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Original Article

When is brand orientation a useful

strategic posture?
Received (in revised form): 29th March 2016

Nathaniel Boso
is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. His
research interests lie in international entrepreneurship and marketing, and supply chain management from a developing
economy perspective. His research has been published in leading journals including Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of
International Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Group and Organization
Management among many others. He received his PhD in International Entrepreneurship and Marketing from Loughborough
University in the United Kingdom in 2011.

Paige S. Carter
is a Marketing Officer at Globe Finance Inc. in Barbados. She has previously held the position of Account Executive at
Blueprint Creative; a design strategy company in Barbados. She has a keen interest in consumer behavior, branding and
marketing strategy in developing countries. She earned a Masters of Arts Distinction from the University of Leeds in the
United Kingdom.

Jonathan Annan
is a Senior Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at KNUST School of Business. His research interests include
logistics and supply chain management, industrial management and global logistics management from a development economy
perspective. His research has appeared in International Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Business and
Social Research, International Journal of Business and Management among many others. He received his PhD in Logistics and
Supply Chain Management from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana in 2014.

ABSTRACT This study examines the extent to which the effect of brand orientation on
sales performance is contingent upon levels of transformational leadership and inter-
functional collaboration. Using primary data from 108 subsidiaries of multinational
enterprises (MNEs) operating in the Commonwealth Caribbean region, the study finds
that brand orientation is not directly related to sales performance. However, findings
show that brand orientation is positively related to sales performance when levels of
both transformational leadership and inter-functional collaboration are high. Theore-
tical implications of these findings are discussed while drawing lessons for MNE
subsidiary brand management practice.
Journal of Brand Management (2016) 23, 363–382. doi:10.1057/bm.2016.15;
published online 24 June 2016

Keywords: brand orientation; transformational leadership; inter-functional

collaboration; MNE subsidiary; commonwealth Caribbean region

Nathaniel Boso, Leeds University
INTRODUCTION notion of brand orientation and its performance
Business School, University of Recent decades have witnessed increased consequences (for example, Spyropoulou et al,
Leeds, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2
9JT, UK academic and practitioner interests in the 2011; Baumgarth et al, 2013; Urde et al, 2013;

© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382
Boso et al

Schmidt and Baumgarth, 2014). It is argued contingency factors (for example, branding
that increasing global market competition know-how), no study has sought to further
has made brand orientation a useful strategic analyze internal firm-specific boundary
posture for ensuring firm growth and prof- conditions of the relationship.
itability (Rugman and Verbeke, 2001; This study draws insights from resource-
Gromark and Melin, 2011). Accordingly, based view (Barney, 1991), organizational
the development of powerful brands and a leadership and structure research to shed
continuous monitoring of brand equity has new light on the boundary conditions
become an important top management of the brand orientation–performance
issue (Rao et al, 2004; Hirvonen et al, 2013). relationship. Our research shows that the
To this end, firms are continuously urged to performance outcomes of brand orienta-
adopt strong brand orientation as a strategic tion may be contingent upon a firm’s top
posture (Simoes and Dibb, 2001; Schmitt, management leadership style and intra-
2012). The assumption behind this line of firm structural contingencies (Keller and
research is that brand-oriented firms benefit Lehmann, 2006). Although in taking such
from greater efficiency as they standardize a position we run counter to the traditional
market offerings across multiple markets structure-conduct-performance paradigm
(Keller and Lehmann, 2006). In the parti- of industrial organization economics, we
cular case of multinational enterprises think that, by focusing more on firms’
(MNEs), a branding advantage stems from a internal leadership and structural processes,
greater capacity to generate increased cash we can extend the extant brand orientation
flows from loyal customers worldwide literature in two important ways.
(Rao et al, 2004). Thus, the literature sug- First, we contend that brand orientation,
gests that superior brand orientation is a like any strategic posture, is a firm-specific
major driver of financial health (for exam- resource that offers a potential value (Day,
ple, Fastoso and Whitelock, 2007). 1994), but only to the extent that its
While researchers have examined the performance outcomes may be dependent
brand orientation–financial performance upon a number of complementary firm
relationship at length (for example, Urde, resources and capabilities (Baumgarth,
1999; Baumgarth, 2010; Hankinson, 2012; 2010). Drawing lessons from the organiza-
Urde et al, 2013), knowledge is lacking on tional leadership literature, we maintain that
the boundary conditions of the relationship. a firm’s top management team plays a vital
As Table 1 shows, previous studies have role in shaping a firm’s overall strategic
reported mixed findings: positive (for posture, including its brand orientation
example, Baumgarth, 2009; Ahmad and (Hankinson, 2012). The strategic postures
Iqbal, 2013), negative (for example, Noble adopted by the top echelon of a firm can be
et al, 2002) and non-significant effects seen as a firm-specific complementary
(for example, Craig et al, 2008), suggesting resource that may facilitate the effectiveness
that we currently lack knowledge on the of a firm’s brand orientation. Effective lea-
conditions under which brand orientation dership is the ability to manage change,
impacts performance. This study argues establish direction, motivate subordinates
that the equivocal findings on the brand and reconfigure firm resources to achieve
orientation–performance relationship can overall firm goals, and, while we can think
be addressed if firm-specific contingencies about several leadership styles (for example,
are modeled. Although Hirvonen et al autocratic, charismatic), we reason that
(2013) are unable to find empirical support a transformational leadership style is
for moderating roles of firm-specific particularly suited to achieve successful

