Start Up

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1. What is Start-up?

 A startup in IT refers to a newly established business in the technology industry

that aims to develop innovative products or services. These businesses typically

operate with limited resources, with the primary objective of scaling up quickly

and generating a significant return on investment.

2. What are the goals of Sandbox?

 The Sandbox program in series is a startup incubator program that aims to

provide support and resources to aspiring entrepreneurs. Its goals include

fostering innovation, building a startup ecosystem, providing resources and

support, promoting economic growth, and developing talent. the program aims to

create a sustainable and thriving startup ecosystem.

3. What are the requirements to join sandbox?

 In the series, Sandbox program has specific requirements for startups to be

accepted. These include:
 Business Idea: The startup must have a unique and innovative business idea that

has the potential for growth and profitability.

 Team: The startup must have a competent and dedicated team with diverse skills

and expertise to execute the business idea.

 Business Plan: The startup must have a solid business plan that outlines the

vision, mission, goals, strategies, and tactics for the business.

 Minimum Viable Product (MVP): The startup must have a Minimum Viable

Product (MVP) that demonstrates the feasibility of the business idea and shows

potential for scalability.

 Pitch: The startup must be able to pitch their business idea effectively to the

Sandbox selection committee and demonstrate passion, confidence, and

conviction in their idea.

4. What is their Project all about?

 In the Sandbox competition, the Samsan Tech Project is led by Seo Dal-mi, who

is a part of the startup's team. NoonGil Project is a spin-off project developed by

the Samsan Tech team in the Sandbox program. It focuses on developing a

navigation application for the visually impaired, which uses a combination of

GPS, Bluetooth beacons, and voice recognition technology to help them navigate

their surroundings. The NoonGil Project is led by Kim Yong-san, who is a

member of the Samsan Tech team. He takes charge of the project's technical

development, coding, and testing, working closely with his team members to

build a prototype that can be presented to the Sandbox selection committee. The

NoonGil Project faces various challenges and obstacles, including technical

difficulties, time constraints, and conflicts within the team. However, with their

dedication, hard work, and teamwork, they are able to develop a working

prototype and impress the Sandbox selection committee, securing funding and

support for their project.

5. What challenges does the team undergone?

 The Samsan Tech team faces several challenges and obstacles during their time

in the Sandbox program. Some of these challenges include:

1. Technical Challenges: The Samsan Tech team faces technical challenges

while developing their software application "Morning Group". They struggle to

implement the necessary algorithms for facial recognition and encounter bugs

and glitches during testing.

2. Funding: Samsan Tech faces financial challenges as they struggle to secure

funding to continue developing their product. They have to convince potential

investors of the viability of their business idea and demonstrate the potential for

growth and profitability.

3. Competition: Samsan Tech faces intense competition from other startups in


Sandbox program.
They have to differentiate themselves from their competitors and demonstrate

the uniqueness and innovation of their product.

4. Team Dynamics: The Samsan Tech team experiences conflicts and

disagreements within the team. This leads to tension and affects their ability to

work together cohesively towards their goal.

5. Personal Issues: The Saman Tech team members face personal challenges

that affect their performance and ability to contribute to the team. For example,

Nam Do-san struggles with self-doubt and insecurity, while Seo Dal-mi faces

pressure from her family to succeed.

Overall, the challenges that the Samsan Tech team faces in the Sandbox

program illustrate the difficulties and complexities of building a successful

startup. The team must navigate these challenges, learn from their mistakes, and

work together to overcome them to achieve their goals.

6. What are the roles of each team members?

 The Samsan Tech team consists of three co-founders - Nam Do-san, Kim Yong-

san, and Lee Chul-san - who have different roles and responsibilities in the

Sandbox program. Nam Do-san is the team's technical leader and responsible

for the development of the "Morning Group" software application. Kim Yong-san

is the engineer who develops the technical aspects of the project, while Lee

Chul-san is responsible for business and marketing strategies. Seo Dal-mi later

joins the team and takes on a leadership role. The team members work together

to develop their product and overcome challenges in the Sandbox program. Sa-

ha's role in the Sandbox program is to provide a different perspective on the

challenges that startups face in the real world. She helps the Samsan Tech team

understand the importance of marketing and how to position their product to

stand out from the competition.

7. How does the team manages failure?

 The Samsan Tech team manages failure by taking responsibility, learning from

their mistakes, persevering, seeking help when needed, and adapting to new

challenges. They also deal with high expectations from investors and the public,

legal issues, and work together as a team to support each other. Despite facing

setbacks, the team remains united and focused on their goals, which helps them

overcome obstacles and succeed in the Sandbox competition.

8. What is the best quality of the team?

 The Samsan Tech team in the drama series "Start-Up" demonstrates several

qualities during the Sandbox competition, but one of their best qualities is their

teamwork. Despite having different personalities and backgrounds, they work

together effectively, respect each other's ideas, and support each other during

difficult times. They communicate openly and honestly, and they share their

knowledge and skills to improve their product. Their ability to work as a team

helps them overcome challenges and achieve success in the Sandbox


9. What conflict happened within the team? How did they managed it?

 Later in the series, the Samsan Tech team faces another conflict when they

discover that they used an open-source code in their application without proper

attribution. This puts their participation in the Sandbox program at risk, and the

team must work together to find a solution. They take responsibility for their

mistake, seek advice from mentors, and work together to fix the problem. Their

ability to manage this conflict and work together as a team ultimately helps them

succeed in the Sandbox competition.

10. What is the moral of the series? How will you apply it to your team?

 The series contains several moral lessons, but one of the most significant is the

importance of perseverance, teamwork, and passion. The series highlights the

struggles and challenges faced by startup companies, the importance of hard

work, and the need to remain resilient in the face of failure. To apply these

lessons to my team, what should I do is to encourage and foster a culture of

teamwork and collaboration, where team members feel valued, supported, and

respected. I can also encourage my team to pursue their passions and interests,

and to work towards common goals with a sense of purpose and commitment.

Additionally, It will be helpful to my team to develop a growth mindset, where they

see failures as opportunities to learn, grow, and improve. Finally, is to inspire my

team to persevere in the face of challenges, and to remain focused on their

goals, despite setbacks and obstacles.

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