CorporateFinance1 - Syllabus - 20211208 (6.12)

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(Ban hành theo Quyết định số /QĐ-ĐHKT ngày tháng năm 20….)

1. Instruction information

1.1. Lecturer 1
- Name: Le Hong Hanh
- Status: Doctor, Lecturer
- Office: Faculty of Economics and Business – Room 712, E4 Building, 144 Xuan
Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha noi
- Tel: 0932 159 862
- Main research directions: Application of machine learning finance, corporate
finance, financial risk management.
1.2. Lecturer 2
- Name: To Lan Phuong
- Status: Doctor, Lecturer
- Office: Faculty of Economics and Business – Room 712, E4 Building, 144 Xuan
Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha noi
- Tel: 0919 471 896
- Main research directions: Cash Flow Management, Portfolio Management,
Behavioral Finance.
1.3. Lecturer 3
- Name: Nguyen Hong Minh
- Status: Master, Lecturer
- Office: Faculty of Economics and Business – Room 712, E4 Building, 144 Xuan
Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha noi
- Tel: 0943 138 943
- Main research directions: Corporate Finance, Decentralized Finance, Digital

2. Course information

- Subject: Corporate Finance 1

- Code of Subject: BSA2018
- Number of credits: 3
- Education degree: Bachelor’s Degree
- Prerequisites: Accounting principles
- Credit hours: 45 hours
- Theories: 23 hours
- Discussion and assignement: 22 hours
- Responsible department: Faculty of Finance and Banking, Room No.710, E4
Building, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi.
3. Course objectives:

3.1. Knowledge

Help students understand the basic concepts and key issues of corporate financial
management. Equip students with tools to analyze and evaluate the financial situation to
make decisions in investment and financing of production and business activities of

Levels Bloom scale Descriptions

Level 1: Level 1: - Remember and present the basic concepts of financial
Ability to Remembering management in enterprises, about short-term asset
management in enterprises;
- Identify financial instruments such as stocks and bonds
and pricing models for financial instruments such as DDM
and CAPM;
- Classify simple interest, compound interest and
discounted cash flow model in finance.
Level 2: Level 2 &3: - Financial statement analysis and financial planning in
Ability to Understanding the business.
regenerate and applying - Point out the difference between cash inflows - outflows
in the project, in the company.
- Compare the optimal cash management, inventory
management and credit management models in the
Level 3: Level 4&5: - Analyze business context and performance.
Ability to Analyzing and - Analyze and clarify the financial policies of the
argue Evaluating enterprise and the results of its operations.
3.2. Skills

3.2.1 Professional skills

- Skilled in analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating business performance from the
perspective of financial management.
- Have persuasive skills (verbally, in writing, in presentations, raise problems,
handle situations...) a scientific problem on the topic of financial statement analysis,
project financial appraisal, Valuing bonds, stocks and making cash flow tables for financial
activities (borrowing, saving...).

3.2.2 Supporting skills

- Ability to apply flexibly in analyzing financial statements, estimating the cost of
capital of the enterprise to perform the valuation of financial instruments such as bonds
and stocks to become a financial administrator in the business.
- Ability to apply the knowledge learned about cash flow analysis and project
financial appraisal to analyze and make decisions on project implementation and financial
planning in the business.

3.3. Professional ethics

- Be aware of issues related to individual rights and responsibilities in organizations
and working agencies. Always uphold the principles of professional ethics and human
ethics at work, such as not cheating on financial statements or tax evasion, appropriating
capital from employees, partners (suppliers).
- Consciously promote responsibility in participating in social welfare activities of
the community and locality, self-aware and improve their personal responsibility for issues
at the enterprise and society.
4. Course description

Corporate Finance is a module related to the final and most important decision-
making of a business: Financial Decisions. The module equips with concepts, methods and
skills to help managers make the right decisions on the basis of analysis and assessment of
costs, profits and risks in business activities of enterprises. The main contents studied in the
module include: 1. General issues of corporate finance 2. Financial statements, Financial
statement analysis and financial forecasting 3. Time value of money 4. Bond-stock valuation
5. Project financial analysis 6. Risks – Profits – Capital costs 7. Cash management and short-
term financing 8. Credit and receivable management.

Corporate finance has a direct relationship with modules such as microeconomics,

monetary and banking economics, financial markets, investment, and accounting.

