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School Year 2022-2023


Miss Eileen Via Polintan Bamba


LESSON 6: Market Forms of Poultry

Different Cuts of Poultry
Weeks 26 and 27
Date: February 27 – March 03, 2023
March 06 – 10, 2023
Learning Competencies:

1. Identifies the market forms of poultry

2. Determines poultry cuts in accordance with prescribed dish

Kindly read the following instructions:

1. Read and understand the information provided in the lesson.

2. Answer all process questions.

3. Manage your time properly.

4. Use the following as your guide:

This icon indicates facts, trivia or information about the lesson.

This icon is a sign that the next part of the lesson contains important information
that you need to read and study.

This icon indicates reminders or points to remember about the lesson.

This icon signals that the next part of the lesson contains activities that you have
to answer. Be mindful of the page/s where the particular activity that you have to
answer is located.

This icon is a sign that the next part of the lesson contains a quiz or assessment.
It will help us determine if you were able to achieve the learning competencies.

The lessons are designed for you to better understand poultry and game, market forms of poultry and
the different poultry cuts. The information contained herein will surely help you in answering the given

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School Year 2022-2023
Good day!
I’m glad that you are back.
Let’s read some interesting facts about poultry.

Did you know?

• A chicken can have 4-5 toes on each foot.

• A chicken can travel up to 9 miles per hour.

• A chicken takes 21 days to hatch.

• A chicken will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you change the lighting in such a way as to make
them think a day is 28 hours long.

• A chicken's body temperature normally runs at 102-103 degrees F.

• A chicken’s heart beats 280-315 times a minute.

• A hen lives an average of 5-7 years but can live up to 20 years. The hen will lay eggs her entire
life with production decreasing every year from year one.

• A rooster takes about 18-20 breaths a minute, a hen takes 30-35.

• A rooster will attack anything that he thinks will harm the hens.

• Alektrophobia is the fear of chickens.

Are you ready to learn more? Read and understand the information provided.

Let’s read and understand

What is poultry?

Poultry refers to several kinds of fowl that are used as food and the term includes chicken, turkey, duck,
pigeon, and quail.

Note: Fowl – the flesh of domesticated birds as food; poultry.

What is a game?

Game birds are native or non-native birds that historically were wild game or decorative fowl but are now
raised commercially for their meat or egg production or as "flight-ready" birds for release on hunting preserves
or by state wildlife agencies. Game birds may include guinea fowl, partridges, peacocks, pheasants, pigeons
and doves, quail or squab (a young pigeon), swans, wild turkeys and some ducks, such as mallards or wood
ducks. Only a few species of pheasants, partridges and quail are raised as flight-ready birds; an incredible
number of species and variants are raised for the “decorative pet” exhibit or hobby market.

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School Year 2022-2023
Classifications of Poultry and Game

Chickens and other poultry may be divided into classes which are essentially of the same physical
characteristics associated with age, sex, live weight and/or breed.

1. Broiler or Fryer - A broiler or fryer is young chicken, usually 9 to 12 weeks

of age, of either sex, is tender-meat with soft, pliable, smooth-textured skin.

2. Roaster - A roaster is usually 5 to 6 months of age.

3. Capon - A capon is a surgically desexed male chicken usually under 8

months of age.

4. Stag - A stag is a male chicken, usually under 10 months of age, with

coarse skin, with somewhat toughened and darkened flesh.

5. Hen or Stewing Chicken - It is a mature female chicken which is usually

more than 10 months of age. It can also be a culled layer.

6. Cock or Rooster - It is a mature male chicken with coarse skin, toughened

and darkened meat and hardened breastbone tip.

7. Jumbo Broiler - This is a large chicken about 4 kg. dressed weight which
are on sale especially during the Christmas holiday.

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School Year 2022-2023
Other Poultry

Peking duck - This is a breed of duck that originated from China and is noted for its
tender and flavorful meat.

Duck or Itik is available and popular in many towns of Rizal as fried itik.

Squab - This is a young immature pigeon of either sex and has extra tender meat.

Selecting Good Quality Poultry and Game

1. Live Poultry
● It has clear eyes.
● A young chicken has fine and soft feet. If it is old, the feet are thick and scaly.
● The bone at the tip of the breast is soft in younger chicken and thick in older ones.
● Small feathers indicate that the chicken is young.

2. Whole Poultry - These are slaughtered birds that have been bled and de-feathered.
● Their head, feet and viscera are still intact.
● They are clean, well fleshed.
● They have moderate fat coverings.
● They are free from pin feathers and show no cuts, scars or missing skin.

