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NAME _____________________________ CLASS VII SEC ______ ROLL NO.



(i) There are 13 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper has four sections: Section A, Section B , Section C and Section D
Q 1 Read the following passage carefully: (10)
(1) Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who developed many
devices that greatly influenced life around the world. He lit up the world with his invention of
electric light. Without him, the world might still be a dark place. However, the electric light
was not his only invention. He also invented phonograph, motion picture camera, and over
1200 other things. About every two weeks he created something new.
(2) Thomas A. Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February11, 1847. His family moved to Port
Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two
months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-
educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age with electrical and
mechanical things at home.
(3) When he was 12 years old, he got his first job. He became a newsboy on a train that ran
between Port Huron and Detroit. He set up a laboratory in a baggage car of the train so that he
could continue his experiments in his spare time. Unfortunately, his first work experience did
not end well. Thomas was fired when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the baggage car.
(4) Thomas then worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of
his time on the job conducting experiments. He got his first patent in 1868 for a voice recorder
run by electricity. However, the voice recorder was not a success. In 1870, he sold another
invention, a stock-ticker, for $40,000. A stock-ticker is a machine that automatically prints
stock prices on a tape. He was then able to build his first shop in Newark, New Jersey.

Choose the correct option:

a) Who was Thomas Alva Edison?
i) an inventor and physician ii) an American inventor and businessman
iii) an Australian businessman iv) an American socialist
b) Which invention of Thomas Alva Edison changed the world from darkness to light?
i) invention of electric current ii) invention of motion picture camera
iii) invention of phonograph iv) invention of electric light
c) What was the frequency of Edison’s inventions?
i) about every two weeks ii) about every two months
iii) about every year iv) about every four months
d) Thomas A. Edison was born in ______.
i) Milam, Ontario ii) Milan, Ohio iii) Miami, Ohio iv) Miami, Ontario
e) What was Edison’s first job?
i) a newsboy on a train ii) a delivery boy
iii) a salesperson iv) a bus conductor

1.2 Answer the following questions in one sentence:
(a) When did Edison get his first patent and for what invention?
(b) What trait in Edison proved useful to his work?
(c) Where did he build his first shop?
1.3 Find words from the passage which mean the following:
a) amazingly (Para2) b) unintentionally (Para3)

2. Read the following passage carefully: (7)

The Peregrine Falcon is a powerful bird of prey. It has a compact, powerful beak and large, well-
taloned feet. The Australian Peregrine Falcon has the name macropus, meaning, “big footed” in
latin.Peregrine Falcons are specialist bird-hunters that capture prey on the wing. Its wingspan varies
from 80-105mm. The male falcon weighs approximately 600 grams and the female weigh about
900 grams. These birds breed annually and the female usually lays 1-4 eggs from winter to spring.
Female Peregrine Falcon in warmer regions lay eggs earlier. The incubation period is 33 days.
Chicks fledge after spending about 6-7 weeks in the nest. Peregrine Falcons do not build their own
nests. They use cliff-ledges, tree holes and the nests of other large birds, especially the Wedge-
tailed eagles. They are usually found near water or areas with high vantage points like cliffs, trees
and building. They prefer to hunt in the open country. They are amongst the most widespread of all
bird species. They can be found in all continents, except Antarctica, and on many islands. They are
found widely in Australia but rarely in deserts. During the 1960’s to 1980’s pesticides caused its
widespread global population decline. Now, however, the Peregrine Falcon is relatively common
and secure.
2.1 Choose the correct option:
a) The Peregrine Falcon has a ____ beak and ____ feet.
i. large; compact ii. compact,powerful; well taloned
iii. huge; tiny iv. beautiful, ugly
b) The word ‘macropus’ means ______.
i. “big footed” ii. “big and wide” iii. “big and tall” iv. “big wings”
c) Peregrine Falcons are called specialist bird hunters because _____.
i. they can hunt other big birds for food.
ii. they can catch their prey while flying high in the sky.
iii. they can capture their hunt on their wings.
iv. they can even kill large land animals.
d) The wingspan of Peregrine Falcons varies from ____.
i. 80-105 mm ii. 60-120 mm iii. 50-100 mm iv. 40-60 mm

2.2 Complete these sentences.

(a) The female usually lays 1-4 eggs from ______.
(b) The incubation period of its eggs is ______.
2.3 The synonym of the word ‘seldom’ is ______.


3 Read the following telephonic conversation between Swati and Chandni: (4)
Swati : Hello! I’m Twinkle’s friend. May I talk to her?
Chandni : She is not at home. Do you have any message for her?
Swati : Yes, please tell her that the class test we have tomorrow has been postponed. It is because
our class teacher will not be coming for another two days. New date for the test will be decided
Chandni : O.K.! I’ll give her the message.
Swati : Thank you.
4 Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 150 words. (6 )
a) Health and Fitness b) Child Labour
5 Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, complaining about the bad condition of water supply in
your locality. You are Amit Thakur living at H-22 Amar Colony, New Delhi. (7
Write a letter to your friend describing a visit to a place of historical importance. You are Shreya of
215, Sector 15, Gurugram.


