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Task 5 P 73

1 compulsory
2 available
3 primary
4 grades
5 basic
6 senior
7 schooling
8 curriculum
9 private
10 provided
11 junior
12 education
Task 2
1 Has three degrees: I - primary school (grades 1-4), provides primary
general education, II - basic school (grades 5-9), provides basic general
secondary education; ІІІ - senior school (grades 10-12), provides a
complete general secondary education.
2 Ukrainian children start going to school from 6-7 years old
3 General secondary education is compulsory in our country
4 schools are private and public
5 after secondary education, you can go to university, vocational
school, college
6 the university can provide a variety of professions with high
Task 3
my school is public. it is located in a three-story building from the last
century. my school is located in the city of Sumy. We have special
classes for computer science chemistry lessons and more. The school
has approximately 600 students. I study all standard high school
subjects. My favorite subjects are Mathematics, Geography and English.
The school has a variety of circles where everyone can choose
something for themselves

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