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MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

Test 7
Due: 11:59pm on Sunday, May 8, 2011
Note: You will receive no credit for late submissions. To learn more, read your instructor's Grading Policy [Switch to Standard Assignment View]

Exercise 34.19
The left end of a long glass rod 6.00 in diameter has a convex hemispherical surface 3.00 inside the rod. in radius. The refractive index of the glass is 1.60. The glass rod is immersed in oil left of the rod on the rod's axis is to be imaged 1.10 Part A How far from the left end of the rod must the object be located to form the image? ANSWER: = 40.9 Correct . An object placed to the

Exercise 34.22
The left end of a long glass rod 8.00 hemispherical surface with radius 4.00 in diameter, with an index of refraction 1.60, is ground to a concave . The glass rod is immersed in a liquid. An object 13.5 from the from the vertex inside the liquid.

vertex of the left end of the rod and on its axis is imaged at a point 8.50 Part A What is the index of refraction of the liquid? ANSWER: = 1.20 Correct

Problem 34.73
You are in your car driving on a highway at 23 mirror with radius of curvature 150 Part A If the image of the truck is approaching the vertex of the mirror at a speed of 1.0 away, what is the speed of the truck relative to the highway? Express your answer using two significant figures. when the truck is 2.0 when you glance in the passenger side mirror (a convex ) and notice a truck approaching.

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= 36 Correct

Problem 34.86
A transparent rod 48.0 long and a refractive index of 1.56 is cut flat at the right end and rounded to a radius at the left end. An object is placed on the axis of the rod 12.8 hemispherical surface with a 14.7

to the left of the vertex of the hemispherical end. Part A What is the position of the final image, relative to the far end of the rod? ANSWER: = -55.8 Correct

Part B What is its magnification? ANSWER: = 1.95 Correct

Problem 34.95
One end of a long glass rod is ground to a convex hemispherical shape. This glass has an index of refraction of 1.51. When a small leaf is placed 20.2 in front of the center of the hemisphere along the optic axis, an image is formed inside the glass 9.09 Part A Where would the image be formed if the glass were now immersed in water (refractive index 1.33), but nothing else were changed? ANSWER: = 147 Correct from the spherical surface.

Problem 34.99
When an object is placed at the proper distance to the left of a converging lens, the image is focused on a screen 29.9 to the right of the lens. A diverging lens is now placed 16.0 to the right of the converging lens, and it is found that the screen must be moved 18.9 farther to the right to obtain a sharp image.

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Part A What is the focal length of the diverging lens? ANSWER: -24.1 Correct

Problem 34.100
A convex spherical mirror with a focal length of magnitude 24.0 mirror. An object 0.300 is placed 22.0 to the left of a plane tall is placed midway between the surface of the plane mirror and the vertex of

the spherical mirror. The spherical mirror forms multiple images of the object. Part A Where are the two images of the object formed by the spherical mirror that are closest to the spherical mirror? Enter your answers in ascending order separated by a comma. ANSWER: , = -13.9,-7.54 All attempts used; correct answer displayed

Part B How tall is each image? Enter your answers in ascending order separated by a comma. ANSWER: , = 0.126,0.206 All attempts used; correct answer displayed

Problem 34.101
A glass plate 3.80 thick, with an index of refraction of 1.60 and plane parallel faces, is held with its faces above a printed page. horizontal and its lower face 5.50 Part A Find the position of the image of the page formed by rays making a small angle with the normal to the plate. ANSWER: = 1.43 Correct

above the page

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Problem 35.50
Consider a two-slit interference experiment in which the two slits are of different widths. As measured on a distant screen, the amplitude of the wave from the first slit is , while the amplitude of the wave from the second slit is 2 . Part A Show that the intensity at any point in the interference pattern is

where and

is the phase difference between the two waves as measured at a particular point on the screen is the maximum intensity in the pattern.

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces). ANSWER: My Answer:

Part B Graph versus .


View Answer Requested

Part C What is the minimum value of the intensity? Express your answer in terms of ANSWER: = Correct .

Part D For which values of does it occur?