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When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

firm-wide brand orientation. Thus, we see aim of achieving lasting competitive advan-
transformational leadership as a com- tages in the form of brands’ (Urde, 1999,
plementary resource that may provide the p. 113). As a guiding principle that shapes a
capability for firms to build an abstract firm’s strategic direction and activities,
branding culture that subsequently facil- brand orientation, therefore, provides a
itates effectiveness of brand orientation. platform to lend significance to brands over
Second, the literature on inter-group and above the importance of satisfying cus-
cooperation (for example, Baer et al, 2013) tomer needs and wants to improve firm
and inter-functional interaction (for exam- performance (Ahmad and Iqbal, 2013).
ple, Menon et al, 1997) supports the idea For MNEs and their overseas sub-
that the impact of brand orientation on sidiaries, arguments have been made that
performance may depend on levels of inter- adopting a strong brand orientation is a
functional collaboration. Although different useful strategic posture to succeed in host
functional units within a firm are expected markets (Rao et al, 2004). Within the
to work together to achieve shared visions strategic management literature, it is
and goals, dysfunctional conflict and com- widely accepted that the treatment of an
petition between functional units has been MNE subsidiary as a relevant unit of
found to be prevalent (Baer et al, 2013), and analysis is valid as subsidiaries are distinct
this dysfunctionality is noted to undermine from their parent companies in terms of
effectiveness of firm strategy (Pfeffer and their ability to take initiatives to improve
Sutton, 2000). Accordingly, this study their performance (Birkinshaw, 1997;
extends the brand orientation literature by Birkinshaw and Hood, 1998). Within this
examining how inter-functional collabora- context, the way an MNE subsidiary’s
tion conditions the effectiveness of brand brand orientation affects its sales perfor-
orientation efforts. mance is of particular interest to MNE
In summary, this study proposes a con- subsidiary managers. The assumption
ceptual model to examine the notion that behind this line of research has been that
the effect of brand orientation on sales per- the financial benefits of brand orientation
formance is dependent upon levels of are predicated on the development of
transformational leadership and inter-func- successful brands through a re-orientation
tional collaboration. The model is then of the entire organization around the
empirically tested within the context of brand’s core values and identity
MNE subsidiary firms operating in the (Hankinson, 2012; Urde et al, 2013). Thus,
Commonwealth Caribbean region. brand orientation emphasizes the strategic
significance of branding activities and is
therefore seen as a resource that may shape a
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND firm’s strategic direction (Urde et al, 2013).
Brand orientation has been defined as ‘an As an inside-out strategic posture, brand
inside-out, identity-driven approach that orientation enables a firm to develop and
sees brands as a hub for an organization and sustain a shared value with core stakeholders
its strategy’ (Urde et al, 2013, p. 1). This (that is, customers and employees) to gen-
definition is based on an assertion that erate superior performance (Napoli, 2006;
‘brand orientation is an approach in which Reijonen et al, 2012). Given that brand
the processes of the organization revolve orientation encapsulates a firm’s long-term
around the creation, development, and strategic goal, it helps define and cement
protection of brand identity in an ongoing relationships within the firm (Urde, 1994;
interaction with target customers with the Napoli, 2006; Urde et al, 2013).

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In reaction to this potential financial Transformational

benefit of brand orientation, studies have
focused on discovering and explaining how
MNC Subsidiary Sales
firms can develop their brand orientation Brand Orientation

levels (for example, Urde, 1994;

Hankinson, 2001; Simoes and Dibb, 2001; Inter-functional
Ewing and Napoli, 2005; Wong and
Merrilees, 2005; Napoli, 2006; Baumgarth, Figure 1: Conceptual model.

2010; Mulyanegara, 2011; Schmidt and

Baumgarth, 2014). Empirical studies exam- subsidiaries, and in view of the fast-growing
ining how brand orientation impacts per- and wealthy middle-class consumer seg-
formance have primarily been descriptive ments, scholars now accept the notion that
(for example, Baumgarth, 2009; Keller et al, emerging markets have become an attrac-
2010) and directed at understanding linear tive target for global brands to improve their
associations (for example, Gromark and sales performance (Schmitt, 2012). Evi-
Melin, 2011). Yet, evidence suggests dence suggests that foreign subsidiaries of
inconsistent empirical findings: there are MNEs represent important proprietary
studies that have reported positive effect, assets as they leverage their technolo-
negative effect and no relationship between gical, manufacturing and marketing-related
brand orientation and performance, sug- know-how across multiple geographical
gesting that brand managers do not cur- locations (Rugman and Verbeke, 2001).
rently have solid evidence with respect to Given that foreign subsidiaries provide cap-
whether it is useful to be brand oriented (see abilities required to efficiently coordinate
Table 1). and control an MNE’s asset base (Rugman,
Despite these inconsistencies in empirical 1981), it becomes important to understand
findings, the extant literature portrays the how a subsidiary’s brand orientation influ-
benefits of brand orientation to be uniform ences its performance and the boundary
along a spectrum of brand orientation levels, conditions of such a relationship. To date,
such that brand orientation is being depic- only a few studies have looked at the per-
ted in the literature as beneficial for business formance impact of brand orientation
success at all times and under all conditions. within the context of MNE subsidiaries in
An exception is Hirvonen et al’s (2013) emerging markets (for example, Wang et al,
study of Finnish small- and medium-sized 2012). In this study, we fill this knowledge
enterprises that found that, while external gap by proposing a conceptual model
environment variables moderate the rela- (Figure 1) and by empirically investigating
tionship, there is no evidence that the rela- the extent to which brand orientation
tionship is moderated by internal firm- impacts sales performance under differing
specific variables (for example, branding levels of transformational leadership and
know-how). Thus, while some studies have inter-functional collaboration.
attempted to explain the association of
brand orientation and performance, the
importance of boundary conditions of the HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT
brand orientation – firm performance rela-
tionship remains under-recognized and Brand orientation and sales
under-studied. performance
In addition, given the importance of A firm’s overall performance can be mea-
branding for the success of MNE sured by the achievement of market

