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VANUATU | Nove mbe r 19


A Fish and a Light

T wo very unusual things happened on a
Friday in Vanuatu, a country of many
small islands in the South Pacific.
about Jesus. Father, Mother, and the
children listened as John read the Bible.
As they listened, a bright light began to
Father was walking along the beach shine inside the house. The light was so
when he saw a fish on the white sand. He bright that Father was scared. Mother was
had seen fish before on the white sand, scared. The children were scared.
but this was no ordinary fish. This fish Father walked over to the front door of
was very much alive, and it was unhurt. the house and went inside. He saw to his
Quickly, Father picked up the fish and surprise that an old lantern was somehow
went to show it to John. working. The battery-powered lantern had
John was new to the island. He was not worked for some time. Father picked
visiting from another island. Since he up the lantern to take a closer look. Then
didn’t know anyone, Father had invited the lantern’s light went out.
him to stay at his home. Father took the lantern outside to show
Adventist Mission South Pacific Division

“Look at this,” Father said, showing the others. He opened it up and saw that
John the very much alive fish. there were no batteries inside. He tried to
John was amazed. He had never seen turn on the lantern again, but he couldn’t.
anything like this before. “This must be a miracle,” John said.
The second unusual thing happened Father thought about what John had
a few hours later as the sun went down. said. He thought about the live, unhurt
John invited Father and his family to sit fish. He thought about the bright light
outside the house and listen to stories in the old lantern without batteries. He
kept all these things and pondered them
in his heart. Story Tips
Some time later, John invited Father
to go with him to another island. On  Ask the children to find Vanuatu on
the map.
the island, Father and John attended
a big evangelistic meeting in a sports  Know that Father’s name is John, the
stadium. Father watched as 3,000 people same first name as his houseguest, John.
gave their hearts to Jesus in baptism.  Challenge the children to be like John
He remembered the live, unhurt fish on and share Jesus with someone this week.
the white sandy beach. He remembered  Download photos on Facebook:

the bright light in the lantern without
batteries. Those were miracles! he thought.  Download Mission Posts and Fast Facts
He decided to give his heart to Jesus. from the South Pacific Division:
Today, Father is the leader of a
Seventh-day Adventist church on  This mission story is adapted from
his island. After two unusual things a report by Jean Pierre Niptik that
happened on a Friday in Vanuatu, his life appeared in the South Pacific Division’s
has never been the same again.  Adventist Record.
 This mission story illustrates the
Thank you for your Thirteenth following objectives of the Seventh-
day Adventist Church’s “I Will Go”
Sabbath Offering this quarter that will strategic plan: Mission Objective No.
help other families in Vanuatu and across 1, “To revive the concept of worldwide
the world know more about God through mission and sacrifice for mission as a way
a series of children’s TV programs called of life involving not only pastors but
every church member, young and old,
King’s Kids Discipleship Series. Let’s save in the joy of witnessing for Christ and
our money this quarter to help make the making disciples,” and Spiritual Growth
children’s TV programs that will help Objective No. 5, “To disciple individuals
children understand that God loves them. and families into spirit-filled lives.” For
more information, go to the website:
By Adventist Mission staff

In 1911, Calvin and Myrtle Parker, together with nurses Harold and Clara
Carr, were appointed by the Australian Union Conference to pioneer
a mission base in Vanuatu. They took with them a portable home. The

men went ahead to Port Vila on Efate, arriving on June 10, 1912. Their
wives waited at Norfolk Island until the home was constructed and then

they proceeded to Port Vila, arriving on August 11. Port Vila was only
a staging ground until a permanent site could be found. An extensive
search resulted in the purchase of a property for £150 on the little island
of Atchin off the northeast coast of Malekula. continued on page 21


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