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Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2020; 0: 1–11

doi:10.1093/trstmh/traa083 Advance Access publication 0 2020

Demographic and climatic factors associated with dengue prevalence

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in a hyperendemic zone in Mexico: an empirical approach
Francisco Espinoza-Gomez a,∗ , Oscar Alberto Newton-Sancheza , Arnulfo Hernan Nava-Zavala b,e
Maria G. Zavala-Cernab , Fabian Rojas-Lariosa , Ivan Delgado-Encisoa , Abril B. Martinez-Rizoc ,
and Felipe Lozano-Kastend

Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Colima, Avenida Universidad 333, Colonia Las Viboras, Colima, Colima, Mexico 28040;
Facultad de Medicina Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara; c Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias Quimicas de la Universidad
Autonoma de Nayarit; d Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Guadalajara; e Unidad de Investigación Biomédica,
Centro Médico Nacional de Occidente, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Guadalajara, Mexico
∗ Corresponding author: Tel: 1+52-312-61000, ext. 37501; E-mail: fespin@ucol.mx

Received 21 May 2020; revised 07 August 2020; editorial decision 11 August 2020; accepted 17 August 2020

Background: Many models for predicting dengue epidemics use incidence and short-term changes in climate
variables, however, studies in real-life scenarios for correlations of seroprevalence (SP) with long-term climate
variables and with integration of socio-economic factors are scarce. Our objective was to analyse the combined
correlation between socio-economic and climate variables with the SP of dengue in Mexico.
Methods: We performed a seroepidemiological ecological study on the Mexican Pacific coast. Dengue SP was
estimated by the presence of immunoglobulin G antibodies in 1278 inhabitants. We implemented multiple cor-
relations with socio-economic, climatic and topographic characteristics using logistic regression, generalized
linear models and non-linear regressions.
Results: Dengue SP was 58%. The age-adjusted correlation was positive with the male sex, while a negative
correlation was seen with socio-economic status (SES) and scholl level (SL). The annual temperature showed a
positive correlation, while the altitude was negative. It should be noted that these correlations showed a marked
‘S’ shape in the non-linear model, suggesting three clearly defined scenarios for dengue risk.
Conclusion: Low SES and SL showed an unexpected paradoxical protective effect. Altitude above sea level and
annual temperature are the main determinants for dengue in the long term. The identification of three clearly
delineated scenarios for transmission could improve the accuracy of predictive models.

Keywords: climate, correlation, dengue, seroprevalence, sociodemographic

Introduction of dengue.4,5 Consequently, there is considerable debate about

the role of these sociodemographic factors as determinants of
Dengue continues to be a severe threat to global public health, dengue transmission.6 Therefore it is necessary to explore the
as efforts to achieve its control have been very erratic and its inci- correlation of dengue transmission with sociodemographic vari-
dence continues to grow.1 It is a disease typical of tropical coun- ables over long periods in random samples at the individual and
tries with hot climates and urban areas with poor public services. community level. The estimate of seroprevalence (SP) or cumu-
Traditionally, researchers have associated dengue transmission lated incidence made in this way could also indicate the total
with demographic factors such as female gender, poverty,2 over- dengue burden, which is an indicator of epidemic risk at the
crowding, low education, limited access to medical services and regional level.7
inadequate urban sanitation.3 These assumptions are based on On the other hand, some researchers have implicated cli-
the incidence of patients diagnosed with dengue. This strategy matic characteristics as risk factors for dengue epidemics. In this
can be very inaccurate because it does not take into account sense, the ambient temperature, the altitude above sea level,
the large proportion of asymptomatic infections and the low the amount of rain and the relative humidity are factors that
sensitivity (11%) and specificity (79%) of the clinical diagnosis

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com

F. Espinoza-Gomez et al.

have shown the most significant correlation with the incidence of approximately 112 040 km2 among 1200 communities in the
of dengue.8 Ambient temperature is directly related to mosquito states mentioned above (see Figure 1). On a map of this region
survival, reproductive rate and vector capacity.9,10 In the case of taken from Google Earth, we chose 58 communities that were