6 Rearrange the words to form a sentence: (2 )
a) of children/ a window/ it showed/ a group/ through/ staring out/

b) must/ work/ finish/ by today/ you/ your

7 Choose the correct option: (10 )

a) I go to the library ______ I enjoy reading. (but/ for/ and)
b) He is sick ____ he didn’t come to school. (so/ as/ because)
c) He lived in Delhi ______ ten years.( (for/ since/ over)
d) I leave for school _______ 8.30 a.m. ( (at/ on/ from)
e) Bring it ____ Monday. (on/ in/ from)
f) You _______ not play with fire. ( may/ can/ must)
g) She ______ paint well. (must/ might/ can)
h) He fought like _____ hero. (the/ a/ an)
i) He stole ____ book. (my/ hers/ she)
j) _____ boy wearing a blue shirt is my son. ( that/ those/ these)

8 Do as directed: (4)
a) The sun______. ( shine, Simple Present)
b) My father ______ newspaper. ( read, Present Continuous)
c) She is watering the plants. ( Change into passive voice)
d) Lower the boats. ( Change into passive voice)

9 In the following passage, some words are missing from each of the line. Write the missing word
along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it. (4)

Before Word After

When I returned home school, I found that (a) ______ _____ ______
my mother in the kitchen and my younger (b) ______ _____ _______
sister was playing her friends in the verandah. (c) ______ ______ _______
All their toys scattered everywhere. (d) ______ ______ _______


10 Reference to Context: (1×3=3)
The good souls bought a piece of land, made a feast for their friends, and gave plentifully to their
poor neighbours.
(a) The good souls turned rich
(i) suddenly (ii) in an hour (iii) within a short time (iv) overnight

(b) The quality of feasting and sharing shows their

(i) love (ii) generosity (iii) concern (iv) goodness

(c) The old couple treated their dog

(i) mercilessly (ii) like their own child (iii) with hatred (iv) none of these

11 Reference to Context : (1x3=3)

He got out the ladder
From the garden shed.
It slipped. He landed
In the flower bed.
“Never mind,” said Dad,
Brushing the dirt
Off his hair and his face
And his tousers and his shirt,

a) Name the poet.

b) How did the father try to climb the tree?
c) What happened to the ladder and the father?

12 Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: (Do any Six) (2x6=12)
a) Describe the man who came to the pet shop.
b) Why did Tilloo’s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet?
c) What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no money to buy chappals?
d) What kind of surprise could be found while walking on the grass?
e) How are trees useful for children?
f) The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket? Why?
g) What do you understand by the ‘flash point’ of a fuel?

13 Answer the questions in 50-60 words : (2x4=8)

a)How did the spirit of the dog help the farmer first? How did it help him next?
What do you understand by the game’s (cricket) ‘equipment’? How is Test cricket a unique game in
many ways?

b)Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him? Why did he want Timothy to be put
in another ?
Why did Abbu Khan’s goats want to run away? What happened to them in the hills? Why did he buy
a young goat?

िाम _____________________________ कक्षा VII ववभाग ______ अिक्र
ु मांक .______

लायंस पब्ललक स्कूल

- (2022-2023)
समय:- 3 घंटा कुल अंक:- 80
कुल मुद्रितपष्ृ ठ - 6
सामान्य निर्दे श:-
क. प्रश्ि पत्र में कुल 17 प्रश्ि द्रर्दए गए हैं सभी प्रश्ि अनिवायय हैं।
ख. प्रश्ि पत्र में चार खंड है । खंड : क, ख ,ग ,घ ।
खंड- क
प्रश्ि 1 अपद्रठत गदयांश को पढ़ कर प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीब्िए। (5)

- ,

क ?
ख ?
ग - ?
घ , , ?
ङ ?

खंड-ख (व्याकरण)

प्रश्ि 2. निम्िललखखत प्रश्िों के उत्तर सही ववकल्प चि

ु कर र्दीब्िए। (1*8=8)

1. इत्याद्रर्द का सही संधि-ववच्छे र्द है -

क) इत ् + याद्रर्द ख) इनत + याद्रर्द
ग) इत ् + आद्रर्द घ) इनत + आद्रर्द

2. निम्मललखखत में से ककस शलर्द में 'िी' प्रत्यय लगा है ?

क) शेरिी ख) मोरिी
ग) िौकरािी घ) कुटिी

- / /VII / 1
3. पुिियन्म में उपसगय कौि-सा है ?
क) पुिः ख) पुि ग) पुिर् घ) पुिर

4. `बडा होकर कृष्ण कंस का वि करे गा` यह ककस काल का उर्दाहरण है ?

क) भववष्यत काल ख) वतयमाि काल ग) भत
ू काल। घ) सामान्य भत
ू काल

5. ‘चौकीर्दार अचािक चला गया' वाक्य में अव्यय का `कौि सा` भेर्द प्रयुक्त हुआ है ?
क) संबंिबोिक ख) कक्रयाववशेषण ग) ववस्मयाद्रर्दबोिक घ) समुच्चयबोिक

6. - ?
क) ' ' ख) “ “ ग) ; घ) :'

7. ककस वाक्य में ववराम धचह्र का उधचत प्रयोग है ?

क) सुिो! सुिो! वह गा रही है |
ख) यह र्दरू से, बहुत र्दरू से आ रहा है |
ग) वप्रय महाशय, मै आपका आभारी हूूँ |
घ) मिुष्य में मािवता र्दे खिा चाहती हूूँ, उसे र्दे वता बिािे की मेरी इच्छा

8. निम्ि में से ककस ववकल्प में संबंिबोिक अव्यय शलर्द का प्रयोग हुआ -
क) वह वहाूँ िायेगा।
ख) वह मेरे पीछे आया।
ग) िो आया है वो िायेगा।
घ) कृष्ण यहाूँ रहता है ।

प्रश्ि 3. निर्दे शािस

ु ार उत्तर र्दीब्िए। (2*3=6)
1. 51, 53, 61, 65 धगिती को शलर्दों में ललखो।
2. द्रहंर्दी अध्यावपका िे कहा सभी बच्चे प्रश्ि अभ्यास का एक एक प्रश्ि हल करो (ववराम
धचह्ि लगाओ)
3. ‘अनत' उपसगय व ' प्रत्यय से र्दो - र्दो शलर्द बिाऍ।ं

प्रश्ि 4. लोकोब्क्त/मुहावरे का अर्य ललखकर वाक्य बिाएं। (3)

गडे मुर्दे उखाडिा, खोर्दा पहाड निकली चुद्रहया

प्रश्ि 5 प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीब्िए। (2+2+3+3)

