Cell Curriculum Framework (Beta) 1

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Planting: Multiplying Missional Cells Central Region :|: IVCF USA

The Why and What of Cell Planting Goals * To communicate the theological and missiological basis for cell planting * To present the cell paradigm Primary Luke 10.1-12- Jesus Sends the 72 - Jesus strategy for rapid multiplication of new missional communities - More Laborers = More harvest Scripture Alternates Mark 3.13-19- Jesus Appoints the 12 Mark 4.1-20- The Parable of the Sower Jeremiah 29.1-14- Exiles and Missionaries Gods Grassroots Mission Genesis 1-2 Matthew 28:16-20 Primary Cell Paradigm A community | following Jesus | into mission | on campus Cell Flywheel (Intro) Every Corner of the Campus Exercise * Individually, or in groups, take some time to try and estimate just how many unique people groups exist on your campus (e.g., teams, clubs, living situations, majors, etc.) * If you were charged with getting one cell planted in every people group on campus (i.e., campus saturation), how would you do it? Alternates The Power of Math-- Addition vs. Multiplication Going Viral Experience Biology 101-- DNA, Cells, Organs, and Organisms (Elizabeths notes here) Central Region 2020 Vision Conversion Continuum (Missional conversion) Reection * If you were asked to present a biblical case for Gods multiplicative vision, what passages would you use? * How would you describe Gods multiplicative vision in a couple sentences? Choose a form of natural multiplication (e.g., a farm eld, fruit, tree, bacteria, animals, etc.) and spend some time in prayerful meditation, considering what God might be saying to you through his creation.



The Why and What of Cell Planting Resources * On the Verge- Interview with David Gibbons in Christianity Today * The Missional Incarnational Impulse- Alan Hirsch in The Forgotten Ways * Multiplying Small Groups- Dave and Jon Ferguson in Exponential

Receiving our Missional Vision from God Goals * Establish a posture of dependence on God in cell planting * Enable discernment on the questions of who with? and where to? Primary Acts 15.36-16.15- Paul and Barnabas Discern On the go in Asia - Discernment as active seeking, not passive waiting - Sensitivity to the Spirit Alternates Joshua 1.1-18- Joshua Receives his Vision Genesis 15.1-21- God Covenants with Abraham Primary Network Analysis (CP Manual 4.04-4.05) Recognizing Dierent Types of Networks Discerning momentum and synergy Listening Prayer over Networks and Campus Map Hearing God (Scripture, Images, etc.) Who with? Where to? Alternates Introduce Idea of Apprentices FIT Disciples Creating Compelling Vision Naming the Land Exercise Reection * As you reect on your campus and networks, which people groups stand out to you? * Who comes to mind as you think about potential planting partners? Commit to fast one meal this week. During that time consider both your who and where lists. If possible, visit your wheres and spend time listening to God in those places--see what he tells you. * Jesus is Lord- Alan Hirsch in The Forgotten Ways * Inspirational Leadership- Alan Hirsch in The Forgotten Ways * Multiplying Small Groups- Dave and Jon Ferguson in Exponential





Grounding our Cells in Prayer and Worship Goals * Help students lay a spiritual foundation for their work of cell planting Primary Genesis 12.1-9- Abram responds to Gods Promise - Gods outlandish promise to Abram - Abrams rst response is to worship Alternates Ezra 3.1-13- Creating a place of worship Numbers 13.17-25- Caleb, Joshua, and the Spies Primary Planting Prayer Walk (CP 2.03-2.04) Asking and Listening Open to interruptions Foundation of Worship Exercise Discerning Key Locales for Prayer (Spiritual Strongholds) Listening Prayer, Intercession, and Worship Debrieng and Sharing Alternates Treasure Hunting Pop and Prayer Campus Scouting/Assessment-- Spying out the Land Missionary Shoes experience * Spend time remembering/sharing some of the Ebenezers from your past--key moments when God met you in your moment of need. How has God been faithful to you in the past? What promises has he given you for the future? * Why do you think its important to start with a foundation of prayer and worship? What dierence might it make down the road? Once you have clarity on where God is inviting you to plant your cell, lay a foundation of prayer and worship in that place. Consider doing a prayer walk through the area, or for the next week, do your quiet time in various places throughout the planting context as a way of dedicating yourself to the LORD-- Even if no one else follows me, I will follow you in this place. Consider marking your time by building some kind of tangible Ebenezer, which means stone of remembrance. * Pete Greig talks on Exodus 17, John 15, and Mark 11 * Spying out the Land worksheet (CP 1.04) * CP Manual Appendix 2 * Missionary Identity from Cells 101 @ Catalyst 2011 (Danley) * New Tribes Mission Video (From Cells 101)- http://usa.ntm.org/videos-pics/






