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Socialising in COVID-19 times

I remember that my mother got sick a few months ago. My whole family stayed
home. It was depressing, we all wanted to go out, have some fun! I couldn't talk to
my friends! Now I still have to stay at home even though I don’t want to. To say the
least this is irritating.

Of the many ways COVID-19 has changed life, social distancing is among the
hardest for many people. Humans are social, hard-wired to crave touch and
communication. It’s natural that as social-distancing guidelines in many places are
going to stay, even well-intentioned people are looking for ways to meet loved ones.

But is there a safe way to see family or friends following social-distancing

guidelines? There’s no magic answer to that question. I would recommend people to
avoid gatherings of any size outside their household, such as in a friend’s house,
parks, restaurants, or any other place.

So the safest option is to ‘visit’ virtually, but humans are not perfect and get bored
easily. People say “Its not the same” or some other excuse.

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