366 © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382
When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

performance goals and financial perfor- equity is strengthened as subsidiaries’ pro-

mance goals (Merrilees et al, 2011; Morgan ducts/services succeed. Successful products/
et al, 2012). Market performance goals are services help to reinforce and broaden
based on the outcomes of branding and brand meaning, revitalize brands, act as an
marketing-related activities: for example, effective safeguard against private labels
customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and and improve brand value. It follows that
market share improvement. Financial per- brand-oriented MNE subsidiaries are better
formance goals are based on the efficiency able to improve their performance than
results of the actions of all functional units: their less brand-oriented counterparts
sales, finance, human resources and the like. (Ewing and Napoli, 2005; Van Wijk et al,
With turnover and profit being classic 2008).
measures, Baumgarth (2010) argues that Brand orientation can be a particularly
brand orientation is most likely to have a useful strategy for boosting performance in
positive association with market perfor- uncertain (unpredictable and dynamic)
mance. Similarly, Gromark and Melin environments (Miller, 1988; Hirvonen et al,
(2011) suggest that favorable brand orienta- 2013). For example, in dynamic market
tion can lead to superior performance, con- environments in which demand constantly
ceptualized as the attainment of superior changes, and where opportunities are more
brand equity. plentiful, firms are more likely to earn
Napoli (2006) concluded that, because of higher sales when they have an orientation
the apparent positive association between for building and sustaining strong brands
brand orientation and market related per- that draw the attention of brand-conscious
formance, firms that direct their managerial consumers (Wang et al, 2012), most notably
practices toward the development, acquisi- boosting sales among wealthy and middle-
tion and leveraging of branded products and income consumers. Strong brands are more
services are likely to experience superior resistant to competitor actions and piracy,
performance outcomes. Napoli’s argument and therefore contribute more to a firm’s
is based on the notion that brand orienta- bottom line (Napoli, 2006). Committing to
tion is a resource that provides firms with a strong brand orientation becomes a stra-
the capability to differentiate their market tegic platform for enhancing a firm’s cap-
offerings from those of their competitors. ability to compete overseas (Wong and
Drawing on the resource-based view of the Merrilees, 2005). Thus, companies with a
firm (Barney, 1991), we extend Napoli’s strong brand orientation are expected
logic and the other recent literature on to be more successful relative to less brand-
branding (for example, Merrilees et al, 2011) oriented firms. Accordingly, we offer
by conceptualizing brand orientation as an Hypothesis 1:
organizational resource that provides a firm
Hypothesis 1: High levels of brand orien-
the capability to give meaning to its pro-
tation are positively related to high
ducts and services. For MNE subsidiaries in
levels of sales performance.
particular, a strong brand orientation may
help give coordinated guidance and support
to the processes of launching new products
and services abroad. Strong brands allow Brand orientation, transformational
ownership of products and services that leadership and sales performance
benefit subsidiary firms by adding credibility The extent to which brand orientation
and legitimacy, enhancing visibility and enhances the sales performance of an MNE
supporting communication efforts. Brand subsidiary may depend on the degree to

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which the subsidiary’s top management team (Conger et al, 2000). The kind of commit-
demonstrates transformational leadership. ment, dedication and advocacy required to
Whereas a strong brand orientation may help ensure that an MNE subsidiary’s branding
a firm give meaning to existing and new activities are successful is facilitated when
products and services in target markets, a top transformational leader style is increasingly
management team that demonstrates strong demonstrated by the top management team.
transformational leadership may help further Conger et al (2000) found that, when
enhance performance outcomes. We base high group task efficacy is required to
this proposition on the organizational citi- ensure positive performance results, the
zenship literature that has credited transfor- presence of a transformational leadership
mational leaders with an ability to persuade can be particularly helpful in motivating
organizational members (or employees) to organizational members to act in a desired
sacrifice their personal interests for the sake of manner. Task efficacy allows leaders to set
a collective organizational goal (Flynn and higher performance targets for personnel
Staw, 2004). Beugre et al (2006) suggest that and increase acceptance rates. Given that
transformational leadership effectiveness is transformational leaders are more capable of
predicated on a leader’s ability to unite fol- motivating organizational members to per-
lowers, change followers’ goals and beliefs, severe in their tasks despite difficult organi-
motivate followers to share the leader’s zational and environmental obstacles
compelling vision and perform beyond (Conger et al, 2000), firms with such leaders
expectations (Ogbonna and Harris, 2000; should be expected to outperform compe-
Jung and Sosik, 2006; Limsila and Ogunlana, titors; their capacity to hold the firm toge-
2008; Vallejo, 2009). ther in challenging environments shows
Transformational leadership behaviors that firms with well-known transforma-
may increase the possibility of brand orien- tional leaders at the top management
tation driving sales because such a leader- team tend to ensure higher stockholder
ship style motivates organizational members confidence (for example, Flynn and Staw,
to take on a brand-oriented approach to 2004). For example, Flynn and Staw (2004)
decision-making activities (Napoli, 2006). found that investors are more willing to pay
Transformational leadership styles serve to higher stock prices to firms that have a
rally organizational members around a shared reputable transformational leader in charge.
brand vision to gain commitment and sup- In this regard, the hypothesis can be pro-
port for branding activities. Employees are posed that a firm’s brand orientation activ-
more likely to idealize their transformational ities are more likely to be successful if they
leaders as such leaders represent what are championed by a transformational leader
employees may aspire to become. This lea- in the top management team.
der–follower bond may generate a strong
Hypothesis 2: The effect of brand orien-
fondness and commitment that goes beyond
tation on sales performance is greater as
transactional compliance (Javidan and
levels of transformational leadership
Waldman, 2003), thus organizational mem-
style behaviors increase.
bers may be more willing to change their
attitudes, values and behaviors to be con-
sistent with the leader’s expectations.
Employees likely will be more receptive to Brand orientation, inter-functional
the idea of brand orientation if they are collaboration and sales performance
convinced that their transformational leader Firms can apply task efficacy requirements
is supportive of their branding activities to help employees feel proud of belonging

