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T shows

a b


1 What are the last three thin s you watched What programmes do you usually watch v ia online prov iders
on television id you watch the live recorded of entertainment?
or online id you en oy the Why Why not N ame a programme in which v iewers can phone in to choose
a winner.
2   atch the pictures a e with the types o

pro ra es elow. an you ive an exa ple o each 5   o plete the sentences with the ad ectives elow
kind o pro ra e on olish and your own ideas.

a azine pro ra e sitco a e show addictive hilarious thou ht provokin educational

chat show party political roadcast lottery show entertainin actual e ora le ictional ovin
docu entary series quiz show
1 D ocumentaries are programmes, whereas most dramas are
. T he best drama I ’ v e ev er seen was .
3 CD 1.01   isten to two people talkin a out
2 I of ten cry while watching f ilms. O ne of the most moments
what was on the previous ni ht. What sort

in a f ilm f or me was .
o pro ra es did they watch
3 I like programmes that make me think. T he most
1 N ina: 2 J ames: programme I ’ v e seen recently was .
I lov e hav ing a good laugh. O ne programme I ’ v e seen this
4  Replace the underlined parts o the questions

year was .
with the phrases elow. hen ask and answer O nce I start watching a reality show, I can’ t stop because
the questions in pairs. they’ re so . O ne of the worst f or me was .
is lon runnin a lar e audience strea in services
you can vote or so eone peak viewin ti es VOCABULARY CHALLENGE! Unit 1, page 108, exercise 1
roadcast live to keep up with the latest events

1 What programmes hav e you seen recently which are

6 WHAT DO YOU THINK?  Work in pairs and discuss
the question. se the pro pts elow to help you.

shown at the same time as they happen?

2 What sort of programmes are shown at the most D o you think that the habit of watching liv e telev ision will
popular times f or v iewers? disappear in the f uture since streaming serv ices are becoming
3 N ame a TV show that has been on TV f or a long time. so popular? Why? / Why not?
N ame a programme that has been watched by a lot of • No : routine • watching together • ariety of channels
people recently. to choose from

N ame a programme that helps people to get inf ormation • Yes : usy li es • ariety of films and programmes •
about recent ev ents. con enience

4 T RA
present tenses

1 CD 1.02 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read and listen PRACTISE   o plete the questions usin the
to the dialo ue. Would you like to watch this show words elow. here are three extra words. hen work

Why Why not in pairs and answer the questions.
etty H i A dam! What are you watching? o ten or ore than once already currently
Ada I ’ m watching a programme called Would I Lie to You? daily ever
T o be honest, I watch it quite often. I t’ s a TV comedy
1 H av e you wanted to work for TV? Why? / Why not?

panel show which has been running f or twelv e years.
H av e you ev er seen it? 2 H ow do you watch T V series? Which ones?
etty N o, I hav en’ t. What is it about? 3 Which T V shows are trending on P olish T V ? D o you
find them interesting? Why? / Why not?
Ada Well, there are two teams that compete against one
another. T he team members try to make the other Which f ilms hav e you watched in your lif e? H ow
team believ e some craz y stories. S ometimes they tell many times? Why?
the truth, but of ten they lie through their teeth. T he
programme is getting f unnier and f unnier despite the

f act that it’ s been on f or so long. I ’ v e been watching it
since I started high school, I think. I j ust lov e it!
etty I can see! What are you doing af ter that? I ’ m going out
f or a meal with my f riends. I ’ v e been studying the whole
day, and I ’ m tired. I need to chill out. D o you f ancy
j oining us?
Ada I ’ v e ordered a piz z a, and it’ s on its way. P lus another

at home.
of my f av ourite series starts at 5 . 0 0 , so I ’ d better stay   o plete the sentences with the correct
or o the words in rackets. Add extra words where
etty O K. J ust don’ t f orget to take the rubbish out. I ’ v e j ust necessary.
cleaned the kitchen, and we don’ t need any mess there!
S ee you later! 1 I hardly ev er (watch) any comedy shows on TV.
T hey (not interest / I).
2 ANALYSE ook at the underlined sentences and explain 2 H ow long (they / show) this programme on TV for?
why you think the iven tense has een used. I think it (be) on for ages.
3 What book (you / read) at the moment?
3 atch each tense 1 to its use A . hen nd one What (you / like) about it the most?
underlined sentence in exercise 1 to atch each type o use. M att (never / see) any episodes of Friends!

I (watch) every single one of them.

1  present si ple 2 present continuous
3  present per ect 4 present per ect continuous (Teresa and Tom / come) with us to the party?
I (just / hear) she caught some stomach bug.

habits • states and pref erences • actions that happen ! Watch out
repeatedly • actions in timetables/schedules
B With It’s the first time we use present perf ect.
situations which started in the past and continue in the present It’s the first time I’ve heard about this programme.
• situations which hav e already happened but whose results

we can see • situations which hav e happened recently •

situations which hav e happened in your lif etime   o plete the sentences so that they are true
C or you. se the ideas in rackets.
actions happening now • changing/developing situations • 1 I t’ s the f irst time I . (write about some food)

f uture plans 2 I t’ s the f irst time my brother . (write about some place)
3 I t’ s the f irst time my parents . (write about some
actions continuing up to the present moment and likely to TV programme)
continue • actions continuing up to the present moment with
v isible results
NOW YOU DO IT  Write so e in or ation a out
actions which
atch the expressions to the tenses in exercise with which
they are ost o en used. Which expressions can e used • you do frequently,

with ore than one tense • you are doing currently in your lif e,
• you hav e already done this year,
f or, since, at the moment, usually, so f ar, yet, f or ages, bef ore,
nev er, hardly ev er, j ust, still, of ten, currently, ev er, three times • you hav e been doing f or some time.
in my lif e, tonight, on 1 S eptember, recently, lately, now,
 Work in pairs and tell your partner a out the
tomorrow, twice a day, monthly, second, third
di erent thin s in exercise . our story can e true or

alse. our partner ust decide i you are tellin the truth.

