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September 2011 Number 446 4.00

Operator licences 38 Behind the scenes with The Removal Men 40
Celebrating our industry greats
No: 446 September 2011
This month:
News from Watford 06
Industry News 07-14
- PHS Teacrate support mens health
- Crown receives SAS 70 certifcation
- Pluscrates switches to bio-diesel
- Business as usual for the new Interdean
- Clockwork Removals in European epic
- Prestige job for Isle of Man member
- Momentous expands feet
- Vintage truck fys Cannon fag
- Stephen Morris sales rise after move
- Tom Bourne in raft race for charity
- Ballards beats the fuel price hike
- Maidmans expands shredding service
- Robinsons wins quality seal initiative
- Screen star praise for John Mason
- Truck tribute to Andrew Bourne
- Shore Porters move Bond car
- Stephens Removals on facebook
- Tax saving opportunity
- Fraud rising in the UK
- BAR partners SOCA to tackle organised
- PwC highlights security concerns
- Olympic concerns rise
- Capital equipment best bought now
- Housing market still sluggish
- Government to release land for housing
BAR Services 15
- Product of the Month
BAR News 16-20
- New Areas pages for BAR Website
- New BAR Marketing Director
- Young Mover: Tom Ryan, Mover and Shaker
- Discussion forum?
- Summer in the City
- Industry statistics (July 2011)
QSS Update 22
Commercial Moving Group News 24
Overseas Group News 26
Training News 28
European News 34
People News 51
Diary Dates 52
Memberships 54
Competition 55
September 2011 Removals & Storage
On the cover: Michael Gersons Morris 1947 LC3
Van photographed on 13th July 2011 by R&S Editor
Andy Stern at Cart Marking, in Guildhall Yard, City
of London

Removers are in an ideal position to offer self
storage to their clients and already have the
majority of what is required in place including
staff, vehicles and importantly the building.
Richard Allen, Sales & Marketing Manager, Active Supply & Design

- Celebrating our industry
greats: Michael Gerson
- Getting ready for changes
to operator licences
- Affliate profle:
Active Supply & Design
- Behind the scenes of
The Removal Men
- New International Associate:
P.M. Relocations of India
Features 38-50
Removals & Storage September 2011 6
BAR News
Contributions on all aspects of the removals and storage
industry are welcome, together with photographs if
Please contact the Managing Editor, Louise Gale on:
Tel: 020 848 100
Deadlines: The deadline for all article submissions for
the October 2011 issue of R&S is th September.
For all enquiries and bookings, please contact
Steve Pearce on:
Tel: 0117 330 8370
Deadlines: The booking deadline for all display
advertisements for the October 2011 issue of R&S is
11th September.

Removals & Storage is subscribed to by members of the
British Association of Removers in the UK and Overseas.
Current annual subscription is 48.00 in the UK and
72.00 overseas. Additional subscriptions are available
from BAR (see contact details to the left).
Registered as a magazine The British Association of
Removers 2011. ISSN 0034-426
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be scanned,
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in part or whole
in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the
British Association of Removers.
Opinions expressed in Removals & Storage are not necessarily those
of the publisher, British Association of Removers. The description of a
product or service in this publication does not constitute endorsement
by the publisher. The publisher does not accept any responsibility for
any claims by advertisers. The articles in this publication are for general
information only and are not intended to be advice to any specifc
person. Readers are recommended to seek professional advice before
taking or refraining from taking any action on the basis of the contents
of any article in this publication.
The British Association of Removers
Tel: 01923 699 480
Fax: 01923 699 481
Tangent House, 62 Exchange Road, Watford,
Hertfordshire WD18 OTG
President: Reg Hackworthy
Director General: Stephen Vickers
Company Secretary: James Falkner
Removals & Storage is designed on behalf of
The British Association of Removers by:
Rubicon Marketing Ltd.
Tel: 0117 330 8370
Article submission: 5th of the month preceding publication
Booking of display adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication
Booking of classifed adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication
Booking of trade adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication
Artwork for adverts: 15th of the month preceding publication
Copy and advertising deadlines 2011 for future issues of R&S magazine
reparations are well underway for
the next series of BAR Business
Advice Roadshows, which are to
be held between 3 and 7 October. The
emphasis will be upon providing best
practice tools for businesses, and the
programme has been prepared with
feedback from those Members who
have attended previous roadshows very
much in mind. Content will include cost
modelling, benefts of removals
apprenticeships, pensions reform for
SMEs as well as advice on recent
legislation on retirement ages, and a
workshop on Standards and Risk
Assessment. The venues are Livingston
(3 October), Leeds (4 October),
Cheltenham ( October) and fnally
London (6 October). Book early to avoid
disappointment at
workshop.aspx and dont delay, as
places are as usual rather limited.
The recent Channel series of
programmes The Removal Men gave
an interesting glimpse into our industry,
and it was encouraging to see the BAR
and OFT logos so prominently, and
often, displayed by Pickfords as the
crews went about the business. It will
have been very helpful for the viewing
public to have this fy on the wall
insight into the wide range of, often
very challenging, tasks that professional
removal staff are routinely called on to
undertake, and the hard work,
dedication, and good humour of those
involved came through very well.
On pages 42-4 you will fnd a
fascinating interview with Michael
Gerson, one of the industrys best
known veterans, as he moves into
retirement after a long and eventful
career. Michael gives his thoughts and
views on a wide range of topics, some
old and some current, and as always he
is forthright and to the point. It goes
without saying that everyone here in
Watford wishes him a long and happy
Plans have recently been announced by
Government to release land, previously
built on but now no longer required by
various agencies to stimulate house
building, particularly at the more
affordable end of the marked. Recent
global economic uncertainty is
unhelpful of course, but anything that
can be done to stimulate activity in the
housing market must be welcomed in
the industry.
Work is also underway on the
arrangements for the next Young
Movers event, which will take place at
the Perry Bar Greyhound stadium in
Birmingham on Friday 14 October.
These events always prove to be
popular, and as usual there will be an
interesting mix of business and social
activities. Places are rather limited, so
watch out for the fyer which has the
booking arrangements for this
interesting event in this edition of R&S.
Members should note that an
Extraordinary General Meeting of BAR
will be held in Watford at 12.00 Noon,
on Wednesday 21 September 2011. The
business of the meeting will be to
receive the Report & Accounts for the
year to 31 December 2010.
Dont forget, there is a 100 monthly
prize in the draw for Members who
provide the industry statistics that
enable BAR to lobby effectively. It is a
simple process to provide these stats, so
if you do not do so, why not start now?
Contact Details:
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
Wellers spots tax
savings opportunity
Wellers Accountants have drawn our attention to what they call
a window of opportunity for savings, due to a recent change in the
HMRC defnition of associate.
imply by adjusting the date of an
accounting period, major tax benefts may
be obtained. Mike Adams, Tax Specialist
at Wellers Accountants, says companies must
act quickly to make the most of the change:
The change in defnition has not been widely
publicised and so may have passed many
companies by. The corporation tax thresholds of
300,000 and 1.5m are divided by the number
of associates, meaning many businesses can
quickly lose the beneft of the lower rate of
corporation tax, he told R&S.
For example, if a company has one associate
and makes 200,000 in profts, the lower
threshold becomes 150,000 and they would
have to pay tax at a higher rate on all their
profts above this level. With a revised
defnition of associate, this may no longer be
the case however.
Mike adds that although the new regime
started from 1 April 2011, through a quirk in the
legislation, it may be possible to reduce the rate
of tax on profts for accounting periods already
ended, through shortening that period. There
are a number of factors to take into account, but
the benefts could be substantial.
Fraud rising in
the UK
K fraud reached 1.1bn in the
frst half of the year, up from
609m during the same period of
2010, according to a survey by
consultants KPMG.
The average case value of private
sector fraud jumped from 2.5m in
January June 2010, to 4.2m for the
same period this year.
It is small and medium-sized
companies that suffer the greatest impact
of fraud.
Hitesh Patel, UK forensic partner at
KPMG, said For SMEs, fraud can often
lead to signifcant cash fow problems
resulting in redundancies - and at worst
a fght for survival.
The impact of fraud can be long
lasting, affecting the organisations
growth and competitiveness. It may
dampen customer and staff confdence,
cause reputational damage and detract
from simply running the business.
The majority of fraud is committed by
professional criminals, with fraud
perpetrated by criminal gangs rising 107
per cent in the frst half of 2011.
Internal fraud committed by
employees (of all levels of seniority)
also created 225m worth of damage
this year (up from 181m during Jan
Jun 2010), with management fraud,
averaging at 7.3m a case, and
employee fraud around 708,000.
Operating in positions of trust and
authority, helping them conceal their
tracks with greater ease - the more
senior the employee the more damage
they can infict when acting
fraudulently, Hitesh said.
With the introduction of the UK
Bribery Act and the National Crime
Agency, it is clear the Government is
taking the fght against fraud very
Working collaboratively with
Government, business are also
strengthening their defences and taking
a less reactive, more preventative stance.
The culture and tone at the top are
critical to stamping out internal fraud,
Hitesh said. In order to guard against
professional criminals, and those
operating outside the businesses,
companies must fully assess where in
their operations they are vulnerable.
They should arm themselves with a set
of controls that enable greater
detection...this huge increase in the level
of fraud hitting the private sector
demonstrates the importance of ensuring
that companies have mechanisms to
prevent fraud and detect misconduct
PHS Teacrate support mens health
rate rental specialists PHS Teacrate have
supported the Mens Health Forum
Scotland 10K for Men race, by supplying
200 storage crates for packing, storing and
transporting promotional goody bags. The
crates were supplied from Teacrates nearby
Livingston depot.
Now in its sixth year, the event is a unique
men-only race, which has taken place in
Glasgow on Fathers Day every year since 2006.
As a focal point of National Mens Health
Week, the Mens 10K aims to raise awareness
of mens health issues in Scotland and
encourage participation in healthy physical
activity all year round.
When this unique men event started in 2006 it
had 1,400 participants. By 2011 numbers had
grown to 3,898. Around 30 per cent of
participants were taking part in their frst ever
10K event. Men came from as far and wide as
Dublin and Nottingham to take part in the event
held in Glasgows Bellahouston Park. The event
holds broad appeal to runners at all levels, from
complete novices to seasoned runners. The
winning time was 00:31:25, and the last guy
crossed the fnish line in 02:24:54.

Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
ed SOCA Alerts indicate specifc threats
and may require immediate action, while
Amber Alerts are designed to raise
awareness or complement existing knowledge
of a threat or new criminal technique.
Putting SOCA Alerts on our website is a
very simple yet effective means of providing
valuable information or advice for our
members businesses, BARs Commercial
Manager, Paul Swindon, told R&S.
SOCA is an executive agency of the Home
Offce and its main purpose is to tackle serious
organised crime affecting the UK. This includes
Class A drugs, people smuggling and human
traffcking, major gun crime, fraud, Cyber crime
and money laundering.
Part of SOCAs remit is to work with private
sector organisations to create opportunities to
reduce the threat from serious organised crime.
One way is to develop a range of preventative
measures to help businesses spot the early signs
of an attack, so they will know what to do and
who to contact for further assistance.
SOCA works closely with regulators, trade
associations and other industry bodies in
providing Alert information to a target audience.
This is circulated to protect UK businesses and
the public, and to deny opportunities to
organised criminals.
This information ensures the management of
risks and the opportunity to review or improve
business processes or procedures. SOCA Alerts
covers any subject linked to serious organised
crime, from fraud and fnancial matters, illegal
immigration, or identity takeover. It also works
across all sectors from fnancial, retail,
construction, transport and communications.
SOCAs relationship with business
organisations is highly valuable in tackling
organised crime. Its through these links
between the public and private sectors that the
UK will become more resilient to attack from
criminals both here and abroad, the
organisation says.
BAR partners SOCA to
tackle organised crime
Working in partnership with SOCA - the Serious Organised Crime
Agency, BAR has created a dedicated page on its website to house
SOCA Alerts. These products provide information about how serious
organised crime affects the industry and can be found in the My Bar
members only Resources section.
Government to
release land
for housing
ousing Minister Grant Shapps
(pictured) has announced
plans to release enough public
land to build as many as 100,000 new
According to the Minister, by this
Autumn every government
department with signifcant
landbanks will publish plans to
release thousands of acres of
previously-developed land to
By 2015 the Public Expenditure
Committee, a Cabinet Committee
chaired by Francis Maude, will go
through each departments plans, to
make sure every possible site is made
available for housebuilding.
Alongside this, property specialists
from across government will work
with each department and challenge
them to release as much land as they
can for new homes.
Ministers are also encouraging
councils to follow the lead set by
central government and make their
unused land available for
Later this year, a new map will be
launched to show land and buildings
owned by public bodies in each area.
A new Community Right to Reclaim
Land has been introduced enabling
residents to apply to organisations
including central Government
departments and councils to bring
their sites back into use.
The Homes and Communities
Agency is also planning to release
more land for redevelopment. This
will include a Build Now, Pay Later
deal, which enables housebuilders to
only pay for the land once work has
started on the new homes.
PwC highlights security concerns
report by consultants PwC, in
cooperation with the Supply Chain
Management Institute of the EBS
Business School, has shed new light on security
concerns in the global transport and logistics
According to the report, man-made attacks on
supply chains are increasing. Transport and
logistics companies will need to take security
concerns into account when choosing transport
Supply chain managers should factor in
higher transport costs, longer travel times and
potential problems meeting schedules when
alternative transport routes are used, the report
says. Even without disruptions, more security
will mean longer transport times.
The consultants recommend that companies
consider the possible, not just the probable.
Executives should keep an eye on so-called
wildcard events...looking at the possible
fnancial impact, the relative vulnerability of
their business model and their companys ability
to react to low-probability, high impact events.
The report envisages greater investments will
need to be made to secure information and
communications technology systems from
cyber attacks. With electronic data exchange
becoming an ever more critical part of
interlinked value chains, worries about data
security and industrial espionage are becoming
more pronounced, it says.
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
n additional 2.8bn increase in spending
by tourists is forecast from the Games.
The FTA says that to capitalise on this
increased activity, many retail businesses will
be applying to stay open longer. However, the
narrowing, and in some cases shutting, of
standard delivery windows poses a signifcant
concern to companies in the supply chain.
Natalie Chapman, FTAs Head of Policy for
London, said: potential Olympic disruption is
causing those in the logistics sector many
sleepless nights. The Olympics and Paralympics
will mean that for around 100 days the logistics
sector will have more to deliver and far less
time to deliver it in. We believe that part of the
solution can be found in allowing more
deliveries to be made at night time, but this will
require a temporary relaxation of lorry bans
from some London councils.
FTA, in association with the Noise Abatement
Society, says that it has pioneered the
development of quiet delivery techniques that
could be used to allow deliveries to take place
at times currently restricted due to planning or
noise abatement reasons.
It is intended that these be used during the
Games period to allow more deliveries to take
place at night. However, as well as additional
restrictions on the Olympic Route Network,
other controls and restrictions on freight
vehicles in London are expected to remain in
force throughout the Games period.
Ms. Chapman said we are advising members
to think of the Games as a three-month
Christmas trading period, with peak but
unpredictable demand for goods and services
overlaid on regular delivery patterns.