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When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

to a high performing group, leading to facilitate the responsiveness that is necessary

increased staff satisfaction and motivation for a brand orientation to be effective (Stank
(Conger et al, 2000), making them effective et al, 1999; Van Wijk et al, 2008).
brand ambassadors who can help ensure Increased levels of problem solving cap-
brand success. Successful brand manage- abilities resulting from inter-functional col-
ment requires an alignment of brand vision laboration is especially useful in brand-
with stakeholders’ supportive behaviors. As oriented firms as all employees are con-
internal stakeholders, employees’ identifi- cerned about achieving the firm’s brand
cation with the brand for the sake of the success. Brand orientation requires cultiva-
firm as not merely their subunits can tion of the brand, not as a duty of a few staff
increase employees’ proclivity to contribute but the entire organization. It requires an
to brand vision (Walumbwa et al, 2004). integrated effort across the entire firm with a
Where there is a high level of collaboration deep understanding of what the brand is and
across functional units within MNC sub- its meaning to all staff (Wong and Merrilees,
sidiaries, there are likely to be a fruitful, 2005). Greater inter-functional collabora-
even emotional, feelings toward the values tion allows groups to converse, learn and
that a firm’s brand represent. Employees’ work productively across functional barriers
sense of engagement, enthusiasm and (Stank et al, 1999), which can help improve
acceptance will increase when there is a the group performance critical to the
firm-wide gravitation toward cohesive success of a firm’s brand orientation efforts.
decision-making. Greater group conscious- Because individual members forfeit self-
ness is likely to be high when everyone interest to gain other members’ cooperation
believes that inter-functional collaboration for the achievement of a collective goal,
is a firm-wide accepted practice, which and in view of the fact that members work
helps facilitate the benefits that firms derive with shared and collective goal inter-
from their brand orientation (Vallejo, dependence, this inter-group solidarity
2009). maximizes achievement of shared brand
Inter-functional collaboration may affect success goals. Goal-oriented mutual inter-
performance given the integration of dependence encourages a friendly working
resources and capabilities that it brings to environment that in turn nurtures and con-
bear (Ellinger et al, 2000). Sharing ideas, solidates attachment to the brand, thus
resources and activities, creating a mutual ensuring greater brand success (Cheng et al,
understanding of interdepartmental respon- 2005). Accordingly, we hypothesize that:
sibilities, informally working together and
Hypothesis 3: The effect of brand orien-
jointly accomplishing corporate goals are
tation on sales performance is greater as
inter-functional behaviors that can posi-
levels of inter-functional collaboration
tively affect performance. Interdepartmental
integration permits knowledge transfers
across functional units enabling functional
heads to leverage their strengths, which
support smooth running of the firm and RESEARCH METHOD
efficient implementation of a brand-orien-
ted philosophy (Massey and Dawes, 2007; Research setting and data collection
Van Wijk et al, 2008). In order for brand The conceptual model developed in this
orientation to be engrained in the heart of study is a universal theory that can be
all organizational members inter-functional applied in any market economy. However,
collaboration is critical; such interactions to empirically test our model we focused on

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MNE subsidiaries in the Commonwealth The firms selected for this study met three
Caribbean region for several reasons. First, requirements: (i) they had been operating in
this region has been a market for Western the region for a minimum of 5 years,
multinationals for several decades, such that (ii) they employed a minimum of 100 full-
the region has virtually all Western MNE time staff, and (iii) they had sales in excess
subsidiaries operating there. Second, while of US$1 million. Given these parameters, a
the Commonwealth Caribbean economy is sampling frame of 550 MNC subsidiaries
a small open market economy, the region was developed.
has one of the highest per-capita incomes in The literature indicates that senior man-
the world (Central Bank of Barbados, 2010; agers are the most knowledgeable indivi-
Central Intelligence Agency, 2012). Barba- duals within companies and have the
dos and Bahamas, for example, are widely capability to provide accurate information
known as being the Caribbean region’s on companies’ strategic decision-making
wealthiest economies with offshore finance (MacKenzie and Podsakoff, 2012). Accord-
and tourism being key sources of economic ingly, senior managers (for example, the
growth. In particular, Barbados has con- country director/coordinator, managing
sistently been ranked 37th of the freest director, marketing director, vice president,
economies in the world and 4th in the chief executive officer, or president) of the
South and Central American/Caribbean 550 subsidiaries were asked to respond to a
region. These strong foundations of eco- questionnaire containing the variables of
nomic freedom, a high degree of transpar- interest to this study. We used electronic
ency and an efficient judiciary have surveys (that is, online and email) to
positioned the region for attracting MNEs administer a structured questionnaire to the
(The Heritage Foundation, 2012). Thus, in managers. After three rounds of reminders,
view of the potential competition among 108 valid responses were received, repre-
MNE subsidiaries in the region, it would be senting a response rate of 20 per cent.
insightful to learn how the MNE sub- Sample distribution by country was as
sidiaries’ brand orientations influence their follows: Antigua and Barbuda = 5, Baha-
sales performance. mas = 9, Barbados = 45, Dominica = 2,
Adhering to acceptable practice (for Grenada = 3, Jamaica = 14, Saint Kitts and
example, Bird and Beechler, 1995; Qu, Nevis = 12, Saint Lucia = 2, Saint Vincent
2007), we tested our conceptual model on and the Grenadines = 6 and Trinidad and
a sample of MNE subsidiary firms operating Tobago = 10. Barbados tends to have a
across the Commonwealth Caribbean greater proportion of MNE subsidiaries,
region (that is, Antigua and Barbuda, which is indicative of that country’s eco-
Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, nomic dominance in the region. MNE
Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, subsidiaries in the sample were medium- to
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and large-sized firms employing an average of
Trinidad and Tobago). The sampling 773 full-time staff with the largest firm
frame was developed from the respective employing 2500 employees. The sub-
countries’ Chambers of Commerce and sidiaries had been in operation for a total of
Industry. These Chambers are the top private approximately 111 years with the youngest
sector organizations in the Commonwealth subsidiary being 14 years old. The average
Caribbean region and are responsible for sales turnover was approximately $3.4 mil-
supporting and encouraging the interests of lion, the largest posting annual sales of $36
the business community in the region million. The firms spent an average of $1.9
(Commonwealth of Nations, 2012). million on research and development