  T RA na omo rodków zykowych Gramatykalizacja GRAMMAR REFERENCE page 130 5


listening for gist and detail • the news • ad ecti es and prepositions

1 2 3

1 What are the advanta es and disadvanta es o usin ! Tip
these di erent news sources 1 ow do you keep up

to date with the news R emember that the v erb which f ollows an adj ectiv e
plus a preposition should be in the -ing f orm.
2   atch the ad ectives with the de nitions elow. I’m interested in learning new things.

neutral pre udiced i ediate i partial

iased relia le o ective   ranslate the olish parts o the sentences into
n lish.
1 a point of v iew which is inf luenced by someone
or something: ,
2 a point of v iew which is not inf luenced by anyone
FR 1 I ’ m completely (uzale niona od ogl dania) the TV gossip
show that f ollows the news. I simply lov e it!
or anything: , , 2 T he presenter is (dobry w obja nianiu) the importance
3 you can depend on the truth of this news: of news ev ents.
you get this news quickly: 3 T hat celebrity is (odpowiedzialny za inicjowanie) a new
f ashion trend.
3 CD 1.03   isten to ve speakers talkin a out the I’m (nie jestem zainteresowana słuc aniem) to you
di erent news sources in exercise 1. atch the speakers talking about your f av ourite T V show!
with the news sources they pre er. ne speaker does not
have a pre erence.   o plete the questions with appropriate prepositions.
peaker peaker
hen ask and answer the questions in pairs.

peaker peaker 1 What are you most concerned in the news right now?
2 H av e you been angry anyone recently? I f so, why?
CD 1.03   isten a ain and atch state ents A 3 What T V programmes are you most f ed

with speakers 1 . here is one extra state ent. A re you aware what’ s happening in other maj or
his speaker countries right now?
A likes that people share their opinions about recent news. A re you curious anything you’ v e seen on the news
B is happy to read news with a political opinion. recently? I f yes, what?
C f eels they need to rely on multiple sources of news.

D thinks older people are old-f ashioned in the way they get CD 1.04   isten to a irl talkin a out a pro ra e
news. she watched and answer the questions.
E believ es news should not be controlled by people 1 What was the topic of the T V programme the girl watched?
with power and money. 2 What was the j ournalist’ s opinion?

F is concerned that one particular news source may prov ide 3 H ow did she support this opinion?
f alse inf ormation. What does the girl think about this opinion?
Why do the media usually lie in the wartime,
  o plete the sentences ro the recordin
in the speaker’ s opinion?
with the prepositions elow.

or in o towards to at VOCABULARY CHALLENGE! Unit 1, page 108, exercise 2


1 T hey’ re f ull lots of dif f erent topics. WHAT DO YOU THINK?  Work in pairs and discuss
2 … newspapers are biased one political party. the question.
3 I ’ m addicted social media sites. D o the media and politicians always tell the truth?
… to f ind something that I ’ m interested reading! Should they? Why? / Why not?
The channel … is excellent presenting the news clearly.
T hey’ re responsible spreading a lot of lies.

6 T RA Rozumienie ze s uchu Dobieranie (zdań do wypowiedzi), dpowiedzi na pytania


past tenses used to

1 What s your avourite ou u e channel Why do you ! Watch out
like it
We use used to to talk about both past states

2 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the text. What do oe and actions while we use would only to ref er to past
and Ryan have in co on actions.
We used to be happy children. We used to play a lot.
We would be happy children.. We would play a lot.

Zoe Sugg (Zoella) is
an English fashion
and beauty vlogger WHAT’S RIGHT? hoose the correct sentence.
and YouTuber. Zoe was
1 I would watch this channel when I was younger.
working as a trainee
at an interior design firm 2 I was watching this channel ev ery day when I was younger.
when she started her 3 I had watched this channel when I was younger.
own blog where she

wrote mainly about beauty and fashion. She had had PRACTISE   o plete the sentences with the correct
over 540 mln visits by the time she celebrated the first or o the ver s in rackets.
anniversary of her blog. That success inspired her to set I was v ery worried because I 1 (not have to) perform in
up her own YouTube channel. At the time she was also public bef ore. I t was my f irst time, and I (do) everything
working for a well-known British clothes chain shop, possible to calm down. A t the same time, I (feel) great;
which only helped her career. I nominate) in the Best Video Clip category! Yet making

Ryan is one of the top-

-earning YouTubers
FR clips wasn’ t as stressf ul as giv ing speeches.

PRACTISE  Write the sentences usin the pro pts

and past tenses. Add any necessary words.
despite his young age.
When he was about four, 1 We / record / videos / when / electricity / go / off.
he was playing a lot, 2 Joe and I / be / friends / before / we / go / university.
and while he was playing, 3 you / use / play / video games / when / you / be / child?
he was talking about What / you / do / all / day / yesterday?
his toys. He would often point out what made them We / drive / ages / before / we / find / the right hotel.
interesting to play with. His parents had been keeping
a video record of his reviews for some time before they   o plete the second sentence so that it eans

decided to help him set up his own channel. They the sa e as the rst.
used to have doubts about this kind of career for their 1 We hav en’ t seen any good clips since last month.
son, but now the boy has over 30 million subscribers! T he last time we last month.

Clearly, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth! 2 M y grandf ather used to read a lot to us.
M y grandf ather would .
3 I already had an inv itation f rom T im bef ore you told me
3 ANALYSE Read the ra ents in old in exercise . about the ev ent.
T im an inv itation bef ore you told me about the ev ent.
What tenses and structures have een used What
I t was my f irst time in I ndia.

do you re e er a out how we use the As a class

I bef ore.
discuss the rules or usin the tenses.

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE! Unit 1, page 108, exercises 1 and 2

  o plete the rules with the na es o the tenses

and structures ro exercise .