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altitude, some authors have pointed out its effects on dengue systematically located a distance of 10–15 km from each other
transmission as a secondary phenomenon due to temperature until we covered the entire region in question, excluding those
changes, although they accept that altitude could be directly areas with communities of <200 inhabitants.
related to the transmission of flaviviruses such as Zika virus.11 In contrast, given the high population density in the cities of
Based on these observations, scientists have developed stochas- Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta, in Jalisco, samples were taken
tic mathematical models to predict the places and times in from two or three locations around those cities, trying to main-
which dengue epidemics could occur. These models fundamen- tain the equidistance of approximately 10 km between them.
tally consider the incidence of dengue clinical cases as well as the When it was not possible to obtain physical access to a specific
population density of the vector mosquito, mainly Aedes aegypti location, the team moved to the next closest community and
(Linnaeus). They have established risk areas for dengue trans- conducted the study there. In the centre of these locations we
mission in human settlements, especially those located <500 m registered coordinates using the Global Positioning System and
above sea level with warm weather.10,12 In recent years there corroborated with Google Maps. Our team took samples from
have been warnings about the effect of global warming on the 1465 people; on average, 20 individuals in 10 randomly selected
spread of dengue transmission, although there is considerable houses in each locality. We conducted the study from April 2010
debate on the issue.13 to December 2012.
According to this reasoning, places at low altitudes that
increase their average annual temperature could become
endemic for dengue, even if they are outside the tropical belt Variables
and in developed countries such as southern Japan, China and The dependent variable was the SP, or cumulative incidence, of
Australia.12 In contrast, high-altitude localities would continue to dengue, estimated from the presence of anti-dengue IgG anti-
be ‘protected’ despite their tropical climate. However, there have bodies in the serum of individuals from each locality. The SP was
been reports of A. aegypti infected with dengue virus at >2300 m defined as the rate of positive individuals/total sampled individ-
above sea level,14 as well as epidemic outbreaks of dengue at uals, or the Z score. The identification of IgG antibodies against
1700 m above sea level.15 Therefore it is likely that eventual dengue was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent
temperature increases may increase the risk of dengue trans- assay (ELISA). For this we obtained a blood sample (5 ml) by
mission in the future, especially in cities at higher altitudes. This antecubital venous puncture. After immediate centrifugation, the
interaction of temperature, altitude, rainfall and relative humid- serum was separated and transported at 4°C to the laboratory
ity with long-term dengue transmission has barely been explored and then stored at −70°C until the antibody test was performed.
and empirical evidence on the correlation of dengue transmis- The ELISA was performed following the manufacturer’s instruc-
sion with climatic factors, particularly with altitude, is scarce.11,16 tions (EI 266b-9601G, Euroimmun, Lübeck, Germany). This test
The analysis of the multiple interactions between climatic and was performed blinded in duplicate and the Institute of Diagnosis
demographic variables with the SP of dengue could help us detect and Epidemiological Reference of the Ministry of Health of Mexico
persistent endemic areas where authorities should concentrate validated the results.
on preventive actions. At the same time, such empirical explo-
rations could help in the construction of more accurate predictive
models. Eligibility criteria
The purpose of the present study was to estimate the We included people between 2 and 90 y old with permanent res-
cumulative incidence of dengue in the long term by detecting idence in the locality for at least 10 y (or their age in the case
immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies against dengue in people liv- of children) who agreed to collaborate with the study through
ing on the western coast of Mexico. Another objective was to cor- a written consent letter. We excluded subjects with chronic or
relate the SP of dengue over the years with sociodemographic debilitating diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, tuber-
and climatic variables. The studied area has been repeatedly culosis or human immunodeficiency virus. The team obtained
attacked by dengue epidemics, with the circulation of several a structured questionnaire from each participant that contained
serotypes, as has happened in other areas of Mexico.17 questions about the following social and demographic variables:
age (in years), gender (female=0, male=1). To determine the
socio-economic status (SES) we used an ordinal scale with six cat-
egories: the lowest being the head of the family had primary or
Materials and methods no education, incomplete housing and without a car or Internet
connection and the highest being for high educational level, com-
Design and target population plete housing with good finishes and significant–high expendi-
We conducted an ecological cross-sectional analytical study in tures on education and health. This criterion follows the Mexican
rural and urban locations in the Mexican states of Jalisco, Nayarit Association of Marketing and Opinion Agencies.19 For the school
and Colima in western Mexico. The area comprises a total pop- level we applied an ordinal scale, assuming the greatest risk for
ulation of around 9 million inhabitants.18 The locations or geo- those who did not have primary school or no education (2), an
graphic points mentioned are areas of approximately 1 ha with intermediate risk for high school (1) and a low risk for people with
an average of 500 people each and were distributed in an area professional or postgraduate studies (0).

Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

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Figure 1. Map of Mexico and the sampled area in the states of Nayarit, Jalisco and Colima during 2010.

Ecological variables of variables and the transformation of those polytomous or ordi-

nal variables into nominal dichotomous (‘dummy’) variables.
We registered the environmental conditions in each locality,
In the second level, to correlate the prevalence of dengue
including the total population of the settlement, consulting the
by location with the environmental variables, we used a multi-
website for Peoples of America20 and the Instituto Nacional de
variate linear model and a subsequent non-linear adjustment.
Estadística y Geografía18 ; the marginalization index as an indi-
For this curve fit we used the formula for non-linear symmetric
cator of SES by community, according to the Mexican govern-
ment21 ; the altitude above sea level or elevation (in meters); the
annual average relative humidity (in %), temperature (T, in °C) a−d
y=d+  b .
and rainfall (pluvial precipitation, in mm) from 1990 to 2000. We 1 + xc
recorded these latter variables from historical data of meteoro-
logical stations belonging to the National Meteorological Service For the multivariate analysis we used a general linear model24
closest to each locality.22 This proximity was calculated for carto- and only p-values <0.01 were considered significant, accord-
graphic applications in arcminutes and corresponded to approxi- ing to Bonferroni’s adjustment. The dependent variable (dengue
mately 3 for the regional latitude (this is 4–5.8 km). prevalence by locality) showed a distribution close to normality
(Kolmogorov–Smirnoff=0.167, p=0.068), so we used parametric
linear and non-linear correlation models.

Statistical analysis
The sample size was calculated using the formula to estimate a Ethical aspects
proportion, considering an average prevalence of dengue infec- Institutional boards of research and ethics at the Universidad
tion of 48% reported by previous surveys in Mexico,23 with a mar- de Colima and the Secretaria de Salud del Estado de Colima
gin of error of 1%, obtaining a sample size of 1228 subjects that approved the protocol (#142/09). All the participants (parents or
were distributed proportionally in the 58 locations. For the analy- legal guardians in the case of minors) signed a written informed
sis of the correlation between the presence or absence of anti- consent before application of the questionnaire or blood sam-
dengue IgG at the individual level, we used univariate logistic pling. After that, they all received their test results in confidence.
regression, estimating odds ratios (ORs) and their respective 95% The work team delivered the database to the Ministry of Health
confidence intervals (CIs). Next we used a multivariate uncondi- in each state following the procedures of the Mexican Institute of
tional model with the backward step method for the elimination Information (IFAI).

F. Espinoza-Gomez et al.

Table 1. Dengue SP as determined by ELISA IgG and its association with demographic variables in 1278 individuals living on the western coast
of Mexico during 2012, using univariate, non-conditional logistic regression

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Variable N Positive OR 95% CI p-Value

Female (1) 911 508 0.73 0.57 to 0.94 0.014
Male (0) 367 232
Age (years)
≤10 31 17
11–20 183 99
21–30 242 139
31–40 266 145
41–50 204 110
51–60 155 94
61–70 132 90
71–80 50 34
≥81 (1) 15 12 1.009 1.003 to 1.05 0.0043a
Education level
Elementary or none (1) 924 518 0.75 0.6 to 0.97 0.03
Middle and superior (0) 354 222
Low 556 286 0.62. 0.5 to 0.78 <0.001
Medium or highb 722 454

a For age, the reference group was ≥81 y against all others.
b For SES, the independent variable was expressed in a nominal scale taking the lower category (5 and 6) as the risk group.