The logistics sector can play the part of
Britains Olympic hero, and help deliver an
amazing event that is memorable for all the
right reasons. But more can be done to provide
delivery fexibility and avoid landing operators
with the dilemma of either breaking the law or
keeping their customers happy.
Olympic concerns rise
As the Olympic Games come ever closer, anxiety among the Freight
Transport Associations London members is growing. Olympic
preparedness tops the concerns of FTAs London Freight Council
switches to
rate rental company Pluscrates has
switched to environmentally
friendly bio-diesel made from
waste cooking oil to power its Bristol van
feet. The decision follows Pluscrates
recent move into a new depot in Bristol
where they were surprised to fnd one of
the local removers, McKeowns Business
Moves, was also in the bio-diesel
business, refning their own fuel from
waste cooking oil.
Pluscrates were keen to fnd out more
and soon became one of McKeowns
newest customers. Pluscrates Managing
Director John Mitchell said, What
McKeowns are doing is very smart
indeed. Running our local feet on their
bio-diesel, refned and sold locally, fts
perfectly with our efforts to reduce our
carbon footprint and at the same time we
save money on our fuel bills. At the
moment bio-diesel is around 15 per cent
cheaper than conventional petroleum-
based diesel bought at forecourt prices
and has less impact on the environment.
At frst John Mitchell was a little
sceptical about using diesel made from
old cooking oil, but when he discovered
director Julian McKeowan used it in his
new Range Rover Sport he was
Julian said, We began making bio-
diesel for our own feet at McKeown
Business Moves four years ago then, as
we grew in reputation and scale, we
began to see the opportunity to provide
fuel to local businesses and the public.
Switching to bio-diesel removes a deposit
left by mineral diesel fuel which typically
means changing the fuel flter after the
frst tank or two of bio has been used.
Beyond that there is no other modifcation
required to run bio-diesel.
Bio-diesel reduces the emission of
particulates by as much as 65 per cent and
is a possible candidate to replace fossil
fuels as the worlds primary transport
energy source.
Crown receives SAS 70 certifcation
rown Relocations has just received the
Statement on Auditing Standard No. 70
certifcation (SAS 70), a widely
recognised auditing standard developed by the
American Institute of Certifed Public
Accountants (AICPA).
The certifcation verifes our processes are
controlled and auditable, says Philip Poon,
Crowns group information security & risk
manager. Crowns written policies,
documented operating process, evidence for
review, sign off, and approvals are in
compliance with AICPAs stringent guidelines.
Crown processes fnancial data for many
publicly-traded organizations with strict internal
controls. As part of its pledge to meet clients
needs for accurate fnancial reporting, Crown
applied for and received SAS 70 certifcation
within 12 months.
Our new heightened network security
systems fulflled SAS 70 requirements, Philip
says, after directing Crowns internal efforts
during the certifcation process. The
certifcation provides proof of Crowns
commitment to implement controls over its
operating procedures and provide the safest and
most accurate processing of our clients
fnancial data.
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
Business as
usual for the
new Interdean

ow that the dust has settled on
the acquisition of Interdean by
the Santa Fe Group, announced
in April 2011, the company has been
providing more detail on what the
consolidation process will mean for its
Mark Burchell, Interdeans Sales and
Marketing Director, has been speaking
to the companys customers about the
implications of the transaction in the
short and long term.
First off, the brand. According to
Mark, although the new organisation
will operate under the Santa Fe Group
of companies, the name Interdean will
be retained; Santa Fe recognise the
value that comes with a market leading
brand like Interdean that has more than
50 years invested in building its
reputation and service delivery
However, some elements of the Santa
Fe Group corporate identity will come
through, such as the Santa Fe Horse.
Mark points out that as well as
acquiring Interdean, the Santa Fe Group
has also acquired the market leaders in
Australia, Wridgways; when you
connect all of our dots from Australia,
through Asia, into India, the Middle
East, Eurasia and Europe you have a
highly differentiated service delivery
mechanism....with the inclusion of the
Santa Fe and Wridgways locations, we
can now provide clients greater control
on quality and cost because we will now
have our own in-house local Service
Providers in numerous locations.
All of Interdean existing contracts,
Service Level Agreements and working
relationships with its clients and
partners remain in place, Mark adds.
Clockwork Removals in
European epic
When former England rugby player Dean Richards approached
Clockwork for some help with a European move, the frm was
delighted to help but this was not a standard move, it involved
moving 15 men, 15 bicycles and gallons of water!
ean Richards is part of a team of riders
called The Gravity Fundraisers who
raise money for local charities by
completing annual cycling challenges.
Previous years have seen the team cycling
from London to Paris, tackling the Most
Dangerous Road in the World and jet skiing
across the channel whilst riding from London
to Brussels.This year was to be their toughest
challenge to date; it involved cycling from the
legendary Mount Ventoux, a 23km gruelling
climb which is revered as one of the hardest
climbs of the Tour de France. And fnishing 3
days and 400 miles later at the fnish of the
14th Etape of this years Tour de France, the
mountain stage AxBonascre. The goal was to
raise 35,000 for The Jubilee Sailing Trust to
send 20 disabled people on the experience of a
lifetime on two specially adapted tall ships.
On the 6th June, 15 guys of varying ages,
capabilities and body weight set off for France
in a Clockwork van. Four days later, 15 men
and 15 bicycles completed this amazing feat
of endurance and raised a staggering 60,000,
smashing their original target. Dean Richards
said This was the hardest ride we have done
to date, a real challenge from day one with the
uphill climb. We are eternally grateful to the
team at Clockwork for supplying a support
vehicle and for playing a key part in achieving
our goals for this great cause. It just goes to
show that great teamwork, a positive mindset
and a Clockwork van really can accomplish
amily-owned Isle of Man business
Callister Removals have just completed
one of the most prestigious moves
possible on the island moving the
Callister Removals had initially carried out
the move for Vice Admiral Sir Paul Kenneth
and Lady Haddacks to the island, some six
years ago, from the couples home in
Chichester. Sir Pauls term ended in March
and after completing the move back to
Chichester for Sir Paul, the frm then went to
London to pick up the belongings of Adam
Wood and his family, as Mr Wood was sworn
in as new Governor of the island in April.
For Callister Removals, this repeat business
at the top of Manx society has crowned the
companys emergence from a small frm
focusing on local moves to a company that
can handle movements across the world.
The latest expansion for the company,
which was established in 1958, has seen it
build a new warehouse specifcally for
storage of clients furniture.Over the years
we have not only moved some very
interesting clients, including delivering
Hondas motor bikes up to the grandstand for
the Isle of Man TT Races, Jackie Callister
told R&S, and weve made a lot of friends
along the way too.
Prestige job for Isle of Man member
The team at Clockwork Removals and Storage
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
imon Osborne, group managing director,
says the trailers will support Momentous
as it grows its European deliveries in
countries where it has not yet secured rail
These additions take our feet to just over 30
vehicles, of which over 80 per cent now meet
with future emissions regulations. With a
further two smaller 7.5 ton vehicles due in
service in September, we are looking forward
and planning our needs as far in advance as
possible, Simon explains.
Simons adds that the use of software
monitoring at Momentous has resulted in good
savings in its vehicle and trailer combinations.
Momentous expands feet
Due to its rapid growth in the European market, Momentous has just
acquired fve new trailers to meet the rise in demands on its feet.
Vintage Truck
fys Cannon fag
ighteen months after a lucky
combination of Mothers Day, some
web browsing, and a strategically
located mother-in-law, which led to Andrew
Cannon buying a 1934 lorry, the vehicle has
now won a host of best-in-class awards.
Andrew, of A G Cannon Removals &
Storage in March, Cambridgeshire, was on
an auction web site and noticed a 1934
Bedford WLG Luton for sale. As the truck
was near his mother-in-laws house, and
being close to Mothers Day, Andrew
decided to kill two birds with one stone and
give his wife Cristina a surprise visit to her
mother while buying a present for himself
on the side, with the cheque book hidden in
the pannier of his motorbike.
When the deal was done, I think Cristina
thought I had lost the plot, Andrew recalls.
However, the hand restoration of the truck
has been both a labour of love for Andrew
and proved to be an excellent investment
for the company, as the vehicle has become
a frm favourite in all the special events
where it appears.
Carrying the A G Cannon logo and
colours, and painted in a total of fourteen
coats, the lorry has competed in two
London to Brighton classic commercial
runs, in addition to Haverhill road runs,
Wisbech and District road runs, the Luton
festival of transport, and countless local
carnivals and galas.
Best-in-class awards are now old hat for
the Bedford, which has also won best-in-
show and best-in-show runner-up. I am
particularly proud of this, as I have no
training in this feld and am totally self
taught, Andrew says.
ith the threshold for tax relief on
purchases of plant and equipment set
to plummet in 2012, tax experts at
Wellers Accountants are advising businesses to
make their transactions as soon as possible, and
adjust their accounting period to beneft from
the current higher capital expenditure
In 2010, most businesses could beneft from
tax relief on the frst 50,000 of their purchases.
In 2011, that threshold was increased to
100,000 but in April 2012, it will drop
dramatically to just 25,000.
Mike Adams, Tax Specialist at Wellers
Accountants, says businesses must move fast to
make the most of the current higher threshold.
The amount of allowance is dictated not only
by the precise date of purchase but it is also pro-
rated down to the length of the accounting
period falling within the relevant budget year,
he told R&S. Thus to gain full beneft from the
full current 100,000 allowance, the company
would need to have a 12-month accounting
period commencing on 1 April 2011 as any
other confguration could lead to a loss of
Companies should consider shortening their
previous accounting period so it ended on 31
March 2011. Where the accounting period does
not commence on 1 April 2011, it is quite likely
that the timing of purchase of plant and
equipment will be such that the total 100,000
allowance is not used. Wellers advise: If
signifcant purchases are on the cards,
companies should plan these very carefully so
as to maximise the allowances available to
Capital equipment best bought now
taff at Stephen Morris Shipping are
celebrating their frst anniversary in their
Greenford Park facility in the best way
possible with record sales.
Greenford Park is a far cry from their old
and very industrial location along the North
Circular Road. The company is now situated
right next to the Grand Union Canal, and the
combination of water, trees, and grass have
helped motivate offce staff and drivers alike.
Stephen Morris, the Joint Managing
Director of the company, says that the peaceful
new surroundings have resulted in a better
working atmosphere and a faster throughput of
Visiting drivers can have a hot shower and
some refreshment before returning to the noise
and stress of London traffc. And the crews can
look forward to Friday night in The Black
Horse on the canal nearby. Sales are certainly
up on previous years, and June saw the best
fgures in the companys 40-year history,
Stephen says. There is a lot to be said for a
change of scenery!
Stephen Morris sales rise after move
Stephen Morris Greenford Park facility
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
Ballards beats the fuel
price hike!
udging from the photograph, the team from
Ballards Removals of Tuxford, Notts, have
taken the quest for fuel effciency to new
Things arent quite that desperate though
Ballards was in fact in charge of a lorry pulling
challenge at a local fun day in East Drayton.
The family fun day raised over 8,200 to help
sponsor a local ftness instructor run 100 miles
on the North Downs Way in 24 hours, in support
of the Bluebell Wood Childrens Hospice.
Ballards pull their weight
Tom Bourne in
raft race for

