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Universidad De Manila

(Formerly City College of Manila) 1

Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education



A Research
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department, Universidad De Manila

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements in the subject
Practical Research 2

Safran, Charline
Audencial, Ading
Ore, Sophia
Villarias, Maria Sophia
Mendoza, Jezerelle
Llacer, Ella
Paguio, Janella
Zapata, John Ceena

Sy 2020-2021
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 2
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education


This is to certify that this research paper is our work and does not contain any material previously

published on written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted

for the award of any degree or diploma in Universidad De Manila, and other educational

institutions, except where due acknowledge is made in the thesis. Any contribution made to the

research by others, with whom we have worked at Universidad De Manila or elsewhere, is

explicitly acknowledged in the thesis.

Safran, Charline

VIllarias, Maria Sophia Audencial, Ading

Member Member

Ore, Sophia Victoria Llacer, Ella Mae

Member Member

Mendoza, Jezerelle
Zapata, John Ceena

Paguio, Janella
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 3
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education


This project would never be possible without the support and guidance of numerous persons at the

Universidad de Manila. First off, the researchers who conducted this study would like to thank Mr.

Christopher Baleza for giving us the opportunity to complete the Chapter 1-3 under his supervision,

it is truly an honor to be taught by him. The researchers owe you gratitude for all the advice, ideas,

assistance, and patience you dedicated to us on the Journey of this research project. Thank you for

giving us the chance to grow in this field of research. The researchers also want to thank the grade

12 class, HE A & HE B, for their never-ending moral support and responses to our queries about

the research which greatly helped us. Together with the researchers, we also desire to thank God

for protection, guidance, strength, persistence, and giving us the capability to create a work full of

knowledge. The researchers give acknowledgement to all the people who lend their hand and time

for this study because without them, this research study would not be successful Sending the

deepest gratitude and God bless!

Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 4
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education


With the Deepest love and appreciation

We dedicate all the sacrifices and hardship

Embodied in this humble piece of art to our






Who had served as our inspiration and gave us strength

To continue creating this masterpiece.

Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 5
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education


Title page

Certificate of originality



Table of contents

Table of contents



Background of the study

Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Theoretical Framework

Paradigm of the Study

Definition of Terms



Curriculum Vitae
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 6
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

Chapter I

Problem and It’s Background


School food service represents an area of substantial interest for intervention. The first

reason, food waste threatens the goal of school meals, which is to provide students, teachers, and

also with an appropriate and balanced meal daily. But since students eat at least one meal at school,

the food service handles a substantial amount of food every day. School meals also serve an

educational purpose. Taking action at the school level provides the opportunity to raise awareness

among students and staff about more sustainable food choices. This is because it can further

develop the efficiency of the school canteen, implement sustainable production, and influence

eating habits.

Canteens are also viewed as socialization spaces where the enjoyment of healthy meals is

used to develop recommendations to improve canteen service and students' healthier conduct.

Comprehensive health and wellness initiatives, including food and nutrition instruction, are

encouraged to be implemented in schools. The development of a love and interest for purchasing

wholesome foods among students, teachers, and other staff members is crucial to the success of the

school canteen. It enables them to enjoy wholesome foods at reasonable prices throughout the

school day.
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 7
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

In addition to serving and selling food, a canteen also sells other snacks and beverages. To

provide for the students' dietary needs and provide them the energy they need to complete their

daily tasks, schools use canteens to provide for their food and nutritional requirements.

Also, given that the canteen is typically full, professors and students advise finding a location

with more space. Regarding the type or variety of foods offered at the canteen, students have a

variety of experiences and grievances. As a result, the researcher is faced with the problem of

conducting this study to evaluate the standard of cafeteria services offered to Universidad De

Manila (UDM) students, where the results would act as a feedback mechanism for delivering good

and fulfilling canteen services. Moreover, there has never been a study done on the catered service

quality at UDM.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know how efficient does the service of Universidad de Manila Canteen as

perceived by Grade 12 Home economics students of School Year 2022-2023. Specifically;

1. How satisfied are the Grade 12 Home economics students with the Universidad de

Manila’s canteen service effectiveness?

2. What is the level of satisfaction does Grade 12 Home economics Students feel about

Universidad de manila canteen, in terms of;

a. Nutritional value

b. Quality of the food

c. Price of the food

Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 8
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

d. Cleanliness of the school canteens

3. Is there a significant relationship between Universidad de Manila canteen services and the

level of satisfaction of Grade 12 Home economics students of School year 2022-2023?


