum and Waterfall methodologies. Participated in Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of various web based, enterprise business applications using
JAVA/J2EE technologies
 Experience in applying best Design Patterns and Strategies to enormous business applications to diminish tight coupling,
enhance execution, developing and testing.
 Extensive Knowledge with Core Java concepts like Multithreading, Exception Handling, Generics, serializations, and
 Expertise in working with JAVA 8 features like Functional Interfaces, Stream API, Time API, Transaction Management,
Exception Handling, Collection API, Lambda Expressions.
 Experience in implementation of Web-based Enterprise Applications using core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JMS, JDBC,
Web Services (SOAP and REST), MVC framework (Spring MVC), SQL and Object-Oriented Programming techniques.
 Developed and deployed Micro Services based applications using Spring Boot along with Spring Rest and Worked on
Node Js with Express and Hapi.js
 Well experienced on implementing SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) using Spring REST to create REST resources that
include several components like Jersey Framework, spring Boot, JAX-RS and used WADL for documenting REST API’S.
 Worked on SOAP protocol using JAX-WS and integrated Apache CXF, AXIS-2 for WS-Remote Messaging, WS -Security,
WS- Policy and other specifications and automated documentation using Swagger and WSDL.
 Experienced in configuring and deploying applications on different servers such as Apache Tomcat, Web logic, IBM
WebSphere, JBoss.
 Experience in developing pages using Angular.JS directives, expressions, routing capabilities for bookmarking, filters,
validations, and Angular UI components such as grid, buttons, date pickers, modal dialogs and other input components.
 Extensively worked with Angular CLI for creating components, Services, pipes, Directives
 Experience in Developing User Interface (UI) using Technologies like HTML5, CSS3(using SASS and LESS), JavaScript,
TypeScript, Material UI, React-Bootstrap, Bootstrap 4and AJAX by managing all facets and pipelines of application.
Expertise in implementing the features of JavaScript ES6 like arrow functions, modules, block scoping, promises and
enhanced object literals.
 Experienced in React.js for creating interactive User Interface using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native
concepts. Experience working on RESTFUL Web Services and Implementing RESTFUL API’s
 Well experienced in view rendering using JSX, React Js and implementing React JS with Redux and Flux patterns to attain
MVC functionality.
 Experience in developing server-side JavaScript frameworks using Node JS (Hapi JS, Express JS) to build event driven,
non-blocking I/O model web applications. Worked by installing dependencies using Package Managers like NPM, BOWER
and running automated task using Gulp, Grunt and webpack for bundling, minification, loading images, configuration.
 Unit tested web services using Junit, JMeter, Mockito Easy mock, Spring Runner, Spock, Test NG and hence achieved the
goals of Test-Driven Development (TDD).
 Used Docker Container to address every application across the hybrid cloud and Docker for better collaboration and
 Deployed the Zero Down Deployment using Kubernetes orchestration service application. Automated the deployment
process by integrating code repository using build pipeline Jenkins, Bamboo and GoCD for continuous deployment.
 Well experienced with build tools like Gradle, Maven and ANT.
 Have good Hands-on Work experience on different databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, Oracle 13c/11g, Microsoft
SQL Server, NoSQL DB (Raven DB, Mongo DB and Cassandra, Couch DB, Redis, Dynamo DB) and good experience in
writing stored procedures, functions and triggers using PL/SQL in JDBC, ODBC and in WebLogic server.
 Experience in writing stored procedures, triggers, views and functions using PL/SQL scripts and embedded DDL and DML
statements in PL/SQL block.
 Experience in applying JMS (Java Messaging Service) for reliable information exchange across Java applications using
Apache Kafka to communicate from Client to Server
 Implemented security functionality OAuth 2.0, Spring security, SSL and site minder (SSO), secure authentication with
LDAP OAuth2 for generating tokens in the application using Spring Security, JWT for producing tokens
 Good practical experience with Java-based logging utility i.e., log4J and slf4j
 Worked on different AWS services for storage and deployment purpose. Worked on S3 service for storing data,
EC2 for Deployment good practical experience in AWS SQS for sending bulk mails .and IAM for managing roles.
 Hands on Experience with UNIX, Linux commands and Deployment of Applications in Server and ability to work effectively
on Windows platforms.
 Used various version control software such as SVN, GIT, Bit Bucket for maintaining code repositories GitLab for managing


