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Table of Contents:

 Introduction.
 Market Research.
 Dieticians View.
 Belgaum Profile.
 Company Profile.
 Why Dexter’s.
 Dexter’s.
 Plan Layout.
 The Diet Plan.
 Nutrient Contents.
 A Sample menu.
 Marketing Plan.
 Human Resource Plan.
 Supply Chain Model.
 Financial Plan.
 Future Plans.


Food for thought.

It has been said that the key to a successful diet is planning.

Diet is of two kind’s diet one is the usual weight loss and the
other is fat loss.

A dieter can loose his weight without losing fat; ideally

overweight people should loose fat and preserve muscle. The
obesity level is due to the unplanned intake of food. Indian
food is always known as to be spicy. From ancient times the
use of pepper and cardamom has attracted foreign sailors to
India. Indians always had a balance diet food. But due to the
modern life where people like to eat outside and prefer fast
food and the change in traditional food has bought the new
generation to the doors of the problem like obesity. It is also
seen that there is a rapid growth of diabetic patients in
majority of people working in Banks and government
professionals. The other problem caused due to obesity is
cardiac diseases.


The energy level which human beings get from food is limited
by the efficiency of digestion and the efficiency of utilization.
The efficiency of digestion is largely dependent on the type of
food being eaten. Humans require essential nutrients from 5
broad classes:

1. Proteins,
2. Fats,

3. Carbohydrates,

4. Vitamins and

5. Minerals.

Essential amino acids (protein) are required for cells,

especially muscle, construction.

Essential fatty acids are required for brain and cell wall

Vitamins and minerals are essential for many functions.

A sensible weight-loss diet is a normal balanced diet; it just

comes with smaller portions and perhaps some substitutions
e.g. low-fat milk, or less salad dressing. Extreme diets may
lead to malnutrition, and are less likely to be effective at long-
term weight loss in any event.


Market Research:

1. Are you a Vegetarian Or Non Vegetarian?

Eating Habits

% of People Preferring Meat


Non - Veg


40% of
Red Meat
Fish people
are pure vegetarian,
60% are non vegetarian.

2. If Non Vegetarian what do you prefer more?


In these 60% people preferring red meat are more in

number than people who prefer fish.

3. Which kind of food do you like to eat?

Types of Food

Fried Food


65% of people like to eat fried food than that of grilled 10%,
baked 4% and boiled food 6%.

4. You prefer
% of Peoples Eating Habit

Home Made


People who eat food outside and people who prefer

homemade food are equal people who like to eat outside
prefer junk food.
5. If from hotel what do you choose to have

% of People Prefering Type of Food


Heavy meals
Snacks or fast food


6. Are you
% of People Consciousness


Taste Conscious
Health Conscious



They are taste conscious than health conscious. (70% of

people are taste conscious).

7. Are you aware of average nutrition level required for an


Health Consciousness




Health awareness in people is very high. They are aware

about the diseases caused due to malnutrition, obesity etc
but they are not having option for any restaurant where
they can eat food they want and can even maintain their


8. Are you aware of problems occurred due to obesity?

% of People being aware of Problems due to Obesity



9. Do you consult any nutritionist?

% of People Consulting Dietecian


Don’t Consult


70% of people don’t consult any nutritionist for any problem



10. Do you follow any fitness programme?

% of People following Fitness Programme


Doesn't Go


70% of people do go for morning walk, they do exercise but

are not strict about their fitness. ie they don’t follow their
fitness programme like diet control strictly.


11. Tell your ideas about diet restaurant.

When we asked them about idea of a Diet restaurant they

showed a positive response. According to them they would
like to go to a restaurant where they can enjoy the type of
food they want without any danger to their health ie they
can enjoy the food with fitness.

12. Would you prefer going in a diet restaurant or would

like to continue with the normal restaurants?

% of People Prefering Restaurants


Diet Restaurant
Normal Restaurant



This research shows that there is an opportunity lying in

market for an diet restaurant because people are now getting
aware about their health but don’t have any place to get
nutritious healthy food.

By proving them a place where they can eat healthy food and
be fit physically we can satisfy their need of a healthy diet.



1. Are you a Vegetarian Or Non Vegetarian?

a. Veg.
b. Non Veg.

2. If Non Vegetarian what do you prefer more?

a. Red Meat
b. Fish

3. Which kind of food do you like to eat?

a. Baked
b. Shallow Fried
c. Deep Fried
d. Boiled

4. You prefer

a. Home made food

b. Food from restaurants

5. If from hotel what do you choose to have

a. Heavy meals
b. Snacks or fast food


6. Are you
a. Taste conscious
b. Health conscious

7. Are you aware of average nutrition level required for an

a. Yes
b. No.

8. Are you aware of problems occurred due to obesity?

a. Yes
b. No
9. Do you consult any nutritionist?
a. Yes
b. No

10. Do you follow any fitness programme?

a. Yes
b. No

11.Tell your ideas about diet restaurant.

12. Would you prefer going in a diet restaurant or would

like to continue with the normal restaurants?
a. The diet restaurant
b. Normal Restaurant


Dieticians View:
Doctor Rama Kulkarni.
(M.Sc. Food & Nutrition)
Consultant Nutritionist / Dietician.
Deccan Medical Centre Pvt. Ltd.
CTS 5563, Near Rly. Over Bridge, Good Shed Road,
Belgaum – 01.
Ph. 0831 – 2436555, 2432689
According to me diet is not reducing the intake of food, but it
is altering the eating habits and controlling the intake of high
calorie food.
Indian food is a very nutritious but, now a days in all
restaurants to attract people they are trying to add more spice
and some other unwanted ingredients due to this intake of
excess amount of calorie is being made by people.
Health & Hygiene is getting least preference in any restaurant.
For us to suggest our patient there is no ideal food joint
available in Belgaum.
Belgaum has many educational institutions due to which
students from various parts of India come to Belgaum. As they
are hostilities they have to depend on restaurants for their
food, but in Belgaum there is no ideal or particular restaurant
where they can find nutritious food.
The diet restaurant should not try to give a menu which is
very innovative but they should try to improve eating habits of


People in Belgaum are taste conscious so they will not accept

any sudden change in their diet, so the restaurant should
focus on just adding or deleting some ingredients which will
result in providing total nutrition.
Health hygiene and scientific packaging is equally important.
So keeping all these things in mind if a restaurant is started
then it will be a boon for all people in Belgaum.


Belgaum Profile:

Belgaum is one of the oldest, strong, prominent and well-

cultured historical place nestling high in the Western Ghats.
The old town area with cotton and silk weavers stands
gloriously besides the modern, bustling, tree-lined British
Cantonment. Step out of the forts and you have a wide choice
of temples and churches to visit. Belgaum has an enviable
heritage and offers much to be discovered. It lies in zone the of
cultural transition between Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa
with a known antiquity clearly traceable up to 2nd Century
A.D. Due to its proximity with the states of Maharashtra and
Goa, Belgaum has acquired the cultural flavour of these states
and blended it with the local Kannada culture to create a rich
heritage, which is unique in its manifestation. It is also known
as Malenadu or Rain Country and the vegetation here is
verdant green throughout the year. Well, centuries have
passed and today its an entirely different story. Belgaum has
now become one of the important and considered district in
the state of Karnataka. Belgaum is now marching with a tag of
fast growing, redeveloping district with a population of over
42,07,264 approximately. The nearest well-developed cities to
Belgaum are Hubli and Dharwad from Karnataka, Panaji from
Goa and Kolhapur and Sangli from Maharashtra. Belgaum is
exactly at the center between Bombay and Bangalore.   So,
Stay a while and discover Belgaum.......


Statistical View:

District Income:

S.No. Particulars Rs. (in lakhs) Percentage

Agriculture, Animal
1 0 42.88
2 Forest 0 1.84
3 Fisheries 217 0.06
4 Mining 59 0.01
5 Manufacturing 0 15.74
6 Construction 0 4.34
7 Electricity 0 2.66
8 Railway 895 0.26
9 Transport 0 1.98
10 Collection 24 0.006
11 Communication 0 1.18
Hotels, Business
12 0 11.79
and Restaurants
Banks and
13 0 3.03
14 Estate Business 0 5.52
15 0 3.06
16 other Services 0 5.56


Company Profile:

Name of the Restaurant:

…D digestible diet

Total capital outlay: Rs.75 lacs.

Company Structure:

Two active partners and Three sleeping Partners.

Name of the Partners:

Sandeep. H

Punith. S

Nikhil. S

Prashant. V

Sangan. A

Each partners will be investing Rs.10 lacs each.

Initial Capital outlay:

10 lacs from each partner ie. Five partners that comes to 50

lacs. 15 lacs long term loan and 10 lac short tern loan.



