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ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

AR Further Putting the Altruism

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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

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Frans B.M. de Waal
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

Living Links, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, and Psychology Department,
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322; email:

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008. 59:279–300 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on perception-action, perspective-taking, prosocial behavior,
June 5, 2007
The Annual Review of Psychology is online at Abstract
This article’s doi: Evolutionary theory postulates that altruistic behavior evolved for
the return-benefits it bears the performer. For return-benefits to play
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. a motivational role, however, they need to be experienced by the or-
All rights reserved
ganism. Motivational analyses should restrict themselves, therefore,
0066-4308/08/0203-0279$20.00 to the altruistic impulse and its knowable consequences. Empathy
is an ideal candidate mechanism to underlie so-called directed al-
truism, i.e., altruism in response to another’s pain, need, or distress.
Evidence is accumulating that this mechanism is phylogenetically an-
cient, probably as old as mammals and birds. Perception of the emo-
tional state of another automatically activates shared representations
causing a matching emotional state in the observer. With increasing
cognition, state-matching evolved into more complex forms, includ-
ing concern for the other and perspective-taking. Empathy-induced
altruism derives its strength from the emotional stake it offers the
self in the other’s welfare. The dynamics of the empathy mechanism
agree with predictions from kin selection and reciprocal altruism

ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

“You begin with the effect of behavior on ac-

Contents tors and recipients; you deal with the problem
of internal motivation, which is a secondary
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
problem, afterward. . . . [I]f you start with mo-
ORIGIN OF EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
tivation, you have given up the evolutionary
LEVELS OF EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . 282
analysis at the outset.”
Emotional Contagion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
This is a perfectly legitimate strategy that
Sympathetic Concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
has yielded profound insights into the evo-
Empathic Perspective-Taking . . . . . 285
lution of altruism (e.g., Dugatkin 2006). Un-
fortunately, however, these insights have not
Perception Action Mechanism . . . . 286
come with a new terminology: Evolutionary
Russian Doll Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
biology persists in using motivational terms.
Thus, an action is called “selfish” regard-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

ALTRUISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
less of whether or not the actor deliberately
Emotional Contagion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
seeks benefits for itself. Similarly, an action is
Sympathetic Concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
called “altruistic” if it benefits a recipient at
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

Empathic Perspective-Taking . . . . . 289

a cost to the actor regardless of whether or
not the actor intended to benefit the other.
The prototypical altruist is a honeybee that
DIRECTED ALTRUISM . . . . . . . . 291
stings an intruder—sacrificing her life to pro-
CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
tect the hive—even though her motivation is
more likely aggressive than benign. This us-
age of the terms “selfish” and “altruistic” of-
Sympathy . . . cannot, in any sense, be
tentimes conflicts with their vernacular mean-
regarded as a selfish principle.
ing (Sober & Wilson 1998).
Smith (1759, p. 317)
The hijacking of motivational terminol-
Empathy may be uniquely well suited for ogy by evolutionary biologists has been un-
Altruism bridging the gap between egoism and altru- helpful for communication about motivation
ism, since it has the property of transforming per se. The way to clear up the confusion is
behavior that another person’s misfortune into one’s own to do what Trivers did when he decided that
increases the feeling of distress. evolutionary analyses require that effects be
recipient’s fitness at a Hoffman (1981a, p. 133) considered separate from motivation. Con-
cost to the
versely, motivational analyses require us to
keep motivation separate from evolutionary
Ultimate cause or INTRODUCTION considerations. It is not for nothing that biol-
goal: the benefits an
organism or its close Discussions of altruistic behavior tend to suf- ogists hammer on the distinction between ul-
kin derive from a fer from a lack of distinction between function timate and proximate (Mayr 1961, Tinbergen
behavior, hence the and motivation. This is due to the contrasting 1963). The ultimate cause refers to why a
probable reason why emphasis of biologists and psychologists, with behavior evolved over thousands of gener-
the behavior was
the former focusing on what a particular be- ations, which depends on its fitness conse-
favored by natural
selection havior is good for, and the latter on how it quences. The proximate cause, on the other
comes about. hand, refers to the immediate situation that
Proximate cause:
situation that Evolutionary explanations are built around triggers behavior, and the role of learning,
triggers behavior and the principle that all that natural selection can physiology, and neural processes—typically
the mechanism work with are the effects of behavior—not the the domain of psychologists.
(psychological, motivation behind it. This means there is only Proximate and ultimate viewpoints do in-
neural, physiological)
one logical starting point for evolutionary ac- form each other, yet are not to be con-
that enables it
counts, as explained by Trivers (2002, p. 6): flated. For example, primate cooperation is

280 de Waal
ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

promoted by social tolerance. Through its ef- trinsically rewarding qualities in that it of-
fect on food-sharing, tolerance evens out pay- fers the actor an emotional stake in the re-
off distributions (de Waal & Davis 2003, Melis cipient’s well-being, i.e., if helping the other
Directed altruism:
et al. 2006). Tolerance likely is a proximate ameliorates the helper’s internal state (see helping or
mechanism that evolved to serve the ultimate Empathy as Evolved Proximate Mechanism, comforting behavior
goal of cooperation, which is to yield benefits below). Extrinsic rewards, on the other hand, directed at an
for all contributors. are less likely to play a role. By definition, al- individual in need,
pain, or distress
Cooperation and altruistic behavior are truism carries an initial cost, and positive con-
thought to have evolved to help family mem- sequences occur only after a significant time Intentional
altruism: the
bers and those inclined to return the favor interval (e.g., the recipient reciprocates) or
altruist deliberately
(Hamilton 1964, Trivers 1971). Regardless of not at all (e.g., care for dependent kin), making seeks to benefit
whether this is the whole explanation or not for rather poor learning conditions. either the other
(see Sober & DS Wilson 1998, EO Wilson Intentionally selfish altruism would re-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

