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Learning competency with code:

Differentiate functions of non-state institutions in

Direction: This LAS is all about Understanding Culture,

Society and Politics, and the topic stated on this sheets mainly
focuses on explaining the forms and functions between State and
Non-state institutions. Read thoroughly the topics main
discussion and answer the activities given. (Do not write
anything on the activity sheets)

Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong. Write your answer in
your notebook.
_____1. A sovereign state is a political organization with a centralized
government that has supreme independent authority over a geographic area.
_____2. People cannot constitute a state unless they inhabit in a definite
_____3. The four essential elements of the state are the following: Population,
territory, government, and sovereignty.
_____4. A community of persons does not form a state unless a stable
government organizes it.
_____5. Liberal and conservative theories of the state tend to see the state as a
neutral entity separated from society and the economy.

What is a State?

State, a political organization of society, the body

politic, the institutions of government.

The country is a form of human association distinguished from other

social groups by its purpose, the establishment of order and security; its
methods, the laws and their enforcement; its territory, the area of jurisdiction
or geographic boundaries; and its sovereignty. The state consists, of the
agreement of the individuals on the means whereby disputes are settled in the
form of laws. In such countries as the United States, Australia, Nigeria, Mexico,
and Brazil, the term state (or a cognate) also refers to political units, not
sovereign themselves, but subject to the authority of the more significant state
or federal union.

What are non-state institutions?

A group of people or any organizations which are not affiliated with the
national government. Sometimes called a non-state entity. For instance, these
non- state institutions are private banks, private corporations, cooperatives,

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non- governmental organizations (NGO) and Trade Unions. These institutions
have several functions and roles in our society as part of the nation-building.

Four Elements of the State

Sovereignty is understood as the inherent power of a state to control its

internal or domestic affairs without external interference. As a sovereign
state, the Philippines possesses coequal status with the other independent
states in terms of rights, privileges, obligations and duties imposed by
international law. One of the obligations of every state is to respect coequal
states by not meddling in the others internal affairs. This includes the manner
and method on how they control its government. Philippines is a sovereign and
independent state. Even freshmen political science students know that the
Philippines possesses the basic four elements and attributes of a state: 1)
population; 2) territory; 3) sovereignty; and 4) government. Among the
basic elements the third element is challenged by a US Senate resolution.

Theories of the State

Most political theories of the state can roughly be classified into two
categories. The first, which includes liberal or conservative theories, treats
capitalism as a given, and concentrates on the function of states in a capitalist
society. Theories of this variety views the state as a neutral entity distinct from
both society and the economy("Government and the State | Boundless
Sociology." Lumen Learning – SimpleBook Production. Accessed June 29,2020. /boundless-
sociology/chapter/government- and-the-state/).

Marxist Theory. Emphasizes the relationship between economic power and

political power. Marxists view the state as the organizing committee of the
ruling class. It is the instrument through which the ruling class coordinates
and exercises its rule of the other classes, and thereby maintains its status as
the ruling class. For 6 Marxist theorists, the role of the non-socialist state is
determined by its function in the global capitalist order. Marx’s early writings
portrayed the country as “parasitic,” built upon the superstructure of the
economy and working against the public interest.

Anarchism. The term anarchism is derived from the negation of the Greek
term arché, which means first principle, foundation, or ruling power. It is a
political philosophy that considers states immoral and instead promotes a
stateless society – anarchy. Anarchists believe that the state is inherently an
instrument of domination and repression, no matter who is in control of it.
They also believe that the state apparatus should be completely dismantled
and an alternative set of social relations created, which would be unrelated to
state power.

Pluralism. Pluralists view society as a collection of individuals and groups

competing for political power. An example of pluralism is a society where
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people with different cultural backgrounds keep their tradition. They view the
state as a neutral body that enacts the will of whichever group dominates the
electoral process. Within the pluralist tradition, Robert Dahl developed the
theory of the state as a neutral arena for contending interests. He also viewed
governmental agencies as merely another set of competing interest groups. The
pluralist approach suggests that the modern democratic state acts in response
to pressures that are applied by a variety of related interests. Dahl called this
kind of state a polyarchy(Krouse 1982).

Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.
Write your answer in your notebook.
_____1. A sovereign state is a political organization with a centralized
government that has supreme independent authority over a geographic area.
_____2. The four essential elements of the state are the following: Population,
territory, government, and sovereignty.
_____3. Robert Dahl developed the theory of the state as a neutral arena for
contending interests.
_____4. An example of pluralism is a society where people with different
cultural backgrounds keep their tradition.
_____5. Marxists view the state is the organizing committee of the ruling class

Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is understood as the inherent power of a state to control its internal or

domestic affairs without external interference is called __________.
a. State c. Population
b. Sovereignty d. None of the Above
2. It is considered as a political organization of society, the body politic and the
institutions of government.
a. State c. Power
b. Sovereignty d. All of the above
3. Which among the following is not an Element of the state?
a. Person c. Sovereignty
b. Population d. None of the above
4. What is the first Element of the state?
a. Territory c. Government
b. Population d. Sovereignty
5. Which among the following are the two categories of the State?
a. Liberal or Conservative theories
b. Liberation and Conservation theories
c. Marxist and Anarchism theories
d. None of the above

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LC: explain the forms and functions of state institution

Identify which agencies of the government are responsible/direct

concern for its constituents in the community. DSWD, PNP,
1. Give shelter to the homeless family ________________________.
2. Responsible to control peace and order in the community _________________.
3. Treatment and control for possible transmission of corona virus or
4. Give assistance to the least fortunate families through 4P’s ________________
5. Responsible for the control of insurgencies and rebellion against the

Living in a society implies that we are governed by set of rules.

Some rules may be imposed while others are negotiated. Regardless of
how these were arranged, their importance in understanding what is
culturally, socially and politically acceptable cannot be denied.

A social institution consists of all the structural component of a society

through which the main concerns and activities are organized, and social needs are
meet. Douglass North defines institution as humanly devised constraints that
structure, political, economic and social interaction. These constraints come in the
form of informal control such as taboos, culture and tradition. Constraints are also
manifested through the establishment of formal rules such as laws and institution.

Generally, institution evolve over time as a result of a changing relationship

among groups in society. These are institutions however that persists despite changes
in the economic, social and political landscape. In the Philippine society, some
important institution are family, religion, and civil society. Other institutions such as
market and economy education and health are also notable.

Family is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in

cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children. The nuclear family
is a family composed of one or two parents and their children. It is also known as
conjugal family. Extended Family is a family composed of parents and children as
well as other kin. It also known as consanguine family. Observed that while the
nuclear family is the basic form of household in the Philippines, the nuclear family is
not a closed, isolated consisting only the married couple and their unmarried children.
It has frequent and intimate interactions with the families living nearby. It is not
unusual to find elderly parents and unmarried siblings of the household’s head still
living together in the same household.

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A reconstituted family is a family whose composition and form of emotional
care differ of those in nuclear family or extended family. One example is the female-
headed transnational family, a household with core members living in at least two
nation-states and in which the mother works in another country while some or all of
her dependents reside in the Philippines. From this point of view, transnational family
as one with core members living in at least two nation-states.

Kinship. Family ties are also called kinship, a social bonds based on common
ancestry, marriage or adoption. A more traditional understanding of kinship follows
the idea that persons who extends duties and privileges to one another on the basis of
consanguinity or blood relations are considered members of the same kin group.
Kinship relation around the world, however, are organized differently and in ways that
do not simply follow blood or biological relations.

There are several types of kinship relation within the groups. For instance,
some societies organize themselves through matrilineal descent, where people are
regarded as members of the mother’s group by birth and throughout their lifetime.
Societies are organized along a patrilineal descent automatically consider people as
members of the father’s group by birth and throughout lifetimes. Societies with lateral
descent, such as many of the societies in the Philippines , trace automatic
membership to both sides of descent. Many societies share the idea that member of
the kin group help each other take care of a person’s welfare, protection, marriage,
offspring, career and identity.

Ritual kinship refers to ritual parent child relation such as the godparent-
godchild relationship established through baptism ceremony of roman catholic. In the
Philippines, these are called the compadre system.

Political leadership structure:

Bands. In many areas of the world, small group of people connected mainly by
kinship ties organize themselves into a community. This form of organization is called
a Bands. It is usually lead by headman who members of the community considered as
their best hunter or wisest member. A bands which is by itself a politically
autonomous organization and a type of society, typically comprises about 100 persons
and occupies a large territory that serves as their hunting or foraging ground.
Members of bands either lived within one community or scatter themselves across
their territory. Nearly all societies established before the development of farming some
10,000 years ago organized themselves into bands. More recent nomadic and foraging
societies also established themselves into groups that may resemble the
anthropological description of bands.

Tribe. Some kindred groups from multiple localities integrate themselves into a
larger unit of relations. That integrated formation of multi-local kin groups can be
referred as tribal society or a tribe.

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As a tribe, community of kin form an informal structure especially in cases of outside
threats but breaks up and return to a state of self reliance once that threat subsides.
A tribe is rather fragile as a political system but militarily and organizationally efficient
in dealing with threats wether from an external enemy or natural calamities.

In the Philippines, some wrongly consider a linguistic group as a tribal

formation. Members of the same linguistic groups do link together for various reasons
but do not necessarily integrate themselves into larger political units in times of
external threat and then dissolved that integration when a threat has passed.

