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Plant Syst. Evol.

238: 139–153 (2003)

DOI 10.1007/s00606-003-0276-7

Nectar as food for birds: the physiological consequences

of drinking dilute sugar solutions
S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming

Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

Received November 28, 2002; accepted January 26, 2003

Published online: June 2, 2003
 Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract. Nectarivory has evolved many times in also characterised as diurnal, unscented, and
birds: although best known in hummingbirds, frequently possessing tubular corollas which
sunbirds and honeyeaters, it also occurs on an match the narrow bills of their pollinators
opportunistic basis in a varied assortment of birds. (Endress 1994). Alternatively, birds visit less
We present a phylogenetic analysis of the distribu- specialised brush-like flowers with conspicuous
tion of nectarivory in birds. Specialised avian
stamens, grouped in inflorescences, like those
nectarivores are generally small, with an energetic
lifestyle and high metabolic rates. Their high degree
of Eucalyptus and other Australian Myrtaceae.
of dependence on nectar as a food source has led to The energetic requirements of bird pollinators
convergence in morphological, physiological and are met by abundant nectar which represents a
behavioural adaptations. We examine the constit- significant investment by the plant, not only in
uents of nectar which are most important to bird terms of nectar production but also the
consumers, and how the birds deal with them in substantial floral structures required to pro-
terms of physiology and behaviour. There are still duce and contain it.
unanswered questions: for example, the dichotomy Convergent evolution is illustrated by three
between sucrose-rich nectars in hummingbird- major radiations of nectarivorous birds on
pollinated plants and predominantly hexose-rich different continents: the Neotropical hum-
nectars in sunbird-pollinated plants appears to mingbirds (Trochilidae), and two passerine
have little to do with bird physiologies and may
families, the Meliphagidae (honeyeaters) in
rather reflect patterns of nectar secretion.
Australasia and Nectariniidae (sunbirds) in
Key words: Nectarivory, pollination, humming- Africa and Asia. Hummingbirds and their
birds, sunbirds, sugar digestion, water balance, tubular flowers show the most specialised
osmoregulation. interactions; sunbirds occupy an intermediate
position; and honeyeaters are the least specia-
lised, foraging on accessible brush flowers and
depending more on insects (Stiles 1981). Of the
Nectar feeding is widespread in birds three main nectarivore lineages, hummingbirds
Many bird-pollinated (ornithophilous) flowers are the oldest, dating back to some 33 million
are spectacular because of their large size and years ago. Consequently, throughout the
bright colours, often red or orange. They are Americas, nearly 8,000 plant species of >60
140 S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds

families have evolved flowers whose principal highly susceptible to energetic stress. In terms
pollinators are hummingbirds, and humming- of studying digestive physiology, they eat
bird pollination has sometimes evolved nu- sugar solutions, a deceptively simple food.
merous times within a single genus (e.g. And finally, these sugar solutions are dilute, so
Erythrina, Baker and Baker 1982b, Bruneau that water fluxes through the bodies of avian
1997). Body sizes support the idea that nectar- nectarivores may be extraordinarily high (Beu-
dependant species are in general smaller than chat et al. 1990, Martı́nez del Rio et al. 2001,
those with more varied or non-nectarivorous Nicolson and Fleming 2003).
diets (Brown et al. 1978, Pyke 1980). Hum- We will examine the constituents of nectar
mingbirds weigh 2–20 g (331 species, Cotton which are most important to bird consumers,
1996), sunbirds 5–22 g (102 species, Cheke et al. and how the birds deal with them in terms of
2001) and honeyeaters are the largest, ranging physiology and behaviour.
from 8–250 g (169 species, Frith 1977, Pyke
Numerous other families, mostly passerine
or perching birds, include species that show Nectar sugars are derived from sucrose trans-
varying dependence on nectar. These include located in phloem sap, and the final compo-
the Hawaiian honeycreepers, flowerpiercers, sition of nectar is determined by nectary
and lorikeet parrots, as well as opportunistic invertase which hydrolyses sucrose to glucose
nectar feeders such as white-eyes, weavers, Old and fructose. The extent of this hydrolysis,
and New World orioles, barbets, louries, and the resulting sugar composition, vary
mousebirds, starlings, Darwin’s finches and dramatically between the nectars of hum-
some babblers and warblers (Fig. 1, Oatley mingbird- and passerine-pollinated plants
and Skead 1972, Wolf and Gill 1986). Around (Baker and Baker 1983). Hummingbird nec-
10% of all bird species may use nectar as a tars show a left-skewed normal distribution,
resource at some time (Wolf and Gill 1986). with an average of 64.4 ± 18.5% (S.D.) of
Even in Europe, which lacks ornithophilous the nectar sugar being present in the form of
flowers (Ford 1985), opportunistic nectar con- sucrose (Fig. 2B, n ¼ 278 plant species). A
sumption can be energetically important for very different bimodal pattern emerges for
Sylvia warblers returning after long-distance sugarbird- and sunbird-pollinated plants in
migratory flights (Schwilch et al. 2001). The southern Africa (n ¼ 259 species), the majority
relationship between bill length and corolla of these producing nectar that is hexose
length determines whether nectar-feeding birds dominant (37.0 ± 39.3% sucrose). About
are legitimate pollinators or nectar robbers, half (47%) of sunbird/sugarbird plants pro-
although the distinction between the two duce nectar with <10% of the sugar present
categories is becoming less clear (Maloof and as sucrose (Fig. 2D). Many produce sucrose-
Inouye 2000). rich nectars, with almost a quarter of species
Aside from the fascination of bird-flower (24%) producing >80% sucrose nectars. The
associations, nectar-feeding birds are excellent sucrose-hexose dichotomy is pronounced even
models for ecophysiological research because within genera, with Erica, Protea and Leuco-
their energetics and water turnover are extreme spermum nectars being either sucrose- or
and inseparable (Beuchat et al. 1990, Martı́nez hexose-dominated and showing few species
del Rio et al. 2001). They are generally small, with mixed sugar compositions (Barnes et al.
and consequently have high mass-specific met- 1995, Nicolson and Van Wyk 1998, Nicolson
abolic rates: hummingbirds are the smallest 2002). Nectars from plants pollinated by
endotherms and their hovering flight is espe- honeyeaters and honeycreepers demonstrate
cially expensive. Small body size also means a an even more dramatic bimodal pattern
low capacity for energy storage, so they are (Fig. 2F, n ¼ 83 species) with almost half
S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds 141

Fig. 1. Phylogenetic distribution of avian nectarivory; phylogeny based on Sibley and Ahlquist (1990).
Specialised nectarivores are indicated in bold, opportunistic or occasional nectar-feeders are indicated in italics
(Oatley and Skead 1972, Wolf and Gill 1986, Schwilch et al. 2001). Some non-nectarivorous birds have been
tested for the presence of sucrase and these are included in plain text. The presence of sucrase is indicated as:
P present, - not examined, tr trace, and ** absent ¼ sucrose intolerant species (Martı́nez del Rio et al. 1988,
Martı́nez del Rio et al. 1989, Martı́nez del Rio and Stevens 1989, Martı́nez del Rio 1990a, Malcarney et al.
1994, I. G. van Tets, A. Green, T. McWhorter, B. Pinshow unpubl. data)

(46%) of plant species recorded with <10% hexose dichotomy is also pronounced within
sucrose and a third (37%) of species with genera (e.g. Banksia and Grevillea, Nicolson
>90% sucrose. In these plants, the sucrose- and Van Wyk 1998).
142 S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds

70 A. B.

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0




















sNumber of plant species

50 140
C. D.
120 % sucrose
30 80

20 60


0 0



















E. F.

10 30



0 0










Nectar concentration (% w/w) % total sugar as sucrose

Fig. 2. Nectar concentration (% w/w sugar) and sugar composition (% total sugar as sucrose) for plant species
pollinated by hummingbirds in America (A & B), sunbirds/sugarbirds in southern Africa (C & D) and
honeyeaters/honeycreepers in Australia and Hawaii (E & F). Values are unpublished data (S. W. Nicolson) as
well as from the literature (Percival 1965; Skead 1967; Hainsworth and Wolf 1972a, b; Hainsworth 1973, 1974;
Baker 1975; Gill and Wolf 1975a, b; Stiles 1975; Wolf 1975; Hainsworth and Wolf 1976; Wolf et al. 1976;
Cruden and Toledo 1977; Hainsworth 1977; Bolten and Feinsinger 1978; Bond and Brown 1979; Brown and
Kodric-Brown 1979; Waser 1979; Pyke 1980; Corbet and Willmer 1981; Frost and Frost 1981; Pyke and Waser
1981; Baker and Baker 1982a, b; Feinsinger et al. 1982; Paton 1982; Collins 1983; Cruden et al. 1983;
Heyneman 1983; Wiens et al. 1983; Freeman et al. 1984; Gottsberger et al. 1984; Lammers and Freeman 1986;
Buys 1987; Craig and Stewart 1988; Elisens and Freeman 1988; Moncur and Boland 1989; Arizmendi and
Ornelas 1990; Freeman et al. 1991; Stiles and Freeman 1993; van Wyk et al. 1993; Johnson and Bond 1994;
Koptur 1994; Vos et al. 1994; Baker et al. 1998; Nicolson and van Wyk 1998; Pauw 1998; Goldblatt et al. 1999)

