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‫مـــــدارس الكـــــوثر العـــالــــمية‬



Grade 7

Name: ………………………………… Date:……………………………….

Fill in the blanks

I. Proxima centauri
The nearest star to our sun is …..............................

II. There are craters, mountain ranges and flat plains called

III. 28
The Moon orbits the Earth once every…………………………… days.

IV. sunlight
The Moon reflects ……………………………

V. Mars
The inner planets are Mercury ,Venus ,Earth and …………………….……

VI. The earth rotate around its own axis and around the sun in
365 days / elliptical order

VII. 24
Each rotation takes ………………………..…hours so this is length of one day.

VIII. planets
A galaxy is a collection of stars and ………………….………….

IX. 365
We have ………………………..….. days in most years

X. axis
The Earth rotate about an imaginary line called its …………………………....

XI. sun between mars and Jupiter .

Asteroids orbit the………………….

XII. The Earth and Moon can each get in front of each other, this leads to
spectacular events called ……………………….

XIII. solar system

The sun is the center of the …………………………

XIV. We only see one side of the Moon because the moon spins once every
28 days

XV. earth
We see phases of moon because the moon orbits the ……………………….

XVI. The four outer planets , Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus and Neptune are all
much ………………………… than the inner planets.

2. Define the following

A piece of dust or rock that burns up in
the atmosphere

A meteor that has landed on the ground

A piece of rock in an orbit between mars and Jupiter
A big dirty snow ball that orbit the sun

life does not exist on mercury

3. Which planet is human friendly and why which planet is the hottest planet

Earth is human friendly because the temperature is

moderate and life exists.
Mercury is close to the sun and temperature is high
comparatively to Earth

4. Define solar system list down the inner and outer planets
A solar system is the collection of planets in orbit
around a star
Inner planets : Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars .
Outer planets :Jupiter ,Saturn ,Uranus ,Neptune

5. Mention the time taken by the earth to rotate around the sun
To complete one revaluation earth takes 365 days around
the sun and 24 hours to spin around its axis .

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