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PART III: Analysis

Selfex 1.1
Problem Statement: The horizontal motion of Data & Diagram:
the plunger is arrested by the resistance of the
disc moving through the oil bath. The initial v0
velocity of the plunger at A is v0 m/s and its x
deceleration is given by a = – kv where k = 0.5 a = – kv
Find: Determine Plunger
a) Obtain the expression for x(t), v(t), and v(x). Disc
b) Determine the velocity and position of the
Figure S1.1
plunger when t = 1 s and v0 = 10 m/s.
c) Based on your answer(s), what should be Assumption(s):
done if the velocity were to be reduced at a The viscosity of the oil remains unchanged so that
faster rate? k = constant

a = dv/dt v = dx/dt av
(a) Integrate a = dv/dt = -kv to find v(t).

dv v t 
dv t
v t 
a   kv    k  dt ln   kt
dt v0 v 0 v0
vt   v0 e  kt

Integrate v(t) = dx/dt to find x(t).

vt    v0 e  kt
x t  t
 1 
 dx  v0  e dt
 kt
xt   v0   e  kt 
0 0  k 0

xt  

1  e  kt  (2)

v x
av  kv dv  k dx  dv  k  dx
dx v0 0

v  v 0  kx
v  v0  kx (3)

(b) From eq.(1), vt   10e 0.5t when t = 1 s => v = 6.07 m/s
From eq.(2),  
xt   20 1  e 0.5t when t = 1 s => x = 7.87 m

(c) From eq.(1), we observe that the velocity is an exponential decay with respect to time. Therefore, in order
to make it decreasing faster, we may increase the value of the constant k.

*Eq.(3) can also be obtained by solving eqs.(1) and (2).

Selfex 1.2
Problem Statement: Car A moves along a straight Data & Diagram:
path with the initial velocity of 15 m/s at the
acceleration given by 5 – 2t m/s2 where t is time in
seconds, while car B which is 100 m ahead of car A
starts moving from rest along the same straight path at
the constant acceleration of 10 m/s2. If both cars start 100 m
at the same time and move in the same direction,
vA,0 = 15 m/s vB,0 = 0 m/s

Find: O +x
a) Sketch a schematic representation of the above
b) Determine whether car A will eventually overtake
car B or not. If yes, at what position and time? If no,
determine the position of each car when t = 5 s. Figure S1.1
c) Determine the relative velocity between the two
cars at the instant when car A overtakes car B or
when t = 5 s.

1. Relative-velocity equation

Solution: we can integrate it with respect to time to obtain the velocity and acceleration.
Car A, Car B,
dv a = 10 m/s2 (4)
a= = 5 – 2t m/s2 (1)
dt dx
v= = 10t m/s (5)
dx dt
v= = 5t – t2 + 15 m/s (2)
x(t) = 5t2 + 100 m (6)
1 3
x(t) = 2.5t2 – t + 15t m (3)
(b) For car A to overtake car B, the distance covered for both must be equal, i.e. eq.(3) = eq.(6)
However, examining eq.(3) carefully, we can see that as both cars move, car B will be pulling further
and further ahead over car A. Therefore, car A will never overtake car B.
[Alternatively, we also observe that car A is decelerating while car B maintaining its acceleration.
Therefore, car A will never overtake car B.]
Substitute t = 5 s into eqs.(3) and (6) to obtain

