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Police Are Private Contractors

For A Private Corporation

The United States Constitution Article IV Section 1 “Full Faith and

Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and
judicial Proceedings of every other State.” * January 19, 2011 Judge
May’s Conclusion of Law was that the Dallas Police Department and
the North Carolina Department of Transportation are both private
entities that do not fall within the executive branch of State
government. This decision was upheld in judicial review by judge
Ridgeway. This means that every police department in the country is a
“private entity,” in other words, they are private contractors and
private-for-profit businesses. So if a Wackenhut security guard driving
an armored car pulled you over and tried to give you a ticket what
would you do? "Governments descend to the Level of a mere private
corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private
citizen...where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve
Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned. ... For purposes of suit,
such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely
separate from government." - Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States
318 U.S. 363-371 (1942) What the Clearfield Doctrine is saying is that
when private commercial paper is used by corporate government the
Government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no different than
a private corporation. Government is bound by the rules and laws that
govern private corporations so if they intend to compel a living man or
woman to some specific performance based upon its corporate statutes
or corporation rules, then the government, like any private corporation,
must be the holder- in-due-course of a contract or some consenting
agreement made with full disclosure between it and the one upon whom
demands for specific performance are made. The government is
required to enter the contract or commercial agreement into evidence
by due process before trying to get the court to enforce its statutory
demands. Every so-called city, county, State or Federal government
entity (courts, police, taxing agencies, etc.) you can think of are listed
on which belongs to Dun and Bradstreet and are traded on
the stock market. Real governments do not trade on the stock market.
Governments are supposed to provide public services. The
Data Universal Numbering System, abbreviated as DUNS or D-U-N-S,
is a system developed and regulated by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), that
assigns a unique numeric identifier, referred to as a "DUNS number" to
a single business entity. DUNS users include the European
Commission, the United Nations and the United States government.

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not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those
who are.” — Benjamin Franklin

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