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लोक सेवा आयोग

नेपाल इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, सिभिल समूह, जनरल उपसमूह

राजपत्राङ्कित तृतीय श्रेणी (प्राविधिक) पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा
मिति : २०६८/२/८
समयः ४५ मिनेट । SET - 3 पूर्णाङ्कः- १००
विषयः सिभिल इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सम्बन्धी
वस्तुगत बहुउत्तर (५० x २ = १०० अंक) ©Ghoksewa Exam

1. The amount of water required to fill up the pore spaces in well particles by replacing all air held in pore
space in known as
A) Fill Capacity B) Available Moisture
C) Saturation Capacity D) All of Above

2. If the wearing course of a road is 5cm, base course is 15cm, Sub-base course is 15cm and capping layer is
15cm then what will be thickness of pavement?
A) 35cm B) 50cm
C) 5cm D) 20cm

3. for transportation purposed in Nepal the first preference is given to

A) Airlines B) Roadways
B) Railways D) Shipping

4. The maximum Super-elevation on hill road should not exceeds

A) 7% B) 8%
C) 9% D) 10%

5. A wall constructed to retain the earth from slippage on the hill side of the roadway is called
A) Breast Wall B) Retaining Wall
C) Parapet Wall D) Wing Wall

6. Specification of a constructions work clearly defines

A) The qualitative aspects of work B) the quantitative aspects
C) Consequences of related work D) All of above
7. The district rate finalizing committee does not include the representative of
A) Nepal Engineering’s Association, district unit
B) District Development Committee office
C) Contractor’s Association
D) District technical office

8. What is the maximum overhead added to the rate analysis?

A) 5% B) 10%
C) 15% D) 20%

9. An RCC element, 1m deep and 0.5m wide require minimum reinforcement @1% of gross sectional area,
what will be area of reinforcement bars?
A) 500mm2 B) 1000 mm2
C) 5000mm2 D) 5000 mm3

10. The first stage of a construction is

A) Initiation of proposal B) allotment of fund
C) Preparation of tender D) acceptance of sender and agreement

11. The completion report includes

A) The details of the final bill paid to the contractor
B) The details of the all bills paid to the contractor
C) The details of the all bills, variation along with as built drawing

D) The compilation of all the document during project implementation

12. Muster rolls are used for

A) To pay wages of workers employed on daily basis
B) To record the daily construction activities
C) To evaluate the construction activities
D) To evaluate the performance of workers
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13. Which types of network was first develops for planning of any project
C) Mile stone D) Bar chart
14. Classification of Airport by ICAO is based on
A) Runway length B) wheel load
C) Both runway lengths and wheel load D) capacity of airport

15. If an air traffic control tower is needed at the airport, it is usually located on the roof of
A) terminal building B) administrative building
C) Anywhere D) should not be placed above terminal building

16. Contour lines look to cross each other in case of

A) A dam of vertical face B) an overhanging cliff
C) A steep hill D) a deep valley

17. The triangle formed by joining the position of the known points on plane table survey is known as
A) Small triangle B) medium triangle
C) Greater triangle D) equilateral triangle

18. An error is measured length chain to the sag of chain of sag is known as
A) Positive error B) Negative error
C) Compensating error D) instrumental error

19. In the scale of map is 1:25000, what it means

A) 1 cm in map equal to 25000 cm in field B) 1 cm in map equal to 250m in field
C) 1 cm in map equal to 25km cm in field D) none of above

20. You are requested to carry out a survey for the construction of a small airport in mountainous region of
Nepal. Which of the following surveying method you will choose?
A) Plane Tabling B) Chain Surveying
C) Levelling D) Tachometric Surveying

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21. The fineness of cement is tested by

A) air permeability method B) Le-chaltier method
C) Vicat’s method D) All of Above
22. Sand has minimum volume when
A) Absolutely dry stage B) Absolutely wet stage
C) Both of above D) none of above

23. The Main constituents of Portland cement are

A) Lime, silica and alumina B) Lime, alumina and potash
C) Alumina, silica and iron oxide D) Lime, alumina and iron oxide

