002 Bonus-Idioms-Part-2

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Bonus Lesson: Business Idioms (Part 2)

Dialogue 1: Business Idioms

Dialogue 1: Business Idioms

As you all know, we’re here to discuss recruitment. Lesley, would you like to___ ___ ___ _____ ?

Thanks Ryan. Well I’m pleased to say that I’m about to take someone on board as our
new marketing assistant.

Excellent. Where did you find the candidate?

She was very proactive and approached me online a couple of times. She said she wanted to
_____ ___ _____ ___ ____ ____ .

That’s great to hear! Michael, have you got any updates?

I’m afraid our department has ______ ____ __________. We haven’t got any
strong candidates so far for the Finance manager position. Shall we cut our losses?

That’s a pity. Lesley do you have any other applicants that might interest Michael?

Well, it’s a bit of a ______ ______ but the finance manager at my previous
company was great and might be interested. I could give you his email address.

That would be great Lesley. I appreciate it. Hopefully I can ______ ____ _________ someday.

That’s my pleasure Michael. The company is recruiting _______ ______ _______ so

let’s see who else we can find.
You see team, if we communicate with each other, we can get good results. ___ ___
______ ________!
Guess the correct meaning
Get the
To complete the first step in a process in the aim of something bigger.
ball rolling

Long shot Something that has a low probability of happening.

Get a foot in the

Set an activity in motion; make a start.

Come up short Fail to reach a goal or standard.

Cut our losses Do the same thing to someone else as that person has done to them.

Return the
Abandon something that is unsuccessful before things get worse.

Across the board Something that is not very difficult to do or understand.

It’s not rocket

Applying to all.
Listen and repeat
Business idioms:

• Get the ball rolling

• Cut our losses

• Long shot
• Return the compliment

• Get a foot in the door

• Across the board

• Come up short
• It’s not rocket science

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