100 cấu trúc viết lại câu trong Tiếng Anh

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LOOK FORWARD TO SOMETHING (Mong chờ, mong đợi làm việc gì đó)
We are looking forward to go hiking next week.
I am looking forward to hear from you.
Câu này thường dùng ở cuối thư hoặc email, để thể hiện rằng bạn đang chờ sự hồi đáp của đối
phương về email hoặc thư mà bạn gửi.
2. PROVIDE SOMEBODY WITH SOMETHING (Cung cấp cho ai đó cái gì đó)
Could you please provide us with some food for our dinner?
Mary can provide you with some potatoes.
3. FAIL TO DO SOMETHING (Thất bại trong việc gì đó)
He failed to pass the police test.
John failed to do exercises
4. SUCCEED IN DOING SOMETHING (Thành công trong việc gì đó)
She succeeded in finishing the race.
Henry succeeded in the final exam.
I borrow those books from Mary
Anna borrows that glass from her mother.
6. LEND SOMEBODY SOMETHING (Cho ai mượn cái gì đó)
Could you lend me some pens?
Mary will lend him her bike.
He made her go to school.
Lisa made her children clean the house.
8. PLAN TO DO SOMETHING (Dự định/ có kế hoạch làm gì đó)
We plan to go camping next week.
He plans to check up tomorrow.
9. INVITE SOMEBODY TO DO SOMETHING (Mời ai đó làm gì đó)
He invited me to hang out.
They invited us to travel with them.
10. OFFER SOMEBODY SOMETHING (Mời/ đề nghị ai cái gì đó)
He offered his girlfriend a romantic dinner.
Lisa offered her customer a discount.
11. KEEP ONE’S PROMISE (Giữ lời hứa)
Harry keeps his promise not to cancel his schedule to Hanoi.
Lana keeps her promise to pay the bill of party.
12. BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING (Có khả năng làm việc gì đó)
He is able to swim in the ocean.
May is able to draw a picture.
13. BE GOOD AT SOMETHING (Giỏi làm việc gì đó)
He is very good at music.
She is good at playing games.
14. BE BAD AT SOMETHING (Tệ làm việc gì đó)
Lisa was bad at reading English book from the beginning.
Harry is bad at singing.
I prefer going out with friends to staying at home alone.
My Mom prefers having dinner at home to going out.
16. PREFER SOMETHING TO SOMETHING (Thích cái gì hơn cái gì)
My mom prefers beef steak over beef stew.
I prefer sweet potato to potato.
17. APOLOGIZE FOR DOING SOMETHING (Xin lỗi vì đã làm gì đó)
He apologized for being late.
I apologized for not call him back.
18. HAD BETTER DO SOMETHING (Nên làm gì đó)
You had better hang out with them.
I had better go to sleep now.
19. WOULD RATHER DO SOMETHING (Thà làm gì còn hơn)
I would rather go with my Mom.
My brother would rather finish his homework.
I would rather him went to school.
Henry would rather his brother went swimming.
My Mom sugeested me should meet my cousins.
The teacher suggested his students should learn that lesson hard.
22. TRY TO DO SOMETHING (Cố làm gì)
I tried to sleep last night.
He tried to learn all lessons before the test on Monday.
23. TRY DOING SOMETHING (Thử làm gì)
I try playing football.
He tried playing piano.
24. NEED TO DO SOMETHING (Cần làm gì)
I need to see him next morning.
We need to plan the trip first.
25. NEED DOING (Cần được làm)
His shirt needs washing.
Our kids needs cleaning.
We remembered turning the lights off before coming out.
I tried to remember taking a day off because I was so sick.
I have to remember to call him when I am home.
You should remember to clean up before leaving.
28. HAVE SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING (Ra lệnh cho ai làm gì)
My boss asked me to have Jerry come to his office before 5pm.
The receptionist has the porter bring my luggages up right after that.
29. GET/HAVE SOMETHING DONE (Hoàn tất việc gì)
I have my Mom’s car washed.
She gets her hair cut.
30. BE BUSY DOING SOMETHING (Bận rộn làm gì)
I was busy finishing my reports.
My family was busy cooking dinner at 7pm.
He let me run the project myself.
My Mom let me choose the subjects I wanted to learn.
32. IT IS (VERY) KIND OF SOMEBODY TO DO SOMETHING (Ai đó thật tốt bụng/tử tế
khi làm gì)
It is very kind of you to help him move the sofa.
It is very kind of you to clean the kitchen for me.
33. MAKE SURE THAT (Bảo đảm rằng)
Please make sure that you will be back on time!
I have to make sure that you will finish the report.
34. FIND + IT + ADJECTIVE + TO DO SOMETHING (Thấy rằng …. để làm gì đó)
I find it so lucky to be friend with you.
I find it so bored to watch that film again.
35. SPEND TIME/MONEY ON SOMETHING (Dành thời gian/tiền vào việc gì)
I spend all my time yesterday on finding the file.
I spend money on books every month.
36. WASTE TIME/MONEY ON SOMETHING (Phung phí thời gian/tiền bạc vào việc gì)
He always wasted time on games.