2005), the point is that ultimate accounts quire the actor to explicitly expect others to altruistic altruism) or
itself (intentionally
stress return-benefits, i.e., positive conse- return the favor. Despite the lack of evidence
selfish altruism)
quences for the performer and/or its kin. Inas- for such expectations in animals, they are of-
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

much as these benefits may be quite delayed, ten assumed. The common claim that humans
altruism: help and
however, it is unclear what motivational role, are the only truly altruistic species, since all care born from
if any, they play. This becomes clear if we con- that animals care about are return-benefits empathy with
sider more closely what drives directed altru- (e.g., Dawkins 1976, Fehr & Fischbacher another
ism, i.e., altruistic behavior aimed at others in 2003, Kagan 2000, Silk et al. 2005), miscon- Empathy: the
need, pain, or distress. There are three ways strues reciprocity as a motivation. It assumes capacity to (a) be
in which directed altruism may come about: that animals engage in reciprocal exchange affected by and share
the emotional state
1. Altruistic impulse. Spontaneous, disin- with a full appreciation of how it will ulti-
of another, (b) assess
terested helping and caring in reaction mately benefit them. Helpful acts for imme- the reasons for the
to begging or distress signals or the sight diate self-gain are indeed common (Dugatkin other’s state, and
of another in pain or need. 1997), but the return-benefits of altruistic be- (c) identify with the
havior typically remain beyond the animal’s other, adopting his
2. Learned altruism. Helping as a condi- or her perspective.
cognitive horizon, i.e., occur so distantly in
tioned response reinforced by positive This definition
time that the organism is unlikely to con- extends beyond what
outcomes for the actor.
nect them with the original act. This ap- exists in many
3. Intentional altruism. Help based on the plies to most reciprocal altruism in the animal animals, but the term
prediction of behavioral effects. One kingdom. “empathy” in the
prediction could be that the help will Once evolved, behavior often assumes
present review
be reciprocated, hence that the act will applies even if only
motivational autonomy, i.e., its motivation be- criterion (a) is met
produce a net benefit. Since the actor comes disconnected from its ultimate goals. A
seeks to benefit itself, we may call this Motivational
good example is sexual behavior, which arose autonomy:
intentionally selfish altruism. The sec- to serve reproduction. Since animals are, as far independence of
ond possibility is help based on an ap- as we know, unaware of the link between sex motivation from
preciation of how one’s own behavior and reproduction, they must be engaging in ultimate goals
will help the other. Since the actor seeks sex (as do humans much of the time) without
to benefit the other, we may call this in- progeny in mind. Just as sex cannot be moti-
tentionally altruistic altruism. vated by unforeseen consequences, altruistic
Some directed altruistic behavior is pro- behavior cannot be motivated by unforeseen
moted by built-in rewards, such as the payoffs.
oxytocin release during suckling that may The altruistic impulse is to be taken very
underpin maternal care (Panksepp 1998). seriously, therefore, because even if altruis-
Empathy-based altruism may have similar in- tic behavior were partially learned based on • The Evolution of Empathy 281

ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

short-term intrinsic rewards or long-term ex- cognition is often critical, it is a secondary

trinsic rewards, this by no means rules out the development. As noted by Hoffman (1981b,
altruistic impulse. In fact, it presupposes this p. 79), “[H]umans must be equipped biologi-
mechanism (PAM): impulse given that a behavior’s consequences cally to function effectively in many social sit-
automatically and cannot be learned without spontaneously en- uations without undue reliance on cognitive
unconsciously gaging in it in the first place. processes.”
activated neural This review seeks to restore the altruism The selection pressure to evolve rapid
representations of
within altruism by exploring the role of em- emotional connectedness likely started in the
states in the subject
similar to those pathy in the directed altruism of humans and context of parental care long before our
perceived in the other animals. Some definitions of empathy species evolved (Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1974 [1971],
object stress the sharing of emotions, whereas other MacLean 1985). Signaling their state through
Emotional definitions stress the capacity to put oneself smiling and crying, human infants urge their
contagion: into the other’s “shoes.” The latter definitions caregiver to come into action (Acebo &
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

emotional are so top-down, however, that they discon- Thoman 1995, Bowlby 1958). Equivalent
state-matching of a
nect empathy from its possible antecedents. mechanisms operate in all animals in which
subject with an
We follow a bottom-up approach instead, reproduction relies on feeding, cleaning, and
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

adopting the broadest possible definition, in- warming of the young. Avian or mammalian
cluding mere emotional sensitivity to others. parents alert to and affected by their off-
We first consider the various levels of empathy spring’s needs likely out-reproduced those
in animals and the underlying perception- who remained indifferent.
action mechanism (PAM) proposed by Once the empathic capacity existed, it
Preston & de Waal (2002a). After this, we could be applied outside the rearing context
explore the relation between empathy and and play a role in the wider network of so-
altruism. cial relationships. The fact that mammals re-
A major question is whether evolution tain distress vocalizations into adulthood hints
is likely to have selected empathy as prox- at the continued survival value of empathy-
imate mechanism to generate directed al- inducing signals. For example, primates of-
truism. Does empathy channel altruism in ten lick and clean the wounds of conspecifics
the direction that evolutionary theory would (Boesch 1992), which is so critical for healing
predict? So, even though motivation will be that adult male macaques injured during at-
kept temporarily separate from evolutionary tempts to enter a new group often temporar-
considerations, in the end the two will meet. ily return to their native group, where they
Empathy may be motivationally autonomous, are more likely to receive this service (Dittus
but it still needs to produce—on average and & Ratnayeke 1989).
in the long run—evolutionarily advantageous
outcomes. The central thesis to be argued
here, then, is that empathy evolved in animals
as the main proximate mechanism for directed Emotional Contagion
altruism, and that it causes altruism to be dis-
The lowest common denominator of all em-
pensed in accordance with predictions from
pathic processes is that one party is affected
kin selection and reciprocal altruism theory.
by another’s emotional or arousal state. This
broad perspective on empathy, which goes
ORIGIN OF EMPATHY back as far as Lipps (1903), leads one to rec-
Empathy allows one to quickly and automat- ognize continuity between humans and other
ically relate to the emotional states of others, animals as well as between human adults
which is essential for the regulation of social and young children. Emotional connected-
interactions, coordinated activity, and coop- ness in humans is so common, starts so early
eration toward shared goals. Even though in life (e.g., Hoffman 1975, Zahn-Waxler &

