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On Retaining the Philippine Islands

by William Mckinley
Purpose: A knowledge on retaining the Philippine Islands and its history

 Introduction

 In 1989 our republic had unexpected might problems like having a war with
 The war placed the Philippines, together with Cuba and Puerto Rico, in our
care, and we are devoted to upholding this enormous trust in the name of
God's providence and the advancement of civilization.
 Dewey and Otis and the gallant men they command will have the support of
the nation in preserving our flag where it currently floats, the symbol and
assurance of liberty and justice, while the American people will hold up the
hands of their domestic servants to whom they commit its implementation.

 Body

 Almost everybody agreed that Philippines must not be turned back to spain.
There would be some demand of the Spain can be transferred to other state
or power , we will have a weak escape even tho we have a loath to accept
them ourselves.
 There was only one choice: Spain or the United States in the Philippines.
 Mckinley stated that they couldn’t fulfill their obligations until those islands
became ours, either through conquest or treaty.
 The American Republic because it emancipated and redeemed their
fatherland and set them in the pathway of the world's best civilization.

 Conclusion

 The main purpose of these speech is to educate and give knowledge to

other people what is the problem and the best way to handle and give
solution in times like this.
 Mckinley is giving us some insights of what is the problems and a war with
spain and the trusting of ther islands in our country, and ststed that
Philippines should not be handed again to spain.
 He is also showing us that America had the best civilization and can help us
grow stronger.

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