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NIM : 2130104012

1. NATO: "North Atlantic Treaty Organization"
2. Scuba: "self-contained underwater breathing apparatus"
3. Laser: "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation"
4. GIF: "graphics interchange format"
5. Amphetamine: "alpha-methyl-phenethylamine"
6. Gestapo: Geheime Staatspolizei (secret state police)
7. Radar: "radio detection and ranging"
8. CD-ROM: (cee-dee-/rɒm/) "compact disc read-only memory"
9. IUPAC: (i-u-/pæk/ or i-u-pee-a-cee) "International Union of Pure and Applied
10. JPEG: (jay-/pɛɡ/ or jay-pee-e-gee) "Joint Photographic Experts Group"
11. SFMOMA: (ess-ef-/ˈmoʊmə/ or ess-ef-em-o-em-a) "San Francisco Museum of
Modern Art"
12. BBC: "British Broadcasting Corporation"
13. OEM: "original equipment manufacturer"
14. USA: "United States of America"
15. VHF: “Very high frequency”
16. AAA: (Triple-A) "American Automobile Association”
17. IEEE: (I triple-E) "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers"
18. NAACP: "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"
19. NCAA: "National Collegiate Athletic Association"
20. 3M: (three M) originally "Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company"
21. (ISC)²: (ISC squared) "International Information Systems Security Certification
22. W3C: (W-three C) "World Wide Web Consortium"
23. A2DP: (A-two D P) "Advanced Audio Distribution Profile"
24. C4ISTAR: "Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence,
Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance"
25. E3: (E-three) "Electronic Entertainment Expo"
26. AIM: "AOL Instant Messenger," in which "AOL" originally stood for "America
27. AFTA: "ASEAN Free Trade Area,"
28. ASEAN :“Association of Southeast Asian Nations”
29. NAC Breda: "NOAD ADVENDO Combinatie" ("NOAD ADVENDO Combination
30. NOAD: (Nooit Opgeven Altijd Doorgaan "Never give up, always persevere")
31. ADVENDO: (Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning "Pleasant by
entertainment and useful by relaxation")
32. GIMP: "GNU image manipulation program"
33. VHDL: "VHSIC hardware description language,"
34. VHSIC : "Very High Speed Integrated Circuit"
35. GNU: "GNU's not Unix!"
36. Wine: "Wine is not an emulator" (originally, "Windows emulator")
37. HURD: "HIRD of Unix-replacing daemons,"
38. CQ: cee-cue for "seek you", a code used by radio operators
39. IOU: i-o-u for "I owe you"
40. K9: kay-nine for "canine,"
41. ATM machine: "automated teller machine" (machine)
42. HIV virus: "human immunodeficiency virus" (virus)
43. LCD display: "liquid-crystal display" (display)
44. PIN number: "personal identification number" (number)
45. PAYGO: "pay-as-you-go"
46. DVD "Digital Versatile Disc"
47. GAO "Government Accountability Office"
48. GPO "Government Printing Office" to "Government Publishing Office"
49. RAID :"Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks",
50. WWF : World Wildlife Fund
51. The UICC "Union for International Cancer Control”
52. XHR : "XML HTTP Request",
53. XML : "Extensible Markup Language",
54. HTTP : "HyperText Transfer Protoc
55. POWER : "Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC"
56. RISC : "Reduced Instruction Set Computing"
57. VHDL : "VHSIC Hardware Description Language"
58. VHSIC : stands for "Very High Speed Integrated Circuit"
59. XSD :"XML Schema Definition"
60. XML: "Extensible Markup Language"
61. AIM : "AOL Instant Messenger"
62. AOL : "America Online"
63. HASP : "Houston Automatic Spooling Priority”
65. VOR : "VHF omnidirectional range"
66. VHF :” Very High Frequency radio”
67. TACAN :"Tactical Air Navigation"
Full Form (Asal kata
(Bentuk Meaning (Arti)

Biasanya digunakan untuk

A.D Anno Domini menunjukkan tahun setelah kelahiran
Jesus Christ -1600 A.D

a.m Ante Meridian Keterangan waktu sebelum siang hari

c. / ca. Circa Kira-kira atau kurang lebih

Dokumen mengenai daftar riwayat

C.V Curriculum Vitae

e.g. Exempli gratia Sebagai contoh

Et al. Et All Dan yang lainnya

Etc. Et cetera Dan lain-lain

i.e. Id est Dengan kata lain

Sepanjang tahun/selama bertahun-

p.a Per Annum

p.m Post meridian Setelah siang hari

Sesuatu yang ditulis setelah teks

P.S Post Scriptum

R.I.P Requiescat in pace Beristirahat dengan damai

Stat Statim Segera

Dr. Doctor Dr. Smith was also invited.