282 de Waal
ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

Radke-Yarrow 1990), and shows neural and their own response to pain (Langford et al.
physiological correlates (e.g., Adolphs et al. 2006).
1994, Decety & Chaminade 2003a, Rimm- Miller et al. (1959) published the first of
Kaufman & Kagan 1996) as well as a genetic a series of pioneering studies on the trans- concern: concern
substrate (Plomin et al. 1993), that it would mission of affect in rhesus macaques. These about another’s state
be strange indeed if no continuity with other monkeys tend to terminate projected pictures and attempts to
species existed. Evolutionary continuity be- of conspecifics in a fearful pose even more ameliorate this state
(e.g., consolation)
tween humans and apes is reflected in the rapidly than negatively conditioned stimuli.
similarity of emotional communication (Parr Perhaps the most compelling evidence for Cognitive empathy:
empathy combined
& Waller 2007) as well as similar changes in emotional contagion came from Wechkin
with contextual
brain and peripheral skin temperature in re- et al. (1964) and Masserman et al. (1964), who appraisal and an
sponse to emotionally charged images (Parr found that monkeys refuse to pull a chain that understanding of
2001, Parr & Hopkins 2001). delivers food to them if doing so delivers an
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

what caused the

A flock of birds taking off all at once be- electric shock to and triggers pain reactions in object’s emotional
cause one among them is startled shows a a companion. Whether their sacrifice reflects
reflex-like, highly adaptive spreading of fear concern for the other (see below) remains un- Personal distress:
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

self-centered distress
that may not involve any understanding of clear, however, as it might also be explained as
born from empathy
what triggered the initial reaction. Similarly, avoidance of aversive vicarious arousal. with another’s
when a room full of human newborns bursts distress
out crying because one among them started
to cry, there is an automatic spreading of dis- Sympathetic Concern
tress (Hoffman 1975). At the core of these The next evolutionary step occurs when emo-
processes is adoption—in whole or in part— tional contagion is combined with appraisal
of another’s emotional state, i.e., emotional of the other’s situation and attempts to under-
contagion (Hatfield et al. 1993). Emotional stand the cause of the other’s emotions. De
contagion is not always a passive process, Waal (1996) speaks of “cognitive empathy”
though: The object often aims to emotionally when the empathic reaction includes such
affect the subject, such as the extremely noisy contextual appraisal.
temper tantrums of young apes when they The psychological literature distinguishes
are being rejected during weaning. Like sympathy from personal distress, which in
human children (Potegal 2000), they ex- their social consequences are each other’s op-
ploit emotional contagion to induce mater- posites. Sympathy is defined as “an affective
nal distress, which in turn may lead the response that consists of feelings of sorrow
mother to change her behavior to their or concern for a distressed or needy other
advantage. (rather than sharing the emotion of the other).
Emotional responses to displays of emo- Sympathy is believed to involve an other-
tion in others are so commonplace in ani- oriented, altruistic motivation” (Eisenberg
mals (de Waal 2003, Plutchik 1987, Preston 2000, p. 677). Personal distress, on the other
& de Waal 2002b) that Darwin (1982 [1871, hand, makes the affected party selfishly seek
p. 77]) already noted that “many animals cer- to alleviate its own distress, which mimics
tainly sympathize with each other’s distress or that of the object. Personal distress is not
danger.” For example, rats and pigeons dis- concerned, therefore, with the other (Batson
play distress in response to perceived distress 1991). A striking nonhuman primate example
in a conspecific, and temporarily inhibit con- is how the continued screams of a punished
ditioned behavior if it causes pain responses infant rhesus monkey will cause other infants
in others (Church 1959, Watanabe & Ono to embrace, mount, or even pile on top of
1986). A recent experiment demonstrated that the victim. Thus, one infant’s distress spreads
mice perceiving other mice in pain intensify quickly to its peers, which then seek to reduce • The Evolution of Empathy 283

ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

their own negative arousal (de Waal 1996, his claims: “If I were to tell of his altruistic
p. 46). and obviously sympathetic behavior towards
Concern for others is different in that it Panzee I should be suspected of idealizing an
comforting behavior relies on a separation between internally and ape.” Ladygina-Kohts (2001 [1935]) noticed
directed at a externally generated emotions. This separa- similar tendencies in her young home-reared
distressed party, such tion is observable in many mammals. In a chimpanzee. She discovered that the only way
as a recent victim of study that sought to document children’s re- to get him off the roof of her house (better
sponses to family members instructed to feign than reward or threat of punishment) was by
sadness (sobbing), pain (crying), or distress acting distressed, hence by inducing concern
(choking), striking similarities emerged be- for herself in him.
tween the reactions of one-year-old children Perhaps the best-documented example of
and pets, such as dogs and cats. The latter, too, sympathetic concern is consolation, defined
showed comforting attempts, such as putting as reassurance provided by an uninvolved by-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

their head in the lap of the “distressed” person stander to one of the combatants in a pre-
(Zahn-Waxler et al. 1984). vious aggressive incident (de Waal & van
Yerkes (1925, p. 246) reported how his Roosmalen 1979). For example, a third party
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

bonobo, Prince Chim, showed such concern goes over to the loser of a fight and gently puts
for his sickly chimpanzee companion, Panzee, an arm around his or her shoulders (Figure 1).
that the scientific establishment might reject De Waal & van Roosmalen (1979) analyzed

Figure 1
Consolation is
common in
humans and apes,
but virtually absent
in monkeys. Here a
chimpanzee puts
an arm around a
screaming adult
male, who has just
been defeated in a
fight. Photograph
by the author.

