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Multiplication Training Overview Goals * Provide aligned resources to fuel cell-planting momentum * Foster ongoing experimentation so we dont formalize too fast * Facilitate intra-regional collaboration through wiki-process * Increase collective ownership as we work together Process * Cell Multiplication Training is compiled and packaged for distribution to Central Region Sta (August) - Pre-Release to Beta Testers with optional RLT input (8.12) - Conference call for explanation and feedback on Pre-Beta Version (8.18) - Post-call compilation and packaging - Wiki-Process System in place * Electronic Beta Version released to regional sta (Early Fall) - Coupled with Video Overview of Process and Training - Early Fall Area Meeting Training (By RLT + Beta testers) - RSC Seminars (Booster and 2.0) * All-Play Experimentation and Wiki-Collaboration (Fall 2011/Spring 2012) - Grassroots Contextualization with students - Catalyst 2012 Cell Track(s) - National Planting Conference? - RSC Training and Best Practices - Area Team Component Ownership? - All-Play Collaboration (Googledocs/Dropbox) * Discerning Next Steps (June RLT) - To what degree do we formalize/distribute?c Cell Multiplication Elements -- [Goals | Scripture | Training | Reection | Application | Resources] FRAMEWORK- The Why and What of Cell Planting CALLING- Receiving our Missional Vision from God FOUNDATION- Grounding our Cells in Prayer and Worship GATHERING- Inviting Others into our Missional Vision CORE- Fueling the life of our cells MULTIPLICATION- Becoming a planting movement

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