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Submitted as Part of Fulfillment for the Degree of

BPT (Physiotherapy)
(4.5 Years course)

Under the supervision of : Submitted by :

Dr. Pankajpreet Singh Sukhpreet Kaur

i. Certificate by the candidate………………………………………………………….

ii. Certificate by the supervisor………………………………………………………..
iii. Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………………
iv. List of table…………………………………………………………………………
v. List of figures……………………………………………………………………….
vi. Abstract……………………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………..
1.1 History…………………………………………………………………………….
1.2 Biomechanics of elastic resistance………………………………………………..
1.2.1 Stress- Strain Relationship…………………………………………………
1.2.2 Fatigue……………………………………………………………
1.3 Basic properties of elastic resistance bands ………………………………….
1.4 The mechanical advantages of using elastic resistance bands………………..
1.4.1 As a resistive modality……………………………………………………
1.4.2 As an assistive modality………………………………………………
1.5 Resistance scales………………………………………………………………….
1.6 Types of elastic resistance bands according to color……………………………….
1.7 Elastic resistance band positioning………………………………………………


2.1 Aim of study…………………………………………………………………..

2.2 Need of the study………………………………………………………………

2.3 Study design……………………………………………………………………

2.4 Sources of study………………………………………………………………

2.5 Inclusion criteria……………………………………………………………….

2.6 Exclusion criteria……………………………………………………………..

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS……………………………………………………….

CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION……………………………………………………….

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION…………………………………………………..

CHAPTER 7: REFERENCES …………………………………………………….


This is to certify that the work entitled “Role of Elastic Resistance Band in Rehabilitation
Program” submitted as the partial fulfillment project report has been carried out by me.I have not
submitted this work partially or wholly to any other university or institution.


This is to certify that the work entitled “Role of Elastic Resistance Band in Rehabilitation
Program : A Literature Review” submitted under the supervison of Dr. Pankajpreet Singh as
partial fulfillment project by Sukhpreet Kaur (18204109) has been not submitted partially or
wholly to any other university or institution.


Dr. Pankajpreet Singh

Department Incharge

Department of Physiotherapy

I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Pankajpreet Singh for his
continuous support and guidance throughout the project work.His support has always encouraged
me and provided me new perspective.His patience towards the project has supported me a lot
during the project.I am extremely thankful for his encouragement.

I would like to thank Dr. Supreet Bindra for her time to time support at every step of my
work.She has been greatest inspiration for me to complete my research project. Her advices has
helped me a lot while going through the research work.

An utmost thanks to my friends for their support at each step of my research project.Their
emotional support and advices had helped me a lot while going through the research work.


“Physical fitness is the capacity of the heart,blood vessels and muscles to function at optimal
efficiency”.Physical fitness is one’s richest possession.It cannot be purchased.It has to be earned
by doing physical exercises daily(Frost Rouben,1971).Regular physical activity is a modifiable
factor for reducing the riks of obesity,cardiovascular disease,hypertension,diabetes,certain
cancers, and premature mortality, and all of these benefits have beeen demonstrated in the aged
population (Manini TM et al., 2006).Resistance exercise, a type of muscle strength training,is
generally recommended as the preferred approach to attenuate losses of muscle strength, mass,
and functional capacity in general population (Bonsdorff M et al., 2006).Resistance training, was
previously practiced by athletes and weight lifters which has grown immensely in popularity
during the past 3 decades and now it is practiced by large population(Harman E., 1994).
Resistance training programs represent benefits such as recovering metabolism after fatigue due
to daily chores as well as providing a healthy and long life for sedentary individuals,reducing the
period for rest,increasing metabolic rate, providing bone mineral bone density, and reducing pain
(Fisher et al., 2011).As one of the resistance workouts, elastic bands are exercise equipment that
is now used in training practices of various sport branches as well as individual exercise
practices and rehabilitation (Balati et al., 2016).Elastic resistance products,specifically designed
for use during exercise, fall into two broad categories: Elastic band and elastic tubing.Elastic
band and tubings are produced by several manufacturers under different product names.The most
familiar of which is Thera Band( Welling et al., 2015).The use of elastic resistance training as a
modality and clinical tool became popular in the 1980 and has been increasing in recent
years( Colado et al., 2010).Thera Bands were invented in 1896 by Mr. Gustav Gossweiler in
Sweden, it was until 1960s that resistance bands became widely adopted.Elastic Bands are
produced by the Hygienic Corporation(Akron, USA) in 1976,the first major manufacturer and
distributor of elastic band training products; many other companies that produce elastic bands
have emerged recently (McMaster et al., 2009).Elastic bands (Thera Bands) are made from
polymerized rubber, known chemically as styrene-butadiene, are used on large scale (Agosto et.,
al 2008).They contain natural rubber latex that provides better elasticity and lower susceptibility
to rupture (Agosto et., al 2008). Elastic bands are simple-to-use tools for multipurpose physical
training. They are portable, inexpensive, widely used to develop strength and power. They
provide variable resistance similar to chains, cams, and levers, and their design allows changes in
the external load over a range of motions. Thus elastic bands use is an easy way to increase
exercise intensity while avoiding the risk of excessive weight loading (McMaster et., al 2009).
Elastic bands can be used to strengthen certain muscle groups that machines cannot function in a
certain muscle group (Karacan et., al 2014).They are mainly effective for strengthening the small
muscles of neck,shoulder and arms needed to recover from injury(Sundstrup et al., 2014).They
are also effective in strengthening the large muscles of body including biceps brachii,
hamstrings(semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris), quadriceps(rectus femoris,
vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius), and gluteals(gluteus maximus, gluteus
medius, gluteus minimus) (Jacobsen et al., 2013).Its benefits include improved functional
capacity, increased strength and endurance with increased muscle activation, and improved body
composition, potency and quality of life (Silva et., al 2016).The resistance of elastic bands does
not depend on the length of the band but rather depends on the elastic constant (k) and the
percentage elongation (X) of the elastic band (Melchiorri et., al 2011). The varying amount of
resistance is indicated by different colorings of the elastic bands. For example, elastic bands
made by Thera Band are available in yellow, red, green, blue, black, silver, and gold ( Guex et.,
al 2015).Unlike free weights, the direction of an elastic band’s resistance is dependent on the
orientation of the band and not on gravity(Lange et al., 1998). This characteristic allows for
bands to be placed in any plane and still produce the same resistance in exercises that are more
versatile and ergonomic (Colado et al., 2010).Elastic Bands also allow one to exercise in a
controlled,safe manner by just changing the grip width or rubber stiffness to achieve a greater or
lesser intensity of effort(Kraemer et al., 2001).The comfort and safety aspects of elastic bands
put minimal stress on the body’s joints.Elastic bands also prevent joint damage usually seen in
those who lift heavy weights during traditional resistance programs (Brubaker et al., 2009).These
devices allow for large range of motions with both concentric and eccentric muscle
contractions(Patterson et al., 2001).