370 © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382
When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

activities (with a minimum of $5000 and enhance the managers’ understanding of the
maximum of $15 million). While 89 per questions. Modification was done by
cent of the firms operated in the services rewording and restructuring the questions
industry (predominantly financial, tourism, and statements on the questionnaire. The
energy and healthcare sectors), 9 per cent full list of multi-item scales used to measure
operated in the manufacturing sector (for the constructs is provided in Table 1.
example, computer equipment), and 2 per The brand orientation scale was devel-
cent concentrated their operations in the oped from multiple existing instruments
mineral extraction sector. (for example, Napoli, 2006; Baumgarth,
In a follow-up study twelve months after 2010; Gromark and Melin, 2011). The
the original study, and following the same instruments captured managers’ perceptions
sampling procedure, the finance managers of the brand orientation activities under-
or chief accountants in the 108 subsidiary taken by their subsidiary firms. Each item
firms that participated in the first study were was tested on a 5-point Likert scale ranging
asked for information about their financial from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly
performance data. The follow-up study disagree).
yielded a reasonably high response rate of 60 Measures of transformational leadership
per cent (that is, 65 valid responses). We were developed based on the scale devel-
assessed non-response bias to determine oped by Vallejo (2009) and Javidan and
whether there was any difference between Waldman (2003). This scale captured man-
early and late responses to our surveys agers’ perceptions of the transformational
(Armstrong and Overton, 1977). To iden- leadership exhibited in the subsidiaries’ top
tify late and early responses, date and time management teams. The seven items were
stickers were placed on each questionnaire measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging
upon receipt from respondents. Subse- from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high).
quently, a t-test of difference was performed Measures of inter-functional collabora-
on the early and late responses regarding tion were developed from Menon et al’s
mangers’ perceptions of brand orientation. (1997) interdepartmental connectedness
Findings revealed that there were no sig- scale to capture managers’ perceptions of
nificant differences between early and late the level of collaboration that existed across
responding firms at the 0.05 level of sig- functional units within the subsidiary firms.
nificance with t-values ranging between The items were measured on a 5-point
0.629 and 0.892. This shows that non- Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly agree)
response bias is unlikely to influence the to 5 (strongly disagree).
results of the study. The performance measure used focused
on the sales performance of the MNE sub-
sidiaries: sales growth, market share and sales
Measure development volume, all measured on a 5-point scale
Measures of our key constructs were devel- (1 = below average; 5 = above average),
oped based on the existing literature and relative to the industry (Menguc and Auh,
interviews with five subsidiary managers. 2008). Non-finance senior managers (for
First, we scanned the existing literature to example, country directors) provided this
locate appropriate scales to measure the information in the first survey study. In our
study’s constructs. Following interviews second survey study, we validated this sales
with the subsidiary managers and upon the performance data from the non-finance
managers’ recommendations, the items senior managers by asking the finance
constituting the scales were modified to managers of the 108 firms to provide

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Table 1: Empirical contributions on brand orientation and performance

Empirical studies Focal brand orientation Empirical setting Performance variables studied Key findings

Ahmad and Iqbal (2013) Brand orientation Beverage industry in Pakistan Brand performance Brand orientation positively related to brand performance
Baumgarth (2010) Brand orientation Business-to-business sector in Market and economic Brand orientation positively related to market and economic
Germany performance performance
Baumgarth (2009) Behavior of brand Museums in Germany Market and cultural Behavior of brand orientation positively related to both market
orientation performance and cultural performance
Craig et al (2008) Brand identity SMEs in Western United Financial performance Brand identity is not related to financial performance
Hankinson (2012) Brand orientation Destination marketing Brand performance Brand orientation positively related to brand performance
Gromark and Melin (2011) Brand orientation Large companies in Sweden Profitability Brand orientation is positively related to profitability
Hirvonen et al (2013) Brand orientation Finnish SMEs Brand performance Brand orientation positively related to brand performance
Mulyanegara (2011) Perceived brand Church attendees of a church Organizational performance Perceived brand orientation not directly related to
orientation denomination in Australia (level of church organizational performance
Napoli (2006) Not for profit brand Not for profit organizations in Not for profit organizational Not for profit brand orientation positively related to
orientation Australia performance organizational performance
Noble et al (2002) Brand focus Retail sector in the United Return on assets and return National brand focus is positively related to performance but
States on sales private label brand focus is negatively related to performance
Rao et al (2004) Branding strategy Fortune 2000 firms in the Normalized Tobin’s q Corporate branding strategy positively related to performance
United States but house branding and mixed branding negatively related to
When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

information on the firms’ sales performance. αs > 0.70 and construct reliability above
This follow-up data from the finance man- 0.60, indicating acceptable levels of relia-
agers was correlated with the data from the bility and convergent validity (Grewal et al,
non-finance managers, and a strong corre- 2004; Ping, 2004).
lation was obtained (r = 0.85; P < 0.001), Discriminant Validity was assessed to
indicating that the sales performance data ensure that each construct was unique and
from the two sources was similar. Conse- portrayed a distinct phenomenon (Fornell
quently, in further analyses we relied on the and Larcker, 1981). Discriminant validity
original sales performance data provided by was demonstrated as none of the 95 per cent
the non-finance senior managers of the 108 confidence intervals of the elements of the
firms. latent factor correlation matrix had a value
In addition to the key study constructs, of 1.00. Inter-construct correlation was
we included several control variables to computed and revealed correlation among
minimize potential confounds. In particular, constructs was not significantly above 0.70
in drawing lessons from previous studies (for (Grewal et al, 2004; Ping, 2004). The largest
example, Rugman and Verbeke, 2001) we inter-construct correlation was the correla-
also controlled for MNE subsidiaries’ sizes, tion between brand orientation and leader-
annual R&D expenses, experience and ship (r = 0.52), which is within the
industry type as well as the managers’ per- recommended threshold. Furthermore, in
ceptions of environmental turbulence in the comparing the average variance extracted
Commonwealth Caribbean region. Firm (AVE) of each construct with the highest
size was measured by the natural logarithm shared variance (squared correlation)
of the total number of full-time staff, between pair of constructs, it can be seen
whereas industry type was dummy coded in that the AVE values are all greater than the
(services = 0; and manufacturing = 1). shared variances (see Table 3), demonstrat-
ing discriminant validity of our constructs.