“To be a leader in dietary market”


“To build an Healthy society”


 To spread awareness of having dieteary food.

 To awaken the generation of nutruients required in their
regular meal.

 To be cut above the rest in the restaurant industry.

 To carve a niche initially and make our service to reach

the masses.

Location: Our Hotel will be located in the prime location of

Belgaum. It will be located in Bogarves, on college raod.



DEXTER’s is the name derived from a cartoon show called

‘DEXTER’s LABORATORY’ on Cartoon Network.
DEXTER the character in this show is an intelligent and who
has calculations done for each and every task he does. He
always eats calculated amount of food. The intake of
nutrition’s like calories, fats etc. He makes his mother cook
food using calculated amount of ingredients in short he is
particular about the things he does. He always measures uses
scientific ways of to perform any task.
DEXTER stands for perfection, making a detailed calculation
for everything and always accuracy.
This name is easily associated with the service we offer as the
dishes offered are prepared after calculations in terms of
calories and fats. Accuracy in preparation, usage of calculated
amount of ingredients etc are our specialties.


…D digestable diet

Dexter’s is basically a restaurant with a different ambience

and style. It caters the niche initially and targets the
masses in the later stage. It is basically a restaurant which
provides a perfect dietary food. The menu includes all kinds
of food with their nutrient content in it.

We prescribe our customers the standard dietary need

which can be satisfied in our restaurant.

All restaurants are eating spots but all eating spots are not
restaurants, as we provide a hygiene environment with a
perfect blend of taste and nutrition we stand as a place and
can attract customers because of our different food style
and taste.

We refer ourselves as different taste because we do not

serve all the junk food which is easily available at corner
places in Belgaum; but we provide a food which our body
and mind needs and also accepts.

The food provided at our restaurant is as suggested by a

dietitian and all the menus are selected with their help.
There will be a regular dietitian with whom every aspects of
the food will be consulted.


Layout of our restaurant:


Dexter’ss layout will be the same as shown above. The first

and foremost part of the restaurant would be the parking area
which would be on the left side of the restaurant. There would
be two security guards present to help our customers in
parking the vehicles. Both two wheelers and four wheelers
would be parked in the same area. No parking fee will be

When the customers enter the restaurant there will be host

desk. Here the customer would be guided either to indoor
tables or to the lawn depending on the customer. The lawn
can also be called as the garden restaurant where there will be
tables laid. There is also an artificial fountain at one end and a
pond at the centre of the lawn.

If there are no tables available we plan to have a lobby or

waiting lounge where our customers can wait. The lobby will
be well furnished with air conditioner and television set so
that it might provide a luxury experience.

As usual there are tables laid inside the restaurant to all

customers who wants to sit inside and enjoy our cuisine.
There will be juice and salad counter which will be accessible
to both the sides of the restaurant i.e to lawn and to the
indoor tables. It would be a glass made for its exteriors. So
that customers can see through. Adjacent to this counter will


be the show kitchen which will also be accessible to both the

sides. This kitchen will be well furnished with see through
glasses. Behind the show kitchen there will be actual kitchen
in which all the major work would be done. Adjacent to this
kitchen there will be a store room in which all food and other
items would be stored.

Both ladies and gents toilet would be built at one side of the
restaurant room. It would be in the area where indoor tables
are laid. The cash counter would be just opposite to lobby
where all the billing will take place. It will be equipped with


The above area is available for building up the restaurant it is

placed in one of the posh area of the Belgaum. This high
profile area will be near Bogarves i.e. college road. The total
area would be around 6 guntas of land.

After the construction the restaurant would be well furnished

and would look like:

The interiors will be painted with sober paints which gives a

rich look with all modern amenities as seen above. The tables
would be maximum for 4 customers and if there are more than
four in a group there are different size tables are available.


The above hall is the lobby of our restaurant which is well

furnished with tiles. The room is also equipped with air
conditioner and television.


The Diet Plan:

We believe that healthy eating habits and adequate physical

activities are the key to a healthy life.

If we eat only to satisfy taste of our tongue which results in

over eating, causes harmful effects like over weight and get
prone to disease.

No single variety of food can make us healthy. But if we eat a

varied selection of foods from every level of the food pyramid,
each of the basic food groups supplies different nutrients,
vitamins and minerals, which gives our body the healthy
nutrition needed. Appropriate lifestyle can prevent diseases,
improve quality of life and increase life expectancy.

By eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains,

reducing salt in the diet, reducing refined carbohydrates,
decreasing saturated fats, avoiding trans-fatty acids, cutting
down on extra body fats we can prevent diabetes, blood
pressure, heart attacks, strokes, cancers, anemia.

A person's nutrient needs should be met by consuming

primarily natural foods, within each his or her daily caloric
needs. Where excess calories is a problem, people need to
choose meals that are low or moderate in energy content, that
is, adequate nutrients need to be provided within each
individual's calorie needs.


Through our market research some results found are as


1. The traditional food preparation habits of people of

Belgaum, which are very much beneficial and nutritious,

 Traditional method of eating hand pound rice, par boiled


 Habit of eating ragi with greens.

 Vegetables are usually incorporated in dal preparations

e.g. sambaar,    kootu.

 Variety of greens e.g. drumstick leaves, amranthus,

gongu, agathi, curry    leaves, manathakali leaves etc are

 Vegetable preparations are made with less oil.

 Fish is being consumed regularly.

 Consumption of sweet preparation on only special

occasions instead of    being a part of daily menu.

 Consumption of traditional chutneys and thovials made

with spices.


 Butter milk, coconut water is commonly used as thirst


 Masalas are made at home like sambaar masala, rasam

powder etc.

2. But there are some more diet habits of people in Belgaum

which are acting as red alert for heath those are:

• Consumption of junk food is considered as status symbol.

• The daily cereal consumption is more than the recommended

dietary allowance.

• The consumption of refined cereals like polished rice, maida

is more than whole grains like unpolished rice & whole
wheat flour.

• In spite of the affordability & availability people prefer only

particular dals like toordal, moongdal. Dal is prepared to a
watery consistency.

• Rigid unhealthy dietary practices are followed like draining of

excess water while cooking rice, preferring one type of oil.


• Fruit consumption is less even in the higher class and

monopolized by few seasonal fruits.

• Inclusion of salads in the diet does not exist. Though

seasonal vegetables are available, vegetables   like raw
banana, brinjal, drum sticks etc are repeatedly used.
• Consumption of milk and milk products is very less.
• Awareness of different types of nuts is less. Coconut is used
excessively in food preparations.

• It’s commonly believed that refined oil is good for health and

can be consumed in large amounts.

• Increase in unhealthy food choices like parrota, bhajjis etc.

• Consumption of pickles, salted dried fish, papads is a norm.
• Chicken is consumed with skin, and mostly in deep fried
• Excessive consumption of coffee.

Keeping all above things in mind in our restaurant we have

included the food products, which are very much beneficial for
a healthy diet. Our menu is designed in such a way that an
individual while enjoying the food can be physically fit.

Following are the major changes that can be observed between

an ordinary restaurant and our restaurant:


 Grilled, Steamed, Baked, Boiled or Roasted food items

are offered than fried and sautéd food items.
 Junk food will be strictly avoided.
 All types of rotis, parathas, naans etc are prepared by
using Tandoor.
 Salads packed with veggies, sprouts etc are served as
starters, which help to control hunger and feel satisfied
 Our main dishes mainly include vegetables or meat that
is cooked in onion tomato gravy rather than dishes that
are cream based. Even in some cream based dishes extra
cream will be avoided and the cream used will include
comparatively less fats.
 For desserts, fruit based dishes like fruit salad are
provided instead of sweets.
 For beverages, instead of soft drinks, Green tea, coconut
water, lemon water, butter milk, different types of milk
shakes, vegetable soups etc will be provided.
 Last but not the least highly hygienic food handling and
cooking practices will be practiced in our restaurant.
 Alcohol consumption & smoking will be strictly banned.

Main ingredients of our restaurant menu include:

1. Grains:


Grains like Wheat, Maize, Ragi will be used because they are
an integral part of Indian diet and they provide, basic
energy, proteins, iron, fiber and many micronutrients.
Whole grains are more nutritious and disease preventing than
refined grains.

People who eat whole grains have reduced risk of many

chronic diseases like diabetes, coronary artery disease, colon
cancer, high blood pressure.

Whole grains provide nutrients that are vital for health

maintenance. They provide a unique combination of complex
carbohydrates, water & fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, fiber,
insoluble antioxidants and phytosterols.

Whole grain cereal products have low glycemic index; promote

satiety by slowing gastric emptying due to its fiber content.
Diets rich in whole grains as compared to refined grains are
significantly associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular

Refined grains are prepared by milling. The bran and germ

layer of the grain is removed. This reduces linoliec acid
content, fiber, folic acid, selenium and Vitamin E and many
other nutrients.

