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Maloney Street, St. George's

THIS LEASE is made the day of

in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Two

the parish of Saint George and State of Grenada
(hereinafter called “the Landlord”) of the ONE Part AND
MARK MANSION Mason of Gouyave in the parish of Saint John
and State of Grenada (hereinafter called “the Tenant”) of
the OTHER Part

By virtue of Deed of Conveyance dated 1968 and
registered in the Deed and Land Registry of
Grenada in Liber G22 at page 612 the LANDLORD
became seised and possessed of an estate in fee
simple of the parcel of land described in the
Schedule hereto.
AND WHEREAS the Landlord has agreed to demise the
entire property particularly described in the
Schedule hereto to the Tenant in the manner
hereinafter appearing.


1. In consideration of the rent reserved and of the

covenants on the part of the Tenants hereinafter contained
the Landlord hereby demises UNTO the Tenant ALL THAT the
premises described in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter
called “the Demised Premises”) TO HOLD the same UNTO the
Tenant for a period of Ten Years commencing the First day
of January Two Thousand and Twenty-Two at the monthly
rental of Six Thousand Eastern Caribbean Dollars ($6000.00
ECD) payable in advance to the bank account of the
Landlord at The Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited at
account number 111004567 with the option to renew the said
agreement under terms to be determined by the said
Landlord and Tenant to the satisfaction of the said

2. The Tenant hereby COVENANTS with the Landlord as


i) To pay the reserved rent on the days and time and

in manner aforesaid

ii) To pay the suppliers thereof all charges for

electricity telephone cable Wi-Fi and water in respect of
the Demised Premises

iii) At all times to keep the Demised Premises and

appurtenances thereof including the interior walls and
particular fittings fastening wires waste water drains and
other pipes and sanitary and water apparatus therein and
painting and decoration thereof in good and substantial
repair and condition throughout the said term (damage by
fire and such other risks against which the landlord shall
have insured save where the insurance monies shall be
recoverable in consequence of any act default of the
Tenant only excepted) and to renew and replace from time
to time all Landlord’s fixtures fittings and appurtenance
in the Demised Premises which may become beyond repair at
any time during or at the expiration or sooner
determination of the said term

iv) To keep the yard and outside surroundings of the

premises in a clean and neat condition and to ensure that
the grass is cut on a regular basis

v) Not to assign underlet or part with the possession

of the premises or any part thereof without the consent in
writing of the Landlord first had and obtained

To permit the Landlord and her duly

authorized agents workmen and others
appointed by them at all reasonable times
upon giving forty-eight (48) hours’ notice to
the Tenant during the said term (but upon
previous written notice save in cases of
emergency) to enter into and upon the Demised
Premises and to execute any work of renewal
cleaning alternation or repair to any
neighbouring premises or to the Demised
Premises and so far as any defects remedied
or works done by the Landlord may be included
in the Tenant’s covenants to repair
hereinbefore contained then the costs thereof
shall be a debt due from the Tenant to
Landlord and be forthwith recoverable by the
action PROVIDED that the Landlord shall make
good all damage to the Demised Premises
caused by such works aforesaid

vi) Not to store or bring upon the Demised Premises

any articles of a specially combustible inflammable or
dangerous nature and not to do or permit or suffer
anything by reason whereof insurance effected on the
Demised Premises may be rendered void or voidable or
whereby the rate of premium may be increased and to comply
with all recommendation of the insurers as to fire
precautions relating to the Demised Premises

vii) Not to do or suffer on the Demised Premises or any

part thereof any act matter or thing whatsoever which may
be or tend to be a nuisance annoyance damage disturbance
of the Landlord or the owners tenants landlords or
occupiers of any adjoining or neighbouring property

viii) Not to use or permit or suffer the Demised

Premises or any part thereof to be used for
any illegal or immoral purposes

ix) a) To use and occupy the Demised Premises for

residential purposes only

b) Not to permit or suffer the Demised

Premises to be used or occupied otherwise
than solely and exclusively for the purpose
described in sub-clause (a) of this clause

x) To be responsible for and to indemnify the

Landlord against all damage occasioned to the
Demised Premises or any other part of the
said building or any adjacent or neighbouring
premises or to any person caused by any act
default or negligence of the Tenant or the
servants agents licensees or invitees of the

xi) To yield up the Demised Premises with the

fixtures and fittings and addition thereto
(Tenant’s fixtures only excepted) at the
expiration or sooner determination of the
said term in good and substantial repair and
condition (Landlord’s fixtures and fittings
and appurtenances being duly renewed and
replaced) in accordance with the several
covenants hereinbefore contained