5. Course contents


1.1. Forms of Business organization
1.1.1. One-owner business
1.1.2. Partnership business
1.1.3. Joint Stock Company
1.2. The role of financial managers
1.2.1. The role of the CFO
1.2.2. The role of the Treasury department
1.2.3. The role of the Control department
1.3. Business goals
1.3.1. Maximize shareholder value
1.3.2. Corporate social responsibility
1.4. Corporate finance and financial market
1.4.1. Financial management decisions in enterprises
1.4.2. Tax environment of the business
1.4.3. Financial environment of the business
1.4.4. Financial market and the business


2.1. Balance sheet
2.1.1. Principles of arrangement on balance sheet
2.1.2. Introducing the balance sheet
2.1.3. Distinguish between market value and book value
2.2. Income statement
2.2.1. Introducing the income statement
2.2.2. Introduction to US corporate income tax rates
2.2.3. Distinguish between average tax rate and marginal tax rate
2.3. Statements of cash flows
2.3.1. Introducing the cash flow statement
2.3.2. Define inflow – outflow and components
3.1. Trend analysis
3.1.1. Analyze balance sheet
3.1.2. Analyze income statement
3.2. Structural analysis
3.2.1. Analyze balance sheet
3.2.2. Analyze income statement
3.3. Analyze financial ratios
3.3.1. Liquidity Ratio
3.3.2. Financial leverage ratio
3.3.3. Ratio of asset management
3.3.4. Profitability
3.3.5. Market value coefficient
3.4. DuPont analysis method
3.4.1. Return on asset (ROA)
3.4.2. Return on equity (ROE)
4.1. Revenue forecasting methods
4.1.1. Simple average method
4.1.2. Moving average method
4.1.3. Weighted moving average method
4.1.4. Simple exponential method
4.1.5. Cause-and-effect forecasting method
4.2. Financial statements forecasting
4.2.1. Income statement forecasting
4.2.2. Budgeting Estimate and Balance Sheet forecasting
4.3. Growth and need for external funding ( External Financing needed)
4.3.1. Internal growth
4.3.2. Sustainable growth.
5.1. Interest rate concept.
5.1.1. Simple interest
5.1.2. Compound interest
5.2. Future value of money
5.2.1. The future value of an amount of money
5.2.2. The future value of a cash flows
5.3. Present value of money
5.3.1. The present value an amount of money
5.3.2. Present value of cash flows
5.4. Effective interest rate and nominal interest rate
5.4.1. Nominal interest rate (APR)
5.4.2. Effective interest rate (EAR)
5.4.3. The effect of inflation on the nominal interest rate (Fisher)
5.5. Application for pricing bonds - stocks
5.5.1. Bond valuation
5.5.2. Stock valuation
Chapter 6: RETURN – RISK
6.1. Expected return, variance, and standard deviation
6.1.1. The stock's expected return
6.1.2. Variance
6.1.3. Standard deviation
6.2. Portfolio Management
6.2.1. Systematic and unsystematic risk
6.2.2. Diversification and portfolio risk
6.2.3. Beta coefficient and risk premium
6.2.4. Security Market Line
7.1. Types of capital in the company
7.1.1. Types of capital in the company
7.1.2. Sources of capital mobilization
7.2. Cost of capital
7.2.1. Capital cost of debt
7.2.2. Cost of preferred shares
7.2.3. Cost of Equity of Common Stock (Retained Earnings)
7.2.4. Cost of new common stock issue
7.2.5. Average cost of capital - WACC
8.1. General concepts, Classification of investment projects
8.1.1. Project concept and classification
8.1.2. Project appraisal process
8.2. Methods of evaluating investment projects
8.2.1. Payback period
8.2.2. Discounted payback period
8.2.3. Net Present Value - NPV
8.2.4. Internal rate of return - IRR
8.3. Project cash flow analysis
8.3.1. Project cash flow concept
8.3.2. Estimated project cash flow
9.1. Cash management in business
9.1.1. Cash and net working capital
9.1.2. Reasons for holding cash
9.1.3. Cash holding costs
9.1.4. Determine the optimal amount of cash reserves
9.2. Short-term funding
9.2.1. Financing liquid assets
9.2.2. Risks and costs of short and long-term financing
9.2.3. Short-term funding sources
9.3. Receivables management and credit policy
9.3.1. The basic concepts
9.3.2. Credit policy