284 de Waal
ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

hundreds of consolations in chimpanzees, and and best-known definitions by Smith (1759,

de Waal & Aureli (1996) included an even p. 10) “changing places in fancy with the
larger sample. These studies show that by- sufferer.”
standers contact victims of aggression more Menzel (1974) was the first to investigate perspective-taking:
often than they contact aggressors, and by- whether chimpanzees understand what others the capacity to take
standers contact victims of serious aggression know, setting the stage for studies of nonhu- another’s
more often than they contact those who had man theory-of-mind and perspective-taking. perspective—e.g.,
received mild aggression. After several ups and downs in the evidence,
another’s specific
Subsequent studies have confirmed con- current consensus seems to be that apes, but situation and needs
solation in captive apes (Cordoni et al. probably not monkeys, show some level of separate from one’s
2004; Fuentes et al. 2002; Koski & Sterck perspective-taking both in their spontaneous own—combined
2006; Mallavarapu et al. 2006; Palagi et al. social behavior (de Waal 1996, 1998 [1982]) with vicarious
emotional arousal
2004, 2006), wild chimpanzees (Kutsukake & and under experimental conditions (Bräuer
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

Castles 2004, Wittig & Boesch 2003), large- et al. 2005; Hare et al. 2001, 2006; Hirata Targeted helping:
help and care based
brained birds (Seed et al. 2007), and human 2006; Shillito et al. 2005).
on a cognitive
children (Fujisawa et al. 2006). However, A major manifestation of empathic
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

appreciation of the
when de Waal & Aureli (1996) set out to apply perspective-taking is so-called targeted help- other’s specific need
the same observation protocol to detect con- ing, which is help fine-tuned to another’s spe- or situation
solation in monkeys, they failed to find any, as cific situation and goals (de Waal 1996). The
did others (Watts et al. 2000). The consolation literature on primate behavior leaves little
gap between monkeys and the Hominoidea doubt about the existence of targeted helping,
(i.e., humans and apes) extends even to the particularly in apes (see From Empathy to
one situation where one would most expect Altruism, below). A mother ape who returns
consolation to occur: Macaque mothers fail to a whimpering youngster to help it from one
to comfort their own offspring after a fight tree to the next—by swaying her own tree to-
(Schino et al. 2004). O’Connell’s (1995) con- ward the one the youngster is trapped in and
tent analysis of hundreds of reports confirms then drape her body between both trees—
that reassurance of distressed others is typi- goes beyond mere concern for the other. Her
cal of apes yet rare in monkeys. It still needs response likely involves emotional contagion
to be established, however, that this behav- (i.e., mother apes often briefly whimper them-
ior actually does reduce the distressed party’s selves when they hear their offspring do so),
arousal. but adds assessment of the specific reason for
the other’s distress and the other’s goals. Tree
bridging is a daily occurrence in orangutans,
Empathic Perspective-Taking with mothers regularly anticipating their
Psychologists usually speak of empathy only offspring’s needs (van Schaik 2004, p. 104).
when it involves perspective-taking. They For an individual to move beyond being
emphasize understanding of the other, and sensitive to others toward an explicit other-
adoption of the other’s point of view. In orientation requires a shift in perspective.
this view, then, empathy is a cognitive affair The emotional state induced in oneself by
dependent on imagination and mental state the other now needs to be attributed to the
attribution, which may explain the skepti- other instead of the self. A heightened self-
cism about nonhuman empathy (Hauser 2000, identity allows a subject to relate to the object’s
Povinelli 1998). Perspective-taking by itself is, emotional state without losing sight of the ac-
of course, hardly empathy: It is so only in com- tual source of this state (Hoffman 1982, Lewis
bination with emotional engagement. The 2002). The required self-representation is
latter here is called “empathic perspective- hard to establish independently, but one com-
taking,” such as in one of the oldest mon avenue is to gauge reactions to a mirror. • The Evolution of Empathy 285

ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

The coemergence hypothesis predicts that 2005, Emery & Clayton 2001). These reports
mirror self-recognition (MSR) and advanced concern the finding or hiding of food, how-
expressions of empathy appear together in ever, hence not empathic perspective-taking.
self-recognition both development and phylogeny. In the future, we may be able to address the
(MSR): recognizing Ontogenetically, the coemergence hy- self-other distinction more directly through
that one’s own body pothesis is well-supported (Bischof-Köhler neural investigation (Decety & Chaminade
is reflected in the 1988, Johnson 1992, Zahn-Waxler et al. 2003b). In humans, the right inferior parietal
1992). The relation between MSR and the cortex, at the temporo-parietal junction,
development of empathic perspective-taking underpins empathy by helping distinguish
holds even after the data have been sta- between self- and other-produced actions
tistically controlled for age (Bischof-Köhler (Decety & Grèzes 2006).
1991). Gallup (1982) was the first to propose
phylogenetic coemergence, a prediction em-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

pirically supported by the contrast between UNDERLYING MECHANISMS

monkeys and apes, with compelling evidence
for MSR, consolation, and targeted helping
Perception Action Mechanism
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

only in apes. Preston & de Waal (2002a) propose that at the

Apart from the great apes, the animals for core of the empathic capacity lies a mechanism
which we have the most striking accounts that provides an observer (the subject) with
of consolation and targeted helping are dol- access to the subjective state of another (the
phins and elephants (see From Empathy to object) through the subject’s own neural and
Altruism, below). Gallup (1983) had already bodily representations. When the subject at-
predicted MSR in dolphins and elephants, and tends to the object’s state, the subject’s neural
these predictions have now been confirmed representations of similar states are automat-
by the mark test, in which an individual needs ically and unconsciously activated. The more
to locate a mark on itself that it cannot see similar and socially close two individuals are,
without a mirror (Plotnik et al. 2006, Reiss & the easier the subject’s identification with the
Marino 2001). MSR is believed to be absent object, which enhances the subject’s match-
in the rest of the animal kingdom (Anderson ing motor and autonomic responses. This lets
& Gallup 1999). the subject get “under the skin” of the ob-
It should be added that self-representation ject, bodily sharing its emotions and needs,
is unlikely to have appeared de novo in a which in turn may foster sympathy and help-
few large-brained animals. The framework ing. Preston & de Waal’s (2002a) PAM fits
of developmental psychologists, according to Damasio’s (1994) somatic marker hypothesis
which self-representation emerges in small in- of emotions as well as evidence for a link at
cremental steps (Lewis & Brooks-Gunn 1979, the cellular level between perception and ac-
Rochat 2003), may apply also to phylogeny. tion, such as the mirror neurons discovered in
Instead of adhering to an all-or-nothing divi- macaques by di Pellegrino et al. (1992).
sion of self-representation, some animals may Human data suggest that a similar physio-
reach an intermediate stage similar to that logical substrate underlies both observing and
of pre-MSR human infants (de Waal et al. experiencing an emotion (Adolphs et al. 1997,
2005). 2000), and that affect communication cre-
Possibly, the link between MSR and ates matching physiological states in subject
perspective-taking is relatively loose. and object (Dimberg 1982, 1990; Levenson
Perspective-taking has recently been reported & Reuf 1992). Recent investigations of the
for species that appear to lack MSR, both neural basis of human empathy confirm the
mammals (Kuroshima et al. 2003, Virányi PAM in that they report neural similarity be-
et al. 2005) and birds (Bugnyar & Heinrich tween self-generated and vicarious emotions