NOW YOU DO IT   o plete the sentences so
1 We use to talk about actions which were completed that they are true or you. o pare your answers with
in the past at a specif ic time or were repeated in the past. a partner. Ask urther questions to nd out ore details.
2 We use to describe actions which were in progress
1 When I was a child, I used to watch .
in the past and were interrupted by a shorter action. I t can
describe the background of a story. 2 When I was doing my homework yesterday, .
3 We use and to talk about actions which happened 3 The last YouTube clip I watched was about .

regularly in the past but no longer happen.

We use to describe actions which happened bef ore 1   se all the tenses you have learnt in the two lessons
other actions in the past. to write a story a out an i a inary or real ou u er
We use to talk about actions which were in progress who has eco e popular. nclude details ro his or her
bef ore other actions in the past. pro essional and private li e.

  T RA na omo rodków zykowych rans ormacje zdań (zadanie otwarte) GRAMMAR REFERENCE page 130 7

reading for gist and detail • artists and their work

1 Read the na es o di erent or s o art and rank the ki text A. What did you learn a out street art
ro the ost to the least interestin or you. Which is
your top avourite What do you en oy a out it

Some cities are famous for their murals created by an artist
allet paintin photo raphy per or ance art or a group, a crew, who collaborate on the project. A mural
theatre sculpture street art may show one big scene or present a series of standalone
or connected images to tell a story. Urban masterpieces

2   ut the words elow into three cate ories. hen na e are called burners because they ‘burn off the wall’. Street
the cate ories. art is no longer perceived as vandalism, allowing muralists
to use designated spaces, called ‘legal walls’, as their
sculptor per or ance painter sculpture statue canvas. Even art critics often appreciate this form of artistic
still li e clay paint rush watercolours wood expression! It has also entered the world of art gallery
per or er happenin sel portrait video pro ection
canvas ural asterpiece roller rush
exhibitions, but probably the best pieces are still to be
stencil spectacle admired in the actual streets, at least according to some.

3  Work in pairs and answer the questions.
1 Which of the works of art from exercise 2 would be Hi Nick,
the least interesting f or you to look at? Why? Thanks for your email.
2 H av e you ev er taken part in or watched a street happening I’m thrilled to hear that you’ve got into a fine art school.
or perf ormance? I f so, what was it like? I f not, would you
like to? Why? / Why not?
3 D o you pref er abstract or realistic art? Why?
I f you could own a f amous work of art, what would it be? Why?
FR I didn’t even realise you could study something as not
mainstream as street art. Are you going to become the next
Banksy? Talking of Banksy, I was impressed by his works during
the 2021 Warsaw exhibition, Genius or vandal? It showcased
 Work in pairs and descri e the pictures usin over 70 of his masterpieces. What a gifted artist! In Poland
the phrases in oxes 1 . Which o these artistic we’re also big on street art. My home city itself boasts over
events and works o art would you like to see Why 40 large-scale murals by some of Poland’s classiest street
artists, like local artists the Etam Crew. Anyway, next time you
come to Łódź, I’m going to show them all to you!
Take care, Alex

Visit Poland’s capital of urban art
Probably no other city in the world has ever been referred

to as Bigger than Banksy! Łódź awaits you with its thought-
art allery ad ire -provoking murals. The city’s old buildings have turned into
lar e scale paintin street art real masterpieces to give the town a real contemporary look.
Some of the top national and international mural artists have
splashed their creativity on the walls, and it’s something you
can’t miss! Some wall paintings provide clear-cut messages

while others are more open to interpretation. A real feast

for your eyes and your soul!

Luna Hi guys! I got an invite to a street art workshop next
uralist paint rush week. Either of you fancy coming?
paints ladder Pete How long has it been since you turned to art?! Sorry,
but I won’t be able to make it.
Luna Oh, that’s a shame. It’s going to be run by well-known
artists from Poland and the UK. Alex? How about you?
Alex Unless it’s on Thursday, I could tag along, I guess.

Luna Brilliant! It’s actually on Tuesday. They’re going to

teach us how to use roller brushes and stencils to create
a mural. Apparently, there’s a new legal wall in the centre
where we can literally paint the town red. They’re staging
a VR spectacle showing the best murals from around
colour ul video pro ection on the the world, so I wouldn’t miss it for anything.

3 uildin crowd disco all Alex Sounds like it’s my thing. Stencil murals especially
en oy the selves because they seem easy to make.

8 T RA Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Dobieranie (zdań do tekstów), Uzupełnianie streszczenia w języku angielskim
CD 1.05  Read the texts in exercise and atch 3 M aggie started to do perf ormance art at the age of twenty.
state ents 1 with texts A . here is one extra text. N ow she organises ev ents all ov er the world, and people j ust
lov e watching them.

This text makes an assumption about a place. I really like and respect this perf ormance artist. H is unusual
2 From this text, we find out about the structure s ows are always great.
of a mural. eople w o make judgements about t e good and bad
ualities o art of ten say that perf orming pranks in public

3 This text mentions the person’s impressions places is not a f orm of art.
of an ev ent.
I pref er more common and widely accepted music
to alternativ e genres.
 Read the texts in exercise a ain and co plete
the e ail elow.
11   ranslate the olish parts o the sentences into
n lish. se the words ro exercise 1 .
1 ( rcydzieła tego rze biarza)
biarza can be seen at the
Hello Megan,
exhibition of (sztuki pięknej
(sztuki pięknej) in our local museum.

How’s it going?
2 K yle does landscape paintings. P eople (zawsze podziwiali)
As you know, I’ve become fascinated with street art his paintings.
recently, and together with a friend I’m going to some
3 ( spółczesna sztuka
sztuka) does not appeal to everyone.
urban art workshop to learn how to painting. I didn’t E v en some krytycy sztuki uwa aj ) that classical art
realise that street art was so popular in so many countries is the only true art.
and that have built their reputation through it. M y sister (zajęła się sztuk per ormance u
(zajęła u) at the age
I guess my hometown has been one of them as more
and more people are coming to Łódź just to see the wall
designs. facades look modern now and because
FR of 20. ( okazy, które organizuje
with young people.
What music would you call
organizuje) are always popular

(głównego nurtu) music?

of this the whole city has got a new vibe. Anyway, do you
remember I went to while I was visiting Warsaw? VOCABULARY CHALLENGE! Unit 1, page 108, exercises 3
I think it’s where my passion started, just like you said: and 4
‘Go and get inspired!’ – and I did. Thanks for that!
Speak soon, 12 ind a work o art y anksy on the nternet and prepare
Alex a short presentation a out it. se the questions elow
to help you.
Which state ents are acts not opinions accordin 1 What does it show? Where is it? When was it created?

to the texts I s it av ailable on one of the apps trailing his works?