Gen. Luke ordered them to fire at the

Gen. General (army)

Hon. James Smith gave away the

Hon. Honorable

Mr. Mister Mr. Hall is in office at the moment.

Mrs. Mistress Mrs. Hall is waiting for her car.

Ms. Miss Ms. Jane Watson is here to see you.

Prof. Jain is a popular faculty in

Prof. Professor

Rev. Reverend (clergyman) Rev. Jones blessed the house today.

Bates Sr. and Harry Bates Jr. were

Sr. / Jr. Senior / Junior
inspecting the grounds.

St. Patrick is one of the most popular

St. Saint
Irish saints.

They named their club; Assn. of Low

Assn. Association
and Highs.

They said they would be waiting at

Ave. Avenue
Lexington Ave.

Dept. Department The Arts Dept. is holding a bake sale.

Annabel’s est. 1963 in London,

Est. Established

Look to fig. 8 to see how the process

Fig. Figure
takes place.

We will reach the next camp at

Hrs. Hours
1500 hrs.

Apple Inc. was founded in the 1970s

Inc. Incorporated
by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain on

Mt. Mount

The address is House no. 64,

No. Number
Mulberry Lane.

Oz. Ounces The recipe needs 34 oz. of honey.

Sq. Square The rent is 100 dollar per sq. inch.

The shop is located at Xyza St. near

St. Street
the intersection.

The final match is going to be

Vs Versus
Australia vs. India.
Abbr. Abbreviation / Abbreviated (Singkatan)

Adj. Adjective (Kata sifat)

Adv. Adverb (Kata keterangan)

Obj. Objective (Objektif)

Pl. Plural (Bentuk jamak)

Poss. Possessive (Kepunyaan)

Prep. Preposition (Kata depan)

Pron. Pronoun (Kata ganti)

Pseud. Pseudonym (Nama samaran)

Sing. Singular (Bentuk tunggal)

Syn. Synonym (Persamaan kata)

Trans. Translation (Arti/terjemahan)

N. Noun (Kata benda)

V. / Vb. Verb (Kata kerj


English words Direct borrowing

Access Akses

Accessory Aksesoris

Account Akun

Accommodation Akomodasi

Activist Aktifis

Acting Akting, berakting

Active Aktif

Actor Aktor

Actress Aktris

Acupuncture Akupuntur

Agronomy Agronomi

Allergy Alergi

Apartment Apartemen

Appreciation Apresiasi

Application Aplikasi

Aquarium Akuarium

Asset Asset

Assumption Asumsi

Association Asosiasi

Astronaut Astronot

Artist Artis

English words Direct borrowing

Ballpoint Bolpen

Balloon Balon

Business Business

Book Buku

Bus Bis

Bomb Bom

Bandit Bandit

Block Blok
Biology Biologi

Boss bos

English Words Direct borrowing

Calculator Kalkulator

Calm Kalem

Calendar Kalender

Campus Kampus

Cancer Kanker

Cartoon Kartun

Capsule Kapsul

Career Karir

Catering Katering

Cassette Kaset

Check Cek

Charismatic Karismatik

Cholesterol Kolesterol

Circuit Sirkuit

Clarification Klarifikasi

Claim Klaim

Cockpit Kokpit

Clone Klon

Coffee Kopi

Coin Koin

Coma Koma

Complain Komplain
Computer Komputer

Condominium Kondominium, kondo

Conducive Kondusif

Conjunction Konjungsi

Contamination Kontaminasi

Cosmetics Kosmetik

Counselling Konseling

Commitment Komitmen

Copy Salin

Corset Korset

Corrupt Korup

Counter Konter

Coupon Kupon

Cowboy Koboi

Cotton Katun

Cornea Kornea

Conversion Konversi

Convention Konvensi

Cooperation Koperasi

Container Container

English words Direct borrowing

Data Data

Department Departemen

Decade Dekade
Detection Deteksi

Depression Depresi

Detective Detektif

Detergent Detergen

Design Desain

Dichotomy Dikotomi

Diagnose Diagnosa

Dilemma Dilema

Dimension Dimensi

Disco Disko

Discount Diskon

Diskette Disket

Discourse Diskursus

Doctor Dokter

Dose Dosis

Double Dobel, ganda

Director Direktur

Domestic Domestik

Disinfectant Disifectan

Dollar Dolar

Idiom Examples

1. A penny for your thoughts

A way to ask someone what they are thinking about.