6. Textbooks and references

6.1. Textbooks:
1. Vu Duy Hao, Dam Van Hue: Quản trị Tài chính doanh nghiệp, NXB Giao thông
vận tải, 2016.
2. Nguyen Minh Kieu: Tài chính doanh nghiệp, NXB Thống kê, 2014
3. Nguyen Hai San: Quản trị tài chính doanh nghiệp, NXB Thống kê, 2012
6.2. References:
1. Brealey, Myers, Macus: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill Irwin,
8 edition, 2014
2. Ross, Westerfield, Jordan: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill
Irwin, 12th ed., 2018
3. Higgins: Phân tích tài chính doanh nghiệp (Nguyễn Tấn Bình biên dịch), NXB
Đại học Quốc gia TP. Hồ Chí Minh, 2002
4. Trần Ngọc Thơ: Tài chính doanh nghiệp hiện đại, NXB Thống kê, 2003
5. Nguyễn Hải Sản: Bài tập Quản trị tài chính doanh nghiệp, NXB Trẻ, 1999
6. Lưu Thị Hương, Vũ Duy Hào: Quản trị tài chính doanh nghiệp- Hệ thống câu hỏi
trắc nghiệm, Bài tập đáp án, NXB Tài chính, 2006
7. Course schedule:

7.1 General Schedule

Teaching methods in
class Total
Week Contents Notes

Theory Discussion/
1 Chapter 1 2 1 3

2 Chapter 2 2 1 3 Homework 1

3 Chapter 3 3 0 3

4 Presentation and 0 3 3 Presentation


5 Chapter 4 2 1 3

6 Chapter 5 2 1 3

7 Chapter 5 (Cont.) 2 1 3

8 Chapter 6 2 1 3

9 Chapter 7 2 1 3

10 Chapter 8 2 1 3

11 Chapter 8: (Cont.) 2 1 3

12 Midterm and homework 0 3 3 Midterm

13 Chapter 9 2 1 3

14 Presentation and 3 Presentation

0 3

15 Final Review 0 3 3

Total 23 22 45

7.2 Detail Schedule:

Week 1: Overview of corporate finance

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method students are required to Note
for students
Theory: 2 Classroom 1. Main issues of financial - Read chapter Students must know how
credit hours management (1.1, chapter 1) 1, p. 1-6,
to search for legal
textbook 2
2. Objectives of corporate financial documents such as:
management (1.2, chapter 1)
Enterprise Law;
3. The role of the financial manager
(CFO) in the business (1.3, chapter Accounting - auditing
1) regimes; Regulations on
4. Main types of enterprises (1.4, fixed assets and
chapter 1)
depreciation and circulars
Assignment: Classroom Mini-case (textbook 1, p.35-41) Read chapter guiding the preparation of
1 credit hour 1, textbook 1,
p 26-42). financial statements and

Week 2: Financial Statement – Taxes and Cash Flow

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that Note

Method students are required to

for students have

Theory: 2 Classroom 1. FS (4.1, chapter 4) Read chapter - Students must know how
credit hours 4, textbook2, to collect data on financial
p.46-60 statements and related
information of enterprises.
Assignment: Classroom - Exercises on financial analysis - Homework in
1 credit hour chapter9, - Students must clearly
textbook 8, p. distinguish profit and cash
107-115 flow.
- Students must be able to
calculate working capital,
operating cash flow, free
cash flow and understand
what these ratios mean.

Week 3. Financial statement analysis

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method students are required to Note
for students
Theory: 3 Classroom 1. Financial statement analysis - Read chapter - Students must
credit hours methods (4.2, chapter 4) 16, understand the methods
textbook1, p. of analyzing financial
2. Financial ratios (4.3, chapter 4) 321-334 statements of enterprises
3. DuPont method (4.4, chapter.4) - Read chapter (trend, co-size,
4, textbook combination of the two
4. Individual assignments 2. 2, methods above).

tr 60- 67 - Students must be able
to distinguish between
- Read chapter groups of coefficients,
16, textbook 1, how to calculate and the
p. 321-334 meaning of each
- Read chapter indicator in these
2, textbook 6, coefficient groups
p. 69-86 - Students understand
and apply Dupont
analysis method.