Optimal use of elastic material for resistive exercises requires an understanding of the physical
characteristics of the material.There are two physical characteristics of the elastic bands that
must be considered : STRESS STRAIN RELATIONSHIP and FATIGUE (Simoneau et al.,


The amount of resistance (stress or tension) generated by elastic material when stretched is
related to its amount of deformation (strain).Typically, the amount of tension created increases as
the percentage deformation of the material increases.This relationship may or may not be
linear.Therefore,for most exercises,the tension produced by the elastic material will
progressively increase from the start to the end of the exercise movement.This does not imply
that the resistance to movement increases from the start to the end of the movement.The tension
in the elastic material is only 1 of 2 factors affecting the resistance to movement; the other is the
moment arm of the force vector (Nelson et al., 1973).

FATIGUE : Fatigue is another physical property of elastic material to consider in exercise

prescription.Over time, elastic material fatigues and loses its ability to generate the same tension
for a given deformation.Fatigue is dependent upon the number of stretch cycles completed.The
more often the material is elongated, the more the material loses its ability to generate
tension.Fatigue is also dependent on the amount of deformation that takes place during each
cycle (Pytel et al., 1987).

Using elastic resistance for strengthening exercises has added new options to the design of
rehabilitation programs.This addition to the arsenal of isotonic exercises increases the need for
therapist to fully understand the basic kinesiology of resistance exercises. The brief description
of force and torque that follows is not intended to replace in depth reviews of these topics
(Soderberg et al., 1997).

The difference between force and torque should be clearly understood. A force is a linear push or
pull originating from direct mechanical contact or gravity." Therefore, a force vector has a
magnitude, a direction, and a point of application. A torque is the product of the force applied to
the body, multiplied by the length of the force's lever arm." The lever arm is the linear distance
between the joint axis of rotation and the point of perpendicular intersection of the force vector
(Soderberg et al., 1997).

Fig. The Force Angle(FA) results from the interaction of the moving
limb (LA) and elastic resistance force (Mcneil et al., 2000)
Basic properties of elastic resistance Bands:

Elastic resistance bands has been primarily used by practitioners and clinicians to help patient
regain strength after injury (Elenbecker et al., 2005).Elastic resistance bands are polymer based
products with varying composition depending on the type of polymer (i.e., thermoplastics or
elastomers) used during production.The composition of these products affect the physical and
mechanical prperties such as stiffness (stress-strain),density,yield and tensile strengths (Ashby M
et al.,2006).According to Hooke’s law, the tension provided by elastic bands is equal to stiffness
constant (k) multiplied by the deformtion (d) :

Tension =k(stiffness) x d(deformation)

So the deformation increases in direct proportion to the amount of tension placed on the elastic
resistance products (Grimshaw et al., 2006).

Elastic resistance bands possess resistance which is proportional to the amount of deformation
multiplied by the stiffness constant during the elastic region of the deformation-tension curve
(Behm DG, 1988).These bands are capable of providing variable resisted movements in a
multiple planes, such as the sagittal, frontal, transverse, or a combination of planes while
maintaining consistent resistive properties in all planes, unlike gravity dependent modes of
training (eg., free weights and chains).



Elastic bands have the ability to challenge or assist the human strength curves it provide
variation in how a muscle complex is challenged over a range of motion(Cronin et al.,
2003).They can assist with enhancing the force or acceleration capability of muscle to a greater
degree than free weights alone(Wilson et al., 2013).A strength curve is a torque joint angle curve
that is composite of the individual force-length curves of the synergist muscles
activated,resulting in torque production at the joint(Kulig et al., 1984).Human strength curve is
influenced by the torque(relationship between force and joint angle) about single joints using 2-
or 3- dimensional coordinate systems(Frost et al., 2010).The human strength curves are divided
into three categories: Ascending, descending and bell shaped strength curves(Mcmaster et al.,
2009).In ascending strength curve, the muscular capability to produce torque increases
throughout the concentric range of motion, for example; squatting,deadlifting and weight lifting
movement tasks(Fleck SJ., 2004).In descending curve, maximum strength is required at the end
of the concentric phase such as upper-body pulling movements tasks suc as the bent over
row,chin ups, and bench row.In bell shaped strength curve,maximum strength occurs around the
middle of the movement’s range of motion such as biceps curls or leg extensions(Fleck SJ .,
2004).It is easy to identify which category most resistance exercises belong to,particularly which
involve action at single joint.During biceps curl,the length of the biceps muscle change, resulting
in differing force producing capabilities according to bell-shaped force tension relationship of the
individual skeletal muscles(Edman KA et al., 2003).The resultant strength is composite of
individual muscles strength curves.Determining the exact strength curve of multi joint exercises
is more complicated due to inter-muscle interaction of muscle-length relationship,muscle
architecture,muscle origin and insertion points and internal muscle moment arms.In multijoint
exercises,the torques produced at each joint involved in the movement sum together to form the
total torque available to generate work(Edman KA et al., 2003).So the mechanical properties of
the muscle should be considered to know that how muscles are mechanically disadvantages at
certain positions within a movement task due to the length tension principle(Elliot et al.,
1989).Contant resistance may not adequately challenge the musculature at the point in a range
where the greatest loads can be lifted(Eliott et al., 1989).Musculature is limited at the point in a
range where it is weakest (i.e., the sticking point).So elastic bands used as resistive modality
compliment the length-tension relationship by requiring a progressive recruitment in high-
threshold motor units,thus requiring the highest motor unit requirement at the most mechanically
advantageous pposition within that movement(Dayne et al., 2010).An increase in motor unit
recruitment is generally reflected by enhanced muscle activation during both eccentric and
concentric phases of movement(Walker et al., 2011).


As an assistive modality, Elastic bands increases shortening rate and increased neuromuscular
system activation(Murphy et al., 1996).This can be used in heavy sports competition when
athletes may be feeling more fatigued or in an overspeed training phase where speed of
movement is the training objective and the strength coach don’t want the athlete to be limited by
their speed at the bottom of a movement(Newton et al., 2002).


The control of exercise intensity is a key factor in ensuring the safety and efficacy of physical
activity in any context,including athletic,recreational , and therapeutic settings.Simple tools as
well as scales of perceived exertion have been created to ensure control of the intensity for a
wide-range of exercises performed by variety of populations (Robertson et al.,2003).

To make it easier to monitor intensity during the prescription and performance of physical
exercise, scales have been created for use during aerobic and strength training in a wide range of
situations(Brenan et al., 2004). These scales positively relate the rating of perceived
exertion(RPE) with certain physiological variales such as blood lactic acid
concentration,muscular activity and heart rate(Lagally et al., 2002).

The “Rating of Perceived Exertion” (RPE) scale is used for determining the appropraite intensity
level for exercise.The two most common RPE scsles are the Borg Scale( Borg, 1998) and OMNI
scale (Robertson, 2004). During resistance training, one can use band color that provides an
exertion between 12 and 14 on BORG scale, or 5-7 on OMNI scale.

Fig. Borg G., 1998

Very few studies have used the OMNI perceived exertion scale for resistance exercise(OMNI-
RES) while carrying out physiological conditioning programs with different kind of materials for
strength training (i.e., weight machines,elastic bands and tubing) (Colado et al., 2009).


perceived exertion scale for resistance exercise(OMNI-RES) is a tool that helps to control
intensity during strength training exercises and can be applied to men, women, boys, and
girls(Goss et al.,2005).