1 T he most interesting works of urban art can only be seen 2 What message does it carry?
in the actual streets. 3 D o you like it? Would you like to hav e a poster

2 P oland has plenty of murals to admire. reproduction of it on your wall? Why? / Why not?
3 Some of the murals in Łódź have been designed by the best
artists in the world.
M urals created with the use of stencils are less challenging
to make.
Critical thinking

 Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1 H ow interested are you in street art? Why? A re there any
examples of it in your town or city?

2 Do you think it’s a good idea to exhibit urban art in art

galleries or should street art stay in the streets? Why? /
Why not?
3 I f you could create a mural on a legal wall, what would you

Vo c a b u l a r y d e v e l o p m e n t

1  Replace the words in old with the hi hli hted words ook at the picture. Work in pairs and answer
ro the our texts in exercise . se the correct or the questions.
o the ver s.
1 What do you think the people are planning to do?
1 Alex is a really talented sculptor. You can see his great 2 Why may some people dislike street art?
works o art at art exhibitions all ov er the country. T hey are

examples of beauti ul and ig uality art.

2 T his modern artist makes beautif ul pencil sketches of young


a stimulus ased discussion talking a out ad antages and disad antages

1 ook at the pictures. Which way o listenin to usic do you pre er Why
1 2

2  Work in pairs and discuss the questions elow.   ake turns to answer the questions elow.
hink o ore than one advanta e and disadvanta e. se the phrases ro the hrase ank to discuss the
1 What are the adv antages of going to a liv e music concert? advanta es and disadvanta es. Give at least one extra
2 What are the disadv antages of working as a prof essional ar u ent to develop your answer.

3 CD 1.06
  isten to two students answerin the questions
exercise . Answer the questions elow.
FR 1 Why do many young people pref er to watch programmes
online rather than on T V ?

• Advantages: watch things when and where you want,

1 What adv antages and disadv antages do the speakers don’t have to pay a TV licence fee, fewer adverts
mention? A re any of their ideas similar to yours? • Disadvantages: may not be of good quality, only works if you
2 Which speakers’ points of v iew do you support? Why? have broadband

CD 1.06   isten a ain and answer the questions. 2 M ore and more people pref er reading e-b ooks to paper
1 Which speaker giv es three dif f erent arguments to support books. What are the pluses and minuses of digital books?
their opinion?
• Advantages: not as heavy as paper books, downloadable
2 Which speaker giv es one detailed argument to support

books are often cheaper than paper books

their opinion?
• Disadvantages: e-readers cost money, easy to steal them,
3 D oes one answer sound better than the other in your may break easily
opinion? Why? / Why not?

  o plete the hrase ank with the words elow.

main as sum personally point one comes


In tr o d ucing the t o pic

When it to …, I’d say that …
As far working as a professional musician is concerned, Read the question elow and a student s answer.
I believe that …

What could you say to develop it

Dis c us s ing a d v a n ta g es a nd d is a d v a n ta g es
The advantage/disadvantage of … is the fact that … What are the adv antages of taking part in a talent show?
There is nothing better than …
, I think that there are many disadvantages of …
I n my v iew, there are a lot of adv antages of taking part
One good/bad about … is …
in a talent show. F irst of all, you can learn something usef ul.
Another advantage/disadvantage is that …
One very convincing argument in favour / against … is that … A nother thing is that you can also win a priz e.

The main drawback is …

S ho w ing c o n tr a s t  Work in pairs. hoose one o the questions elow
On the hand, … On the other hand, ….
and rainstor so e ar u ents to express your opinion.
However, … Nevertheless, … resent your answer to the class. peak or 1 inutes.
S um m ing up 1 Nowadays music is played in many public places (shops,
restaurants, buses). Is this a good or a bad thing?

All in all, … | To up, … | In conclusion, … 2 Why is relying on online news not always a good idea?
3 What are the adv antages of streaming serv ices?

1 0 T RA  ówienie ozmowa na podstawie materiału stymuluj cego


a log entry

1  Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 4   hink o a popular l you have seen recently
1 D o you pref er watching f ilms on TV , online or at the and su arise its plot to your partner. se the phrases

cinema? Why? ro exercise .
2 What makes you choose a f ilm at the cinema: the title,
the cast, the f ilm director or someone’ s recommendation?
5   ind the sentences in the lo entry which atch
the headin s in the hrase ank elow.
3 What are the best and worst f ilms you hav e ev er watched?

Why do you think so? PHRASE BANK
Have you seen the film or read the book in exercise 2? P o s it iv e r e v ie w
If so, did you like it? Why? / Why not? If not, would you like This is one of the most exciting/fascinating films I have ever
to see/read it? seen.
I highly recommend this album because …
2 atch the headin s with the para raphs in the lo entry The film is well worth seeing because …
elow. I think it will appeal to young people because …
| |

a T he recommendation c T he storyline
b G eneral inf ormation d S trong and weak points Ne g a t i v e r e v i e w
I must say (the concert) was nothing special / just terrible.
(The show) was not as funny/entertaining as I’d expected.
To my mind, the film was not as good as the book.
I wouldn’t recommend this film because … |

FR 6   atch the words elow with their synony s 1 .

dull engaging awful amusing in ol ing fantastic

e cellent hilarious terri le monotonous uninteresting

1 good 3 bad f unny

2 interesting boring

7  Work in pairs. ay what you think a out a

pro ra e l concert or a ou u e clip you have
seen recently. se the ad ectives ro exercise .

