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“___________________________.”[ from starting till 0:00:18]

“A person interested in transcendental knowledge must

therefore always directly and indirectly enquire about it, to know
the all pervading truth “.Purport by His Divine Grace A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad .

Those who are serious about the knowledge of the spiritual

world which is far beyond the material cosmic creation, must
approach a bonafide spiritual master to learn the science, both
directly and indirectly. One must learn both the means to
approach the desired destination. Any hindrance to such
progress, Spiritual master knows how to regulate the habits of
a neophyte devotee. Therefore a serious student must learn the
success in all its aspects. _____________[0:01:26----0:01:33]
means indirectly. Bhagvatam describes we must therefore learn
to enquire both directly and indirectly and in the Bhagvatam it
is said that one must approach the spiritual master to
understand ______________[0:01:54—0:02:06]. In order to
approach the _____________[0:02:08] of bhagvatam we must
first submissively humble ourselves before the person
bhagvatam, sadhus and spiritual master and ,we must learn
both directly and indirectly how to approach the absolute truth.
Directly means what Rupa Goswami explains, “ To accept
those things favorable for devotional service and indirectly
means how to reject those things unfavorable for devotional
service._________________[0:02:43---0:03:07] so this is what we
mean by directly and indirectly and surrender means to follow
these two principles of spiritual master….haan? What is good
for us we accept and what is bad for us we reject. Sadhana
bhakti is composition of two part Vaidhi bhakti and Raganuga
bhakti. In the Vaidhi Bhakti state, we still have very much
inclination for these things which are not conducive to our
spiritual life. Therefore we must understand, what the true
nature of these things is. As we have been discussing this in
last few days of our class_____________[0:03:50—0:03:56]
process by which maya keeps the conditioned soul within
illusion. A devotee must very carefully understand and know
those things and must avoid those things which are not
conducive to one’s spiritual life and of course in the line of
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu we are all Rupanugas which means
all of our acharyas are bringing to us according to time and
circumstances teachings of Srila Rupa Goswami.

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as we know in his lila as a

preacher. He only wrote eight verses of sikshashtakam and the
rest of his teachings were spoken and he especially instructed
Srila Rupa Goswami that the purpose of putting them into
writing for our people to follow_______________[0:05:00]. So in
this regard______________ [0:05:02] we would like to read the
six most important principles to accept and this week I would
like all of us to memorize this twelve principle and there will
be a test ______________[0:05:35---0:05:46].