Reliability and validity assessment of

To assess the validity and reliability of the SPECIFICATION AND FINDINGS
study’s measures, all scales were examined To test our hypotheses, averages were taken
using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and across the multi-items constructs to generate
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The composite scores for brand orientation
initial factor analysis identified which items (BO), transformational leadership (LEA),
loaded on a variable to explain 79 per cent inter-functional collaboration (COL), sales
variance, and this was followed by addi- performance and environment turbulence.
tional purification of the scale items in CFA. The composite scores were subsequently
From the CFA, five factor solutions used to test the structural relationships in a
emerged reflecting the five multi-items moderated hierarchical regression analysis
scales analyzed. Table 2 provides detailed using the ordinary least square estimation
information about the study’s key constructs method. Although there are several statis-
and their respective item loadings and relia- tical approaches for calculating interaction
bility scores. Convergent validity of scales terms (for example, Ping, 1995; Marsh et al,
was established as all items loaded sig- 2007), Marsh et al recommend that the
nificantly on their theorized constructs focus should be on ensuring greater ‘parsi-
without any indication of cross loading and mony … and robustness in relation to vio-
correlated errors. All scales have coefficient lation of assumptions (e.g., normality)’

© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382 373
Boso et al

Table 2: Descriptive statistics, details of measures, standardized factor loadings and reliability tests

Item description Standardized factor


Brand orientation (α = 0.95; CR = 0.94)

Branding is important to our strategy 0.92
Branding flows through all our marketing activities 0.94
The brand is an important asset for us 0.90
We are very brand oriented as we feel inspired by our brands 0.88

Environment turbulence (α = 0.82; CR = 0.83)

In our business environment: competitors are constantly trying out new competitive strategies 0.77
In our business environment: customer needs and demands are changing rapidly 0.85
In our business environment: firms are rapidly innovating 0.89

Transformational leadership (α = 0.94; CR = 0.93)

I believe that it is my job to transmit a clear and positive vision of the future of the company 0.83
I believe that it is my job to promote trust, involvement and corporation among staff members 0.93
I believe that it is my job to encourage staff to think of new methods of resolving problems 0.93
I believe that it is my job to lead by example 0.87

Inter-functional collaboration (α = 0.91; CR = 0.90)

In this company, it is easy to talk with virtually anyone you need to regardless of rank or position 0.85
In this company employees from different departments feel comfortable calling each other when 0.93
the need arise
People around here are quite accessible to those in other departments 0.88

Sales performance (α = 0.91; CR = 0.92)

Sales growth 0.86
Market share 0.80
Sales volume 0.92

CR = Composite reliability; α = Cronbach’s alpha.

(p. 578). Accordingly, we followed the regressed the control variables on sales per-
traditional product-term approach (Ping, formance: MNE subsidiary size, total annual
1995) to compute two interaction (or R&D expenses, environmental turbulence,
moderator) terms. To capture the interac- firm experience and industry type. In
tion terms, we multiplied brand orientation Model 2, we estimated the control variables
by transformational leadership (BO×LEA) together with the direct effects of brand
and brand orientation by inter-functional orientation, transformational leadership and
collaboration (BO×COL). The three vari- inter-functional collaboration. We then
ables used to calculate the interaction terms estimated Model 3 by adding the two
were mean-centered to reduce multi- interaction effect variables (that is
collinearity problems (Cohen and Cohen, BO×LEA, and BO×COL) to Model 2. We
1983; Aiken and West, 1991). This mean- then estimated Model 4 in which we tested
centering approach helped ensure that our for a potential three-way interaction
variance inflation factors were substantially between brand orientation, transforma-
below the recommended cutoff range tional leadership and inter-functional colla-
of 5.00. boration (that is BO×LEA×COL).
Subsequently, three nested regression Findings show that brand orientation,
models were estimated. In Model 1, we leadership and collaboration explained 55

374 © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382
When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

Table 3: Descriptive statistics, inter-construct correlation and discriminant validity tests

Mean Standard deviation 1 2 3 4 5

Sales performance 3.69 1.49 0.71

Brand orientation 2.10 1.24 0.27** 0.72
Transformational leadership 1.96 1.38 0.28** 0.21** 0.77
Inter-functional cohesion 3.28 1.09 0.43** 0.51** 0.28** 0.66
Environment turbulence 3.89 1.38 0.46** 0.52** 0.33** 0.17 0.72

Note: AVE are reported on the diagonal.