Hi everyone! I want to tell you about a film which Give reasons to support your opinion.
should appeal to teenagers: The Fault in Our Stars.

1 This moving romantic drama was directed by Josh 8  Write sentences to develop each point elow.

Boone and it stars Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. se the pro pts in rackets to help you.
It is based on the best-selling novel by the American 1 T here’ s one T V series which I regularly f ollow.
author John Green, who was inspired by the story of a real ( ceń abułę i grę aktorsk .)
16-year-old cancer patient. 2 T his mov ie will def initely make you laugh.
( apisz, dlaczego ilm jest taki mieszny.)
2 The main characters are two teenage book lovers who

3 I watched a reality show last night.

meet and fall in love at a cancer support group. They
( yja nij, dlaczego ten program ię rozczarował.)
decide to travel to Amsterdam, where they become
T his drama is def initely worth seeing.
( apisz, do kogo ten ilm przemówi, i podaj argumenty.)

3 The phenomenal acting was definitely the best thing I saw a f ilm based on a book I hav e read recently.
about the movie. I found the whole plot very engaging ( orównaj ksi kę i jej adaptację ilmow .)
too. One disappointing thing was probably the soundtrack
which was a bit too monotonous for me. 9  Read the instructions and do the writin task.
4 This film is a must-see because it talks about love Niedawno obejrzałeś/obejrzałaś* nowy program telewizyjny.
and death as well as teenage dreams and fears. Z redaguj wpis do zamieszczenia na blogu (100–150 wyrazów) i:
• podaj podstawowe inf ormacj e o tym programie,
That’s all for now.
• przedstaw krótko prowadzącego/prowadzącą program

i napisz, co o nim/niej sądzisz,

3   ranslate the phrases elow into olish. Which • przedstaw własną ocenę tego programu,
o the are used in the lo entry • wyjaśnij, dlaczego warto obejrzeć ten program lub
This drama comedy was directed y and it stars • dlaczego odradzałbyś/odradzałabyś jego oglądanie.
It tells the story of • The story is a out • It is ased on * W całej serii Password kolejność form męska/żeńska dostosowano
the no el y • It is set in • The main characters are •

do Informatora o egzaminie maturalnym z języka angielskiego od

At the eginning • In the end roku szkolnego 2022/2023. Zachęcamy jednak do zapoznania się
z tendencjami etykietalnymi współczesnej polszczyzny.

  T RA Wypowied pisemna pis na blogu 1 1


1   o plete the sentences with the synony s   ranslate the olish parts o the sentences
o the words in old. into n lish. se no ore than ve words.

sta e i partial hilarious en a in disadvanta e 1 T his is the actor którego talent podziwiam)
(którego podziwiam) all my life.
2 T his programme jest nadawany na ywo)
(jest ywo) every Friday.
1 T his TV series is really interesting / . 3 By the time we got to the exhibition, Joe ju wyszedł
((ju wyszedł),
2 T hese perf ormance artists organise / the best shows so we missed him.

in the world. I t’ s the f irst time I widzę tak wielk ) sculpture.
3 I lov e watching this TV series. I t’ s so funny / . ( tym ilmie główne role graj ) some of the best
T he most obv ious drawback / of going to liv e concerts A merican actors of the new generation.
is the price of the tickets. When I stałem w kolejce)
(stałem kolejce) in the cinema, my mum rang
T his channel has nev er been neutral / in the way it me to inv ite me to dinner.
presents the news. ( racowali my przez przez)) six months on our arts project
bef ore it was f inally ready.
2   hoose the answer that eans the sa e as What time otwieraj to muzeum
((otwieraj muzeum)?

the underlined word or phrase. T his artist maluje coraz lepiej
((maluje lepiej), and one day she’ll be
1 T he artist turned to painting at the age of nineteen, j ust the one to watch.
af ter he had f inished school. 1 I didn’ t go to the open-a ir concert in L ondon because
a started b  studies c  liked zgubiłam) the tickets!
2 I try to keep up with the latest news as much as I can so
that I know what’ s going on.   o plete the sentences with the correct
a share b   broadcast c   follow
3 What are you most concerned about in the news
at the moment?
FR or o the words in rackets. Add extra words where
1 We ((already buy) the tickets f or the show. (you
a disappointed with b   worried about c   shocked by
get) yours yet?
David Bowie’s concerts were always memorable.
2 I (run) for an hour. I (be) out of breath. I (rarely
a v ery unusual b   absolutely hilarious get) so tired.
c worth remembering
3 M y sister (still not ind) a series she (want)
T om is a v ery gif ted perf ormer. H e’ s j ust won another
to watch, but she ( ind) a thriller film she (plan)
prestigious award f or best young artist.
to watch tonight.
a f amous b   talented c   entertaining
Since David Bowie (die), many people (listen) to his
I like this band because they play upbeat music I can dance
music ev en more of ten.
to rather than j ust listen to.

F or many years, L ondon (be) a great music scene where

a loud b   energetic c   heavy
many concerts ( old).
3   o plete the text with the correct or s

o the words in rackets.

Critical thinking
Pointless is my favourite
British game show, and I 1 
(never / miss)) a programme

since it was launched.

