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Saint Joseph School

Panganiban Drive, Naga City

SY 2022-2023

A Position Paper on a Digital Citizenship, Social

Media and Freedom

Submitted to:

Submitted by:
Christian Luis A. De Guzman
Grade 12 Integrity

February 15, 2023

Oversharing is an Abuse not Normal, Oversharing is Temptation, Oversharing is Not Useful.

We saw this case in our own country. There are people who continue to share non sense post on
social media. This is what we called convergence. In the Philippines, half of the population are
exposed In Social Media. Therefore, I disagree on a Digital Citizenship, Social Media and Freedom
on the side of Oversharing..

Filipinos need to adapt to modern realities Technological innovations like smartphones, tablets and
other new devices, look around. Relevant news and current trends on the Internet. And of course,
contact almost everyone in the world, in real time.

According to the Philippine Bureau of Statistics, there are approximately 109.8 million Filipinos.
People in 2015 (Philippines Bureau of Statistics, 2016). there is also a projection World population
estimated to be about 109.7 million by 2020 Review (World Population Review, 2018). Hootsuite,
social media management Platform released a report on digital specifically in the Philippines in

That approximately 67 million people identified as active Internet and social media users, and 61
million are unique mobile users and 62 million are active mobile social users (Hootsuite, 2018).
Here ICT or information and communication technology is involved in everyday life Filipino.
Information and communication technology emphasizing its role.

Technical tools and resources to find, store, submit and edit them information from the internet  
Social media increasingly blurs the lines between our personal and professional lives, exposing us
to the risk of posting sensitive information that can affect us well beyond our “friends list”. In
today's society, social media is widely used as a means of communication, and sharing highlights
from daily life has become the norm. Unfortunately, oversharing in the digital world comes with
many risks.
Excessive sharing is especially dangerous as it tends to reveal sensitive information that
jeopardizes privacy and security.

Excessive sharing may include excessive posting, posting of inappropriate content such as hateful
language, slander of former employers or, in the case of Cisco articles, potential employers and
disparaging photos. Includes posts. According to a 2018 CareerBuilder study, “7 in 10 employers
use social media to find candidates during the hiring process.” Another online reputation survey
conducted by Microsoft found that recruiters 85% of employers and HR professionals have
previously researched US candidates for themselves online. Schedule an interview. 

Oversharing your personal life on social media carries a number of risks. One of them is becoming a
victim of cybercriminals. If you frequently share too much information about your relationship,
your children, or yourself on social media, you may be a victim of oversharing. For example, your
child's name, age, or birthdate are three critical pieces of information that can lead to fraud. You're
probably wondering how that's possible. People frequently create passwords based on personal
information. These passwords are usually weak and simple to guess. Oversharing is dangerous
because it makes it easier for cybercriminals to learn vital information that will allow them to
access your online accounts. Some of the dangers.

Another point here is that, Oversharing is an abuse because the people does not have self-discipline.
In digital citizenship, we must follow laws and legal orders. In digital citizenship, we have elements
to be familiar; Literacy, Commerce, Access Etiquette, Health & Wellness, Laws and Security. We
must secure everything to protect our content in Social Media, to be digital Citizen with a clean
heart and honest freedom.

In conclusion, We maintain the dignity if we protect our digital world and our access, These are
essential for our development. No to Oversharing because you will be at risk. No to oversharing,
your dignity will be stolen and No to Oversharing unless it was urgent.

LLANES II, T.E.O.D.O.R.O.R. Digital Citizenship: Implications on rights of Filipinos and ICT
laws ... Available at:
_Rights_of_Filipinos_and_ICT_Laws_in_the_Philippines (Accessed: February 14, 2023).

Velasquez, M.E. (2023) How oversharing on social media affects your privacy, Keeper Security
Blog - Cybersecurity News & Product Updates. Available at:
%2C%20family%20members%20and%20personal (Accessed: February 14, 2023).

Davis, K. (2020) How to avoid oversharing on social media - information & library jobs:
Careers: Recruiting services, Information & library jobs | careers | recruiting services.
Available at: (Accessed:
February 14, 2023).

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