om Bourne of Bournes Removals
in Rye continues to be actively
involved in charity events, and has
just taken part in the Rye Raft Race.
The annual event is organised by the
Rye branch of the Lions club, a large
organisation which aims to initiate and
carry out programmes that will make a
local community a better place to live.
Teams pay an entrance fee to participate
and raise funds by getting their team
sponsored for the race.
Those brave enough to take to the
river in this contest are responsible for
building their own raft and racing up
and down a stretch of the River Rother
in Rye, whilst usually being pelted with
four bombs, ketchup and water
balloons from an unrelenting crowd
observing from the banks.
A variety of local companies, sports
clubs and organisations take part with a
range of themes and types of craft. Tom,
who is responsible for Recycling at
Bournes, constructed his raft this year
from plastic barrels, bits of old Bournes
vehicles and other recyclable items
disposed of by Bournes customers.
Even the paddles were home made!
This year the race was particularly
tough, with bad weather meaning
freezing temperatures, while the tide
was against the teams, and because of a
strong wind one unlucky team (who
were overturned by their competition)
foated way off course and battled for a
long time to re-join the race. Toms
team came in a creditable fourth in the
race...behind other competitors whose
vessels looked to Tom more like boats
than rafts!
Maidmans expands shredding service
ournemouth-based Maidmans have
increased their existing shredding
operation and have recently been
accredited with the British Security Industry
Association standard, BS EN 15713, the
European standard for the secure destruction of
confdential material.
The certifcation, the latest in a long line for
Maidmans, will enhance the companys
credentials, above all in the corporate sector.
With identify theft on the increase, Brian
considers it is becoming increasingly important
to protect personal and company data. To be
accredited with a quality standard, highlights
that we are a reliable local resource offering
peace of mind, a dedicated shredding service
and committed to ensuring information is
destroyed securely, he says.
Brian notes that secure disposal of personal
data is recognised as a legal requirement under
the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Under the terms of this Act, organisations have
a duty to protect personal and confdential
information and destroy it in such a way that it
cant be recreated. Failure to control the
destruction of confdential data can cause
unlimited damage to any business.
Statistics from CIFAS (Credit Industry Fraud
Avoidance System) have highlighted that
identity theft now accounts for nearly half of all
frauds recorded within the UK (47 per cent
during 2010).
Maidmans want to provide all local
businesses an outlet to destroy confdential
waste that is secure and thorough.All shredding
is in-house so we have a concise audit trail,
says Brian. It just makes sense to offer this
service to our growing customer base where we
take the risk out of the whole document disposal
All shredding is in-house at Maidmans so a concise
audit trail is part of the service
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
ohn Mason International have recently
carried out the move for a legendary British
screen star, Rita Tushingham (pictured),
who is loved by cinema goers and flm buffs
around the world for her performances in 1960s
classics Doctor Zhivago, A Taste of Honey, Girl
with Green Eyes and The Knack...and How to
Get It. More recently, the flm star was a cast
member in the sitcom Bread, set in her native
Liverpool, as well as starring in a music video
by The Smiths.
John Mason moved Rita Tushingham into her
new home. The team, especially Pat Reilly in
the Liverpool offce, struck up a real rapport
with the friendly and outgoing actress, and Rita
even sent Pat a bottle of whisky to say thanks
for all his hard work in co-ordinating the move.
The move went very well as always with John
Mason, Pat is so good and takes care of
everything and the crew did a splendid job,
she said.
Truck tribute to
Andrew Bourne
urks Moving, part of the T.Bourne &
Son Ltd group of companies, have
named their new truck Andrew
after Andrew Bourne, the former Turks
Owner and Turks/Bournes Removals
Domestic Manager. Andrew was tragically
killed in a car accident in October 2010.
Both Bournes and Turks teams were
shocked and saddened to lose Andrew last
year and wanted to do something to
remember him, and also to mark Andrews
contribution to the Turks business. Andrew
worked with incredible passion and
commitment to ensure that the Turks brand
lived on after its incorporation within the
group in 2009.
Under Andrews leadership, Turks
continued to operate as an independent
brand maintaining its customer base in
Kent and continuing to provide the
friendly, local, professional removals
service on which the company had built its
Turks decided to name the frst fully
branded new vehicle since the companys
acquisition after Andrew, and included his
name in the cabs livery.
Many of the companys employees and
Andrews friends and family also attended
a memorial cricket game at the end of July.
Andrew was a keen cricket player and was
planning his return to the game following
injury. His family have arranged the
memorial game in honour of this,
something that everyone who knows him
is sure that Andrew would have loved.
Ballards beats the fuel
price hike!
Screen star praise for John Mason
he EuRA Quality Seal is a pioneering
initiative which provides a
straightforward, cost effective external
audit to refect service excellence in providing
relocation services.
Based on an ISO 9001 process management
model, the EuRA Quality Seal specifes the
processes and Key Performance Indicators that
refect the very highest standards in relocation
services. The successful achievement of the
EuRA Quality Seal has come just three years
into the launch of the Robinsons Relocation
Division. From inception, the Robinsons
Relocation team have been driven by their
passion for excellence and defned processes, to
enable the ongoing delivery of consistent, cost-
effective services designed around the bespoke
needs of each of our clients and their
assignees, according to marketing manager
Joanne Summerscales.
Robinsons wins quality
seal initiative
Robinsons Relocation has now joined the group of companies across
the UK to be awarded the EuRA Quality Seal accreditation.
tephens Removals of Luton
have joined the world of
social media, setting up a
Facebook page that will enhance
their communications with
customers and serve as a shop
window into the company for
potential clients.
As well as providing useful tips
to people on moving, pride of
place on the Facebook page goes
to the hard-earned
2007 Commercial
Mover of the Year
companies are
usually better at
picking things up
with their hands
rather than social media, says
Lauren Marriott at the frm. But
we think its a fantastic way of
passing on help and advice to
anyone who is in the process of
moving home. We now have a
number of short videos providing
information varying from the best
way to store furniture, to the best
type of boxes to use and even
how best to pack china and
Stephens Removals
has even gone one step
further, complementing
its Facebook presence
with a Twitter page that
provides short updates
on what the company is
Stephens Removals launches
its Facebook presence
berdeen-based removals
and storage company, The
Shore Porters Society,
have just been involved in a real
glamour move, delivering the
Jaguar XKR used in the James
Bond flm, Die Another Day.
In the 2002 flm, which starred
Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry,
the car was used by villain Zao
in a spectacular ice chase
sequence. Shore Porters
collected the car from Jaguar
Cars Coventry before
transporting the vehicle to the
North-east for the Grampian
Transport Museum, where it will
be on display throughout the
summer. Kevin Brown, a partner
at Shore Porters, said during
Shore Porters long history, our
vehicles have transported many
weird and wonderful objects, but
I have to say, I think Zaos
Jaguar XKR may just be the
most spectacular. Cars used in
James Bond flms are incredibly
iconic and so it was fantastic to
be involved in the moving of this
vehicle, with the project once
again highlighting the trust
clients have in us for expertly
transporting their prized
possessions safe and sound.
The Shore Porters Society has
more than 500 years experience,
dealing with local national and
international moves in a variety
of sectors including domestic,
commercial, antiques, fne art
and storage. The frm currently
employ more than 100 staff.
Shore Porters move Bond car
Silver Screen star Rita Tushingham
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
he Land Registry reported an annual price
decrease of 2.5 per cent in June, which
takes the average property value in
England and Wales to 161,479. This is the
largest price decrease since October 2009, and
the sixth month in a row in which the fgure has
fallen below zero. The monthly change was 0.0
per cent. The number of property transactions
also decreased over the last year. In January to
April 2010, there was an average of 45,509 sales
per month. In the same months this year, the
fgure was 42,733.
The divergence in price change between
London and the rest of the country continues.
London is the only region in England and Wales
to experience an increase in its average property
value over the last 12 months with a movement
of 0.8 per cent, although this was the smallest
growth since October 2009. The monthly data
for London was a decline of -0.1 per cent. The
North East experienced the greatest annual and
monthly price falls, at -7.1 per cent and -2.1 per
cent respectively. Wales experienced the greatest
monthly rise with a movement of 2.8 per cent.
Nationwide, which covers the whole of the UK
and is based on a sample of loans issued in any
given month, reported that prices edged up 0.2
per cent in July, with an average house price of
168,731, 0.4 per cent lower than in July 2010.
Only 204,000 housing transactions were
recorded in the second quarter of the year, the
lowest since Q2 2009. Commenting on the
fgures, Robert Gardner, Nationwides Chief
Economist, said: Stability has been the
watchword for the UK housing market over the
past 12 months. Sluggish demand for homes,
combined with only a gradual rise in the supply
of available properties, has helped to keep
property prices relatively 0.3 per cent,
the three month on three month measure of
house prices was little changed from the 0.4 per
cent rate of increase recorded in June.
Halifax, which also covers the entire UK, but
bases its index on a sample of each lenders own
loans each month, provided a more positive
reading of the housing market. According to
Halifax, prices increased 0.3 per cent in July
bringing the average house price to 163,981.
House prices in the three months to July were
0.5 per cent higher than in the previous three
months. This was the frst increase in this key
measure of underlying price movements for 14
months. On an annual basis, prices in July were
2.6 per cent lower as measured by the average
for the three months to July against the same
period a year earlier. This was the second
successive improvement in the annual rate from
a low of -4.2 per cent in May. Housing
economist Martin Ellis attributes steady market
conditions to helping to stabilise house prices in
2011 following last years modest decline. This
pattern is expected to continue over the rest of
the year with little genuine direction in either
house prices or sales, he said. Sustained low
interest rates and a slowly improving economy
should help to support demand in the face of
pressures from weak earnings growth, relatively
high infation and higher taxes.
Figures from Communities and Local
Government (CLG) for May show that house
prices decreased by 1.6 per cent over the year
and decreased by 1.1 per cent over the month
(seasonally adjusted). Average house prices were
0.1 per cent lower over the quarter to May,
compared to a quarterly decrease of 0.3 per cent
over the quarter to February (seasonally
adjusted). Average prices decreased during the
year in England (-1.3 per cent) and also
decreased in Wales (-6.1 per cent), Scotland (-
2.5 per cent) and Northern Ireland (-13.2 per
cent). Prices paid by frst time buyers were 2.1
per cent lower on average than a year earlier and
prices paid by former owner occupiers also
decreased by 1.4 per cent. Prices for new
properties were 7.8 per cent higher on average
than a year earlier whilst prices for pre-owned
dwellings decreased by 2.3 per cent.
The latest monthly market report from the
National Association of Estate Agents suggests
that more people are putting their house on the
market. The average number of properties for
sale per branch increased from 68 in May to 74
in June. This is the highest fgure since April
2009, which saw an average of 76 homes for
sale per branch. The number of sales agreed also
increased, from an average of eight per branch
to nine. Wendy Evans-Scott, President of the
NAEA said the leap in available housing stock
suggests increased confdence amongst sellers.
They think there is a much better chance that
their home will sell. For house-hunters, this is
welcome news as it offers a wider choice of
properties to pick from. However, during June,
the number of house-hunters entering the market
dropped for a third consecutive month. In June,
263 people registered per branch, compared with
275 in May; a decrease of four per cent.
Price change by region Source: Land Registry
Housing market still sluggish
House price statistics from the most authoritative sources in the UK point to a stagnant housing market,
with prices seeming to be broadly stable due to a lack of new supply, but with little end demand and
transaction numbers continuing to fall.
September 2011 Removals & Storage 1
BAR News
xport packaging refers to the outermost
layer of packaging. Sales and outer
packaging come frst and these are
designed for protection, marketing purposes and
retail promotion, however, the export packaging
is designed to protect the goods in transit. It will
ensure your customers goods arrive overseas
undamaged and still intact. There are many
options available when trying to make the right
choice of packaging materials. BAR Services can
help when supplying both export grade shipping
cartons and also internal wrapping products. It
currently supplies a strong and versatile range of
shipping cartons including Powerpaks and
Multipack cartons which are both an effective
and reliable means of protection during overseas
The importance of a uniform to your business is
indisputable. A uniform not only has a positive effect on
prospective customers and gives them confdence in
your service, but it can also have a positive effect on the
performance and behaviour of your employees.*
Furthermore, prospective customers fnd an employee
in a uniform to be more competent, knowledgeable and
courteous and may use this as a deciding factor when
choosing which company to use on a house move. For
all of these reasons, BAR Services has for many years
been a major distributor of a full and comprehensive
range of clothing to the removal industry. The quality
and durability of a uniform is of the upmost importance
when choosing a supplier to distribute its uniforms. The
companys preferred uniform supplier is Alexandra Plc
who manufactures all the basic items you need from
polo shirts, feece and trousers to high-visibility
protective clothing and industry suitable footwear. Its
range is designed for comfort, protection and also
durability. BAR Services has already negotiated a
discount rate for the BAR members so whether you are
looking to order any uniform or update your current
uniform, simply contact the contact details as follows:-
Grant Harris
Direct Line: 01452 509886
Main Line: 01452 529050
Fax: 01452 311221
BAR Services
Dont forget, a uniform provides a clear and visual statement about who you are and what you do. It can
be an effective but low cost method of advertising your company and make sure you are remembered.
*Survey by the Uniform and Textile Service Association (UTSA).
Export Packaging
Increasingly, many BAR Members are considering branching out into export packing and shipping.
For those companies who are dipping their toes in the water for the frst time, BAR Services sets out
some useful information on what is available.
Product of the Month - Uniforms
Manufactured in an export grade corrugated, the Multipack range is a simple self- assembly system that provides a choice
of combination for protection during shipment. The popular Pack 2 sleeve contains a half way crease that enables the
sleeve to hold either four or eight Packs 2s, depending on your needs. The sleeve comes with a tray and lid and can be
supplied with a heat- treated, wooden pallet. International regulations exist in relation to the standard of any wood
products; this is to prevent the spread of forest pests and timber diseases. The pallets supplied with the Multipack carton
conform to export standards and are ISPM 15 compliant. BAR Services also supplies a handy shipping carton known as an
A2 Shipper. Like the multipack cartons, the A2 Shipper is manufactured in an export grade corrugated. It is a modular
shipping carton and can hold two Pack 3 cartons (or two Pack 2s & two Pack 1 cartons) depending on your requirements.
The Powerpak range has been especially designed for use in the removal industry. It is ideal for export and has been
designed to solve all the problems of a traditional liftvan. It is easy to assemble, light weight, reusable and provides extra
in-transit protection. It also takes up less space and can be purchased in three sizes with carrying capacities of 63, 104 and
202 cubic feet. BAR Services also supplies a handy shipping carton known as an A2 Shipper. Like the multipack cartons,
the A2 Shipper is manufactured in an export grade corrugated. It is a modular shipping carton and can hold two Pack 3
cartons (or two Pack 2s & two Pack 1 cartons) depending on your requirements.
Other considerations
If your consignment requires extra stability or protection then pallet wrap is often the ideal solution. Goods that are packed
on to pallets may need extra wrapping to provide further strength and steadiness. It also allows easy transportation (e.g. by
fork lift) which helps the loading and unloading process. BAR Services currently also supply a range of pallet wrap to suit
your needs, whether it is standard grade or heavy duty you require. Whilst cost is an issue of great importance in todays
competitive market, it really is a false economy to cut corners and buy sub-standard packaging when exporting your
customers goods. You may end up paying out in costly insurance claims in the long run. BAR Services assures you that
whilst their ranges of shipping cartons are very reasonably priced, there is no compromise on quality and all shipping
cartons reach all requirements for export. If you need any further information regarding these packaging materials or would
like a quotation, please call the BAR Services sales team on 01342 870087 or email
Removals & Storage September 2011 16
BAR News
Website Guide
BAR Areas
BAR has recently expanded information available to Members in the
Members Area (MyBAR) section of the website. We are delighted to
announce that each of the 16 BAR Areas now has their own dedicated
website page.
The primary function of these pages is to be a central hub for Members
to access Area specifc information such as area minutes and agendas,
local events and announcements. Minutes from past 2011 area
meetings can now be viewed and downloaded (where available).
To view your Areas page, please log into MyBAR and click on the BAR
Areas tab where you will see the full list of Areas.
Area Contact Details
To fnd the main contact details for your Area Secretary plus a list of the
personnel behind your Area, click on the widget icon on the right hand
column titled BAR Areas - Contact Details and select the relevant Area
in the drop down list.
Members can also refer to the MyBAR calendar facility to search for
forthcoming Area meetings and industry events with information on
time, date, location and agendas (when available).
1. BAR Areas: East Anglia
2. Organisation: Areas
By selecting the relevant BAR Area in the
drop down list, a contact email address for
each Area Secretary plus a list of the
personnel behind each Area is displayed.
By clicking on this widget it will direct
Members to the Organisation-Area page
where Members can then view contact
details for all 16 BAR Areas.
3. Calendar & Events: BAR Calendar
The Calendar facility allows Members to read more information
about forthcoming events (e.g. the conference, business seminars,
area meetings, etc), download any relevant documents and click on
direct links to the respective online booking systems. This calendar
entry for the Kent Area meeting details full date, time and location.
The Agenda and menu can also be downloaded.
September 2011 Removals & Storage 17
BAR News
Summer in
the City
New Met and Old Father Thames
EARTH has not anything to show more fair
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty.
Thus did Wordsworth describe the view
from Westminster Bridge over 200 years
ago, and while much has changed since then,
London as seen from the Thames has lost
none of its ability to inspire and delight.
Moved by these thoughts, or perhaps
attracted by the promise of food, drink,
music and bonhomie, members of the New
Met Area took to the water on a balmy July
evening to enjoy one of Londons special
treats a Thames river cruise at night.
As dusk fell, guests relaxed on deck with
their friends, partners, business colleagues
and their tipple of choice. From Westminster
to Putney and back again as far as the Tower,
a kaleidoscopic backdrop of Wordsworths
ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples
slowly drifted by. So many sights, so many
questions: What has Cleopatras Needle to
do with Cleopatra?; Where is the Shard?;
Are Fulham playing at home tonight?;
Has anyone seen my wine/wife?....
As always where removers gather, the bar
did a roaring trade, and as an extra diversion
an on-board caricaturist produced lightning
fast sketches of those brave or foolish
enough to subject themselves to potential
mockery and ridicule.
It really was a very good night, reminding
everyone once again what a very special
industry this is. The New Met Area would
especially like to thank BAR Services for
their generous sponsorship of the event, and
extend a warm welcome to all for the next
exciting event Quiz Evening at the Novotel
Hotel, nr Heathrow on Thursday 24
November 2011. Please note the date and
look out for further details in the coming
months. Robert Syers
aroline speaks not only French and
English, but also fuent Spanish...and
even has a respectable level of
The Hungarian dates back to Carolines frst
taste of the removals industry, when she joined
Interdean Hungary as a Corporate Account
Manager, managing French and Spanish clients,
as well as the local Embassy accounts.
Caroline is a graduate from ESSCA, a well-
known French Business School in the historic
town of Angers, in western France, where she
studied for a Master in European Business,
majoring in Marketing.
In addition to her spell at Interdean, her
industry experience includes a long stint at
Pricoa Relocation, where she joined as an
international transportation coordinator, before
moving to the business development team, as a
marketing associate.
It is Carolines experience in this role that will
stand her in particular good stead at BAR. In
2009, Caroline took over the responsibility of
the EMEA Marketing Department at Pricoa,
and became the Senior Marketing Manager for
France and the UK. Here, she created and
implemented all the companys B2B campaigns
and was responsible for trade shows, market
analysis, branding, and corporate identity
among others. She also helped design a new
company logo to improve Pricoas competitive
I had a key involvement in the development
and implementation of the marketing strategy to
grow the organisations reputation and revenues
over three years, Caroline sums up.
Caroline made a big impact at Pricoa,
professionally and socially. An enthusiast for
sports and the arts, she is a keen sailor and
traveller, and horse rides and skis not just for
fun, but in competition in France!
With her cosmopolitan background, and her
invaluable hands-on experience in growing a
relocations business, Caroline will head BARs
Commercial Department and will be
responsible for what is one of BARs greatest
current challenges marketing the BAR brand
and organisation nationally and internationally
to meet the needs of the Association, its
membership and special interest groups.
The Director of Marketing position is a new
one, so Caroline is truly acting as a pioneer, but
with her creativity and energy she seems set to
make a real difference to how BAR markets
itself to the outside world.
Gallic fair comes to
BAR marketing
BAR has a new face, for a new position. Caroline Suard is the
organisations frst Director of Marketing. As a French national, she
brings both savoir faire and joie de vivre to the job.
att Faizey of M&G Transport Ltd, one of BARs Directly Elected Directors, asks
members to contact him with their views on whether or not BAR members should
have their own restricted online forum within the BARs website. Please send your
views to
BAR Member Forum?
Removals & Storage September 2011 18
BAR News