Web Development HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript (ES6), Typescript, ReactJS, AngularJS, Node
JS 10, Angular 9 jQuery, AJAX, Observables, JSON, XML, REST, SOAP, WADL,

Frameworks NodeJS10, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JDBC

Databases MySQL, ORACLE, MongoDB, DB2, MS SQL, SQL Server, Cassandra, Amazon


Software Tools & BUILD (Ant, Bamboo, Go CD, Gradle, Grunt, Gulp, Jenkins, Maven, Maven 2,
Testing Tools
LOGGING (Log4j, Slf4j, Commons Logging)
VERSION CONTROL (Git, SVN, Clear Case, Surround)
TESTING (Protractor, Jasmine along with Karma, Mockito, Mocha, Selenium,
Spring JUnit 4)

IDEs worked on IntelliJ Idea, Eclipse, Net Beans, VS Code, Atom, STS.

Application Servers Apache Tomcat Server, BEA Web Logic, IBM Web Sphere, JBOSS, Oracle Web

Client:   Bank of America, Charlotte, NC
Jan 22 – Present
Role: Full stack Developer
 Practiced Agile by actively participating in standup meetings, pre-planning, and planning meetings. Jira for managing story
points. Adopted agile methodology with pair programming technique and addressed issues during system testing.
 Developed presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, JavaScript
 Worked on customizing the Bootstrap classes using CSS pre-processes like SASS. Extensively used SASS (Syntactically
awesome style sheets) while styling with CSS3.
 Developed React JS pages, Web services calls, and AJAX calls for the application.
 Worked with ReactJS library for implementing functionality in Front-end. Worked on React with Redux for maintain Single
Source of truth.
 Used React JS in development of the web application to bind the data/model that is being retrieved from a database
through services provided in a controller to the view using scope.
 Worked on the enhancements of the navigation and menu button into responsive features using Bootstrap Nav-default
 Used JAVA 1.8 features like Lambda Expressions, Parallel Streams, and functional interfaces.
 Implemented Core Java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections wherever
necessary in the application.
 Created RFP microservice to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Microservices.
 Used Micro service architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache
Kafka message brokers and also worked with Kafka Cluster using Zookeeper.
 Responsible to deploy all the Apigee message processors and routers in dev, test and staging and production. Analyze
information to determine, recommend, and installation of a new Apigee on-premises.
 Spring MVC model integration for front-end request action controller and Spring AOP for logging purposes.
 Used Spring IOC for dependency injection and developed controllers for handling Http requests and providing Http
 Implemented authorization and authentication with Spring Security and manage the CORS and CRSF security issues.
 Developed REST and SOAP based Web Services for data retrieval to make it independent of the current application.
 Performed data exchange with third party applications using SOAP, XML and used JAXB for XML binding.
 Worked on Hibernate to store the persistence data into the PostgreSQL database and wrote HQL to access the data from
the database. Worked on MongoDB to generate Document based records
 Worked on typedef and groovy script to write simplified queries.
 Have used CI/CD tools and experience with Docker Images/containers and Kubernetes.
 Used AJAX calls to consume RESTful web services to fetch data and implement asynchronous communication with server
side and then rendered the data on Prime NG data tables.
 Responsible for creating an instance on Amazon EC2 (AWS) and deployed the application on it. Migrated existing
monolithic application into Cloud environment using Amazon Web Services.
 Worked on AWS services to deploy static websites and dynamic Web Apps on EC2 using Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic
Container Service-Docker.
 Producer APIs are exposed via proxy using APIGEE. Consumer APIs communicate to other services or API’s via APIGEE
proxy, and some consumer’s use Rabbit MQ as a medium to delegate messages.
 Actively involved in the DevOps streamlining process through Jenkins CI and CD Release Automation.
 Worked with Bit Bucket for recording the progress and later for version control.
 Used Maven as build automation tool and deployments are on Web Logic Application Server.
 Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Spring Tool Suite (STS) IDE for application development and used Git as Version
Control tool.
 Developed test cases for Unit Testing, Integration Testing with JUnit. Followed TDD Test Driven Development.
 Used REST Client and POSTMAN to test the rest-based services and used Junit and Mockito to test the middleware
 Involved in documentation by writing the technical documents for the project on confluence. Also, part of the presentation
team to the company’s executives.
Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React JS, Node JS 10 Spring Boot, Spring Security, Hibernate, JDBC,
REST, SOAP, AWS, Docker, Microservices, Apache Kafka MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Unit Testing, JUnit, Log4j, Maven, Multi-
Threading, Collections, Web Logic Application Server, GIT, Jenkins and Spring Tool Suite (STS), Agile Methodology.

