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CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
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Learning Teaching Experience 11: Learning Teaching Through Sustained Teaching

Name: Manalang, Ronilen M. Section: BSED FILIPINO 4A Date: April 9, 2022
Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Patrick John Pena Subject: SOSLIT

I. Intended Learning Outcome: Demonstrate instructional and management skills in

conducting sustained teaching in varying settings, individuals, group or whole class
II. Experiential Tasks:
a. Exposure: Sustained teaching as sustaining learning.
b. Participation: Moving to Action: From planning to teaching.
c. Identification: A walk through my sustained teaching experience.
d. Internalization: Understanding myself as a learning Teacher
e. Dissemination: My sustained Teaching: A growing experience.

11.1 EXPOSURE: Sustained Teaching as Sustaining Learning

Sustained teaching is teaching the same or several subjects to a whole part of a
class or individual for a relatively long period. Sustained teaching comes in different
forms. It may be keeping up teaching one or more subjects or team teach with CT
continuously for several days. It may also be a scaled-down teaching where you carry on
micro-lessons to a small group of pupils or tutoring pupils with learning challenges.
Occasionally, substitute teaching offers another opportunity for you to be engaged
in sustained teaching. There may be occasions when you may be requested to take some
subjects of your CT who may be absent for several days due to unforeseen illness or
family responsibilities. Substitute teaching is gratifying as you become “Teacher in
Sustained teaching assignments depend on how prepared you appear to be for the
competencies expected. Your level of readiness will determine the needed support and
exposure your CT will provide.
Your CT may assign you specific subject/s or may give you a freehand to choose
the area for your sustained teaching.

My Sustained Teaching Assignment

Sosyedad at Literatura

Get ready for the following tasks:

Observe how your CT teaches the subject/s assigned to you. Record key points on
how he/she guides instruction. Give attention to the lesson sequence and patterns of
instructional actions and management routines before, during, and after instructions.

Inquire from your CT the expected level of direction on planning and teaching.
Record her suggestions.

➢ Before starting the lesson?

He will play a worship song and check the attendance. After that he will ask the students
about the previous lesson
➢ During the lesson proper?

He will ask whether they have any inquiries, feedback, or questions.

➢ After the lesson proper?

He’s using a variety of methods, including oral questioning.

On Planning:
Lesson Plan Format: Does he/she require detailed plans or block style planning?

He doesn’t require a detailed lesson plan. Semi detailed lesson plan will

On Lesson Pacing:
What is the suggested daily lesson sequence of the same subject?

The flow is typical. However, while presenting the same topic, the ideas
and techniques used should be adapted to the needs of the students.

On Objectives

Pagkatapos ng isa’t kalahating oras ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang :

• Natutukoy ang isyung panlipunang nakapaloob sa akdang miliminas
• Napahahalagahan ang aral at naisasabuhay ang makabuluhang mensaheng
nais iparating ng akda
• Nakalilikha ang mga mag-aaral ng malikhaing presentasyon hinggil sa

On Resources Needed

• Powerpoint Presentation

On Designing Instruction

Before starting the main lesson plan. Consider first a topic that is suited for
the learners' needs, followed by your session objectives. The objectives are the
expected results of the lesson once it has been taught. A lesson plan's content also
acts as a road map for what you will do during the teaching and learning process.

On Assessing Student Learning

The three sorts of assessments are diagnostic, formative, and summative. A

test should be incorporated in the lesson plan to demonstrate that the students are
paying attention during the discussion. Oral recitation is also beneficial because the
solution is based on the students' knowledge and views.
3. Record your major concerns about maximizing sustained teaching assignment
• Because the setup is done online, it is impossible to double-check activities such
as modeling.
• It's impossible to detect if students are learning in online classrooms since it's far
more difficult to tell.
• Exam cheating is very widespread among students.
• It's tough to refrain from copying and pasting assignments.
11.2 PARTICIPATION: Moving to Action: From Planning to Teaching

Your journey to become a teacher continuous. Sustained teaching, engagement

varies with the circumstances in your cooperating schools.

Every teacher of sustained teaching must make her own plan. Observe the level of
detail suggested by your CT. Look back at the planning process in your previous learning

CT-ST Negotiated Sequence of Sustained Teaching

The Big Picture of the Sequence of Objectives and Contents of My Sustained Teaching

Day 1

Objectives: Natutukoy ng mga mag-aaral ang mga isyung panlipunan sa akda

Subject Matter: Sosyedad at Literatura

Day 2

Objectives: Natutukoy ang mga uri ng maikling kwento sa akda

Subject Matter: Sosyedad at Literatura

Day 3
Objectives: Nakalilikha ng isang tukol hinggil sa kahalagahan ng panitikan

Subject Matter: Sosyedad at Literatura

Day 4

Objectives: Naisasabuhay ang kahalagahan ng Panitikan

Subject Matter: Sosyedad at Literatura

Take time to explore the suggested pacing of the objectives and subject matter of your
sustained teaching lesson.
1. Does each phase build on prior knowledge?
Yes, to ensure that the students have it before to beginning the lesson.

