Android Based Health Care Management

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An Undergraduate Research Project Presented to the Faculty Of

College of Information Technology Department
Dunao Ligao City


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Presented by:

AUGUST, 2022


Title Page I

Table of Content II

List of Figures III

Curriculum Vitae V



1.0 Introduction 4

1.1 Company Profile 4

1.2 Importance of the Study 5

1.3 Statement of the Problem 5

1.4 Objective of the Study 6

1.5 Definition of Terms 6



2.0 Software Development Methodology 7

2.1 Scope and Delimitation 9

2.2 Data Gathering Techniques 9

2.3 Sources of Data 9



3.0 Discussion of Findings of your SOP 10

3.1 System Design 11

3.2 Conceptual Design 12

3.3 Logical Data Presentation 12

3.4 Data flow/ Activity Diagram

of Existing and Proposed Process 12

3.5 Use Case Diagram 15

3.6 Class Diagram 16

3.7 Physical Design

3.8 Proposed System Architecture

of the Proposed Project



4.1 Conclusion 17

4.2 Recommendation 17


Figure 1: Agile Methodology 7

Figure 2: Sources of Data Table 9

Figure 3: Conceptual Design 12

Figure 4: Activity Diagram 13

Figure 5: Use Case Diagram 15

Figure 6: Class Diagram 16




1.0 Introduction

The healthcare problems are growing rapidly day by day and people have to spend lot
of money for their daily checkup, because they do not have an easy and free access to their
checkup. Android-based application aims for an easy access and use for providing almost free
of cost facility to users. Therefore, the development of healthcare android-based application
is essentially required. The primary goal of this study is the development of android-based
healthcare application which can assist people to check their health-related issues on daily
basis, which can improve their health. The application was developed in android operating
system environment. The results reveal that the system provides an easy and user-friendly
interface for end-users.

According to the World Health Organisation a health system consists of all organisations,
people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health. This
includes efforts to influence determinants of health as well as more direct activities that
improve health. With this application we, the community can practice to maintain their good
health by helpping them check their helath-related issues on their own that has easy and
user-friendly interface.

1.1Company Profile

Health services research is a “multidisciplinary field of scientific investigation that studies

how social factors, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, health
technologies, and personal behaviors affect access to health care, the quality and cost of
health care, and ultimately, our health and well-being.”

Applied health services research provides data, evidence, and tools to make health care
affordable, safe, effective, equitable, accessible, and patient-centered. For example, products
stemming from health services research serve to enable providers and patients to make better
decisions. They also can be used to design health care benefits and inform policy. Health
services researchers come from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.

1.2 Importance of the Study

The benefits of having a mobile health strategy far outweigh the potential challenges.
In one way or another, these benefits point to a healthcare professional’s ultimate goal: to
help improve patient outcomes.

Mobile health benefits patients and healthcare providers differently. Patient benefits include
improved communication between patient and provider, fewer hospital visits, reduced patient
costs, and improved access. Healthcare provider benefits include improved patient
satisfaction, decreased hospital costs, added sources of revenue, and reduced risk of
infections and illness through telehealth visits.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The proper and timely medical care is one of the major factors for healthy life.
Therefore,the development of the android-based health-care application can assist and
facilitates patients to keep themselves healthy. The existing android applications lack many
important features needed on a daily basis. This is what we address in this work.

The area of healthcare is involved with handling of patient sensitive data. Security and
privacy of these data is very important. While doing online transfer of these secret data over
the public network, it can be viewed and/or modified by the attackers. It can be also accessed
by unauthorized persons who can break privacy of the patient's data. Patient's private data can
be viewed by third party from the device if the handheld is lost.