Results mean dengue cumulated incidence in the 58 localities in the

states of Jalisco, Colima and Nayarit.
Dengue SP Table 3 shows the correlation between demographic and cli-
We analysed a total of 1278 valid samples, of which 740 were matic variables with the SP of dengue at the macro level in
positive for IgG, which represents a total crude SP of 58% (95% the 58 sampled communities. The demographic variables were
CI 55.4 to 60.8). Of these, 906 were women and 372 men. The total population, the type of settlement (rural or urban) and the
main reason for the oversampling of women is because almost marginalization index in each locality. The climatic variables were
the entire male population moves away from their communities the annual average temperature, the average difference between
to work or go to school. The average age was 39.4 y; the edu- the maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall and relative
cation level was primary or none 71.5%, medium 19.9%, higher humidity recorded during the last 10 y before sampling. We also
8.3%; and the SES was very low 133 (10.4%), low 424 (33.2%), recorded the elevation above sea level in each locality.
medium-low 419 (32.8%), medium-high 221 (17.3%) and high The elevation above sea level showed the highest correlation
80 (6.25%). Table 1 shows the correlation between dengue preva- index (Pearson’s correlation 0.28, p=0.00001) and in the multiple
lence and demographic variables by location. correlation model we found independence of this variable over
After the analysis with age-adjusted multivariate logistic the others. The average annual temperature showed the sec-
regression, only the education level showed an increase in its ond most significant correlation with dengue; however, it seems
OR from 0.75 to 0.9 (CI 0.94 to 1.06, p=0.045), while low SES to depend on its correlation with altitude (R2 =0.73, p<0.00001).
remained a paradoxical protective factor, independent of all oth- Since the relative humidity and temperature have a high corre-
ers (OR 0.62 [CI 0.47 to 0.89]). When we transformed the SES to lation index between them (R2 =0.56, p<0.00001), we discarded
a dichotomous scale in which 0 was medium or high level and this variable from the last bivariate analysis. After the removal
1 was low or very low, the OR and the CI did not change. We of an ‘outsider’ case, a community located at 2120 m above sea
did not find interactions between any of the other demographic level with a dengue SP of 85% (Santa Teresa del Nayar, Nayarit,
variables. key number: 4), the correlation between altitude and dengue
increased to R2 =0.32 (p<0.00001). In Figure 2 we show this cor-
relation using a non-linear symmetric model.
Ecological correlations As can be seen in the Z-shaped curve, there are two quite dif-
With respect to the SP of dengue at each locality, Table 2 shows ferent scenarios: first, a flat curve for locations below 1180 m
the demographic and geographic characteristics as well as the above sea level, and second, for communities between 1200

Table 2. List of sampled localities with their demographic and geographic characteristics and dengue SP in the states of Jalisco, Colima and Nayarit during 2012

