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Code Red Worldwide Scam Alert

Trailblazer Merger Corporation I
RICO Organized Crime Scam.
April 3, 2023
IRNewswires Organized Crime Investigations
Issues Worldwide Scam Alert—
where is the SEC????
Opinion and Editorial1
RICO Criminal Conspiracy in the U.S. Capital Markets

Figure 1: Unregistered broker-dealer and investment advisor--The alleged CEO

of Trailblazer Merger Corp., I, Arie Rabinowitz, an Unindicted Coconspirator.
1 For additional reporting see from Yahoo Financial.

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3 April 2023
IRNewswires Ulysses T. Ware’s Actual Innocent Exoneration Project.

IRNewswires Organized Crimes Investigations

Klaus Albrecht and Meredith Kammler, Sr. Investigative Reporters
London, UK
April 3, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the primary regulator of the
U.S. capital markets, responsible for ensuring that investors are protected, and the

See pleadings filed in federal court, Ware v. USA, et al., 22cv3409 (SDNY), In re Group Management
Corp., 03-93031 (BC NDGA), U.S. v. Ware, 04cr1224 (SDNY), that involved Rabinowitz, LH Financial, Alpha
Capital, AG (Anstalt) and were required to have been disclosed in the litigation and risk factor sections of
the Form S-1 filed by Trailblazer.

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markets are fair and transparent. As part of this mandate, the SEC is charged with
evaluating registration statements filed by companies seeking to go public to ensure that
they contain accurate and complete information that investors can rely on when making
investment decisions. Unfortunately, it appears that the SEC failed to properly adhere to
this mandate in the case of Trailblazer Merger Corporation I, which recently raised over
$60 million in an initial public offering (IPO).
As investigative journalists, we have been following the case of Trailblazer closely,
and we have uncovered some serious concerns about the company's registration
statement, specifically related to the involvement of Arie Rabinowitz and LH Financial
Services. According to FINRA records, both Rabinowitz and LH Financial Services are
unregistered broker-dealers and unregistered investment advisors, which is a clear
violation of U.S. securities laws. Yet, this information was not disclosed in Trailblazer's
Form S-1 registration statement.
This is not a minor omission. The failure to disclose the involvement of
unregistered broker-dealers and investment advisors is a serious violation of the SEC's
rules and regulations, and it creates a significant risk to investors. Unregistered brokers
and advisors are not subject to the same level of oversight and regulation as registered
entities, which means that investors may not be receiving accurate or complete
information about the risks associated with their investments. This puts investors at a
significant disadvantage and undermines the integrity of the capital markets.
But the problems with Trailblazer's registration statement go beyond the failure to
disclose the involvement of unregistered brokers and advisors. Our investigators and
lawyers have also uncovered evidence that Rabinowitz and LH Financial Services have
violated NYS Penal Law, section 190.40, the criminal usury law, a class E felony regarding
loan sharking unlawful debt investments. Specifically, they have engaged in the issuance
of criminal usury convertible promissory notes, the "RICO Unlawful Debts." This is a
serious crime, and the fact that Trailblazer failed to disclose this information is simply
To make matters worse, it appears that the NYC law firm of Loeb & Loeb, LLP
aided, abetted, assisted, and facilitated Trailblazer in committing a fraud on the SEC and
the investing public investors. This is a deeply troubling development, and it raises
serious questions about the effectiveness of the SEC's regulatory oversight of the capital
The SEC's mandate is clear: to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the
capital markets. To do this, the SEC must ensure that registration statements are
complete, accurate, and provide investors with the information they need to make

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informed investment decisions. It is abundantly clear that the registration statement filed
by Trailblazer failed to meet these standards.
The SEC has a duty to evaluate registration statements for completeness and
accuracy. The SEC's rules and regulations require companies to disclose all material
information that could reasonably be expected to impact the decision of a reasonable
investor. This includes information about the involvement of unregistered broker-dealers
and investment advisors, as well as any criminal activities that could impact the
company's operations or reputation.
In the case of Trailblazer, it appears that the SEC failed to properly evaluate the
registration statement for completeness and accuracy. The failure to disclose the
involvement of unregistered broker-dealers and investment advisors is a clear violation
of SEC rules, and the failure to disclose criminal activities is even more troubling. It is the
SEC's responsibility to ensure that companies are held accountable for these types of
violations and that investors are protected.
Investors have the right to rely on accurate and complete information when
making investment decisions. The SEC's rules and regulations are in place to ensure
protection for investors, which it appears the SEC, perhaps, intentionally dropped the ball
regarding Trailblazer’s IPO documents.