Car A, x(t) = 2.5t2 – 1 t 3 + 15t m Car B, x(t) = 5t2 + 100 m


= 2.5(5)2 – 13 (5)3 + 15(5) = 95.8 m = 5(5)2 + 100 = 225 m

(c) Similarly, substitute t = 5 s into eq(2) and (5) to obtain

Car A, v(t) = 5t – t2 + 15 m Car B, v(t) = 10t m
= 5(5) – (5)2 + 15 = 15 m/s = 10(5) = 50 m/s
Therefore, vB/A = vB – vA = 50 – 25 = 25 m/s 
Or, vA/B = vA – vB = 25 – 50 = – 25 m/s = 25 m/s 
Selfex 1.3
Problem statement: The mass-pulley system Data & Diagram: (Draw and label completely)
is designed to consist of log A, block B, and
collar D as shown. Given that both log A and
collar D move with a constant acceleration
of 0.2g downward (g = 9.81 m/s2) and that the +x xB
system starts from rest, determine
Find: xA
(a) the acceleration of block B at this xD
(b) the corresponding acceleration of collar
D relative to block B, and D
(c) the velocity of log A after it has A
displaced 10 cm, the corresponding
time, and displacement of block B.

Theory: Assumption(s):
Kinematics relation; 1. Cable or rope remains taut.
Length of cable = constant 2. All frictional effects are negligible.

Kinematics relationship:
xA + 2xD + xB = l (1)

Differentiating with respect to time yields:

x A + 2 x D + x B = 0 or vA + 2vD + vB = 0 (2)
x A + 2 x D + x B = 0 or aA + 2aD + aB = 0 (3)

Given aA = 0.2g = 1.962 m/s2  and aD = 0.2g  (= constant), from eq.(3) we have

0.2g + 2(0.2g) + aB = 0 or aB = – 0.2g – 2(0.2g) = – 0.6g or 0.6g = 5.89 m/s2 

b) aD/B = aD – aB = 0.2g – (– 0.6g) = 0.8g = 7.85 m/s2 

c) v A2  v A2 , 0  2a A ( x A  x A,0 )
 v A2  (0) 2  2(0.2 g )(0.1)
Or vA = 0.626 m/s [ans]

v A  v A, 0  a A t
 0.626 = 0 +(0.2g)t Or t = 0.319 s

( x B  x B ,0 )  v B ,0t  12 a B t 2
 (xB – xB,0) = 0 + 0.5(– 0.6g)(0.319)2 = – 0.3 m or 0.3 m 
Selfex 1.4
Problem Statement: For the instant Data & Diagram:
represented in Figure S1.1, the racing car A is
rounding the circular curve at a speed of 162
km/h and is accelerating at 3 m/s2 after coming
off a pit stop, while car B is moving at 243 km/h B
but is slowing down at the rate of 4.8 m/s2.
150 m
Find: Determine
a) the velocity of car B relative to car A, and
b) the acceleration of car B relative to car A.

1. Relative-velocity equation Figure S1.1
2. Relative-acceleration equation

v 2A (162 / 3.6) 2
Given vA = 162
= 45 m/s  and naA = = = 13.5 m/s2 
 150
t A = 3 m/s 2

vB = 243
= 67.5 m/s  and aB = 4.8 m/s2 

a) Velocity. For the given motion, we have

vB = vA + vB/A or vB/A = vB – vA

 vB/A = [67.5 m/s ] – [45 m/s ]

b) Acceleration. For the given motion, we have

aB = aA + aB/A or aB/A = aB – aA

 aB/A = [4.8 m/s2 ] – [13.5 m/s2  + 3 m/s2 ]

= [18.3 m/s2 ] + [3 m/s2 ]
Selfex 1.5
Problem statement: Starting from rest the Data & Diagram: (Draw and label completely)
motorboat travels around a circular path as shown in
the figure at a speed v = 0.75t m/s, where t is in
seconds. Determine when it has traveled 20 m and
passes though point P
Find: P
(a) the magnitude of the speed of the motorboat,
 = 60 m v
(b) the magnitude of the corresponding
acceleration, and
(c) the acceleration vector of the motorboat at
location P.