oms father David, the managing
director of Ryans Removals, was keen
for his son to experience work away
from a family environment, and Tom has
worked for a range of different companies,
including Marks & Spencer and
But Tom had grown up with the removals
business and in his school holidays and on
weekends he had fallen in love with the
romance of working on the vans. So,
almost inevitably, and at the tender age of
nineteen, he offcially joined the frm and
began driving the bright blue company
lorries that are proudly emblazoned with
the family name.
Even today, when he is now General
Manager and Prime Estimator, it is working
on the vans that isToms greatest thrill in
the business. A very social and outgoing
person, it is the camaraderie, bustle and
action of a long hard move that is the most
satisfying element of the job to Tom, and
to so many others in the business.
The BAR, and in particular the Young
Movers Group, is another outlet for Toms
youthful energy. Tom has made some close
friends in the Group, including Loren
Webster, Tom Bourne, Adam Chudley and
Ria Compton. They have all made good use
of the Corporate Box that Ryans Removals
has at Aston Villa, and an afternoon
watching the villains seems set to
become an annual highlight for the BARs
young members.Its important to socialise
with clients and friends, and to build
relationships, Tom says. It covers
marketing, promotions, and sales, and
much more than that.
The Go Karting event for Young Movers
in 2010 was particularly memorable for
Tom not only because of the food, drinks,
and the World Cup that went on during the
day, but also because it was his frst
introduction to the serious world of
standards in the removals industry.
That event helped set the stage for much
of his recent dedication to working towards
the certifcation of Ryans Removals for all
three major BS standards. Tom says that
with the assistance of a new Quality
Standards Manager, the company has now
successfully applied for and achieved BS
8522 (Commercial Moving), BS EN 12522
(Household Furniture Removals) and BS
EN14873 (Storage of Furniture and
Personal Effects).
Its clear to Tom that the Young Movers
scheme is having a real practical impact on
the new generation of movers. Tom himself
now works alongside Loren Webster to
project manage the events.We need to
encourage people to join and move the
scheme forward, he says. Its important
to help the younger element in the
Removals Industry to understand the
business better, and it can really beneft
One of lifes enthusiasts, Tom also fnds
time for mixed martial arts and to work as a
DJ around the country, despite his growing
responsibilities at the family frm and in the
Young Movers Group. This summer, he
conquered his hatred of fying to play some
sets on the party island of Ibiza, where he
was in charge of a very different crowd of
Tom Ryan
Family-owned Ryans Removals is one of the leading removal and
storage companies in the West Midlands. Tom Ryan is the third
generation of the family to work for the company. He talks to R&S
about how he manages to combine his commitment to the business
and to the Young Movers with his work as a DJ and his love of Aston
Young Mover Profle: Mover and Shaker
Every month Removals & Storage includes a number
of feature items. These are planned well in advance
to allow members of and suppliers to the industry to
join in.
Please contact Andy or Louise at Analytica
Media on: 0208 458 5100 or e-mail:
Feature Schedule 2011

Removals & Storage September 2011 20
BAR News BAR News
he total number of UK moves in July 2011
increased by 1.66% compared to July 2010
refecting a steady domestic market.
The number of moves to European countries
in July 2011 compared to the same month in
2010 however has decreased by a fairly
signifcant 7%. The Overseas market (non-
European) has seen a rather dramatic decrease
of approximately 10%.
The top European removal destinations for
July 2010 were France followed by Switzerland
and then Germany and Spain. The top European
removal destinations for July 2011 were France
followed by Germany and then Spain.
The top Overseas (non-European) removal
destinations for July 2010 were Australia
followed by USA and then New Zealand. The
top Overseas (non-European) removal
destinations for July 2011 were USA followed
by Australia and then Canada and South Africa.
The results for number of vehicles in use for
July 2011 compared to July 2010 reveal a sharp
increase of approximately 15% whilst the
number of staff in July 2011 compared to April
2010 shows a slight increase of almost 4%.
BAR will continue to report monthly industry
statistics. To take part in the new industry
incentive scheme, look out for the monthly
email which will contain a link to the online
Industry Statistics: July 2010/2011
BAR would like to thank those
Members who have participated in
the July Industry Survey.
Take part in the online industry
surveys and automatically be entered
into the monthly cash draw to win
For more information, please contact
the Commercial Department:
or call 01923 699 483.
Please note all information received is aggregated
and treated in the strictest confdence.
Industry Statistics: July 2010/2011
1.66% -7.00% -10.17% 15.21% 3.98%
within UK
Moves to
Moves to
of Vehicles
of Staff
July 2011 compared to July 2010
September 2011 Removals & Storage 21
BAR News BAR News
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
eading through the history of the
company one can see how each
generation has developed the business.
Beginning with transporting cattle in the early
1940s the removals side split away in 1963.
Later in 1985 land was purchased and the
storage element of the removals business was
started in earnest. The company expanded
again in 2004 and 2007.
Adam Oakley took over the company as
Managing Director in 2009 and has continued
to take on the challenges of expanding the
business as did his predecessors. Recently
Adam encouraged a meeting with Paul
Tidswell manager of QSS (Quality Service
Standards Ltd.) and Mark Wilkes, the
Operations Director at Hunts to discuss how
applying these standards BS EN 12522 and
BS EN 14873 have improved their business.
Mark the principal instigator of the
companys Quality Assurance systems was
more than happy to sit down to discuss the
effect the standards have had on the
organisation. It has given us a real sense of
pride to achieve these certifcations, said
Mark, and the Quality Manual is the Bible.
By applying it to all our operations it means
everyone is pulling in the same direction and
going forward in the same way.
Mark also said: I often refer to the manual
in order to help give customers the answers
they want and we are constantly adding to the
manual documentation to expand and improve
the quality system. The newly acquired
standard for the Storage of Furniture and
personal Effects for Private Individuals is, as
Paul Tidswell says, there to create a dialogue
with the consumers and to allow the
professional services of the removal company
to be conducted in a profcient and skilled
On inspection QSS were suitably impressed
with the premises and the systems in place and
the visible effect a fully functioning quality
system has on both the business and personnel.
Reference to the standards enables all
members of staff to work compatibly. Each
individual is fully aware of how the business
works and this in turn creates a fow of
communication between one department and
another which reaches out to drivers and
crews, revolving at all times around the
Application of the standards has also helped
Mark keep on top of important activities such
as training requirements, refresher training and
health and safety requirements, all clearly
evident during a tour of the premises. Mark
also noted that another beneft was the
preservation and subsequent increase of a
customer base.
Despite a companys best efforts, without the
Standards in place certain aspects can be
missed or overlooked. A yearly overhaul of all
the procedures and regulations is always good
business practice and this can easily be
achieved by having a British Standard in place.
A member of the QSS team is always available
to advise and assist companies who wish to
take up standards.
Hunts International rack-up
the professionalism
The Quality Manual is
the Bible. By applying
it to all our operations
it means everyone is
pulling in the same
direction and going
forward in the same
Paul Tidswell,
Quality Manager, QSS
Feature - QSS News
Hunts International of Redditch, holders of BS EN 12522 certifcation, were recently certifed by QSS
to BS EN 14873 (storage standard) and were quick to proudly display both the badges on their
he new Overseas Standard BS8564
has now been published and was
offcially launched on 31st August.
For more information, please contact Paul
Tidswell, Quality Manager with QSS Ltd
by email or call
him on 01923 699 480 or on his mobile
07912 631 642.
New Overseas
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
New Overseas
Removals & Storage September 2011 24
CMG News
BS 822
Golf Tournament
Kindly Sponsored by Basil Fry Insurance Brokers
BAR Commercial Moving Group
4 October 2011
Dear CMG Member
Following the success of the 2010 CMG Golf Day,
sponsored by Basil Fry, this years competition has been
The 2011 CMG Golf Day will be held at Belton Woods
Golf Course, Grantham on the 4th October 2011. The
CMG would like to thank Basil Fry for their continued
support. We are able to feld up to 48 golfers on the day.
Prizes will be for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places for CMG
members. Prizes will be awarded for the best placed non-
members, along with a longest drive prize and a nearest
the pin prize, not forgetting the occasional spot prize!!
PHS Teacrate and Steel Storage have kindly agreed to
support the event as well.
Those unable to take part in the golf are invited to
attend the evening presentation function, where you
will be able to enjoy the company of fellow commercial
movers in a relaxed atmosphere.
As with last year the format will be an individual and
Stableford Competition, using full handicaps, played
within a drawn three-ball.
The organising committee reserve the right to amend
the rules up to the start of play but within the recognised
CONGU golf rules.
Timetable and prices
The day will run as follows
(times subject to confrmation)
10.15 Players arrive. Tea, coffee and bacon
rolls are served
11.16 First players tee off
19.00 Dinner is served in the Willow Suite,
where the Competition winners
and prizes will be presented
Overnight accommodation is available and rooms have
been reserved. The costs below include the cost of the
golf, dinner, prizes and function room. All extras are the
responsibility of the individual.
Package cost
Golf & Dinner 65
Golf, Dinner and B&B 145
Dinner only 30
Golf Buggies 25
The CMG Chairman, National Council and Basil Fry look
forward to welcoming you on the day and to seeing as many
companies from the group as possible represented.
All cheques to be made payable to BAR. Cheques must be
received with application. Invoices will be forwarded thereafter.
Send to:
Kevin Mack
Company Moves Ltd, 39 Invincible Road
Farnborough. Hants GU14 7QU
BAR Commercial Moving Group Golf Tournament 2011
Entry Form

Make the most
of your BAR membership
For more information visit:
or contact:
Instant recognition
Use of the BAR brand
OFT approved Code of Practice
FREE use of the BAR model Terms &
Award Winning Website
Unique sales lead generator
Members search directory
Real-time online estimating & enquiry
Members area with free broadcasts
and noticeboard facilities

Networking Events
Annual fagship conference and exhibition
Business seminars
Area meetings
Young Movers

FREE Professional Support
& Advice
FREE legal advice line
FREE fnancial advice line
FREE informal conciliation service and low-cost
arbitration scheme

FREE Products and Services
FREE Marketing & promotional materials
downloadable from members area
FREE monthly issue of Removals &
Storage (R&S) magazine
FREE Award winning
membership pack

Subsidised Products and
Comprehensive range of products, services
and marketing materials from BAR Services at
exclusive member rates
Subsidised industry specifc training
Discounted advertising in R&S magazine
Exclusive rates for industry specifc Quality

Exclusive Promotional
Industry recognised annual awards:
- Domestic Mover of the Year (DMotY)
- Commercial Mover of the Year (CMotY)

