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Utilitarianism is known as the theory of utility. The meaning of utility is usefulness.

Each action is judged

by its usefulness in bringing about desired consequences. The word utility was first used to describe a
group of social reformers. They attempted to make laws and practices of use-useful to people.

Utilitarianism is used in many societies, especially in politics. We encounter it every time we make
a democratic vote. Our government rule by majority without the consent of the minority. Right and
wrong are relative to the people involved and the things that give them pleasure. Utilitarianism is there
to ensure that this pleasure is present and is maximised to its full potential.

The major criticism of Utilitarianism is that it is extremely hard to predict the results of an action.
The outcomes of all situations are hard to predict, so how can we possibly apply the rule of the greatest
happiness for the greatest number if we do not know who will benefit most? It is also difficult to decide
whether an outcome is morally good or bad. People have contrasting opinions on what they think is
right or wrong. It really depends on the person who is making the decision, a lot of pressure is then put
on that person’s shoulders. How can we define happiness? The decision-maker may have a different
perception on happiness than others-causing conflict. “One man’s happiness is another man’s pain.”
Without an absolute definition of happiness, it is hard to arrive at a ‘right’ decision. Different decisions
may result in different kinds of pleasure. Is long term or short term pleasure more valuable? For
example, when deciding whether to take an ecstasy tablet at a club. Taking the pill may give you a lot of
short-term pleasure, but in the long term, it may cause more harm than good. Not taking the tablet
would involve fewer risks and would avoid potential pain. Even here, you cannot predict the results of
your decision, as there is no way of telling the effect the ecstasy has on you until you have tried it.

The rules of Utilitarianism allow people to do things, which are usually considered immoral. This
is the idea of “The end justifies the means”. If an action brings about the greatest happiness for the
greatest number, then whatever needs to be done to obtain this is just. This means that even serious
rules are permitted, Often requiring the breaking of the law. Utilitarianism requires people to put their
personal feelings and ties aside and act on the absolute rule of the theory. Prior commitments a person
may have should not influence their decision, although when decisions need to be made quickly, the
reflex action would be to act on human instinct.

The aim of the theory is to produce happiness and pleasure. These are two desirable things as
Utilitarianism says that pleasure is the sole good and pain is the soul evil. “Nature has placed mankind
under the governance of two sovereign masters-pleasure and pain” A theory that promotes pleasure
must be a good thing as most people see pleasure as desirable over pain. The intention of Utilitarianism
was not to create immorality but to please to maximum number of people possible. Surely it is better for
a hundred people to be happy than five.

The utilitarians believe that the purpose of mortality is to make life better by increasing the number of
good things in the world like pleasure and happiness and reducing the bad things in the world like pain
and unhappiness.

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