For Laminar Case1

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Energy losses in a cylindrical pipe due to friction

In this experiment there are two pipes of varying diameters. There is a fluid flowing through the
pipe. External energy is needed to push this fluid through the pipe; a pump is used. This experiment
introduces the concept of energy loss where the energy at the entrance point and at the exit point is
different; in the case of this experiment head loss is measured. There is friction within pipes
therefore by considering this friction factor we can calculate energy losses. Laminar and turbulent
flows are used to explore whether the type of flow has an impact on energy loss.

The main objectives of this experiment are:

1. Using and manipulating equations to calculate parameters

2. To explore the influence of flow rate on energy loss.
3. To explore whether the type of flow influences the energy loss.
4. To explore accuracy by comparing experimental and theoretical values.

In terms of looking at the energy loss within pipes theoretical answers and practical values normally


Pipe 1 has a smaller diameter giving us a laminar flow while the bigger diameter in pipe 2 gives us
turbulent flow. This agrees with the Reynold’s formula equation we have.

The four important formulas derived for this experiment are:

Friction factor, f

The first equation is for laminar flow within pipe 1 whilst the second equation is for turbulent flow
within pipe 2.

These two equations are for the theoretical friction factor.

Head loss

We use the experimental friction factor measured in the experiment in this equation.
Reynold’s number


Hydraulic bench

Stores water inside and has a pump which pushes water from the tank into the pipe.

It is run by this system which has the switch, valve and measuring device to measure the volume in
the tank in litres.

The pipes have different diameters shown by the sample below. Only smooth pipes are used in this
experiment. The pipes considered are opened and the pipes not used are kept closed. The pressure
drop between the two circled points is measured. The two hoses connect from the pipes to the


Once the water runs the height of the water is measured by observing the manometer.

Experiment procedure

The pump is turned on for a few minutes for the water to be taken from the tank to the pipes and
then from the pipes to the hoses and manometer. Once it is seen that water has entered the
manometer and is stable measurements can be taken. To measure the volume in the tank (laminar
flow) a beaker is filled with water for 60 seconds then the volume is divided by the time to give
volume flow rate.

This is repeated with a different volume flow rate by adjusting the valve.

The pipes are also changed by plugging the houses into the new pipe and closing the old pipes. The
volume flow rate is increased with the larger pipe, so the water runs.

For the second pipe the water is filled to the top of the beaker (to the top of the scale) and the time
for this to happen is measured. Volume flow rate is calculated by doing volume divided by time
Sources of error

Within the last pipe there are bubbled observed which prevent the water entering the manometer
and as a result the height within the manometer is less. There is also a small leakage of water from
the pipes.

For pipe 1 laminar case1:

Diameter m 0.0045
Delta H m 0.048
Volume m3 0.00029
Time s 60
Volume flow rate m3/s 4.83333E-06

Volume flow rate = volume/time=0.00029/60=4.8333x10^-6

Velocity m/s 0.303900797

Reynolds no - 1365.091989
f - 0.046883287

h_f m 0.0490422

 error % -2.125169959

Average Velocity = volume flow rate/ Area=4.8333x10^-6/pi*(0.0045^2)/4=0.303900797

Reynolds number = averagevelocity*diameter/kinematicviscosity=0.303900797*0.0045/1.0018x10^-


Friction factor= 64/Re=64/1365=0.046883287


friction factor *length*averagevelocity^2/2*gravity*Diameter=0.04688*1*0.3039^2/2*9.81*0.0045

error = Delta h – h_f / h_f *100 = 0.048-0.049042/0.0490422*100=-2.125169959

For pipe 2 turbulent case 1:

Diameter m 0.012
Delta H m 0.472
Volume m3 0.00153
Time s 8
Volume flow rate m3/s 0.00019125

Volume flow rate = volume/time=0.00153/8=0.00019125

Velocity m/s 1.69102127
Reynolds no - 20255.7292
f - 0.02648806

h_f m 0.3217126

error % 46.7148233

Average Velocity = volume flow rate/ Area=0.00019125/pi*(0.012^2)/4=1.69102127

Reynolds number = average velocity*diameter/kinematic viscosity=1.69102127*0.012/1.0018x10^-
Friction factor= 0.316/Re^0.25=0.316/20255.7292^0.25=0.02648806

h_f=friction factor*length*averagevelocity^2/2*gravity*Diameter=0.02648806*1*1.69102127
^2/2*9.81*0.012 = 0.3217126

error = Delta h – h_f / h_f *100 = 0.472-0.3217126/0.3217126*100=46.7148233


For pipe 1 it is seen that as the volume flow rate increases the head loss also increases and as the
flow rate decreases the head loss also decreases. Therefore, it is directly proportional. The same
thing is observed with the results from pipe 2. The Reynolds number follows the exact trend where it
increases with the flow rate and decreases with a lower flow rate. This is because velocity is linked to
both the flow rate and Reynold’s number as u=Q/A and this value is used in the Reynold’s number
equation. The Reynold’s numbers for pipe 2 are much greater than pipe 1 as pipe 1 has a laminar
flow while in pipe 2 there is a turbulent flow.

In pipe 1 from case 1 to 3 as friction factor increases from 0.047 to 0.1 delta h (change in head loss/
energy) decreases from 0.048 to 0.022 and when the friction factor decreases to 0.037 in case 4
delta h increases to 0.057. This shows that they are inversely proportional. In pipe 2 as friction factor
increases from 0.026 to 0.029 delta h decreases from 0.472 to 0.294. There is an inverse proportion
here too. This is the same case with the theoretical values for h_f. This happens because when there
is more friction energy is lost as there is resistance to the flow of water. This agrees with our initial
hypothesis and proves that friction causes energy loss in cylindrical pipes.

In terms of error, there is a very large fluctuation in pipe 2 compared to pipe 1. This might be
because of the difficulty in measuring the values experimentally with pipe 2 as the levels must be
stabilised before the correct measurement can be taken. In general, there was a greater energy loss
than expected or from the theoretical equations as we must also begin to look at minor losses as
well as major losses, but this is beyond the scope of this experiment. The transition region for the
Reynold’s number is between 2300 and 10,000. At the highest flow rate there was an error of 76%
and at the lowest an error of -2%. The measurement error at the lowest may vary between 0.5-1%
approximately however my estimate for the highest flow rate measurement error is between 10-
15% mainly because of the difficulty in measuring compared to pipe 1.


The experimental and theoretical values agree with the basis of this experiment. It has been shown
that friction factor causes energy to be lost and they are inversely proportional. The main objectives
of this experiment have been achieved. There were sources of error which may have been greater
with pipe 2 there may have been larger leaks for example causing the energy loss to be much greater
than expected. It has also been made clear that flow rate and energy loss are directly proportional as
a higher flow rate leads to an increased energy loss. Furthermore, it has also been shown that the
type of flow affects energy loss as a turbulent flow has a greater energy loss than a laminar flow.

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