** are significant at 1% levels (2-tailed test).

per cent of the variation in sales perfor- MNE subsidiary sales performance is more
mance. However, when the interaction positive when levels of transformational
terms were added to the model, we exp- leadership are greater. Results suggest that
lained an additional 2 per cent variation in transformational leadership does not sig-
sales performance (ΔR2 = 0.024, P < 0.05). nificantly moderate the relationship
Thus, we show that the interaction between between brand orientation and MNE sub-
brand orientation and transformational lea- sidiary sales performance, although the
dership, and brand orientation and inter- direction of the effect has become negative
functional collaboration have significantly ( β = −0.024; t = −0.325; P > 0.05), thus
impacted on MNE subsidiaries’ sales per- rejecting Hypothesis 2. Evidence as pro-
formance. Summary of results is reported in vided by the data indicates that the regres-
Table 4. Results of the study’s analysis sion coefficient for the interaction between
indicate that both transformational lea- brand orientation and inter-functional
dership ( β = 0.363; t = 3.366; P < 0.01) and collaboration is positive and significant at
inter-functional collaboration ( β = 0.243; the 5 per cent level ( β = 0.183; t = 2.740;
t = 3.923; P < 0.01) are directly related to P < 0.01). This means that at high levels of
sales performance. A bivariate correlation inter-functional collaboration, the non-sig-
analysis also indicated a positive relationship nificant positive association between brand
between inter-functional collaboration and orientation and sales performance becomes
brand orientation (r = 0.510; P < 0.01) significant and more positive. However, at
and between transformational leadership low levels of inter-functional collaboration
and brand orientation (r = 0.211; P < 0.01). the relationship is less significant and less
However, these correlations are not too positive (see Figure 2), providing support
high to raise any discriminant validity for Hypothesis 3.
concern. To further probe the non-significant
Regarding the specific hypotheses tested, interaction term involving transformational
the study argues in Hypothesis 1 that the leadership, we estimated a three-way
relationship between brand orientation and interaction between brand orientation,
sales performance is positive. We failed to transformational leadership and inter-
find support for Hypothesis 1 because the functional collaboration in Model 4. The
direct effect of brand orientation on sales Model 4 explained an additional 1 per cent
performance is non-significant ( β = 0.032; variation in sales performance, suggesting
t = 0.252; P > 0.05). Thus, brand orienta- that a significant impact of the three-way
tion is not directly associated with sales interaction term. We find that the regres-
performance. The study argues in Hypoth- sion coefficient for the three-way
esis 2 that the effect of brand orientation on interaction between brand orientation,

© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382 375
Boso et al

Table 4: Results of hierarchical moderated regression analysis

Hypothesis Variables Dependent variable: MNE subsidiary sales performance

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Control β t-values β t-values β t-values β t-values

Firm size −0.407 −4.788 −0.195 −3.188 −0.235 −3.889 −0.218 −3.666
Subsidiary experience (years) 0.193 2.160 0.128 2.042 0.158 2.499 0.164 2.656
Industry type −0.124 −0.971 0.043 0.464 −0.005 −0.055 −0.030 −0.334
R&D expenses 0.337 2.840 0.278 3.420 0.273 3.453 0.277 3.596
Environment turbulence 0.470 4.539 0.141 1.816 0.144 1.928 0.130 1.791
Transformational leadership (LEA) — — 0.592 6.157 0.450 4.317 0.363 3.366
Inter-functional collaboration (COL) — — 0.296 4.762 0.245 3.861 0.243 3.923
H1 Brand orientation (BO) — — −0.143 −1.294 −0.082 −0.678 0.032 0.252
H2 BO×LEA — — — — −0.055 −0.736 −0.024 −0.325
H3 BO×COL — — — — 0.160 2.355 0.183 2.740
Additional tests LEA×COL — — — — — — 0.091 1.48
BO×LEA×COL — — — — — — 0.126 2.446

Goodness of fit statistics
F-statistics 17.576 38.576 34.508 33.527
R2 0.463 0.757 0.781 0.793
Adjusted R2 0.436 0.737 0.758 0.770
ΔR2 — 0.294** 0.024* 0.012*

**P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; †P < 0.10.

Note: Critical t-values for hypothesized paths = 1.645 (5 per cent, one-tail tests).

Low Inter-functional Collaboration inter-functional collaboration are high
5 High Inter-functional Collaboration (Figure 3). We discuss the theoretical and
MNE Subsidiary Sales Performance

4.5 managerial implications of these findings in

4 the sections that follow next.


2 The purpose of this study was to examine
1.5 the extent to which brand orientation
1 influences sales performance under differing
Low Brand Orientation High Brand Orientation
levels of transformational leadership and
Figure 2: Surface plot of the moderating effect of inter-
functional collaboration.
inter-functional collaboration. The study’s
conceptual model was tested on a primary
data obtained from a sample of 108 MNE
subsidiaries operating in the Common-
transformational leadership and inter-func- wealth Caribbean region. Findings reveal
tional collaboration is positively associated that brand orientation is not directly asso-
with sales performance ( β = 0.126; ciated with sales performance in MNE sub-
t = 2.446; P < 0.01), which is rather inter- sidiaries operating in the Commonwealth
esting. This suggests that the relationship Caribbean region. However, results show
between brand orientation and sales perfor- that, under high levels of both transforma-
mance moves from being non-significant to tional leadership and inter-functional colla-
become significant and positive when levels boration, brand orientation is positively
of both transformational leadership and related to sales performance.

376 © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382
When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