Week 4: Presentation

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that Note

Method for students students are required to
Theory: 3 Classroom Mini-case : Financial statement Search Students apply
credit hours analysis of a listed company Financial knowledge content into
Statment of a practice through group
company exercises to analyze
listed in VN financial statements

Week 5: Long-term financial planning

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that Note

Method students are required to

for students have

Theory: 2 Classroom 1. Revenue forecasting methods (5.1, - Read chapter - Students must
credit hours chapter.5) 5, textbook understand the financial
2, p.68-84 planning process in the
2. Income statement forecasting (5.2, - Read chapter business
chapter.5) 18, textbook
1, p.368-382 - Students apply financial
3 Budgeting Estimate and Balance planning in business
Sheet forecasting (5.3, chapter.5) - Homeworks
in chapter - Students must be able to
4. Growth and external funding 10, distinguish between the
textbook8, internal growth
(5.4, chapter.5) p. 120-129 coefficients and the
Assignment: Classroom Submit individual Review from sustainable growth
assignments 1 & 2 week 1-6 coefficients as well as the
1 credit hour beginning and ending
Individual assignments 3 values of these two

Week 6: Time value of money

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method students are required to Note
for students
Theory: 2 Classroom 1. The concept of interest rate (2.1, Read chapter - Students must
credit hours chapter 2) 2, textbook 2, understand and
p. 6-22 distinguish between
2. Future value of money (2.2, Read chapter simple interest and
chapter 2) 2, textbook1, compound interest
3. Present value of money (2.3, p. 42-57 - Students must
chapter 2) understand the present
value, future value of an
4. The formula for the relationship amount of money and a
between real interest rates and cash flow
nominal interest rates (2.4, chapter
2) - Students must clearly
distinguish the types of
Assignment: Classroom 1. individual assignments 4 Homeworks in cash flow
1 credit hour chapter 2,
2. Real interest rates and nominal textbook1, Students must be able to
interest rates p.58-60 distinguish between
nominal and effective
interest rates.

Week 7: Time value of money (Cont.)

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method students are required to Note
for students
Theory: 2 Classroom 1. Determine the value of the bond - Read chapter - Students must clearly
credit hours (3.1, chapter 3) 3, textbook 2, distinguish the tools to
p 22-33 raise capital on financial
2. Determine the value of the stock markets are bonds and
(3.3, chapter 3) - Read chapter stocks.
3, textbook1,
p. 61-70 - Students must
understand the general
Assignment: Classroom Submite individual assignments 3+4 Homeworks in principles of financial
Return individual assignments 1+2 instrument pricing, from

1 credit hour Individual assignments 5 chapter 5, which to apply the
valuation of bonds and
textbook 1, p. stocks.

Week 8: Risk - Return

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method students are required to Note
for students
Theory: 2 Classroom 1. Expected Yield - Students must master the
credit hours knowledge of statistical
2. Variance and standard deviation probability to apply the
3. Systematic and Unsystematic expected return, variance
Risks – Diversification and and standard deviation.
Portfolio Risk - Students must
4. Beta coefficient and risk distinguish between
premium systematic risk and
unsystematic risk.
5. Stock market line (SML)
- Students must
Assignment: Classroom Submit individual assignments 5 understand the stock
1 credit hour Return individual assignments market line and then apply
3+4 the stock market line
Individual assignments 6 equation.

Week 9: Cost of capital

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that
Method students are required to Note
for students
Theory: 2 Classroom 1. Capital cost of debt (7.1.2, - Read chapter - Students must
credit hours chapter.7) 7, textbook2, distinguish the types of
p.93-99 capital components in
2. Cost of preferred stock (7.1.3, enterprises and the costs
chapter.7) - Read chapter of corresponding capital
5, textbook 3, types, especially
3. Cost of capital of common stock p.114-126
(7.1.4, chapter.7) understand the dividend
discount model and the
4. Weighted average cost of capital capital asset pricing
WACC (7.2, chapter.7) model.
Assignment: Classroom Submit individual assignments 6 Homeworks in - Students know how to
1 credit hour chapter 5, apply and estimate the
Return individual assignments 5 textbook 8, p. weighted average cost of
Individual assignments 7 49-53 capital of enterprises
- Read chapter
15, textbook 5,

Week 10: NPV and investment standards

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method students are required to Note
for students

Theory: 2 Classroom 1. General concepts. Classification Read chapter - Students must
credit hours of investment projects (8.1, 8, textbook2, understand the process of
chapter.8) p. 113-124 financial analysis of
Read chapter projects in enterprises.
2. Methods of evaluating 6, textbook1,
investment projects (NPV, Pb, IRR, p. 125-139 - Students understand and
MIRR, PI) (8.2, chapter.8) understand the set of
criteria used in project
Assignment: Classroom Individual assignments 8 Homeworks in financial appraisal.
1 credit hour chapter 6,
- Mini-case in ,

Week 11: NPV and investment standards (Cont.)