This study will design and develop a application entitled “Android Based Health Care

Specifically, it will answer the following;

1. What are the information needed to build the system?

2. What are the features of the proposed system?

3. What are the benefits of the proposed system to the Community?


1.4 Objective of the Study

The main objective of the study is to develop a healthcare application that will
provide secure, trustful and reliable communication for different communities in healthcare
area. We have planned to develop an application that will provide interface to both physicians
and patients. It will be an application that will be secure from the three important types of
threats. As we have discussed above, the three types of major threats are (1) Threats that
attack during network communication, (2) Unauthorized access to data and (3) Third persons
access to the device storage data, if the device is lost or using some malicious software. In
our software we will eliminate the threat during the communication by encrypting and
decrypting data transferred between mobile devices and the data server. Using authentication
and role based

1.5Definition of Terms

Health Care: In this study the term health care is the maintenance or improvement of health
via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other
physical and mental impairments in people

Android Based: In this study android based refers to the mobile operating system based on a
modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for
touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.



2.0 Software Development Methodology

I used Agile Methodology. Agile technique may hold the answer. The system
prioritizes self-governance over a top-down, "waterfall" strategy (directives cascading down
from the C-suites). Teams operate independently. The methodology also emphasizes finding
the useful and unnecessary parts of a process quickly, optimizing the former and removing
the latter.

Figure 1: Agile Methodology

Typically, it works like this:

A development team receives a project and creates a product backlog, essentially a list of all
the items to be delivered during an entire project. The log is prioritized and available to all
members of the team. The product backlog gets broken down into smaller sprints (sometimes
called iterations) which generally last one-to-two weeks. During this time, small teams focus

on completing one element of the overall project. What gets created is a potentially shippable
product increment (PSPI).

A PSPI is a “release-quality” slice of a larger project that gets shared with all project
stakeholders, offering them a chance to give feedback. That feedback then gets incorporated
into the rest of the entire project. During the sprint, a team also meets in a daily Scrum or
stand-up meeting to share successes, roadblocks and potential solutions. These meetings are
short and to the point. In this manner, a project evolves as it goes. The goal is to refine and
speed up processes to the point that each sprint results in a shippable product.

Here are a few ideas to incorporate:

Assign sprint tasks – Hold an initial meeting to agree that completing all the household
chores in a timely manner is the overall goal before the house completely sinks into chaos.
Divide this into smaller tasks. Decide who will do what and when, then set a time to revisit
the list. Consider a week for the first sprint.

Accountability – Remember that Agile is self-governing and should empower kids to

accomplish goals. Place a checklist in a well-traveled part of the house so everyone can check
off their assigned chores when completed. Consider giving some form of reward for
completing goals consistently – and a penalty if they are not completed.

Morning meetings – Get together briefly every morning and talk about what is working, what
is not and what resources are needed.

Evaluate – After the first sprint, a week into the process, evaluate what went well and what
needs changing. Remember, this is about maximizing the good and getting rid of the
wasteful. Decide what issues needs addressing in the next week. Everyone can make
suggestions, but ultimately just two or three issues should get the focus.

Make improvements – As schedules change, parents should adapt. Just because Timmy fed
the dogs the last three months doesn’t mean he will do it forever. Stay flexible. In this way,
you build a system that responds to change, rather than a set plan that does not adapt to new

2.1 Scope and Delimitation

This system allows users to conveniently record their measured health care data in
their smart phones in a most convenient way and to track their long term health condition
changes. Each time a person visits his or her physician, the data stored in his or her smart
phone gets transferred to the health care service providers database wirelessly and enables the
physician to easily get a clear picture of the patients health progress. Doctor’s instructions,
prescriptions, guidelines and appointment details all can be written to the application in the
smart phone and transferred to the health care service provider’s database wirelessly and the
patient can review them leisurely. This system also enables users to check their wellness
progress by representing their recorded data in the form of graphs and charts and can alert
them on their prescription renewal dates. When patients record their daily health care data if
the system notices any serious variation in the recorded data, it will automatically send a
short message (SMS) briefly describing the abnormality in the data.

2.2 Data Gathering Techniques

This section provides a description of the instruments to be used in the data gathering
process. The study employed a variety of methods which allowed comparison and analysis of
data obtained from all methods, leading to increased validity of the data. The study involved
documentary reviews and questionnaire.

