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Words and Definitions

Word Part of Speech Definition Week Unit

Abundant Adjective Available in large quantities; plentiful 1 1
Compose Verb Write or create; constitute or make up 1 1
Distinguish Verb Perceive or point out a difference 1 1
Gauge Verb Estimate or determine the magnitude, amount, or volume of 1 1
Intrepid Adjective Fearless; adventurous 1 1
Align or position (something) relative to the points of a compass or other
Orient Verb 1 1
specified positions
Residual Adjective Remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone 1 1
Vindicate Verb Clear of blame or suspicion 1 1
Aloof Adjective Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant 2 1
Consecutive Adjective Following continuously, an unbroken or logical sequence 2 1
Emerge Verb Move out of or away from something and come into view 2 1
Hackneyed Adjective Lacking significance through having been overused 2 1
Jubilation Noun A feeling of great happiness and triumph 2 1
Peril Noun Serious and immediate danger 2 1
Sagacity Noun The quality of showing good judgement; intelligence 2 1
Analyze Verb Examine in detail, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation 3 1

Corollary Noun A proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved 3 1

Enervating Adjective Causing one to feel drained of energy or vitality 3 1

A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a
Hypothesis Noun 3 1
starting point for further investigation

Latter Adjective Situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning 3 1

Precede Verb Come before (something) in time 3 1

Solemn Adjective Formal and dignified 3 1
Apprehensive Adjective Anxious or fearful that something bad will happen 4 1
Cumbersome Adjective Large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use unwieldy 4 1
Erode Verb Gradually wear away 4 1
Impervious Adjective Unable to be affected by 4 1
Malevolent Adjective Having or showing a wish to do evil to others 4 1
Principle Noun A fundamental source or basis of something 4 1
A substance or layer that underlies something, or on which some process occurs,
Substrate Noun 4 1
in particular
Assess Verb Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of 5 1
Depict Verb Show or represent by a drawing, painting, words, or other art form 5 1
Exasperation Noun A feeling of intense irritation or annoyance 5 1
Inclined Verb Have a tendency to do something; feel favorably disposed 5 1
Mishap Noun An unlucky accident 5 1
Prolong Verb Extend the duration of 5 1
Superlative Adjective Of the highest quality or degree 5 1
Benevolent Adjective Well-meaning and kindly 6 1

Diffuse Verb Spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people 6 1

Extenuate Verb Make (guilt or an offense) seem less serious or more forgivable 6 1
Incremental Adjective One of a series of regular additions or contributions 6 1
A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or
Nostalgia Noun 6 1
place with happy personal associations
Querulous Adjective Complaining in a petulant or whining manner 6 1
Tenacious Adjective Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely 6 1
Combustion Noun The process of burning 7 1
Disinclined Adjective Lacking desire or willingness; unwilling 7 1
Florid Adjective Elaborately or excessively intricate or complicated 7 1
Intact Adjective Not damaged or impaired in any way; complete 7 1
Omit Verb Leave out or exclude, either intentionally or forgetfully 7 1
Redundant Adjective Not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous 7 1
Trivial Adjective Of little value or importance 7 1
Adhere Verb Stick completely to a surface; believe in and follow the practices of 8 2
Conceivable Adjective Capable of being imagined or grasped 8 2
Dynamic Adjective Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress 8 2
Generalize Verb Make general or broad statement by inferring from specific cases 8 2
The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious
Intuition Noun 8 2
Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract
Ostentatious Adjective 8 2
Reverence Noun Deep respect for someone or something 8 2
Void Adjective Not valid or legally binding 8 2
Altitude Noun The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level 9 2
An outline, especially one representing or bounding the shape or form of
Contour Noun 9 2
Eminent Adjective Used to emphasize the presence of a positive quality 9 2
Hardship Noun Severe suffering or privation 9 2
Justify Verb Show or prove to be right or reasonable 9 2
Perpetual Adjective Never-ending or changing 9 2
Scrutinize Verb Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly 9 2
Anecdote Noun A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person 10 2
Have a mutual relationship or connection in which one thing affects or depends on
Correlate Verb 10 2
Engage Verb Participate or become involved in 10 2
Immerse Verb Dip or submerge in a liquid; fully involve oneself in an activity or event 10 2
Lethargic Adjective Sluggish and apathetic 10 2