It is shown on BBC One
at peak 2  (view)) time
and is hosted by Alexander

Armstrong, who 3  (host)

the show for ages now. I love
it because of its originality. The idea behind Pointless
is 4  (differ)
differ)) from most of the other shows on TV
because the teams are not only asked to provide
ook at the picture. Work in pairs and answer
correct answers to the questions. They also have to
guess the most improbable answer from among the the questions.
answers suggested by a hundred people who were 1 What do you think is happening on the stage?

asked before the programme. For me, the show is 2 Why do some people like musicals and some don’ t?
just fantastic entertainment. It’s also educational, so H ow about you?
you 5  (able)
able to learn a lot from it. You should check
it out – it’s on today in the afternoon. It 6  (begin)
at 5 p.m. sharp.

na omo rodków zykowych rans ormacje zdań (zadanie zamknięte), łowotwórstwo, łumaczenie ragmentów zdań
1 2 T RA 
(zadanie otwarte), ramatykalizacja

iased /ˈbaɪəst/ stronnicz y prank /præŋk/ dowcip, wybryk
Vocabulary MP3 01
iased towards /ˈbaɪəst təˌwɔː(r)dz tendencyj ny roller rush /ˈrəʊlə(r) ˌbrʌʃ/ wałek malarski
addictive /əˈdɪktɪv/ wciągający, sth ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ sculptor /ˈskʌlptə(r), rzeźbiarz/
uzależniający breaking news /ˌbreɪkɪŋ ˈnjuːz/ wiadomość sculpture ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ rzeźbiarka /

at peak viewin /ət ˌpiːk ˌvjuːɪŋ w porz e z ostatniej chwili rzeźba
ti e ˈtaɪm/ największej cartoon strip /kɑː(r)ˌtuːn ˈstrɪp/ komiks, historyj ka sel portrait /(ˌself)ˈpɔː(r)trɪt/ (auto)portret
oglądalności obraz kowa spectacle /ˈspektək(ə)l/ widowisko,
roadcast live /ˌbrɔːdkɑːst ˈlaɪv/ transmitować concerned a out /kənˈsɜː(r)nd əˌbaʊt zatroskany o coś, spektakl
na żywo sth ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ z martwiony sta e /steɪdʒ/ wystawiać
channel /ˈtʃæn(ə)l/ kanał czymś (na scenie); scena

(telewizyjny) curious a out sth /ˈkjʊəriəs əˌbaʊt ciekawy czegoś statue /ˈstætʃuː/ statua, posąg
chat show /ˈtʃæt ʃəʊ/ talk show ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ stencil /ˈstens(ə)l/ sz ablon
docu entary /ˌdɒkjʊˈment(ə)ri/ program excellent at sth /ˈeksələnt ət świetny w jakiejś still li e /ˌstɪl ˈlaɪf/ martwa natura
dokumentalny ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ dz iedz inie street art /ˈstriːt ˌɑː(r)t/ sz tuka ulicz na
educational /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ edukacyj ny ed up with sth /ˌfed ˈʌp wɪð znudzony czymś theatre /ˈθɪətə(r)/ teatr
entertainin /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnɪŋ/ roz rywkowy, ˌsʌmθɪŋ/
turn to sth /ˈtɜː(r)n tʊ ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ zwracać się ku
z abawny ull o sth /ˈfʊl əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ pełen czegoś czemuś
actual /ˈfæktʃuəl/ oparty na f aktach i ediate /ɪˈmiːdiət/ natychmiastowy video pro ection /ˈvɪdiəʊ prəˌdʒekʃ(ə)n/ pokaz wideo
ictional /ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ f ikcyj ny i partial /ɪmˈpɑː(r)ʃ(ə)l/ bez stronny watercolours /ˈwɔːtə(r)ˌkʌlə(r)z/ akwarele
a e show /ˈɡeɪm ˌʃəʊ/ teleturniej interested in sth /ˈɪntrəstɪd ɪn z ainteresowany wood /wʊd/ drewno
hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs/ z abawny, ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ czymś

work of art /ˌwɜː(r)k əv ˈɑː(r)t/ dzieło sztuki
komicz ny neutral /ˈnjuːtrəl/ neutralny
keep up with the /kiːp ˌʌp wɪð ðə śledzić aktualne o ective /əbˈdʒektɪv/ obiektywny Speaking MP3 06
latest events ˌleɪtɪst ɪˈvents/ wydarz enia online edition /ˌɒnlaɪn ɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ wydanie
lar e audience /ˌlɑː(r)dʒ ˈɔːdiəns/ liczna publiczność internetowe broadband
broadband /ˈbrɔːdbænd/ łączność
lon runnin /ˈlɒŋˌrʌnɪŋ/ emitowany od pre udiced /ˈpredʒʊdɪst/ tendencyj ny sz erokopasmowa
dawna relia le /rɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l/ wiarygodny tune /tjuːn/ melodia, piosenka
lottery show /ˈlɒtəri ˌʃəʊ/ loteria responsi le or /rɪˈspɒnsəb(ə)l fə(r) odpowiedz ialny
a azine /mæɡəˌziːn program
Writing MP3 07
sth ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ za coś
pro ra e ˈprəʊɡræm/ publicystycz ny acting /ˈæktɪŋ/ gra aktorska
e ora le

party political

w pamięć
/ˌpɑː(r)ti pəˌlɪtɪk(ə)l płatna reklama

Grammar 2 MP3 04


z arej estrowany
a usin
aw ul
be based on
a nov el
/bi ˌbeɪst ɒn
ə ˈnɒv(ə)l/
zabawny, śmieszny
być opartym
na powieści
roadcast ˈbrɔːdˌkɑːst/ partii politycz nej subskrybent be directed by być
/bi daɪˈrektɪd baɪ/
quiz show /ˈkwɪz ˌʃəʊ/ teleturniej reżyserowanym
sitco /ˈsɪtkɒm/ serial komediowy Reading and vocabulary MP3 05 prz ez
strea in service /ˈstriːmɪŋ ˌsɜː(r)vɪs/ usługa ad ire /ədˈmaɪə(r)/ podziwiać be set in /bi ˈset ɪn/ mieć miejsce,
streamingowa rozgrywać się w
art critic /ˈɑː(r)t ˌkrɪtɪk/ krytyk sz tuki
thou ht /ˌθɔːtprəˈvəʊkɪŋ/ dający do dull /dʌl/ nudny
allet /ˈbæleɪ/ balet
provokin myślenia en a in /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒɪŋ/ wciągający,
canvas /ˈkænvəs/ płótno malarskie
VT guide /ˌtiː ˈviː ˌɡaɪd/ program zajmujący
clay /kleɪ/ glina
telewiz yj ny excellent /ˈeksələnt/ z nakomity
conte porary /kənˈtemp(ə)r(ə)ri/ współczesny
series /ˌtiː ˈviː ˈsɪəriːz/ serial telewiz yj ny antastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ f antastycz ny
create /kriˈeɪt/ tworzyć
v ariety /vəˈraɪəti/ różnorodność involvin /ɪnˈvɒlvɪŋ/ wciągający
ine art /ˌfaɪn ˈɑː(r)t/ sztuki piękne
vote or s sth /ˈvəʊt fə(r) głosować na main characters /ˌmeɪn ˈkærɪktə(r)z/ główne postacie
i ted /ˈɡɪftɪd/ utalentowany