Theoretical implications when levels of inter-functional collabora-

Unlike past research that has argued that tion are high. This finding extends
brand orientation is positively associated Baumgarth’s (2010) view that the brand
with firm performance (for example, Ewing orientation relationship to economic per-
and Napoli, 2005; Napoli, 2006; formance depends upon organizational
Baumgarth, 2010; Gromark and Melin, structural contingencies. Baumgarth pro-
2011), findings from this study suggest that poses a corporate culture model predicated
brand orientation on its own is not directly on the idea that corporate leaders can help
associated with sales performance. One way instill a ‘living the brand’ culture across all
to explain this surprising result is that brand functional units within an organization. In
orientation, like any other strategic orienta- extending Baumgarth’s framework, this
tion, constitutes costs to firms as it can be study shows that greater inter-functional
expensive to build brands. The logic back- collaboration enhances the effect of brand
ing this assertion is that expenses on mar- orientation on sales performance. We argue
keting communication efforts (for example, that brand orientation is a long-term strate-
advertising, brand sponsorship and sales gic posture, and as such its sales value is
promotion) aiming to make a brand visible facilitated when employees share the
and entrenched in the minds of consumers brands’ long-term vision, rallying around a
can be very high. In addition, when firms common brand-related identity and pur-
are outwardly brand oriented and push the pose (Rao et al, 2004) and live the brand
value of a brand to appeal to external cus- (Baumgarth, 2010). Importantly, given that
tomers, if a similar effort is not exerted to the sales benefit of brand orientation is pre-
promote a brand and its vision to internal dicated on customers’ identification with
customers (that is, employees), any sales the brand, firms need less departmentaliza-
benefits generated by the brand orientation tion of customer face-to-face activities and
efforts are canceled out by employees lack greater structural fluidity to perpetuate a
of commitment to the brand’s value (Baxter common firm-wide identity around the
et al, 2013). The values that a brand repre- brand. Thus, morale boosting, a sense of
sents are best communicated by internal togetherness, and coordination of knowl-
customers (that is, employees) who are edge and intelligence benefit cross func-
often in direct contact with external custo- tional collaboration and help facilitate the
mers. In addition, as a strategic resource sales generating values of branding activities.
(Urde et al, 2013; Wallace et al, 2013), brand Second, this study finds that transforma-
orientation offers a potential value, and its tional leadership alone does not significantly
actual value creation may depend on a moderate the effect of brand orientation on
variety of firm-specific complementary sales performance. Whereas one may
resources and capabilities (Day, 1994; Lepak explain this non-significant relationship to
et al, 2007). As findings from this study sug- mean that transformational leaders only
gest, brand orientation’s effect on sales per- appeal to employees’ emotional instincts as a
formance is accentuated when firms align it rallying force, and lacking a tendency to use
to their leadership and structure-related punishment and rewards to encourage
activities. These important findings enable employees to rally around a common goal,
this study to extend the brand orientation an alternative leadership style (such as auto-
literature in two ways. cratic leadership) therefore may be more
First, this study provides empirical sup- effective in enforcing brand-oriented goals
port for the notion that brand orientation to generate sales. Although this alternative
impacts MNE subsidiary sales performance line of reasoning is interesting, especially

© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382 377
Boso et al

when positioned within the context of the leadership style and inter-functional colla-
Caribbean society where business culture boration in facilitating the effectiveness of
tends to exhibit characteristics of the brand orientation extend Baumgarth’s
former colonial management style that was (2010) corporate culture model that advo-
predicated on a top-down authoritative cates for a corporate culture that promotes
approach to the leader–follower relation- the idea of all employees ‘living the brand’
ship, an additional analysis of our data in driving brand effectiveness. Thus, in
reveals that the brand orientation–sales order to enhance sales benefits, MNE sub-
performance relationship is strengthened sidiaries in the Caribbean region must look
when levels of both transformational lea- for an alignment involving high levels of
dership and inter-functional collaboration brand orientation, transformational leader-
are high (see Figure 3). It is important to ship styles and inter-functional collabora-
note that this high-order three-way inter- tion activities.
action effect model is superior to the lower-
order two-way interaction effect models
such that any finding associated with the Lessons for MNE subsidiary brand
higher-order three-way interaction negates managers
the lower-order findings (Aiken and West, This study’s implications for MNE sub-
1991; Ping, 2004). With this in mind, we sidiary managers need explicating. First, the
contend therefore that the brand orienta- finding that inter-functional collaboration
tion–sales performance relationship is more implies that managers can be certain that,
complex than previously thought. when employees throughout the organiza-
On the basis of our finding from the tion and across different functional units
three-way interaction effect model, we are focused on a common brand agenda,
suggest that the sales success outcome of that subsidiary can expect to extract
brand orientation is a function of high levels greater sales benefits from its branding
of transformational leadership and inter- activities. Second, and a more interesting
functional collaboration as these two orga- finding from this study, is that under
nizational forces are required to translate a conditions of high levels of brand orien-
firm’s branding philosophy into sales. The tation, transformational leadership, and
complementary roles of transformational inter-functional collaboration there is a

(1) High Transformational
4 Leadership, High Inter-functional
Dependent variable

(2) High Transformational

3.5 Leadership, Low Inter-functional
3 (3) Low Transformational
Leadership, High Inter-functional
2.5 Collaboration
(4) Low Transformational
2 Leadership, Low Inter-functional


Low Brand Orientation High Brand Orientation

Figure 3: Surface plot of the three-way interaction effect of brand orientation, transformational leadership and inter-functional

378 © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-231X Journal of Brand Management Vol. 23, 4, 363–382
When is brand orientation a useful strategic posture?

corresponding increase in sales performance may have a curvilinear relationship with

for MNE subsidiary firms. performance (Tang et al, 2008; Cadogan,
A key message for subsidiary brand man- 2012). Although we searched but did not
agers is that there is a need to foster a stron- find evidence of a curvilinear association in
ger brand-oriented philosophy in their our data, we suggest that future research
firms, but for this philosophy to help boost should explore these possibilities to broaden
sales it has to be accompanied by a high our perspective on the benefits and costs
degree of collaboration between functional associated with brand orientation.
units and pushed by a strong transforma- This study focused on explaining varia-
tional leader. tions in subsidiary sales performance, but the
relationships between parent MNEs and
their subsidiaries remain a debatable subject.
LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE Future research may examine how parent
RESEARCH DIRECTION MNE strategic brand orientation influences
It is important to highlight that, although subsidiary brand orientation and sales per-
the findings of this study extend knowledge formance. Although such a study would
on the relationship between brand orienta- require samples from MNE headquarters
tion and sales performance, some limitations and subsidiaries in a dyadic research design,
that affect the study must be taken into it would extend our understanding of brand
consideration. First, the sampling process in orientation activities in MNEs.
this study was limited to nations within the
Commonwealth Caribbean region. Conse-
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ings to other emerging markets is limited. REFERENCES
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