There is a significant relationship between Universidad de Manila canteen services and the

level of satisfaction of Grade 12 Home economics students of School yeat 2022-2023.

Significance of the Study

This research is made to determine the relationship between Universidad de manila canteen

services and the level of satisfaction of Grade 12 Home economics students of school year 2022-

2023. Additionally, this research will be beneficial to the following:

School Administrators. The outcomes can offer data that can be used to develop policies and

enhance the canteen services offered to University of Manila students. Including canteen facilities

into the school improvement plan may be made easier for principals of schools with the use of this


Canteen Managers. The managers of the canteen may be able to use this information to prioritize

areas for improvement in order to better fulfill the needs of the students who use the canteen.
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 9
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

Teachers. This may inspire instructors to provide feedback to administration and school canteen

managers in order to improve services such as affordable prices, nutritious foods, facilities,

cleanliness, and sanitation.

Students. The results of this study will help students better comprehend the canteen's operations

and the fundamental services that the school is required to offer.

Future Researchers. This may serve as basis for those research enthusiasts to conduct further

inquiry regarding canteen service quality and student satisfaction.

Scope and Delimitations

In this study, only the customer satisfaction and canteen service quality were investigated in

this study. The participants were Universidad de Manila home economics students in the 12th

grade. The respondents do not adequately represent all of the students enrolled in the

aforementioned institution because they were only selected from one course, Grade 12, which was

the subject of the survey. The outcome thus might not exactly represent how the entire student

body of the school perceives the reality of the canteen this research are only the Grade 12 Home

economics students. The study is concentrated on the Service efficiency of Universidad de Manila

Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 10
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education


Review of Related Literature

Local Literature

Having a school canteen inside the campus is helpful and important for students. It makes

access to buying foods easier and more accommodating rather than going outside. Bestlink College

of the Philippines ensures to have its canteen inside the school that offers different food services to

produce productive students. This study aims to assess the level of satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM

students in the Food Services of School Canteen. The purpose of this study is to promote

continuous patronage of the school canteen and recommend a more effective strategy in

maintaining the satisfaction level of the students in its food services. The Department of Education

said each school should develop its own menu to ensure that the food and drinks offered to students
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 11
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

are healthy and nutritious. The Department of Education said consumption of unhealthy foods

outside the school premises are at the discretion of the parents. While the policy is limited to public

schools, the Department of Education said private schools are also encouraged to adopt the

guidelines. Profit from the operations of a school canteen is often a significant source of revenue

for a school. Therefore, it is of great importance that the nutritious food items attract students and

are offered at a price affordable to the students, and that will contribute to their profit (Department

of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2013).

In an academic institution, the canteen is the main source of meals for learners and workers

inside its premises. It is responsible for the healthy eating behaviors among students. Hence, it is

expected that the food choices of the students could make a significant contribution to their health.

Currently, most school canteens face common problems with students’ eating habits. In particular,

the kind of food to be sold, expensive food items, small space, lack of kitchen facilities, and

hygiene are just a few concerns of the students. As a result, to support the health needs of the

clienteles of every school in the Philippines, the Department of Education issued a memorandum

through DepEd Order No. 13, series of 2017, also known as, Policy and Guidelines on Healthy

Food and Beverages Choices in Schools (DepEd, 2017). According to D.J Labay, E.R Machuha,

H.A Mondragon, A.K Sarmiento, M. R Veron, L. Salazar & B.T Caiga, 2015) This study was

conducted to learn more about the level of satisfaction of students at the Lyceum. International

Maritime Academy (LIMA) Campus on the Canteen's services. This research would determine the

level of satisfaction of LIMA students with the current services provided by LIMA canteen, as well

as propose solutions to the problems cited. A descriptive research design was used in this study.

Method was used with (240) Maritime students who were chosen at random. The study's

respondents were satisfied, according to the findings. The LIMA students agreed that the canteen
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 12
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

had issues such as a lack of space, chairs and tables, and inadequate ventilation. Respondents are

also aware that the LIMA Canteen has issues that need to be addressed. We would be able to

suggest solutions to these problems involving the people involved because the study's objective is

to propose some plans of action on the following problems. So far, the LIMA Canteen has fulfilled

its vision and mission to better serve their customers' needs.