Therefore we give more emphasis on:


 Idlis and Dosas made with brown rice to those made from
white rice.
 Flours used in our restaurant are directly from a chakki
and not readymade flours.
 Rice used is partially polished.


2. Vegetables and Fruits:

Vegetables are used in the form of salads, curries; and fruits

are provided by using different combinations like raw fruits,
fruit \ chats, fruit salads etc.

Vegetables have unique combinations of nutrients like

folate, vitamins, minerals, fiber, anti-oxidants & are
relatively low in calories.

All these work together to protect the body from disease. They
have a high water content & low energy density, which also
assists in weight control.

It is recommended that all age groups should consume a

minimum of 300-400 gms of vegetables everyday (along with a
minimum of 200- 250 gms fruits everyday).

Fruits are irreplaceable by any other food items. They contain

the magic and unique combinations of micro and
macronutrients and anti-oxidants and many other ingredients
that are yet to discover.

Daily regular consumption of fruits leads to lower risk of high

blood pressure, stroke (paralysis), coronary artery disease,
cancer, diabetes & other chronic diseases. It also enhances the


body’s immune system, prevents acute diseases and delays

ageing. It lowers blood pressure in persons already having
high blood pressure.

It is recommended that all age groups should consume a

minimum of 200-300 gm of fruits daily (along with a minimum
of 250 gm or more of vegetables). Preferably include a variety
of fruits which are seasonal, cheap & easily available. Locally
available seasonal cheap berries are also very beneficial. Try &
include more of citrus fruits.

The beneficial effects of fruits & vegetables are due to a unique

combination and presence of :

 They are rich source of antioxidants & micronutrients

such as Vitamin A, C, E, & selenium (yellow, orange,
purple, green fruits & vegetables) and also are rich
source of fibre.

 The high potassium content in fruits & vegetables has

protective effect on blood pressure, reduces      the risk of
developing kidney stones and may help to decrease bone


3. Oils & Nuts:

Nuts used in our restaurant are:

Peanut, almonds, cashew nut ,coconut, pistachios and walnut.

Commonly used oil seeds are (oil used is extracted from):

Sesame seeds, flax, pumpkin, melon and mustard.

Nuts and oil seeds have many health benefits. A small

quantity of nuts in daily diet should be included; small
because they are calorie dense. Being high in fat, nuts in the
diet must be balanced with the visible oil intake and desired
daily energy requirement.

Nuts and oil seeds are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates,

minerals and vitamins. They are high in unsaturated fatty
acids and low in saturated fatty acids and also contain omega-
3 fatty acids, mono-unsaturated fatty acids. They help in
lowering cholesterol and making the blood lipid profile
favorable. On the whole nuts are cardio protective as long as
the total calories are not exceeded.

Vegetarians can consume walnuts and almonds (as fish oil

substitutes) as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid.



Other benefits of nuts are due to the unique combination of

micronutrients in their natural form - magnesium, copper,
potassium, folic acid, fibre, Vitamin E and other bioactive
substances (flavonoids, plant sterols etc).

Fatty acid profile of various nuts:

Nuts Total Saturated Polyunsaturated Monounsaturated

calorie/ fatty acid fatty acid fatty acid
28 gm

Coconut 98 8.3 0.1 0.3

Walnut 185 1.7 13.4 2.5

Cashew nut 163 2.6 2.2 7.7

Almonds 164 1.1 3.5 9.1

Groundnuts 166 2.0 4.4 7.0

Pistachios 161 1.6 3.9 6.8


4. Milk and milk products:

People who have a daily diet rich in milk and milk products,
through out their life cycle, have a higher bone mass than
those who don’t. Thus regular daily consumption of skimmed
milk or skimmed milk products can reduce the risk of
osteoporosis in later life. Nutrients in milk are calcium,
potassium, vitamin-D and protein. The calcium in the milk is
very easily absorbed in the intestines. In the absence of other
sources of dietary calcium, 750 ml of skimmed milk should be

During childhood and adolescence and through out life

adequate intake of milk and milk products along with weight
bearing exercises (walking, playing outdoor games etc) is
important to enhance and maintain bone strength and

Since milk is a rich source of total protein and calcium it is an

important component of a balanced healthy diet. In case
standardized and pasteurized milk is not available, milk
should be boiled, cooled and consumed after eliminating the
top creamy layer. In persons who have abnormal lipid profile
only skimmed milk and its products is recommended.
Consumption of condensed and sweetened milk products,
which are calorie dense, should be restricted.


Whole milk contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty

acids. Hence whole milk and its products are important
contributors to dietary fat and cholesterol and its excessive
consumption leads to rise in blood cholesterol levels and
coronary heart disease.

Composition of cows and buffalos milk:

Milk Total caloric Cholesterol Saturated Proteins( Calcium

value/100ml (mg) fatty g) (mg)

Cow 67 14 2 3.2 120

Buffalo 117 16 4 4.3 210


List of milk and milk products used in our restaurant are:

 All fluid milk.

 Fat-free (skim).
 Low fat (double toned 1.5%).
 Reduced fat (toned 3.5%).
 Whole milk (4.5%).
 Flavored milks.
 Cheese.
 Cottage cheese (Paneer).
 Processed cheese(Cheddar, pizza, cheese spreads
 Milk-based Sweets.
 Ice cream,
 Yogurt and its preparations
Buttermilk, Lassi, Misti dhoi, Srikand


5. Pulses (dals), Fish, Meat:

Pulses provide vegetable protein, complex carbohydrate,

dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals & isoflavones.

Indian diet consists of a variety of pulses and legumes, which

differ, in their amino acid composition, fiber content, and in
micronutrients. All pulses have low glycemic index and are
rich in soluble fibre. Include a variety of dals in your daily
diets. All freshly made dals are healthy and nutritious.
Dehusking or milling of dals decreases their nutritive value
and fiber content. Hence husked dals are preferred to
dehusked dals. Shift from refined dals to whole dals.

Fish (fresh water & sea fish) are excellent source of proteins,
omega -3 fatty acids, vitamins (A&D), minerals (iodine,
phosphorus & calcium). Based on site of storage of fat, fish
can be classified into fatty or oily fish & lean or white fish.

Fatty fish like herring, salmon, mackerel, hilsa, purava, and

seer that store fat in the muscle are rich sources of omega-3
fatty acids- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA). The protective effects of fish on coronary artery
disease are probably mediated by these fatty acids.


Lean fish like pomfret, murrel, katla, rohu, bhetki that store
fat in the liver are high in protein, vitamins, minerals, & low in
fat. These fishes can be used as meat substitutes. They have
their own anti thrombotic properties in spite of low fatty acid

Fish should be eaten either in boiled/ baked/grilled/ steamed

form for better health benefits as frying the fish  brings change
in its fatty acid composition & its beneficial effects are
destroyed. Hence it is recommended that at least 200-300 gms
of fish should be taken in a week. Prefer fish to fish oil
supplements and capsules.

As far as possible red meat will be avoided. If red meat is

demanded it will be provided in Grilled, Roasted, Steamed,
Baked or boiled form. Only a measured amount of oil and
spices will be used.


6. We are including natural pure homemade spices in

Healthy diet because:

Spices are an essential part of our Indian traditional diets.

Natural pure spices not only impart flavour & colour to the
food but are rich in anti-oxidants and have anti-cancer
properties (exception being red chillies which are cancerous).
Some examples of such spices are cardamom, cloves,
coriander, mustard, fenugreek, cumin, turmeric, black pepper,
basil and  mint leaves.

Some other beneficial effects of spices are:

 Fenugreek seeds delay gastric emptying & stimulate

insulin secretion & hence are beneficial in diabetics. It is
also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
 Garlic is known to be an antioxidant as it prevents LDL
oxidation hence is useful in patients with coronary
artery disease.
 Fennel seeds, cinnamon & cardamom are used for their
carminative properties.
 Ocimum (Tulsi) & ginger are used for treating cough &
 Melon seeds, pumpkin seeds have health benefits like
those provided by nuts.



 Turmeric is used for its antiseptic properties and is also

supposed to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

7. Salt:
We use iodinated salt in our food preparation. The reason
being Sodium in the salt is harmful. Rock salt (sendha
namak) is lower in sodium content but is not iodinated.