My brother wasted his money on shoes.
37. GIVE UP SOMETHING (Từ bỏ việc gì đó)
May I give up the book?
Lisa gave up the tape already.
37. BORED WITH SOMEBODY/SOMETHING (Chán với việc gì hoặc ai đó)
I am bored with him alot.
She is bored with this book.
38. HIRE SOMEBODY TO DO SOMETHING (Thuê ai đó làm việc gì đó)
My father hired him to cut the tree in our garden.
She hired a woman to clean her house every week.
39. ANGRY AT + N/V-ING (Giận giữ với điều gì đó)
Are you angry at me?
I was angry at the heavy rain.
40. BE/GET TIRED OF SOMETHING (Mệt mỏi với điều gì đó)
I was tired of reading those files.
She gets tired of walking around.
41. BE FOND OF N/V-ING (Thích điều gì đó)
Over years they have grown very fond of each other.
Jonathan is fond of his wife.
42. BE AMAZED OF SOMETHING (Ngạc nhiên với điều gì đó)
I was amazed of the book.
She is amazed of his talent.
43. HAVE SOMETHING TO DO (Có điều gì đó cần làm)
She had something to do yesterday, that’s why she didn’t come. (
I have homework to do, I can’t go.
44. ENJOY +V-ING (Hưởng thụ việc gì đó)
I am always enjoy reading before going to sleep.
She is enjoy listening music.
đó làm việc gì đó)
It is not necessary for her to look for him.
It is not necessary for me to ask where he is from.
46. ADJECTIVE + ENOUGH +TO DO SOMETHING (Có đủ tính chất gì đó để làm việc gì
She is good enough to pass the exams.
He is nice enough to help me carry my luggages.
47. HAVE ENOUGH + N + TO DO SOMETHING (Có đủ điều gì đó để làm việc gì đó)
At least, he had enough encourage to propose her.
Doctors always have enough patient to study human theologies.
48. BE INTERESTED IN SOMETHING (Thích thú với điều gì đó)
He is interested in playing poker.
My Mom is interested in cooking.
49. BY CHANCE = BY ACCIDENT (tình cờ)
We met by chance.
By accident, we talked to the same guy at the same place about each others
50. TAKE CARE OF SOMEBODY/SOMETHING (Chăm sóc ai đó/điều gì đó)
I will take care of her while she is in hospital.
Henry will take care of our schedules.
51. CAN’T STAND/HELP/BEAR/RESIST + V-ING (Không chịu nổi, không nhịn nổi)
I can’t help falling in love with him.
I can’t stand seeing him hurt by others.
52. BE KEEN ON SOMETHING/SOMEBODY (Mặn mà với một điều gì đó/ai đó)
Henry is not keen on his new manager.
May is keen on flowers.
53. GIVE UP ON SOMEBODY/SOMETHING (Từ bỏ ai đó hoặc điều gì đó)
I am giving up on him.
She is giving up on staying late.
54. GIVE UP + V-ING (Từ bỏ làm việc gì đó)
She gave up staying late.
I give up reading that book.
55. HAVE NO IDEA OF SOMETHING (Không biết gì về điều gì đó)
I have no idea of his new phone number.
My Mom has no idea of using her new cooker.
56. COMPLAIN ABOUT SOMETHING (Than phiền điều gì đó)
Teacher complains about his students with the Principal.
Customers are complaining about the unfair promotion.
57. BE CONFUSED AT (Lúng túng vì điều gì đó)
I am confused at using this machine.
She is confused at the price.
58. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER (Cho dù thế nào)
The bills have to be paid one way or another.
I bet that he will still call her one way or another.
59. KEEP IN TOUCH (Giữ liên lạc)
We will try to keep in touch with him anyway.
Let’s keep in touch!
60. FEEL PITY FOR (Cảm thấy tiếc nuối vì điều gì đó)
I feel pity for his injury.
Mary feels pity for not passing the drive test.
61. PUT UP WITH + V-ING (Chịu đựng việc gì đó)
I was too tired to put up with nonsenses.
Henry can’t put up with his neighbour’s noise any longer.
62. IN CASE OF (Trong trường hợp)
Take Jonathan with you in case of there are too many luggages.
In case of fire, do not take the lift!
63. BE FINED FOR SOMETHING (Bị phạt vì cái gì đó)
He is fined for driving too fast.
They are fined for parking in the fire zone.
65. HAVE DIFFICULTY+ V-ING (Gặp khó khăn làm gì...)
A year after the accident, he still has difficulty driving.
During stress time, I always have difficulty sleeping.
66. BE FULL OF SOMETHING (Đầy đủ một cái gì đó)
The garden is full of colorful flowers.
Life is always full of surprises.
67. FOR A LONG TIME = FOR YEARS = FOR AGES (Một quãng thời gian dài)
I haven’t seen him for ages.
For a long time, I didn’t know my talent until my 18th birthday.
68. LEAVE SOMEBODY ALONE (Để ai đó một mình)
Leave him alone! Mary had just hurt him bad.
Should we leave him alone or not?