Kinematics relation;
Length of cable = constant

v= = 0.75t  dsB = 0.75t dt
s – 0 =  0t 0.75t dt = 0.375t2 (1)

For s = 20 m, from Eqn.(1) we obtain

s = 0.375t2 = 20 m  t = 7.30 s

v = 0.75(7.30) = 5.48 m/s

dv v2 (5.48) 2
at = = 0.75 m/s2 and an = = = 0.5 m/s2
dt  60

aA = at + an = 0.5  + 0.75  m/s2 [ans] or aA = 0.9014 m/s2 56o

Selfex 1.6
Problem statement: In a mechanized Data & Diagram: (Draw and label completely)
production process of ball bearings, the
bearings move on the horizontal track with the
acceleration given by a = kx m/s2 where x is in
m. The ball bearings would then reach end B A a B u
and fall through the 100-mm-diameter hole as
shown in Figure. Knowing that a = 1 m/s2 when x x 180 mm
= 0.25 m, determine
(a) the range value of u if the ball bearings were d
300 mm 100
to enter the hole CD, C mm D
(b) the corresponding time of flight from B to the
hole CD, and
(c) the corresponding range of distance d

Kinematics relation;

Maximum u is when the bearings hit end D (x = 0.4 m, y = – 0.180 m) and minimum u is when they
hit end C (x = 0.3 m, y = – 0.180 m). For uniform motion in the x direction, we have (vo = u and  = 0)
vx = vocos = u
and x = xo + vocost = 0 + ut (for origin at B) (1)
and for the uniformly accelerated motion in the y direction, we have
vy,o = vosin = 0
y = yo + (vosin)t – 21 gt2 = 0 + 0t – 21 gt2 (2)
Choosing the origin of the Cartesian coordinate at B (xo = yo = 0), and substituting values into eq(1)
and (2), we obtain at C: x = 0.3 m, y = – 0.180 m:
from (1) u = 0.3/t (3)
from (2) – 21 gt2 = – 0.180 (4)
Solving eqs.(3) and (4) gives t = 0.1916 s and u = 1.566 m/s.
At D: x = 0.4 m, y = – 0.180 m:
from (1) u = 0.4/t + (5)
1 2
from (2) – 2 gt = – 0.180 (6)
Solving eqs.(5) and (6) gives t = 0.1916 s and u = 2.09 m/s.
(i) and (ii) 1.566 m/s < u < 2.09 m/s and t = 0.1916 s
a 1
When a = 1 m/s2 when x = 0.25 m, we have k =  = 4 s-2
x 0.25
v x
dv 1 2 k 2
 kx =>  vdv   kxdx =>
o 0.25 2
v  ( x  0.25 2 ) or v 2  k ( x 2  0.252 )

At B, for v = u = 1.566, from eq.(6) d = 0.822 m

for v = u = 2.09, from eq.(6) d = 1.075 m, the range is 0.822 m < d < 1.075 m
Selfex 1.7
Problem statement: A radar positioned near Data & Diagram: (Draw and label completely)
the air force base at A is used to track an
airplane flying vertically in a loop as shown in +t
the figure. At the location when the airplane +
passes through point B, its speed is 150 m/s +r
and is speeding up at the rate of 250 m/s2,
and  = tan–1(3/4).
B +n
Find: Determine at this instant
(a) the velocity of the airplane, r
(b) the acceleration of the airplane, and
  = 2 km
(c) the recorded values of r , r ,  , and  by A
the radar.
800 m
Kinematics using x-y, r-, and n-t coordinates;

(a) vB = 150 m/s  or 150ut m/s

v B2 1502
(b) aB = (aB)t + (aB)n where (aB)t = 250 m/s2 and (aB)n = = = 11.25 m/s2
 2000
So we have, the total acceleration of the airplane at B,