Nutrient Contents:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Tea 1 cup (2tsp
2.9 10 70
cream & 2tsp sugar)
Coffee 1 cup (2tsp
2.9 10 70
cream & 2tsp sugar)
Tea 1 cup (2tsp
skim milk & 2tsp 0 0 45
Ginger ale 0 0 115
Fruit sodas (12 oz)
0 0 176
or (350 ml)
(Sweet) 1 glass 0 0 140
Tomato Juice (100
0 0 40
Orange Juice (100
0 0 61
Coconut Water (100
0 0 24
Apple Juice (100
0 0 59
Fresh Lime
(Without Sugar) 0 0 5
1glass (150 ml)
Fresh Lime (With
Sugar) 2 tsp 1 glass 0 0 55
(150 ml)
The Food Value of beverages:

The Food value of Cereals:



(gm) (mgs) (kcals)

Wheat Roti (1 Phulka)
0.5 0 85
35 Gms
Wheat Paratha (1 med)
10 0 180
50 Gm
Puri (1 med) 25 Gm 5 0 150
Rice (Boiled/Steamed)
(4 Cups Or 3/4/100 0.5 0 110
Gm/1 Kato
Rice Pulao 150 Gm (1
10.5 0 180
Rice Brown (1 Katori) 1 0 116
Khichri 100 Gm (1
7 0 215
Idli (Sooji/Rice) 115
0.6 0 155
Gm) Two
Dosa (Sada) (85 Gm) 7 0 255
Upma (130 Gm) 1
9 0 210
Missi Roti 1 (35 Gm)
(With blended Barley, 1.1 0 90
Soya &Chhana Flours)
Noodles 1 Cup (Boiled) 0.9 0 200
Spaghetti & Meat Balls
9 40 330
(1 Cup)
Macaroni Boiled (1
0.9 0 190
Bread Roll (1 medium) 0.5 0 155
Bread White (1 Slice)
0.1 0 70
25 Gm
Bread Brown (1 Slice)
0.3 0 65
25 Gm
Corn Flakes (20 Gm) 0.4 0 80


Muesli (25
4.9 0 126
Dates (Quick Cooked)
1.9 0 94
25 Gm
Barely (25 Gm) (Un
0.3 0 84
All Barn (25 Gm) 0.5 0 71
Waffle (1 Large) 12.6 39 245

The food value of cheese:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
7.8 31 93.75


The Food value of Chicken:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Light Without
4.5 85 109
Skin (100 Gm)
Dark Without
10.5 94 109
Skin (100 Gm)
Chicken Ala King
20 1.5 470
(1 Cup)
Fried Chicken
Half Cup (100 12 8 85

The Food value of Dairy product:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Milk Or Curd (200
0 0 0
Ml)/1 Cup
Full Cream Buffalo 17.6 70 234
Full Cream Cow 8.2 28 134
Toned Milk Or Curd
0 0 0
(200 ml/1 Cup
3.5% 7 24 124
1.5% 3 14 90
1.0% 2 8 50
Skimmed Milk or
0.2 0 58
Curd (200 ml)/1 Cup
Butter Milk (200 ml)
2 0 38
(Vanilla/Chocolate 1 5.6 18 185
Cup) (250 ml)
Khoya 0 0 0


Whole Buffalo (25 Gm) 7.8 40 105

Whole Cow 6.5 25 103
Skimmed 0.4 4 0.65

The Food Value of Dry fruits:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Figs 1 0 0 50
Raisins Half Cup 0 0 210
Apricots Half Cup 0 0 170
Nuts 0 0 0
Almonds 30 Gm
17 0 194
Shelled 1/4 Cup
Cashew Nuts 30
16.7 0 196
Gm (1/4 Cup)
Peanuts 30 Gm
16.8 0 210
(1/4 Cup)
Walnuts 30 Gm
20 0 206
(1/4 Cup)
Pistachio Nuts 30
16 0 188
Gm (1/4 Gm)


The Food value of Egg, Meats:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
1 Egg (Boiled) 6 280 80
1 Egg White (Boiled) 0 0 40
1 Egg
10 285 130
1 Fried Egg 11 280 120
Goat Meat (Lean 100
10.5 94 118
Goat Liver 100 Gm 3.8 250 107
Beef (Lean) 100 Gm 10.3 92 114
Lamb Chops (Boiled)
5.5 60 120
60 Gm
Lamb Leg Roasted 8 80 235
Mutton Ball Curry
18 90 240
(145 Gm) 1K)


The Food value of Fats & oils:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Butter 1 Tsp (5 Gm) 4.1 12 35
Corn/Groundnut Oil
5 0 45
1 Tsp
Corn Oil 1 Tsp 5 0 45
Margraine 1 Tsp (5
4 0 35
Vegetable Shortening
4 0 35
5 Gm
Ghee Desi 5
5 15 45
Gm(Clarified Butter)
Lard (5 Gm) 5 15 45
Mayonnaise 5 Gm (1
11 8 100
Table Spoon)
Tartare Sauce ( 1
7.9 5 70
Table Spoon)


The food value of Fish:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Fish Cutlet (80 Gm)
9 130 190
Fish Curry (Jhol) (1K)
3 30 140
White Pomfret 100
2 30 87
White Pomfret Fried
10 40 225
(125 Gm)
Black Pomfret (100
20 40 111
Gm) Steamed
Salmon 100 Gm
11 88 141
Halibut (100 Gm) 2.3 29 174
Mackerel (100 Gm) 17.8 75 93
Mackerel Fried (100
23 75 140
Tuna In Oil 20.9 42 119
Shell Fish (100 Gm)
1.1 199 94
Prawn Curry (145
7 160 220
Gm) (1K)
Prawn/Shrimp Fried 11 200 190
Lobsters 0.6 72 100
Oysters 5 112 400
Crabs 0.6 72 100
Caviar (1 Table
2.9 94 40
The Food value of Fruits:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)


Banana 0 0 100
Mango 0 0 120
Grapes Fresh(10
0 0 40
Pomegranate 100
0 0 80
Peas 1 Fresh 0 0 84
Grapes Fruit Half
0 0 32
Fresh (100 Gm)
Apple 1 Fresh 0 0 60
Dates (Fresh 10) 0 0 220
Melon Half
0 0 40
Plum 1 0 0 30
Papaya Half Cup
0 0 30
Pineapple Half
0 0 40
Cup/1 Slice Fresh
Litchi (2 Fresh
0 0 40
Orange 1 (Medium) 0 0 65
Strawberries Half
0 0 28
Cup Fresh
Cherries Fresh 10
0 0 40
Apricots 3 Fresh 0 0 55

The Food value of Panner (25 Gm):

(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Whole Buffalo 7.8 31 95.75
Whole Cow 6.5 25 103.25


Skimmed 0.4 1.75 21.5

Swiss 6.85 23 85
Cheddar 8.25 26 102.5
Cheese With (10%
2.3 7.75 41.25
Ice Cream (100
10 41 200
Gms) 1 Small Cup
Kulfi (100 Gms) 1
15 30 300
Small Cup
Condensed Milk
1.9 8.5 80
(25 Gm)
Sour Cream (25
7 11.2 53.75
Soyabean Milk
4 0 87
(200 Gm)


The Food Value of Pulses:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Bengal Gram
5.2 0 369
(Bhuna Chana) 100
0 0 0
Bengal Gram Cooked
5 0 125
(1 Katori) 12 Gm
Black Gram Cooked
5 0 125
120 Gm
Lentil/Broken Dals
4 0 160
140 Gm (1 Katori)
Sambhar 160 Gm (1
4 0 80
Moong & Moth
0.3 0 23
Sprouts 30 Gm
Mixed Pulses With
4.1 0 230
Half Cup
Cooked Rice (1
0 0 0


The Food Value of Salad Dressing:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
French (Low Cal) 1
0.9 1 22
Table Spoon
Blue Cheese 1 Table
8 3 22
French (Regular) 1
6.4 9 67
Table Spoon
Mayonnaise 1 Table
11 8 100
Thousand Island
(Regular) 1 Table 5.6 4 59
Italian (Regular) 1
7.1 10 69
Table Spoon

The Food Value of Snacks:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Kachori 1 (Small) 15 0 200
Patty (Veg.) 1 Piece) 15 0 260
Potato Vada 3
7 0 170
Pieces(60 gm)
Samosa (One Big)
13 0 210
65 Gm
Vada (Dahi) Two 19 4 345
Bhelpuri (1 Plate
5 0 130
Chaat (Plate With 5
12 0 210
Namkeen (Fried) (2
5 0 85


Mathri (50 Gm) 15 0 200

Bagel-1 1.4 0 165
Sandwich (2) (65
14 30 195
Gm) With Butter
Pizza 1 Slice
2.1 15 150
Popcorn 1 Cup
0 0 25
Pan Cake 1 Plain 3 30 60
Crackers Monaco
3 0 50
Marie (2) 1.5 0 55
Hamburger 1 (1 Big
35 83 570
Dhokla 0.5 0 75
Chicken Nuggets 6 20 62 323
Cream Of Mushroom 1
9 2 129
Cup (Whole Milk)
Cream Of Celery 1 Cup
5.6 15 90
(Whole Milk)
Tomato 1 Cup 1.9 0 86
Gazpacho 1 Cup 2.2 0 57