Recently, Dr. Juan colado of university of valencia in Spain validated a new perceived exertion
scale for thera band ressiatnce products (Colado et al., 20110.The new Resistance Intensity Scale
for Exercise help an individual to identify his strength while exercising with Thera bands.

Fig. Colado et al., 2008


Fig. Page et al., 2000

YELLOW THERA BAND : Yellow thera band is also known as light resistance band with 1-6
pounds of resistance. They are very stretchy so it takes little effort to pull against them and
stretch them out.These thera bands are great for doing exercises for shoulder and shins,where
muscle can be worked without much resistance (Page et al,2000).

RED THERA BAND : Red thera bands are included in medium to heavy resistance bands with
2-7 pounds of resistance.These thera bands are used for large muscle groups such as legs,hest
and back or for individuals who have been building muscle strength (Page et al., 2000).

GREEN THERA BAND : They come under medium ressiatnce bands with 2-7 pounds of
resistance.These bands are less stretchy and have more tension than yellow and red bands.They
are good for muscles that need slightly more tension includes biceps and triceps (Page et al.,

BLUE THERA BAND : They come under medium to heavy resistance bands with 3-14 pounds
of resistance.These thera bands are much stiffer and don’t provide as much stretch.They can be
used for legs, chest and back (Page et al., 2000).
BLACK THERA BAND : These bands have heavy resistance with 4-18 pounds of
resistance.They are appropriate for use in patients who are at the end of their recovery or do not
have significant strength deficits (Page et al., 2000).

SILVER/GOLD THERA BAND : These bands have 10-40 pounds of resistance.These are
usually not used in rehabilitation except with patients who have regained strength or do not
present with significant deficits (Page et al., 2000).


POSITIONING: Most muscles exhibit a “bell-shaped” strength curve,similar to the strength

curve of elastic resistance.Based on the biomechanical principles of elastic resistance,we can
improve patient positioning to ensure muscles are strengthened throughout the range of
motion.There are 2 basic principles of positioning:

Use a length of band equal to the length of the limb moving : This allows us to estimate the
percent elongation of the band to better predict the forces.For example,if you perform shoulder
flexion with a band length equal to the arm,the band will elongate about 100 % at 90° and 200%
at 180°. You can then find the force produced by the band at a specific angle in the range of
motion.Using a length of band equal to the length of the arm (LA) provides 200% elongation
over 180° of motion.

Fig. Hughes et al., 2000

Align the origin with the axis of rotation so the force angle is minimal at end range:Keeping
the origin of the band in-line with the axis of rotation ensures that the force angle is minimal at
the beginning and end range of motion.If the origin is not aligned with the axis of rotation,the
force angle will not be minimized at end range.In addition, keep the resistance within the plane
of motion.(T.Ellenbecker et al.,2003).

Fig. Hughes et al., 2000


Fig. Dynamic exercises of the neck for forward head posture (Shin et al., 2020)
Fig. Dynamic exercises of shoulder ( Shin et al., 2020).
Fig. Theraband application to different posterior body parts: Occiput (Shin et al., 2018).

Fig. Theraband application over thoracic region (Shin et al., 2018).

Fig. Arm lifting exercise (Lee et al., 2020).

Fig. Arm lifting exercise with isometric adduction exercise using Theraband (Lee et al., 2020).
Fig. Diagonal arm lifting exercise (Lee et al., 2020)

Fig. Diagonal arm lifting with isometric adduction exercise using thera band( Lee et al., 2020)


Theraband abdominal crunch and oblique crunch in crook lying(Dr. Jaynesh Vandra, 2020)

Fig. Theraband abdominal crunch(lower abs) and trunk extension( long sitting)
Fig. Theraband trunk lift and trunk rotation (Dr jaynesh Vandr, 2020).


Fig. Technique to strengthen the muscles of eversion(James et al., 2007)

Fig. Technique to strengthen muscles of inversion( James et al., 2007).
Fig. Technique to strengthen muscles of dorsiflexion(James et al., 2007).

Fig. Technique to strengthen muscles of plantarflexion(James et al., 2007).

Fig. Application of Thera band in foot drop(Hong et al., 2020).


2.1 Aim of study:

The aim of this study is to determine the role of elastic resistance training with elastic band in
rehabilitation program.

2.2 Objective of study:

 To find out the

 Ks

2.3 Need of the study:

The need of the study is to determine that how elastic resistance band training is an effective
and appropriate mode of rehabilitation for various demographic groups such as teens, special
need, senior adults and other who may unable to utilize free weights machines as training option.

2.4 Study design:

The research design of present study is a literature review.

2.5 Sources of study:

A computer based search on Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Google Scholar, Medline, Biomed, is
done to retrieve articles till 2020.Reference from books is also taken. The keywords used for
search are elastic resistance,strength training, rehabilitation, thera band.

2.6 Inclusion criteria:

 Articles that focused primarily on elastic bands are included in this study.
 Full texted published articles are included in this study.
 Studies publiushed in English language only are included in this study.

2.7 Exclusion criteria:

 Articles published other than the Engliush language are excluded.

 Articles which are not related to research are excluded, unclear articles and incomplete
studies are not taken.





Shin et To determine the The study was Following the This study
al.,2020 effects of 6 week conducted on 24 adults interventions, concluded that
dynamic exercise with forward head neck exercises the dynamic sing
program using posture and group showed the exercise
Thera-Band on experimented with significant program using
cranialvertebral neck and shoulder improvement in the Thera-band
angle (CVA) in exercises and divided CVA (p<.05), but has had a
adults with them into group of shoulder exercise positive effect on
forward head neck exercises,shoulder group and neck alignment
posture. exercises,and neck and combined of patients with
shoulder exercises to exercise group forward head
measure CVA values did not show any posture,and that
before and after the significant results it can be
experiment.The neck (p>.05).However, recommended as
exercise program both groups a home exercise
included flexion and showed some program using
extension muscles of positive Thera- band after
the neck and shoulder results.Significant treatment of the
exercises included differences were manual therapy
dynamic exercise of seen in the in hospital.
upper extremities such comparisons
as trapezius muscle and between the three
serratus anterior groups
muscle.The CVA (p<.05),and the
results were measured results of the
using PA 200. post-hoc test
differences in the
neck exercises
group and
exercise and
combine exercise
Yagmur et To determine the Thirty-four female The This study
al., 2021 effect of an 8- sedentary university circumferences of concluded that
week training students participated in waist, upper ERB training
with the elastic the study based on arm,and calf enhanced muscle
resistance bands voluntariness.The significantly performance,red
on body subjects were divided increased uced the skinfold
composition and into experimental (p<0.05) although thickness and BF
postural control in group and control there was no % although BMI
sedentary women. groups.The change in the did not change in
experimental group circumferences of sedentary
performed an 8 week the women.Also,
elastic resistance band hip,thigh,shoulder training with
training.Body , and chest elastic resistance
composition (p>0.05).The band might
measurements included skinfold thickness lower sedentary
the body weight,body and body fat women’s body
mass index,body fat percentage fat by increasing
percentage,skinfold decreased in the muscle mass.
thickness,and experimental
circumferences.The group (p<0.05).
overall stability index
and limit of stability
were measured to
evaluate postural
performance using the
Biodex Balance
System.The overall
stability index scores
were evaluated for two
conditions: eyes open
and eye closed.