Differences in nectar sugar composition required to process or assimilate sugars, are

between hummingbird- and passerine-pollinat- affected by diet concentration, so that neither
ed flowers have sparked decades of research composition nor concentration can be consid-
and debate. Taste preferences and digestive ered independently. Bird-dispersed fruits
limitations, such as differences in the time resemble the nectars of passerine-pollinated
S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds 143

flowers in their hexose dominance (Martı́nez Why then are hummingbird nectars su-
del Rio et al. 1992, Baker et al. 1998), and crose-dominant, if both hummingbirds and
much of what we know about sugar assimila- sunbirds show only slight preference for su-
tion in passerine birds comes from studies of crose in the laboratory? A sucrose solution has
frugivores (for review see Levey and Martı́nez a similar sweetness rating to a 1:1 glucose-
del Rio 2001). fructose mixture (Harborne 1993), although
We might expect the high sucrose content bird perception of sweetness may differ from
of hummingbird nectars to reflect a high that of humans. Could there be differences in
degree of sucrose preference by these birds. physiology that enable hummingbirds to cope
Unfortunately, most sugar preference trials with sucrose better? Firstly, a dietary mecha-
to date have compared sugars mixed on a % nism seems an unlikely explanation for sucrose
weight basis, assuming them to be equicaloric preference (Martı́nez del Rio 1990b). Sucrose
(Stiles 1976, Martı́nez del Rio 1990b, Martı́- and hexose sugars have the same energy value
nez del Rio et al. 1992, Lotz and Nicolson and are assimilated with equally high (>97%)
1996, Jackson et al. 1998, Schondube and efficiency by all nectarivorous birds examined
Martı́nez del Rio 2003). This convention has to date (Collins et al. 1980, Martı́nez del Rio
no doubt arisen because field nectar concen- 1990b, Lotz and Nicolson 1996, Jackson et al.
trations are measured in % (w/w) sucrose 1998). In fact, sucrose digestion involves the
equivalents. However, the molecular mass of additional step of sucrose hydrolysis. Second-
sucrose is not exactly twice that of glucose ly, the osmolality of sucrose solutions is
and fructose, and consequently hexose solu- around half that of energy-equivalent hexose
tions mixed on a % weight basis will have mixtures (Beuchat et al. 1990, Nicolson 2002):
95% of the energy value of sucrose solutions. if the rate of delivery of food from crop to
It is therefore not possible to distinguish intestine is mediated by osmolality, then
between sucrose preference and preference sucrose might be processed faster than hexose
for the greater energy value of the sucrose mixtures, but this is not the case (Martı́nez del
solutions. This point is important because Rio 1990b). The preference switch to hexoses
hummingbirds have recently been shown to on dilute diets, however, may be linked with
be able to discriminate between sucrose the greater osmolality of hexose solutions. A
solutions differing by only 1% (Blem et al. third, rather unlikely, hypothesis is that birds
2000). may be imprinted on nectar sugar as chicks
In contrast with reports of significant (Martı́nez del Rio 1990b); but while humming-
sucrose preference in hummingbirds, a more bird chicks may be fed a little nectar, sunbird
recent study (using equicaloric solutions) nestlings are fed very little (if any) nectar (see
showed no significant sucrose preference in below).
broadtailed hummingbirds Selasphorus platy- Plant physiology must also be considered.
cercus (P. A. Fleming, B. Hartman Bakken, Because energy is transported as sucrose in
C. N. Lotz, S. W. Nicolson, unpubl. data). plants, it may be easier for plants to secrete
Slight preference for sucrose over hexose sucrose directly in the nectaries. In the absence
mixtures has been recorded for sunbirds and of a pollinator aversion to sucrose, sucrose
white-eyes feeding on moderate concentrations may be the dominant nectar sugar. However,
(Franke et al. 1998, Jackson et al. 1998, hummingbird nectars are neatly clumped
Fleming et al., unpubl. data). When offered around 64% of sugar present as sucrose; only
choices between more dilute solutions (5 and 3% of hummingbird-pollinated plant species
8.3%), hummingbirds, sunbirds and nectar- produce sucrose-dominant (>90%) nectar
feeding flowerpiercers show greater preference (Fig. 2B). Partial hydrolysis is evidently
for hexose diets (Schondube and Martı́nez del responsible for the mixed sugar composition
Rio 2003, Fleming et al., unpubl. data). of the majority of nectars (Baker and Baker
144 S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds

1982a, Baker et al. 1998), but details of nectar 2001). The everted sleeve technique which was
secretion mechanisms and the location of used in the original hummingbird experiments
nectary invertase are generally lacking (Nicol- has recently been applied to sunbirds and
son 2002). Studies such as those of Pate et al. found to damage the delicate intestinal tissue,
(1985) are an exception. so that uptake rates are likely to be underes-
Sucrose must be hydrolysed by sucrase (the timated (Starck et al. 2000). Both glucose and
animal equivalent to the plant invertase) fructose may be absorbed passively by a
before intestinal absorption of glucose and paracellular route (Pappenheimer 1993).
fructose. Hummingbirds have much higher
sucrase activity (per unit intestinal area) than
some other non-specialised nectar-feeding pas- Water
serine birds (Martı́nez del Rio 1990a). All birds
in the Muscicapoidea families Turdidae, Stur- One of the defining characteristics of bird-
nidae and Mimidae (thrushes, starlings and pollinated flowers is that they produce copious
mockingbirds) that have been examined lack and dilute nectar, often in the range 20–25%
sucrase expression, and are therefore sucrose (w/w) (Pyke and Waser 1981, Stiles and
intolerant (Fig. 1, Martı́nez del Rio et al. 1988, Freeman 1993). American hummingbird nec-
Martı́nez del Rio 1990a); accumulation of tars (25%, Fig. 2A, n ¼ 255 plant species) are
undigested sucrose in the gut causes osmotic more concentrated than southern African
diarrhoea (reviewed by Martı́nez del Rio et al. sunbird nectars (21%, Fig. 2C, n ¼ 158 species,
1992). Consequently, starlings develop an ANOVA: F1,411 ¼ 16.36, P £ 0.001), although
aversion to sucrose in preference tests (Martı́- we do not know whether this difference is
nez del Rio et al. 1988). However, frugivorous biologically relevant. In Australia, honeyeater
cedar waxwings possess sucrase but still prefer nectars average an intermediate 23% (Fig. 2E,
hexoses (Martı́nez del Rio et al. 1989). We n ¼ 35 species). Dilute bird nectars are puz-
have no data for intestinal sucrase activity in zling since under laboratory conditions, both
sunbirds or honeyeaters, but their consump- sunbirds and hummingbirds show preferences
tion of sucrose-dominant nectars certainly for more concentrated sugar solutions than
suggests high sucrase activity. In sum there- their natural nectars, somewhere in the region
fore, these data indicate that the absence of of 31 to 45% (e.g. Stiles 1976, Pyke and Waser
intestinal sucrase cannot be a factor driving the 1981, Tamm and Gass 1986, Roberts 1996,
hexose-dominant nectars in plants pollinated Nicolson and Fleming 2003).
by these groups. An interesting idea could be A variety of hypotheses have been pro-
that high sucrose composition may have posed to account for the relatively low sugar
developed as a deterrent to nectar robbers in concentration of bird nectars:
hummingbird-pollinated plants. This hypothe- 1. low viscosities permit more efficient extrac-
sis would require that nectar robbers were tion of nectar by birds (Baker 1975);
sucrose-intolerant, but we do not know en- 2. low concentrations discourage bees (Bolten
ough about the digestive capacities of these and Feinsinger 1978);
birds (Fig. 1 summarises our knowledge of the 3. dilute nectars meet the water requirements
presence of intestinal sucrase in birds). of birds (Baker 1975, Calder 1979), a
Active transport of glucose at high rates situation that may not be replicated to the
was demonstrated in hummingbirds by Dia- same degree in laboratory trials;
mond et al. (1986). However, recent studies on 4. nectars remain dilute owing to protection in
lorikeets and several species of passerine tubular hummingbird flowers (Plowright
frugivore suggest that passive absorption is 1987);
the predominant pathway for glucose trans- 5. dilute nectars may encourage more bird
port in birds (Levey and Martı́nez del Rio visitations by not satiating their energy
S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds 145

requirements immediately (Collins and hummingbirds Selasphorus platycercus feeding