One’s devotional services are spoiled when he becomes too

entangled in following six activities. Eating more than necessary
or collecting funds more than required. When we eat more
than necessary , Srila Rupa Goswami explains, “ There is a
direct line into the tongue, belly , and genitals. And if u
cannot control your tongue there’s no possibility to your other
senses and if u control your tongue then very easily all the
other senses will be controlled. Sometimes the human body is
compared to a boat which takes us across the ocean of
material existence and the tongue is the radar. You know what
is the radar? It is that little part in the bottom of the boat
that streams the whole boat_________________[0:06:49] tongue
that is symbolic of ___________[0:06:51] and according to the
direction the radar is going, the whole boat will go in that
direction. Sometimes you have a massive ocean cruises and
hold three thousand people on. The radar is not very big. It’s
just a small piece but it is directing the entire direction of the
ship. Similarly how we control or do not control our tongue
determines the direction of our life. So Rupa Goswami explains
the same principle. Not eating more than necessary or
collecting more funds than required because they are both
principles of greed, lobha. The animals, most animals, they
would eat what they need and leave the rest behind. But the
human being will eat far more than he needs and then after
he eats, far more than he needs or collect whatever more
___________ [0:08:03] and greed mind. But a devotee he is
only greedy for one thing, only service. Devotee must be
greedy for service. A devotee must be greedy to hear about
Krishna. A devotee should be greedy to chant the names of
Krishna. A devotee should be greedy for more and more and
more seva. Sacrifice to Krishna, that greed is required but the
perverted reflection of that greed is when we want to employ
more and more and more for our own senses. Immediately
through reading …..Pundit’s name charvak muni. He said the
goal of life is sense gratification and the best type of sense
gratification is nice food cooked in ghee. Therefore beg, borrow,
steal whatever you have to do, get ghee. That is the goal of
life. He has a desciplic succession who follows…. Practically
the whole planet earth is directly or indirectly is his disciple
(laughter) in his line. This is greed …what we can’t put in our
bellies today. We stuff it as much as we can , as many
palatable things as possible and what we cannot we collect.
Collect money, collect land, collect all sorts of properties for
what purpose? So that we are insured in the future to always
have our sense gratification. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
instructed Srila Raghunath Das Goswami. “__________[0:10:03]”.
Actually he didn’t instruct, when he saw how Raghunath Das
Goswami was so much controlling his senses. The chaitanya
charitamrita describes Raghunath Das was such a wealthy
young man coming from most wealthy family, practically in all
of Bengal._________[0:10:29---0:10:42] beautiful everything. He
was young. At the time of life when most people’s senses are
most ready to enjoy whatever facilities are given. But he left it
all. A great hardship ________[0:10:55] and he went to
Jagannath Puri to perform tapasya and his father and mother
and uncle were so _________[0:11:07] to see he was
performing tapasya. He escaped in the middle of the night,
went to ____________[0:11:14]. Became a renunciate and his
father he sent so many spies and messengers to try to find
him…… But one time when the devotees came back in Bengal
from Jagannath Puri, father asked, “Did you see my
Raghunath? ”. “ Oh ! yes we saw”. “ How is he doing?”.
“____________[0:11:36] because he doesn’t eat anything except
remnants that cows reject.[Laughs]….and he sleeps on a hard
floor and he only wears that one cloth which is a discarded
old rag that somebody has thrown in the garbage and…There
is always tears of love___________[0:12:05] for us when we
hear about this. Ecstatic to hear about somebody like that. His
parents, they did not have that vision. They were just in
tremendous pain. So they began to send him money. They
would send him money, box of money every month and
Raghunath Das Goswami instead of using it for himself. He
will take all the money and make a big wonderful feast for all
the vaishnavas_______________[0:12:41---0:12:46]. He would just
take the remnants people left on the _____________[0:12:50]
[laughs] …And in this way there was these wonderful feasts
and then one time Lord Chaitanya , he wasn’t being invited to
these feasts for sometime…. “Haan! Where is Raghunath? Why
is he not inviting me for feast ?” and Svarup Damodar
Goswami told him that he didn’t want to take any more money
from his parents like this because he was thinking that his life
was not simple, depending on these wealthy people for these
things. He wanted to be independent. Simply depend on
Krishna ….. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Haan…very good! How
is he eating”. He said, “Now what he is doing is, he is
begging at ___________[0:13:41] gate. He is just like a beggar.
Just stands. Lord Chaitanya would see him begging. After
sometime he noticed, Raghunath was not begging. “Why is he
not begging?”. “Because when he was sitting in front of
Jagannath temple, when people would walk by, he would start
to think in his mind, what is this person going to give me?
Yesterday this person gave me something, why he did not give
me today? And he was just seeing everybody in terms of
what they will give him, which was interfering with his selfless
spirit of serving all other beings not expecting anything from
others. This pollution to his consciousness, he declared was not
Krishna Consciousness. Therefore now he does not beg”. And
he said just like a prostitute. A prostitute sees every man