3. The Landlord hereby COVENANTS with the Tenant as


I) That the Tenants paying the rent hereby

reserved and observing and performing the
several covenants shall peaceably hold and
enjoy the premises during the said term
without any interruption by the Landlord or
any person rightfully claiming under or in
trust for the Landlords

II) To pay all rates taxes and assessments

whatsoever now or hereafter during the said
term to become payable for or in respect of
the Demised Premises

III) That the Landlord will on the written request

of the Tenant made six months before the
expiration of the term hereby created and if
there shall not at the time of such request
be any existing breach of non-observance of
any of the covenants on the part of the
Tenant hereinbefore contained at the expense
of the Tenant grant to him a lease of the
demised premises for a further term of Ten
years from the expiration of the said term at
the same rent and containing the like
covenants and provisos as are herein
contained with the exception of the present
covenant for renewal.

IV) That if the tenant within five years from the

commencement of the term hereby created shall
give to the Landlord six months' notice in
writing that he desires to purchase the
reversion in fee simple in the demised
premises to the Landlord upon the expiration
of such notice and on payment of the sum of
$145,000 and of all arrears of rent up to the
expiration of the notice shall convey the
demised premises to the Tenant in fee simple
free from encumbrances.


(a) If and when ever during the said term the said
rent hereby reserved or made payable or any part thereof
shall be in arrears and unpaid for Twenty-one (21) days
next after becoming payable (whether formally demanded or
not) or if and whenever there shall be any breach or non-
performance or non-observance of any of the covenants or
agreements on the part of the Tenants herein contained or
if the Tenants shall enter into liquidation whether
compulsory or voluntary (save for the purpose of
amalgamation or reconstruction of a solvent company) or
have a receiver appointed of its undertaking or if the
Tenants for the time being shall enter into any
arrangement or composition for the benefit of the Tenants’
goods then and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful
for the Landlords at any time thereafter and
notwithstanding the waiver of any previous right of re-
entry into and upon the Demised Premises or any part
thereof in the name and of the whole to re-enter and
thereupon the said term shall absolutely cease and
determine but without prejudice to any rights or remedies
which may then have accrued to either party against the
other in respect of any antecedent breach of any of the
covenants herein contained

(b) In case the Demised Premises or any part thereof

shall at any time during the said term be so damaged or
destroyed by fire or other risk against which the
Landlords shall be insured as to be unfit for occupation
and use the rent hereby reserved shall be suspended until
the Demised Premises shall be rendered fit for occupation
and use except always that the Tenant shall be liable only
for payment of any proportionate part of the rent accrued

(c) The Landlords shall not be responsible to the

Tenants or the Tenants’ licensees servants agents or other
persons in the Demised Premises or calling upon the
Tenants for any accident happening or injury suffered or
damage to or loss of any chattel or property sustained on
the Demised Premises

(d) If during the term of this lease the entire

building or the premises shall be acquired by the
Government of Grenada as a result of the exercise of the
powers conferred by the Land Acquisition Act (hereinafter
referred to as the “acquisition”) this lease and all right
title and interest of the Tenants hereunto shall cease and
come to an end on the date of venting of title pursuant to
such acquisition and the Tenants shall make payment of the
basic rent and all other charges payable by the Tenants
hereunder justly apportioned to the date of such

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Landlords and the Tenants

have respectively caused this lease to be signed the day
and year first hereinabove written

THE SCHEDULE above referred to

ALL THAT two story building of the Landlord
situate at Deer Street, Headlights Ville in
the parish of Saint George and State of
Grenada together with the fixtures therein
SIGNED by the Landlord )
presence of )

SIGNED by the Tenant )

Presence of )

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