Precocious Adjective Having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual 10 2

A liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed
Solution Noun 10 2
within the major component (the solvent)
Arcane Adjective Mysterious or secret 11 2
Decelerate Verb Reduce speed, slow down, cause to move more slowly 11 2

Ethereal Adjective Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world 11 2

Impetuous Adjective Acting or done quickly and without thought or care 11 2

Maturation Noun The action or process of maturing 11 2
Procrastinate Verb Delay or postpone action; put off doing something 11 2
Subtle Adjective So delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe 11 2
Assiduous Adjective Showing great care and perseverance 12 2

Determine Verb Ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation 12 2

Exert Verb Make a physical or mental effort 12 2

Incompatible Adjective Two things so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing together 12 2

Mobile Adjective Able to move or be moved freely or easily 12 2

Proportional Adjective Corresponding in size or amount to something else 12 2
Surreptitious Adjective Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of 12 2
Burgeon Verb Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish 13 2
Digress Verb Leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing 13 2
Facilitate Verb Make an action or process easier 13 2
Indissoluble Adjective Unable to be destroyed; lasting 13 2
Notion Noun A conception of or belief about something 13 2
Rancorous Adjective Characterized by bitterness or resentment 13 2
Trait Noun A distinguishing quality or characteristic 13 2
Compassion Noun Pity and concern for others 14 2
Dismay Verb Cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress 14 2
Fortuitous Adjective Happening by accident or chance rather than design 14 2
Integrate Verb Combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole 14 2
Onset Noun The beginning of something, especially something unpleasant 14 2
Reflect Verb Think deeply or carefully about 14 2

Uniform Adjective Not changing in form or character; remaining the same in all cases and at all times 14 2

Adulation Noun Excessive admiration or praise 15 3

Condescending Adjective Having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority 15 3
Eclipse Verb Obscure the light from or to 15 3
Given Noun A known or established fact or situation 15 3
Using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning;
Intuitive Adjective 15 3
A statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning
Paradox Noun from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically 15 3
unacceptable, or self-contradictory
Revive Verb Restore to consciousness 15 3
Wary Adjective Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems 15 3
Ambiguous Adjective Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning 16 3
Contract Verb Decrease in size, number, or range 16 3
Emit Verb Produce and discharge 16 3
Haughty Adjective Arrogantly superior and disdainful 16 3
Lack Verb Be without or deficient in 16 3
Think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching
Ponder Verb 16 3
a conclusion
Of or relating to sensation or the physical senses; transmitted or perceived by
Sensory Adjective 16 3
the senses
Antagonize Verb Cause someone to become hostile 17 3
Correspond Verb Having a close similarity match or agree almost exactly 17 3
Engross Verb Absorb all the attention or interest of 17 3
Imminent Adjective About to happen 17 3
Someone hired by a business or a cause to persuade legislators to support that
Lobbyist Noun 17 3
business or cause
Predate Verb Exist or occur at a date earlier than 17 3
Spontaneity Noun The condition of being unplanned or unprepared 17 3
Arid Adjective Having little or no rain, dry; or lacking interest or support 18 3
Deficit Noun The amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small 18 3
The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more
Evolution Noun 18 3
complex form
Represent (something especially something undesirable as being done, caused, or
Impute Verb 18 3
possessed by someone
Mere Adjective That is solely or no more or better than what is specified 18 3
Proficient Adjective Competent or skilled in doing or using something 18 3
Superficial Adjective Existing or occurring at or on the surface 18 3
Attribute Verb Regard something as being caused by someone or something 19 3
Devoid Adjective Entirely lacking or free from 19 3
Exhibit Verb Manifest or deliberately display (a quality or type of behavior) 19 3
Incompetent Adjective Not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully 19 3
Mundane Adjective Lacking interest or excitement; dull 19 3
Prosperity Noun The state of being successful 19 3
Sustainable Adjective Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level 19 3
A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to
Characteristic Noun 20 3
identify it
Diminish Verb Make or become less 20 3
Feign Verb Pretend to be affected by something 20 3
Inevitable Adjective Certain to happen; unavoidable 20 3
Obsolete Adjective No longer produced or used; out of date 20 3
Realized Verb Become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly 20 3
Transient Adjective Lasting only for a short time; impermanent 20 3
Make up for something unwelcome or unpleasant by exerting an opposite force
Compensate Verb 21 3
or effect
Disposition Noun A person's inherent qualities of mind and character 21 3
Frugal Adjective Sparing or economical with regard to food or money3 21 3