1. मुहावरा ककसे कहते हैं? उर्दाहरण सद्रहत बताएं।
2. ववराम धचह्ि की पररभाषा र्दे ते हुए उर्दाहरण र्दीब्िए।
3. ववस्मयाद्रर्दबोिक और निपात में उर्दाहरण र्दे ते हुए अंतर स्पष्ट करें ।
4. काल ककसे कहते हैं? उसके भेर्दों को उर्दाहरण सद्रहत समझाइए।

- / /VII / 2
खंड-ग (पुस्तक)

प्रश्ि 6. पद्रठत गदयांश को पढ़कर प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीब्िए। (5)

हम सब गरीब र्े। मेरे र्दोिों बडे भाई हॉकी खेलते र्े। उन्हीं के चलते मुझे भी इसका शौक
हुआ। पर, हॉकी- ब्स्टक खरीर्दिे तक की है लसयत िहीं र्ी मेरी। इसललए अपिे साधर्यों की
ब्स्टक उिार मॉगं कर काम चलाता र्ा। वह मुझे तभी लमलती, िब वे खेल चक ु े होते र्े।
इसके ललए बहुत िीरि के सार् अपिी बारी का इंतिार करिा पडता र्ा। मुझे अपिी
पहली ब्स्टक तब लमली िब मेरे बडे भाई को भारतीय कैंप के ललए चि
ु ललया गया।
1. ििराि का बचपि कैसा रहा?
2. ििराि को हॉकी का शौक कैसे हुआ ?
3. हॉकी खेलिे के ललए ििराि को हॉकी ब्स्टक कहां से लमली?
4. ििराि को अपिी खर्द
ु की हॉकी ब्स्टक कब लमली?
5. है लसयत और बारी शलर्द के पयायय ललखो।

प्रश्ि 7. निम्ि प्रश्िों के उधचत ववकल्प चनु िए। (4)

1. ‘बैचलर ऑफ हॉकी' कहिे का तात्पयय क्या है ?

क हॉकी का िौलसखखया
ख हॉकी के खेल में पारं गत
ग हॉकी लसखािे में चतुर
घ हॉकी की टीम का कप्ताि होिा।

2. सोिपुर मेले का उपयोग कंु वर लसंह ककस तरह करते र्े?

क पशुओं को खरीर्दिे में

ख लडाई के अच्छी हार्ी खरीर्दिे में
ग सैन्य अस्त्र-शस्त्र खरीर्दिे में
घ गुप्त बैठकों में क्रांनत की योििा बिािे में

ृ क िीलकंठ को लेकर लेखखका कहॉ ं गई?

3. मत

क र्दफ़िािे
ख यमुिा में प्रवाद्रहत करिे
ग गंगा में प्रवाद्रहत करिे
घ) पक्षीघर में सुरक्षक्षत रखिे

- / /VII / 3
4.‘एक नतिका' िामक कववता से हमें क्या सीख लमलती है ?
क मुंडरे पर ि खडे होिे की
ख नतिके से बचाव करिे की
ग घमंड िे करिे की
घ तािा ि र्दे िे की

प्रश्ि 8. निम्ि शलर्दों के अर्य ललखो। (5)

1. तुिुकलमजाि 2. तरुवर 3. सांप्रर्दानयक सद्भाव 4. सोपाि 5. िामकरण

प्रश्ि 9. ररक्त स्र्ाि भरो। (2)

1. ‘एक नतिका‘ कववता के रचनयता _________ है ।

2. ििराि िे_____ कक्षा तक अपिी पढ़ाई की।

प्रश्ि 10. ककसिे-ककससे कहा ? (2)

1. “यह कोई िरूरी िहीं कक शोहरत पैसा भी सार् लेकर आए”।
2. “ईमाि कसम, गुरुिी-धचडीमार िे मुझसे इस मोर के िोडे के िकर्द तीस रुपए ललए हैं”।

प्रश्ि 11 निम्िललखखत प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीब्िए। (2*4=8)

1. वीर कंु वर लसंह के िीवि से आपको क्या प्रेरणा लमलती है ? ललखखए।
2. िीलकंठ और रािा के सुख में कुलिा कैसे बािक बि गई? ललखखए।
3. ‘एक नतिका' शीषयक कववता से क्या सीख लमलती है ?
4. ििराि का संघषयपूणय िीवि आि के युवाओं के ललए क्या संर्देश र्दे ता है ?

प्रश्ि 12. ‘रहीम के र्दोहे ’ कववता का सार (4)

परू क-पुस्तक (महाभारत)

प्रश्ि 13. उधचत ववकल्प चि

ु कर प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीब्िए। (2)

1. यधु िब्ष्ठर िे ककसे सलाहकार नियक्

ु त ककया?

क) ववर्दरु को ख) संिय को ग) िौम्यऋवष को घ) कृतवमाय को

2. मखणपुर का शासक र्ा-

क) बभ्रुवाहि ख) कृतवमाय ग) वज्रर्दत्त घ) व्यासिी

- / /VII / 4
प्रश्ि 14. निम्िललखखत प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीब्िए। (1+2=3)

ृ राष्र कंु ती और गांिारी की मत्ृ यु कैसे हुई?

भीष्म िे युधिब्ष्ठर को क्या उपर्दे श द्रर्दया?

खंड-घ (रचिात्मक लेखि)

प्रश्ि 15. ककसी एक ववषय पर अिुच्छे र्द ललखें । (लगभग 80 से 100 शलर्दों में ) (5)

1. चलधचत्र 2. मेरा लमत्र 3. हमारे

प्रश्ि 16. ककसी एक ववषय पर पत्र ललखें। (5)

1. प्रिािाचायय को पत्र ललखखए ब्िसमें बडे भाई के वववाह के अवसर पर 3 द्रर्दि का अवकाश
ं गया हो।
2. छोटे भाई को कुसंगनत छोडिे का आग्रह करते हुए पत्र ललखखए।

प्रश्ि 17.