24. The process of hardening the concrete by keeping its surface moist is known as
A) Placing B) Wetting
C) Curing D) Compacting

25. Portion of the brick obtained by cutting a brick its length wise into two portion
A) Header B) Queen closer
C) King closer D) Half bats

26. The ration of change in volume to the original volume is called

A) Linear strain B) Lateral strain
C) Volumetric strain D) poison’s ratio

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27. A simply supported beam as shown in the fig. carries 10t of load, what will be the reaction at point B?
A) 5T B) 4.3T
C) 4T D) 3T


2M 2M
28. When a rectangular beam is located transversely the maximum compressive stress is developed on the
A) Top Layer B) Bottom Layer
C) Neutral Axis D) Every Cross section

29. Velocity of flow may be determined along

A) Division of discharge to area of flow B) Product of area and discharge divided by 100
C) Product of wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius D) All of above

30. A vertical wall is subjected with a liquid pressure on its one side, the total pressure on the wall acts at a
distance of….from the liquid surface
A) H/3 B) H/2
C) 2H/3 D) 3H/4

31. The discharge through a V notch weir is directly proportional to

A) Bed slope of channel upstream B) Depth of flow
C) Top width of the notch D) angle of notch and depth of the flow

32. Which of the following is not the purpose of a foundation?

A) To distribute the weight of structure
B) To Load the sub stratum evenly
C) To provide a level surface for building construction
D) To increase the safe bearing capacity of soil

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33. Moisture content of saturated soil equal to

A) 0% B) 100%
C) 50% D) 90%

34. Consolidation test of a soil sample is carried out to determine?

A) The void ratio in soil B) The decrease in total volume
C) The liquid limit of soil D) The plastic limit of soil
35. Bearing capacity of soil depends on
A) Physical characteristics of soil particles B) Moisture content of soil
C) Both of Above D) None of Above

36. Which type of soil you prefer for the filling of the runway of an airport?
A) Salty Soil B) Clay
C) Sandy Soil D) Boulder

37. in a singly reinforced beam (concrete) as the load increase

A) Only concrete will resist tension B) only steel bars will resist tension
C) Both concrete and steel bar will resist tension D) both concrete and steel bar will resist

38. A singly supported beam of span L. carries a uniformly distributed load W. The maximum bending moment
M is
A) B)
2 4
C) D)
28 16

39. A Column is defined as short if

Lef Lef
A) <8 B) <10
b b

Lef Lef
C) <12 D) <16
b b
Where, Lef = effective length & b = side of the column

40. The wall constructed to resist horizontal pressure is

A) Main wall B) Partition wall
C) Retaining wall D) All of above

41. The platform in which window rests on the wall is

A) Sill B) Lintel
C) Jamb D) Wedge
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42. Which of the following is not true about a cavity wall

A) Air space is provided within the wall
B) metal or ties are used to join the strips of wall
C) Air space is filled with suitable material
D) concrete or suitable material can be used for wall construction

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43. Different types of bonds used in bricks masonry work due to

A) Break vertical joint and to provide strength B) better aesthetic value
C) Reduce the quantity of brick D) use the broken bricks at joint

44. For the design of water tank in a remote area of Nepal, how much domestic demand you consider?
A) 45 lpcd B) 65 lpcd
C) 120 lpcd D) 145 lpcd

45. The rate of flow in artisan spring is:

A) Increase in rainy season B) constant in all conditions
C) Decrease in drought seasons D) increases as water table rises

46. It is practical to design sewer for the soft cleaning velocity at

A) Ultimate peak flow B) minimum flow
C) Maximum flow D) extra flow

47. Baffle wall in septic tank is:

A) Short side wall B) long side wall
C) honeycomb intermediate wall D) none of above
48 When designing the canals, manning's formula's generally used for
A) Non uniform flow B) uniform flow
C) Surface flow D) All of above

49. Maximum water required in case of paddy is at the time of:

A) Pudding B) Seeding
C) Harvesting D) Flowering

50. Spillways are generally constructed for:

A) Divert the flow B) control the sediment
C) Block the river D) discharge the excess flow

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The End!!!

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