3. Dressed Poultry - These are slaughtered birds that have been bled, de-feathered, and the visceral
organs are removed.
● The skin is smooth and yellow in color
● The breast is plump
● The thighs are well-developed
● It has no objectionable odor
● It is heavy and the skin is not watery

4. Ready-to-Cook. The dressed birds may be cut up and marinated or seasoned.

5. Poultry Parts - Several pieces of a single poultry part are usually packed in one carton, wrapped and
chilled or frozen. The various poultry parts are divided into any of the following:
● dark meat – drumsticks, thighs, wings, neck, backs, and rib cage
● white meat – breasts
● giblets – gizzard and heart

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School Year 2022-2023
Nutritional Value/Components of Poultry and Game

Like meat, poultry contains high-quality proteins. Chicken, the most consumed among the fowls, has
22.6% protein, 76.3% water and traces of fat, vitamins and minerals.

Poultry meat consists of dark and white muscles. Dark muscles are those found in parts of a fowl's body
that are always used. These are the legs, thigh, wings, neck and rib cage. These are richer in fat, have more
connective tissues, and have higher riboflavin and myoglobin content. Most people prefer dark meat over white
meat (from the breast) because of its juiciness and flavor. Variety meats refer to the meat of such organs as the
gizzard, heart, kidneys and liver.

Preparation of poultry for cooking

● Slaughter and bleeding

● Scalding
● Defeathering
● Evisceration
● Deboning

Market Forms of Poultry

1. Live poultry - Live poultry should be healthy, alert, and well-feathered. Avoid poultry which have bruises,
blisters and broken bones.

2. Whole poultry - Though not alive, the criteria for selecting live poultry also apply to whole poultry.

3. Dressed poultry - This is the most available poultry in the market. Dressed poultry are actually
slaughtered poultry with the head, feet, blood, feathers and internal organs removed. Good quality
dressed poultry should be free from slime, off-odors and discoloration.

4. Drawn poultry - These are dressed poultry that have been chilled or frozen. They are usually available
in groceries.

5. Ready-to cook - These are poultry parts such as wings, breasts, thighs, or drumsticks which have been
separately packed in a single container and frozen or chilled.

Different Cuts of Poultry

1. Whole chicken - Whole chickens are marketed as either fresh or frozen.

2. Halves - The bird is split from front to back through the backbone and keel to
produce 2 halves of approximately equal weight.

3. Breast quarters - Halves may be further cut to include the wing. A breast quarter,
including portions of the back, is all white meat.

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4. Split breast - A breast quarter with the wing removed.

5. Split breast without back - A breast quarter with wing and back portion removed.

6. Boneless, skinless breast - Split breast that has been skinned and deboned.

7. 8-Piece cut - The whole bird is cut into 2 breast halves with ribs and back portion,
2 wings, 2 thighs with back portion and 2 drumsticks. The parts may be packaged
together and labelled as whole cut-up chicken. These are usually sold without giblets.

8. Whole chicken wing - The whole chicken wing is an all-white meat portion
composed of three sections; the drumette, mid-section, and tip.

9. Wing drummettes - The first section between the shoulder and the elbow.

10. Wing mid-section with tip - The flat center section and the flipper (wing tip).

11. Wing mid-section - The section between the elbow and the tip, sometimes called
the wing flat or mid-joint.

12. Whole chicken leg - The whole chicken leg is the drumstick-thigh combination.
The whole leg differs from the leg quarter and does not contain a portion of the back.

13. Boneless, skinless leg - Whole chicken leg with skin and bone removed.

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School Year 2022-2023
14. Thigh - The thigh is the portion of the leg above the knee joint.

15. Boneless, skinless thigh - Thigh with skin and bone removed.

16. Drumsticks - Drumsticks include the lower portion of the leg quarter (the portion
between the knee joint and the hock).

17. Giblets - Includes heart, liver, and neck.

It is important to know the different classifications of poultry and game for us to be able to identify their use.
Also, we buy poultry or game because of two reasons. First because we want to raise it for business
purposes. Second is for food because poultry is intended to be eaten. Lastly, poultry is cut depending on
the dish that you are going to cook.

After you have read and understood our lesson, you are now ready to do the activity.

Activity Time!

Answer your quiz on page 8 entitled Quiz No.1. Poultry and Game

“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.”
- Leonardo da Vinci -
Congratulations! I knew you could do it! ☺

● file:///C:/Users/PC%20Users/Downloads/cookery_g10_learning_module.pdf
● https://www.jonespoultry.com/trivia.php
● https://www.slideshare.net/chechay123/poultry-and-game-ppt-155438448
● https://www.agmrc.org/commodities-products/agritourism/game-birds
● http://animalscience.uconn.edu/extension/poultry-extension-4-h_2_1874982872.pdf


Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 10 Page 7 of 8
School Year 2022-2023
Name: ___________________________________ Grade10 ___________________
Weeks 26 and 27 Date: Feb. 27 – March 03, 2023 & March 06 – 10, 2023

Quiz No. 1. Poultry and Game

A. Observe the pictures below and identify what market form of poultry is referred to.

B. Complete the table below. Give 15 examples of chicken recipes. Then determine what poultry cut is
required by the recipe.

Chicken Recipe Poultry Cut

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