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method for students students are required to have Note

Theory: 2 Classroom 1. Determine the project's cash flow - Read chapter - Students understand the
credit hours (8.3, chapter.8) 8, textbook 2, principles of determining
p.124-134 project cash flows.
- Students must know how
Assignment: Classroom 1. Submit individual assignments 8 Mini-case in to apply project cash flow
1 credit hour 2. Individual exercise 9 chapter 6, analysis and use project
textbook1, financial appraisal criteria
to perform specific project
p.144-15 financial appraisal
- Homeworks
in chapter 7,
textbook 8, p.

Week 12: Midterm + homeworks

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method for students students are required to have Note

Mid-term: 2 Classroom Mid-term - Review - Students are able to

credit hours complete individual
exercises from chapter 2 to
Assignment: Classroom - Review chapter 7.
1 credit hour - Q&A

Week 13: Short-term asset management

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method for students students are required to have Note

Theory: 2 Classroom 1. Reasons for holding cash (11.1, - Read chapter - Students must
credit hours chapter 11) 10, textbook2, understand the role of
p. 147-159 cash in businesses,
2. Cash management (11.2, thereby explaining why it
chapter 11) - Read chapter
3. Short-term management (11.1, 7, textbook1, is necessary to keep cash
chapter 11) p. 158-171 in enterprises.
4. Receivables management and - Read - Students can distinguish
credit policy (10.1, chapter.10) chapter 9, between short-term and
textbook2, long-term funding sources
p. 135-146 in the business.
- Students must
Assignment: Classroom understand the process of
credit analysis, understand
1 credit hour and analyze credit policies
in enterprises.

Week 14: Presentation

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method for students students are required to have Note

Presentation: Classroom Project financial appraisal Group - Students must understand

3 credit hours how to calculate the cost of
capital and apply
knowledge of cash flow
analysis, project financial
appraisal criteria to
complete group
assignments as well as class

Week 15: Review + homeworks

Teaching Place Contents Requirement Knowledge and skills that

Method for students students are required to have Note

Discussion/ Classroom -Review all - - Students have

homeworks 3 presentation skills.
credit hours - Homeworks
- Students have the ability
- Q&A to work in groups.
- Students have the ability
to apply all the knowledge
they have learned in dealing
with specific situations. ‫ ا‬.
- Students have the ability
to complete individual
assignments assigned.

8. Course policy and other instructor’s requirements

- The students must read textbooks and other references according to the lecture topic
calendar as well as complete assignments before the class.
- Calculators: Bring your calculator to every class session after the first week as it is
needed for doing exercises in class.
- Class attendance: Full attendance is required except in case of special events or
emergencies. Students must be on time to make sure that the class will start as
scheduled. This policy avoids the problem of having people wondering in late and not
being able to pick up the discussion.
9. Assessement
9.1. Objectives and percentage of assessement

Types of Percentag
Test contents Objectives
assessement e
Attendance Class attendance Checking students’ class 5%

Quiz Exercices Checking students’ 5%

understanding and how they
apply learned theories to
solve typical problems.

Mid-term exam Multiple choice and Checking students’ 15%

exercises understanding and how they
apply learned theories to
solve typical problems.

Case study Group presentation Checking students’ 15%

teamwork and problem-
solving skills

Final exam Multiple choice and Checking students’ 60%

exercises understanding and how they
apply learnt theories to

solve typical problems.


9.2. Criteria used to assess students

9.2.1. Attendance: 5%
Grade will be based on:

- Lecturers frequently check students’ attendance.

- Students give the right answers
9.2.2. Case study: 15%
- Topics are delivered in the second week.
- Assessment criteria conclude:
o Teamwork skills
o Ability to apply learned theories to solve typical problems.
o Ability to critically think and be creative.
9.2.3. Quiz: 5%
- Quiz lasts at the 7th week
- Quiz covers chapters from 1 to 5.
- Assesement criteria conclude:
o Students’ understanding of theories related to corporate finance
o Skills of calculation, analysis and synthesis
o Ability to be independent and creative.
9.2.4. Mid-term exam: 15%
- Mid-term exam lasts at the 12nd week.
- Mid-term exam covers chapters from 1 to 8.
- Assesement criteria conclude:
o Students’ understanding of theories related to corporate finance
o Skills of calculation, analysis and synthesis
o Ability to be independent and creative.
9.2.5. Final exam: 60%
- Exam contents are based on the final exam structure.
- Assessment criteria:

o Criteria 1: Understanding and explaining theories.
o Criteria 2: Distinguish and analysis activities related to firms’ corporate finance
o Criteria 3: Understanding and being able to deal well with specific cases.
Mark Criteria
9-10 Achieve all 3 criteria
7-8 Achieve the first two criteria
Few mistakes in the 3rd criteria
5-6 Achieve criteria 1-2
<5 Unable to achieve all 3 criteria

9.3 Assessment Schedule:

Examination schedule, presentation according to the teaching schedule in the course outline.