Full member representation
BAR Board of Directors, including three
directly elected members
BAR Executive Committee
Local representation through 16 BAR areas
BAR Functional Group Councils and Special
Interest Groups
Access to full range of business partners:
- Affliates
- International Associates
- Professional Advisers Panel
- Corporate Alliances
- Furniture recycling
- Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
- Trade Association Forum (TAF)
Easy Payment Terms:
- Membership Subscriptions
- Training Courses
FEDEMAC membership including free
European information on
Range of lobbying activities
The Removers Benevolent Association (RBA)
charity for the removals industry
New Members Induction Incentive Scheme
Removals & Storage September 2011 26
Overseas Group News
Sterling Work
International moving and relocation company
Sterling celebrates its twentieth anniversary this
year. Chief Executive Offcer Rupert Morley
(pictured) tells R&S about how the business is
responding to the downturn, by focusing on
ensuring customer satisfaction and
differentiating from competitors.
ince its establishment in 1991, Sterlings
story has been one of continued expansion
in the UK and elsewhere. In the UK, the
companys most recent new offce, in Aberdeen,
is just three years old, but it has already had a
signifcant impact with the local oil, gas, and
support services sector.
With regional hubs in Hong Kong and the US,
supported by local offces and a quality
controlled network of global partners, in the short
space of twenty years Sterling has gone from a
relatively small UK-based provider to a truly
global company, delivering relocation and
moving services to corporate clients and their
expatriate workers all over the world.
Most of our work is in supporting our
corporate clients, but private customers remain a
signifcant and valued part of our business,
Rupert tells R&S. Rupert himself will shortly be
celebrating his tenth anniversary as CEO, after
joining the company in 2002, from a web portal
for estate agents. Rupert has also been CEO of
Hamptons International; he really has seen the
world of removals and real estate from almost
every angle in the business.
With a degree in Economics from Cambridge,
and an MBA from Harvard Business School,
there is no doubting the pedigree of Ruperts
academic credentials for running an international
business. Add to that his Certifcate of
Professional Competence for National and
International Road Haulage Operations, and its
not hard to see why Sterling has grown so rapidly
since Rupert and Chief Operating Offcer Jeremy
Biglin acquired the business in 2005.
In 2009, Sterling performed moving and
relocation services for 816 companies in 81
countries. That growth has come despite the
deepest economic recession in over seventy
years, and a surge in the number of rival
relocation companies.
For Rupert, the economic downturn has
created a challenging environment:We have
responded by working very hard to remain close
to our customers, understand their needs and
ensure that we are delivering an extremely
professional and high quality service, he says.
Striving for customer satisfaction
Sterlings response to the economic downturn
has been orthodox and effective, focusing on
customer satisfaction.That focus seems to be
paying off; many of Sterlings early clients still
work with the company today, and in a recent
client survey 90 per cent had either actively
recommended the company, or would if asked.
We like to think thats because we work hard
to understand the challenges and goals of the
companies we work with so we can be more than
just another service provider, Rupert says.Its
an old adage that it costs ten times as much to
win a new customer as it does to retain an old
one, but Im certain that our focus on customer
satisfaction has had a very positive effect on our
fortunes over the last few years.
Given Ruperts background, and his role as one
of the six Directors of FIDI, and a Fellow of the
Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development, hes obviously a man worth
listening to for advice on the way ahead for
I am glad that the Overseas Group is focusing
on raising the profle of international associates
within the broader membership, he says, and
particularly focusing on taking advantage of the
conference to share best practice and encourage
dialogue with overseas agents. I feel that
Standards Based Membership would be the
correct way to proceed for the BAR, he adds.
Hopefully we can successfully communicate
this to the public at large. I hope that we can help
individual companies to explain the benefts and
use it effectively as a point of differentiation.
In todays competitive market, where
differentiation and service quality is becoming
ever more critical, BAR membership could help
provide that crucial degree of differentiation from
competitors.That goes for small, family-owned
removal frms, just as much as for large global
concerns such as Sterling.
I think the industry will remain very
competitive, and we can anticipate that we will
face continuing pressure on costs, such as fuel
price rises and other external impacts such as
environmental legislation, Rupert says.
Because of this, I think we should concentrate
on fnding fresh ideas to stand out in front of our
customers, and sell the value of the service we
Most of our work is in
supporting our corporate
clients, but private
customers remain a
signifcant and valued
part of our business.
Rupert Morley, Chief
Executive Offcer, Sterling
Overseas Group News - Sterling celebrates 20th anniversary!
Removals & Storage September 2011 28
Training News
Choosing the right packing
materials and the correct
packing techniques is vital.
Loren Webster of BAR Training Services reports on the highlights
of the three courses that took place in July.
ARTS delivered a one-day fragile & non
fragile packing skills course at BAR
Watford in July 2011. The one-day
course is ideal for all levels of experience and
can be used as an introduction to packing or as a
refresher course for more experienced staff.
During the course students are taught the
correct packing techniques required, the correct
selection and use of packing materials and the
sequence of packing.
At the end of the course, the students were
asked to complete a training evaluation form
and all those who attended commented how
useful and enjoyable they had found the course.
Michael Robinson, V Robinson & Son Ltd, who
participated in the BARTS Packing skills
training course said: The course was excellent
helping me to gain an industry standard in my
trade and having the new skills to be even more
confdent in my profession.
To fnd out more about BARTS Packing Skills
course please contact BARTS on 01923 699484
or email
Fragile & Non-Fragile Packing Skills
BARTS recently delivered a Fragile Packing and Non-Fragile Packing skills course at BAR Headquarters in
fter a brief recap we pressed on
with the Continental Road
Removals covering Permits,
Customs, Frontier Crossings and
International Transport Documentation.
All credit to my delegates, none of them
were experienced in European Removals
but they still applied themselves fully to
this module, and picked up the subject
matter exceptionally quickly.
Next up was Deep Sea shipments,
again, delegates did not deal with Deep
Sea on a regular basis so there was a lot
to be digested. The importance of
Imports is a big issue in my eyes; you
can build very good relationships by
servicing your overseas partners exports
(your imports) and they will do the same
in return. There are a lot of pitfalls in
dealing with imports, receiving the same
customer service level that you give is, of
course, very benefcial. The rest of this
module covered all aspects of exporting
household goods from initial enquiry to
fnal delivery and paperwork needed
from an agent in order to authorise
payment so all delegates now fully
versed and ready to take on the overseas
market! The transport industry has come
under increasing pressure from
government departments, pressure groups
and the general public with regard to
environmental issues, the environmental
management module explains the best
way to tackle these issues.
It seems that most, if not all (!),
removal companies are embracing these
environmental issues as responsible
Having a sound environmental policy
is also a great selling tool.Warehouse
Management concluded the BARTS
BTEC in Removals Management training
course which included a layout review to
see if delegates could make better use of
the space in their warehouses.
Overall a very successful course with
great feedback from the delegates, they
found the course highly informative as
well as, in parts, entertaining and
motivational. Paul Foster, delegate of
BARTS BTEC in Removals
Management training course said: The
Trainer was by far and away the best
teacher I have had, inspirational and
motivational. An asset to BAR.
BTEC Removals Management Unit 2
Practical Estimating
ARTS Practical Estimating course took place in July
with delegates from Abbeywood and AGS Fourwinds.
Delegates attending the course had been doing
surveys for some months so I had some experience but with
one delegate estimating in cubic metres, selling to the
corporate market, it certainly proved to be an interesting
challenge. After a morning in the classroom, we set off for
our frst mock survey, the results were pretty good. Delegates
were fairly accurate with their furniture calculations but the
age old problem that I have experienced over the years is the
amount of boxes needed. They were on average 15-20 per
cent below the amount needed. Luckily I had a box still
packed from the packing course I had delivered a week
before, when I demonstrated the level of protection needed
for china/fragile boxes and how to allow for it, we all agreed
that more allowance needed to be made for packing. There
is also a huge focus on sales and health & safety along with
risk assessment on site on this course and the delegates
enjoyed these training modules very much. After the
delegates completed a second mock survey, the results
were within the 10 per cent margin for error allowed and the
carton allocation was much improved. Costing and planning
exercises drew an end to a very productive two days.
Because your people are your greatest asset
BARTS Courses
Book your places today
Call: 01923 699484 or email:
BTEC Advanced Award in
Removals Management 2011
The BTEC Advanced Award in Removals
Management is a 2 unit course and is the only
nationally recognised removal specifc qualifcation
of its kind.
Students will be required to pass an examination on
an additional date in order to pass the qualifcation.
Course Dates 2011
Part 1 18,19,20 October 2011
part 2 01,02,03,04 November 2011
Writing a Winning Tender
for the public sector
This is a brand new workshop taking place at BAR
Watford covering topics such as:
Risk Management Opportunities to score
Constructing a winning stategy
Presentations What to write Feedback
Identifying your USP Pricing
Where you can stand out Tips & techniques
Common Mistakes Useful information
Course Dates 2011
1 September 2011
08 December 2011
99 + VAT p/p
1675 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)
1995 + VAT p/p (Non BAR Member)
BTEC Award in Practical
Estimating 2011
This 2 day course is practically based and is designed to
teach students the art of estimating as well as face to
face sales techniques, covering topics such as:
Practical Estimating at 2 local properties
Quantity Assessment The Role of the Estimator
Health & Safety Communication Techniques
Contract Conditions Removals Insurance
Course Dates 2011
08 & 09 September 2011
14 & 1 November 2011
Selling Skills/Promoting the
BAR OFT Code of Practice
This 1 day course is designed to enhance sales
skills and to demonstrate the most effective way
of promoting the BAR OFT Code of Practice to win
business, covering topics such as:
The Role of the Salesperson Marketing
Prospecting & Negotiating Promoting the
OFT Code Communication & Presentation
Identifying Customer Needs Closing the Sale
Course Dates 2011
07 September 2011
16 November 2011
545 + VAT p/p (BAR Member) 99 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)
Removals & Storage September 2011 30
Our companys sole purpose since its inception in 1977 is to serve
the membership to supply good quality, innovative packaging
products at low prices. This is achieved by buying jointly on your
behalf and passing on the discount achieved from this bulk
purchasing power!
As a member, we should be your preferred supplier but are we?
For many of you the answer will be yes but for those of you that
say no then we would like to know why?
Your feedback is important so please ring us on 01342 870087 or
you can simply emai
We look forward to hearing from you.
Are we your preferred
supplier - if not, why not?
Trade Services
September 2011 Removals & Storage 31
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
European News
R&S is grateful to FEDEMAC for
its contribution to this section
Iveco and FPT
Industria team
up on Euro VI
ruck giant Iveco is teaming up with
FPT Industria to meet the new Euro
VI regulation by means of a unique
SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)
The technology will be introduced on the
two new Cursor and Tector engine ranges
for heavy-duty trucks and buses, the
companies say.
The new Euro VI exhaust emission
regulations, which are planned to apply to
all new heavy commercial vehicles and
buses registered from 1st January 2014,
introduce signifcant reductions in permitted
tail-pipe emissions and other operational
aspects. These include a reduction in
nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, by 80 per
cent compared to Euro V.
The companies say that SCR Only after-
treatment technology is unique in that it is
able to comply with the NOx limits by
means of the catalytic reduction system
alone, without the need for exhaust gas
Iveco Chief Executive Offcer, Alfredo
Altavilla, said we were the frst to
announce our Euro VI engine technology
strategy back in April 2010. I said then that
we would meet Euro VI standards without
Exhaust Gas Recirculation. EGR as a
technology has its place in the transport
sector but for heavy commercial vehicles
that may signifcantly exceed more than one
million kilometres during the course of their
life, the technology that reduces fuel
consumption and additional operating costs
to their minimum is the correct technical
choice. FPT Industrials SCR Only
exhaust after-treatment fulfls this important
need...we will introduce suitably equipped
vehicles when our customers ask us to do
For the Euro IV/V emission standard
introduced in 2005, Iveco had already gone
down the SCR path. This choice was made
purely from a cost of ownership point of
view, allowing the engines to be tuned to
fully optimise combustion effciency, and
hence fuel effciency, at the expense of high
engine-out NOx emissions that could be
reduced by the SCR exhaust after-
For Euro VI, Iveco says that neither its
strategy nor customer demand for fuel
effcient vehicles has changed. It says that
its SCR control system allows
unprecedented reduction effciencies to be
New EU rules for
The European Commission has proposed to revise European
tachograph legislation, to make full use of new technological
opportunities such as satellite positioning.
he European Commission has proposed to
revise European tachograph legislation, to
make full use of new technological
opportunities such as satellite positioning.
According to the Commission, this will make
fraud more diffcult and reduce the administrative
burden, which is expected to save companies
515m per year.
By ensuring better compliance with rules on
driving times and rest periods, drivers will be
better protected, road safety increased and fair
competition assured.
The digital tachograph was made mandatory
for new vehicles in 2006.
The present proposal aims to update the legal
framework which dates back to 1985.
The new regulation will help to reduce fraud
and cut the administrative burden related to the
tachographs use, according to the Commission.
Vice-President Siim Kallas said the rules on
driving times and rest periods are there to protect
professional drivers and other road users.
They also ensure fair competition and good
working conditions for drivers.
The digital tachograph is an excellent control
tool to ensure that these objectives are achieved.
This proposal is not only very important to
maintain the reliability of the digital tachograph
but it also constitutes a signifcant step towards
introducing an intelligent, integrated on-board
unit on trucks that will contribute to improving
the effciency of the EU transport system.
The ECs proposal includes:
Location recording by satellite positioning
system will allow replacing manual recording
by automated ones. It will save 349m per
year for road transport undertakings and their
drivers. It allows for better monitoring and
provides important information for organising
the logistics chain.
Remote communication that increases
effciency of roadside checks that can be
targeted on those vehicles which are more
likely to be in breach of the legislation. As
complying drivers will be stopped less
frequently, a reduction of administrative
burden by 34.5m per year can be achieved.
Higher standards for workshops entrusted to
install and calibrate the tachograph will reduce
fraud and manipulation.
Merging the driving licence with the driver
card to be used with the digital tachograph.
This will reduce the administrative burden on
drivers by 100m per year. It will also reduce
fraudulent use of driver cards, which today are
too easily handed over to other drivers.
Continuous update of the tachograph
specifcations in order to ensure that a high
level of security is maintained and that
opportunities for fraud and manipulation are
The proposal will also allow Member States to
grant exceptions from the obligation to use
tachographs for certain users.

News Roundup
R&S is grateful to FEDEMAC for
its contribution to this section
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
rivers look set to be punished for traffc
offences they commit abroad, including
the four big killers causing 75 per
cent of road fatalities speeding, running red
lights, failure to use seatbelts and drink driving
under a new directive on cross-border
In July, the European Parliament approved
new legislation that will enable member states
to swap car registration details and track down
offending drivers. However, the UK, Ireland,
and Denmark will remain outside the system
for now.
Other offences covered by the new system
include the illegal use of bus lanes and other
banned thoroughfares, and the illegal use of
mobile telephones.
EU fgures suggest that while non-resident
drivers account for 5 per cent of traffc, they
also account for around 15 per cent of
speeding offences. In countries like France,
where transit and tourism are high, speeding
offences committed by non-residents can reach
25 per cent of the total number of offences and
go up to 4050 per cent during very busy
periods of the year. Most go unpunished, with
countries unable to pursue drivers once they
return home. As things stand today, a driver
who commits an offence under the highway
code in a car registered in another country of
the European Union evades prosecution, with
very few exceptions, because of the diffculty
of identifying them or of being able to check
the address to which the vehicle is registered.
The directive on cross-border enforcement in
the feld of road safety aims to remedy that
situation. The legislation will enable EU
drivers to be identifed and prosecuted for
offences committed in a member state other
than the one where their car is registered.
In practical terms, the new rules will give
member states mutual access to each others
vehicle registration data via an electronic data
exchange network to be put in place. This will
allow for the exchange of the necessary data
between the country in which the offence was
committed and the country in which the car
was registered. Once the owners name and
address are known, a registered letter to the
presumed offender will be sent to him/her. It
will be up to the member state where the
offence was committed to decide on the follow
up for the traffc offence.
The directive does not harmonise the nature
of the offence or the penalties for the offence.
This will mean that the relevant national rules
in the country where the offence is committed
will continue to apply. Any fne and payment
method will be based on the law of the state
where the offence occurred. The directive still
needs to be approved by EU governments,
from which time participating member states
will have 24 months to apply the rules.
EU cracks down on traffc offences abroad
he European Commission has published
new statistics showing that European
Union road fatalities decreased by 11 per
cent in 2010.
However, country by country statistics show
that the number of deaths still varies greatly
across the EU. Most countries achieved
double-digit reductions in the number of road
deaths over the past year, the best ones being
Luxembourg (33 per cent), Malta (29 per
cent), Sweden (26 per cent), and Slovakia (26
per cent).
According to the ECs fgures, road fatalities
in the UK fell 18 per cent in 2010, and are
down 47 per cent from their 2001 level. In
Ireland, fatalities fell by 16 per cent last year,
and have dropped 51 per cent from 2001.
European Commission Vice-President Siim
Kallas, responsible for Transport, said it was
encouraging that nearly all Member States had
managed to signifcantly reduce their number
of road deaths, but warned there was no room
for complacency. A hundred people still die
on Europes roads every day. We have made
good progress since 2001 and we have
succeeded in saving nearly 100,000 lives.
But the number of fatalities and injuries on our
roads is still unacceptable. The Commission
wants to cut the number of deaths by half by
2020. To achieve this goal, it is looking at
what kind of cars people drive, where they
drive and how they drive.
Less road fatalities in 2010
Sign up for the FEDEMAC newsletter at
Do you have any news?
Please send any European news to
Every month Removals & Storage includes a number
of feature items. These are planned well in advance
to allow members of and suppliers to the industry to
join in.
Please contact Andy or Louise at Analytica
Media on: 0208 458 5100 or e-mail:
Feature Schedule 2011

European News
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
December 2011 will see commercial vehicle operators having to deal with more reforms to the way
they run their businesses. Andrew Woolfall of solicitors Backhouse Jones explains what is happening,
and tells R&S how BAR members should prepare for these changes.
ollowing EC Regulations passed in 2009,
changes will be introduced to the operators
licensing system affecting standard national
and international licence holders for both goods
and passenger vehicles.
Fortunately, restricted licence holders are not
affected but many sense that it will only be a
matter of time before some of what follows
below spills over to this more specialist area.
The consultation period run by the British
government on the new rules has just closed and
the draft legislation is expected to be published
later this summer. Andrew says that while we are
still awaiting the exact, fnal details as to how the
changes will be implemented, we do know from
the European regulations what the changes will
be. The new regulations will have a signifcant
impact on transport managers and the
professional competence qualifcation, Andrew
Further changes will see the introduction of
establishment addresses, the requirement to have
core business documents stored at certain
locations and a requirement that all operators
must have at least one vehicle in possession.
There will also be some general housekeeping
with regards to various offences including the use
of PSV vehicles without an operators licence and
the failure to declare convictions to the Traffc
Commissioner. Finally a series of national
registers will be introduced.
Dealing frstly with the issue of transport
managers, Andrew explains that the new
regulations will look to introduce two different
types of role. Transport managers will be
considered to be either internal or external
1. An internal manager must have a genuine link
to the operator as an employee, director or
owner of the business. If there is no such
internal transport manager then an external
manager will have to be engaged.
2. An external transport manager must have a
contract specifying his transport manager
duties (and the regulations will describe the
exact topics to be covered in such a contract)
and not work for more than four operators
with a combined vehicle feet of no more than
50 vehicles.
Regardless of whether the transport manager is
an internal or external appointment, they must
still have effective and continuous responsibility
for the transport operations of the business and
they must perform this role for the operator,
Andrew says. In addition, a new national register
will be created listing all nominated transport
managers and if such a person loses their own
good repute, a Traffc Commissioner will be
able to have this endorsed on the register thus
preventing the manager from working for
anybody else within Great Britain or even across
Europe. A new list of offences will be created
which, if committed by a transport manager, will
lead to the automatic loss of good repute of the
In addition to having good repute, transport
managers will still have to hold some form of
professional competence qualifcation. However,
the basis of this qualifcation will also change as
from 4 December 2011 to being either an
approved CPC or an approved alternative
qualifcation. Grandfather rights for current
transport managers who hold an existing
qualifcation will be gradually phased out and,
whilst they remain valid, be subject to tighter
All new CPC examinations after December
2011 will be a combined national and
international qualifcation. There will only be one
type of CPC from that point onwards. National
CPCs issued prior to December 2011 will remain
valid after that date as will alternate qualifcations
Getting ready for changes to
operator licences
Feature - Operator Licences Feature - Operator Licences
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
issued by some of the professional institutes.
However the rules concerning grandfather
rights qualifcations will change. Grandfathers
rights will only continue to exist if the holder has
continuously managed a business for ten years.
The burden will be on the holder (or applicant) to
show this is correct.
The Department for Transport does not propose
to permit any new grandfather rights
qualifcations to be issued after 4 December
2013. From that point onwards, Andrew stresses,
all new transport managers will have to have
passed a CPC examination or have one of the
alternate qualifcations approved by the DfT.
The changes to the fnancial standing criteria
should see an equal playing feld introduced for
all operators holding standard national or
international type licences across Europe. From
December, fnancial standing will be met by
either certifed annual accounts or subject to
individual member states agreeing some form of
fnancial guarantee such as an overdraft or
invoice fnance agreement. New applicants will
have to show a certifed opening balance.
These new fnancial rules probably mean that
the recently published Senior Traffc
Commissioners proposed guidelines and
directions will have to be substantially changed.
The Commissioners and their staff will no longer
look at bank balances and average balances over
a three month period but instead refer to audited
accounts. Whilst this may be a beneft for some
operators, there will be a greater emphasis upon
frstly having properly audited accounts (and this
will more than likely add to the costs of preparing
these accounts) and secondly a need to show that
the business does hold the proper assets and have
the correct accounting ratios in place.
In a further change, the new regulations will
also require operators to have proper
establishments addresses for the purposes of
correspondence. The use of PO Box numbers or
third party administrators will not be permitted.
Operators will also be required to have
designated premises for the storage of key
documents such as accounts, personnel and
drivers hours and tachograph records.
Furthermore, from 4 December 2011 all operators
will have to have at least one vehicle specifed on
their licence.
Depending on how the legislation is
eventually drafted, this may have a signifcant
impact on those businesses that are seasonal and
simply hire vehicles in when their use is
required, Andrew says.
All national governments across the EC will
also be required to introduce formal registers of
operators and transport managers. These registers
will include details of vehicle authorisations and
also a note of serious convictions recorded
against the operator and/or transport manager.
Finally, the legislation will look to increase
several penalties for PSV operators. There will be
increased fnes for PSV operators that are using a
vehicle without a licence and failing to declare
convictions to the Traffc Commissioners offce.
These existing offences will see the fnes
increased from 2,500 up to 5,000 per
The changes with regards to transport
managers, fnancial standing and establishment
addresses could well have a signifcant impact on
most operators, Andrew says. We advise
standard national or international licence holders
to begin reviewing arrangements as soon as
possible. Backhouse Jones says it will be
holding seminars this summer with regards to
these complicated and far reaching changes, and
offering fxed price audits for operators to
determine levels of compliance.
For further details please contact Andrew
Woolfall or Ian Jones at Backhouse Jones
Solicitors on 01254 828 300
Feature - Operator Licences Feature - Operator Licences
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
&S: How did your involvement in
The Removal Men come about?
Lyndsey Daykin: Tiger Aspect, a TV
production company, called the press offce late
last year with an idea to make an observational
documentary series about people moving home.
We invited them in to discuss the possibilities,
explained the history of the company, detailed
the process of moving and generally tried to
entertain them with stories of the characters we
have in the business and anecdotes about the
process of moving home.
They went away to develop the idea and came
back with a proposal to make a taster flm
which they would use to pitch to Channel 5.
We had a practice run therefore and managed
to fnd three customers who were willing to take
part and briefed the moving teams.
Tiger Aspect was aiming to make a warm,
optimistic programme with lots of humour.
We loved the taster flm and thankfully so did
Channel 5 and we got news that they had
commissioned the series in March.