Inviting others into the Vision of our Cells Goals * Train students to invite others into the vision of their cell Primary Mark 1.14-39- Jesus Calls his Disciples - Jesus invites to his person and a vision - Jesus immediately involves them in his mission Scripture Alternates John 1.35-51- Come and See Mark 3.13-19- Jesus appoints 12 disciples Luke 5.1-11- Jesus calls Peter Matthew 10.5-15- Persons of Peace Primary The How-tos of inviting How to invite to a vision (and not merely an event!) Personalizing Invitation Persistence Pays Neil Coles PoPs (Persons of Peace in Pockets of People) Recognizing People of Peace (Reputation, welcome, etc.) Oikos--A Pocket of People Alternates GogO- G(g)athering and O(o)utreach events (CP Manual section 5) Eective Vision Casting (CP 3.12-17) Reection Application * Who do you know that you might be able to invite to your cell? Who would seem to t the description as a person of peace? * What would you include in a 5 sec, 30 sec, and 3 minute invitation to your cells vision? Go get em. This week, invite at least 10 people to join your cells vision. * Luke 10 -- George and Felicity Dale in The Rabbit and the Elephant * Outreach Freaks -- Tom Lin * Recognizing and Awakening Missional Christians (CP 1.14) * CP Manual Appendix 3 * Cell 101 Inviting training (Brian)



Fueling the Life of our Cells Goals * Present the components of fruitful cells * Dene cell leadership as leading the life of the cell (in and out of the cell meeting) Primary Acts 2.42-47- The Early Christians - The many dimensions of the life of a community - Harmony in outreach/formation/community
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Alternates Mark 6.6b-13; 30-44- Jesus and his disciples feed 5,000 Mark 1.14-39- Jesus disciples his rst followers Mark Survey (CP 6.03)
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Missional Discipleship Chart


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Alternates Leading the life of your cell--beyond the meeting Model Experiential Discipleship together Scripture Leadership (Wilderness Guide) Doing Follow-Up Pastoral Care Spiritual Assessment GIG Training Debrieng Training (Allison from Catalyst 2011)

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Fueling the Life of our Cells Reection Application * What do you notice about how the dierent components work together? Which feels most natural to you as a starting point? Which feels most challenging? Plan 5 ywheel cycles that you can use for your cell * 100 Cell Outreach ideas * Example missional discipleship charts (e.g., Dirty Dozen) * TEMPT Model from Forgotten Ways, p 46-47 * Presence, Proximity, Powerlessness, and Proclamation Model- Forgotten Ways * Leadership Team vs. Core Group (CP 5.04-5.05) * Stages of Community SG Leaders Handbook, p. 53


Toward Becoming a Planting Movement Goals * Instill a vision for multiplicative planting * Equip leaders to begin multiplying through apprenticing Primary Mark 4.1-34- Kingdom Parables - The exponential growth of the kingdom - Irresponsible farming Scripture Alternates I Peter 2.4-10- Living Stones Matthew 28.16-20- The Great Commission Acts 1.1-8- You will be my Witnesses Ephesians 4.1-16- The Body of Christ Tour Through Acts (CP 6.05) Primary Apprentice Training Choosing an apprentice What to do with an apprentice (5 step model from Exponential) 1. I do, you watch, we talk 2.I do, you help, we talk 3.You do, I help, we talk 4.You do, I watch, we talk 5.You do, someone else watches, you talk. Models of Multiplication Cell Branch (i.e., daughter cell) All-Play GIG Launch Exponential on Multiplying Small Groups


Toward Becoming a Planting Movement Goals * Instill a vision for multiplicative planting * Equip leaders to begin multiplying through apprenticing Primary Mark 4.1-34- Kingdom Parables - The exponential growth of the kingdom - Irresponsible farming Scripture Alternates I Peter 2.4-10- Living Stones Matthew 28.16-20- The Great Commission Acts 1.1-8- You will be my Witnesses Ephesians 4.1-16- The Body of Christ Tour Through Acts (CP 6.05) Primary Apprentice Training Choosing an apprentice What to do with an apprentice (5 step model from Exponential) 1. I do, you watch, we talk 2.I do, you help, we talk 3.You do, I help, we talk 4.You do, I watch, we talk 5.You do, someone else watches, you talk. Models of Multiplication Cell Branch (i.e., daughter cell) All-Play GIG Launch Exponential on Multiplying Small Groups


Comments from Cell Beta Call * Lots of overlap with planting manual (this is good) * Applications take dierent amounts of time (some might not be fruitful/viable in a week) * Audience-- for current leaders or for brand new leaders? * GIG training * Perhaps too advanced for 1st timers (maybe GIG training would be more appropriate here?) * Seeing all six-macro things are helpful * Does Core create confusion because its not actually talking about the missional core of the cell? Something else here --> Momentum? * Same thing with Gathering? --> Invitation, and then bringing others into * Core is a big section --> bulk of our training actually happens here * Invitation section really needs to include both vision-centric and event/meeting centric--have two goals * thoughtful invitation * core could include Training on each of the three interior circles, and the arrows out * Multiple versions of the ywheel (one as a grid for each meeting, one with a longer duration) * Semester planning resources in core section, related to cell ywheel (managing momentum) * Application for Framework could be more of a personal, missional calling --> missionary calling * Doing both general missional calling and why cells? in that rst section * II Timothy 2 for Multiplication; Elijah/Elisha * Matthew 28.16-20 for Framework * Gods grassroots vision for framework--more of a survey approach for framework? * Acts 1.8 * Luke 9 --> Luke 10 (sending of the 12 and sending the 72)

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