Final exam: Decided by University.

Preparer Head of Dean of Faculty Approved


PhD. Nguyen Thi

PhD. To Lan PhD. Dinh Thi Assoc.Prof. Nguyen
Phuong Thanh Van Truc Le


1. Code of subject: BSA 2018

2. Subject name: Corporate finance 1

3. Language: English

4. Credit hours: 03

5. Lecturers: Le Hong Hanh; To Lan Phuong; Nguyen Hong Minh.

6. Course objectives:

- Knowledge: Help students understand the basic concepts and key issues of corporate
financial management. Equip students with tools to analyze and evaluate the financial
situation to make decisions in investment and financing of production and business
activities of enterprises.

Levels Bloom scale Descriptions

Level 1: Level 1: - Remember and present the basic concepts of financial
Ability to Remembering management in enterprises, about short-term asset
management in enterprises;
- Identify financial instruments such as stocks and bonds
and pricing models for financial instruments such as DDM
and CAPM;
- Classify simple interest, compound interest and
discounted cash flow model in finance.
Level 2: Level 2 &3: - Financial statement analysis and financial planning in
Ability to Understanding the business.
regenerate and applying - Point out the difference between cash inflows - outflows
in the project, in the company.
- Compare the optimal cash management, inventory
management and credit management models in the
Level 3: Level 4&5: - Analyze business context and performance.
Ability to Analysing and - Analyze and clarify the financial policies of the
argue Evaluating enterprise and the results of its operations.

- Skills:

+ Professional skills: Skilled in analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating business

performance from the perspective of financial management. Have persuasive skills
(verbally, in writing, in presentations, raise problems, handle situations...) a scientific
problem on the topic of financial statement analysis, project financial appraisal, Valuing
bonds, stocks and making cash flow tables for financial activities (borrowing, saving...).

+ Supporting skills: Ability to apply flexibly in analyzing financial statements,

estimating the cost of capital of the enterprise to perform the valuation of financial
instruments such as bonds and stocks to become a financial administrator in the business.
Ability to apply the knowledge learned about cash flow analysis and project financial
appraisal to analyze and make decisions on project implementation and financial
planning in the business

+ Professional ethics: Be aware of issues related to individual rights and

responsibilities in organizations and working agencies. Always uphold the principles of
professional ethics and human ethics at work such as not cheating on financial statements
or tax evasion, appropriating capital from employees, partners (suppliers). Consciously
promote responsibility in participating in social welfare activities of the community and
locality, self-aware and improve their personal responsibility for issues at the enterprise
and society.

7. Course Description: Corporate Finance is a module related to the final and most
important decision-making of a business: Financial Decisions. The module equips with
concepts, methods and skills to help managers make the right decisions on the basis of
analysis and assessment of costs, profits and risks in business activities of enterprises.
The main contents studied in the module include: 1. General issues of corporate finance
2. Financial statements, Financial statement analysis and financial forecasting 3. Time
value of money 4. Bond-stock valuation 5. Project financial analysis 6. Risks – Profits –
Capital costs 7. Cash management and short-term financing 8. Credit and receivable
Corporate finance has a direct relationship with modules such as microeconomics,
monetary and banking economics, financial markets, investment, and accounting.

8. Number of hours per week: 03

9. Teaching methodology: Giving lessons, discussions about theories, assignments and

case studies.

10. Assessment methodology: combination between multiple choice questions and

assignments, group presentation.

11. Textbooks:

+ Vu Duy Hao, Dam Van Hue: Quản trị Tài chính doanh nghiệp, NXB Giao
thông vận tải, 2016.
+ Nguyen Minh Kieu: Tài chính doanh nghiệp, NXB Thống kê, 2014
+ Nguyen Hai San: Quản trị tài chính doanh nghiệp, NXB Thống kê, 2012
12. Prerequisites: Principle of Accouting

13. Contact: Faculty of Finance and Banking, Room No.710, E4 Building, 144 Xuan
Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

Dean of Faculty Head of Department

PhD. Dinh Thi Thanh Van PhD. Nguyen Thi Nhung


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