2. Does each phase extend concepts as you move from day to day?
It depends on the lesson; if it cannot be finished in one day, it will be resumed the next
day, and you will be allowed to progress to the next lesson.
3. Does it address the logical sequence of content? If NO, what do you suggest?
To prevent delivering inaccurate material that is not contained in the syllabus, the phases
should be decided by the content.

Note: Discuss with your CT the suggested pacing of the lesson.

Planning Phase
1. Write your series of brief or block plan tailored to the format suggested by your CT.
Use this for brief plan.

I. Layunin
Natutukoy ang isyung panlipunang nakapaloob sa akdang Milan at naipaliliwanag ang
iba’t ibang terminolohiyang nakapaloob sa diaspora at migrasyon
Napahahalagahan ang kahalagahan ng mga Overseas Filipino Workers sa bansa.
Makapagpahayag ng mga makabuluhang kaisipan hinggil sa kahalagahan ng mga OFW sa
pamamagitan ng maikling video.

II. Paksang Aralin

Panitikan: Panitikan Hinggil sa Diaspora/Migrasyon
Kagamitan: Powerpoint Presentation, laptop


A. Panimulang Gawain.
1. Pambungad na panalangin.
2. Pagtatala ng mga lumiban
3. Pambungad na pagbati
4. Pagbabalik-aral

B. Pagganyak
1. Magpapanood ang guro ng video patungkol sa paksang tatalakayin.
2. Pagkatapos panoorin ang video, magtatawag ang guro ng ilang mag-aaral na
magbibigay ng hinuha tungkol sa pinanood.

C. Pagtatalakay sa Paksa
1. Pagpapakilala sa Paksa
2. Pagpapaliwanag sa iba’t ibang terminolohiyang nakapaloob sa diaspora at migrasyon
3. Paglalahad sa epekto at sanhi ng migrasyon
4. Pagtatalakay sa buod ng akdang Milan

D. Paglalagom
1. Magbibigay ng mga katanungan ang guro upang subukin kung nauunawaan ba ang mga
terminolohiyang tinalakay.
2. Ibibigay ng mga mag-aaral ang kanilang opinyon tungkol sa mga nararanasan ng mga

1. Ang bawat mag-aaral ay lilikha ng dalawang minutong video tungkol sa kahalagahan ng
mga Overseas Filipino Workers. Gnagamiting gabayg mga mag-aaral ang video na
ipapanood ng guro bago magsimula ang talakayan.
Use this for block plan.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

-Matutuhan ng mga -Natutukoy ang -Nakalilikha -Naisasabuhay -
mag aaral ang kahulugan ang mga ng isang ang Napapahalaga
kahalagahan simbolismo sa akda malikhaing kahalagahan han ang
panitikan pagtatalakay sa ng Panitikan mensaheng
akda. ipinararating
ng akda.

2. Submit your lesson plan to your CT for feedback and approval.

CT’s Feedback

The directions should be clear, and the goals should be defined.

If needed:
3.Rewrite to include the suggested modification.
4. You are now ready to teach your lesson.
Note: Follow the same process for all the succeeding lessons.

11.3 IDENTIFICATION: A Walk Through My Sustained Teaching Experience

I. From My Own Lens
At the end of your sustained teaching, make an inventory of your learning teaching
1.Which of the following instructional skills you strongly feel you developed? You may rate
yourself as: 4-Exemplary, 3-Satisfactory, 2-Fair, or 1-Developing.
Instructional Skills 4 3 2 1
1. Knowledge of subject matter ✓
2. Understanding of learner’s characteristics ✓
and needs.

3.Planning skills ✓
4. Turning objectives into appropriate ✓
learning actions
5. Motivating and maintaining pupil’s interest ✓
6. Oral questioning skills ✓
7. Providing appropriate feedbacks ✓
8. Managing classroom procedure ✓
9. Managing pupil’s behavior ✓
10. Communicating clearly and accurately ✓
Record other instructional skills you developed. Use the same rubric.
Other Instructional skills 4 3 2 1

II. From My Cooperating Teacher Lens

Using the same inventory of instructional skills, request your cooperating teacher to rate
your sustained teaching performance. Use the same rubric.
Instructional Skills 4 3 2 1
1.Knowledge of subject matter ✓
2. Understanding of learner’s characteristics ✓
and needs.
3.Planning skills ✓
4. Turning objectives into appropriate ✓
learning actions
5. Motivating and maintaining pupil’s interest ✓
6. Oral questioning skills ✓
7. Providing appropriate feedbacks ✓
8. Managing classroom procedure ✓
9. Managing pupil’s behavior ✓
10. Communicating clearly and accurately ✓
Other Instructional skills 4 3 2 1