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Exercise 35.3
A radio transmitting station operating at a frequency of 125 phase. Antenna is 8.95 to the right of antenna has two identical antennas that radiate in between the antennas and along . . Consider point

the line connecting them, a horizontal distance Part A For what values of

to the right of antenna

will constructive interference occur at point

Enter your answers in ascending order separated by commas. ANSWER: = 0.875,2.08,3.28,4.48,5.68,6.88,8.08 Correct

Exercise 35.22: GPS Transmission

The GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites are approximately 5.18 low-power signals, one of which is at 1575.42 satellite, you put two 1575.42 across and transmit two (in the UHF band). In a series of laboratory tests on the

UHF transmitters at opposite ends of the satellite. These broadcast in

phase uniformly in all directions. You measure the intensity at points on a circle that is several hundred meters in radius and centered on the satellite. You measure angles on this circle relative to a point that lies along the centerline of the satellite (that is, the perpendicular bisector of a line which extends from one transmitter to the other). At this point on the circle, the measured intensity is 2.00 . Part A At how many other angles in the range is the intensity also 2.00 ?

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 27 Correct

Part B Find the four smallest( positive) angles in the range for which the intensity is 2.00 .

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Enter your answers in ascending order separated by commas. ANSWER: = 2.11,4.22,6.33,8.44 Correct

Part C What is the intensity at a point on the circle at an angle of 4.05 from the centerline?


= 1.88 Correct

Problem 35.39
The radius of curvature of the convex surface of a planoconvex lens is 91.0 . The lens is placed convex side down on a perfectly flat glass plate that is illuminated from above with red light having a wavelength of 610 . Part A Find the diameter of the second bright ring in the interference pattern. ANSWER: = 1.82 Correct

Problem 35.60
After a laser beam passes through two thin parallel slits, the first completely dark fringes occur at the original direction of the beam, as viewed on a screen far from the slits. Part A What is the ratio of the distance between the slits to the wavelength of the light illuminating the slits? ANSWER: with

= 1.81 Correct

Part B What is the smallest positive angle, relative to the original direction of the laser beam, at which the intensity of the light is the maximum intensity on the screen?

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= 12.7 Correct

Problem 35.61
The index of refraction of a glass rod is 1.48 at coefficient of and varies linearly with temperature, with a . At 20.0 . The coefficient of linear expansion of the glass is

the length of the rod is 3.40

. A Michelson interferometer has this glass rod in one arm, and the rod is . The light source has wavelength

being heated so that its temperature increases at a rate of 5.00 = 599 Part A How many fringes cross the field of view each minute? ANSWER: = 15.6 fringes/minute Correct , and the rod initially is at .

Problem 35.55
A source of monochromatic light and a detector are both located in air a distance . Waves reaching above a horizontal directly from so that the plane sheet of glass, and are separated by a horizontal distance interfere with waves that reflect off the glass. The distance reflection is at close to normal incidence. Part A Show that the condition for constructive interference is destructive interference is , and the condition for

is small enough compared to

. (Hint: Take into account the phase change on reflection.)

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces). ANSWER: My Answer:

Part B Let 25 and 20 . What is the longest wavelength for which there will be constructive

interference? Express your answer using two significant figures.

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= 68 Correct

Exercise 36.27
Laser light of wavelength 490 89.0 illuminates two identical slits, producing an interference pattern on a screen apart, and the third bright bands on either side of the from the slits. The bright bands are 1.00

central maximum are missing in the pattern. Part A Calculate the width of the slits. ANSWER:
5 = 1.4510 Correct

Part B Find the separation of the two slits (the distance between their centers). ANSWER:
5 = 4.3610 Correct

Problem 36.59: Angular Width of a Principal Maximum

Consider Part A Use the small-angle approximation (for in radians) to prove the following: For an intensity evenly spaced, narrow slits.

maximum that occurs at an angle , the intensity minima immediately adjacent to this maximum are at angles and , so that the angular width of the principal maximum is .

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces). ANSWER: My Answer:

Problem 36.64
In the equation ( , ), consider the case in which

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. Part A Show that eqaution reduces to with slit width 2 .

