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Name: Marvin R.

Calica Date: 03/10/23 Section: BSIT 2B

Instructor: Cris Norman P. Olipas Course: CC105[APP DEVELOPMENT]


The field of software development is constantly evolving, and with it, the software
development models used by developers. From the traditional Waterfall Model to the Agile
Development Models, there is no shortage of methodologies to choose from when developing
software. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these can
help developers make informed decisions about which model to use for their specific project. In
this insight paper, we will take a closer look at the different software development models and
their key features, advantages, and disadvantages.


The Classical Waterfall Model is a linear sequential software development process that
follows a strict sequential order of stages. The model consists of several phases that are executed
sequentially, with each phase being completed before the next one begins. The sequential flow of
this model also takes into account the possibility of beginning one phase after the conclusion of a
prior phase, with the passage from one sequence step to the next requiring the satisfaction of
predetermined requirements. This model was quite common in the past but is no longer used
because it does not allow room for errors in the upper level in order to pass the next level of the

Iterative Waterfall Model is a modification of the traditional Waterfall model, which breaks down
the software development process into discrete stages, each of which must be completed before
the next one can begin. In the Iterative Waterfall model, the development process is divided into
multiple smaller cycles or iterations. This model allows for flexibility and feedback during the
development process, making it more suitable for complex projects that require continuous
Spiral Model is a software development model that combines the iterative nature of the
prototyping model with the controlled and systematic aspects of the Waterfall model. In the
Spiral Model, the development process is divided into multiple cycles, which are called "spirals."
Each spiral includes four phases: planning, risk analysis, engineering, and evaluation. This model
is suitable for large-scale projects that require continuous risk assessment and adaptation to
changing circumstances.

Incremental Process Model is a software development model where the product is developed in
increments or modules, with each increment adding new functionality to the system. The
development process is divided into multiple increments, with each increment following the
traditional Waterfall model phases, including requirements gathering, design, implementation,
testing, and deployment. This model is suitable for projects with evolving requirements, as it
allows for continuous improvement and adaptation.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) model is a development process that is divided into
multiple iterations or prototypes, where each iteration includes requirements gathering, design,
implementation, and testing. The focus is on creating a working prototype quickly, which can be
evaluated and refined in subsequent iterations. This model is suitable for projects with strict time
constraints and rapidly changing requirements.

Agile Development Models are a set of software development methodologies that prioritize
flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. These models prioritize iterative
development, with frequent deliveries of working software and continuous feedback from
customers and stakeholders. This approach is suitable for projects with complex and changing
requirements, as it allows for continuous adaptation and improvement.

Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile software development methodology that emphasizes the
importance of coding, testing, and communication. In XP, developers work closely together, with
a focus on delivering working software quickly and continuously. The methodology includes
practices such as Test-Driven Development (DD), Continuous Integration (CI), and Pair
Programming. This model is suitable for projects with rapidly changing requirements and a need
for continuous delivery.

The V-Model is a software development model that emphasizes the importance of testing and
verification throughout the development process. This development process is divided into
multiple stages, with each stage corresponding to a testing phase. The stages are arranged in a V-
shape, with the requirements gathering and design phases at the top of the V, and the testing and
deployment phases at the bottom of the V. This model is suitable for projects with strict quality
control and verification requirements.


In conclusion, the various software development models have evolved over time, with
each model having its own unique approach to the software development process. While some
models follow a more linear, sequential approach, others focus on iterative development,
collaboration, and customer satisfaction. The choice of which model to use largely depends on
the nature of the project, the available resources, and the goals of the development team.

It is important to note that no single software development model is perfect or suitable for every
project. However, by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each model, developers can
make informed decisions about which model to use for a particular project.

In addition, the software development process is constantly evolving, with new models and
methodologies emerging regularly. As such, it is important for developers to stay up-to-date with
the latest trends and developments in the industry to ensure they are using the most effective and
efficient approach to software development.

Overall, the key takeaway is that the software development process is a complex and dynamic
process, and the choice of which model to use is just one of many factors that contribute to the
success of a project. By considering the unique needs of each project and staying up-to-date with
the latest trends and developments, developers can deliver high-quality software that meets the
needs of their customers and stakeholders.

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