- / /VII / 5
NAME _____________________________ CLASS VII SEC ______ ROLL NO.______



1. This question paper contains five Sections, A, B, C, D, E Each section is compulsory.

2. Section A has 20 MCQs of I mark each.
3. Section B has 7 Very Short Answer (VSA) type questions of 2 marks each.
4. Section C has of 6 Short Answer (SA) type questions of 3 marks each.
5. Section D has 5 Long Answer (LA) type questions of 4 marks each.
6. Section E has 1 Case Study based question of 4 marks .


Q1 Choose the correct option - (1 X 20)

i) Two angles of a triangle measure 45 and 75. What is the measure of third angle?

(a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 55 (d) 70

ii) In the given figure, if AB = AC and BD = DC then ADC =

(a) 45° (b) 60° (c) 125° (d) 90°

iii) The angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. Which of the following is the largest angle ?

(a) 120 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 30

iv) Out of 60 students in a class, 60% students passed. What is number of failing students ?

(a) 24 (b) 36 (c) 40 (d) 20

v) If 4p - 3 = 13, the value of x is-

(a) 5/2 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 4

vi) The age of the father is two more than twice the age of the son. If the age of the son is 15 years
then the age of the father is:
(a) 30 (b) 42 (c) 40 (d) 52
vii) Which of the following is the longest side in a right angle triangle ?

(a) base (b) perpendicular (c) hypotenuse (d) none

viii) Length of a rectangle is 8 cm and diagonal is 10 cm. Its area is

(a) 96 cm² (b) 80 cm² (c) 60 cm² (d) 48 cm²
ix) Which of the following pairs of terms is of like terms
(a) -p²q², 12p²q²r (b) – 4x²; – Ax2 (c) 41, 100x (d) qp², 13p3q

x) In the following figure, find x and y, if x – y - 10

(a) 65°, 55° (b) 55°, 45° (c) 45°, 35° (d) 60°, 60°

xi) The value of (-5)2 - (-4)2 is

(a) 41 (b) 25 (c) 9 (d) 2
xii) By which congruence property, the two triangles given are congruent?

(a) SSS Property (b)SAS Property (c)ASA Property (d) RHS Property
xiii) If the area of a parallelogram is 330 m2 and its height is 11 m, then what will be its base ?
(a) 10 m (b) 30 m (c) 60 m (d) 30 m²

xiv) The product of –xyz and xy2 is

(a) -xy2z (b) –x2y3z (c) –x3yz2 (d) –xy2z3

xv) Which of the following is its standard form of 12200000000

(a) 1.22 x 109 (b) 1.22 x 10-12 (c) 0.122 x 1013 (d) 1.22 x 1012

xvi) What will be the base of a parallelogram whose area 440 sq. m is and height is 22 m

(a) 20 m (b) 5 m (c) 15 m (d) 10 m

xvii) Find the value of the expression 50 – 10x³ + 5x² at x = 0 is

(a) -50 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) -100

xviii) Standard form of 77/99 is -

(a) -7/11 (b) -11/7 (c) 7/11 (d) 11/7

xix) Which of the following rules of congruency says that ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR?

(a) SSS Property (b)SAS Property (c)ASA Property (d) RHS Property
xx) The ratio of Rs 5 and Rs 7.50 in the simplest form is:
(a) 4 : 5 (b) 5 : 4 (c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2


2. Subtract 4x - 10y + 8xy from 4x + 12y + 3xy

3. Find the value of unknown angle x in the given figure


4. The perimeter of a rectangle is 50 cm. If its length is 15 cm, then find its breadth.

5. State which two triangles are congruent and

mention the criterion used.

6. A cricket bat was purchased for Rs 800 and was sold for Rs 1600. What is the profit earned ?

7. What is the sum of x4 – xy+2y2 and -x4 + xy+2y2

8. Is APM AQM (Why)

Write the corresponding equal parts.

9. Evaluate:- (90×70)×(9+7)


10. Write six rational numbers between - and

11. If 3(2z – 3) = 9, then what is value of z ?

12. Express 441 x 243 as a product of prime factors.

13. Suman wants to put a lace on the edge of a circular cover of diameter 1.4 m. Find the length of
lace required and also find the cost if one meter of lace costs Rs.15.

14. Solve the equation 16 = 4 + 3(t + 2)

15. A 15 m long ladder reached a window 12 m high from the ground on placing it against a wall at

some distance. Find the distance of the foot of ladder to the wall

16. In the given figure , AD = CD and AB = CB

(i) State the three pairs of equal parts in ABD and

(ii) Is ABD CBD ? Why or why not ?
(iii) Does BD bisects ABC ? Give reason .

17. What rate gives Rs. 2800 as interest on a sum of Rs. 56,000 in 2 years ?


18. ABCD is a quadrilateral. Is AB + BC + CD + DA < 2(AC + BD)

19. The cost of a flower vase is Rs.1500. If the shopkeeper sells it a profit of 8%. Find the price at
which it was sold ? What will be the selling price if the shopkeeper would have a loss of 8%.

20. Find the value of a) -( ) b) ÷

21. a) Simplify 124 x 92 x 42 (3)

64 x 82 x 27
b) Solve (53)3 ÷ 57 (1)


22. A rectangular park is 45 m long and 30 m wide. A path

2.5 m wide is constructed outside the park.

a) Find the area of the park (1)

b) Find the area of path (1)
c) Find the cost of constructing the path at the rate (2)
of Rs. 10 per sq, m.

NAME_________________________ CLASS VII SEC______ ROLL NO.__________
General Instructions:
1. The question paper has four sections-A, B, C, D. All questions are compulsory.
2. Section A has 4 questions with sub parts for 1 mark each.
3. Section B has 2 questions with sub parts. (Case based And Source based).
4. Section C has 13 questions. Marks are given against each question. Attempt accordingly.
5. Section D contains a Political Map of India containing questions from History (2 marks) and
from Geography (2 marks).