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces). ANSWER: My Answer:

Problem 36.74 Intensity Pattern of N Slits.

Part A Consider an arrangement of slits with a distance between adjacent slits. The slits emit coherently and is

in phase at wavelength . Show that at a time , the electric field at a distant point


is the amplitude at

of the electric field due to an individual slit,

is the

angle of the rays reaching is the distance from

(as measured from the perpendicular bisector of the slit arrangement), and is much larger than .

to the most distant slit. In this problem, assume that

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces). ANSWER: Answer Key: Each source can be thought of as a traveling wave evaluated at x=R with a maximum amplitude of E_0. However, each successive source will pick up an extra phase from its respective pathlength to point P. phi = 2*pi*(d*sin(theta)/lambda) which is just 2*pi the maximum phase, scaled by whatever fraction the path difference, d*sin(theta), is of the wavelength, lambda . By adding up the contributions from each source (including the accumulating phase difference) this gives the expression provided.

Part B To carry out the sum in part (a), it is convenient to use the complex-number relationship where . In this expression, is the real part of the complex number , and is its

imaginary part. Show that the electric field

is equal to the real part of the complex quantity

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces).

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ANSWER: Answer Key: Let sum(n,m, A_k) - summ of A_k, where n <= k<= m. exp(i*(k*R - omega*t +n*phi))=cos(kR-omega*t+n*phi)+ i*sin(kRomega*t+n*phi). The real part is just cos(kR-omega*t+n*phi). So, Re(sum(0, N-1,E_0*exp(i*(k*R - omega*t +n*phi)) )) = =sum(0, N-1,E_0*cos(i*(k*R - omega*t +n*phi)) ). But this is just E_0*cos(kR-omega*t) + E_0*cos(kR-omega*t+phi) + E_0*cos(kRomega*t+2*phi)+... ...+E_0*cos(kR-omega*t+(N-1)*phi).

Part C Using the properties of the exponential function that sum in part (b). Express your answer in terms of the variables ANSWER: = Answer Requested , , , , , and . and , find real part of the

Part D Use the result for the electric-field amplitude in part (c) to show that the intensity at an angle is


is the maximum intensity for an individual slit.

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces). ANSWER: Answer Key: I=(|E|_av)^2 = I_0*(sin(N*phi/2)/sin(phi/2))^2 (The cos^2 term goes to 1/2 in the time average and is included in the definition of I_0 .) I_0 ~ (E_0)^2/2

Part E Check the result in part (d) for the case your result differs from equation by a factor of 4.(Hint: Is . It will help to recall that . Explain why

, the expression for the intensity in two-source interference,

defined in the same way in both expressions?)

Essay answers are limited to about 500 words (3800 characters maximum, including spaces). ANSWER: Answer Key: N=2. I=I_0*(sin(N*phi/2)/sin(phi/2))^2 =

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=I_0*(2*sin(phi/2)*cos(phi/2))^2/(sin(phi/2))^2 = 4*I_0* (cos(phi/2))^2. Looking at equation I =1/2*epsilon_0*c*(E_p)^2 = 2*epsilon_0*c*E^2*(cos(phi/2))^2 I_0'~2*(E_0)^2 but for us I_0 ~ (E_0)^2/2 = I_0'/4.

Exercise 36.16
Laser light of wavelength 632.8 falls normally on a slit that is 0.0300 wide. The transmitted light is . viewed on a distant screen where the intensity at the center of the central bright fringe is 8.50 Part A Find the maximum number of totally dark fringes on the screen, assuming the screen is large enough to show them all. ANSWER: = 94 Correct

Part B At what angle does the dark fringe that is most distant from the center occur? ANSWER: = 82.5 Correct

Part C What is the maximum intensity of the bright fringe that occurs immediately before the dark fringe in part (b)? Approximate the angle at which this fringe occurs by assuming it is midway between the angles to the dark fringes on either side of it. ANSWER:
4 = 3.7610 Correct

Score Summary:
Your score on this assignment is 76.1%. You received 76.13 out of a possible total of 100 points.

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