Annual Maximum − Sampled/

Elevation average minimum Pluvial IgG
Key Marginalization (meters above temperature temperature precipitation Relative positive,
numbera Locality name State Population index sea level) (°C) (°C) (mm) humidity n/n Prevalence
1 Novillero Nayarit 895 8.4 7 22.0 12.0 1200 94.4 20/18 0.90
2 El Resbalón Nayarit 704 8.5 35 25.6 15.5 1289 87.8 22/1 0.05
3 Tecuala Nayarit 13 212 5.7 14 25.6 16.0 964 87.8 20/20 1.00
4 Santa Teresa del Nayarit 1087 28.5 2122 21.0 18.0 754 64.0 19/16 0.84
5 Palmar de Nayarit 1370 10.3 5 25.7 10.6 1030 81.7 20/15 0.75
6 Acatan de Piñas Nayarit 229 8.3 147 25.6 15.1 2058 80.5 20/19 0.95
7 El Venado Nayarit 1300 9.4 61 25.0 15.1 2057 75.3 20/16 0.80
8 Huajimic Nayarit 698 7.3 1132 20.6 20.0 928 72.4 20/19 0.95
9 Mecatán Nayarit 2523 7.9 312 22.8 15.0 1237 89.5 20/13 0.65
10 Benito Juárez Nayarit 332 863 10.0 550 20.3 13.5 1289 71.0 20/11 0.55
11 Santa Cruz Nayarit 1353 5.5 17 22.8 14.5 1237 86.3 20/13 0.65
12 Las Varas Nayarit 12 403 6.2 28 25.7 14.0 1443 86.5 20/6 0.30
13 Cacalután Nayarit 390 8.2 908 24.5 15.7 945 67.6 20/18 0.90
14 Jala Nayarit 5143 5.1 1067 22.3 17.0 930 85.0 20/11 0.55
15 Aguamilpa Nayarit 646 24.5 95 27.4 13.0 1038 78.1 20/13 0.65
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

16 Pitillal, Nuevo Nayarit 177 830 6.0 35 26.5 15.4 1591 78.6 12/12 1.00
17 San Sebastián del Jalisco 523 5.2 1400 19.0 16.0 1278 52.3 25/25 1.00
18 San Marcos Jalisco 3101 5.0 1383 20.2 17.5 1038 58.3 25/23 0.92
19 Cuquío Jalisco 4122 5.5 1790 18.0 17.1 806 51.0 23/0 0.00
20 Yahualica Jalisco 14 265 5.1 1800 17.4 18.2 762 39.2 26/2 0.08
21 Mexticacán Jalisco 3516 6.1 1749 18.3 19.0 755 39.2 18/2 0.11
22 Lagos de Moreno Jalisco 92 716 4.5 1925 19.3 14.0 603 44.8 30/1 0.03
23 Unión de San Jalisco 6668 5.7 1923 18.2 17.6 672 44.3 20/2 0.10
24 San Diego de Jalisco 4789 6.0 1947 18.6 17.3 624 44.2 25/3 0.12
25 Capilla de Jalisco 12 496 4.9 2060 18.3 17.0 869 44.3 26/0 0.00
26 Puerto Jalisco 177 830 3.9 75 26.1 12.7 1073 78.6 13/11 0.85

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Table 2. Continued

Elevation Annual Maximum − Sampled/

(meters average minimum Pluvial IgG
Key Marginalization above temperature temperature precipitation Relative positive,
numbera Locality name State Population index sea level) (°C) (°C) (mm) humidity n/n Prevalence
27 Mascota Jalisco 8215 3.8 1267 20.7 14.8 1001 46.0 25/25 1.00
F. Espinoza-Gomez et al.