R&S: What were your objectives for
Lyndsey Daykin: Our primary objective was
to take advantage of the publicity the TV
exposure would bring to the brand, and to show
that removals is not as simple as people think,
that it takes all kinds of skills packing,
driving, organization and people, and
communication skills.

R&S: Did you have any say in how and
what was flmed and what was cut?
Lyndsey Daykin: No. The challenge was to
make an interesting programme. We had to
embrace the possibility that, with a flm crew
following, everything may not go to plan; in
other words things may go wrong on screen. Of
course, problems make good drama. We knew if
things went wrong on move day, the crews do
work hard to fx things and we had confdence
in our Managers and removal teams. Something
goes wrong in almost every episode, but the
removal crews (who were the real stars) handled
all those curveballs with skill and humour.
R&S: What are the positives for
Pickfords from this series?
Lyndsey Daykin: We had record levels of
traffc on the website, enquiries from customers
who cited the programme had prompted them to
call plus members of the public phoning just
to say they enjoyed the programme.
It was a great talking point for the sales and
operational teams across the business, we had a
very positive response from our corporate
R&S: Any things youd like to have
been shown differently?
Lyndsey Daykin: We urged them to consider
international customers to take part in the series,
because we felt that there were more stories to
be found in a complete change of lifestyle. They
chose not to because they couldnt flm them at
their new home. We would also have liked to
have showcased more business moves, like the
Preston Hall Hospital in Episode 4, but we were
unable to persuade enough business moving
customers to take part.
the scenes
of The
Lyndsey Daykin, Head of Marketing at Pickfords, talks to R&S about the making of the Channel 5 programme.
Feature - Marketing the removals industry
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
A lot of flming didnt make it to the fnal edit,
Bill from Swindon was an amateur ballroom
dancer and they flmed him dancing with his
wife, also Mick Cousins from Mitcham gets up
early every morning to tend to his horse before
driving to do a hard days work. These stories
added a different, personal dimension to the
programme and it was a shame this scene didnt
make it through.
R&S: Any favourite episodes and
Lyndsey Daykin: My favourite is episode 4,
the drama of the hospital move, delicate tissue
samples at risk during the move, the lady with
the fossil who was brilliantly demanding and the
Walkeiden family moving to France with the
crew from Horsham. I watched the Horsham
crew do some of their flming and they were
very funny and natural together as a team.
My other favourite is the elevator move,
which was part of the original taster flm. We
struck gold when we found the customer, who
was very good on screen. She had expensive
and sentimental things to move, tricky packing,
diffcult access, and windows that had to come
out it was great!
R&S: Do you think the industry comes
across in a good light from this
Lyndsey Daykin: We hope that we
represented the industry in a positive way that
the real skill of removals shone through. We did
get positive feedback from our industry contacts
and competitors. One thing that came across
with almost all the customers was how stressful
moving is and what an emotional time it can be.
Many of the operational teams handled that
situation with the customer with great thought
and care. So hopefully we have persuaded the
public to pick the phone up to a professional
mover when they move home!
R&S: What type of resources did you
need to devote to being involved in this
Lyndsey Daykin: We had a very punishing
flming window of six weeks. This, even by
Tiger Aspects standards, was very quick turn
The frst issue was fnding the customers who
would be prepared to take part. We pulled in
two of the sales team and they literally had to
draw down a list of customers that had booked
across the network each day and cold call their
way down the list speaking to customers,
discussing their story, ultimately persuading
them to take part.
I would say one in 15 would say yes, so that
was a lot of calls. When they said yes, they
often fell by the wayside as Tiger Aspect had to
ft them around their flming schedule. It was
touch and go at one point, because we simply
couldnt fnd enough customers who were
prepared to take part to complete the flming.
When we found a customer we had to brief
the Managers and they in turn would brief the
crews. There were multiple flm crews flming
at the same time in different parts of the country
across a six week period. It was impossible to
really have any control.
My colleagues John Denton, Jordan Smart
and Mark Tyler spent hours persuading
customers, fnding answers to questions like
how many miles of tape does Pickfords use
each year? and managing the behind the scene
logistics. There was a large requirement for
legal and compliance and there was paperwork
to sign off and permissions to flm to be gained.
We had a representative from the TV company
working with us and it felt like I was working
on it full time for eight weeks.
R&S: How have staff at Pickfords
reacted to the series?
Lyndsey Daykin: I defnitely sensed a boost
to morale internally. Critiquing the programme
was a regular discussion point at the coffee
machine. Also our teams based in the offce had
a chance to see a real move in progress, and
watch our removal teams interact with
customers on move day and deal with the
everyday problems that can occur.
In a challenging market, the programme was a
real tonic. I think we were all a little proud to be
part of a company which had found its way onto
Prime Time TV.
We hope that we
represented the industry
in a positive way that
the real skill of removals
shone through.
Lyndsey Daykin,
Head of Marketing
at Pickfords
Feature - Marketing the removals industry
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
e look back on the career of the man
behind the name of one of the
worlds best-known international
relocations companies. Those who knew
Michael, worked with him, and competed with
him, talk to R&S about the incalculable
contribution he has made to the industry.
And in his own words, Michael looks back on
his life in the business and talks about his
experiences in Europe. He tells us the story of
how he established the company, and
remembers some extraordinary moves that he
was involved in, including moves for royalty,
politicians, business men, pop stars and crooks!
He also discusses the far-reaching decisions
taken at BAR, especially on the Overseas
Council. As ever with Michael, it makes for a
fascinating and inspiring read.
Asked if there is one moment that defnes
Michael Gersons career and his role in the
removals business, senior fgures in the industry
point to one particular image; it is of Michael,
standing shoulder to shoulder with Margaret
Thatcher, as she opened a new Gerson
warehouse on the very day that British forces
landed on the Falkland Islands.I wish everyone
would tackle problems as vigorously as this
frm, she said.
Mrs Thatcher, as Michaels local MP, was a
frequent visitor to the company and a frst hand
witness to its rapid expansion and its continuous
investments in facilities and people.
In many ways, the rise of Gersons epitomised
the revival in the UKs economic fortunes in this
time. A year later, in 1983, the companys
success was offcially recognised when it was
awarded the Queens Award for Export
Achievement, the frst Queens Award to be
made for earnings based on removals.
And whatever your politics, it is hard not to
recognise the similarities between Michael and
Mrs Thatcher; both visionaries in their areas,
with revolutionary ideas, inspiring whole
hearted commitment from their people, and full
of the confdence that is built on hard work,
ambition and energy.
However, without being unfair to Mrs
Thatcher, the Iron Lady never achieved the
universal popularity that Michael Gerson enjoys
to this day at all levels in the removals industry.
Michael was probably the best known
individual in the industry, and from my early
days at Trans-Euro, Gersons was always the
company to aspire to, says Interdean Chairman
Paul Evans. They appeared to effortlessly
achieve fame and market leadership and were
the leading light of the moving industry for
several decades without a huge marketing
department or company promoting them. They
did so purely through quality and massive
attention to detail and well thought through
processes and marketing which led to never to
be seen again margins.
Rob Bartup, Director of GB Liners, says that
by common consent, Michael Gerson Limited
was one of the most admired businesses in the
industry when Michael was at the helm. He
settled upon a particular niche market and
focused on that market to the exclusion of all
else: the passion and attention to detail that went
into the business was the sort that many would
put into a hobby in which they had a great
According to Paul Evans, it was Michaels
attention to detail, his hard work, knowledge of
the industry, and his management skills in
marketing and processes that took Gersons to
the very top.
Those who worked at the company also pay
testimony to Michaels people skills; its not
easy to be successful and popular, but Michael
managed to be both. Michael took a lot of care
in choosing his staff and I think he treated them
fairly and got a huge amount of loyalty from
them in return, Rob Bartup says. I suspect that
success spread success.
Always a passionate believer in the value of
good professional training, Michaels generosity
and interest in people, and his belief in the
importance of sticking to high standards,
extended well beyond his own company.
Michael was president of FIDI, while BAR
has long been a benefciary of his business
acumen and commitment to the trade, and the
Gersons team in general were signifcant
contributors to the development of the industry.
Michael himself says what I will miss most
about the industry is the high levels of
cooperation and assistance which colleagues in
the industry gave, which used to be much
greater than that experienced in most other
I would like to thank the wonderful,
generous and supportive people who gave their
time, advice and experience to me, and
particularly to Joe Luxford who, early on when I
joined the industry, said: Michael, you cannot
afford to work for poor people advice which
I followed throughout my career and to which I
must credit a considerable amount of my
Right hand man remembers
Perhaps there is no-one better to talk to about
Michael than Brian Charles, the general
manager of the business for nearly forty years.
Brian watched from close up, and also
participated actively, as Michael built the
company into one of the most respected and
admired full service international removal
companies worldwide.
I started my frst job in September 1968 at
the modest premises of Michael Gerson Ltd in
North Finchley, Brian remembers. On my frst
day Michael enrolled me for the Institute
evening classes held every Monday evening at
North Gower Street. Michael was the chairman
of the Institute and a frm believer in training at
all levels.
From this experience I soon appreciated the
value of Industry-based training, carried out by
Celebrating an
industry great:
Michael Gerson
Celebrating an industry great: Michael Gerson
After a lifetime of service in removals and
storage, during which he built his business,
Michael Gerson Limited, into one of the most
admired companies in the industry, Michael is
now retiring, almost ffty years to the day
after setting up his company.
Photo: Andy Stern, Analytica Media
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
some of the top people in the industry. In fact, I
was encouraged by Michael to get involved with
training myself and I have trained people not
only in the UK but throughout the world.
The frst big step forward for the company
was when it moved into its frst freehold
premises in North Finchley in 1970. It was a
bold decision by Michael to invest everything in
property but with hindsight this proved to be
one of the best decisions he ever made. It put
the company on the property ladder and
subsequently provided the basis for the funding
of the future expansion of the company.
In 1975 one of Michaels closest colleagues
decided to emigrate to Canada which left a big
hole in the management team. He then took the
ambitious step of making three new directors
from the existing team. This proved to be a very
successful decision as the new team all
complemented each other well under his
leadership and led to the continued success of
the company.
The next big development was the purchase of
a site in Whetstone and the construction of a
state of the art offce and warehousing complex
which was opened in 1978. This was again all
self funded and demonstrated Michaels
foresight in investing heavily in the business.
The remainder of the Whetstone site was
developed in 1982.In addition there were
premises to serve the Midlands and the North in
Under Michaels leadership the business
continued to grow through the 80s and 90s
until Michael had some serious health issues
and, as his sons did not want to continue the
moving business, it was sold in a Management
Buy Out in 2002 to the staff. Michaels
involvement therefore ceased at that time.
Brian told R&S that Michael was always
ready to participate in Industry affairs and
actively encouraged other staff members to do
so. One of the high points came in the mid
1980s when he was elected President of FIDI.
He has also been involved with the Overseas
Group Council at BAR and has been a director
of IMMI for 30 years.Michael has always been
a real entrepreneur and had the ability to spot an
opportunity for business and then the
persistence and drive to follow it through, says
Brian. I can think of many examples of this but
one of the most notable was a small item in the
Financial Times which eventually led to the
move of the Royal Armouries Museum from the
Tower of London to Leeds.
Brians response to the companys success is
simple: Doing a good job, attention to detail
and delivering exactly what you have promised
the customer, oh, and also charging properly for
what you do! A lot of companies in the
industry can still learn from that today.
Gerson on Gerson
Michael looks back on his long career in the
industry, remembering how he came to establish
Michael Gerson Ltd. He tells us about a whole
series of high profle and challenging moves
from the past that the company was responsible
for. He also discusses his active role in industry
associations national and international,
including BAR and FIDI.
No one, to the best of my knowledge, when
asked at school what career they would like to
follow, is likely to say when I grow up I want
to be a removal man, and so in my case my
career in the moving business is pre-dated by
other factors.
My grandfather came to London to emigrate
to Australia in the 1880s, and whilst waiting for
a ship ran customs entries and bills of lading as
a messenger. He never caught the ship.
He clearly decided to make a career in
packing, shipping and forwarding, and
constructed a purpose-built depository in the
centre of London, which became the family
business: The Pall Mall Deposit & Forwarding
What connection does that have with BAR? In
1900 a supplier of materials to furniture
removers (hessian, brown paper, wood wool and
string) suggested that movers should band
together to meet and discuss their trade on a
regular basis, and the National Association of
Furniture Warehousemen and Removers was
formed using the offce of the Pall Mall Deposit
and Forwarding Company as their offce until it
eventually rented its own independent offce, so
I basically had furniture moving in my veins!
The family company prospered and fourished
and my father was the President of NAFWR for
two years immediately preceding the Second
World War, and eventually after the end of the
war transportation gradually got back to normal,
though normality included nationalisation of
the transport industry and subsequently
denationalisation of the transport industry.
In my school holidays I went out on the vans
and learnt fne art packing in the warehouse, and
upon leaving school I spent two years working
for transportation companies in France,
Germany and Switzerland to polish up my
languages and learn how things were done
outside the UK. This experience proved to be
When I returned from the Continent I went
around all of the different departments of the
family company and concluded that the activity
that we undertook least well was international
and overseas moving (as opposed to domestic),
and I concentrated on this.
Celebrating an industry great: Michael Gerson
Michael was
probably the best
known individual in the
industry, and from my
early days at Trans-Euro,
Gersons was always the
company to aspire to.
Paul Evans, Chairman,
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
Celebrating an industry great: Michael Gerson
With unemployment
continuing to rise across the
country, employers are
increasingly using compromise
Before I had returned from the Continent for a
year, an astute businessman, Maxwell Joseph of
Grand Metropolitan, perceived that the family
company was not making a worthwhile return
on its by now extremely valuable central
London property and also its purpose-built
depository in North Kensington which still
operates today as a home for smaller workshops.
He made an offer to the shareholders (mainly
family) which they would have been foolish not
to accept, so in 1960 I found myself out of a job
(though Maxwell Joseph did offer me a job in
managing overseas removals for Bullens, a
company which he had taken over at the same
time but decided to use for operating rather than
as a property transaction).
My wife Shirley, who was then my fance,
told me that I should never work for anyone
else, and thus in accordance with her
instructions I started my own company, Michael
Gerson Ltd, in October 1961. My initial origins
were very humble. A rented warehouse, sub-
contract vehicles and labour, none of which
conformed to my aims, and the standards which
I wanted to achieve. However, I did have a very
small team of frst-class people on which to
Memorable Moves
After the landing on the moon, the astronauts
brought back some moon rock which was then
exhibited in London, Edinburgh and elsewhere.
We were entrusted with the moving of the moon
rock which was pretty unique!
We also handled a number of moves involving
royalty or items belonging to royalty including
numerous wedding presents for Princess Diana,
pictures belonging to HM The Queen packed
and sent on loan to galleries overseas for
display, and the packing of and shipping the
Australian state coach to the Royal Mews (a
bicentennial gift from the people of Australia to
The Queen, which was the frst coach to be
added to the Royal Mews for sixty years).
Shipment of the contents of four palaces in
Greece (18 x 40 ft containers) for the King and
the Queen of Greece (who now live in the UK)
when they negotiated the agreement for them to
remove their belongings from Greece after they
had been ousted 27 years before, a move which
engendered continuous media and political
controversy, including death threats to our agent
in Greece, whilst a debate on Greek Television
as to whether the items should go out of Greece
took place every night over a fortnight. The
shipping company, the port authority and Greek
Customs all were reluctant to get involved.
In addition to moves for royalty, we also
carried out work for the Lord Mayor and
Corporation of the City of London, including
moving the contents of Mansion House when
extensive building work was carried out owing
to the vibration of the foundations because of
the Underground which ran underneath Mansion
House, and fnally the excavation for the
Docklands Light Railway.
During the two years of remedial work we
moved the most valuable contents into
temporary accommodation for the then Lord
Mayors in Ironmonger Lane. We also packed
and shipped carriages for the Lord Mayor when
he made offcial visits for events such as British
Week in overseas countries which they visited.
We also moved high-profle political fgures
including Rt. Hon Kenneth Clarke, Rt. Hon.
Michael Portillo, John Major, and Margaret
Thatcher. Among the mix of people that we
moved were a few colourful characters such as
Bernie Cornfeld (accused of swindling
investors - Fund of Funds) and Mrs Ronnie
Biggs (wife of train robber).
Of course the principal customers that we
moved were the top movers and shakers in
international business including Richard
Giordano (the frst company director in the UK
to earn over 1 million a year), and on a number
of moves (including his move) we also sent our
crews to unload and unpack overseas (mainly
United States) to ensure continuity.
The most valuable move, however, that we
handled was the move of the Royal Armouries
collection (40,000 items) from the Tower of
London to a new purpose-built museum in
Leeds as a regeneration project, and one of the
frst private fnance initiatives.
This move took place over a two-year period:
it did not take two years continuous work, but
the collection had to be catalogued as it had just
grown like Topsy. Many of the items had been
in the Tower of London for hundreds of years
and had never been moved before, and after
packing were then put in our warehouse. Shortly
before the builders handed over the building to
the Royal Armouries, the value of the items
which we had packed for transportation and
storage in the Royal Armouries facilities was
valued at 1.4 billion at that time
(approximately eighteen years ago). We also
designed and built a special vehicle which could
enter the inner yard of the Tower of London,
which of course was not built to take motor
We moved many GPO telephone boxes,
including one from the Welsh village where
Tom Jones used to telephone his girlfriend and
which now stands adjacent to his swimming
pool in California. We also shipped several
Henry Moore sculptures from the artists
sculpture park to various locations, some of the
sculptures weighing over 2 tons.
We packed and shipped numerous vintage
veteran cars including Indian Maharajas Rolls
Royces adapted for tiger shoots, and also a
considerable amount of garden statuary.
Another unusual move was that for
Ambassador Annenberg who was probably the
wealthiest person that we have actually ever
moved. He was appointed United States
Ambassador to the Court of St James and
completely renovated Winfeld House, the
residence of the US Ambassador, spending
millions of his own money on the house, and he
then imported his fabulous collection of
pictures, ornaments and works of art. When it
was time for him to return to the United States
we had four and a half weeks work to pack up
all the art, pictures, etc, which was going to his
two residences in the United States, one on the
East Coast and one on the West Coast.
The move had to be shipped on American
hulls and in this case by air, so it could only be
shipped on TWA or Pan Am. This caused us a
lot of problems because the American carriers
would not take more than 2m worth per aircraft
and the value of the collection was so great that
it took us two and a half weeks to ship out the
complete collection, not because of its volume
but because of its value.
During those two and a half weeks we took it
in turns to sleep at the warehouse because of the
security problem which it generated.
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
Writing a Winning Tender for the Public Sector
BARTS Courses
This is a brand new workshop taking place at BAR Watford covering topics such as:
Risk Management Opportunities to score
Constructing a winning stategy Presentations
What to write Feedback
Identifying your USP Pricing
Where you can stand out Tips & techniques
Common Mistakes Useful information
Course Dates 2011
1 September 2011 08 December 2011
99 + VAT p/p
Book your place today
Call: 01923 699484 or email:
Councils and committees
I was elected to the Council of the NAFWR, the
BAOFR (British Association of Overseas
Furniture Removers) and the IFWRI (The
Institute of the Furniture Warehouse and
Removing Industry) and together with their sub-
committees, I attended and participated in
approximately 100 council and committee
meetings each year. This was in addition to
running my own business.
Following the retirement of the lecturer/tutor
on Overseas Moving for the Institutes students,
I took over that activity when I was about 23
considerably younger than most of my students!
In 1968 I was elected and served as Chairman
of the Institute and during that year over 1,000
students were trained and examined with no
professional staff, all volunteers, and this
number being trained in a single year has never
been subsequently equalled.
I also served as Chairman of the Metropolitan
area of the NAFWR which had six meetings
during the year, none of which were attended by
less than 100 participants.
On the Overseas Council I was chosen as one
of the two delegates to represent BAOFR at
FIDI, mainly because I have French and
German and at that time these were the principal
languages used at FIDI. English was a very
minor language in the predominantly European
association with only a small minority of
overseas members. The other delegate was the
legendary Jack Ellis of Pitt & Scott, the frst
President of FIDI and fuent in French as well as
English, and I learned about European politics
at his feet.
In 1982 in Singapore I was elected President
of FIDI (the frst English President for eighteen
years), and presided over the Brighton
Conference in 1983 and the San Francisco
Conference in 1984.
I served on the Tripartite Committee under
which the NAFWR, the BAOFR and the IFWRI
came together as BAR. Upon refection, and
with the beneft of hindsight, this was probably
the wrong thing to do, but the immediate
political situation at the time (dock labour bill,
threat of re-nationalisation) forced our hand and
I participated in the committee which briefed Sir
Marcus Fox who lobbied on our behalf during
this fraught time.
In the mid 1980s I became somewhat
disillusioned with the new combined set-up,
which seemed to add further layers of
consultation to the decision process and seemed
to give people the excuse to sit on their hands
and not grasp the nettle to take decisions, so in
1986 I resigned from the Board of BAR and
confned my activities to the Overseas Council,
having passed through the chair of that Council.
I have therefore served on that Council for
about 50 years.
In the course of my time on the Overseas
Council I have become particularly involved
with IMMI/the advanced payment guarantee
scheme since 1981, and the delegation to HM
Customs & Excise to achieve approved
warehouse status (Michael Gerson Ltd was the
frst independent company to achieve this status
and was thus able to avoid the prohibitive ICD
rental charges). Subsequently ongoing liaison
with HM Customs & Excise directorate
culminated in successfully achieving clearance
for all EU traffc to any EU destination through
a UK port of entry.
I also was one of the team of three who
negotiated and wrote the revised fair contract
conditions, in substitution for the suicidal draft
produced by Clyde & Co, and which we
persuaded the Offce of Fair Trading to accept.
I believe that the Overseas Council has always
been the most progressive part of the
association. From time to time it has had the
courage of its convictions and put its members
through the lodging of bank guarantees and a
selection criteria which just occasionally rejects
applicants who are unsuitable, though it is
inhibited by the multiplicity of regulations
designed to protect the public through
government/EU rules on competition.
Celebrating an industry great: Michael Gerson