SECTION – A [1x14=14]

1. Tick the correct answer-

i) Tribes obtained their livelihood from the following ways except?
(a) Weaving (b) Hunter-gatherers
(c) Herders (d) Agriculture
ii) Hagiography means:
(a) Writing of local people’ lives (b) Writing of kings’ lives
(c) Writing of saints’ lives (d) None of these
iii) Kathak was developed in two traditions or gharanas:
(a) In the courts of Rajasthan and the other in Lucknow
(b) In the courts of Rajasthan and the other in Kerala
(c) In the courts of Kerala and the other in Lucknow
(d) In the courts of Gujarat and the other in Orissa
iv) In which year Aurangzeb died?
(a) 1700 (b) 1707 (c) 1764 (d) 1765
v) Water day is celebrated on:
(a) 21st March (b) 23rd March (c) 22nd March (d) None of these
vi) Which one of the following is the cause of the depletion of the water table?
(a) Increasing population (b) Agricultural activities (c) Increasing industries (d) All of these
vii) The staple food in the rainforest area is:
(a) Menero (b) Menious (c) Manico (d) Manioc
viii) In which of the following areas tea is grown in plantations?
(a) West Bengal and Assam (b) West Bengal and Punjab
(c) Himachal Pradesh and Assam (d) Kerala and Assam
ix) Two houses of state legislature in India are:
(a) Legislature Lok and Legislative Rajya
(b) Legislature Lok and Legislative assembly
(c) Legislature council and Legislative Rajya
(d) Legislature council and Legislative assembly
x) Which of the following things will not be found in a weekly market?
(a) Branded clothes (b) Groceries (c) Non-branded clothes (d) Vegetables
xi) The weavers depend on merchants for:
a) Raw material b) Market c) Both a and b d) None of these
xii) Who among the following gains the most in the market?
(a) Foreign businessman (b) Exporter (c) Farmer (d) Merchant
xiii) Gond kingdom was divided into:
(a) Clan (b) Jati (c) Group (d) Garhs
xiv) Lilatilakam deals with:
(a) Drama and poetics (b) Drama only (c) Poetics only (d) Grammar and poetics

2. Answer the following question in one sentence- 1x4=4

i) Define the term ‘chauth.’
ii) What is the water cycle ?
iii) Draw the flowchart of the Chain of market.
iv) Mention any one use of the Ginning Mill.

3. Match the following item given in Column A with the correct one in Column B.
i) Column A Column B
1 Assam
TheIGonds lived in vast forested region 2 Madhya Pradesh
3 Gondwana

ii) Column A Column B

1 Rice and fish

I is a riverine plain which produces 2 Wheat and rice

3 Fish and wheat

iii) Column A Column B

1 Buddhists and Hindus

The Ladakh desert is mainly inhabited 2 Muslims and Buddhists

3 Hindus and Muslims

iv) Column A Column B

1 Article 15

Right to equality 2 Article 16

3 Article 12

4. Correct the following statements: 1x4=4
i) Jagannatha temple is located in Punjab.
ii) Generally the warm ocean currents originate near poles.
iii) Every state in India has a Legislative council.
iv) The Tawa Matsya Sangha is in Maharashtra.

SECTION – B [10]
(This section consists of Case study based and Source based Questions)

5. The climate of the Ladakh desert is extremely cold and dry due to its high altitude which varies
from about 3,000 m in Kargil to more than 8,000 m in Karakoram. The area experiences freezing
winds and burning hot sunlight. There is always a chance of sunstroke and frostbite at the same
time.Snow leopard (schan in Ladakhi) is the jewel of Ladakh. It is estimated that there are more
than 200 snow leopards habiting in the Hemis National Park. Ladakh has been described as 'Moon
Land’ , 'Magic Land', and 'Mysterious Land' for its unique landscape and exquisite culture.

5.1 Name the special animal found in Ladakh. [1]

5.2. Which is the capital of Ladakh? [1]
5.3. Why is Ladakh called ‘Magic Land’? [1]
5.4. Describe the climatic conditions of Ladakh. [1+1=2]

6. Carefully observe the picture and answer the questions that follow:-

6.1 What is TMS? [1]

6.2 Water from rivers and rains is stored in __________. (dams/ penels) [1]
6.3 What is the purpose of TMS? [1]
6.4 Mention any two methods TMS used for fighting their rights? [1+1=2]

SECTION – C [40]

7. What are the similarities between the Gonds and the Ahoms? [2]
8. How did Kabir express his ideas? [2]
9. List any two factors that are responsible for an ideal settlement. [2]
10. Name any two major cities located on the bank of river Ganga. [2]
11. Mention any two advantages of malls. [2]
12. Describe the beliefs and practices of the Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis. [3]
13. What are miniatures? Give two examples. [1+2=3]
14. Mention any three features of the Amazon basin. [3]
15. ‘The role of the opposition party is no less than the ruling party.’ Justify. [3]
16. Which steps can be taken to ensure better earnings for the weavers? [3]
17. How were the sikhs organised themselves in the 18th century? [5]
What were the policies adopted by Asf Jha to strengthen his position?
18. ‘Today’s world is shrinking.’ Justify the statement by giving five reasons. [5]
19. Do the markets provide equal opportunities to all? Explain. [5]

SECTION – D [1X4=4]
(Attempt the Map based questions)
20. Identify and locate the following items on the Political map of India:

20.1 The state is associated with Mundas tribes.

20.2 The birth place of Krishna.
20.3 A flood prone state.
20.4 The capital of Ladakh.

िाम _____________________________ कक्षा VII भाग ______ अिुिमांक ______

लायंस पब्ललक स्कू ल /

आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र [2022-23]
ब्वषय : संस्कृ त
समय : 3 घंटे कु ल अंक -80
कु ल मुद्रित पृष्ठ -06
सामान्य ब्िदेर् :
(i) प्रश्न पत्र में कु ल 18 प्रश्न हैं ,सभी प्रश्न अब्िवायश हैं ǀ
(ii) प्रश्न पत्र में कु ल चार खंड हैं, खंड क ,ख ,ग और घ
( खंड क )
प्रश्न 1 गद्ांर्ं पठित्वा प्रश्नािाम् उत्तराब्ि ब्लखत ǀ 5
मिुष्य: स्वस्थ: भवेत् अत: स: प्रब्तद्रदिं व्यायामं कु याशत् ǀ य: प्रात:काले ब्ित्य- द्रियां कृ त्वा
योगासिं धाविं भ्रमिं व्यायामं च करोब्त स: सदा स्वस्थ: भवब्त ǀ यदा वयं व्यायामं कु मश: तदा
र्ुद्ध: वायु : अस्माकं र्रीरे प्रब्वर्ब्त स्वेद : च र्रीरात् बब्ह: ब्िगशच्छब्त ǀ प्रात: सायं धाविं
ब्वर्ेष –रूपेि लाभप्रदं भवब्त ǀ व्यायामेि आयु: आरोग्यं च वधशते ǀ र्रीरं पुष्टं भवब्त ǀ अत:
छात्रै: व्यायाम: अवश्यं कतशव्य:

(क) स्वेद: कु त: बब्ह: ब्िगशच्छब्त ?

(ख) धाविं कदा लाभप्रदम भवब्त ?
(ग) मिुष्य: कीदृर्: भवेत् ?
(घ) के ि र्रीरं पुष्टं भवब्त ?
(ड़) छात्रै: क: अवश्यं कत्तशव्य: ?
रचिात्मक (खंड ख)

प्रश्न 2 मञ्जूषाया: पदाब्ि ब्चत्वा पञ्च संस्कृ तवाक्याब्ि ब्लखत- 5

दीपा: जिा: प्रज्वलब्न्त बालका: कु वशब्न्त लक्ष्मीपूजाम् प्रसन्ना: दीपावल्या: ब्मष्ठान्नाब्ि मब्हला

आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र/वार्षशक परीक्षा / संस्कृ त / VII/ 1

प्रश्न 3 प्रात: कालीि- भ्रमिाथं प्रेरब्यतुं स्वब्मत्रं प्रब्त ब्लब्खतं पत्रं पूरयत ǀ 5

अभवम् जिा: ब्प्रयब्मत्र स्वस्था: चरिेषु परामर्शम् आलस्यम् कार्तशक: भ्रमिम् प्रिामा:

119, गौतमिगरम्,

िवद्रदल्ली- 110049

________ठरब्तक !

सप्रेम िमस्ते ǀ

अत्र कु र्लं तत्रास्तु ǀ इदं ज्ञात्वा अहं ब्खन्न:________यत् त्वं आलस्ययुक्त: अभव: ǀ

इदं र्ोभिं ि अब्स्त ǀ__________मिुष्यस्य महाि् ठरपु: अब्स्त ǀ अस्य त्याग: अवश्यमेव

करिीय: ǀ अत: प्रात: र्ीघ्रम् उत्थाय__________कतशव्यम् ǀ प्रातःकालीि- भ्रमिेि जिा:______

भवब्न्त ǀ अिेि आलस्यं दूरं भवब्त तथा _________सद्रिया: भवब्न्त ǀ अत: त्वं अब्प प्रात: र्ीघ्रम्

उत्थाय भ्रमिं कु रु ǀ आर्ासे त्वं मम___________स्वीकठरष्यब्स ǀ

ब्पत्रो: _______ मम _______

भवदीय: ब्मत्रम्

व्याकरि (भाग –ग)

प्रश्न 4 मंजूषाया: सहायतया अधोब्लब्खताि् संवादाि् पूरयत ǀ 4

कु र्ल: आलस्यं अब्स भ्रमिेि चब्लष्याव: त्वया वायु: उपविम्

ब्वर्ाल: - हे वेदब्प्रय ! िमस्ते ! त्वं कीदृर्: __________?

वेदब्प्रय: - ब्मत्र ! अहं कु र्लोऽब्स्म ǀ त्वं कीदृर्: अब्स ?

ब्वर्ाल: अहमब्प _________अब्स्म ǀत्वं कु त: आगच्छब्स ?

वेदब्प्रय: अहम् उपविात् आगच्छाब्म ǀ

ब्वर्ाल: - त्वं_______द्रकमथशम् अगच्छ ?

आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र/वार्षशक परीक्षा / संस्कृ त / VII/ 2

वेदब्प्रय: - अहम् प्रब्तद्रदिं भ्रमिाथं उपविम् गच्छाब्म ǀ द्रकम् त्वं ि गच्छब्स ?

ब्वर्ाल: - अहम् तु ि गच्छाब्म ǀ_________क: लाभ: ?

वेदब्प्रय: - भ्रमिेि बहव: लाभा: भवब्न्त ǀ उपविे र्ुद्ध: ________वहब्त ǀ तत्र

जिा:र्ुद्धम् वायुं श्वसब्न्त ǀ

तेि वयं स्वस्था: भवाम: ǀअिेि _________ दूरं भवब्त ǀ

ब्वर्ाल: - अस्तु ! इदािीम् अहमब्प_________सह भ्रमिाथशम् उपविम् गब्मष्याब्म ǀ

वेदब्प्रय: - अब्त र्ोभिम् ! प्रातः सप्तवादिे______

प्रश्न 5 रे खांद्रकत पदाब्ि आधृत्य प्रश्न –ब्िमाशिं कु रुत । 3

(क) तत्र कु क्करौ ब्तष्ठत: ǀ
(i) कौ (ii) के (iii) कथम् (iv) कु त:

(ख) स: िगरात् आगच्छब्त ǀ

i) कु त: (ii) का (iii) कब्त (iv) क:

(ग) सप्ताहे सप्त द्रदवसा: भवब्न्त ǀ

i) कु त: (ii) कब्त (iii) कथं (iv) द्रकम्

प्रश्न 6 संस्कृ त संख्या र्लदै: ठरक्तस्थािाब्ि पूरयत — 5

(क) जलार्ये ________(20) मीिा: तरब्न्त ǀ

(ख) एकब्स्मि विे _______ (27) ससंहा: आसि् ǀ

(ग) रे लयािे ________ (40) पयशटका: सब्न्त ǀ

(घ) ________(45) छात्रा: राष््गीतं गायब्न्त ǀ

(ड़) ________ (15) खगा: उत्पतब्न्त ǀ

प्रश्न 7 उब्चतं अव्ययपदं ब्चत्वा ठरक्त स्थािाब्ि पूरयत- 3

(क) होब्लका ________अब्स्त ?