Harishku To determine the 30 patients with On comparison This study

mar et al., effect of Thera Adhesive Capsulitis between Group A concluded that
2017 band were selected.Group and Group B on Theraband
strengthening A(n=17) received SPADI scale both strengthening
with conventional Thera band
exercise on pain, strengthening with the groups along with
function, and conventional exercise showed conventional
range of motion and Group B(n=17) significant treatment is
in patients with received conventional improvement more effective
Adhesive exercise.Range of compared to than
Capsulitis. motion(ROM) of Group B.Group A conventional
shoulder is measured shower greater treatment in
using universal improvement in increase in range
goniometer.Pain and active range of of
functional ability is motion and motion,decrease
quantified with passive range of in disability and
shoulder pain and motion thereby
disability index as improving the
outcome measures. functional
Xiang et To determine the Eighty patients with The scores of The resistance
al., 2012 effect of Thera cervical spondylosis cervical exercise based
Band resistance caused by extra function,muscle rehabilitation
exercise on the vertebral canal and strength around therapy for
cervical function diseased soft tissue the cervical spine cervical muscle
of cervical were selected from the and cervical has significant
spondylosis laboratory of activity after effects on
patients. ‘Physiological and experiment were various types of
Biochemical Testing significantly cervical diseases,
and Exercise higher than those and the Thera
Rehabilitation’ of before experiment band elastic band
Anhui University.The (p<0.05) the is safe and can
patients were divided symptoms of meet the
into neck type(n=28), cervical disease multiple
vertebral artery (n=22), was alleviated, perspective
nerve root type (n=18) and there was no needs of neck
and sympathetic type significant muscle exercise.
(n=12).Resistance difference of the
exercise rehabilitation improvement
therapy was index and the
conducted,the elastic improvement
band was performed rates among
with passive stretching groups(p>0.05).
and active anti
resistance in order to
train the neck muscles.
Lee et al., To compare the Sixteen subjects with In ALIA and Arm-lifting
2020 effect of two arm RSP participated in this DALIA exercises, exercises using a
lifting exercises study.All subjects the UT muscle Thera band can
with and without performed arm activity decreased be implemented
the use of a Thera lifting(AL) ,diagonal significantly,wher as an effective
band on the arm-lifting (DAL),arm eas the way to reduce
activities of lifting with isometric LT/UT,SA/UT the UT
LT,SA,and UT adduction(ALIA) ,and activity ratio overactivity and
muscles, and the diagonal arm-lifting increased increase the SA
LT/UT and with isometric significantly.The activity and
SA/UT activity adduction(DALIA) activity of SA LT/UT,SA/UT,
ratio in subjects exercises.The surface muscle increased activity ratio in
with a rounded electromyography significantly more subjects with
shoulder posture. data,LT,SA,UT, and with DALIA than RSP.
the LT/UT and SA/UT that with DAL
activity ratios were
measured.A paired t-
test was used to
compare the
differences between
two arm-lifing
exercises and two arm
lifting with isometric
adduction exercises.
Kalani et To determine the Twenty five patients Result showed This study
al., 2020 effect of with knee osteoarthritis that after using concluded that
resistance training with age of 38-65 years intervention in the resistance
with Thera band old who had no history experimental training with
on pain and of any exercise during group pain had a theraband can
quality of life in the past six months,had significant reduce pain and
patients with knee no chronic conditions decrease enhance quality
osteoarthritis. affecting on study compared to of life of patients
outcomes were selected control with knee
as study sample and group(p=0.012).A osteoarthritis.
randomly divided into lso quality of life
two groups including of patient with
experimental (n=13) knee OA was
and control(n=12) increased in the
groups. The experimental
experimental group group compared
performed 8 weeks of to the control
resistance training with group(p=0.001).
Thera band including
knee extension
(strengthening the
abduction to strengthen
the femoral abductor
and hip adductors to
strengthen the
muscles.SF-36 and
Numeric pain rating
scale was used to
assess quality of life
and pain.
Pancholi To determine the Fifty dentist between Result showed a This study
et al., effects of the age of 25-50 significant overall concluded that
2018 resistance band articipated in this improvement in resistance band
exercises on neck study. They were neck exercises are
pain,disability,an randomly assigned to pain,disability more effective
d forward head either an experimental and reduction in than
posture in dentist (25) or a control forward head conventionally
with chronic neck group(25).The posture in both given exercises
pain. experimental group control and in reducing
participated in experimental pain,disabilty
resistance band groups but the and forward
exercises program result of head posture.
while control group resistance band
performed conventional training is more
exercises for 10 weeks. significant than in
exercises group.
Yu et al., To to study the Subjects (age range,60- After the This study
2013 effects of 70 years) were intervention,the concluded that
resistance randomly assigned to values of the resistance
exercise training an experimental (n=12) Tetrax in the exercise using
using Thera-band or control group weight Thera Band is
on balance of (n=12).The distribution index possible to
elderly adults. experimental group with eyes open improve the
performed stretching and that with eyes static and
and resistance closed and the dynamic balance
exercises, and the stability test index of elderly adults.
control group with eyes open
performed stretching were significantly
exercises only.Before lower in the
and after the 5 week resistance
intervention, the exercise group
participants static and than in the control
dynamic balance were group,and the
evaluated using the pre-test values
Berg Balance were significantly
Scale,timed up and go higher than the
test and the Tetrax post test
portable multiple values.However,t
system after 5 weeks. here were no
between group in
the values of the
Berg balance
scale,the Timed
up and go test,
and the Tetrax
stability test index
with the eyes
Pourtaghi To determine the 70 elderly people were The result showed Resistance
et al., effect of selected.The that the mean training with
2017 resistance training participants were scores of quality Thera-Band
using Thera- randomly assigned into of life(P<0.001) could enhance
Band on muscular two groups of and muscular muscular
strength and intervention and strength in the strength and
quality of life control.The upper and lower improve quality
among the intervention group was extremities of life in the
elderly. subjected to lower and (P<0.001) were elderly.It was
upper extremity significantly concluded that
resistance training with higher in the the promotion of
Thera Band performed intervention this exercise
two thirty-minute group than those program could
sessions a week for six in the control have a positive
weeks.However,the group. effect on the
control group did not muscular
receive any strength and
training.Data collection quality of life
was performed using a among this
dynamometer and the population.
short version of the
World Health
Organization Quality of
Kwak et To analyze the The study was Both the elastic- It is concluded
al.,2016 effects of elastic conducted on 45 band exercise that elastic band
band resistance individuals which were group and the resistanc
exercise on divided into genral physical exercise can be
balance,gait experimental group(23) therapy group better instrument
function,flexibilit treated with both showed a and easier to
y and fall efficacy general physical significant elderly people of
in the elderly therapy and elastic improvement in rural community
people of rural band resistance balance,gait for the
community. exercise and control fucntion, improvement in
group (22) treated with flexibility and fall balance,gait
only general physical efficacy.And the function,flexibili
therapy.Resistance group with elastic ty and fall
exercises for lower band resistance efficacy as it
limbs by using elastic exercise showed performing
band was conducted for more along with and
8 weeks,3 times a effectiveness than reciprocal
week,30 minutes per the contrast group physical therapy.
time and 3 sets after in value of
general physical variation.
exercises was finished.
Chou et The aim of the The control and The result showed The study
al., 2019 study was to experimental groups that the active and concluded that
investigate the comprised 25 patients passive knee the elastic band
effect of elastic each. The control group flexion angles of exercise program
band exercise received conventional the experimental shows promising
activities on treatment group were effects on
lower extremity greater than those improving the
after total knee
rehabilitation in of the control lower limb
arthroplasty; by
rehabilitation of
elderly patients contrast, the group (p < .001) 2
subjected to an experimental group and 4 weeks after
elastic band engaged in elastic band surgery. The patients with
exercise exercise activities muscle strength total knee
intervention 2 and demonstrated by of the quadriceps arthroplasty.
4 weeks after instructors, in addition of the
total knee to receiving experimental
arthroplasty. conventional treatment. group was higher
Effects of the lower than
extremity rehabilitation
that of the control
of the two groups were
group (p < .001) 2
evaluated 2 and 4
and 4 weeks after
weeks after total knee
surgery. The
group exhibited
higher physical

