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MLA Heading:

English III

Persuasive Essay: Writing Prompt and Brainstorming Sheet

Format Requirements:

● Word count: 350-400 words

● 2 quotes minimum from academic source(s)
● MLA format throughout the paper--heading, in-text citations, and works cited
● Typed in 12 point Times New Roman font and double spaced with one-inch margins
● Embedded quotes from your sources to support your conclusions
● Paper structure will be as follows: introduction, body paragraph(s), conclusion, works
● Must clearly use persuasive strategies: logos, ethos, and pathos
● Each body paragraph will have a different focus
● Works Cited


● Schools should be 4 days instead of 5

● High school students should get recess
High school students should be allowed to leave campus for lunch
● The drinking age be lowered to 18
● Teachers in public schools should be armed
● Firearms should be banned or severely restricted
● Large social media sites should be free to censor their platforms
● Trans athlete should be banned from cis-gendered competitive sports
● Public college should be free
● The electoral college should be dissolved
● Voting should be mandatory
● Violent Video Games should be banned
● The death penalty should be abolished.
● School should be in session year-round.
● All high school athletes should be drug tested.
● Sexual education should be mandatory in schools.
● Prisons should focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment
● Private prisons should be abolished
● The minimum wage should be $15
● The decision to get an abortion should be entirely up to the individual
● We have come a long way in solving racism in America.
● Access to the internet should be free and unrestricted
● Cell Phone use should be restricted based on age
● Churches should not be exempt from taxation
● Law enforcement is in need of reform
● Every citizen should be required to serve in the military for 2 years post graduation
● All vaccinations should be a personal choice
● A hotdog is a sandwich

Day 1: Brainstorming Outline

1. Which prompt will you research? Which side are you on?
2. What is the purpose for your persuasion? (support a cause, urge people to action, promote
change, refute a theory, arouse sympathy, win an argument, solve a problem)
3. Who is your target audience?
4. List the reason(s) you are on the side you chose. Each reason will stand as its own body

paragraph. Example: Remember, think of how these reasons work in the minds of the

audience. If you argue for the free use of cell phones in the class, don’t use the example

of “I can listen to music all day and ignore the teacher” because the members of the

school board won’t find that convincing; they will find it insulting.

Gathering information for research

1. What sorts of facts/studies/statistics could back up your argument? Example: How many
top 100 hits did Drake have?
2. What are the existing opinions on this topic? What bias might you run into?
3. What points might the opposition to your argument make?
4. Will your argument primarily use logos, pathos, or ethos? How might you utilize these?
5. What kinds of sources/websites will you need to look at to obtain information about your


Day 2: Research Planning

Directions: Research potential sources in order to gather evidence in favor of the stance you are

taking on the topic.

1. Source Name:
● Link the URL here:
● What makes this source credible/reliable?
● What information about your topic does this source provide?
● Text Evidence: What specific lines from the source might you use to support your
2. Source Name:
● Link the URL here:
● What makes this source credible/reliable?
● What kinds of information about your topic does this source provide?
● Text Evidence: What specific lines from the source might you use to support your


Day 3: Essay Outline

Taking your position on the topic of your choice, create your thesis statement that will go in your

introductory paragraph. Remember, this should clearly state your position and reason(s) as to

why you feel this way.




Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence:

Body Paragraph 2 (if needed)

Topic Sentence:



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