(i) कु त्र (ii) कदा (iii) कथम् (iv) कब्त

आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र/वार्षशक परीक्षा / संस्कृ त / VII/ 3
(ख) ___________ मंगलवासर: आसीत् ǀ

(i) तत्र (ii) ह्य: (iii) इदािीम् (iv) अधुिा

(ग) स: विं _______ गच्छब्त ।

(i) प्रब्त (ii) पठरत: (iii) अत्र (iv) अधुिा

प्रश्न 8 त्रुठट संर्ोधिं कु रुत - 2

(क) अहम् श्व: आगरा- िगरं गच्छाब्म ।

(ख) अहं पािं पिब्त ।

प्रश्न 9 (क) ‘स्था’ धातो: लड़् लकारे ब्लखत — ³पूरा रूप ´ 3×3
(ख) ‘िम् ’ धातो: लृट् लकारे ब्लखत — ³पूरा रूप ´

(ग) ‘दा’ धातो: लृट् लकारे ब्लखत — ³पूरा रूप ´

प्रश्न 10 ‘साधु’ र्लदस्य रूपं अथवा ‘मब्त’ र्लदस्य रूपं ब्लखत — 5

प्रश्न 11 उब्चतपदै: ठरक्तस्थािाब्ि पूरयत — 4

(क) ________ बब्ह: आम्रवृक्ष: अब्स्त ǀ (गृह)

(ख) _______वामत: कू प: अब्स्त ǀ (उद्ाि )

(ग) रवीिा ______प्रवीिा अब्स्त ǀ (वीिावादि)

(घ) ________ ब्विा मुब्क्त: ि भवब्त ǀ (ज्ञाि )

प्रश्न 12 संस्कृ तेि अिुवादं कु रुत ǀ 5

(क) सैब्िक देर् की रक्षा करते हैं ǀ
(ख) अध्यापक छात्र को पुस्तक देता है ǀ
(ग) मैं कल द्रदल्ली जाऊँगा ǀ
(घ) सरोवर में मछब्लयाँ तैरती हैं ǀ
(ड़) बच्चे बस से ब्वद्ालय जाते हैं ǀ

आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र/वार्षशक परीक्षा / संस्कृ त / VII/ 4

पाठ्य पुस्तक (खंड घ )

प्रश्न 13 ब्िम्न श्लोकं सहंदी अिुवादं कु रुत – 4

िाब्भषेको ि संस्कार: ससंहस्य द्रियते मृग:ै ǀ

ब्विमार्जशतराजस्य स्वयमेव मृगेन्दता ǀǀ

प्रश्न 14 प्रश्नयो: एकपदेि उत्तरत— 4

(क) क: एकं पदम् अब्प ि गच्छब्त ?

(ख) िगरस्य ब्वकासाय ते कब्त वृक्षाि् अिश्यि् ?
(ग) पुरािेषु वेदष
े ु कस्या: स्तुत्य: कृ ता: ?
(घ) कया अमृतं प्राप्यते ?
प्रश्न 15 रे खांद्रकत पदाब्ि आधृत्य प्रश्न –ब्िमाशिं कु रुत । 4

(क सुखाब्ि दुखाब्ि च चिवत पठरवतशन्ते ǀ (कदा/ कब्त/ कथम् )

(ख) वसुन्धरा वीरभोग्या अब्स्त ǀ ( का / द्रकम् / का:)

(ग) ब्िश्चयात् सवं लभ्यते ǀ (क: / कस्मात् /कु त्र )

(घ) भासुरक: कू पे अकू दशत ǀ (कु त्र / द्रकम् / कीदृर्:)

प्रश्न 16 र्लदािाम् अथश ब्लखत - 4

ब्वषाक्त , पािीय ,अिृतम् ,लभ्यते

प्रश्न 17 मेलिम् कु रुत – 4

(क) काल: i अर्ुभम्

(ख) अमांगल्यम ii धुआँ

(ग ) ब्पता iii पृब्थवी

(घ) वसुन्धरा iv समय:

(ड़) वृथा v जिक:

(च) आर्ा vi आक्सीजि

(छ) धूम: vii द्रदर्ा:

(ज) औषजिम् viii व्यथश

आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र/वार्षशक परीक्षा / संस्कृ त / VII/ 5

प्रश्न 18 गद्ांर्ं पठित्वा प्रश्नाि उत्तरत — 5

देर्स्य प्राचीिा: संस्कृ त्य: सभ्यता: मम तटयो: ब्वकब्सता: अभवि् ǀ सम्पन्नाब्ि ब्वर्ालाब्ि
िगराब्ि, प्राचीिाब्ि तीथशस्थलाब्ि मम तटयो: र्ोभा सब्न्त ǀ मम जलै: ससंब्चताब्ि क्षेत्राब्ि
देर्स्य अन्न्पात्राब्ि सब्न्त ǀ वेदा: पुरािाब्ि च
मम स्तुब्तम् गायब्न्त ǀ परम् अद् मम जलं स्वचछं पब्वत्रं िाब्स्त ǀ उद्ोगािां ब्वषै: अवकरै : च
जलं प्रदूब्षतं भवब्त ǀ इदािीं मम जलं पािीयं कृ ब्षयोग्यं चाब्प िाब्स्त ǀ
(क) िद्ा: जलै: ससंब्चताब्ि क्षेत्राब्ि देर्स्य काब्ि सब्न्त ?