function than that

of the control
group 2 and 4
weeks after
surgery (p
< .001).

Song et To investigate the This was a cross The result showed This study
al., 2018 effect of ankle sectional study in that there were concluded that
Thera-Band use which gait data were significant ankle Thera band
on gait patterns in collected in eight improvements in use may have a
stroke survivors subjects who had gait positive effect in
strokes using gait velocity,cadence improving gait
analysis system,both stride length and parameters by
with and withot the double support increasing the
Thera-Band.The time in those who ankle stability in
following dependent used the Thera- stroke survivors
variables of gait Band compared to with foot drop.
parameters were those who did not
analyzed: velocity, (p<0,.05).Howeve
cadence, step length, r,there were no
stride length, single significant
support time and differences in step
double support length or single
time.Green Thera band support time
was used for (p>0.05).
Shin et al., To determine the A cross sectional study KPP with thera The study
2018 effect of Thera- in which fifteen band in the concluded that
Band application subjects performed occiput showed Thera-Band
during(KPP) on KPP with Thera Band significantly application to the
rectus applied to different lower RA occiput and
abdominis(RA) posterior body parts(no activity(P=0.01) thorax may be
activity,TK angle thera band,in the and TKA recommended to
(TKA),SA occiput, and in the (P<.001) than alter RA and SA
activity,and thoracic KPP with no muscle activity
amount of SW in region).Electromyograp thera band.SA as well
subjects with SW. hy was used to record activity and SW compensatory
the RA and SA were significantly TKA and SW
activities.Image J lower with Thera during KPP in
software was used to band applied to subjects with
calculate the the occiput and SW.
compensatory TKA thoracic regions
during KPP, and than in KPP with
scapulometer was used no Thera-Band.
to measure SW in the
Quadruped position.
Chou et To compared the In this study,22 healthy In the stability In stsatic balance
al., 2021 effect of training college students were index (ST) of the the ATG showed
ankle joint and selected and divided static balance, the significant
hip joint thera- into two groups of 11 hip joint exercise improvement in
band exercise on each.Group A group(HTG) the follow-up of
balance performed hip exercise during the NC and PC over
after ankle exercise,and following-up of the HTG. In the
Group B performed normaleye dynamic
ankle exercise after hip open(NO) balance, the Lt.
exercise.Using a green revealed notable dynamic balance
thera-band,the improvement on the non-
dorsiflexion and over the ankle dominant side in
plantarflexion and hip joint exercise the ATG showed
flexion and hip group(ATG), and significant
extension were in the folow-up of improvement in
exercised repeatedly the normal eye the follow-up
for 15 seconds three closed(NC) the over the HTG.
time with a five-second ATG showed
rest between each significant
set.The balance ability improvement
was assessed using a over the HTG. At
Tetrax and Y-balance the left(Lt) and
test y-balance test
(YBT) the ATG
improvements in
the folow-up over
the HTG(P<O5).
Kasmi et To determine the In this study 14 elite The result of this The study
al., 2019 effect of strength rowers were tested for study showed concluded that
training on concentric different and both EBT and
external and internal,external specific WMT
internal shoulder rotation,peak torque adaptations to significantly
rotator muscle and acceleration time both training enhance right
strength using before and after 12 regimens.So and left shoulder
elastic band weeks of strength improvements in muscles strength
compared with training using habitual peak torque(PT) in elite rowers
habitual training weight machines or were observed in and only EBT
using weight elastic bands. both groups but was effective in
machines in elite the improvement reducing ACC
rowers. was much better during the
after weight isokinetic
machine testing.Thus, the
training(39 to 49 simple
%; all P<0.01 strengthening
large program using
effects).Morover, an elastic for
only elastic band resistance
training decreased proven to be
ACC(40 to 100 ideal for
%;P<0.02;large prevention and
effects) for both rehabilitation of
internal and shoulder muscles
external rotation in addition to
at diferent angular strength gain.
velocity used .
Choi et To determine the For this study,27 older Grip strength,sit This study
al., 2020 effects of elastic adults(13 men and 14 and reach,and one concluded that
band exercise on women) (72-75 years) leg stance EBE combined
functional fitness were selected.They improved with circuit
and blood were divided into two significantly in training
pressure response groups: EG;n=15 or the exercise component
in the healthy CTG;n=12.Participants group,while no improve both
elderly performed EBE for 60 significant cardiovascular
minutes,three times a improvements and fuctional
week,over a course of were found in fitness in elderly
three months.The EBE chair stand and participants.
program includes timed up and
exercises of upper limb go(p<0.05).Cardi
and lower limb ovascular
both.Functional fitness parameters
and resting includes systolic
cardiovascular blood
parameters were pressure,diastolic
asessed before and after blood pressure,
the training. mean arterial
pulse pressure
were found to be
decreased in the
exercise group
relative to the
control group
Datar et To find the effect For this study,40 Conventional Therefore the
al., 2019 of graded thera- females who underwent strengthening study concluded
band exercises on mastectomy procedure program showed that
shoulder muscle along with improvement in strengthening
strength and chemotherapy or DASH with thera-band
activities of daily radiotherapy for breast scores(p<0.0001) showed more
life in modified carcinoma were with mean better effect
radical included.Group A difference compared to
mastectomy received conventional (MD=2.58),but conventional
patients. strengthening program did not exhibit strngthening
with weights and group good results in program with
B received thera-band strength for all greater
exercises for five days shoulder activities improvements in
per week for eight whereas flexion,abductio
weeks and pre and post experimental n and rotation
assessment was done group showed activities which
with disabilities of improvements in promotes all the
arm,shoulder and hand DASH scores activities of daily
(DASH) questionnaire (p<0.0001),MD= life and that is
and manual muscle 4.98, and exhibit confirmed with
testing (MMT). better increase in the
shoulder strength. improvements of
values in DASH