28 El Refugio Jalisco 5725 4.8 1303 20.5 18.5 883 60.0 25/25 1.00
29 Zapopan Jalisco 870 000 3.1 1594 20.6 15.5 1007 61.0 25/3 0.12
30 El Tuito Jalisco 2518 5.4 850 22.3 16.7 1563 90.0 21/8 0.38
31 Los Guerrero Jalisco 674 5.0 1297 21.2 17.7 908 56.0 25/23 0.92
32 Tlaquepaque Jalisco 542 000 4.3 1750 21.0 15.3 999 69.4 24/11 0.46
33 San Martín Zula Jalisco 2169 7.3 1537 20.2 15.8 843 68.0 25/25 1.00
34 El Josefino Jalisco 825 5.2 1597 19.6 17.8 858 60.5 25/25 1.00
35 Huascato Jalisco 1332 7.1 1617 20.2 16.8 791 58.3 24/23 0.96
36 El Molino Jalisco 1643 8.1 1570 20.5 18.8 773 70.1 25/25 1.00
37 Tenamaxtlan Jalisco 4706 5.0 1483 20.5 18.0 937 55.7 23/1 0.04
38 Atemajac d Jalisco 5014 8.8 2334 16.1 14.5 969 57.3 25/0 0.00
39 Zacoalco Jalisco 16 228 6.1 1363 21.3 14.7 404 50.1 26/8 0.31
40 Tomatlán Jalisco 7899 5.4 50 26.6 14.4 819 90.0 26/19 0.73
41 Ejutla Jalisco 1229 4.7 1495 23.3 15.0 856 68.0 25/1 0.04
42 La Manzanilla Jalisco 7751 4.9 2070 16.7 14.4 928 56.0 5/0 0.00
43 Concepción de Jalisco 4179 4.4 2135 16.3 14.5 948 68.3 21/1 0.05
Buenos A
44 Quitupan Jalisco 1520 6.0 1654 20.4 17.7 783 75.6 26/1 0.04
45 Cd Guzmán Jalisco 97 750 4.2 1536 19.8 17.3 537 59.7 19/0 0.00
46 La Rosa, Contla Jalisco 231 7.9 1179 22.8 17.6 1182 60.0 17/4 0.24
47 Punta Pérula Jalisco 530 5.4 8 25.1 12.8 790 90.0 21/16 0.76
48 Casimiro Jalisco 11 116 5.1 450 28.1 18.0 1658 88.4 24/17 0.71
49 Tamazula Jalisco 17 741 4.4 1126 21.8 16.0 1037 61.4 25/9 0.36
50 Melaque Jalisco 6350 5.9 10 27.0 13.1 956 94.0 29/22 0.76
51 Minatitlan Colima 3961 5.2 754 22.9 17.3 1341 72.4 23/20 0.87
52 Miramar Colima 6783 3.9 38 25.7 13.3 994 75.0 21/21 1.00
53 Pueblo Juarez Colima 11 374 7.1 265 26.2 16.0 741 78.1 20/20 1.00
54 Pihuamo Jalisco 6300 6.6 738 24.8 17.0 1613 76.0 23/11 0.48
55 Cuyutlán Colima 926 6.5 9 27.0 14.0 798 86.0 26/25 0.96
56 Ixtlahuacán Colima 2484 6.1 170 27.1 15.1 692 77.8 24/23 0.96
57 El Naranjo Colima 233 5.6 403 26.1 18.0 672 76.0 19/17 0.89
58 Cerro de ortega Colima 5214 10.0 17 25.7 12.5 857 89.6 22/21 0.95
Mean 43 574 6.8 969.9 22.4 15.8 1010 69.4 1278/740 58 CI 57.9 to

a Keynumber: number assigned in map of Figure 4.

Elevation in meters above sea level
Mean temperature, mean variation of maximum–minimum temperature, pluvial precipitation and relative humidity are annual averages during 1999–2010 recorded at the
closest meteorological stations of the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de México.

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Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Table 3. Correlation between the demographic and climatologic variables with dengue SP (ratio of positive to total sampled people) in 58
localities of Jalisco, Nayarit and Colima during 2012 using a linear univariate and multivariate model

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Mean (95% CI)* Univariate Multivariate

Variable R2 p-Value R2 p-Value

Altitude (meters above sea level) 970 (474 to 1176) 0.28 <0.0001 0.04 0.14
Annual average temperature (°C) 22.4 (21.6 to 23.2) 0.273 <0.0001 0.014 0.39
Annual average of difference 15.83 (15.3 to 16.3) 0.006 0.37 0.005 0.63
between maximum and
minimum temperature (°C)
Pluvial precipitation annual 1010 (925 to 1095) 0.04 0.133 0.00002 1
average (mm)
Relative humidity (%) 69.44 (63.4 to 73.5) 0.18 0.0009 0.0041 0.64
Marginalization index 6.8 (5.8 to 7.8) 0.025 0.23 0.0053 0.6
Population18 43 574 (7574 to 79 574) 0.023 0.24 0.013 0.39
After backward stepwise deletion R2 p-Value
Altitude (in meters above sea 0.28 <0.00001
Annual average temperature (°C) 0.022 0.28

Multiple regression coefficient R2 =0.322.