286 de Waal
ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

(Carr et al. 2003, Decety & Chaminade 2003a, involved in both imitation and empathy, one
Decety & Jackson 2006, de Gelder et al. 2004, expects correlations between both capacities.
Singer et al. 2004), such as activation of the Highly empathic persons are indeed more in-
anterior ventral insula both when we are dis- clined to unconscious mimicry (Chartrand &
gusted and when we see another person ex- Bargh 1999) and humans with autism spec-
pressing disgust (Wicker et al. 2003). trum disorder are not only deficient in em-
The idea that perception and action share pathy but also imitation (Charman 2002,
representations is anything but new. Accord- Charman et al. 1997). Functional magnetic
ingly, empathy is a rapid routine, as confirmed resonance imaging studies neurally connect
by electromyographic studies of muscle con- motor mimicry, such as contagious yawning,
tractions in the human face in response to pic- with empathic modeling (Platek et al. 2005).
tures of facial expressions, even if presented Other primates, too, yawn when they
so briefly that they cannot be consciously per- see conspecifics yawn (Anderson et al. 2004,
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

ceived (Dimberg et al. 2000). Accounts of em- Paukner & Anderson 2006). In fact, behav-
pathy as a cognitive process often neglect such ioral copying (“aping”) is pronounced in all
automatic reactions, which are far too rapid to of the primates. Social facilitation experi-
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

be under voluntary control. ments show that satiated primates begin eat-
ing again when they see others eat (Addessi
& Visalberghi 2001, Dindo & de Waal 2006),
Russian Doll Model scratch themselves when others scratch them-
Empathy covers all the ways in which one selves (Nakayama 2004), and show neona-
individual’s emotional state affects another’s, tal imitation similar to that of human infants
with simple mechanisms at its core and more (Bard 2006, Ferrari et al. 2006). Novel behav-
complex mechanisms and perspective-taking ior is copied, too, at least by the apes. Exam-
abilities as its outer layers. Because of this ples are juveniles imitating the peculiar walk of
layered nature of the capacities involved, we others (de Waal 1998 [1982], Köhler 1925) as
speak of the Russian doll model, in which well as successful do-as-I-do experiments with
higher cognitive levels of empathy build upon human models (Custance et al. 1995, Myowa-
a firm, hard-wired basis, such as the PAM Yamakoshi & Matsuzawa 1999).
(de Waal 2003). The claim is not that PAM Bodily similarity—such as with members
by itself explains sympathetic concern or of the same gender and species—likely en-
perspective-taking, but that it underpins these hances shared representation and identifica-
cognitively more advanced forms of empathy, tion, which has been proposed as the basis of
and serves to motivate behavioral outcomes. true imitation (de Waal 1998, 2001), such as
Without emotional engagement induced by seen in the apes (Horner & Whiten 2005).
state-matching, perspective-taking would be The tendency of nonhuman primates to copy
a cold phenomenon that could just as easily each other is as spontaneous as the empathic
lead to torture as to helping (Deacon 1997, response. Thus, mirror neurons fire auto-
de Waal 2005). matically to observed actions, even intentions
Perception-action mechanisms are well (Fogassi et al. 2005), and monkeys require no
known for motor perception (Prinz & extrinsic rewards to copy each other’s behav-
Hommel 2002, Wolpert et al. 2001), so that ior (Bonnie & de Waal 2006).
we may assume PAM to underlie not only In accordance with the PAM (Preston &
emotional state matching but also motor de Waal 2002a), the motivational structure
mimicry. This means that the Russian Doll of both imitation and empathy therefore in-
also relates to doing as others do, including cludes (a) shared representations; (b) identifi-
bodily synchronization, coordination, imita- cation with others based on physical similarity,
tion, and emulation (Figure 2). If PAM is shared experience, and social closeness; and • The Evolution of Empathy 287

ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

Imitation Empathy
True imitation, Perspective-

Increased Self-Other Distinction

emulation taking, targeted

shared goals
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

Motor mimicry PAM contagion

Figure 2
The Russian doll model of empathy and imitation. Empathy (right) induces a similar emotional state in
the subject and the object, with at its core the perception-action mechanism (PAM). The doll’s outer
layers, such as sympathetic concern and perspective-taking, build upon this hard-wired socio-affective
basis. Sharing the same mechanism, the doll’s imitation side (left) correlates with the empathy side. Here,
the PAM underlies motor mimicry, coordination, shared goals, and true imitation. Even though the doll’s
outer layers depend on prefrontal functioning and an increasing self-other distinction, these outer layers
remain connected to its inner core.