Saravanan To study the 24 adolescent boys(14- Result showed Therefore the

et al., effects of thera- 17 years) were that data obtained study concluded
2019 band programme selectedfor the ‘t’ ratio value that eperimental
on upper body study.They were between pre and group had
strength divided into two post test means of significantly
performances of groups;experimental experimental improved the
adolescent boys. group (n=12),and group on 1 RM 1RM bench
control group bench press is press and control
(n=12).Group 1 3.85 which is group showed
underwent thera band greater than the insignificant
training for 6 weeks table value of improvement on
and group 2 was not 2.07 required for 1RM bench
involved in any significant at press.Similarly,e
training..Upper body 0.05level of xperimental
strength was assessed significance.And group had
by 1RM bench press the data obtained significantly
and other dependent ‘t’ ratio value improved the
variable selected was between pre and pull ups and
pull ups was assessed post test means of control group
by no. of pull up in one experimental showed
minute.The analysis group on pull ups insignificant
was carried out through is 3.29 which is improvement in
techniques such as greater than table pull ups.
dependent t-test,the value of 2.07
univariate analysis of
All of the statistical
analysis tests were
computed at 0.05 level
of significance

In this study 30 women Data analysis So this study

Mazraei et To determine the with MLBP 27-30 with ANCOVA concluded that
al., 2019 effects of 6-week years) were revealed a core stabilization
core stabilization participated.They were significant training with
training with divided into two difference in the Thera band can
thera-band on groups.The training training group for be used to
static group did core VAS and improve the pain
balance,pain,funct exercises with Thera Oswestry and functional
ional disability, band three sessions measures,but no disability of
and energy weekly and 60 minutes significant patients with
expenditure in per session. Pain difference was MLBP.
females with severity,functional observed in static
mechanical disability,static balance and the
chronic low back balance,and energy consumed
pain expenditure were energy(p<0.005).
measured using VAS,
Oswestry, Force
plate.To analyze data
ANCOVA was used
Dr. To document In this study,60 On NPRS scale,in The study
Jaynesh effectiveness of subjects with non ERB group,the concluded that
Vandra., methods of specific low back pain pre and post elastic resistance
2020 physiotherapy between 25-40 years of treatment band exercises is
core stabilization both sexes were difference is more effective
exercises and selected.The subjects 2.5±1.25 and in than core
elastic band were divided into two core stabilization stabilization
exercises for groups; group A and group,the pre and exercise in terms
improving core group B with 30 post treatment of greater muscle
muscle strength to subjects each.Group A difference is 2.0± strength,function
reduce non- received elastic band al ability and
specific low back exercises and Group B pain reduction in
pain received core patients with non
stabilization exercises specific low
group,thepre and
for two weeks.Both the post treatment back
groups were assessed difference is pain(NSLBP).
by using Modified 14.4±3.25 and in
Oswestry disability core stabilization
index,NPRS, Pressure group,the pre and
Biofeedback. post treatment
difference is
17.7±2.90. And
using PBF, the
pre and post
difference is
3.6±2.22 and in
core stabilization
group, the pre and
post treatment
difference is

