ISE II Review

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ISE II Review

National and local produce and products

Modal verbs

Write a short article (130 words) for an online magazine explaining why
people in you area are starting to buy more locally produced food
Mention 8 people working in education

Competition: Your ideal schoolIs your school as you want (1)______ to be? Or are there
things you and your classmates (2)_____ change, given the opportunity? This is your
chance to express your ideas about (3)_____ the ideal school is like. Our competition is
open to (4)______ student between the ages of twelve and eighteen. You can enter
(5)_____ an individual or your whole class can work together on a team entry. Your entry
can take any form - a piece of writing, a picture, or even architectural plans. It is
completely (6)______ to you. What we are looking for is evidence (7)______ originality,
imagination and, above (8)______, the genuine views of young people. By (9) _______
part in this, you will help in a study being carried out at a leading university. All work
entered (10)______ the competition will be kept at the university and used in research.
Entries cannot be returned (11)______ of this. But it also means that, even (12)______
you do not win, your views will still be heard and will remain for future educationalists to
study. Entries must reach us not later (13)______ Friday 30 April. Winners will receive
valuable prizes of computer equipment and software for their schools.
Early memories

Write 4 sentences using USUALLY, USED TO, BE USED TO, GET

USED TO in which you can prove you know the meaning of them. There
must be at least a negative and an interrogative sentence.

Phrasal verbs

1) The manager had the respect of everyone in the officeUPEveryone in

the office__________________ the manager

We discussed the problem but nobody had a solutionCAMEWe discussed

the problem but ________________ with a solution
Village and city life


I wished I’d done more to helpHAVINGI

regretted___________________ more to help
National customs

Modal verbs

Write in 50 words what the “Semana Santa” is

Pollution and recycling


They say the oil spill was discovered by an agent while working at the
firmSAIDThe oil spill is ____________________ discovered by an
agent while working at the firm

You must show your staff card as you enter the companyREQUIRED
You____________________ staff card as you enter the company.

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