ˌsʌmbədi, kogoś/coś onotonous /məˈnɒtənəs/ monotonny

ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ happenin /ˈhæp(ə)nɪŋ/ wydarz enie
must-s ee /ˈmʌstsiː/ program, któ ry
artystycz ne
należy koniecznie
Grammar 1 MP3 02 large-s cale /lɑː(r)dʒˌskeɪl obraz obejrzeć
painting ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ wielkof ormatowy
currently /ˈkʌrəntli/ aktualnie, obecnie phenomenal /fəˈnɒmɪn(ə)l/ f enomenalny

ainstrea /ˈmeɪnstriːm/ należący do

episode /ˈepɪsəʊd/ odcinek recommendation /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ rekomendacj a,
głównego nurtu
lie through your /ˌlaɪ θruː jɔː(r) ˈtiːθ/ kłamać w żywe polecenie
asterpiece /ˈmɑːstə(r)piːs/ arcydzieło
teeth ocz y rev iew /rɪˈvjuː/ recenz j a
ural /ˈmjʊərəl/ malowidło
run /rʌn/ nie schodzić soundtrack /ˈsaʊn(d)træk/ ścieżka dźwiękowa
z ekranó w star /stɑː(r)/ grać główną rolę
muralist /ˈmjʊərəlɪst/ muralista
w f ilmie
Listening and vocabulary MP3 03 paint rush /ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ/ pędzel malarski
storyline /ˈstɔːrilaɪn/ fabuła
painter paintin /ˈpeɪntə(r), ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ malarz/malarka /
addicted to sth /əˈdɪktɪd tʊ uzależniony od terri le /ˈterəb(ə)l/ strasz ny, okropny

ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ czegoś uninterestin /ʌnˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ nieciekawy
per or ance art /pə(r)ˈfɔː(r)məns sz tuka
adv enturous /ədˈventʃ(ə)rəs/ żądny przygód, ˌɑː(r)t/ perf ormance’ u worth seeing /ˌwɜː(r)θ ˈsiːɪŋ/ warty obej rz enia
lubiący ryzyko per or ance /pə(r)ˈfɔː(r)məns, występ, spektakl /
an ry with s /ˈæŋɡri wɪð zły na kogoś per or er pə(r)ˈfɔː(r)mə(r)/ artysta/artystka,
English in Use MP3 08
ˌsʌmbədi/ wykonawca upbeat /ˈʌpbiːt/ wesoły
aware o sth /əˈweə(r) əv świadomy czegoś

photo raphy /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ f otograf ika


Challenge! MP3 09
a ility /əˈbɪləti/ zdolność, orecaster /ˈfɔː(r)kɑːstə(r)/ meteorolog, pre erence /ˈpref(ə)rəns/ pref erencj a
umiejętność pogodynka/ present the news /ˌprez(ə)nt ðə ˈnjuːz przedstawiać
activity /ækˈtɪvəti/ działanie, zajęcie pogodynek in a certain way ɪn ə ˌsɜː(r)t(ə)n wiadomości
end the truth /ˌbend ðə ˈtruːθ/ naginać prawdę have a political /həv ə pəˌlɪtɪk(ə)l sprzyjać jakiejś ˈweɪ/ w pewien sposó b
co entator /ˈkɒmənˌteɪtə(r)/ komentator/ ias ˈbaɪəs/ opcj i politycz nej pundit /ˈpʌndɪt/ ekspert/ekspertka

komentatorka host /həʊst/ prowadzący/ quote statistics /ˌkwəʊt stəˈtɪstɪks/ cytować

contestant /kənˈtestənt/ uczestnik/ prowadząca statystyki
ucz estnicz ka ud e /dʒʌdʒ/ juror/jurorka reality /riˈæləti/ rzeczywistość
creation /kriˈeɪʃ(ə)n/
/kriˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ dzieło, kreacja loneliness /ˈləʊnlinəs/ samotność relation /rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ relacj a
en oy ent /ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt/ przyjemność, e ership /ˈmembə(r)ʃɪp/ członkostwo relationship /rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp/ związek, relacja
radość ove ent /ˈmuːvmənt/ ruch silence /ˈsaɪləns/ cisz a
entertain ent /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnmənt/ roz rywka ori inality /əˌrɪdʒəˈnæləti/ oryginalność sponsorship /ˈspɒnsə(r)ʃɪp/ sponsorowanie
expression /ɪkˈspreʃ(ə)n/ wyrażenie, newsreader /ˈnjuːzˌriːdə(r)/ prezenter/ support a view /səˌpɔː(r)t ə ˈvjuː/ wspierać pogląd
ekspresj a prez enterka tell lies /tel ˈlaɪz/ kłamać

ailure /ˈfeɪljə(r)/ niepowodz enie, wiadomości weakness /ˈwiːknəs/ słaba strona,

porażka paint sth in /ˌpeɪnt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ɪn przedstawić słabość
riendliness /ˈfren(d)linəs/ życzliwość a ood li ht ə ˌɡʊd ˈlaɪt/ coś w dobrym voice over artist /ˈvɔɪsˌəʊvə(r) lektor/lektorka
świetle ˌɑː(r)tɪst/ f ilmó w
pleasure /ˈpleʒə(r)/ przyjemność
1 3

o plete all the exercises ro this section in your note ook.

VOCABULARY Write sentences ro the pro pts.

1 this / exciting film / I ever see
1 ranslate the olish parts o the sentences into n lish.