(c) automaticity and spontaneity. All of this ap- empathy. A good example seems the intensi-
plies to the core mechanism, not necessarily to fied pain response of mice seeing other mice
the more complex outer layers of the Russian in pain (Langford et al. 2006). Emotional con-
doll model, which develop in interaction with tagion may lead individuals frightened by the
the environment. alarm of others to hide or flee, a mother dis-
tressed by her offspring’s distress to reassure
both herself and her offspring by warming or
FROM EMPATHY TO ALTRUISM nursing them, or inhibit an individual from
Not all altruistic behavior requires empa- inflicting pain upon another because of the vi-
thy. When animals alert others to an out- carious negative arousal induced by the other’s
side threat, work together for immediate self- distress calls. Thus, simple empathic reactions
reward, or vocally attract others to discovered may benefit both the actor and individuals
food, biologists may speak of altruism or co- close to them.
operation, but this behavior is unlikely to be Behavioral copying, too, often produces
motivated by empathy with the beneficiary. adaptive outcomes. Imagine a group of ani-
mals in which every member was to eat, sleep,
forage, or play independently: This would be
Emotional Contagion impossible for nomadic animals, such as pri-
Self-centered vicarious arousal, known as per- mates. Being in sync is often a matter of life
sonal distress, represents the oldest kind of or death (Boinski & Garber 2000).

288 de Waal
ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

Sympathetic Concern a low-cost service. It is hard to imagine that

the chimpanzee’s extreme hydrophobia could
Directed altruism requires the addition of
be overcome by a cognitive gamble on future
other-orientation to emotional activation.
returns. A male who jumps in the water must
In nonhuman primates, the most common
have an overwhelming immediate motivation,
empathy-based concern for others is defense
which probably only emotional engagement
against aggression. Exceptional urgency and
can produce.
extreme motivation are required because the
Fortunately, with regard to primate altru-
reaction needs to be swift and actors may face
ism, we do not need to rely on qualitative ac-
bodily danger when assisting others against
counts as there exists ample systematic data,
an attacker. For example, when a female re-
such as a rich literature on support in aggres-
acts to the screams of her closest associate by
sive contexts (Harcourt & de Waal 1992), co-
defending her against a dominant male, she
operation (Kappeler & van Schaik 2006), and
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

takes enormous risk on behalf of the other.

food-sharing (Feistner & Mcgrew 1989). Al-
She may very well be injured. What other than
though some have argued that food-sharing
high emotional arousal can reasonably explain
may not be truly altruistic because it is subject
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

such bravery? Note the following description

to social pressure (Gilby 2006), the problem
of two long-time chimpanzee friends in a zoo
with this view is that top-ranking individuals
colony: “Not only do they often act together
(who have no trouble resisting pressure) are
against attackers, but they also seek comfort
among the most generous (de Waal 1989), and
and reassurance from each other. When one
sharing occurs even when individuals are sep-
of them has been involved in a painful conflict,
arated by bars, hence insulated from pressure
she goes to the other to be embraced. They
(de Waal 1997c, Nissen & Crawford 1932).
then literally scream in each other’s arms”
Rather, the begging and distress signals typi-
(de Waal 1998 [1982], p. 67).
cal of food beggars hint at a mediating role of
When Kagan (2000) argued against ani-
mal empathy by claiming that a chimpanzee
In short, empathy may motivate directed
would never jump into a lake to save an-
altruism in primates as often visible in the
other, Flack & de Waal (2000) replied with a
similarity of facial expressions and vocaliza-
quote from Goodall (1990, p. 213): “In some
tions of both altruists and beneficiaries. Em-
zoos, chimpanzees are kept on man-made
pathy is the only mechanism capable of pro-
islands, surrounded by water-filed moats . . .
viding a unitary motivational explanation for
Chimpanzees cannot swim and, unless they
a wide variety of situations in which assis-
are rescued, will drown if they fall into deep
tance is dispensed according to need. Per-
water. Despite this, individuals have some-
haps confusingly, the mechanism is relatively
times made heroic efforts to save companions
autonomous in both animals and humans.
from drowning—and were sometimes suc-
Thus, empathy often reaches beyond its orig-
cessful. One adult male lost his life as he tried
inal evolutionary context, such as when peo-
to rescue a small infant whose incompetent
ple send money to distant tsunami victims,
mother had allowed it to fall into the water.”
when primates bestow care on unrelated juve-
To explain such behavior on the basis of
nile orphans (Thierry & Anderson 1986), or
expected return-benefits makes a huge cog-
when a bonobo tries to rescue an injured bird
nitive leap by injecting ultimate goals into
(de Waal 1997a).
proximate decision-making (see Introduction,
above). Admittedly, chimpanzees may delib-
erately engage in grooming as a way of gain- Empathic Perspective-Taking
ing future return-favors (de Waal 1998 [1982], Evidence for altruism based on empathic
1997b; Koyama et al. 2006), but grooming is perspective-taking mostly consists of striking • The Evolution of Empathy 289

ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

anecdotes, which are admittedly open to pulled and pulled at the one she wanted
multiple interpretations. However, anec- but couldn’t remove it. She worked
dotes have traditionally provided produc- in vain for over ten minutes, ignored
tive starting points for research (debated be- by everyone, except Jakie, a seven-
tween Kummer et al. 1990 and de Waal year-old Krom had taken care of as a
1991). juvenile.
Targeted helping has been described for Immediately after Krom gave up and
cetaceans since the ancient Greeks. Dolphins walked away, Jakie approached the
are said to save companions by biting through scene. Without hesitation he pushed the
harpoon lines or by hauling them out of nets tires one by one off the log, beginning
in which they were entangled. Dolphins also with the front one, followed by the sec-
support sick companions near the surface to ond, and so on, as any sensible chimp
keep them from drowning, and stay close would. When he reached the last tire, he
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

to females in labor. Whales tend to inter- carefully removed it so that no water was
pose themselves between a hunter’s boat and lost, carrying it straight to his aunt, plac-
an injured conspecific, or capsize the boat ing it upright in front of her. Krom ac-
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

