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The Company Act 1994

90. Directors obligatory - (1) Every public company and a private company which is a subsidiary
of a public company shall have at least three directors.
(2) Every private company other than a private company mentioned in sub-section (1) shall
have at least two directors;
(3) Only a natural person may be appointed a director.
91. Appointment of directors: -
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the articles of a company—
(a) the subscribers of the memorandum shall be deemed to be the directors of the company
until the first director are appointed.
(b) the directors of the company shall be elected by the members from among their number
in general meeting; and
(c) any casual vacancy occurring among the directors may be filled in by the other directors but
the person the appointed shall be a person qualified to be elected a director under clause
(b) and shall be subject to retirement at the same time as if he had become a director on the
day on which the director in whose place he is appointed was last appointed a director.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the articles of a company other than a private
company not less than one third of the whole number of directors shall be persons whose
period of office is liable to determination at any time by retirement of directors rotation

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