*Wald’s method for confidence intervals to 95%.

Figure 2. Correlation between SP of dengue (positive IgG/sample n) and elevation (meters above sea level) in the 58 locations studied on the western
coast of Mexico using a non-linear symmetric model.

and 1654 m above sea level, where we observe a very steep and dengue increased to R2 =0.95 (p<0.00001). We obtained the
slope in the curve; and then those places between 1700 and highest cumulated incidence at elevations <500 m above sea
2500 m above sea level, where we observe a new flattening. In level (SP 79%), a middle zone between 550 and 1650 m above
the first group (coastal places), the temperature showed a non- sea level (SP 61%) and a ‘protected’ zone at >1700 m above sea
significant correlation with the SP of dengue (R2 =0.09, p=0.39). level (SP <15%).
In the second group (medium–high), the correlation between Regarding the non-linear correlation of annual average tem-
temperature and dengue showed an unexpected negative cor- perature with dengue, we also found an S-shaped curve with a
relation (R=−0.39, R2 =0.15), while in the high settlements, at significant correlation index and a ‘step-like’ contrast between
>1710 m above sea level, the correlation between temperature 19.0 and 20°C, as can be appreciated in Figure 3. The SP of dengue

F. Espinoza-Gomez et al.

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Figure 3. Correlation between SP of dengue and annual average temperature (°C) in the 58 locations studied on the western coast of Mexico using a
non-linear symmetric model.

at <19.8°C was of 19%, while at >20°C it increased to 69% the traditional idea that dengue is a disease of poor and unedu-
(t=4.89, p≤0.0001). cated people.2,28
We outlined the geographical distribution of dengue cumu- Our current findings are similar to those previously reported
lated incidence by communities in the studied area according to by our team in Colima,23,29 deepening the debate on the role
its altitude on a topographic map of Mexico available online.25 We of poverty and illiteracy in the transmission of dengue.6,30 We
show this map in Figure 4. In this figure we see some commu- could attribute this phenomenon to the fact that subjects with
nities of at >1600 m above sea level with a high SP of dengue. a higher SES and higher education tend to develop a kind of
These communities are settlements located relatively close to self-confidence that leads to contempt for official preventive pro-
the largest river basin in the area: Santiago, Lerma and Ameca grams, while the lower SES stratum in Mexico probably more
(key numbers of locations: 13, 15, 18, 28, 31–36), all with annual faithfully follows such programs.
temperatures >20°C. At the macro-environmental level, we did not find a significant
correlation of dengue SP with population size, the type of settle-
ment (rural or urban) or the marginalization index. Some authors,
like Braga et al. in Brasil,31 have implicated these variables as risk
factors for dengue transmission. An explanation for such discor-
Discussion dance could be that in their study, made in Recife, the authors
We obtained a global SP or cumulated incidence of dengue compared SES as whole neighbourhoods, while we used small
of 58%, which is higher than that expected for Mexico.17 This blocks of mixed SES. Another difference is that they included peo-
contrasts with values of incidence obtained from clinical cases ple with higher SES who lived in apartment buildings with more
attended in the medical units, which tends to be significantly than one floor, while we only studied houses at ground level.
lower.5 In the present study we looked for the probability of hav- The climatic variables most significantly correlated with the
ing been infected with the dengue virus, not necessarily being sick SP of dengue were the altitude above sea level and the average
with dengue, over the last 10 y, so the obtained SP is very close annual temperature. Relative humidity showed a significant cor-
to the real endemicity of each locality. relation but depended on temperature, while rainfall was not cor-
Regarding the risk factors for the transmission of dengue at related at all. When we analysed the correlations in a non-linear
the household level, we found a correlation with male sex. This way, we found a sharp sigmoid-shaped correlation of dengue
fact contrasts with other studies stating that the risk of dengue with altitude and with the average annual temperature. These
infection is higher in women.26,27 We could explain this finding, findings allowed us to assume a stratification of the communi-
because most of those studies include patients attended in med- ties for risk of dengue transmission as those located at <500 m
ical units, which are usually women. According to our results, we above sea level with average temperatures ≥20°C as highly risky
can assume that the male population could be more attacked but for hyperendemic transmission, those communities at >1700 m
not detected by the health system. The higher SP in the elderly is above sea level with average temperatures <19°C as low risk and
not surprising since many studies reveal that this population has a those communities at 600–1690 m above sea level where the SP
higher cumulative incidence of infections.27 Both at the individual seems to depend on other yet to be defined factors other than
and community level, the lowest education level and SES showed temperature, altitude, rainfall, relative humidity or marginaliza-
a paradoxical protective effect. This finding is in stark contrast to tion index.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

