Unit 1 Test MHF4U August 2022

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Application /12 Name: _____________________________________

Unit #1: Application Task

This‌i‌s‌a‌ n‌e‌ valuation,‌‌make‌s‌ ure‌‌you‌‌are‌c‌ ompleting‌‌the‌w‌ ork‌o ‌ n‌y‌ our‌‌own.‌‌To‌‌earn‌‌full‌m ‌ arks,‌‌you‌m‌ ust‌
‌justify‌y‌ our‌‌solution.‌ ‌Include‌‌the‌‌following‌‌as‌‌needed:‌‌Show‌‌diagram,‌d ‌ efine‌v‌ ariables,‌‌state‌f‌ormula,‌
‌theorem,‌‌equation‌‌or‌f‌unction‌u ‌ sed,‌S‌ how‌‌substitutions‌a‌ nd‌o ‌ r‌s‌ teps‌i‌n‌s‌ olving‌a‌ n‌e‌ quation,‌‌State‌‌restrictions,‌
‌state‌‌concluding‌‌statement,‌U ‌ se‌‌correct‌n‌ otation.‌‌No‌‌marks‌a‌ re‌g‌ iven‌‌if‌‌your‌‌solution‌i‌ncludes:‌‌e‌o ‌ r‌l‌n,‌

3 2
1. The volume of a cylindrical can in cm3 is 𝑉(𝑥) = 4π𝑥 + 28 π𝑥 + 65 π𝑥 + 50 π.
The can is (𝑥 + 2) cm high, where 𝑥 >− 2.

Note that, 𝑉𝑐𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 = π𝑟 ℎ, where r is the radius and h is the height of a cylinder.

a. What is the radius of the can? (3 marks)

b. A beverage company is designing a gift cup that goes with the beverage can mentioned in part
3 2
(a) above. The volume of the cup is 𝑤(𝑥) = 6π𝑥 + 39 π𝑥 + 69π𝑥 + 45π.
The cup needs to fit the contents of one beverage can with extra space for ice cubes. What
possible x values will satisfy these stated conditions knowing that 𝑥 >− 2? (5 marks)
2. Given the graph of the polynomial function, y=f(x) pictured below, determine the following:

a. The end behaviour (in limits notation). (1 mark)



b. The exact equation, in the factored form, for this function where (1, 7) is a point on the graph.
Include any necessary calculations. Do not round the value of the leading coefficient. (3 marks)
Communication /10 Name: _____________________________________

Unit #1: Communication Task

This‌i‌s‌a‌ n‌e‌ valuation,‌‌make‌s‌ ure‌‌you‌‌are‌c‌ ompleting‌‌the‌w‌ ork‌o ‌ n‌y‌ our‌‌own.‌‌To‌‌earn‌‌full‌m ‌ arks,‌‌you‌m‌ ust‌
‌justify‌y‌ our‌‌solution.‌ ‌Include‌‌the‌‌following‌‌as‌‌needed:‌‌Show‌‌diagram,‌d ‌ efine‌v‌ ariables,‌‌state‌f‌ormula,‌
‌theorem,‌‌equation‌‌or‌f‌unction‌u ‌ sed,‌S‌ how‌‌substitutions‌a‌ nd‌o ‌ r‌s‌ teps‌i‌n‌s‌ olving‌a‌ n‌e‌ quation,‌‌State‌‌restrictions,‌
‌state‌‌concluding‌‌statement,‌U ‌ se‌‌correct‌n‌ otation.‌‌No‌‌marks‌a‌ re‌g‌ iven‌‌if‌‌your‌‌solution‌i‌ncludes:‌‌e‌o ‌ r‌l‌n,‌

1. a) A polynomial function has degree 5. Is it possible for such a polynomial function to never cross
the x-axis? Justify your answer in words. (2 marks)

2022 4
b) Explain why the polynomial 𝑓(𝑥) = 4𝑥 + 2008𝑥 + 4 has no zeros? (2 marks)

2. Write a possible cubic polynomial inequality, in factored form, that gives the solutions
3 2 7
𝑥 <− 2 and 5 < 𝑥 < 4 . Explain how you came up with the inequality (include a graph if you
used a graphical method), then verify the solutions by including the sign table.(6 marks)
Thinking/Inquiry /10 Name: _____________________________________

Unit #1: Thinking Task

This‌i‌s‌a‌ n‌e‌ valuation,‌‌make‌s‌ ure‌‌you‌‌are‌c‌ ompleting‌‌the‌w‌ ork‌o ‌ n‌y‌ our‌‌own.‌‌To‌‌earn‌‌full‌m ‌ arks,‌‌you‌m‌ ust‌
‌justify‌y‌ our‌‌solution.‌ ‌Include‌‌the‌‌following‌‌as‌‌needed:‌‌Show‌‌diagram,‌d ‌ efine‌v‌ ariables,‌‌state‌f‌ormula,‌
‌theorem,‌‌equation‌‌or‌f‌unction‌u ‌ sed,‌S‌ how‌‌substitutions‌a‌ nd‌o ‌ r‌s‌ teps‌i‌n‌s‌ olving‌a‌ n‌e‌ quation,‌‌State‌‌restrictions,‌
‌state‌‌concluding‌‌statement,‌U ‌ se‌‌correct‌n‌ otation.‌‌No‌‌marks‌a‌ re‌g‌ iven‌‌if‌‌your‌‌solution‌i‌ncludes:‌‌e‌o ‌ r‌l‌n,‌

3 2
1. The polynomial 𝑃(𝑥) = 6𝑥 + 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑛𝑥 – 5 has a factor of 𝑥 + 1.
When 𝑃(𝑥) is divided by 𝑥 − 1, the remainder is –4.
What are the values of 𝑚 and 𝑛? (3 marks)
2. You are designing a marble planter for a city park. You want the length of the planter to be six
times the height and the width to be three times the height. The sides should be one foot thick.
Because the planter will be on the sidewalk, it does not need a bottom.
a. Draw a picture of the planter with its dimensions. (2 marks)

b. Write a function V(h) that expresses the volume of the dirt that can be held in the planter
in terms of its height h. (1 marks)

c. What should the outer dimensions of the planter be if it is to hold 4 cubic feet of dirt? (4

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