So Raghunath had such a very very pure unmotivated

devotional spirit. “What is he eating now?” “ He is eating
now…he is only taking some….when, after the Jagannath pujaris
sell the Mahaprasad at the market, people buy and what is
not bought would start to go rotten. They throw behind the
temple where the _________[0:15:17] cows are? It’s the
garbage heap and cows they eat the rotten food but some
food is so rotten that cows spit it out. After the cows go to
sleep at night Raghunath goes and he collects that food the
cows spit out rejected and he washes the outer portion and
eats the inner part. That’s all he eats”. So Chaitanya hearing
the glories of Raghunath’s pure devotional love ,he spoke this
verse_______________[0:16:02---0:16:08] which means that one
who is too much attached to wandering here and there in
order to satisfy tongue and belly and genitals, such a person
can never attain Krishna. Do not try to imitate Raghunath Das
Goswami. Following his footsteps means eating very simple
foods. Not eating more than required. Lord Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu also explained to Raghunath, when he asked Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu [0:17:01----0:17:08] and Raghunath was
so humble that generally he would not ask Lord Chaitanya
questions directly. Even though he was in so much of his
personal direct association. He understood that Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu was Krishna himself and we should not accept
Krishna except through the mercy of Guru. So he found
greater pleasure always addressing his questions through
Swarup Damodar and Swarup Damodar Goswami would make
the enquiries on behalf of Raghunath. So one time Raghunath
was standing right there, Swarup Damodar was there and
Mahaprabhu was there and Swarup Damodar said, “My dear
Mahaprabhu, Raghunath has a question. He has given up so
much material wealth. He has given up everything of this world
to take to the renounced order of life in your loving service
but he doesn’t know, why he has renounced everything? and
he doesn’t know what his duties are? Now that he is in
renounced order of life. So can you please give instructions”.
He said, “Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu __________[0:18:15—
0:18:29]. He said that you should not eat very palatable food
nor should you eat more than is required…..[0:18:45—0:18:56]
that means that one should first of all control the tongue. One
should not speak what the ordinary people of this world are
speaking – Gramya Katha. Write this down. One should not
speak nonsense, prajalpa, gramya katha. Nor should one hear
these things. Little definition is, one should not speak all these
ordinary village talk and one should not hear what these
people say. One should not eat luxuriously and one should not
decorate one’s body with fine clothes. One should in the
renounced order always chant the holy names of the Lord and
in his mind he should always be engaged in the loving service
of Lord Sri Krishna. So these are the duties of one who is in
renounced order of life. Swarup Goswami explains that the first
principle that must be avoided is eating more than necessary
or collecting funds more than required. In other words being
greedy. Over-endeavoring for mundane things that are very
difficult to attain. For Krishna we can endeavor but for
ourselves we should have Simple Living High Thinking.
Whatever comes by its own accord, naturally, we should be
happy with that. We find great acharyas Ramanujacharya, some
of the predecessor guru of Ramanujacharya , how they built
the Sri Rangam temple with so many very orthodox methods
and how Srila Prabhupad built temples in Sri Mayapur,
Vrindavan, Bombay…..great endeavors but those endeavors are
not for themselves. Those endeavors are for upliftment of
humanity and glorification of God. So devotees can go through
great efforts in the service of the Lord. Arjuna was demanded
to make great endeavors to attain victory in that battle. But a
devotee should not endeavor much for mundane things for
one’s own purposes. One should lead a very simple life .
Three is talking unnecessary about mundane subject matters.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur used to say, “Mundane
talk breeds mundane thoughts which breeds the repetition of
birth ,old age, diseases and death”. What is that mean? In the
beginning of our downfalls___________[0:22:28] prajalpa,
nonsense. We can also say a fool remains undetected till he
opens his mouth and Lord Jesus in the Bible he said, “ It’s
not that what’s in the mouth that is so important, it’s what
comes out of the mouth, [laughs] not always the most
important thing is. Our consciousness is so much determined
by what we speak. Therefore we find really truly great
devotees who are right devotees not in just external form but
in their hearts. They have no inclination to find faults in
others. This is one of the principles Rupa Goswami explains.
They are free from that disease propensity to find faults in
others. They are too busy glorifying the sweet qualities
of________[0:23:32]. Practicing the scriptural rules and
regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the
sake of spiritual advancement or rejecting the rules and
regulations of the scriptures. Krishna explains in the Gita, “One
who does not have faith in following the principles in
scriptures, for them there is happiness neither in this life nor
in the next”. Therefore one must follow the rules and
regulations of the scriptures and there are many so called
gurus and the so called vaishnavas, who can __________
[0:24:19] to their own process without ___________[0:24:24] their
lives in the teaching to a genuine sampradaya of a desciplic
succession and they teach so many diversions to their
desciples and make sure they teach the chanting of the holy
name and the worship of Lord Krishna. But as far as the
rules and regulations are, of how to worship ? what to avoid?
What to accept?. They say all, “ No! No! this is for very
immature people”. They are teaching something much greater.
They are not very much concerned with the rules and
regulations, accepting initiation , following processes, taking
vows. But in the bonafide sampradaya we find these things are
always very much present, very much manifested in the serious
seeker of the truth .

So therefore to reject or to compromise the rules and

regulations of scriptures, working independently or
whimsically___________[0:25:29---0:25:34]. We find many teachers
here in India. They may teach about Lord Chaitanya. They
may teach about Radha and Krishna. But without following in
the footsteps of great previous acharyas such as Rupa
Goswami and simply presenting what they have taught, they
teach in their own way, what they want, whimsically. Leaving
aside these rules and regulations. _________[0:26:04-0:26:07].
But those tears should not be taken very seriously. Prabhupad
explains that they wash away the conclusions of the Vedas.
Better that one becomes just a simple serious devotee and
humbly submits himself to the previous acharyas and follows in
that way. But then again it is explained here that practicing
the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of
following them. Throughout the world we find this. People are
so much concerned with, very exactly, in the orthodox method
performing ritual. They have no real aspiration to attain the
goal of that ritual and in this way the ritual rather than
helping them to become the humble servant of servant of
servant. Those very rituals just intoxicates their false pride .
haan…. “Just see how I am, very good brahman and I am
performing this ritual so nicely. I am better than you and oh
you cannot perform this ritual so nicely. You are low class”.
That’s the consciousness that is derived by performing the puja.
They are having the opposite effect. The whole purpose of all
puja is to humble our consciousness, to be servant of servant
of servant and that’s the purpose of all our pujas to purify our
heart, bringing to that humble position, ‘tranad api sunichena
taror api sahisnuna’. Humble than a blade of grass, tolerant
like a tree. This is why we perform all of our activities