The Food Value Sweets and Deserts:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Sugar 5 Gm 0 0 20
Honey 5 ml 0 0 16
Jaggery 5 Gm 0 0 19
Brown Sugar 5 Gm 0 0 16
Jam/Jelly 20 Gm 1
0 0 55
Horlicks 5 Gms 0 0 20
Jalebi 100 Gm 15 0 380
Gulab Jamun 2 15 31 280
Rice Kheer In Whole
Cow Milk (150 ml) 1 8.2 28 300
Maal Pua (1) 15 31 280
Rasgullas (2) 0.4 1.75 110
Apple Pie 1/8 Piece 12 4 282

The Food Value of Vegetables:


(gm) (mgs) (kcals)
Potato (Fresh 10)
6 0 110
Potatao (With Milk &
Butter Mashed ) Half 3 6 98
Potato Baked 0 0 90
Potato (Boiled 1
0 0 90
Potato & Veg Curry
6 0 120
(100 Gm)


1 Katori Potato
5 0 115
Chips (10)
Hash Brown (Half
8 0 173
Sweet Potatoes
(Boiled) 1 Med.(100 0 0 120
Tomato Stuffed &
4 0 60
Fresh (Medium) 0 0 25
Tomato Ketchup (1
0 0 15
Table Spoon)
Onion Half Cup
0 0 23
Peas Half Cup Fresh
0 0 55
Carrot Half Cup (1
0 0 25
Cabbage (Shredded
0 0 12
1 Cup)
Corn (Small) 0 0 70
Cucumber (6 Slices) 0 0 5
Cauliflower (Half
0 0 15
Cup Boiled)
Pumpkin (Half Cup
0 0 33
Beans (French
Green 100 Gm 0 0 30
Brinjal (100 Gm
2 0 70
Brocolli (Half Cup) 0 0 20
Baked Beans (Half
0 0 155


Lettuce (Two Leaves) 0 0 3

Celery (Half Cup
0 0 10
Brussel Sporouts
0 0 28
(Half Cup Fresh)
Beets (Half Cup) 0 0 28
Mushroom (Half
0 0 10
Radish (Red) 4 Small 0 0 5
Spinach (Half Cup
0 0 20


Nutritive Value of The Coconut at Different Stages of

Maturity per 100 Grns:

Coconut Tender Coconut

  Fresh Dry
Water Coconut Milk

Moisture (%) 93.8 90.8 42.8 36.3 4.3

C alories 24 41 430 444 662

Protein (gms) 1.4 0.9 3.4 4.5 6.8

Fat (gms) 0.1 1.4 41 41.6 62.3

Carbohydrate (gms) 4.4 6.3 11.9 13 18.4


The food and Hygiene practices in the restaurant:

As Hygiene is an essential part of healthy living. Not just
selecting the right food choices but also cooking & consuming
them in a hygienic way is equally important in preventing the
infectious diseases. Therefore we concentrate more even on the
Hygiene and sanitation practices followed in our restaurant.
They are as follows:
 All members in kitchen have to wash hands thoroughly
with soap before handling food.
 For all members in the kitchen clean & trim nails of both
hands is compulsory condition. They have to use caps to
cover their hair before handling the food.
 Kitchen will be well lighted & ventilated (with either
chimney/exhaust fan) & with meshed windows.
 The cooking and eating area will be preferably elevated.
 Separate clean cloths for cooking, washing, cleaning will
be used.
 Hygienic nets will be used to protect food items from
 “First in first out” (FIFO) practice will be followed for all
 Food items will be stored in airtight containers/utensils
to protect them from dust, insects, and moisture.


 The green leafy vegetables will be repeatedly washed in

clean water till they are free from dirt/mud.
 The vegetables/fruits will be washed & soaked in water &
then scrape. (Soaking removes pesticides, preservatives
present on the surface. Vendors polish the brinjals &
apples with engine oil to give a shinning look, so they are
soaked & scrubbed thoroughly).
 Cruciferous vegetables will be soaked in boiled water to
remove worms.
 Raw Vegetable/Fruits for Salads will be washed
thoroughly in running water before cutting.
 Before cooking/soaking dals/cereals they will be washed
2-3 times.
 The cooked food will be transferred into a clean serving
utensil before serving (this is to prevent the erosive action
of salt/turmeric/tamarind/lemon with aluminum, brass
 To prevent curdling the milk will be Boiled & keep it in a
cool place/refrigerator.
 always freshly cut meat/fish/poultry will be bought and
 Fish/ poultry/meat will be thoroughly washed before


A sample Menu:
Breakfast options :
 Idli.
 Dosa.
 Sooji/Semiya/Avval Uppma.
 Brown Bread Sandwich.
 Puttu.
 Iddiappam.
 Appam.
 Boiled Tapioca.
 Wheat dosa.
 Raggi items.
 Poha.
 Veg upma.
 Lapsi veg upma.
 Thalipeeth.
 Ghavan.
Salad options:
 Onion.
 Cucumber.
 Salad tomato.
 Raddish.
 Cabbage.
 Carrot, sprouted dals without Salad dressing.


Snacks options:
 Nuts like ground nut (roasted/soaked),
 Almonds,
 Walnut,
 Dried figs,
 Dates,
 Puffed rice,
 Roasted chana,
 Any fruit.

Sweet meats options:

 All sweets made in low fat milk with out adding
condensed milk.


South Indian Menu:

Vegetarian Non – Vegetarian

Bed Tea 1 cup tea/coffee 1 cup tea/coffee
Breakfast 3 idlis/2 dosa with 3 idlis/2 dosa with
½ cup
coconut/ground ½ cup coconut/ground
nut/onion nut/onion chutney
chutney 1 cup
tea/coffee 1 cup tea/coffee

Midmorning 1 fruit 1 fruit

Lunch 2 cups of boiled 2 cups of boiled rice
rice.1 cup
sambhar/kootu 1 cup sambhar/kootu

1 cup veg curry 1 cup fish/chicken curry

(seasonal (seasonal vegetable)
vegetable) 1 cup
salad 1 cup salad

1 rasam 1 rasam

1 cup curd 1 cup curd

Evening 1 cup tea/coffee 1 cup tea/coffee

1 cup  roasted 1 cup  roasted snacks
Dinner 2 rotis (whole 2 rotis (whole wheat)
wheat)1 cup
kurma/kootu 1 cup kurma/kootu

1 cup salad 1 cup salad

1  seasonal fruit 1 seasonal fruit

Bedtime 1 cup low fat milk 1 cup low fat milk
Maharastrian Menu:


(with skim milk and1 tsp sugar) 1 cup
Poha/veg upma/lapsi veg upma/ 1 katori
thalipeeth / ghavan

1 med
MIDMORNING Fruit/coconut water
jowar or nachni bhakri
pulse/palak amti/fish amti
LUNCH 1 med
vangi/dudhi/padwa bhaji
½ katori
tomato kakdi koshimbir
1 katori
1 katori
(with skim milk and 1tsp sugar) 1 katori
TEATIME 1 katori/
Poha/ Chivda/Kurmura
chivda/sukhi bhel/ 1 glass
Amboli(with coriander chutney)


1 ¼ katori
1 med
Ricemethi/Spring Onion
Amti/Chicken Rassa
1 med
DINNER Colocasia Leaves /
1 katori
Chawli/Kobi Bhaji
1 katori
Carrot Pachadi/Sprout
1 katori
Veg Koshimbir
1 katori
Curds/ Khamang Kakdi
1 katori
BEDTIME Skim milk 1 cup


Depending on their non veg consumption habbits twice a

week non veg can be consumed.
The non-vegetarian food in our restaurant will be prepared
using measured amount of oil, spices. Majority of the dishes
will be prepared in onion and tomato gravy, extra butter will
not be added. The food will never be fried it will be in
Grilled, Steamed, Baked, Boiled or Roasted forms. More
than red meet variety of fish dishes will be available

Apart from this regular course of menu we will be having

different kids packages, packages for diabetic patients,
packages for obese people, packages for people suffering from
hypertension etc.