For any independent insurance, fnancial or legal advice, please contact a
BAR Professional Adviser partner.
Financial Legal
Basil Fry & Co Ltd
Tel: 01372 385 985
Reason Global Insurance
Tel: 01273 739961
Tel: 0207 630 6665
Backhouse Jones Solicitors
Tel: 01254 828 300
in association with
The Professional Advisers Panel is a brand new
initiative specifcally designed to offer members
extended support across every aspect of their business.
This is a development of our highly successful Insurance
Broker Panel scheme whereby BAR members receive
unlimited support, guidance and advice from qualifed
specialist companies within the UK. We are constantly
looking at ways to support our members businesses;
therefore, if this initiative proves to be a success, we
will develop the Professional Advisers Panel even further
into other relevant areas such as Health & Safety and
Environmental services.
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
Affliate profle
he rise of the self storage sector in the UK
has been one of the outstanding business
trends in the removals industry in recent
years. Even despite the ongoing downturn,
demand has remained relatively robust, and
removals businesses of all shapes and sizes are
continuing to increase their exposure to the
While it does not replace traditional storage
crates and containers, self storage can offer real
added value to a removals business.
It is getting self storage right that is the hard
part doing the market research, choosing the
right location, scale, and facilities, getting the
initial ft-out right, and adding new phases in an
appropriate manner, all while minimising capital
expenditure and maximising cash fows and
This is where BAR affliate Active Supply &
Design comes into the picture, from planning to
installation, to commissioning and handover, and
beyond. Active has been in the business for
twenty years, and can now provide turnkey
construction of steel framed buildings, in
addition to its tried and tested portfolio of other
self storage solutions, mezzanine foors, shelving
and pallet racking.
Self storage is a natural addition to a removals
business, Sales & Marketing Manager Richard
Allen explains. It offers the end user a popular
alternative to traditional crate storage with much
improved access for the customer. Removers are
in an ideal position to offer self storage to their
clients and already have the majority of what is
required in place including staff, vehicles and
importantly the building.
Brand awareness and a good local reputation
give a huge advantage over anyone starting from
afresh and provide the remover looking to
increase their product offering with a fying
Actives business is based on helping removals
companies make the best of available space, so
that the operator can enjoy new income streams
and high returns. Its bespoke installations aim to
maximise available space for storage. Active also
helps companies with the operational and
marketing side of the business, putting its twenty
years of experience to work for the client.
Since it was founded by Andrew Donaldson
back in 1991, the company has developed
millions of square feet of storage space and
mezzanine foors for both its UK and European
Active can offer BAR members feasibility
studies, surveys and design work, all without any
And despite these tough economic conditions,
the company says that interest in self storage
remains high, from removals companies and end
users alike. There has been a recent slowdown
in the self storage industry, Richard says, but it
has been a lot less affected than most market
Self storage has followed the domestic trend to
a certain extent and has felt the impact, however
much of this has been offset by a marked
increase in business storage which has certainly
kept most operators on an even keel.
Active Supply & Design
Self storage has become an essential part of any removals frms service offering. Richard Allen, Sales
& Marketing Manager of BAR affliate Active Supply & Design, talks to R&S about how Active can
help members enter the market or expand their facilities, as effectively as possible.
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
Affliate profle
Active has not had to reduce its workforce in
the downturn, and its business with BAR
members has been as steady as ever; in the last
few months, Active have ftted out the latest Fox
facility in Newport and Brian Maidmans frst
self storage facility in Bournemouth.
Brian had been looking to enter the self
storage industry for a number of years but after
seeking advice from the team at Active was
warned off several buildings before managing to
fnd the right one, Richard says. The success of
the facility has been excellent since its opening
due in no small part to the advice and assistance
Brian received from the Active team.
Other high profle BAR clients include Matt
Purdie and GB Liners. According to Richard, it
is Actives experience in the industry, and its
extensive working knowledge of how self
storage facilities operate and how best to
maximise revenues from these facilities, that are
the main reasons for its continued success with
BAR members.
We frmly believe that our total understanding
of how self storage dovetails with traditional
container storage and removals is paramount in
the success of our enviable list of BAR clients,
Richard says. Having been affliate members
for almost ten years we have become the frst
point of call for the vast majority of members.
Richard says there is still room for growth in
the national market for self storage, as the UK is
still far from saturation and well behind US
levels, despite some local pockets of congestion.
And, Active is already seeing signs of a solid
return to growth in its business in mainland
Recent innovations to its service portfolio
mean that the company is well positioned for the
upturn. By offering turn-key construction of
buildings for storage, Active has been able to
expand into new sectors of the market and
enhance its customer focus.
We also offer a popular range of external
storage units which can be produced in corporate
colours, Richard says. These units command
higher rental rates than the traditional shipping
container as well as enhancing the appearance of
your site and complementing brand image. We
are constantly looking at new products and ways
to drive costs down without sacrifcing the
quality of our product.
Having been
members for
almost ten
years we have
become the frst
point of call for
the vast
majority of
Removals & Storage September 2011
Industry News
Feature - New international associate
ajeev Bhargava founded Packers and
Movers in Kolkata (then called Calcutta)
back in 1983, to provide high quality
packing and moving services initially in the West
Bengal market.
In the almost thirty years since then, the
economy of India has changed dramatically, and
the country has become a magnet for foreign
investment of all types and from all areas. Mr.
Bhargavas frm has also grown beyond
recognition - in 2006, as the economy continued
to boom, the chairman renamed the company
P.M. Relocations, and started providing a full
relocation service to corporate and private
The company was the frst Indian moving
company to have offces in all the major cities in
India, with a modern, well maintained feet,
professional packers and staff, and a dedication
to complete customer satisfaction and the highest
standards of service.
The company now has 11 full service branches
and 3 semi facilities branches stretching across
the sub continent, and is recognised as a leader in
the country in the international moving and
relocation services market.
What hasnt changed, however, is P.M.
Relocations commitment to excellence and to
quality. Right from the beginning, principles of
respect, professionalism, and full service, have
marked the frm out from the rest. The company
says that it has always been characterised by its
continued investments in the resources that are
needed to deliver high quality service in very
challenging conditions.
Although most BAR International Associate
will have their own stories of administrative
incompetence to tell, few will have to regularly
put up with the diffculties faced by Rajeev
Bhargavas team in India.
In Mumbai, it is quite common for union
labour to extort money without any service, a
senior member of P.M. Relocations says. Plus,
Traffc Rules and Custom Rules are very
different in India, and interpretation may vary
from one city to another.
Customer presence is mandatory for customs
clearance in India, while client shipments have to
be delivered in local vehicles, except in Kolkata,
where containers go straight to the clients house.
Navigating these treacherous and demanding
conditions requires a reliable and experienced
local partner. P.M. Relocations believes that
joining BAR will provide it with a platform
for building a network with British Removers
and grow their business, as the links between
India and the UK continue to strengthen.
In addition to complete relocation services in
every city in India, the company also provides
storage, pet movement, Visa Immigration
Assistance, Home Search and Settling-in
assistance. Managing labyrinthine immigration
formalities represents a major part of the day-to-
day work at P.M. Relocations.
Such is the size and strength of the Indian
economy that the company has seen little impact
from the global economic crisis, although the
removals market is becoming increasingly
For international movers looking to access this
giant, growing, but complex market, P.M.
Relocations believes that as a new international
associate of BAR it is now well placed to serve
as an ideal partner.
Profle: P.M.
Relocations of India
New BAR International Associate P.M. Relocations talks to R&S
about the companys expansion across India, and how they plan
to use BAR membership to grow their business and develop
links with UK removers.
In Mumbai, it is quite
common for union labour
to extort money without
any service.
A senior member of
P.M. Relocations
Aakanksha Bhargava, Marketing Director
Rajeev Bhargava, CEO
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
ark Dell was many things to many
people: a son, a father, a grandfather,
a brother, an uncle and a friend to
many people in the removals industry.
He was born in Hemel Hempstead on 1st
March 1962 and grew up in Berkhamsted. He
was an active child and joined the cubs and
then went on to scouts. He developed a keen
interest in sport especially horse racing,
greyhound racing, football and golf, something
he always followed throughout his life. He
was the oldest of four children and left school
at the age of 15 to work for the family business
S Dell & Sons. He worked continuously and
tirelessly his whole life and in the later years
of his career he proudly took up the position as
a Company Director.
His son Chris told R&S that Marks
nickname Sparky came about from when he
was working on a removal. He was being the
helpful man he always was and offered to help
a customer rewire a light ftting. In doing so he
managed to blow the electrics in the house and
gave himself an electric shock in the process!
Mark loved music and dancing, and took out
time from work to pursue his singing and
dancing ambitions. Chris says My father
didnt believe in doing anything in moderation,
a trait I have inherited from him and have
many a story to prove it. He was always happy
in company and liked to be part of a group
joining in many pool and dart leagues over the
Marks funeral was attended by many of his
friends who came to say goodbye to a man that
meant so much to so many people for so many