Clow 1978, Martı́nez del Rio et al. 2001); on 10% sucrose (McWhorter and Martı́nez del
and Rio 1999). In an influential review of the
6. dilute nectars are a consequence of hydro- physiology of nectar-feeding birds, Beuchat
lysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose, the et al. (1990) hypothesised that birds feeding on
subsequent increase in osmolality drawing large volumes of dilute nectar may reduce
water from the nectary (Nicolson 1998, intestinal water absorption and shunt some of
Nicolson 2002). the excess water directly through the gut, thus
reducing the water load to be processed by the
The question is still unresolved, and perhaps a
kidneys. This hypothesis was first tested in
combination of these factors is involved.
broad-tailed hummingbirds by McWhorter
Nectar concentrations are determined by both
and Martı́nez del Rio (1999), who found that
chemical effects and microclimatic gradients,
absorption through the intestine was essential-
and the usual post-secretory change is an
ly complete. In contrast, recent application of
increase in concentration due to evaporation,
the same pharmacokinetic technique to Pales-
especially in open brush-type flowers (Corbet
tine sunbirds Nectarinia osea shows that water
et al. 1979, Nicolson 2002). In fact, average
flux in these birds is indeed regulated on dilute
values in the literature obscure the fact that the
sugar nectars (McWhorter et al. 2003). As
diet of avian nectarivores is highly variable in
water intake increased, the fraction of ingested
concentration (Martı́nez del Rio et al. 2001,
water absorbed decreased to 36%. The differ-
Nicolson 2002).
ence between these lineages of nectar-feeding
Over a wide range of diet concentrations,
birds is exciting, though we must be cautious in
many nectarivorous birds show compensatory
extrapolating to other species of humming-
feeding, varying their food intake (and thus
birds and sunbirds.
preformed water) in order to maintain con-
Even when a proportion of ingested water
stant energy intake (Collins 1981, Lotz and
passes directly through the intestine, the kid-
Nicolson 1999, McWhorter and Martı́nez del
neys of nectarivores have to deal with heavy
Rio 1999, Nicolson and Fleming 2003,
water loads and these animals can be described
Schondube and Martı́nez del Rio 2003). For
as chronically diuretic (Calder and Hiebert
the negative relationship between volumetric
1983). Their kidneys are ideal for processing
intake and concentration V ¼ aC)b (also
large volumes of water but contain very few
known as the intake response) a value of b
mammalian-type, concentrating nephrons and
equal to 1 indicates perfect compensation
a small medullary component (hummingbirds
(Martı́nez del Rio et al. 2001). Values of b
and honeyeaters, Casotti et al. 1998). Glomer-
which are statistically indistinguishable from 1
ular filtration rate (GFR) is a measure of the
have been found in various bird species (for
maximal possible rate of urine production by
review see Martı́nez del Rio et al. 2001), but
the kidney. In Palestine sunbirds Nectarinia
these data depend on the range of sugar
osea, GFR is lower than predicted from
concentrations over which intake is measured.
allometry, is highly variable and not particu-
Sufficient dilution of the diet causes birds to
larly sensitive to water loading (T. J. Mc-
shift from an intake response showing com-
Whorter, C. Martı́nez del Rio, B. Pinshow,
pensatory feeding to one showing physiologi-
L. Roxburgh, unpubl. data), perhaps indicat-
cal constraints; when intake can not be
ing that the kidneys of these birds are capable
increased further, birds fail to maintain energy
of dealing with even greater water loads.
balance (Nicolson and Fleming 2003).
Similarly for the red wattlebird Anthochaera
Volumetric intake is extremely high on
carunculata, GFR is also highly variable and
dilute sugar nectars with low energy densities,
does not change with water intake (Goldstein
e.g. 5.4 times body mass daily in broad-tailed
146 S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds

and Bradshaw 1998). Excreted fluid volume Ions

and osmolality are inversely correlated, and
‘Nonsugar’ solutes in hummingbird nectars
extremely low osmolalities have been measured
may account for about 9% of the apparent
in the cloacal fluid of birds drinking dilute
sugar content estimated by refractometry (Ino-
nectar. Ruby-throated hummingbirds Archilo-
uye et al. 1980). Of these ‘nonsugar’ solutes, ions
chus colubris produced fluid with a mean
are the most important, but data on nectar ion
osmolality of 10 mmol kg H2O)1 (Beuchat
concentrations are sparse (Waller et al. 1972,
1998). Whitebellied sunbirds Nectarinia talat-
Hiebert and Calder 1983, Nicolson and W.-
ala on dilute sugar diets excreted fluid compa-
Worswick 1990). Hummingbird nectars may
rable to measurements of tap water at
have reasonably high potassium levels, but are
6.2 ± 2.6 S.D. mmol kg)1 (Fleming and
often low in sodium: mean values of 24.7 mmol
Nicolson 2003). Recovery of solutes by the
l)1 for K+ and 3.4 mmol l)1 for Na+ were
kidneys and gastrointestinal tract could not be
measured in nectar of 19 plant species (Hiebert
more efficient than this.
and Calder 1983). The nectar of sunbird-
There are other physiological problems
pollinated plants in southern Africa is generally
associated with feeding on dilute sugar nectar.
low in both K+ and Na+, although ten species
Warming ingested food to body temperature is
of Protea (Proteaceae), which are pollinated by
an expensive business for birds feeding on
the Cape sugarbird Promerops cafer, produce
dilute diets because of the enormous volumes
nectar with mean K+ and Na+ concentrations
they ingest in relation to body mass. The cost
of 18.0 and 16.9 mmol l)1 respectively (S. W.
is reflected in the increased metabolic rate of
Nicolson, unpublished data).
sunbirds feeding on dilute sugar nectars (Lotz
Rufous hummingbirds fed on dilute (salt-
and Nicolson 2002). This cost is a function of
free) sucrose solutions excrete fluid containing
three factors: the volume of nectar consumed,
0.4 and 0.2 mmol l)1of Na+ and K+ respec-
the specific heat of the sugar solution, and the
tively (Lotz and Martı́nez del Rio 2003). The
difference between body and nectar tempera-
same birds were not particularly tolerant of
tures. Modeling predicts that the cost of
high salt diets, retaining ions when NaCl in
warming nectar should increase linearly as
their food exceeded 35 mmol l)1 (Lotz and
nectar temperature decreases, and exponen-
Martı́nez del Rio 2003). The ureters of birds
tially as nectar concentration decreases; exper-
empty into the cloaca, and on both salt-free
iments with rufous hummingbirds Selasphorus
and high salt diets, further postrenal modifi-
rufus have confirmed these predictions (Lotz
cation occurs, additional ions being reab-
et al. 2003). It is tempting therefore to spec-
sorbed or added (Roxburgh and Pinshow
ulate that in cold climates birds should prefer
2002, Lotz and Martı́nez del Rio 2003).
more concentrated nectars (Calder 1979, Gass
Electrolyte intake of avian nectarivores is
et al. 1999).
supplemented with arthropod feeding. This
At the other extreme, concentrated sugar
becomes apparent when excreted fluid is sam-
nectars may also pose osmoregulatory prob-
pled from both wild-caught hummingbirds and
lems. Although it is often assumed that necta-
honeyeaters; measured K+ and Na+ concen-
rivorous birds do not consume drinking water,
trations in the excreted fluid are much higher
honeyeaters in arid Australia are highly de-
than expected from a nectar diet (Calder and
pendent on drinking water (Fisher et al. 1972).
Hiebert 1983, Goldstein and Bradshaw 1998).
When sugar concentrations in the diet are
high, captive whitebellied sunbirds drink sup-
plementary water if it is available, thereby
diluting their food to around 30% w/w Nectar of bird-pollinated plants is a poor
(Nicolson and Fleming 2003). source of nitrogen (Baker and Baker 1982a,
S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds 147