Kim et al., To determine the Nineteen students with The result showed So the study
2017 effects of rounded shoulder were that in the concluded that
pectoralis minor selected and divided stabilization by performing
stretching and into two groups: the exercise group,the stabilization and
shoulder shoulder strengthening LOS for both the stretching
strengthening exercise group(deep left and right exercises,the
with an elastic cervical flexors and directions muscle strength
band on balance shoulder retractors) experienced a and balance of
and maximal and shoulder stretching significant shoulder
shoulder muscle exercise group(cervical increase.For the flexors,extensors
strength in young extensors and pectoral stretching and horizontal
adults with muscles).The groups exercise abductors
rounded shoulder performed each group,C90 area improved which
posture. exercise for 40 with eyes closed will reduced
minutes, 3 times a experienced a round shoulder
week, for 4 significant posture.
weeks.Static decrease,and LOS
balance( eyes open and forward direction
eyes closed),dynamic showed a
balance (the limits of significant
stability in 4 directions) increase.The
and shoulder muscle stabilization
strength in 5 directions exercise group
were measure before showed maximal
and after the flexion strength
exercises.Blue thera whereas
band was used. stretching
exercise group
showed increase
in muscle
extension and
Kim et al., To determine the Twelve The pre- are post- The study
2016 effect of elastic participants(with exercise forward concluded that
band exercise rounded shoulder and shoulder angles the elastic band
program on forward head posture were 32.2±6.2 exercise program
posture of were included in the and 29.5±5.7 used in the study
subjects with study.The body respectively. is effective for
rounded shoulder length,forward CVA was lengthening the
posture and shoulder angle,CVA 46.5±3.7 before pectoralis major
forward head and cranial rotatiin the exercise and correcting
posture. angle of participants program and rounded
were measured before 50.0±4.9 after the shoulder and
and after the exercise exercise program. forward head
program.The exercise The pre-and post- postur.
program was conducted exercise CRAs
with elastic bands,with were 1640±7.0
15 repetitions per set and 162.1±6.8,
and 3 sets in total. respectively.
differences were
observed in the
pre-and post-
exercise mea-
surements of
forward shoulder
angle and
CVA(p<0.05), no
difference was
observed in CRA
Kim et al., To determine the Thirty patients with The intragroup The results
2019 effect of degenerative knee comparison suggest that
resistance arthitis were classified showed resistance
exercise using the into on experimental significant exercise using
elastic band on group of 15 patients on desreases in the the elastic band
the pain and whom resistance visual analogus is apin and
function of exercise using the scale and the K- function od
patients with elastic band was WOMAC in both patients with
degenerative knee applied and a control the experimental degenerative
arthitis. group of 15 patients on and control knee arthritics.
whom conservative groups. In the
physical therepy was intergroup
applied. Both groups comparison after
received treatments treatment, the
three times a week fpr experimentat
four weeks. Pain was group showed
measured by the visual significantly
analogue scale anf lower visual
function was evaluated analogus scale
by the korean wastern nad K-WOMAC
ontario and McMaster values than the
Universites Osteoarthis control group.
index (K-WOMAC).
AHN et To study the Elderly patients with Static balance The five-month
al.,2015 effect of elastic mild dementia were ability,in which elastic band
band resistance randomly assigned to the participant resistance
exercise program an elastic band stood on one foot exercise program
on lower resistance exercise with eyes improved muscle
exteremity group(74.21±6.09). open(left and strength and
muscles strength The experimental right) increased endurance,cardio
and gate ability in group(n=23) performed significantly, but vascular
patients with upper and lower the dynamic function,and gait
ALZHEIMER’s. extremity exercises balancing ability speed.Therefore,
three times per week in the timed up- it may be an
for five and-go test did effective
months.Physical fitness not improve. rehabilitation
was measured program for
according to chair leg elderly patients
squat,one leg with
stance,timed up and go Alzheimer’s
test,2 minute walking disease.
test,and gait ability
before and after
Shin et al., To determine the 15 children with The result showed The study
207 effect of upper cerebral palsy were that FVC , FEB1 included that by
extremity included in the and PEF applying upper
resistance study.Eight children in increased by exterimity
exercise with experimental group 6%,15% and 23% resistance
elastic bands on (age=9.25±3.65 years, in the exercise with
respiratory height=122.0±20.37cm, experimental elastic band
function in and group. MIP and activate
children with weight=29.60±14.79) MEP increased by respiratory
cerebral palsy. performed an upper 5% and 14% in accessory
exterimity resistance the experimental muscles,
exercise with elastic group were as increasing grip
band for 20-30 mints MIP and MEp strength , and
for session, twices decreased by in has a positive
weekly for 8 and seven the group. impact on the
children in control Experimental respiratory
group (age=9.57±4.54 group showed a function of
years,height=125.86±2 significant childeren with
3.93cm, and weight= increased of 9% cerebral palsy.
32.71±20.88 kg). in grip strangth
Pulmarnary function , from pre-to-post
and resparetary intervention.
muscles and grip
strength were measured
before and after
Ozsu., To determine the In this study 102 The result showed The study
2018 effect of 6 week students were taken in that the resistance concluded that
exercises divided into groups: band exercise 6-week
performed by experimental improved hand- resistance
elastic resistance group(n=50,height:134 grip exercise applied
band on ±6.3 cm, mass: strength(p=0,012) with elastic
functional 30.9±7.9 kg. Age: but not effect resistance bands
performance 8.6±0.5 year). flexibility and significantly
(balance, experimental group agility increased hand-
handgrip performed exercise for performance(p- grip strenth but
strenght,and 45 minutes in the same 0.70) not statisically
flexibility). in hours of the day(3 days significant effect
childeren aged 8 a week)using elastic on balance,
to 9 years. ressitance band with a agility and
slight degree of flexibility
hardness(yellow abilities.
colored). the control
group did not
participate in any
physical activity.
Balance was measured
by flamingo
Test,agility by ilinois,
flexibility by sit and
reach box and strength
was measured by hand-
grip dynamometer.
Tomas et To determine the 38 menopausal woman After the 1-year The study
al., 2018 effoect of 1-year who were randomly training concluded that
progressive divided into two program,weight, progressive
resistance training groups: as intervention waist resistive training
program using group(IG,n=18), who circumference, with elastic
elastic bands on completed a total cholerterol, bands has
cardiovascular progressive resistance LDL-C, and CRP positive effects
profile parameters training program with showed a on body
in sedentary elastic band over the decrease composition and
psotmenopausal course of 12 compared with lipid profile in
(>12months’amen months(six exercise fro the baseline postmenopausal
orrhea)woman. whole body training, values in the IG women.These
three sets-10 (p<0.05).The benefits are
repetitons), and a decrease was related to
control 1.39(1.49) kg in decrease in waist
group(CG,n=20) that weight,2.67(2.61) circumference
did not perform any cm in waist and in body
training blood analysis circumference,15. weight.In
and body composition 72(46.47)mg/dl in addition elastic
were determined at total benefits has
baseline and 1 year cholestrol,16.77(4 beneficial effects
after intervention. 1.74)mg/dl in the on
LDL-C ,and antiinflammatory
0.81(1.78) mg/dl and
in the CRP. anthropometric
risk factors in
g changes in
lipid profile.
Agopyan To study the 20 female volleyball TTG significantly The study
et al., effect of 8-week players aged 15-17 (p<0.001) concluded that
2018 Thera band years were included in improved CMJ theraband
training on the the study,which were (14%),PP (8.4%), training
development of divided into thera band and spiking speed contributed
spike training group (n=10) (18%),and there development of
speed,counter and control group were no the performance
movement jump (n=10).Both groups significant of spike speed
(CMJ) continued technical and differences mostly and CMJ
height,peak tactica volleyball (p>0.05) in height and peak
power and speed training together 3 days domonant arm power of lower
of upper limb in week.TTG attended rate of extremities in
performance of Theraband training motion ,whereas young female
young female program through 8 CG showed volleyball
volleyball weeks,2 days per week significant players.Due to
players. and 2 sessions.All the (p>0.05) changes its effectivenss
players were tested for between pre and ion muscular
spike speed,CMJ post test in the performance,the
height,peak power and CMJ height Thera band
speed of upper limb (3.1%), peak training model
performances of young power (1.8%) at can be
female volleyball the end of 8 recommended to
players. week,and no the coaches and
significant players in
differences additional to
(p>0.05) in regular technical
dominant arm rate training.
of motion and
spiking speed for
CG at the end of
Song et To investigate the 10 men and 11 women The concentric This study
al., 2022 effect of knee- with age 23.60 and strength at 60̊̊ and concluded that
ankle elastic 22.45 years included in 180̊ was knee muscle
bands on knee this study.The elastic evaluated using strength
muscle strength- bands were applied to isokinetic increased
related knee-ankle joint in the measurement through knee-
parameters shape of figure 8,with equipment, and ankle complex
according to sex knee flexion at 90 the values of most assistance using
in healthy degree and dorsiflexion peak moment, an elastic band.
individuals. of ankle joint at 5-10 peak
degree. moment/body
power, and total
work in both
males and
females were
higher when
elastic bands was
applied in a figure
8 shape with
dorsiflexion of
the ankle
maintained at 5-
10 ̊ than without
the elastic band.
Chang et To investigate a 41 women with mild to Results of the The study
al., 2012 new style of moderate knee OA FFRT showed a concluded that a
resistance were randomly significant new style of
exercise using assigned to one of two increment resistance
elastic bands and groups,an exercise (p<0.05) between exercises using
explore its group (n=24; age the pre and post elastic bands
therapeutic effect 65.0±8.4 years) and a test in each with four color
on the lower conrol group group,but no combinations(yel
extremity (n=17;age: 70.8±8.4 significant low-red,red-
function of years). One group difference red,red-
female patients performed leg press (p>0.05) was green,green-
with osteoarthritis exercise with elastic found between green)over a
of the knee bands in addition to the two period of 8
conventinal modality groups.Result of weeks can
treatment two to three 30sCST showed a significantly
times a week for 8 significant improve lower
weeks and the control increment over 8 extremity
group received only week period in function among
conventional modality each group females with
treatment.The distance (p<0.05) and the mild-to-
of functional forward change in moderate knee
reach,30 s chair stand exercise group OA.
repetitions,walking was highly
function and WOMAC significant
index scores was (p<0.001).Walkin
assessed.yellow,red and g function was
green thera bands were improved in the
used for the exercise. exercise group
s in the control
group also
on th going up
and down 13 stair
test but not on the
10 m walk or the
timed up and go
scores in the
exercise group
(p<0.05) after 8
intervention,in the
group,except for
the stiffness
was significantly
decreased scores
(p<0.05) in the
other two
Bahadori To determine the 30 girls having age 9- The result of The study
et al., effect of thera 13 years with genu study showed that concluded that
2020 band training on valgum deformity.They TheraBand theraband
the Q angle and were randomly divided training training could
distance of Ankle into the experimental significantly improve the
medial malleolus (n=15) and control decreased the Q genu valgum
in individuals group (n=15).The angle and the position by
with Genu experimental group distance of ankle increasing the
Valgum participated in medial malleolus strength in the
Deformity. TheraBand exercises in the girls with weakened
for 8 weeks and 3 genu valgum muscles,the
sessions pe week and deformity(P=0.00 alignment of the
control group did not 1 & femur and tibia
receive any P=0.04).However improved and
training.Before and no significant reduced the Q
after 8 weeks,the Q difference was angle and
angle and distance of observed in the approached the
ankle medial malleolus control group. ankle medial
were measured by malleolus.
goniometer and coulis.
Ghorbanlo To find out the Forty-two male young This study
o et al., effects of elastic adults aged 22.5 years proved the
2020 band training on with genu valgus were effectiveness of
kinetics and randomly allocated to resistance
muscle activities experimental training using
during walking in groups.the intervention elastic bands on
adults with genu group conducted a 14 kinetics and
valgum. weeks elastic band muscle activities
resistance training during walking
which involved hip in male adults
abductor strengthening with genu valgus
exercises and invertor disorder.So it
strength exercises. should be
implemented as
a preventive or
means for young
adults with genu


