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12 Clubs & Orgs.

The Bear February 16, 2023

CJU45 prepares for show choir season

Nora Ziehr CJU45 this year, almost 50% are brand the day roughly 3,000 people, between The Ambassadors (Prairie High School),
Staff Writer new to show choir at the high school family members and show choir 1st place; Side One (Indianola High
As students get into semester level. Roughly 34% are freshmen. “I members, visited West Branch. School), 2nd place; New Creation (Mar-
two, the show choir season is ready to joined because I love listening to them “I am scared to death because I ion High School) 3rd place; Limited
commence! This is CJU45’s 23rd show during performances and I've been told it have no idea how this building will hold Edition (Tomah High School), In Step
choir season and Christopher Reed’s 24th is really fun to be a the number of (Linn-Mar High School), and 5th Avenue
year as music director at West Branch. part of.” said fresh- people attend- (Western Dubuque High School).
“For this year's show, I wanted man Kellen Dyk- ing SNJ this On Monday, January 31, CJU45
to do something rugged and adventurous. stra. “I heard that it year. Otherwise, traveled to Keota High School to partici-
That got me thinking about a show based was really fun and I I believe every- pate in the State Show Choir Festival.
on Indiana Jones movies. In speaking wanted to try some- thing else, that Unlike a regular show choir competition,
with our choreographer, he suggested that thing new. I abso- is in our control, the show choirs aren’t competing against
we base the show on a safari in the jun- lutely LOVE it. I will go ex- other show choirs, but performing for a
gles of Africa. I thought that sounded am most looking tremely well rating (one being the best, five being the
great so we started designing a show with forward to all our due to the lead- worst). CJU45 received a superior I.
that concept in mind.” said Chris Reed. performances.” ership of Matt “Congratulations to CJU45 on
This year’s jungle-themed show said senior ex- Hills and all the an outstanding day at Mt. Pleasant's
is very popular among the members of change student Tess SNJ chairs as Show Choir Competition [on Feb. 4].
CJU45. “I think that our theme this year Hammar. well as the CJU45 kept their 4-year undefeated
is definitely the best since I've been in Unlike months of plan- streak alive of placing 1st in Class 2A. In
show choir. I think it's simple and cre- most show choirs ning that went addition, they scored high enough to
ative at the same time, and we're able to across the state, into hosting this make the cut of the top six show choirs
do so much fun jungle-y things to make CJU’s first compe- event. For that, I to perform and compete in the evening fi-
our show extra special.” said junior tition of the season feel extremely nals. To make the evening finals, they
Olivia Naber. was not one that thankful and had to beat four 4A show choirs, four 3A
Many returning CJU45 they got to perform blessed to be show choirs, and the other two 2A show
members are very excited about the com- in, but one that they surrounded by choirs. In the evening finals, they placed
petition season because of how much hosted. Saturday such amazing 5th out of 6! CJU45 was competing
progress they have made on this year’s Night Jive is the an- people!” against schools that are up to 700%
show, unlike previous years. “Compared nual show choir Out of the 14 bigger than WBHS. I'm so proud of all of
to last year, we are extremely ahead in competition hosted Nolan Staker sings solo at SNJ. Photo con- total show you!!” said Reed.
our season as far as the show goes. We by West Branch tributed by Tracy Schutte choirs that at-
have our whole show down pat, and vo- and this year it was tended, six were On the upcoming schedule for
cals are getting their finishing touches. bigger than ever. in the 4a divi- CJU45 are four competitions. They will
We are in excellent shape for the With 11 total schools in attendance and sion, three were in the 3a division, two travel to Pella on Feb. 18th, Marion on
season ahead of us.” said junior Ashlynn 14 total show choirs performing, the were in the 2a division, and three were in Feb. 25th, and Fort Madison on March
Nash. place was packed. Over 1,000 show choir the prep division. 4th.
Out of all the members of members were present and throughout The choirs to make finals were:

Boys perform “Jungle Love” at SNJ. CJU45 performs opening song, “Destination Girls sing “Wild Things” at SNJ. Philip MacGillivray sings solo at SNJ.
Photo contributed by Jeff Waller Unknown .” Photo contributed by Tracy Schutte Photo contributed by Jeff Waller Photo contributed by Tracy Schutte

CJU45 performs “Welcome to the Jun- Diego Carrillo sings solo at SNJ. Photo CJU45performstheirclosingsong,“BacktoOur CJU45 continues to perform “Destination Un-
gle.” Photo contributed by Tracy Schutte contributed by Tracy Schutte Home.” Picture contributed by Tracy Schutte known.” Photo contributed by Tracy Schutte