(ख) अद् िद्ा: जलं कीदृर्म् अब्स्त ?

(ग) कस्य प्राचीिा: संस्कृ त्य: सभ्यता: मम तटयो: ब्वकब्सता: अभवि् ?

(घ) पुरािेषु वेदष

े ु कस्या: स्तुत्य: कृ ता: ?

(ड़) के षाम् ब्वषै: अवकरै : च जलं प्रदूब्षतं भवब्त ?

आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र/वार्षशक परीक्षा / संस्कृ त / VII/ 6

NAME _____________________________ CLASS VII SEC ______ ROLL NO.______



TIME: 3HRS M.M: 80

i. The question paper consists of five sections- A, B, C, D and E. You are to attempt all sections.
All questions are compulsory.
ii. Section A consists of 13 multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each.
iii. Section B consists of 5 questions with 22 parts. Each sub part carries 1 mark each.
iv. Section C consists of 6 questions carrying 02 marks each.
v. Section D consists of 6 questions carrying 03 marks each.
vi. Section E consists of 3 questions carrying 05 marks each.

Tick the correct option: (1X 13=13)

Q1. Choose the odd one from the following options-

(a) Thick layer of fat under the skin (b) White fur
(c) Long grasping tail (d) White and large feet with sharp claws
Q2. Weather changes-
(a) week after week (b) day after day
(c) within a short period (d) in any of the above time period
Q3. Leaves of trees, banners or flags flutter when wind is blowing. Why?
(a) Air occupies space (b) Air exerts pressure
(c) Air is a mixture of gases (d) Air is colourless
Q4. Which of these is not affected by a cyclone?
(a) Chennai (b) Mangaluru (c) Amritsar (d) Puri
Q5. Normal range of breathing rate per minute in an average adult person at rest is-
(a) 9-12 (b) 15-18 (c) 21-24 (d) 30-33
Q6. Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the plants-
(a) in the shade (b) in dim light
(c) under the fan (d) covered with a polythene bag
Q7. Which among these contain Haemoglobin?
(a) Red blood cells (b) White blood cells
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Q8. Which of the following feel soapy on touching?
(a) acid (b) base (c) salt (d) none of these
Q9. The coloured band obtained by dispersion of light is called-
(a) image (b) spectrum (c) convergence (d) scattering
Q10. Which is the process through which water continuously changes its form?
(a) Water cycle (b) Food cycle
(c) Food chain (d) none of these
Q11. The coil of wire contained in heater is called-
(a) circuit (b) component (c) spring (d) element
Q12. Human beings can be categorized as-
(a) Parasites (b) Heterotrophs (c) Autotrophs (d) None of these

Q13. Soil that can be moulded into any shape is -

(a) Silt (b) Sandy (c) Loamy (d) Clayey
Q14. Fill in the blanks: (1X5=5)
1. ____________ possesses a long, large beak.
2. The organs for respiration in humans are_____________.
3. Kidneys eliminate the waste materials in the liquid form called____________.
4.______________ acid is found in spinach.
5. Objects are visible only when light reflected from them reaches our ____________.

Q15. Give one word for the following: (1X5=5)

1. A dark funnel shaped cloud that reaches from the sky to the ground.
2. The place where groundwater is stored between layers of hard rock below the water table
3. Full form of CFL
4. Green pigment present in leaves
5. The mixture of rock particles and humus

Q16. Observe the diagram and label A, B, C and D. (1X4=4)

Q17. Write True for correct and False for incorrect statement: (1X4=4)
1. Frogs breathe through their skin as well as their lungs. __________
2. The phenomena in which left side appears right and right side appears left in front of a plane
mirror is called straight inversion._________
3. An electromagnet does not attract a piece of iron.______
4. For pulses , loamy soils which drain water easily are required._________

Q18. Read the following information and answer the following questions: (1X4=4)
22 March is celebrated as World water day. We celebrate water day every year. The amount of
water recommended by United Nation for drinking, washing, cooking and maintaining proper
hygiene is a minimum of 50 litres per person per day. In some places there is acute shortage of
water. Year 2003 was observed as The International Year of Freshwater to make people aware of
the dwindling natural resources.

1. Why is water day celebrated every year?
2.In which season there remains acute shortage of water ?
3. How much water is recommended by UN per day per person?
4. Why we should save water?
SECTION C (2X6 = 12)

Answer the following questions:

Q19. When are the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day?
Q20. You want to buy a house. Would you like to buy a house having windows but no ventilators.
Explain your answer.
Q21. Why an antacid tablet is taken when you suffer from acidity?
Q22. State two differences between Convex and Concave lens.
Q23. How you would test the presence of starch in leaves?
Q24. Sketch the cross section of soil and label the various layers.


Answer the following questions: (3X6= 18)

Q25. How do Polar Bears living in Polar regions adapt itself?
Q26. What planning is required in advance to deal with the situation created by a cyclone?
Q27. State the characterstics of image formed by a plane mirror.
Q28. Explain how groundwater is recharged?
Q29. What are lichens? What function is performed by its members?
Q30. What is soil erosion? How can we prevent it?
Answer the following questions in detail: (5X3=15)
Q31. (a) Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
(b) Define - Inhalation and Breathing Rate
Q32. (a) Describe the process of neutralization with the help of an example
(b) Name the source from which litmus solution is obtained. What is the use of this solution?
Q33. (a) Name any two effects of electric current.
(b) Do you think electromagnets can be used for separating plastic bags from a garbage heap?
(c) Draw the symbols to represent switch in ON and OFF position.


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