aB = (aB)t + (aB)n = 250 m/s2  + 11.25 m/s2 

or aB = at2  an2 = 250.25 m/s2 at 87.4o
(c) Note sin = 3/5 and cos = 4/5

Writing vr = r = v sin = 150(3/5) = 90 m/s 

v = r  = v cos = 150(4/5) = 120 m/s  where r = = 1000 m
cos 
  = = 0.12 rad/s CCW
ar = r – r  2 = 250sin + 11.25cos
= 250(3/5) + 11.25(4/5) = 159 m/s2
 r = 159 – r  2
 = 159 – 1000(0.12)2 = 173.4 m/s2
and a = r  + 2 r  = 250cos – 11.25sin
= 250(4/5) – 11.25(3/5) = 193.25 m/s2
193.25  2r 193.25  2(90)(0.12)
  = = = 0.172 rad/s2 CCW
r 1000
Selfex 1.8
Problem statement: The roller coaster in the figure Data & Diagram: (Draw and label completely)
which is initially at rest at A is accelerated to the
right at the constant rate of 8 m/s2 between sector Assumption(s):
AC and continues through to sector CDEF. Use the 1. The roller coaster is treated as a particle
units of s, m, m/s, m/s2, rad, rad/s, and rad/s2 unless 2. Motion along A to J is considered as entirely
otherwise specified. in a vertical plane.
(a) Determine the time the roller coaster takes as it Theory:
reaches its midsector at point B and the
Kinematics using x-y, r-, and n-t coordinates;
corresponding velocity in km/h,
Uniform motion: x = xo + vot + 0.5at2 ;
(b) Determine at this same point B the recorded
v = vo + at ;
values of r , r ,  , and  by the radar located v2 = vo2 + a(x – xo)
at E where  = tan–1(3/4), and
(c) Determine the velocity and acceleration of the
roller coaster at point C and D in km/h.




80 m
+x H I 
A r B C
15 m 100 m 100 m

E 
Figure Q2(b)

a) ABC and HI: rectilinear motion
CDEFH and IJ: curvilinear motion

(i) At B,
x = xo + vot + 0.5at2
 100 = 0 + 0 + 0.5(8)t2 or t= 5s

v = vo + at
 v = 0 + 8(5)
1 km 3600 s
= 40 m/s ( )( ) = 144 km/h
1000 m 1h
 vB = 144 km/h  or 144i km/h
(ii) At B, using geometries of the polar coordinates we have
r= = 25 m ;  = tan–1(3/4) => cos  = 4
= 0.8; sin  = 3
= 0.6
sin  5 5

vr = r = v cos = 40(0.8) = 32 m/s

v = r  = – v sin = – 40(0.6) = – 24 m/s or 24 m/s
 24
  = = – 0.96 rad/s or 0.96 rad/s CW

ar = r – r  2 = a cos
= 8(4/5) = 6.4 m/s2
 r = 6.4 + r  2
 = 6.4 + 25(– 0.96)2 = 29.44 m/s2
and a = r  + 2 r  = – a sin
= – 8 (3/5) = – 4.8 m/s2 or 4.8 m/s2

 4.8  2r
  =
 4.8  2(32)(0.96)
 = = 2.27 rad/s2 CCW
(iii) At C,
v2 = vo2 + 2a(x – x0)
 v2 = 0 + 2(8)(200 – 0) or
vC = 56.57i m/s
v2 56.57 2
aC = (aC)t + (aC)n where (aC)t = 8 m/s2  and (aC)n = C = = 40 m/s2 
 80

So we have, the total acceleration of the roller coaster at C,

aC = (aC)t + (aC)n = 8i + 40j m/s2

or aC = at2  an2 = 40.8 m/s2 at 78.7o

At D,
v2 = vo2 + 2a(x – x0)
 v2 = 0 + 2(8)[(200 + 80/4) – 0] or
vD = 64.84j m/s
v2 64.842
aD = (aD)t + (aD)n where (aD)t = 8 m/s2  and (aD)n = D = = 52.6 m/s2 
 80

So we have, the total acceleration of the roller coaster at D,

aD = (aD)t + (aD)n = – 52.6i + 8j m/s2

or aD = at2  an2 = 56.8 m/s2 at 8.65o

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