Kids pack will include

 Different types of fruit milkshakes packed in attractive
cups or bottles of attractive colors.
 For breakfast everyday eggs will be provided which are
cooked using different methods like boiled egg, half fried
egg, full fried egg, scrambled egg etc.
 Sometimes bread will be provided in the form of
sandwiches, toasts etc.
 For lunch everyday different vegetables will be served and
as far as possible we will see to it that repetitions in this
pack are avoided. Salads having very attractive dressings
and packaging will be provided. Usual Indian chapattis,


roti, bhakari ll be provided. Brown or white rice

depending on demand will be provided. All these things
will be packed hygienically in a silver foil and will be
again packed in hot pots to care of the fact that always
hot food will be preferred more.
 For snacks time we be giving them pop corns prepared
using less amount of butter, chatpata bhel etc. during
snacks again fruit milk shakes will be provided.
 For dinner most of the times bhakari will be preferred,
and same type of diet plan used during lunch will be
followed. The only change being the quantity of food will
be reduced that of the lunch.
 Once or twice in a week as per demand non vegitarian
food will be served.
 In this case especially for children bone soups will be


Packages for Diabetic and hypertension patients:

 For diabetic patients added sugar will be strictly avoided.
Maximum food will be prepared using Sugar Free tablets
ie using artificial sugar.
 They will be given the breakfast, which has lots of fruits
and vegetable. The fruits will be chosen on their sugar
content in it.
 For lunch they will have two vegetables, roti, bhakari and
small amount of rice.
 Same course will be given for dinner.
 For snacks tea coffee and other beverage options will be
open but all these options will contain measured amount
of sugar.

For individuals suffering from hypertension same menu will be

followed but no added salt will be provided. For cardiac
patients red meet will be provided in lesser proportion.For
individuals who are facing problem of obesity the sample
menu designed is the best option.


Marketing Plan:

Dexter’s positioning:
Positioning is the way in which the customer defines the
Service. Dexter’s brand positioning will be done on the basis of
benefits provided to the customers. Our service is basically
focused on providing our customer with a healthy and
nutritious food. Dexter’s has a distinctive and preemptive
positioning statement that goes as “D Digestible Diet”. The
baseline states that Dexter’s is not trying to provide the old
repeated ways of dieting by which people get afraid, but will
offer a diet which low on calories, our consumers will not move
or shift to a new diet, which includes green vegetables, boiled
and roasted food, we offer the same food with a calorie
planning. The basic idea behind the baseline is to
communicate Dexter’s with our target customer as a hale and
hearty eating experience. Dexter’s restaurant directly focuses
on service offering, time and also value-based pricing for the
customers. Our target market is highly price sensitive. The
spending pattern of our targets highly influences the flow of
customers in Dexter’s.
We want our customer to look up to our service as innovative
food chain, which is healthier, and also an enjoyable and tasty
experience. Dexter’s positioning will act for high brand
visibility and customer attraction.


Dexter’s will offer a variety of nutritious diet food; our
emphasis will not be on introducing a new, completely
innovative menu but on altering the eating habits of people.
People do not accept sudden change in their diet that easily
therefore we will offer them the same food product with an
alteration like scientifically measured ingredients and hygienic
method of preparation due to which excess amount of calories
will not be consumed by our consumers but will get the total
nutrition required for the body through the food they eat.
Our Core service offers our consumers a healthy nutritious
The actual service offers healthy diet for all diet conscious
people. Various recipes prepared in our restaurant take proper
care of the needed nutrition to our body.
Dexter’s will basically cater to people who face health problem
like Obesity, Diabetes, hypertension etc and it will even take
care of growing kids.
Our major food varieties will be prepared using whole grains,
vegetables, fruits, home ground spice, fishes etc.


The augmented service will offer the consumer
Home Delivery
Dexter’s will offer this service to all people who want to enjoy
our food while sitting in their own house. Home delivery
service is a value added service offered for the consumer to
create more value among the consumers. This service offers
something more than the normal one. It’s more convenient
and easier for the consumer to enjoy the delicious food. The
delicious food is just a phone call away.

For home delivery food will be packed in Silver foils, hot pots
etc to make sure that hot food will be served hot and cold will
remain cold.
Orders will be taken through telephone calls and delivery will
be made within 45 minutes. The diameter for home delivery
will be 10 Kms with all other conditions applied. Packaging
will be Key for us to differentiate from other restaurants.
We will have different packages like Kids package, packages
for diabetic, hypertension patients.


Dexter’s will follow a value based pricing strategy. As 30-35%
of population belongs to premium segments for whom more
than price quality matters. These set of population don’t mind
spending more for value added services and products. These
set of population are diet conscious and keep a count of their
calories. They are ready to pay slight high and enjoy variety of
excellent quality food.

Pricing Eg:
Type Price Quantity
Green tea Rs 15 1 cup
Coconut Water Rs 10 1 cup
Lemon tea Rs 20 1 cup
Butter milk Rs 10 400ml

Home delivery
Home delivery service will be free of cost.

The area selected for the establishment of our restaurant is
‘ Borgaves’ located in the centre of the city with high visibility
and is one of the main shopping bazaar across Belgaum. It is
around 5-6 acres filled completely with all kinds of shopping


items for kids to older working class. It drags in about 1500-

2000 people per day on an average.
As our major target is mass we would here be catering to all
kinds of targets which would provide us with an opportunity to
make masses aware of our restaurant and this would inturn
help us to achieve profits.
The place has been selected keeping in view the present
condition and visibility of the location with due importance to
the future prospects of the same.



1. Membership Offers:
After having the food worth Rs 500 or more people will be
enrolled as the members of Dexter’s. After they become the
members on each order of Rs 100 they will get 10 points, so
for Rs 200 they will get 20 points and so on. At the end of
every year depending upon the number of points they collect,
they will be offered a gift worth equal to those points. The gift
will be one of the latest medical equipment.

2. Monthly medical check up:

All the members will get a monthly medical check up from
specialist doctors through our doctors. They will get even
consultation if required for the alteration in their eating


Pre launch Activities:

a. Health Marathon:
This will be done to increase health awareness in people, and
tell them there is something coming soon which will provide
you very hygienic, healthy, nutritious food.
We will be tying up with organizations like Chamber of
commerce and Industry, rotary club Belgaum and Belgaum
doctors association.

b. Medical check up:

People participated in the marathon will get a free check up
from nutritionist to make them aware of the amount of
unnecessary calories and other components present in their
The Health awareness campaigns will be held in major parts of
city to make people aware of obesity and diseases caused by it,
malnutrition etc.
This will create our brand image and good will for Diet Cuisin
will be created.


During launch of our restaurant all doctors, industrialists
and businessmen will be invited and will be served the food
prepared in our restaurant.
This will give them an idea of food served in our restaurant.
This may make the doctors to suggest our name to the
people who have some health problems to come to our
restaurant and have the nutritious food. This activity will
give our restaurant a very good amount of mouth publicity.
And which is the main key for our restaurant to get


Dexter’s has employee. They will be specially trained in terms
of hospitality, hygiene and sanitation, communicating and
taking care of customers.
They will even act as a tool to achieve competitive advantage
over our competitors and will contribute in creating a unique
brand image in the market. Waiters, Cleaners, Deliverymen all
will act as Dexter’s people.

Captains of our restaurant will be well informed about the food

and beverages, their ingredients and their effects on our body.
This will make people aware of various food ingredients and
their effects. This will also help in creating a unique brand
image in the market.

Our chefs will be well trained and specialists in preparing

healthy diet. They will be having idea about hygiene and
sanitation and the same will be practiced by them and even by
others in our restaurant.
Waiters and cleaners will be trained to keep the restaurant
clean and maintain pleasant atmosphere.
Dexter’s Customers will be people who are health conscious.
People who are suffering from the diseases for which
appropriate amount of proper nutritious food is the best
solution will be the often customers of Dexter’s.


Physical evidence:
Dexter’s is a service provider and is intangible. Therefore it will
provide necessary evidence to reduce risk of customer’s
perceptions. Dexter’s restaurant’s interiors, well-uniformed
employee, telephone number (published from hoardings, and
other mentioned media) the garden restaurant and the brand
name will act as Physical evidence. The physical evidence
factors of Dexter’s will be made attractive and eye catching,
which will hold customers attention.
Interior of the restaurant, the furniture, seating arrangements,
paint on walls will be according to the latest market trends.
The show kitchen and other interior designs will be design to
make a mark in customers mind.
The premises and garden restaurant will be utilized to create a
pleasing experience for the customers.


The process designed in Dexter’s is very simple and is time
and cost effective.
It starts with the physical evidence. The restaurant is mainly
outdoor and for some people who do not like to site in garden
we even provide indoor arrangement made. The ambience is
eye catching which attracts people toward our restaurant. As
people enter in the restaurant they are greeted pleasantly and
sitting arrangement is made.
As soon as the customer gets settled down then the captains
approach and handover the menu card. Information regarding
the ingredients used and their effects on body will be stated in
the menu card. Captains will help the customer to choose a
balanced combination of the food.
After the customer places the order the order is conveyed to
the kitchen. As soon as the order is ready waiters serve the
takes the food to the table and serves according to the order
made. In this case the presentation of food dishes is made very
After customer eats the food he will be given the amount of
total calories consumed. Which will give them idea how our
restaurant helps them to control their diet.
The bill with the calorie card is presented to the customer.
The bill is paid near the counter the customer is again greeted
and then he goes back which completes one process.