Resistance exercise, also referred to as resistance training is an essential element of rehabilitation

program for person with impaired function and an integral part of conditioning program for those
who wish to promote or maintain health and physical well being,and potentially enhance
performance of motor skills, reduce the risk of injury or disease.(Silvers et al., 2001)In order to
increase muscular strength,individuals participate in traditional resistance exercise program
which include free weights and weight machines which have produced an increase in muscular
strength(Jacobsen et al., 2013).

The use of elastic resistance resistance training as a modality and clinical tool became popular in
1980 and has been increasing in recent years. Its benefits include improved functional capacity,
increased strength and endurance with increased muscle activation and improved body
composition, and quality of life.

Pancholi et al., 2018 and Shin et al., 2020 conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of
elastic resistance band exercises on neck pain, disability and forward head posture. The result of
this study suggested that elastic bands are more effective in reducing pain, disability(29%), and
forward head posture(23%).

Kim et al., 2016,2018 and Lee et al., 2020 through his studies concluded that subjects with round
shoulder posture after doing strengthening exercises with elastic band for deep cervical flexors
and shoulder retractors as well as stretching exercises for cervical extensors and pectoralis
muscles experienced significant improvement in RSP and also provide maximum shoulder
strength as well.

Study done by Lee et al., 2020 showed that by using elastic resistance band during arm lifting
with isometric adduction and diagonal arm lifting with isometric adduction are an effective way
to improve round shoulder posture.

Four studies (Thiebaud et al., 2013, Son et al., 2021, Tomas et al., 2018, Yagmur et al.,2021)
concluded that progressive resistance training with elastic bands has beneficial effect on body
composition, lipid profile, reducing the risk for the cardiovascular diseases and also result in
increase in strength, total bone-free lean body mass and muscle thickness in obese and
postmenopausal women and enhanced postural performance, reduced skinfold thickness and
body fat percentage although BMI did not change in sedentary women.

Ghosal et al., 2018 conducted a study on effect of resistance band training on physical
functioning and bone mineral density in different age groups in women i.e, young adult women,
middle aged adult and old adult women.The study concluded that elastic resistance training
programme was effective for all age groups of women specifically it was more effective for
olderly adult women group and BMD may be improved by the improvement of physiological
and fitness factors.

One study conducted by Shin et al., 2017 showed that upper extremity resistance exercise with
elastic band has positive effect on expiration and improves grip strength in children with cerebral

According to study done by Nayong et al., 2015, the five month elastic resistance exercises
improved muscle strength, endurance, cardiovascular function and gait speed and it proves to be
an effective rehabilitation program for elderly patient with Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study (Song et al., 2018) found that exercises with elastic resistance band have positive
effect on improving gait parameters by increasing ankle stability in stroke survivors with foot

Two studies (Saravanan et al., 2019 and Ozsu et al., 2018) about effect of exercises performed
with elastic resistance band on upper body strength and functional performance of 8-9 years
children have been included in the study which concluded that elastic band have positive effect
on strength, body composition, flexibility, balance, agility, and general muscular fitness of

Three studies (Kim et al., 2019, Kalani et al., 2020, Chang et al., 2012) concluded in their study
that using exercises using elastic resistance bands can improve muscular strength and increase
the range of motion of joints by stretching rigid tissues and can reduce pain and enhance quality
of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
The finding of the studies done by Yu et al., 2013, Silva et al., 2018, Lin et al., 2012 was that
elastic resistance training was able to improve glucose homeostasis, strength and functionality in
sarcopenic older adults and it also improve dynamic and static balance of elderly adults.

Result of these two studies (Mazraei et al., 2019, Dr. Jaynesh Vandra ,2020) concluded that core
stabilization training along with elastic resistance band exercise are effective in terms of greater
muscle strength, functional ability and pain reduction in patients with no specific and mechanical
low back pain.

Harishkumar et al., 2017 and Datar et al., 2019 concluded that elastic band exercises is effective
in shoulder muscles strengthening with greater improvement in flexion, abduction and rotation
activities which promotes all the activities of daily living in patients with adhesive capsulitis and

Elastic resistance training could improve genu valgum position by decreasing the Q angle and
distance of ankle medial malleolus(Bahadur et al., 2020).Elastic band when appied to occiput
and thorax can be benficial as it decreases RA and and SA muscle activity and reduced thoracic
kyphosis angle and scapular winging during knee push ups in subjects with scapular
winging(Shin et al., 2018).

Three studies on baseball pitchers,elite rowers and volleyball players were conducted (Agopyan
et al., 2018, Lamberth et al., 1993 and Kasmi et al., 2019).The result concluded that elastic band
training is effective in functional eccentric strengthening of posterior rotator cuff in pitching
shoulder and increase the strength of upper and lower limbs which increase spiking ability in
volleyball players.

So based on this study, resistance training with elastic resistance bands have various positive
effect on body in providing muscle strengthening, balance, postural control, improvement in
body compostion and enhance performance.


Based on the review of literature, it can be concluded that resistance training can be effective in
the development of muscular strength,muscular endurance, muscular mass, in a broad range of
people,including women and older adults.In order to increase muscular strength,individuals
participate in traditional resistance training program.Often, access to weight machines requires
having a membership to fitness facility or purchasing machines for at-home use.Both of these
options can be fairly expensive.So elastic resistance in the form of elastic bands (also known as
thera bands,resistance bands) is a more affordable alternative than exercise machines and free
weights and have the capacity to increase muscular strength.Elastic resistance exercise is a
popular mode of strength training that has demonstrated positive effects on whole body strength
and Simply changing the width of ones’s grip allow for utilization of larger range of motion both
concentrically and eccentrically as well as allows an exercise to be complete in a safe and
controlled manner.Elastic bands are a relevant tool for increasing muscular strength in different
demographics including young, physically active women,perimenopausal women,elderly and
adults.An elastic resistance training program for older adults has the ability to increase muscular
strength,functional health, quality of life, and help maintain their independence.

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