Client: Northern Trust, Atlanta, GA

Sept 18 – Aug 20
Role: Full stack Developer
 Involved in the analysis, design, development, and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and used
agile methodologies for Software Development to promote iterations, collaboration, and process adaptability and
participated in SCRUM meetings.
 Developed presentation layer screens using HTML5, CSS3and client validation using TypeScript/JavaScript. Utilized most
advanced features from JavaScript ES6.
 Extensively worked with Angular CLI for creating components, Services, pipes, Directives.
 Worked on Angular network performance concepts like Lazy Loading of resources, AOT compilation, compression, and
 Developed Application to assess JSON and XML from Restful web service from consumer side using Angular 4.
 Worked with JSX code to render HTML elements on the web page. Additionally, worked with TSX code along with map
operator to render multiple HTML elements. Used NodeJS to offer an easy and safe way to build high performance and
scalable application.
 Used ApachePOI for uploading Excel files and optimized the load time by extensively leveraging Java8 lambda
expressions, Streams and parallel Streams.
 Worked with core java concepts like Collections Framework, Multithreading and Memory management.
 Developed code in Java, J2EE, Webwork and Hibernate using XP Practices Pair Programming, TDD, Continuous
 Implemented Microservices platform build upon Spring Boot Services.
 Worked on migrating the legacy application into microservices architecture using Rest API’s
 Extensively worked on Spring Cloud stream application for using Apache Kafka binder, also worked with Spring Cloud
Stream Kafka Starter for managing the Kafka binding.
 Implemented Spring Batch in-order to deal with large number of chunks using Spring Batch Framework to execute the
similar jobs simultaneously.
 Worked with Lombok dependency for creating POJO files and reduce boiler plate code while developing application.
 Designed and integrated the full-scale Hibernate persistence solution with the application architecture. Worked on
application using JPA (Java Persistence API) frameworks and APIs as JDO and Hibernate.
 Worked on XML and JSON for transferring and retrieving data between different applications. Involved on development
of RESTful web services using JAX-RS in a Spring based project.
 Worked on Log4J to validate functionalities logging errors, messages, and performance logs and Mockito framework JUnit
for unit testing.
 Worked with build tools such as MAVEN. Extensively worked in Test Driven Development (TDD) framework using JUnit.
 Experience in using GIT as version control and JIRA for bug tracking. Developed Docker based microservices deployment
modules with Jenkins 2.0.
 Worked on developing CI/CD system using Jenkins on Kubernetes environment, utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the
runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build, Test and Deploy.
 Worked extensively with AWS Lambda using java to perform event-driven processing. Also worked IAM (AWS service) to
assign Roles for different users.
 Usage of SQS(AWS) for managing messaging services in the application.
 Utilized Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 to deploy Docker containers. Worked on S3 service to maintain Patient’s health
 Web sphere is used as an Application Server to Deploy the Application.
 Implemented a centralized logging system using log stash configured as an ELK stack(Elastic search, Log stash, and
Kibana) to monitor system logs, AWS Cloud Watch, VPC Flow logs, changes in S3 etc.
Environment: Agile Methodology, Java1.8, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, JSX, AngularJS, NodeJS, Hibernate,
Spring MVC, Spring boot, Spring security, Apache Kafka, SQL, MySQL, OAuth, XML, JSON, JUnit, Maven, Restful, GIT, Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Micro Services, Log4J, Oracle, Jenkins, Docker, Mockito, MongoDB, JIRA and Spring Tool Suite.