Associating with worldly minded persons who are not interested

in Krishna Consciousness. What we associate we become
that. We were reading the teachings of Lord Chaitanya
yesterday. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said that I would rather be
imprisoned in a cage that is filled with raging fire than to be
in the association of non-devotees. Why? Because that raging
fire, the most it can do is burn the body. But being in the
association of non-devotees poison your _____________[0:28:57]
poisons your heart, poison your spiritual capacities. Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu in another place also said that it is better to drink
poison willingly than to associate with people who are too
much addicted to women and sense gratification and worldly

And number six is being greedy for mundane achievements.

Mundane achievement means given a position in spiritual life.
We are greedy to become temple president, greedy to become
sankirtan leader. Greedy to become a GBC or Spiritual Master.
Greedy to become a cook and ____________0:30:10---0:30:15]
[laughs]…later on u purify..[laughs]. In this way we should not
be greedy for any mundane achievement and the post is
mundane. The service is what is spiritual. We should know
that. Even in spiritual life. What is spiritual is devotional
service. The facility for service is spiritual but the post without
that spirit is simply material._____________[0:30:51—0:31:08] and
what is head pujari mean. It means the servant of the deities
and that my duty is to engage, is to assist every devotee in
the service to the deity. Every devotee that comes as Krishna’s
dear friend, it is my duty to make all nice facilities and
accommodations for them to assist in the puja to the deities.
What is the position of head cook? To assist all other
devotees by helping them to cook for Krishna and for the
other vaishnavas. To assist everyone in the service by giving
them nice nourishing simple Krishna Prasad. What is the duty
of temple president? That my Guru Maharaj, he is in charge
of this temple and all these devotees are very dear to him
and my service is to somehow or other assist him in the
service of the Lord. What is the proper understanding of the
Spiritual Master. He does not think I am the lord of the
desciples. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur used to say, “ I
am simply thinking is that my Guru Maharaj has sent me all
these wonderful wonderful devotees and they are his property
and his children and somehow or other I have been given
good fortune of serving them, assisting them in service of my
Guru Maharaj. So no one in Krishna Consciousness aspires for
a position other than being servant of servant of servant. And
to be greedy for mundane achievements even in spiritual circles
means to want some position, to want some facility, not for
the sake of service but for the sake of having that for
oneself. And this consciousness according to Rupa Goswami
spoils devotional service. And sixth principle favorable for
devotional service; being enthusiastic. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati
Thakur used to say, “ In order to be a preacher you must
have life. That is the first most important qualification you must
have life. You must be enthusiastic. If you are not enthusiastic
you must forcibly act enthusiastic and enthusiasm will come.
Endeavoring with confidence. What is that confidence that what
I am doing is executing the order of the Guru. Because order
of the Guru is empowered by grace of Krishna. Therefore I
have nothing to fear. There should be no reservation when we
engage in devotional service. Let people talk. Our spiritual
authority tells us to do something and everybody else, even
amongst the devotees, criticize us for doing that. What do we
care? We know we are simply trying to please our Guru
Maharaj and there is no other consideration to make. This is
the mundane platform, to take the order of Spiritual Master to
be something relative, something subjected to opinions. If we
simply surrender to Krishna. Simply surrender to Guru Maharaj’s
words, all things will be attained. This is the confidence in
which we must execute all of our activities. This confidence
comes by being patient. Patient means being servant. The
master does something and expects something in return
according to his demands. Patient servant expects nothing in
return. He simply serves for the sake of service and whenever
and wherever Krishna wants to bestow that mercy upon him,
let him do or not do. Haan…that is what ________[0:36:05]. Not
business mentality. I have been a devotee for six months. I
have been a devotee for six years. Why my heart has not
been pure yet? Why Krishna is not speaking to me on the
altar? Why my Guru Maharaj is not putting garland around
me? And putting me on high position….haan? Why I still have
these lusty desires. I give up ! I have done my sadhna as
the contract. Krishna has not done yet. Many devotees leave
and go back. This means that you have never really been in
the proper consciousness. Infact that you are thinking like this
is the reason why Krishna has never given you what you
wanted. We are not coming as business man. We are coming
as servant. We have faith, we have confidence. It’s Krishna’s
promise ____________[0:36:56---0:37:00].