(Caldwell & Caldwell 1966, Connor & Norris cepted his present without any acknowl-
1982). edgment, and was already scooping up
Elephants are known to reassure distressed water with her hand when Jakie left
companions (Payne 1998, Poole 1996) and (de Waal 1996, p. 83).
to support or lift up others too weak to
Example 2:
stand (Hamilton-Douglas et al. 2006, Joubert
The two-meter-deep moat in front of
1991). Moss (1988, p. 73) offers a typical de-
the old bonobo enclosure at the San
scription of a young female, Tina, shot by a
Diego Zoo had been drained for clean-
poacher: “Teresia and Trista became frantic
ing. After having scrubbed the moat
and knelt down and tried to lift her up. They
and released the apes, the keepers went
worked their tusks under her back and under
to turn on the valve to refill it with
her head. At one point they succeeded in lift-
water when all of a sudden the old
ing her into a sitting position but her body
male, Kakowet, came to their window,
flopped back down. Her family tried every-
screaming and frantically waving his
thing to rouse her, kicking and tusking her,
arms so as to catch their attention. After
and Tallulah even went off and collected a
so many years, he was familiar with the
trunkful of grass and tried to stuff it into her
cleaning routine. As it turned out, sev-
eral young bonobos had entered the dry
For great apes, there exist literally hun-
moat but were unable to get out. The
dreds of qualitative accounts of targeted help-
keepers provided a ladder. All bono-
ing, of which I cite just two striking examples:
bos got out except for the smallest one,
who was pulled up by Kakowet himself
Example 1:
(de Waal 1997a, p. 34).
During one winter at the Arnhem Zoo,
before releasing the chimps, the keep- Because it is almost impossible, and prob-
ers hosed out all rubber tires in the en- ably unethical, to create situations in the lab-
closure and hung them on a horizon- oratory in which primates experience intense
tal log. One day, Krom was interested fear or distress, there is a scarcity of experi-
in a tire in which water had stayed be- ments on costly altruism of the kind described
hind. Unfortunately, this particular tire above. More often, experiments concern
was at the end of the row, with six or low-cost altruism, sometimes called “other-
more heavy tires in front of it. Krom regarding preferences.” A typical paradigm

290 de Waal
ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

is to offer one member of a pair the op- hence must be capable of suppressing em-
tion to either secure food for itself by ma- pathic activation in relation to conspecifics,
nipulating part A of an apparatus or food for which has led Goodall (1986, p. 532) to call
both itself and another by manipulating part their victims “dechimpized.” (It is important
B of the same apparatus. Colman et al. (1969) to note, though, that a species’ occasional vi-
found 1 out of 4 tested macaques to be consis- olence by no means argues against it having
tently other-regarding, yet two recent repli- empathic capacities—if so, human empathy
cations failed to find the same tendency in would be the first to be denied.)
chimpanzees ( Jensen et al. 2006, Silk et al. The PAM model predicts that the greater
2005). This has led authors to conclude that the similarity or familiarity of the subject
other-regarding preferences may be uniquely and object, the more their representations
human. It is impossible to prove the null will agree, hence the more accurate their
hypothesis, however. Given the overwhelm- state-matching. Generally, the empathic re-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

ing observational evidence for spontaneous sponse is amplified by similarity, familiar-

helping and cooperation among primates, it ity, social closeness, and positive experi-
seems only a matter of time until other- ence with the other (Table 1 in Preston &
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

regarding preferences will be experimentally de Waal 2002a). In human studies, subjects

confirmed. empathize with a confederate’s pleasure or
distress if they perceive the relationship as
cooperative, yet show an antipathic response
EMPATHY AS EVOLVED (i.e., distress at seeing the other’s pleasure
PROXIMATE MECHANISM or pleasure at seeing the other’s distress) if
OF DIRECTED ALTRUISM they perceive the relationship as competitive
A Russian doll is a satisfying plaything for (Lanzetta & Englis 1989, Zillmann & Cantor
the biologist since every outer layer encom- 1977). These effects of previous experience
passes an older, inner one. This is relevant have recently been confirmed by functional
to the origin of empathy: All prosocial be- magnetic resonance imaging: Seeing the pain
havior, even when dependent on prefrontal of a cooperative confederate activates pain-
functioning, probably has PAM-based emo- related brain areas, but seeing the pain of
tion sharing at its core (Preston & de Waal an unfair confederate activates reward-related
2002a). Without this emotional component, brain areas, at least in men (Singer et al.
it is hard to see why we or other animals would 2006).
care. Relationship effects are also known for ro-
Humans have so little control over em- dents, in which emotional contagion is mea-
pathic activation that they regularly shield surable between cagemates but not between
themselves from it, e.g., by covering their strangers (Langford et al. 2006). In mon-
eyes when in a movie something gruesome is keys, empathic responses to another’s fear
about to happen. This is because they have or pain are enhanced by familiarity between
already identified with the on-screen char- subject and object (Masserman et al. 1964,
acters. One way to cognitively control em- Miller at al. 1959). Thus, the empathy mech-
pathy is to inhibit such identification. How anism is biased the way evolutionary theory
self-imposed filters and contextual appraisal would predict. Empathy is (a) activated in re-
modulate the brain’s empathic response re- lation to those with whom one has a close or
mains a major unresolved issue (de Vignemont positive relationship, and (b) suppressed, or
& Singer 2006). Sometimes, empathy appears even turned into Schadenfreude, in relation to
wholly absent. For example, chimpanzees are strangers and defectors. The latter, retaliatory
capable of brutally killing each other (de Waal aspect corresponds with well-documented
1998 [1982], Wrangham & Peterson 1996), chimpanzee behavior: These apes not only • The Evolution of Empathy 291