Having a school canteen inside the campus is helpful and important for students. It makes

access to buying foods easier and more accommodating rather than going outside. Bestlink College

of the Philippines ensures to have its canteen inside the school that offers different food services to

produce productive students. This study aims to assess the level of satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM

students in the Food Services of School Canteen. The purpose of this study is to promote

continuous patronage of the school canteen and recommend a more effective strategy in

maintaining the satisfaction level of the students in its food services. Environment can exert a

strong influence on people's food decisions. In order to facilitate students to make more healthy

food choices and to develop healthy eating habits, it is important that the school food environment

is healthy. The Healthy School Canteen programme of The Netherlands Nutrition Centre is an

intervention that helps schools to make their cafeteria's offering healthier. A descriptive study was

conducted by an independent research agency to survey the perceptions, experiences, and opinions

of users of the programme (school directors, parents, students, and health professionals). Results

show that directors and students of participating schools perceive their cafeteria's offering to be

healthier after implementing the programme than prior to implementation. Next, further important

results of the study are highlighted and relations with other projects, caveats, and practical

recommendations are discussed. It is concluded that the Healthy School Canteen programme is a

promising intervention to change the school food environment but that further research is needed to

ultimately establish its effectiveness. Also, it will be a challenge to motivate all schools to enroll in
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 13
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

the programme in order to achieve the goal of the Dutch Government of all Dutch school cafeterias

being healthy by 2015. Several studies have focused on different aspects of food waste such as the

entire food supply chain others on the household sector on the retail sector and on the food service

industry including schools food service units (Kessler, 2016, Betz et al., 2015) The school canteen

is a great place to promote an enjoyment of healthy eating. For students who use the canteen

regularly, the food purchased makes a significant contribution to their total food intake and

nutrition. therefore it makes sense to ensure the best food possible is available to enhance their

ability to learn and take in the Information presented to them in class. However, when running a

school canteen, schools can face a number of problems that stop them from getting the most out of

their service. One of the biggest problem that school canteen experience especially in the public

schools is the lack of space and poor layout design. School canteen especially the kitchen area have

usually confined space and force workers to stand for a long period of time in almost static

motions, causing pain and discomfort. Improper design of workstation wherein repetitive work

activities are performed lead to muscle fatigue and stress (Sripaiboonkij & Taptakanporn, 2014).

Canteen workers are also exposed to occupational injuries due to working in high surfaces and poor

workstation design. Workers experience pain and discomfort in the shoulder and upper limbs due

to raised position of arms during work posture (Pekkarinen, Anttonen & Niskanen, 2015).

A proposed outcome of the study is to create a healthy eating environment in schools. Sri

Lankan school canteen guidelines were issued in 2007. Continuing to provide service Quality

ensures that school canteens achieve higher health standards. This study evaluated canteen service

quality in terms of location, physical appearance, and cleanliness. Food handling practices, food

preparation and serving facilities storage, and waste management. It also looked into the reasons

for deviations from the norm. Service quality from the stipulated guidelines. (M.C. Weerasinghe ,
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 14
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

Samanthi Bandara , M. Sanoon, 2017) Canteens play an important role in the daily nutrition of

many people, including students. A well-balanced, satisfying and healthy diet is just as important to

a busy university/college student as the correct class schedule, teachers or learning environment.

The university canteen should propose menus that promote healthy diet, but at the same time not

limiting their food choices, including new trends in nutrition. Young adulthood is a particularly

important time for the promotion of healthy eating, because during this period, nutrition habits are

developed and remain all through one’s lifetime (Ewa Czarniecka-Skubina,,* Hanna Górska-

Warsewicz, Wacław Laskowski,2and Maria Jeznach 2019)

Theoretical Framework

The theory that being used is supported by Porral et al. (2018) according to Porral et al.

(2018) this study examines whether the level of product involvement influences how emotions

drive consumer satisfaction. Based on the Theory of the Hedonic Asymmetry, it is analyzed

through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) how emotions drive consumer satisfaction. Liu

Rungang et al. (2013) conducted a survey on customer satisfaction in Changzhou University, and

concluded that dining conditions, service quality, and canteen products need to be improved, and

proposed targeted approaches.

According to the randomness of students ’ arrival in the canteen and the randomness of

dining time, a queuing model of canteen service is established. The students ’ arrival rate and

service time are randomly simulated, and the students ’ multi-queue dining service is dynamically

simulated. So got the queuing time, busy rate of dining windows and other factors. Considering the

waiting cost of students and the operating cost of canteen, and effectively combining the epidemic
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 15
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

prevention, the optimal number of canteen windows is obtained. It puts forward the optimization

scheme for students to eat, and provides feasible suggestions for canteen managers and schools.

