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I chose to look at ATLAS CASE # 142 and looking at it through TPE 3 #3

The teacher planned a lesson where the students were going to combine both math and
science which shows cross disciplinary. Prior to this activity the description mentioned that they
spent some time learning about the topics they would be using to conduct their research which
shows that the teacher spent time planning lessons that would support this activity. This activity
was about absorption in different soils. The students were able to time how fast the liquid would
absorb and would record this information, use equations and they were able to identify the
measurements they would need to use. While doing this they were learning what happens with
different soils and why this may happen with the guidance of questions from the teacher. The
students were able to use the scientific processes of creating hypotheses and testing these
hypotheses. The teacher was actively engaging with her students throughout the activity like i
mentioned she was asking the students questions that would help them interact with the activity
and would lead to them finding answers as to why different soils absorb liquid faster or slower
than others. The teacher also did a great job connecting the activity to real life experiences that
the students may encounter. This allowed the students to better connect with the material and
understand why the things that happen around them happen. The teacher did a great job using
what the students previously had worked on learning to create a visual representation.

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