ANRV331-PS59-11 ARI 4 November 2007 20:27

reciprocate favors within positive relation- anism works so well because it gives individu-
ships, but also take revenge upon those who als an emotional stake in the welfare of others.
have previously acted against them (de Waal
& Luttrell 1988).
A common way in which mutually ben-
eficial exchanges are achieved is through More than three decades ago, biologists de-
investment in long-term bonds to which both liberately removed the altruism from altru-
parties contribute. This reciprocity mecha- ism. There is now increasing evidence that the
nism is commonplace in nonhuman primates brain is hardwired for social connection, and
(de Waal & Brosnan 2006) and has been sug- that the same empathy mechanism proposed
gested for human relations as well. Individual to underlie human altruism (Batson 1991) may
interests may be served by partnerships (e.g., underlie the directed altruism of other ani-
marriages, friendships) that create a long- mals. Empathy could well provide the main
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

lasting communal “fitness interdependence” motivation making individuals who have ex-
mediated by mutual empathy. Within these changed benefits in the past to continue doing
relationships, partners do not necessarily keep so in the future. Instead of assuming learned
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

careful track of who did what for whom (Clark expectations or calculations about future ben-
& Mills 1979), and derive psychological and efits, this approach emphasizes a spontaneous
health benefits not only from receiving but altruistic impulse and a mediating role of the
also from giving support (Brown & Brown emotions. It is summarized in the five conclu-
2006). sions below:
If altruism is produced by mechanisms, 1. An evolutionarily parsimonious account
such as empathy and bonding, that produce (cf. de Waal 1999) of directed altruism
emotional identification with the other, one assumes similar motivational processes
may well ask if helping another does not in humans and other animals.
boil down to helping oneself. It does, but as 2. Empathy, broadly defined, is a phyloge-
Smith (1759) argued, this is no reason to call netically ancient capacity.
empathy-based altruism selfish. A truly self- 3. Without the emotional engagement
ish individual would have no trouble walking brought about by empathy, it is un-
away from another in need, whereas empathic clear what could motivate the extremely
engagement hooks one into the other’s situa- costly helping behavior occasionally ob-
tion. Since the mechanism delivers intrinsic served in social animals.
rewards exclusively via the other, it is gen- 4. Consistent with kin selection and re-
uinely other-oriented (Wispé 1991). At the ciprocal altruism theory, empathy favors
same time, it is futile to try to extract the self familiar individuals and previous coop-
from the process. There simply is no satis- erators, and is biased against previous
factory answer to the question of how altru- defectors.
istic is altruism (debated among Batson et al. 5. Combined with perspective-taking abil-
1997, Cialdini et al. 1997, Hornstein 1991, ities, empathy’s motivational autonomy
Krebs 1991). This is, in fact, the beauty of opens the door to intentionally altruistic
the empathy-altruism connection: The mech- altruism in a few large-brained species.

The author is grateful to Stephanie Preston for detailed comments on an earlier draft of the
manuscript and to Jean Decety, Nancy Eisenberg, and Robert Trivers for constructive feedback.
The author, however, remains responsible for the intellectual content.

292 de Waal
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Annual Review of

Contents Psychology

Volume 59, 2008

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:279-300. Downloaded from

The Evolution of a Cognitive Psychologist: A Journey from Simple

Behaviors to Complex Mental Acts
Gordon H. Bower p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

Pharmacology and Behavior

Addiction and the Brain Antireward System
George F. Koob and Michel Le Moal p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 29

Consummatory Behavior
The Brain, Appetite, and Obesity
Hans-Rudolf Berthoud and Christopher Morrison p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 55

Neuroendocrine Regulation of Feminine Sexual Behavior: Lessons
from Rodent Models and Thoughts About Humans
Jeffrey D. Blaustein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 93

Audition and Its Biological Bases

The Biological Basis of Audition
Gregg H. Recanzone and Mitchell L. Sutter p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p119

Color Perception

Color in Complex Scenes

Steven K. Shevell and Frederick A.A. Kingdom p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p143

Scene Perception, Event Perception, or Object Recognition

Visual Perception and the Statistical Properties of Natural Scenes

Wilson S. Geisler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p167

AR331-FM ARI 15 November 2007 15:19

Cognitive Processes
The Mind and Brain of Short-Term Memory
John Jonides, Richard L. Lewis, Derek Evan Nee, Cindy A. Lustig,
Marc G. Berman, and Katherine Sledge Moore p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p193

Relativity of Remembering: Why the Laws of Memory Vanished
Henry L. Roediger, III p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p225

Reasoning and Problem Solving

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Dual-Processing Accounts of Reasoning, Judgment,

and Social Cognition
Jonathan St. B.T. Evans p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p255
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

Comparative Psychology, Ethology, and Evolution

Putting the Altruism Back into Altruism: The Evolution of Empathy
Frans B.M. de Waal p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p279

Anxiety Disorders
Social Bonds and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Anthony Charuvastra and Marylène Cloitre p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p301

Inference, Person Perception, Attribution

Spontaneous Inferences, Implicit Impressions, and Implicit Theories
James S. Uleman, S. Adil Saribay, and Celia M. Gonzalez p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p329

Social Development, Social Personality, Social Motivation, Social Emotion

Motives of the Human Animal: Comprehending, Managing, and
Sharing Inner States
E. Tory Higgins and Thane S. Pittman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p361

Cognition in Organizations
Cognition in Organizations
Gerard P. Hodgkinson and Mark P. Healey p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p387

Selection and Placement

Personnel Selection
Paul R. Sackett and Filip Lievens p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p419

vi Contents
AR331-FM ARI 15 November 2007 15:19

Education of Special Populations

The Education of Dyslexic Children from Childhood to Young Adulthood

Sally E. Shaywitz, Robin Morris, and Bennett A. Shaywitz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p451

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Health Psychology: The Search for Pathways Between Behavior
and Health
Howard Leventhal, John Weinman, Elaine A. Leventhal, and L. Alison Phillips p p p p477

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Human Abilities: Emotional Intelligence

John D. Mayer, Richard D. Roberts, and Sigal G. Barsade p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p507
by Fordham University on 01/09/13. For personal use only.

Data Analysis
Sample Size Planning for Statistical Power and Accuracy
in Parameter Estimation
Scott E. Maxwell, Ken Kelley, and Joseph R. Rausch p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p537

Timely Topics
A Comprehensive Review of the Placebo Effect: Recent Advances
and Current Thought
Donald D. Price, Damien G. Finniss, and Fabrizio Benedetti p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p565
Children’s Social Competence in Cultural Context
Xinyin Chen and Doran C. French p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p591
Grounded Cognition
Lawrence W. Barsalou p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p617
George Loewenstein, Scott Rick, and Jonathan D. Cohen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p647


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 49–59 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p673

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