Paton 1982). Amino acids occur in nectar in feeders (Wooller et al. 1988, Brice et al. 1989,
small quantities, but the amounts are too Richardson and Wooller 1990, Van Tets and
low to meet the protein requirements of Nicolson 2000). Pollen protein constituents
nectarivorous birds (Martı́nez del Rio 1994). also vary between plant groups, with some
In particular, the relative proportions of the essential amino acids lacking (Martı́nez del
amino acids may differ from the birds’ Rio 1994), perhaps limiting the usefulness of
requirements, with low amounts of essential pollen as a diet component.
amino acids resulting in waste of others. Protein requirements of nestlings, on the
Gottsberger (1990) has cautioned against other hand, are very high due to growth, and
attributing too much significance to measured nestlings are fed an almost exclusively arthro-
amino acid concentrations in nectar, because pod diet (Markman et al. 1999). As a conse-
of the probability of amino acids leaching quence, nesting female hummingbirds and
from contaminating pollen grains. Certainly honeyeaters may switch to spending a greater
for plants like Eucalyptus, it is difficult to proportion of their time feeding on insects
imagine how honeyeaters can remove nectar than non-breeding birds (Pyke 1980, Paton
without dislodging pollen from the numerous 1982). Interestingly, even though nectar is not
anthers. fed to young, the quality (concentration) of
Adult nectarivorous birds appear to have nectar resources available to parents signifi-
unusually low daily protein requirements com- cantly increases the degree of parental care
pared with other bird species (around 1.5% of that they can invest in offspring (Markman
daily diet on a dry mass basis, Paton 1982, et al. 2002).
Brice and Grau 1991, Brice 1992, Roxburgh
and Pinshow 2000, Van Tets and Nicolson
‘‘Toxic’’ substances
2000). Adult Anna’s hummingbirds Calypte
anna can survive for long periods (up to 10 The ecological significance of toxic nectar has
days) with no protein intake (Brice and Grau recently been reviewed by Adler (2000). Of
1991). Despite low daily protein requirements, various theories proposed to explain the exis-
nectarivorous birds are unable to meet their tence of toxic compounds in nectar, one that
nitrogen requirements on an exclusively nectar has received little attention is that secondary
diet (Martı́nez del Rio 1994). Other nitrogen compounds involved in herbivore resistance
sources include insects (Paton 1982, Brice may be present in nectar as a consequence of
1992) and pollen (Wooller et al. 1988, Van their presence in phloem (Adler 2000). A
Tets and Nicolson 2000). However, net rates of possible example is the pentose sugar xylose,
energy gain from hawking insects are small which occurs in nectar of Protea and Faurea
(usually <20 J/min, certainly lower than (Proteaceae) at concentrations up to 39% of
energy gain from nectar feeding) and some- total sugars (Nicolson and Van Wyk 1998).
times negative (Paton 1982). Therefore, pro- Xylose is not palatable to bird or insect
vided that nectar is available, it would be pollinators and its presence in nectar may be
expected that birds would not invest more time a result of plant physiology (xylose passing
on insect feeding than is required to meet daily untransformed through the nectaries) rather
nitrogen requirements (Roxburgh and Pin- than pollinator preferences (Jackson and
show 2000), contributing to strong selection Nicolson 2002).
for low nitrogen requirements. Pollen ingestion Occasional toxic compounds in nectar are
requires less energy than insect feeding, as most likely to be discovered when bees make
pollen will be encountered while foraging on poisonous honey. Sometimes nectar is toxic
nectar. However, birds vary in their ability to to honeybees but without apparent ill effects
extract nutrients from pollen, hummingbirds on birds. The New Zealand kowhai Sophora
being less efficient than some other nectar- microphylla is pollinated by honeyeaters but
148 S. W. Nicolson and P. A. Fleming: Nectar as food for birds

alkaloids in the nectar are toxic to honey bees S. W. N. thanks E. Pacini and M. Nepi for
(Clinch et al. 1972). Amygdalin is a cyano- organising the nectar conference and financial
genic glycoside occurring in fruit and nectar assistance in Italy, and C. Martı́nez del Rio for
which does not deter frugivorous birds enjoyable discussions. Thanks to C. N. Lotz, I. G.
(Struempf et al. 1999) but is unpalatable to van Tets, T. J. McWhorter and J. Schondube for
access to unpublished data. Funding was provided
honeybees (London and Eisikowitch, this vol-
by the National Research Foundation of South
ume). These examples illustrate that toxicity to Africa and the University of Pretoria.
one taxon should not be extrapolated to
another, and in fact very little is known about
the role of secondary metabolites in bird-plant References
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Wolf L. L. (1975) Energy intake and expenditures Addresses of the authors: S. W. Nicolson (e-mail:
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Wolf L. L., Gill F. B. (1986) Physiological and (e-mail:, Department
ecological adaptations of high montane sunbirds of Zoology and Entomology, University of
and hummingbirds. In: Vuilleumier F., Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa.

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