2.3 Sources of Data

Specification: The level of acceptability of Android based Health Care Management

at Barangay Paulog, Ligao Cityshown in table have computed according to specification
values of 3.9 and 3.7. Therefore, since the computed value is high enough, the null hypothesis
is accepted.

Modera Fairly Least Acceptable

te Accepta 1

Specificati Highly ble ble Weigh

on Accepta 3 2 ted
ble Mean

Interface 27 3 0 0 3.9


Graphics 22 7 1 0 3.7

Figure 2: Source of Data Table



3.0 Discussion of Findings of your SOP

This chapter presents discussion of finding of the statement of the problem.

1. The Android based health care management is a great help to attain and a good
health of the community

2. Checking their well-being in their phone can help to minimize their expenses than
going to hospitals and time efficient

3.1 System Design

Currently most of the patients and doctors are in uses of manual and semi
computerized methods of receiving and delivering health care respectively, where by a
patient need to go to a clinic or hospital for an even minor health cases and there he need to
wait for consultation for him to be able to discuss with the doctor on his health matters,
likewise for families they need to be calling the doctor to come and consult their infected
member or to the member has to go to the doctors hospital for consultation. There are so
many issues and challenges associated with these methods where by a patient has to excuses
all he is doing and go for consultation and sometimes consultation place is somewhere far
away from the patients place so there are problems of time wastage, transportation cost, and
traffic delay, Again the use of manual methods for health care delivery can bring on
conjunction where even if the patient attended the hospital he has to wait on a queue where
some times the issues to be discuss is very little and require just few words as mainly the
semi computerized system can only schedules consultation while the patient is in the hospital.
The existing system Health Care delivery faces issues like misplacement or loss of the cards
and papers containing the prescription of drugs and health reports However despites to the
fact that sometime the current operation process is slow which causes patients dissatisfaction
and hence there is needs of automate and enhance the system in order to improve the
costumer’s services

3.2 Conceptual Design

3.3 Logical Data Presentation

3.4 Data Flow/ Activity Diagram of Existing and Proposed Process

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic aspects of the
system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. The control flow
is drawn from one operation to another.

Activity Diagram when User’s mode is doctor


Activity Diagram when User’s mode is User


3.5 Use Case Diagram


3.6 Class Diagram

Describes the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes,
and the relationships among the classes. The class diagram below shows how the proposed
system is and it depict the classes and the functionalities.


Conclusion and Recommendation


Based on the findings, the conclusions below were derived.

1. Based on the findings of the study in terms of specifications of the Android Based
Health Care Management. Interface and Appearance, and Graphics were positively
accepted and marked as highly acceptable by the residents of Paulog, Ligao City.

2. Based on the findings of the study in terms of functionality of the Android Based
Health Care Management. User Friendly and Accuracy were positively accepted
and marked as highly acceptable by the residents of Paulog, Ligao City.

3. One that we have read on the given recommendations/suggestions is that, the

system is a total package. Most of the respondents’ recommendations and
suggestions are focused on making the system secured and improve the Graphics
or Appearance of the system.


Based on the findings of the project study and the conclusions presented, the
recommendations are derived.

1. In specifications, the Interface and Appearance is highly acceptable. But in terms of

Graphics, the respondents said that we need to improve the Graphics of the
system. They said that the designs of the system is too simple and too plain where
it is not attractive of how it looks like.

2. In Functionality, User Friendly was highly acceptable. Same as the Accuracy, it is

also acceptable based on the results of the survey.

3. In recommendations/suggestions, in terms of Graphics, the respondents said that we

need to improve the Graphics of the system. They said that the designs of the
Android based health care management is too simple and too plain where it is not
attractive of how it looks like. The rest are fine.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information:

Name: Ana Lorraine N. Arcangel

Birthday: May 15, 2002

Address: Paulog, Ligao City

Cellphone #: 09153857892

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Status: Single

Education background: Passing Year

Elementary: Ligao East Central School 2008-2013

Address: Tuburan Ligao City

Junior High School: Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School 2013-2017

Address: Polangui, Albay

Senior High School: Polangui Comprehensive High School 2017-2019

Address: Polangui, Albay

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