In case of home delivery similar process is used. The customer

has to give a call to restaurant. A captain will give them
information regarding the menu and help them to chose the
balanced combination. Further the order will be conveyed to
kitchen. Prepared food will be packed systematically then will
be handed over to delivery boy. The delivery boy will go to the
given address greet the customer and handover the parcel with
bill, calorie card and a menu card which will help the
customer for the next time to place the order. After he will
receives the money, he will greet the customer again and will
be back.
This completes the home delivery process.
The process in detail can be showed as follows:


Human Resource Plan



Health Material Personal

captain Chefs Cashier
Mentor Purchaser Relation

Cleaners Server Washers



Qualification: BHM.
He should have 4 – 5 years of experience
Salary: Rs 12,000
The manger is responsible to manage the restaurant with good
performance and he allots the duties to everybody. He
overlooks that the work is done efficiently and he supervises
the restaurant in every aspect.


Qualification: MA
Salary: Rs10, 000
The Public Relation officer should maintain good contacts with
the local bodies like industrialists, banks, colleges, etc so that
order in bulk can be booked and the catering can be made at
that particular place. He is also responsible to guide the public
visiting the restaurant in

Qualification: B. Com
Salary: Rs 5,000
The cashier is responsible to accept the cash as per the bills
and the collection of the day is to be properly recorded. He
pays the bills authorized by the manager. He is responsible to
pay the salary and wages to the employees. He should manage
the banking activities like remittance of cash, deposit of
cheques, etc.


Qualification: BHM
Salary: Rs 3,000
The captain is responsible to question the choice of food and
then book the order of the customers. He should allot the
order to the cook department and he should also see that the
order is placed without any delay and should allot the server
to serve the menu and should also keep an eye on what more
is required.


Qualification: BHM and well trained in cooking.
Salary: Rs 8,000
He should be well versed with the ingredients that should be
used in preparing diet food. It’s mandatory to be specialized in
health conscious hygienic and nutritious dishes and see to it
that the customers get the best quality delicious food. He is
responsible to prepare the menu as per ordered by the captain
and prepare it at the earliest.

Qualification: Any stream but well trained in cooking.
Salary: Rs 6,000
The chefs are responsible to prepare the menu as per ordered
by the captain and prepare it at the earliest.



Qualification: B. Com
Salary: Rs 5,000
Material purchaser is responsible for the order which is
required on the weekly basis in the restaurant. He is
responsible for purchasing of vegetable items and fruits and
non vegetarian items like fish and even red meat. He will be
keeping all the accounts regarding purchase of materials and
materials required.


Qualification: MBBS in Ayurvedic
Salary: Rs 6,000
He is responsible for mentoring our customers about the type
of hygiene and diet they should maintain. He should be a
known ayurvedic doctor and should be well versed regarding
the type of food customers should have with respect of
diseases they are suffering.


Qualification: minimum of 10 th standard
Salary: Rs 2,000
The delivery boys are responsible to place the order to the
required place as per the order taken without any delay.


Qualifications: Minimum of 10th Standard.
Salary: 2,000
He is responsible to serve the food proportionately, as per
order taken by the captain.

Salary: 1,500
He is responsible to take out all the used utensils and make
the table ready for the next customer.

Salary: 1,200
He is responsible to wash all the utensils.


Salary: 2,000
The security guard is responsible for the security of the
restaurant depending upon the shift.



The supply chain model of our diet restaurant will be having a

unique feature of less inventory and high rate of sale. As we
are in the restaurant industry where the inventory cannot not
be maintained for more days because the food items and other
groceries will rotten early. As our restaurant is located in
Belgaum where the supply of all vegetables and other groceries
are available in the city itself and are available at any time. As
this city is surrounded by villages and farms so the availability
of fresh vegetables is not a problem.

Our supply chain would be working in the following manner:

The procurement of grains like rice, wheat etc which are the
basic need of out restaurant will be purchased through
APMC’s. As in Belgaum the market days are Saturday and
Wednesday so our purchasing days will be on these days. The
payment will be made on these days as these grains are not
available on credit. The necessary of buying the grains on
these days is the significance of auction on these days and if
the grains are bought in auction obviously these grains will
cost less.


As the APMC is located just 6 kilometers away from our
restaurant so transportation will not be a problem. For the
purpose of active transportation we will be hiring Tata ace, on
a contractual basis. Every weak on Wednesdays and
Thursdays the truck will be hired.

Inventory management:
The goods procured will be delivered to the storehouse of the
restaurant itself. At the store house the material purchases
manager works on the systematic placement of the inventory.
The flow of inventory will be frequent with respect to the
different kinds of goods. For example the flow of vegetables will
be daily as we serve our customer with fresh vegetables. The
flow of food grains will be depending on the amount of goods
bought at the auction, as the exact quantity may vary each
time, but the estimated flow will be 2 to 3 days. The
storehouse will be designed in a convenient and sufficient
work place manner.

As our restaurant is expecting a large number of customers
because of its uniqueness and of its taste the inventory will
not be more than three days. The major inventory here wood
be vegetables, grains and other articles needed for a
restaurant. There will be daily consumption of items and many


of the items will not be directly served but they might be

roasted, fried etc.

The Dexter’s way of Managing the supply chain:

Reducing supply chain cycle time means decreasing the days
of inventory held and reducing the cash conversion cycle. This
can mean hundreds of thousands of rupees, reduction in
inventory and in carrying charges. In turn this is capital
available for other uses. In supply chain this must be
understood because of their importance in gaining benefits.
Improving cycle time also positions the our restaurant for
greater inventory yields and faster turns. These will impact our
valued service.

One of the fundamental tradeoffs in supply chain management

is that between inventory levels and customer service. For any
given supply chain, increasing the level of service typically
means higher levels of inventory. Most companies have
discovered their "best place" on the curve, depending on what


their customers require and what their competition offers.

However, supply chain strategies can shift the entire curve,
lowering the inventory levels without adversely affecting the
customers. Through effective supply chain management we
may be able to reduce lead times. This would shift the curve to
the right, speeding up customer response times without
raising inventories. Supply Chain reviews a strategy called
postponement, or risk pooling, that can lower the curve,
allowing us to maintain service levels with less inventory.

This tradeoff curve provides a perfect example of how silo

behavior can cause problems in supply chains. One of the
first steps in improving a supply chain is making sure that
organizational responsibility for inventory levels and customer
service are appropriately managed. These two responsibilities
should not be separated - in fact, they should report to the
same desk. Doing so enables a company to set expectations
and properly manage this tradeoff, without costly swings from
one place on the curve to another as different functional
groups "fight" for either lower inventories or higher service.


Reducing supply chain cycle time takes analysis and

effort. Therefore the points which we consider are:
 A supply chain is complex. The purpose of all this
activity is to place product timely and correctly in
Restaurant for customer facilities. It must be designed,
directed and managed as a process, not as a series of
order and shipping transactions. Pushing bad logistics
processes and practices up or down the supply chain
impedes time

 Product and information should flow. Operational

effectiveness depends on process, technology and people
that cross internally within the restaurant and externally
with suppliers and customers.

 The process should be assessed for gaps and

redundancies. Measure the time required in each action
and the reason for the action. Watch for organizational
dysfunction that can creep in and add unnecessary time.

 Inventory is created as a buffer for uncertainty.

Uncertainty increases, almost exponentially, as the time
required to position it correctly increases. So inventory
increases as time increases.

 Tradeoffs do exist between time and cost. Global

sourcing adds to time and to the inventory that must be
carried because of it.


 Besides the product supply chain, there is also a

financial supply chain. This second chain can and does
affect the timely flow of product.

With the extended supply chain, there are numerous places to

extend, not reduce, supply chain cycle time and inventory.
Likewise there are key points to concentrate on for reducing

Key ways to reduce time are:

 Manage vendor performance. This is a critical
requirement for reducing supply chain cycle time.
Suppliers, at the supply chain source, have incredible
impact on the supply chain as to time, inventory and
costs, impact that goes far beyond pricing and placing
purchase orders. Visibility of purchase orders, at
suppliers, in-transit and at each step in the chain, from
vendor's place to delivery at the warehouse, store or
customer is vital.

 Integrate up and down the supply chain, both external

and internal. This is mandatory. Non-integration adds to
supply chain time and the lack of responsiveness and
dead spots in the cycle time. Integrate demand
forecasting or other inventory planning with suppliers for
their build plans. Integrate purchase orders into


transport load planning. Everyone should be working

from the same data, information and system or platform.
Transferring data up and down the chain is not enough. Data
is not information. To collect, analyze, and forward data takes
time. Suppliers and service providers then reenter the data
into their systems. In turn they do this to their suppliers. All
this quietly adds to cycle time. Conversely, integration reduces
time and increases accuracy.