Integrity Noun The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness 21 3

Opulent Adjective Ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish 21 3

Relevant Adjective Closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand 21 3
Unrealized Adjective Not achieved or created 21 3
Adversity Adjective Difficulties or misfortunes 22 4
Conductivity Noun The degree of which a specific material conducts electricity 22 4

Efficient Adjective Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense 22 4

Glaring Adjective Highly obvious or conspicuous 22 4

Jovial Adjective Cheerful and friendly 22 4
Pensive Adjective Engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought 22 4
Rudimentary Adjective Involving or limited to basic principles 22 4
Wholly Adverb Entirely; fully 22 4
Amicable Adjective Having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement 23 4
Contradict Verb Deny the truth of (a statement) especially by asserting the opposite 23 4
Empathy Noun The ability to understand and share the feelings of another 23 4

Hurtle Noun Move or cause to move at a great speed, typically in a wildly uncontrolled manner 23 4

Latent Adjective Existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden; concealed 23 4
Potent Adjective Having great power, influence, or effect 23 4
Skeptical Adjective Not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations 23 4
Anticipate Verb Regard as probable; expect or predict 24 4
Critical Adjective Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgment 24 4
Enhance Verb Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of 24 4
Immobile Adjective Not moving; motionless 24 4
Longevity Noun Long existence or service 24 4
Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc.,
Pretentious Adjective 24 4
than is actually possessed
Superfluous Adjective Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough 24 4
Assert Verb State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully 25 4
Demean Verb Cause a severe loss in the dignity and respect for someone or something 25 4
Exonerate Verb Release someone from (a duty or obligation) 25 4
Incendiary Adjective Designed to cause fires 25 4
Minute Adjective Infinitely or immeasurably small 25 4
Profound Adjective Very great or intense 25 4
Lacking in movement, action, or change, especially in a way viewed as undesirable
Static Adjective 25 4
or uninteresting
Befall Verb To happen to someone (usually a negative thing) 26 4
Differentiate Verb Recognize or ascertain what makes (someone or something) different 26 4
Exploit Verb Make full use of an derive benefit from (a resource) 26 4
Inconceivable Adjective Not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally, unbelievable 26 4
Feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or
Nonchalant Adjective 26 4
Pungent Adjective Having a sharply strong taste or smell 26 4
Tactful Adjective Having or showing sensitivity in dealing with others or difficult issues 26 4
Coherent Adjective Logical and consistent 27 4
Discrepancy Noun A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts 27 4
Fleeting Adjective Lasting for a very short time 27 4
Deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from
Infer Verb 27 4
explicit statements
Obstruct Verb Be or get in the way of 27 4
Reclusive Adjective Avoiding the company of other people; solitary 27 4

Trial Noun A test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something 27 4

Complement Noun A thing that completes or brings to perfection 28 4

Dissoluble Adjective Able to be dissolved , loosened, or disconnected 28 4
Fuse Verb Join or blend to form a single entity 28 4
Interval Noun A pause, or break, in activity 28 4
Orator Noun A public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled 28 4
Resent Verb Feel bitterness or indignation toward (someone, something) 28 4
Variable Noun An element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change 28 4

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