Chiefdoms. Some societies organize some form of formal structures that

integrate several communities into a political unit under the leadership of a council
with or without a chief. This societies is referred as chiefdoms. A chiefdoms, however,
is usually headed by a chief, a person of higher rank as well as authority compared to
other members of a council. The primary role of the chief is to resolved conflicts,
distribute goods, plan the use of resources and public labor, supervise religious
ceremonies, and command military affairs in accordance with the interest of the

Four types of social action:

1. Traditional action is determined by the actor’s habitual and customary ways

of behaving.
2. Affectual action is determined by the emotional state of the actor.
3. Value rationality is determined by a conscious belief in the value of some
ethical, easthetic, religious or other form of behavior.
4. Means-ends rationality is determined by goal orientation.

These four types of social action form the bases of structure of authority, or the
legitimate forms of domination.

Three types of authority

1. Traditional authority is associated with hereditary authority. [example of it

is Monarchy]
2. Charismatic authority is associated with charismatic leader whose authority
comes from follower’s belief in leader’s special personal qualities [examples
are: cult leader, benebolent dictators]
3. Rational-legal authority is associated with leadership that is goal oriented
for the benefit of society [examples are: duly elected government officials,

A bureaucracy is a large, rational organization, designed to perform task efficiently.

Features of bureaucracy:

1. Specialization: There exists a specialized division of labor.

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2. Hierarchy of position: jobs are structured from greater to lesser amount of
3. Rules and regulations: Formal rules and regulations guide a bureaucracy’s
4. Technical competence: bureaucratic workers are technically trained.
5. Impersonality: Rules and regulations not a personal whim, govern the
treatment of both clients and workers so that they are treated in the same
6. Formal, written communications: There is reliance on records and files.

Multiple choice: encircle the letter of your answer.

1. The social responsibility of the Department of health is

a. To maintain peace and order in the community
b. Ensure the health of the people in the society
c. Find out the best vaccine for covid19
d. All of the above
2. The Philippine National police are tasked to
a. Protect the president of the republic of the Philippines
b. Capture the law- abiding citizen
c. Protect all elected government officials
d. Protect the welfare of all constituents and implement laws promulgated by
3. It is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative
groups to care for one another.
a. Reconstituted family
b. Extended family
c. Kinship
d. Family
4. It is a social bond based on common ancestry.
a. Kinship
b. Ritual kinship
c. Family
d. All of the above
5. It is a kindred groups from multiple localities integrate themselves into a larger
unit of relations.
a. Chiefdom
b. Bands
c. Tribes
d. All of the above

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Below are several questions answer it with True or False.
Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
Write your answer in the space provided before the number.

________ 1. Among the most important institution in the Philippine society are family,
religion and civil society.
________ 2. The department of social welfare and development is tasked solely to
distribute the aid of 4P’s beneficiary.
________ 3. The Philippine National Pulis are tasked to control insurgencies and to
fight against illegal drugs with the help of Philippine Army and Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency.
_________4. Matrilineal descent, people are regarded as members of the mother’s group
by birth and throughout their lifetime.
_________5. Tribes groups from multiple localities integrate themselves into a larger
unit of relation.
_________ 6. One of the functions of chief in chiefdom are supervises religious
_________ 7. Bands is a small group of people connected mainly by kinship ties
organize themselves into a community.
_________ 8. Extended family is composed of parents and children as well as other kin.
_________ 9. The social responsibility of Department of Health is to ensure the health
of its constituents and provide medical care to all people especially in this time of
_________ 10. The relation between god-parent and god-children is called ritual

"Function of Education in the Society." Powerful Education. Last modified
August 14, 2015.
"Government and the State | Boundless Sociology." Lumen Learning – Simple
Book Production. Accessed June 29, 2020.
"11.2 Sociological Perspectives on Education | Social Problems." Lumen role-of-non-state-entitiesinternational-
Garner, James Wilford. Political science and government. American Book
Company, 1935.
Gerry M. Lanuza and Sarah S. Raymundo. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics. Rex Bookstore, 2016

This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) was developed by the Senior High School teachers and passed the Quality
Assurance processes of the Schools Division Office of Biliran with the paramount objective of preparing and addressing the new
normal. The contents of the LAS were based on the Department of Education’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
and SDO-Biliran’s Budget of Lessons (BOL). The borrowed materials (i.e., stories, articles, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc.) included in this LAS are owned by the respective copyright holders. This is a supplementary material to be used by all
Senior High School learners (Grade 11 and 12) of SDO-Biliran. Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall
subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the Government agency or office wherein
the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties. Thus, the teachers who wrote, created, compiled, and collected the
information herein do not represent nor claim ownership over them. We highly encourage comments, feedbacks, suggestions
and recommendations.

Gil M. Viogela, GIANN ASTER G. NAPOLES- BNAHS- SY 2020-2021

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