Client: BSNL, Pune, India

Aug 16 – Jan 18
Role: Full stack Developer
 Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) using Agile Methodology.
 Developed User Interface using JSP, JSTL, HTML, CSS, Java Script, jQuery, and NGRX.
 Experience with Front-end JavaScript frameworks like Node JS and with the creation of RESTful Web service.
Used Bootstrap, React.js and Node.js in effective web design.
 Worked with React.js Stateful components to store data. Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-
Draggable. Created React JS components using JSX, followed FLUX design pattern for unidirectional data flow.
 Maintaining Parent and child elements by using State and Props in React.js
 Involved in component development using J2EE principles and used design patterns such as Singleton, Factory and Data
Access Object (DAO) in the implementation of the application.
 Involved in writing application-level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and other resources.
 Used Spring MVC and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic. Integrated Spring DAO for data
access using Hibernate.
 Worked on Hibernate for mapping the java objects to relational database and SQL queries to fetch the data, insert and
update the data from the database. Used Hibernate in Data Access Layer to access and update information in the
 Used Multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design pattern in Hibernate Utility
 Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces in order to exchange the data in different forms by
using Restful service and extensively worked on messaging broker Kafka.
 Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML using Apache CXF framework and
worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers.
 Implemented Restful and SOAP based Web Services and used SOAP UI for testing. Written LINUX shell scripts to identify
user login information.
 Used Jenkins as build management tool for continuous integration process and used Git as Version Control tool.
 Involved in day-to-day handling of JIRA issues (production issues at time) that involved data inconsistencies that required
to be solved in very less time.
 Developed new modules using the AGILE process and pair programming using the divide and conquer method of breaking
down a chunk of requirements into piecemeal stories and breaking each major release into iteration.
 Involved in Unit Testing of various modules by generating the Test Cases. Participated in Code Reviews of other modules,
documents, test cases. Involved in Bug fixing of various modules that were raised by the testing teams in the application
during the Integration testing phase.
 Developed code in Java, J2EE, Webwork and Hibernate using XP Practices Pair Programming, TDD,Continuous
 Worked on tools for Continuous Integration like Jenkin, Docker file for building Docker Images. Finally worked with
Kubernetes cluster for Docker Container Management.
 Experience in working with cloud tools like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and good knowledge of AWS services like EC2,
AMI, S3, Glacier, Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), RDS, SNS and EBS.
 Performed deployment of applications on Jenkins.
 Worked with Eclipse IDE and used Gradle build tool to achieve more functionality for build process.
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React.JS, Spring, Hibernate, XML, XSD, Web Services, Restful, SOAP,
WSDL, Log4j, JUnit, Jenkins, Gradle, GIT, Eclipse, JIRA, Agile methodology, Linux.

Client: Aurobindo Pharma, Hyderabad.

May 2013 - July 2016
Role: Java Developer
 Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of application developed using Agile
 Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, jQuery, Ajax, ReactJS and Java script.
 Hands on experience in creating components using React.js. Majorly worked on Stateful components to maintain storage
 Used Spring MVC and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic.
 Used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization of the application.
 Implemented persistence framework using Hibernate& Handled Transaction Management using the provided data
 Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business requirement.
 Responsible for designing Hibernate mapping files based on business logic and Object relationships.
 Integrated Spring and Hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services using Hibernate
and spring.
 Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces to exchange the data in different forms by using
RESTful service.
 Used Spring JMS module for lookup for the queues and MDBs for the listeners
 Established Database Connectivity using JDBC, Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for Oracle.
 Designing and developed a data migration strategy and source to target mapping to migrate the data out of the legacy
systems into the Cassandra customer DB.
 Used JIRA for tracking the Project Stories in Agile Methodology.
 Used TortoiseSVN to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to
trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.
 Used Log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms.
 Used Maven tools for building and deploying the Web applications. Written LINUX shell scripts to identify user login
 Designed and developed the application using agile methodology and followed Test Driven Development (TDD), Scrum.

Environment: HTML, CSS, jQuery, Ajax, React.JS, Hibernate, Spring MVC, RESTful, SQL, Oracle, JDBC, JNDI, Log4j, Junit, Maven,
RMI, Eclipse IDE, UML, JIRA, Tortoise SVN, LINUX.

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