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UDL Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Amber Soukup

Date Created: 02/17/2023

Content Area: ELA

School: Sutton Early Center (LISD MOCI Classroom)

Grade Level: 6-10 years old

Lesson Title:

Michigan Academic Standards: (include code and standard)

(Example: ELA.S.5.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw
on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.)

EE.RL.K.10: With guidance and support, actively engage in shared reading.

Performance Based Learning Objectives:

 Learners will be able to …
 Performance based – conditions, target behavior, and criteria
 Aligned with Michigan Academic Standard(s)
(Example: Given two hours of instruction daily for five school days, learners will be able to accurately play
a new song on their individual musical instrument with five or fewer errors.)

-With guidance and support students will be able to actively engage in a shared reading and be able to identify the
sight word “It” using LAMP on their iPad with 75% accuracy on 3 out of 4 trials.

-With guidance and support students will be able to actively engage in a shared reading and be able to identify the
vocabulary word “President’s Day” using a switch and visuals with 75% accuracy on 3 out of 4 trials.

Materials: (Low Tech, including number needed)

Teacher: BINGO Dabber, Sight Word Activity, Book, Switches

Students: All materials will be provided for the student.

Technology: (High Tech)

o Teacher laptop o Digital camera
o SMART Board o Document camera
o LCD projector o Digital microscope
o SMART Senteos (class set) o Video camera
o Computers o Scanner
o iPad or tablet o Color printer
o iPod or mp3 player(s) o Calculators
o Early childhood learning technologies o FM system

o Webcam o Other______________

 Teacher research/planning
 Source of learning materials

-Duck for President by Doreen Cronin


Prior Learning Connections (Background Knowledge Support):

 Is this an introductory, reinforcement, or mastery lesson?
 What have you done to prepare students for this lesson?
 Background knowledge support is provided by:
o identifying background knowledge
o connecting background knowledge with concepts and skills

This lesson will be a beginning reinforcement lesson for the students to work on. Prior to this lesson we will have
spent time working on lessons like this, but not with this exact book. The students will have experience with this
prior to the lesson and know what the expectations are while we work through this lesson.

 How do you know students are ready for this lesson? What are their developmental skills levels,
interests, learning strengths and special needs?
 Learning strategies that help students understand content or build skills to apply knowledge
 Instructional materials are selected, designed, implemented and individualized as necessary to support
all students in meeting the lesson learning objectives.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities

This lesson will not be the first time that we’ve spent time working on a book study. Over the last few weeks,
we’ve been working on building our skills with these. The students have been doing a variety of activities with
the book that they will be working on throughout this lesson, and other lessons. This is a small group lesson for a
group of three students, but there will be times where I am working one-on-one with students.

-Jam Board
-LAMP app on iPad

-Use of LAMP on iPad for students to say the letter.
-Use of switches for students to hear the letter sound.

-Use of switches to touch the letter
-Touching Jam Board

Special Concerns (including medical, behavioral, and/or environmental):

One student in the classroom does have several absent seizures daily and has had Grand Mal seizures in the past.
Keeping an eye on throughout the time to make sure she’s doing okay. We typically do call her name out when
she has an absent seizure to get her back from it. So, if I notice one while teaching, I might continuously say her
name and walk near her to make sure she’s okay.

There is one student in the group who can tend to have some off- task and avoidance types of behavior.


 Targets all knowledge and skills that are indicated in learning objectives which are driven by the
 Includes a variety of formats
 Identified in lesson where the assessment is being administered (FA) or (SA)

-Data Tracking Sheet

Summative: N/A

During Lesson: (General Guidelines)

 Provides multiple instructional strategies including technology:
o to help students develop an understanding of content areas and their connections
o to build skills to apply knowledge
 Provides clear understanding of the concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline
 Demonstrates clear understanding of content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas
 Displays clear understanding of the aspects of UDL by providing information in multiple formats,
multiple ways to respond, and multiple ways to engage.

Engagement: (Time) (5 min)

 Create interest and stimulate curiosity; provide meaningful context for learning; raise questions for
inquiry; reveal students’ current ideas and beliefs
 Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.
 What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?

“Alright let’s go ahead and get started with some work today. Last week we had the chance to read a book for a
special holiday we we’re celebrating. This week we have another holiday that we are going to take some time to
read about. We are going to be reading the book Duck for President. This is going to help us learn a bit more
about this holiday.”

“To start off our work this afternoon, we are going to begin looking at some special words we are going to be
using this week with our book. Our sight word for the week is “It” and our vocabulary word is “President’s Day”.
These are two words we are going to pay extra special attention to this week.”

“If we can look at our words, and can we find the word “It” in there and say it out loud.”

“Awesome! I’m hearing everyone saying our sight word which I love! Thank you for using your words and

finding it. We are going to be working with this word and our other vocabulary word throughout the week.”

“Just like we’ve done with our other stories we have some work that we’re going to be doing before we start with
reading our book.”


“Let’s take a second and get ready to make some predictions about our story.”

Instruction/Exploration: (Time) 15 min

 Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities
 List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration.
 What questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the
concept under examination?
 List higher order thinking questions the teacher will use to solicit student explanations and help them to
justify their explanations.
 Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.
 How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?

“Alright let’s get started here. I have our Jam Board all set up for us to use today. This is going to help us make
some predictions or guesses as we read through our story.”

“Before we do that, I want us to take a minuet and just look through the book. We aren’t going to read the book
but looking at the pictures will help us with our predictions about the book.”

“Awesome! Now that we’ve had a chance to look through our book Duck for President let’s take some time and
use our Jam Board to make some predictions. This is going to help us to start thinking about some things before
we read.”
(Go through the Jam Board with the students and ask them to answer the questions using their words or pointing
at the screen.)

“Great! Now that we’ve had a chance to do that, we are going to be ready to read our story tomorrow and mark
our special word “It” as we are reading.”

“Before we finish up here today, we have one more activity that I would like for us to do. I have some sight word
practice for us to do. We have a picture here and we are going to look through it and mark with our BINGO
Marker where we find it.”
(Do sight word activity and assist students as needed.)

“Awesome job! Just to make sure we really know what our sight word is, can we find it in our words one last
time today, and say it.”
(Have students find the word “It” in their words or say aloud.)


“Awesome before we move onto reading and doing StarFall let’s finish up with one last activity.”

After Lesson: (Time) 5 min

 Refer and tie back to course objectives
 One last quick assessment

“First, I want to thank you all for your hard work and doing your best work. Everyone did such a great job!
Before we finish up like I mentioned we have one last thing that I want us to work on today.”

“We are going to use our switches here to do a quick assessment. I have a picture on each of them. As we talked
about earlier, we have those two special words we are going to be talking about with this book.” (FA)

“Those two words were “It” and “President’s Day” one of them. I’m going to have a picture and the word
“President’s Day” on one of the switches and another word with a picture on the other. I want you to hit the
switch that says, “President’s Day on it.” (FA)

“We are going to do this a few times really quick and I just want to see if you can find that special word we are
going to be working on.”

 There is ample evidence on reflection of instructional effectiveness
 At least two pieces of evidence relative to reflection on instructional effectiveness are present and accurately

Strengths of the Lesson:

Areas for Growth:

Focus for next lesson:

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