69. BY + V-ING (bằng cách nào đó)
In the end, they loved each other more just by talking honestly.
We could go by bike.
70. GO +V-ING (chỉ các hoạt động giải trí)
Let’s go fishing sometimes.
We will go camping next week.
71. TAKE PLACE OF SOMETHING/SOMEBODY (Thay thế điều gì đó/ai đó)
Who will take place of his position?
Smart TV began to take place off normal TV nowadays.
72. EXPECT SOMEBODY TO DO SOMETHING (Hy vọng rằng ai đó làm điều gì đó)
The wife expected her husband to take her to a better restaurant.
My teacher expected us to do all our homeworks before test.
73. THERE (NOT) APPEAR TO BE + N (Dường như không có gì)
There does not appear to be any sign that they will go ahead with that project.
There did not appear to be any comment that should be deleted.
74. SEE FOR ONESELF (Ai đó tự nhìn cái gì đó)
If you don’t believe me, then just come here and see for yourself.
I see all that horror movie for myself.
75. COULD HARDLY (Không thể nào)
They could hardly make the homework done.
He could hardly finish the race.
76. COUNT ON SOMEBODY (Tin tưởng vào ai đó)
Count on me! I tried my best on this competition.
I always count on you, you are my best friend.
77. IN THE NICK OF TIME (Vừa đúng vào phút chót)
He always comes in the nick of time.
He scored in the nick of time.
78. MAKE IT HAPPEN (Thành công làm điều gì đó)
Congratulation, you made it happen!
Don’t worry, I will make it happen!
79. OPEN ONE’S EYES (Thừa nhận điều gì đó)
He refused to open his eyes to the truth.
At last, she opens her eyes to the truth that he has gone.
80. PUT AN END TO SOMETHING (Chấm dứt chuyện gì đó)
I will put an end to everything.
By saying that she loved him, Mary put an end to all their misunderstands.
81. BUMP INTO SOMEBODY (Gặp ai đó một cách tình cờ)
Last night, I bumped into Jane on the way to our favorite bar.
Suddenly, on the way out, the robber bumped into police and was knocked down.
82. LOOK UP TO SOMEBODY (Ngưỡng mộ ai đó)
I always look up to my Mom for everything she have done because of me
You are whom our children always look up to.
83. ASK SOMEBODY OUT (Mời ai đó đi chơi)
Do you believe that Jane asked me out?
I should ask my wife out tonight, it is our anniversary.
84. ADD UP TO SOMETHING (Tương đương với cái gì đó)
These clues don't really add up to what we need.
Just 100 extra calories each day add up to one pound of extra body fat each week.
85. CALL SOMETHING OFF (Hủy bỏ điều gì đó)
They held a ballot on whether to call off the final.
We have called off the trip.
86. CHECK SOMETHING/SOMEBODY OUT (Quan sát kỹ, điều tra)
We did decide to check the restaurant out.
The police still check him out everyday.
87. COME ACROSS SOMETHING/ SOMEBODY (Đi ngang qua, bắt gặp một thứ gì đó
tình cờ)
Jerry came across some old love letters.
Have you ever come across such a great person?
88. DO SOMETHING OVER (Làm lại một việc gì đó)
To get used to something, I have to do it over and over.
The teacher asked me to do the report over, it was so messy.
89. FIGURE SOMETHING OUT (Hiểu ra, tìm ra câu trả lời)
In the end, Kate figured out why the washing machine wasn’t working.
Mark finally figured out that it is not his fault.
90. HOLD ONTO SOMEBODY/ SOMETHING (Giữ chặt, bám chặt)
Luckily, he hold onto a giant tree and waited for help.
Martin hold onto his mom for really a long time.
A man in a black mask held the bank up this morning.
He is always held everyone up by coming late
92. LET SOMEBODY DOWN (Làm ai đó thất vọng)
Don’t let me down! I always count on you!
I will never let my parents down.
93. MAKE SOMETHING UP (Bịa đặt, dựng chuyện về một điều gì đó)
He did make everything up for fun.
I couldn’t believe that she did make up behind my back.
94. USE SOMETHING UP (Dùng hết cái gì đó)
He used up all the milk already.
The resources are used up.
95. SORT SOMETHING OUT (Sắp xếp, giải quyết một vấn đề)
They started to sort out the travelling arrangements.
We need to sort our clothes out and decide what we're going to give away.
96. PASS OUT (ngất xỉu)
After shocked news, she did pass out.
She passed out after seeing her husband’s accident herself.
97. PASS SOMETHING OUT (Chuyền tay nhau)
The teacher is passing out homeworks for his students.
They are passing the story book out.
98. PASS AWAY (Qua đời)
My grandmother passed out last month.
After her husband passed out 20 years ago, she still lived alone.
99. LOOK OUT FOR SOMEBODY/SOMETHING (Cực kỳ cảnh giác với ai đó/cái gì đó)
Although this is not the first time seeing him, I still look out for him.
We were told to look out for a van.
100. PAY FOR SOMETHING (Trả giá cho một việc gì đó)
Failed the exam is something that he has to pay for his careless.
I have to pay for my broken phone a lot of money.

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