The theory that has been used is based on the Statement of the Problem of the study because the

researcher's want to determine the service efficiency of the Universidad de Manila canteen

perceived by the Grade 12 Home economics students of school year 2022 - 2023

Paradigm of the Study



 TheDetermined the degree

level of efficiency of  To obtain information
satisfaction with
service the
at the from respondents, the
Universidad de de
Manila. researchers will
 TheManila's
level of canteen
satisfaction administer surveys In Figure 1, the IPO model
of Grade
service.12 Home through the use of
Determined students withof
the level Google Forms. was chosen by the researchers
canteen service at the
of Grade
12 Home Economics in
de Manila to explain how they would
terms of: with the
students  Statistical Treatment carry out their objectives for
- Nutritional
Universidad de value
- Quality
Manila’s canteen
this study.
- Price
 Percentage Calculation
 The- relationship
Cleanliness of
Universidad de Input. These are the aspects
Manila’s canteen
services and the level that the researchers hope to
of satisfaction of
Grade 12 Home change and bring to light in
Economics students is
their findings. The
researchers’ goal is to reveal these factors in order to get the

result they expect. It serves as the foundation for both the

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study
required action and the desired outcome.
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 16
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

Process. The researchers chose to conduct surveys online due to the wide range of

respondents’ availability and schedules. The researchers chose this technique since the study

requires a large number of respondents, and they wanted to ensure that individuals who couldn’t

take part would still be willing to offer their thoughts and take the survey. A crucial step that will

determine whether the researchers’ desired outcomes are achieved or not.

Output. These are the anticipated outcomes and transformed inputs that were discovered

by researchers. The outputs, also known as the findings, are important in helping people recognize

the study’s conclusions.

To put it simply, Figure 1 shows how the researchers will carry out their investigation and

how they can make it happen. Along with the expected inputs and output of the study, which will

act as a manual for how the study will be conducted. A manual that is simple enough for readers to

grasp and inquisitive enough to want to know the outcome.



Garcia, J. ., Litang, J. K. ., Obena, A. ., Villa, H. ., Gutierez, M. ., & Tamon, C.-J. S. . (2019). Level

of Satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM Students in Food Services in the School Canteen of Bestlink

College of the Philippines School Year 2018-2019. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 17
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1). Retrieved from

Garg A., Kumar J. Exploring customer satisfaction with university cafeteria food services. An

empirical study of Temptation Restaurant at Taylor’s University, Malaysia. Eur. J. Tour. Hosp.

Recreat. 2017;8:96–106. doi: 10.1515/ejthr-2017-0009.

Ann Jelaine C. Pajantoy 1, Siony C. Ubane* Assessment on the Canteen Services in All Central

Schools of Catarman: Basis in the Design of a Model Canteen






Ji Y-G, Ko W-H. Developing a Catering Quality Scale for University Canteens in China: From the

Perspective of Food Safety. Sustainability. 2022; 14(3):1281.

M.C. Weerasinghe , Samanthi Bandara , M. Sanoon 2017 Service quality of school canteens: A

case study from the Western Province, Sri Lanka

Danrev John R. Labay , Emmanuel Raymond D. Macuha , Henri Alexis O. Mondragon , Arvin

Klein E. Sarmiento , Mark Renz B. Veron , Luisito Salazar , Beverly T. Caiga 2015 Maritime
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 18
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

Students’ Satisfaction on the Services Rendered by the Canteen



Service Efficiency Of School Canteen Mels


Ma. Janice J. Gumasing, Eidref Joseph E. Espejo An Ergonomic Approach on Facilities and

Workstation Design of Public School Canteen in the Philippines 2020

Rechie P. Carpio, Carolyn M. Illescas, David R. Perez & Lovina A. Hamora

Curriculum Vitae
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 19
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

Chapter III


This chapter shows how the researchers collected the data and techniques used throughout

the research.

Reseach Design

Research Locale

The research is conducted in the vicnity of Universidad de Manila. Located infront of

Manila City Hall and at the left side of LRT Central Station. Close to SM Manila.
Universidad De Manila
(Formerly City College of Manila) 20
Mehan Gardens, cor. A.J. Villegas St., Manila
College of Education

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