As we have seen in recent years, fraudulent schemes and illegal activities have been
on the rise in the U.S. capital markets. This is a major concern for the SEC and for
investors who place their trust in the system. It is the SEC's duty to protect investors and
maintain the integrity of the markets. In order to do so, it is essential that the SEC strictly
adhere to its mandate and enforce the rules and regulations governing the securities
In the case of Trailblazer Merger Corporation I, it is clear that the SEC failed to
properly evaluate the completeness of the company's Form S-1 registration statement.
The statement failed to disclose important information about the unregistered status of
both LH Financial Services and Arie Rabinowitz, who is listed as the CEO of Trailblazer.
Additionally, the statement did not disclose that both Rabinowitz and LH Financial
Services had violated NYS Penal Law, section 190.40, the criminal usury law, which
pertains to unlawful debt investments.
These material omissions and violations are serious and cannot be ignored. It is
clear that Trailblazer, Rabinowitz, and LH Financial Services were attempting to conceal
important information from investors and the SEC. It is our duty as investigative
reporters to shine a light on these practices and hold those responsible accountable for
their actions.

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Furthermore, information obtained by our investigators and lawyers shows that
the law firm of Loeb & Loeb, LLP assisted Trailblazer in committing a fraud on the SEC
and the investing public. This is unacceptable and cannot be allowed to continue.
The SEC has a responsibility to protect investors and ensure that the markets
remain fair and transparent. It is imperative that the SEC take swift action to revoke the
effectiveness of Trailblazer's registration statement and place a stop order on the
company's activities. This will send a strong message to other companies and individuals
who may attempt to deceive investors and the SEC.
The SEC must also investigate the actions of LH Financial Services, Arie
Rabinowitz, and Loeb & Loeb, LLP to determine the extent of their involvement in this
fraudulent scheme. If found guilty, they must be held accountable for their actions and
face appropriate legal consequences.
Investors rely on the SEC to ensure that the securities industry operates fairly and
transparently. This trust has been violated by the actions of Trailblazer, Rabinowitz, LH
Financial Services, and Loeb & Loeb, LLP. It is essential that the SEC take immediate
action to restore this trust and protect the interests of investors.
In conclusion, it is clear that the SEC must do more to protect investors from
fraudulent schemes and illegal activities in the U.S. capital markets. The case of
Trailblazer Merger Corporation I is a stark reminder of the need for strict enforcement of
the rules and regulations governing the securities industry. The SEC must take swift and
decisive action to revoke the effectiveness of Trailblazer's registration statement and
investigate the actions of those involved in this fraudulent scheme. Only then can
investors trust that the markets are fair, transparent, and free from fraud and deception.
The longer this fraud is allowed to continue, the more investors will be harmed,
and the greater the damage will be to the reputation of the U.S. capital markets. It is time
to take a stand against organized crime infiltration of our financial system and send a
clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

Copyright 2023 ©. All rights reserved.

Approved for international and domestic distribution.

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IRNewswires Ulysses T. Ware’s Actual Innocent Exoneration Project.
I.—material omissions by Loeb &
Loeb, LLP’s Mitchell Nussbaum,
Trailblazer, LH Financial Services,
and Rabinowitz.
The SEC is required to revoke the
registration statement of

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Figure 2: LH Financial Services' Unindicted Coconspirators

Figure 3: The murder? or suicide? of LH Financials’ Boss.

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Figure 4: The management of RICO criminal enterprise LH Financial

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Figure 5: Rabinowitz is the U.S. agent for unregistered broker-
dealer Alpha Capital Anstalt

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Figure 6: Rabinowitz confessed to unregistered broker-dealer and
investment advisor status.

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Figure 7: Rabinowitz confessed to RICO unlawful debt creation—a violation
of 18 USC 1961(B)(6) and NYS Penal Law, section 190.40, the criminal usury
law, a class E felony.

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IRNewswires Ulysses T. Ware’s Actual Innocent Exoneration Project.
Figure 8: Alpha Capital AG (Anstalt) and Rabinowitz
admitted to securities fraud--required to have been
disclosed in the Form S-1

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IRNewswires Ulysses T. Ware’s Actual Innocent Exoneration Project.
Figure 9: Conspiracy to commit bankruptcy fraud by Rabinowitz, LH Financial, and Atlanta, GA
law firm Kilpatrick, Townsend, & Stockton, LLP

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IRNewswires Ulysses T. Ware’s Actual Innocent Exoneration Project.
Figure 10: FINRA's May 17, 2021, certification of unregistered broker-
dealer status for LH Financial Services

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