Always think of me. Become my devotee and I promise you

will come to me without fail. When he doesn’t say? He will.
Therefore a devotee is patient. One devotee of Lord Sri
Chaitanya. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu banished him from the
association of himself and he said, “I’ll never see this devotee
again”. The devotee was Mukunda. “I’ll never see this Mukunda

___________________[0:37:35---0:37:47] when devotees came

and appealed Krishna, “ You will never see him again”.

Mahaprabhu said, “ After 10,000 births I’ll see him again”.
When the news came this devotee became ecstatic and began
to dance and cry in joy. They said, “ Why are you dancing
and chanting”. He said, “ Mercy of Lord Chaitanya is so
valuable. It’s guaranteed that I’ll achieve his mercy after ten
thousand births, that’s a great benediction. His causeless mercy
I do not deserve such a benediction. That is patience

Acting according to required principles such as shravanam,

kirtanam, vishnoh smaranam. Hearing chanting and remembering
krisna. We must very carefully adhere to the regulative
principles. Specially chanting two hours for sixteen rounds
everyday. Remembering Krishna, controlling our mind
______________________[0:39:00] sense gratification and always
engaging one’s limbs in Krishna’s service. Abandoning the
association of non-devotees.

Six-following in the footsteps of previous acharyas. These six

undoubtedly bring success in devotional service. Verse from
Srimad Bhagvatam which we are reading today is describing
how one must directly and indirectly enquire about the all
pervading truth and then Srila Prabhupad ______________
[0:39:42]. We are reading prabhupad’s purport. From this and
the preceding three verses of Chaitanya Charitamrita, which
have been selected from the Srimad Bhagvatam, the missionary
activities of Lord Chaitanya can be understood. Srimad
Bhagvatam has 18000 verses which are summarized in the four
verses which we have just read. Beginning with ‘Aham
__________[0:40:10]” and concluding in ____________[ 0:40:14].
In the first of these verses the transcendental nature of Lord
Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is explained.
Second verse further explains Lord’s detachment from the
working of the material energy or maya. The living entities as
part and parcel of Lord Krishna prove to be controlled by
external energy. Because although they are spiritual. In the
material world they are encaged in bodies of material energy.
The eternal relationship of the living entities with the Supreme
Lord is explained in that verse. The next verse 55, instructs
that the Supreme Personality of Godhead by his inconceivable
energy is simultaneously one and different from the living
entities and material energy. This knowledge is called achintya
bheda- abheda tattva. When an individual living entity
surrenders to Lord Krishna. He then develops natural
transcendental love for the Supreme Lord. This surrendering
process should be the primary concern for a human being. In
the next verse it is said, “The conditioned soul must ultimately
approach a bonafide Spiritual Master and try to perfectly
understand the material and spiritual worlds ______________
[0:41:27]. Here the words ‘_____________[0:41:33]’ directly and
indirectly suggests that one must learn the process of devotion
service in it’s true aspects. One directly execute the process of
devotional service and indirectly avoid the impediments to
progress. So any questios? _________________[0:42:02—0:42:28]
[ laughs]. It refers to many things. Also refers to jeevatma
which is coming from the tathasta shakti and the parmatma,
they are both one and different. One in quality , in quantity
they are different. This is completely on a transcendental
spiritual platform._______________[0:43:00-0:43:09] Krishna is one
and different on spiritual level from all of his parts and parcels
and at the same time he is one and different from this
material world. This achintya bheda-abheda tattva philosophy.
Krishna is ______________[0:43:51] on every level. Krishna the
source with all of the spiritual and material creations on every
level is simultaneously one and different. Any other questions ?
____________________[0:43:51---0:44:54]. Bhagavatam was
spoken by Sukhdev Goswami, written by Ved Vyas. The entire
team of Bhagvatam. That is what we know as Srimad
Bhagvatam. Words spoken by Sukhdev Goswami to Maharaj
Parikshit, as did his father Vyaas Dev, who originally spoke to
Sukhdev. Srimad Bhagvatam are not the words spoken by
Krishna to Brahma. It explains the words of Krishna spoke to
Brahma and elaboration by Vyaas Dev and Sukhdev is what

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