NHS sells flowers for Valentine’s Day Newspaper Throwbacks

Miley Shields and Philip Macgillivary. Issue: Vol. 12 No. 6 Issue: Vol 12. No. 6
Staff Writer NHS has decided to go to the Page: 2 Page: 4
Leading up to February 14th new Iris and Ivy as their florist this year, Date: May 15, 2008 Date: February 7, 2008
NHS fundraises for local charities by giv- a local flower shop. All of the flower or- Story: Students angry over coach’s inap- Story: Cheating prevalent among high
ing students the option to purchase ders this year had to be submitted by Feb- propriate posts about West Liberty girl’s school students
flowers for other students, staff, or for ruary 1st. NHS has been doing this for soccer team With the rise of students having cell-
phones in 2008, the new technology
people at home on Valentine's day. Each three years now starting in 2021, in pre- From 2005-2008 the West Lib- opened more than just talking to friends.
flower was $2 and was handed out during vious years they have raised a total of erty girls’ soccer team had not won a sin- Over 97 percent of girls and 91 percent
IS on the 14th of February. $700 and sold 350 flowers they hope to gle game and had become notorious for of boys admitted to cheating. With the
NHS head, Kristen Westpheling increase that number in time having this it. The former head coach of the team, rise of mobile phones, the teachers began
said, “There is a committee that puts to- fundraising opportunity. Mike Ose, created a blog on to realize how students were cheating,
gether the event, but mostly we just reuse Not just the people receiving blogspot.com ranting about the current and cell phones were not allowed in the
things from year to year. It was nice that flowers have fun with it, main committee state of his team. He was furious with rooms at all. Realizing they couldn’t
we were able to work with the local flo- member Katey Noble said “Yes, I enjoy many of the girls on the team which in- cheat with cell phones during class, stu-
rist this year. Most of the work is done it. It can be a little stressful getting every- cluded several west branch high school dents waited until they could leave the
students. Ose went on to say that there classroom to look up the answers and re-
the day before/of Valentine's Day. We thing done on time, but overall I'm glad should be a record for most losses as the turn with them all memorized. Many stu-
have to print and write out notes for with the way things are going now and team had lost 37 consecutive games and dents completely did not go to class on
every flower and then sort them into IS I'm hopeful that everything goes to plan.” 3 winless seasons. Ose said, “ Doesn’t test days to avoid taking it. The students
groups before delivering the day of.” the flowers are a fun way that students that have to be some sort of record? want would finally end up going to the class
After being asked about what all goes and staff can show their appreciation for some sort of recognition for this.” They after they were ready. There was also
into making it happen. Along with West- each other and a great way to start the won their first game of the season under conflict between students where students
pheling, there is a main committee that new semester and bring everyone to- the head coach against Mid-Prairie. who cheated refused others to cheat off
consists of Katey Noble, Jade Gongora, gether. of them causing students to argue.

Robotics Iowa Regional Competition Preview

Keaton Norfleet to prepare teams for the following two eling around to other pits and asking On Saturday, March 25th, the
Staff Writer days. questions about other teams’ robots. The Cybears will return to West Branch.
In a robot match, six teams and second day will start the qualification The team consists of an impressive
On Wednesday, March 22, their robots will be put on the game field, matches, where teams will receive points twenty-five members including freshmen
2023, the West Branch FIRST Robotics three teams will be put on the red alli- and placements for each round. Logan Heick, Ryan Lukavsky, Carter He-
team, 5041 Cybear Robotics, will travel ance, and the other three teams will be Teams will be given a schedule, and are trick, Ewan Arlen, Aizlyn Marsh, Rey
to Cedar Falls and the University of put on the blue alliance. Teams will expected to queue before each match Watt, and Wyatt Chapman. Sophomores
Northern Iowa for a three-day regional change their robot’s bumpers according they participate in. Zebulyn Brown, Keaton Norfleet, Seth
competition. to the alliance they are on. Day two is also a day for teams Cantrell, Caleb Reardon, William Hayes,
The Cybears will leave a day When the match starts, for the to work out any problems that may arise Elliot Hinkhouse, Zayden Waite, Katey
before the competition and set up their pit first fifteen seconds of the match, robots throughout the day. Lenoch, Eli Hansen, Dawn Johnson, and
in the UNI Dome. Afterward, the team are autonomous, meaning that pre-built Day three holds the last of the Kayla Garrett. Junior Jade Gongora. Sen-
will check into a hotel. code will control the robot, without guid- qualification matches before moving on iors, Cole Cantrell, Lukas Guetzko,
The first day of the event will ance from the drive team. During the re- to team alliances. At this time, specifi- Izaiah Hansen, Kyra Robinson, and
hold opening ceremonies, a safety meet- maining two minutes and fifteen seconds, cally chosen teams will ask other teams Hunter Niles. Along with honorary
ing between all safety captains, robot in- robots are controlled by the drive team. if they want to join an alliance with them. member Eli Garrett, who is in seventh
spection checks, and bumper checks. The Many FRC teams also send out Afterward, finals will be held to deter- grade.
rest of the day will be practice matches their scouts, who are responsible for trav- mine the state champion.

Michael V. Sexton, CLU,

112 W Main St, West Branch, IA

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