11.4 IDENTIFICATION: Understanding Myself as a Learner Teacher

Cultivating your self-reflection and inquiry will help a lifelong approach to learning
Revisit your sustained teaching episodes. Based on your personal reflection, document
your strengths and challenges. You may include your personal reflection in your growth

❖ Growth Portfolio Entry No. 11-A

Building on My Strengths
I learned that
● It will never be simple to teach.
● It is difficult to investigate each student's behavior.
● Students will be able to deal with the lesson if it is given in a way that is relevant to
their daily lives.
I enjoyed
● It makes me pleased to watch students learning.
● When they realize why I'm imparting my expertise to them,
● I treasured every second of my on-the-job training as a teacher.
I changed my opinion about
● On how pupils think about a specific topic
● about why students are able to respond to the question quickly
● on how students are attempting to cope with difficult lessons

I was happy to
● I'd want to share my ideas, experiences, and expertise with students.
● in an online class on how I perceive their situation
● I'm doing my assignment in portions.
I think the following worked very well
● Whenever I am in a situation of perplexity,
● What if I'm unable to answer a student's question?
● When I make a decision on a student

My Learnings from Challenges

I was worried about
● Whenever I am in a situation of perplexity,
● What if I'm unable to answer a student's question?
● When I make a decision on a student

I was annoyed by
● It's a red flag when students don't answer the questions.
● When they engage in inappropriate behavior
● When their actions have nothing to do with the subject
I was hindered by
● When a student's remark has nothing to do with the main topic
● The pupils' conduct is out of control.
● The topic was wide.
I disagree with
● Students' bad conduct
● The students' work has been copied and pasted.
● Their replies are unrelated to the lesson.
I am beginning to wonder
● Describes what it's like to be a teacher
● On how it feels to instruct pupils on a certain issue
● Concerning how pupils grow as persons

If my sustained teaching will be re-taught

Next time I will
● I'll be ready for the next round of teaching difficulties.
● I'll be more equipped to handle technical or non-technical concerns.
● I'll be more motivated.
I am looking forward to
● to increase my enthusiasm for teaching
● That I will be employed as a teacher
● To make an excellent impression as a teacher
I hoped that
● Whatever topic I re-teach, I will become an excellent teacher.
● When it comes to teaching, I'm going to be more patient.
● I will be more inspired in all I do.
I suggest
● The subject that will be covered is one that must be learned.
● Conduct some study on the topic you'll be speaking.
● Don't berate yourself if you don't get the intended result.

11.5 DISSEMINATION: My Sustained Teaching: A Growing Experience

Add your reconstructed plans and reflections to your growth portfolio. If series of
lessons, use labels as Lesson 1 – Lesson 2 – Lesson 3 etc. other label to indicate sustained

❖ Growth Portfolio Entry No. 11-B

My Reconstructed Plan for Sustained Teaching
Lesson 3

I. Layunin
Natutukoy ang isyung panlipunang nakapaloob sa akdang Milan at naipaliliwanag ang iba’t
ibang terminolohiyang nakapaloob sa diaspora at migrasyon
Napahahalagahan ang kahalagahan ng mga Overseas Filipino Workers sa bansa.
Makapagpahayag ng mga makabuluhang kaisipan hinggil sa kahalagahan ng mga OFW sa
pamamagitan ng maikling video.

II. Paksang Aralin

Panitikan: Panitikan Hinggil sa Diaspora/Migrasyon
Kagamitan: Powerpoint Presentation, laptop


A. Panimulang Gawain.
1. Pambungad na panalangin.
2. Pagtatala ng mga lumiban
3. Pambungad na pagbati
4. Pagbabalik-aral

B. Pagganyak
1. Magpapanood ang guro ng video patungkol sa paksang tatalakayin.
2. Pagkatapos panoorin ang video, magtatawag ang guro ng ilang mag-aaral na magbibigay
ng hinuha tungkol sa pinanood.

C. Pagtatalakay sa Paksa
1. Pagpapakilala sa Paksa
2. Pagpapaliwanag sa iba’t ibang terminolohiyang nakapaloob sa diaspora at migrasyon
3. Paglalahad sa epekto at sanhi ng migrasyon
4. Pagtatalakay sa buod ng akdang Milan

D. Paglalagom
1. Magbibigay ng mga katanungan ang guro upang subukin kung nauunawaan ba ang mga
terminolohiyang tinalakay.
2. Ibibigay ng mga mag-aaral ang kanilang opinyon tungkol sa mga nararanasan ng mga

1. Ang bawat mag-aaral ay lilikha ng dalawang minutong video tungkol sa kahalagahan ng
mga Overseas Filipino Workers. Gnagamiting gabayg mga mag-aaral ang video na
ipapanood ng guro bago magsimula ang talakayan.

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