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During the construction works of the Palace of Culture and Science, 16 people dead.

At the time of
completion, the Palace of Culture and Science was the second highest building in Europe. The
building has 46 floors and 3,288 rooms. On the 43rd floor of the building there is a nest of peregrine
falcons. In the basement live cats which have food from building personel.

Royal Castle in Warsaw - Since the 16th century, it has been the seat of the kings of the First Republic
of Poland. In history, the Royal Castle was plundered and devastated many times by the many army.
Completely destroyed in 1944, later rebuilt.

„Wieliczka” salt mine - In 1976, the mine was entered into the national register of monuments. Two
years later,In 1978 was entered by UNESCO on the first World Heritage List. This is one the seven
wonders in Poland.

Castle in Malbork – It is the world's largest structure made of bricks. There are 30 million bricks in the
entire complex

built in several stages from 1280 to the middle of the 19th century 15th century by the Teutonic
Order. Malbork Castle is one of the best examples of medieval defensive and residential architecture
in Central Europe.

Royal Castle in Cracow – The Wawel Royal Castle has always been the most important seat of Polish
kings. It was built in the 14th century. According to legends, there lived Wawel Dragon

The castle is a large complex of buildings with a museum and a cathedral. It is a house of the State
Art Collection

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