A: A penny for your thoughts.

B: I am just thinking about what to eat tonight.

2. Actions speak louder than words

To say that it is easy to claim you will do something but what you really do is all that matters.

A: I think that what you are doing is very important.

B: Good. But remember that actions speak louder than words. So come and help at the weekend.

3. The ball is in your court

To say that it is someone else’s responsibility to make a decision or do something.

Here is all the information I could find. The ball is in your court about what to do with it.

4. Beat up

To hit someone and win a fight with them.

They were beaten up by the robbers who broke into the shop.

5. Behind one’s back

To do something so that it is hidden from someone and they do not know about it.

She went to see the boss behind my back and told him that she had done all the work.

6. Bite one’s tongue

To not say something that you want to say.

I wanted to tell her to stop complaining and get on with it, but I bit my tongue.

7. Blood from a stone

Something that is very difficult or very hard to do.

Getting him to pay his bill on time is like getting blood from a stone.

8. Broken record

To say the same thing many times, or to repeat something even though everyone knows about it.

My boss is just like a broken record the way he says I have to wash my hands before making food.

9. Change your mind

To decide to do something different after already having said you will do something else.

A: Let’s go out tonight.

B: I thought you wanted to watch television.

A: I did, but I have changed my mind.

10. Chat him up

To talk with someone you find attractive to try to make them like you.

David has been chatting her up all night but she just looks bored.

11. Come down to earth

To realize what something is really like and see that it is harder or more difficult than you thought.

After his first day on the job, he had to really come down to earth and see that it was hard work.

12. Cross that bridge when I come to it

To say you will deal with a problem when you need to and not before.

The heating in the house does not work, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it in the

13. Dead last

To be the very last contestant in a race or completion.

I came in dead last, but at least I completed the marathon.

14. Don’t know the first thing about it

To have no knowledge of something.

What happened in the meeting was private and she doesn’t know the first thing about it as she was
not there.

15. Drag your feet

To do something slowly.

She does not want to do that job, so has been dragging her feet all day.

16. Fall flat on my face

To make a mistake.

She fell flat on her face when trying to give the presentation as it was far too short.

17. Fend for yourself

To have to manage by yourself with no help from anyone.

When I went to university I had to fend for myself and cook my own meals.

18. Fight tooth and nail

To use all your strength and ability to achieve something, or to be in very vicious combat.

I will fight tooth and nail to make sure that I get one of the free doughnuts that are delivered on

19. From the bottom of my heart

To mean something full and with all your ability.

When I said I loved her I really meant it from the bottom of my heart.

20. Gathering dust

Something that has been left and not used for a long time, or something that has been forgotten.

Since we got computers the typewriters have been gathering dust.

21. Give a hand

To help someone with something.

Will you please give a hand to Lucy as she has a lot of work?

22. Have a blast

To have a very good time.

I hope you have a blast when you go out tonight.

23. Have deep pockets

To be able to afford many expensive things.

He has deep pockets as he often brings lots of snacks for us all to share.

24. Have the final say

To be the person that has the authority to make the final decision.

I think this is a good idea, but Jane has the final say on it.

25. In over your head

To be involved in something that is too difficult for you to finish.

I was in over my head but did not have any option other than continuing.

26. Jig is up

A phrase to say when something that is illegal has been found and is being stopped.

The police officer shouted to the criminals that “the jig is up. Come out.”

27. Lick your wounds

To go away and recover from a bad experience or defeat.

He has sat in the corner licking his wounds all afternoon after being told off by the boss.

28. Look out for number one

To do something so that you will get all the benefit.

You need to look out for number one before helping other people.

29. Money doesn’t grow on trees

To say that you should think carefully about spending money as there is only a limited amount.

I can’t believe you’ve bought more clothes. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

30. Month of Sundays

A very long time.

I will never be able to do this, not even in a month of Sundays.

31. Off the beaten track

To be difficult to find, or to be very isolated and remote.

I am going on holiday to a cottage that is off the beaten track, so I should be able to relax.

32. On the double

To do something quickly, or to say something should be done quickly.

Put your books away and tidy up the classroom. Come-on – quickly – on the double.

33. Point of no return

The time that you can no longer change your mind, or when you have to do what you are doing now.

This is the point of no return: if we continue the project has to be successful or we will lose our

34. Put you in a bad mood

To make you upset, or to make you angry about something.

Every time I have to drive in the big city it puts me in a bad mood.