Integration may not be readily and easily doable with all

parties in the supply chain. Do it with key suppliers and
service providers, key as to volume or critical products, parts
or needs. Have key suppliers integrate with their key suppliers
so the benefit ripples through the supply pipeline.
 Collaborate with key suppliers and service providers.
Work together as partners and be open to the mutual
exchange. Sending procedures and demanding
compliance with requirements is not collaboration. Work
to align the process between both parties so that if flows
smoothly and with minimal time.

 Analyze how inventory moves and where inventory

sits or possible with is transferred for opportunities to
move it more quickly and with fewer handlings.
Improvements are:


· Warehouse / distribution network. Where warehouses are

located as to time from stores or customers or suppliers
impacts supply chain cycle time by becoming fixed
repositories based on needs that may be outdated.

· Multi-tier inbound logistics approach. What modes,

carriers, service and ports are used can reduce transit time
and increase inventory and cash conversion velocities.
Inventory in transit is not inventory available for sell.
Having a different approach for A inventory items (and
some B items)--as compared to many B items and C items--
puts time emphasis where needed.

 Implement technology. This is a necessity; it is a

enabler. However technology by itself will not result in
needed improvements; it is not a silver bullet that solves a
flawed process. Technology should be used across the
supply chain enterprise, both internal and external. It is a
key to gaining much needed supply chain visibility. Such
visibility is needed for multi-tier inbound and bypass the
distribution network programs.


For technology:
 Global suppliers and transport providers cannot be
readily managed with emails. Technology is needed.

 Supply chain complexity and scope may require more

than one software be used for effective control.

 Supplier management is directing and controlling

supplier performance. It looks at the timing of product,
the quantities, how and where delivered, product mix
and more. The intent is to maximize yield.

 Portals provide tracking useful tracking information and

provide visibility. But they are an after-the-fact tool and
do not manage inventory or time.

 Tracking purchase orders and contents of an inbound

container has great value as compared to just tracking a
container number. Visibility into the container sets the
stage for significant abilities to reduce time and

 Converting sales-point of sales (POS)-data into

replenishment orders on warehouses and, in turn, into
purchase orders on suppliers is critical.

 Supply chain execution technology may be the most

valuable of the technology applications. It is a vital to
integration and collaboration.


 Ease of connectivity-web enabled, interfaces and mobile

access-is important.

 Maximum supply chain process coverage-order

management, transportation, distribution, warehousing,
vendor, finance and more-is important to directing and
managing the process and reducing time and inventory.


Financial Plan:
Income and Expenditure Statement for the first year:
Expenditure Amt Income Amt
To Purchases 500000 By Sales 3650000
To Transportation 150000 By Stock 600000
To Telephone
Expenses 22000
To Electrical
Expenses 12000 By Net loss 622300
To Advertising 580000
To Salaries 1498800
To Taxes 400000
To Insurance 150000
To Water
expenses 360000
To Administration
expenses 40000
To Printing 32000
To Stationery 50000
To Fuel & Gas 365000
To Licence Fees 10000
To Interest 270000
To Depreciation 432500
Total 4872300 Total 4872300


Balance Sheet for the year ending 2008:

Liabilities Amt Assets Amt

Capital 5000000 Land 1800000
Long term loans 1500000 Building 2555700
Furniture and
Short term loans 1000000 Fixtures 1500000
Creditors 450000 Other Assets 250000
Debtors 500000
Closing Stock 400000
Cash in Hand 100000
Cash in Bank 222000
P & L A/c. 622300
Total 7950000 Total 7950000


Income and Expenditure statement for the second year:

Expenditure Amt Income Amt

To Purchases 620000 By Sales 5250000
To Transportation 160000 By Stock 720000
To Telephone
Expenses 24000
To Electrical
Expenses 13000
To Advertising 480000
To Salaries 1498800
To Taxes 400000
To Insurance 150000
To Water expenses 380000
To Administration
expenses 50000
To Printing 25000
To Stationery 30000
To Fuel & Gas 385000
To Licence Fees 10000
To Interest 270000
To Depreciation 432500
To Net Profit 1041700
Total 5970000 Total 5970000


Balance Sheet for the year ending 2009:

Liabilities Amt Assets Amt

Capital 5000000 Land 1800000
Long term loans 1500000 Building 2733400
Short term loans 1000000 and Fixtures 1500000
Creditors 530000 Other Assets 450000
1041700 Debtors 698000
less previous year Closing
loss 622300 419400 Stock 720000
Cash in
Hand 180000
Cash in
Bank 368000
Total 8449400 Total 8449400


Income and Expenditure statement for the third year:

Expenditure Amt Income Amt
To Purchases 650000 By Sales 5600000
To Transportation 170000 By Stock 850000
To Telephone
Expenses 29000
To Electrical
Expenses 17000
To Advertising 410000
To Salaries 1510000
To Taxes 425000
To Insurance 190000
To Water expenses 410000
To Administration
expenses 70000
To Printing 45000
To Stationery 55000
To Fuel & Gas 391000
To Licence Fees 19000
To Interest 240000
To Depreciation 451000
To Net Profit 1368000
Total 6450000 Total 6450000


Balance Sheet for the year ending 2010:

Liabilities Amt Assets Amt

Capital 5000000 Land 1800000
Long term loans 1410000 Building 2733400
Short term loans 900000 and Fixtures 1500000
Creditors 550000 Other Assets 490000
1368000 Debtors 715000
less partners Closing
salary 400000 968000 Stock 850000
Cash in
Hand 169600
Cash in
Bank 570000

Total 8828000 Total 8828000


Income and Expenditure statement for the fourth year:

Expenditure Amt Income Amt

To Purchases 690000 By Sales 6100000
To Transportation 173000 By Stock 889000
To Telephone
Expenses 31000 By Salvage 80000
To Electrical
Expenses 21000
To Advertising 375000
To Salaries 1515000
To Taxes 426000
To Insurance 200000
To Water expenses 415000
To Administration
expenses 72000
To Printing 49000
To Stationery 55000
To Fuel & Gas 392000
To Licence Fees 19900
To Interest 225000
To Depreciation 490000
To Net Profit 1920100
Total 7069000 Total 7069000


Balance Sheet for the year ending 2011:

Liabilities Amt Assets Amt

Capital 5000000 Land 1800000
Long term loans 1405000 Building 2733400
Short term loans 805000 and Fixtures 1650000
Creditors 500000 Other Assets 547700
Profit 1920100 Debtors 715000
Less Partners Salary Closing
440000 1480100 Stock 889000
Cash in
Hand 165000
Cash in
Bank 690000
Total 9190100 Total 9190100


Income and expenditure statement for the fifth year:

Expenditure Amt Income Amt
To Purchases 720000 By Sales 6700000
To Transportation 177000 By Stock 910000
To Telephone
Expenses 35000
To Electrical
Expenses 26000
To Advertising 345000
To Salaries 1530000
To Taxes 428000
To Insurance 210000
To Water expenses 420000
To Administration
expenses 75000
To Printing 57000
To Stationery 59000
To Fuel & Gas 398000
To Licence Fees 23000
To Interest 215000
To Depreciation 495000
To Net Profit 2397000
Total 7610000 Total 7610000


Balance Sheet for the year ending 2012:

Liabilities Amt Assets Amt

Capital 5000000 Land 1800000
Long term loans 1399000 Building 2733400
Short term loans 760000 and Fixtures 1650000
Creditors 470000 Other Assets 613600
2397000 Debtors 715000
Less Partners Salary Closing
640000 1757000 Stock 889000
Cash in
Hand 295000
Cash in
Bank 690000
Total 9386000 Total 9386000


Future Plan:

Our future plans of Dexter’s are as follows:

1. Ordering through Internet:

In our future plans we will add up a service through which
people can place order through internet.

2. Short Message Service:

People can even place orders through SMS’s, which are
highly used by mass now a days.

3. Tie Ups with Banks, Government Offices:

We will be having tie ups with different banks, government
offices to which we will provide employee meals in the form
of different packages.
Eg. Packages for diabetic patients, Packages for people
suffering through hypertension etc

The main reason for having tie ups with banks and
government offices is the employees over there have to sit and
do their work so problems due to obesity are faced by them
more than any one else.


4. Starting new branches:

We are planning to open up new branches in different parts
of Belgaum so that it will be convenient for customers to
visit our restaurant as well as for us to serve our targets.

5. Changing Interior Decoration:

We will be changing our interior decoration including
Furniture and paint after four years of establishment.


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