Mark was well liked
and respected within
the industry. He was
one of the industrys
characters forthright,
plain speaking and
knowledgeable and
he would always give
assistance if needed.
He had been active in
the role of national
councillor within the
BAR and will be sadly
missed by us all.
Reg Hackworthy,
BAR President
People News
ohn Rason is joining the client
services team of relocation group
Interdean, where he will be working
with corporate clients to help develop
their mobility and relocation programmes.
As a fellow of the Chartered Institute of
Personnel Development (CIPD), John is
well known in the industry for his
expertise in international human
resources, talent management, and global
Before joining Interdean, John held
senior HR roles in some of the worlds
largest companies, including Cable &
Wireless, Canon, Convergys and GEAC
In his role with Interdean, John will
report to Mark Rising, who said John
will use the knowledge and HR skills he
has developed over the past 30 years to
the beneft of our clients.
I believe Johns addition to our team
will help us to further strengthen the
relationship we have with our customers
and ensure that we are always at the
leading edge of the relocation services
John Rason joins Interdean
John Rason, Client Services Team
MOVING INC) is pleased to announce
the appointment of Carol Zeidler as
Assistant to President Peter Naylor. Carol
has been with the frm for six years and
looks forward to complementing the policies
and procedures of TIPPETS World.
For more information please contact
at Tippets
Carol Zeidler, Assistant to the
President Peter Naylor
Mark Dell
Mark Dell
golf with BAR
friends at
Park in May
Removals & Storage September 2011 2
Diary Dates
Diary Dates
Board of Directors
December 7 - 10.00am-1.00pm
National Council
October 11
Overseas Group Council
October 12
CMG Council
October 13
Executive Committee
September 21
November 23
BAR Business Seminars
October 3
Hillcroft Hotel, Livingstone
(sponsored by Harrow Green)
October 4
Pickfords, Leeds
October 5
GB Liners, Cheltenham
October 6
Pickfords, London
Self Storage Special Interest
September 19
East Met Area
Contact: Paul Freeman
(East Met Area Chairman)
East Midlands Area
Contact Andy Wade: 01476 79 210
September 21 - 19.00pm
November 16 - 19.00pm
The Haycock Hotel, Wansford
New Met Area
November 24
Christmas Quiz and Dinner & Dance
at Novotel, Heathrow
Northern Area
September 13 - 19.30pm
North West Area
Contact Annette Harris:
0161 63 44

Northern Ireland Area
Contact Dominic Murray:
02890 748 88
September 28
Southern Area
Contact Peter Doman: 01372 3898
South Western Area
Contact Sue Christophers
September 20 - 2.00pm
The Ley Arms, Kenn, Nr Exeter
South Western Area Dinner
November 12
The Barcelo Imperial Hotel,
Torquay. Book now!
See page 18 for details

Sussex Area
Contact Nicholas Marshall:
084 602 17
November 1
Western Area
Contact Ria Russell:
01278 447099
September 27
November 8
Brent House,
Bridgwater Rd,
East Brent
Somerset TA9 4HL
West Midlands Area
Contact Sarah Pargeter:
01384 377786
September 19 - 19.30pm
The Gainsborough Hotel,
Yorkshire Area
Contact Graham Puddephatt:
September 15
Yorkshire Area Annual Dinner
Nov 26
Ambassador Hotel,
Scotland Area
Contact Georgina Berry:
010 02220
September 13
Hillcroft Hotel, Livingstone
Do you have any diary dates?
E-mail them to:
To view diary dates/events, please log into MyBAR and click on the Calendar/Events
and BAR Calendar tabs where you can view full details including time, date, location and
agendas (when available).
To view area minutes, please log into MyBAR and click on the BAR Areas tab and
then one of the 16 areas listed. Minutes from past 2011 area meetings can be viewed and
downloaded (where available).
September 2011 Removals & Storage
Industry News
Do you have any diary dates?
E-mail them to:
Speak to Ria Compton or Peter Doman
Tel: 01372 385985
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Close links with
the industry
since 1970.
Choose the Removers Broker, Choose Basil Fry.
Nows a good
time to call Basil
Fry for a quote.
Removals & Storage September 2011 4
BAR News Memberships
The following Members have
National & European Group
Green Brothers Removals & Storage
Memb No: G069
Green Brothers House
88 Pierson Road
Tel: 0173 866663
Additional Trading Name
C.R. Moving an ATN of Chatfelds
Memb No: C108
Waterloo Road
Tel: 01732 771300
BAR has received the following
applications for:
National & European Group
Brycelands Removals Services Ltd
Jacks Hill
Great North Road
Hertfordshire SG4 7EQ
Tel: 01462 67
David Alexander Movers Ltd
Shotfarm Business Park
Shouthlend Road
Essex SS11 8RZ
Tel: 01286 73168

International Associates

Biddulphs Removals & Storage (Pvt)
1 Craster Road
Southerton ,Harare
Tel: 002634 620 73

BAR Memberships August 2011
Any member wishing to make any comment regarding an
application should do so in writing to BAR Head Offce within 21
days of receipt of this notifcation.
Details of membership applications in process may also be found
on the BAR website:
September 2011 Removals & Storage
BAR News
R&S Competition
Dont delay! Send in your answers now to!
The answers to last months military quiz were:1) Geoffrey Palmer 2) Sir Peter de la Billiere 3)
Walmington on Sea 4) Three people 5) Eleven VCs 6) American civil war 7) USS Missouri

We had a few correct entries to this competition. Names were pulled out of a hat and congratulations
to Keith Evans of Move-it Channel Moving who will get a free quarter-page advert for his company
in the next issue of R&S.
1. WhoareoffciallythemostsuccessfulPremierLeagueteamever?
2. Whoarethethreepremierleaguetelevisionpartners?
3. WhoisIrishandthe10thalltimetopPremierLeaguegoalscorer?
4. HowmanypointsdidManchesterUnitedcollectlastseason?
5. WhowontheNpowerChampionshiplastseason(2010-2011)?
6. WhoisAshleyYoungplayingforinthe2011-2012season?
7. WhoistheQPRcaptainforthe2011-2012?
With the Premier League kicking off,
its time to show off your footie credentials!
Trade Services
Removals & Storage September 2011 6
Channel Islands
Isle of Man
Regular runs to all areas Full or part loads
Receiving depot 10mins from M25 J5 ...or we collect
All deliveries and collections carried out by our own crews
Phone Paul for advice and genuine delivery/collection times
01732 358900


Scotland and Islands Italy
Trade Services
September 2011 Removals & Storage 7
Germany and Austria
Weekly Groupage Service
Full origin and destination
services available.
German speaking staff
Contact Darrel or Justin
Tel: 0208 144 0734 Fax: 0844 770 7111
Contact our European department on 01379 851074
Weekly services and competitive rates
Tranship & Hoist services available
Collection from your
depot or clients
residence available
To download our tariffs visit:
Password: Ham662
Trade Services adverts from as little as 33 a
month plus vat. Contact Steve on 0117 330 8370
or email:
Trade Services
Removals & Storage September 2011 8
UK Office: 01843 585055,
Mallorca Office: 0034 971 693566,
Trade website:
Weekly Scheduled Service, Containerised Storage Depots
Holder of Spanish Transport Licence
for our Tranship vehicles
Unrivaled Infrastructure in Mallorca, Menorca & Ibiza
Excellent Rates, Payment in Euros or GBP accepted
Purely The Balearics, No Bull!
Memb No: W001
TL: 01202 576514
FAX: 01202 574011
France - 8pain - FertugaI - ItaIy
weekl] 8ervice for the Trade. Call now for oest rates
Depots in Preston, Chester, Alicante, Nalaga
F880 01772 651570
Email. weo.
Promote your services to over 4,000 UK based
removers from just 33 per month
Cyprus and Malta
by Road
7 day transit time
Twice-monthIy departures
British Crews & ProfessionaI Service
HighIy recommended in Greece
00 44 1733 311 561 |
Cestrian Removals
Specialist Trade Movers to Spain & Portugal




email -
Trade Services
September 2011 Removals & Storage 9
TRADE Part or Full Loads
Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai
Deliveries throughout P.R.C
Call: 0845 0580632
Regular Services to all Major
Destinations Worldwide
Receiving in Windsor & Stourbridge
Contact Mike, Chris or Steve on
01633 488 100
Trade Rates
to Europe
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
2 weekly trade servlce to 4PVUI"GSJDB
+44 208 749 0362 |
South America
Regular Trade
Services to
Dubai, Sharjah
and Abu Dhabi
Full & part loads
Contact Justine or Stuart on
01432 377477
fax: 01432 279894
Memb No: GO13
One point of entry for
delivery anywhere in India.
11 receiving depots
Full & part loads
Contact Justine or Stuart on
01432 377477
fax: 01432 279894
Memb No: GO13
The largest consolidators of HHPE
from the UK to Israel.
Weekly + full destination services!
020 8832 2222
Stephen Morris Shipping Plc, Unit 9, Ockham Drive,
Greenford Park, Greenford. UB6 0FD UK.
Worldwi de Relocati on
Fi ne Art & Anti ques Shi ppi ng
Space to Hire
This space is
available from just
33 per month
Trade Services
Removals & Storage September 2011 60
We are not a removal company or
your competitor, you are our clients
on which our business depends.
London or Swindon
0208 795 4838 or 01793 731696
They say that imitation is a form of
flattery - but there is only one
Trade Storage Limited.
Recommended by the worlds finest piano manufacturers,
auctioneers, music colleges & academies.
A family run business, Est. in 1968.
Mem. No G005
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8994 9733 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8995 0855
G&R Advert 60x60mm:Layout 1 20/10/08 16
Call BARI5 on 01923 699484
or email
Trailer Hire
Warehouse Containers
From car trailers to 3200 cubic feet
stepframes, 8 container
curtainsiders unsignwritten haulage
available too. (UK and Europe).
020 8795 4838 or 01793 731696
Trade Storage Piano Specialists
This space is
available from just
33 per month
This space is
available from just
33 per month
September 2011 Removals & Storage 61
For Sale
Used 250ft
storage containers
7 each. Contact Mandy on 01285 641003
Are You Looking To Sell?
We are looking to buy good quality household moving and storage
companies in London and the home counties.
Please call 07933 123 123 in full confdence for a quick decision.
97 Scania 220 P
Sparshatts 6 Container Body
2,400 cubic feet, 2 man
sleeper pod, with night heater
Vehicles owned from new
with full maintenance history
Rear Air suspension
Prices from 8,500 + VAT
2 similar Vehicles
also available
Contact: Lloyd
on 07714 289 400
Vehicles For Sale
Please contact Steve Pearce
at Rubicon Marketing on: 0117 330 8370
or e-mail:
Contact: Paul
On 07788185979
General Manager Corporate Development
Strategic Sales Coach, mentor, lead and manage
Serious remuneration package Sydney, Australia
Grace Removals Group, with over 40 offces in Australia and New Zealand, is
a leader in the Australasian removals, relocation and storage industry. Grace
Removals Group is also a global player with an extensive worldwide partnership
network. Grace enjoys outstanding brand awareness and a reputation for quality
and service excellence.
Due to promotion of the incumbent we seek to appoint a talented sales and
business development professional to our senior management team, reporting to
the Managing Director.
Key Responsibilities:
Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive national sales strategy
Directs company corporate sales activities to achieve short and long term
company goals
Working with the senior management group to grow and develop the business
Manage a national sales team to achieve company objectives
Develop national clients identifying and winning large scale opportunities
Managing the companys corporate sales processes and procedures
Key Requirements:
Demonstrated ability to negotiate and win major opportunities
Senior management or leadership experience with the ability to manage change
and growth
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Proven experience and success in producing tenders & proposals
Positive, constructive and empowering leadership style
Demonstrated experience in the development of a high performance sales team
The company offers an attractive remuneration package to the right candidate
and will meet the cost of relocation (subject to the companys relocation policy).
Should you wish to apply for this position please forward your current curriculum
vitae to
Marsden Vanplan Drawbar truck and trailer required. Will consider unit or
trailer on its own, any condition, any age, instant payment.
Contact 07834587041 or email
Trade Assistance for removal surveys (domestic,
commercial or International), access checks,
parking suspensions, claims negotiations etc.
Anywhere in Kent (based in Deal). Happy to offer evening or
weekend appointments. Reasonable fees.
Over 40 years in the industry!
Also select database of reliable, reasonably-priced local
Tradesmen, including handyman, electrician, plumber,
decorator, tv/satellite specialist etc.
Contact Paul on 01304 366726/07715 007482
Trade Assistance
Removals & Storage September 2011 62
This 2 day course is practically based and is designed to teach students the art of estimating as well
as face to face sales techniques, covering topics such as:
Practical Estimating at 2 local properties
Quantity Assessment The Role of the Estimator
Health & Safety Communication Techniques
Contract Conditions Removals Insurance

Course Dates 2011
08 & 09 September 2011
14 & 1 November 2011
BTEC Award in Practical
Estimating 2011
BARTS Courses
545 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)
Book your place today
Call: 01923 699484 or email:
Selling Skills/Promoting the BAR OFT
Code of Practice
BARTS Courses
This 1 day course is designed to enhance sales skills and to demonstrate the most effective way of
promoting the BAR OFT Code of Practice to win business, covering topics such as:
The Role of the Salesperson Communication
& Presentation
Prospecting & Negotiating Identifying Customer Needs
Promoting the OFT Code Closing the Sale

Course Dates 2011
16 November 2011
99 + VAT p/p
Book your place today
Call: 01923 699484 or email:

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