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Figure 4. Map of elevations above sea level (in meters) and prevalence of dengue in the 58 studied localities in Jalisco, Colima and Nayarit, Mexico.
Adapted from Topographic map.com. Topographic map of Mexico (2018). Available from: https://en-gb.topographic-map.com/maps/2qw7/Mexico/
(accessed December 2018).

Some of the places located at >1600 m above sea level and relevant effect of this factor on the transmission of dengue virus
with a high seroprevalence of dengue (map key numbers: 13, in vivo. In contrast, our findings in the field showed no relevant
15, 18, 28, 31–36) were settlements embedded in an isothermal correlation, either for extreme values or for their range of varia-
range of temperatures between 20 and 21°C along the largest tion, at least in these long-term field findings. The mainstream of
river basin in the zone (Ameca and Lerma-Santiago). This find- studies of the risk factors for dengue transmission are mathemat-
ing could explain the displacement of dengue from the coasts ical stochastic models to estimate the perilous areas for eventual
to the most central mountainous areas through hypothetical epidemics. They are based mainly on climatic short-term changes
‘thermal corridors’ along the banks of these rivers. Although the and in the temporal incidence of clinical dengue.28,35 The present
primary way to get dengue is through human trafficking,26,32 is one of the few empirical analytic analyses of dengue SP associ-
it is feasible that some mosquito populations move through ated with demographic and climatologic factors made in a real-
warm airflows along large river basins, as Klassen and Hock- life scenario.
ing33 pointed out for some sylvatic Aedes mosquitoes that move The main limitation of this study is the relatively small area of
through low altitude valleys in cold and higher altitudes. The rest investigation, mainly caused by the presence of criminal groups
of the communities at >1700 m showed a SP <15%. These lat- in many municipalities. The exploration of coastal areas with low
est findings indicate that even when the A. aegypti mosquito average temperatures could have yielded more relevant informa-
can adapt to high altitudes such as 2000 m,16 Erase (Reyes tion. For example, low-lying areas with temperatures <19°C (such
et al. 2002), the maintenance of endemic dengue transmission as many coastal areas in North America, Europe and Asia) may be
is quite unlikely. A remarkable exception in our study was the ‘protected’ from dengue transmission because of their climatic
rural community of Santa Teresa del Nayar in Nayarit, located factors rather than their industrialization or development. This
at 2122 m, with a predominantly indigenous population (Cora) situation could change in the coming years as a result of global
and a very high index of marginalization, where we observed warming.12 Another limitation was the heterogeneity in the dis-
a high prevalence of dengue infection. This specific finding tance from the sampled places to the nearest weather station,
deserves a more in-depth study of the determinants for dengue which ranged between 3 and 15 km. However, we believe that
transmission. this distance can be a reliable indicator of the isothermal con-
Regarding the daily variation in temperature (minimum– ditions surrounding communities. Finally, we did not determine
maximum), investigators such as Lambrechts et al.34 propose a dengue serotypes by the plaque reduction test, since it would be

F. Espinoza-Gomez et al.

essential to delineate the behaviour of dengue virus serotypes in Ethical approval: The institutional boards of research and ethics at the
different places. Universidad de Colima and the Secretaria de Salud del Estado de Colima
approved the protocol (#142/09).

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Data available: None.
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