35. Rack my brain

To think about something very hard, or to try to remember something.

I racked my brain but could not think of any way to fix the problem.

36. Roll out the red carpet

To treat someone as if they were a very important person.

Untuk memperlakukan seseorang seolah-olah mereka adalah orang yang sangat penting.
Every time she comes to visit everyone makes it look nice and rolls out the red carpet.

37. Second nature

Something that you find very easy to do.

Playing tennis is like second nature to me as I have been doing it so long.

38. Snatch victory from the jaws of defeat

To win or be successful at the very last moment when it appeared that you would lose or fail.

The football team never gave up and finally snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in the last

39. Stand on ceremony

To expect that everything is done in the proper and very formal way.

Please do not stand on ceremony, just get some food to eat and find somewhere to sit.

40. Taking care of business

A way to say that you are doing what you are required to do.

A: What have you been doing?

B: Oh, just taking care of business.

41. That’ll be the day

To say that you do not believe something will happen.

That’ll be the day when Andy is early for work.

42. The cart before the horse

To start to do something before all the preparation has been finished.

Sitting down to eat before the food has finished cooking is putting the cart before the horse.

43. There’s one born every minute

A way to say that you think someone did something that was very silly or stupid.

A: James fell into a hole yesterday. He was looking at his phone and not where he was going.

B: There’s one born every minute.

44. Till the cows come home

For a long time.

I will have to keep working until the cows come home if I am going to finish this today.
45. Till you’re blue in the face

To have to say the same thing over and over again to someone without them paying attention to you..

I told her not to do that till I was blue in the face, but she did it and will now have to clean up the

46. Tough time of it

To have difficulty doing something, or to experience a difficult period.

I am having a tough time of it as my wife is ill and I need to do everything.

47. Turn the air blue

To swear a lot.

He turned the air blue when he hit his thumb by mistake with the hammer.

48. Variety is the spice of life

To say that having different experiences makes life fun and interesting.

I believe that variety is the spice of life, so I tried every type of beer the pub had.

49. Wash your hands of it

To finish something or to give it away so that it is no longer your responsibility.

I gave him the keys for the car and washed my hands of it.

50. Watch your P’s and Q’s

To tell someone to be polite and to use good manners.

He is very old so you need to watch your P’s and Q’s with him.


1. FBI (The Federal Bureau of Investigation)

2. HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
3. IBM (International Business Machines)
4. DVD (Digital Video Disc)
5. BBC (The British Broadcasting Corporation)
6. USA (United State of Amerca)
7. UK (United Kingdom)
8. OMG (Oh, My God)
9. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
10. BTT (Back To Topic)
11. ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)
12. AFAIK / (As Far As I Know)
13. AFAIR / (As Far As I Remember / Recall)
14. CEO /( Chief Executive Officer)
15. DIY / (Do It Yourself)
16. VIP / (Very Important Person)
17. TBA / (To Be Announced)
18. VAT / (Value Added Tax)
19. FBI / (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
20. CD /( Compact Disc)
21. NSA / (National Security Agency)
22. TTYL / (Talk To You Later)
23. ASAP / (As Soon As Possible)
24. CCTV / (Closed-Circuit Television)
25. PLC / (Public Limited Company)
26. FAQ /( Frequently Asked Questions)
27. BBE = best before end: used to indicate a use-by date at the end of a specified month
28. NDTI = National Disease and Therapeutic Index
29. LA = Los Angeles, a city in the United States of America
30. ODIHR = (politics) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
31. DPS = Initialism of delivery (a system of automated letter sorting used by the United
32. States Postal Service.)
33. RHD = Recommended Human Dose
34. ERP = Initialism of erotic roleplay
35. PEP = Initialism of post-exposure prophylaxis
36. IDMC = Independent Data Monitoring Committee.
37. IGBT = (electronics) Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor.
38. TRT = (transportation) Initialism of w:Transportation Research Thesaurus
39. UC = University of California
40. MP3 = (computing audio software) MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, an audio data
41. compression format.
42. VOS = Verb-Object-Subject: a language is VOS if a typical sentence starts with the
43. verb, followed by the object, followed by the subject.
44. LGB = Initialism of lesbian
45. OCP = Initialism of oral contraceptive pill
46. LoD = (software) Initialism of Law of Demeter
47. DPT = (medicine) Doctor of Physical Therapy
48. HM = His Majesty, the title of a king
49. IGCSE = International General Certificate of Secondary Education; an internationally
50. recognised qualification taken by secondary school students in England, Wales and

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