Stylistics: History and Development

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RP AMamio, 2nd Sem AY2022-2023

History and Development A. denotative (primary) and connotative (suggest a different

association than its literal meaning)
Ancient Time
Rhetoric - the art of persuasion; the art of effective or persuasive For types of connotative meaning
speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and 1. Functional - reflecting the sphere of usage of the word
other compositional techniques. 2. Evaluative - positive, negative or neutral
3. Emotive - rendering the attitude of the speaker
Poetics - process of artistic creation; theory of structure, form, and 4. Expressive - containing an image of pragmatic value; to express
discourse within literature, and, in particular, within poetry what is really meant

Dialectics: the art of creating a dialogue B. Stylistic meaning vs Lexical Meaning

Aristotle’s Poetics 320 B.C. (epic drama and lyrics) developed into Lexical Meaning Stylistic Meaning
literary criticism Represents the primary Is based on secondary
information (additional) information
Rhetoric and Socrates’ Dialectics developed into Stylistics Is given explicitly Is always implied
Relatively stable Liable to change
In Ancient Rome:
CAESAR and Analogists CICERO and Anomalists Grammatical Meaning: reflects the relations between words or
some forms of words or constructions; also called as structural
Stressed regularity and system Aimed at creation of figurative meaning.
of rules language
Used unnatural syntactic Functional Style of language (FS) may be defined as a system of
Focused on facts and data patterns, artificial sentence interrelated language means which serves a definite aim of
structures communication.
Aimed to create simple, clear, Created anomalies on all
and straightforward speeches language levels Sometimes called as registers or discourses
The true message is secondary 1. The language of belles-lettres (all literary works)
to the form of presentation 2. The language of publicistic literature
3. The language of press/media
Middle Ages and the New Age 4. The language of scientific prose
5. The language of official documents
Anomalistic rhetoric of Cicero (aesthetically attractive) became a
model way of public speaking Matthew Arnold’s four styles: poetic style, scientific style,
newspaper style, colloquial style
The language of science, culture, administration was different from
the language of common people Cohesion refers to the grammatical and lexical elements on the
surface of the text which can form connections between parts of the
Romanticism: style referred to written from of language text (Tanskanen, 2006).
The language and parole
Halliday and Hasan (1976) divide cohesion into grammatical
1. Stylus Altus - works of art cohesion and lexical cohesion.
2. Stylus mediocris - the style of high society
3. Stylus and humilis - the style of low society and comedies

19th century Functional Styles - Prague Linguistic Circle (1926)

Roman Jakobson: renowned linguist who chaired the group
: a society of linguists, philologist, and literary critics created for the
purpose of analyzing the poetic function of language

Linguistic Stylistics and Literary Stylistics are two separate and at

the same time interconnected branches of stylistics. Stylistics is a
bridge between linguistics and literature.

Linguistic Stylistics studies functional styles of a language and the Hoey’s Repetition Pattern (1991)
elements of language. It explores the linguistic features of a text. It
is primarily concerned with the use of language and its effect in a
text. It has to do with a stylistic study that relies heavily on the
scientific rules of language in its analysis.

Literary Stylistics studies expressive means and stylistic devices

characteristic for a definite work of art, man of letters, literary
movement, trend or epoch, and factors influencing the
expressiveness of language.

Types of Meaning:
RP AMamio, 2nd Sem AY2022-2023

latero story


i am a twentieth-century welfare recipient i am on my way up the opportunistic

moonlighting in the sun as a latero ladder of success
a job invented by national and state laws in ten years i will quit welfare
designed to re-cycle aluminum cans to become a legitimate businessman
to return to consumer acid laden i'll soon become a latero executive
gastric inflammation pituitary glands with corporate conglomerate intents
coca diet rite low-cal godsons god bless america.
of artificially flavored malignant
indigestions somewhere down the line Tato Laviera, "latero story" from Benedición: The Complete Poetry
of a cancerous cell of Tato Laviera. 2004

i collect from garbage cans in outdoor facilities

congested with putrid residues
my hands shelving themselves
opening plastic bags never knowing
what to encounter

several times a day i touch evil rituals

slit throats of chickens
tongues of poisoned rats
salivating on my index finger
smells of month old rotten food
next to pamper's diarrhea
dry blood infectious diseases
hypodermic needles tissued with
heroine water drops pilfered in
slimy grease blood hazardous waste materials
but i cannot use rubber gloves
they undermine my daily profit

i am a twentieth-century welfare recipient

moonlighting during the day as a latero
making it big in america
someday i might become experienced enough
to offer technical assistance
to other lateros
i am thinking of publishing
my own guide to latero collecting
and founding a latero's union to offer
medical dental benefits

i am a twentieth-century welfare recipient

moonlighting at night as a latero
i am considered some kind of expert
at collecting cans during fifth avenue parades
i can now hire workers at twenty
five cents an hour guaranteed salary
and fifty per cent of two and one half cents
profit on each can collected
i am a twentieth-century welfare recipient
moonlighting at midnight as a latero
i am becoming an entrepreneur
an american success story
i have hired bag ladies to keep peddlers
from my territories
i have read in some guide to success
that in order to get rich
to make it big
i have to sacrifice myself
moonlighting until dawn by digging
deeper into the extra can margin of profit

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