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Dor CO? transcritical system and heat recov- ery General \When the refrigerant inthe system is CO the higher pressure and temperature make it possible to recover heat fr tap water anc heating The excess heats removed using a gas cooler Regulation i cried out during transerteal and subcritical states and the controller will contro the gas pressure/condensing pres: sure so that the system achieves the optimum COP when the recovered heats taken into acount ‘The regulation ofthe heat recovery cicuitsis done with regard tothe cooling system. In the event of conflict, the safety situation is that the cooling system has higher praity than the recovery ‘Te two heat recovery citcuits can be considered as independent ircuts also with regard tothe cooling system Fist the cre for hot tap water will tke the energy it needs to Use. The remaining energy sthen avaiable for use by the next ‘ércut This also takes whats avalale. there is then any excess ‘energy this removed via the gas coole ‘Tere must be a cooling requirement in order to supply for heat recovery 4 Se se = Ths sensor must be placed inmedately athe gas ‘cooler outlet Info In normal operating conditions, the temperature at Sd wll be be- ‘ween 60 and 70°C - depending on whether itis winter or summer. Ifthe "Heat reclaim” function ito raise the condensing pressure, the temperature may increase to 90° or higher ‘The Se3 sensor should be positioned so thatit measures the at intake temperature for the gas cooler. fit measures a temperature thats toc high, the system's COP will Become impaired ‘The Sgc signal must be stable. this cannot be done using a =ys- ter sensor, it may be necessary to use an immersion tube sensor. Ifthe power supply to AK-PC 781 orthe high pressure valveVhp fails, system cannot be controlled. We recommend installing an emergency supply (UPS} for both the controller and the valve ‘to avoid faults. A relay in the UPS should be incorporated into the controllers safety ccuit so thatitcan restart safely. Remember the isolation amplifier IFsignale ate received from different controls e.g heat recovery for one o the inputs, a galvanicaly insulated module shoulé be inserted ‘There are safety function forthe inavicual regulation functions, for example: Boiling at $3, $4 ane $8 AS temperature must be lower than the gas temperature that ‘an be sent into the heat exchanger. Ifthe S$ temperature is higher the circuits not connected, The pumps kept running fora tle while before and after the {gs valves connect. It ean take up to 2 minutes forthe gas valve to change position. na capacity controller "5866602 © Danfoss 2015-03, AKPC7BI

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