2 this book / appeal / all young people
1 T his (dzieło zostało stworzone) by Michelangelo and is a perfect 3 the show / not funny / I expect
example of (sztuk pięknyc ). my mind / this concert / dull
2 T his programme (jest nadawany na ywo) and has (liczn this programme / not worth / watch

publiczno ) every week.
3 E v eryone (podziwiał pokaz) of visual effects
(zorganizowany) in the city centre. ENGLISH IN USE
T he way news channels present their news (powinien by
GRAMATYKALIZACJA  zupe ni zdania 1 .
Wykorzysta w odpowiednie or ie wyrazy
(Teleturnieje) are usually shown (w godzinac największej
ogl dalno ci).
podane w nawiasach. ie nale y z ienia
kole no ci podanych wyraz w trze a nato iast

e li est to konieczne doda inne wyrazy tak a y
otrzy a zdania lo iczne i ra atycznie poprawne.
Wy a ana est pe na poprawno orto ra czna
wpisywanych ra ent w zda . wa a w ka d
luk o esz wpisa aksy alnie cztery wyrazy
wlicza c w to wyrazy u podane.
FR 1 M y f ather
books a month!
(addict / read). He reads about ten

2 I n the era of the I nternet, it’ s really easy to

((keep) the latest news.
3 O ur teacher is (excellent / e plain) difficult
grammar structures.
T his mov ie is (base / true) story of a 17-year-old
2 o plete the sentences with the correct or o the words tennis champion.
in rackets. Marina Abramović was (responsible / start)
1 T he f ilm was both (entertain) and educate).).
(educate). some new trends in perf ormance art.
2 T his T V (document) is really (engage).). You must see it!

(sculpt) is very (gift). His sculpt) are really original.

I ’ v e j ust f inished reading a book about the history of (p oto
(p oto). (ZADANIE ZAMKNIĘTE) W zadaniach 1
T he theatre (per orm)) I saw yesterday was quite ((mo e). spo r d podanych opc i wy ierz t kt ra est
poprawny t u aczenie ra entu zdania

T his TV series is really (addict).). It’s partly ( iction

and partly (fact). podane o w nawiasie. akre l edn z liter A
al o .
3 o plete the text with the issin words. 1 We (nie spotkali my się) before we were
When it c 1
to hav ing music lessons at school, I ’ d s that
2 introduced to each other at the party.
the 3 m adv antage is the 4 f that you can learn about dif f erent A hav e nev er met

B had nev er met

types of music. 5 A good 6 t is that listening to music dev elops
C were nev er meeting
your creativ ity. S o, to s
up, I believ e there should be more
music lessons at school. 2 I (zwykle ogl dałem) cartoons when I was
a child.

A was watching
Work in pairs and test each other.
B would watch
tudent A go to page 123. C had watched
tudent go to page 129. 3 ( o robiłe ) while I was busy doing the shopping?
A What hav e you done
GRAMMAR B What had you done
C What were you doing
se the correct present tense present si ple present I (nie byłam) to the cinema since we last went

continuous present per ect si ple or present per ect there together.
continuous to rewrite the ollowin sentences. A hav en’ t been
1 What are your plans f or tonight? B didn’ t go
C wasn’ t
2 I t’ s my second time in this gallery.
When was the last time your parents (mieli urlop)?
3 A nn is in the habit of listening to the morning news.
A were hav ing a holiday
I took up drawing two years ago, and it’ s still my hobby. B had had a holiday

I s it your f irst time in L ondon? C had a holiday

I s the meeting ov er?

1 4


CD 1.07 TEKST Z LUKAMI (NOTATKI)  s yszysz

dwukrotnie wypowied na te at l w i seriali.
a podstawie in or ac i zawartych w na raniu
uzupe ni luki 1 tak a y ak na ardzie
precyzy nie odda sens wys uchane o tekstu.

uki nale y uzupe ni w zyku an ielski .

A1 of a film/series uses the same storyline
and characters, for example:
• Beauty and the Beast from 2017 (2 Emma
Watson) based on the animation released

in 1991;
• Aladdin from 2019 (based on the animated
Aladdin from 1992); the cost of production –
$3 ; worldwide box office hit: over $1 billion.
A reboot of a film/series uses the same characters
but has a new 4 , for example:
• The Flash, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (both
based on 5 from 1990s).
1 CD 1.07 PYTANIA OTWARTE  s yszysz
dwukrotnie wypowied na te at l w i seriali.
a podstawie in or ac i zawartych w na raniu
odpowiedz na pytania 1 tak a y ak na ardzie
precyzy nie odda sens wys uchane o tekstu.
a pytania nale y odpowiedzie w zyku an ielski .
1 H ow were the f ilms Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast

receiv ed by the critics?

2 I n the speaker’ s opinion, why are remakes produced
by f ilm companies?

3 H ow does the speaker describe the plots in The Flash

and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? WRITING
Why do some parents watch remakes of their
f av ourite f ilms? 12 WPIS NA BLOGU  rzeczyta polecenie i wypowiedz si
What’ s the purpose of this speech? na poni szy te at.
Niedawno spędziłeś/spędziłaś dzień jako statysta na planie filmowym.

Z redaguj wpis na swoi lo u (100–150 wyrazów), w którym:

• podasz podstawowe informacje o tym filmie/serialu,
11 ROZMOWA NA PODSTAWIE MATERIAŁU • opiszesz, na czym polegała Twoja rola,
STYMULUJĄCEGO   racu cie w parach. opatrzcie • napiszesz, jak się czułeś/czułaś na planie filmowym,

na zd cia i wykona cie zadanie. ast pnie • wyrazisz opinię, czy Twoim zdaniem będzie warto obejrzeć ten
odpowiedzcie na pytania. film/serial.
Popatrz na zdjęcie 1., zdjęcie 2. i zdjęcie 3. Napisz wypowiedź w języku angielskim. Rozwiń wypowiedź
Wraz z samorządem klasowym planujecie wycieczkę w każdym z czterech podpunktów, tak aby osoba nieznająca
szkolną. Jedną z atrakcji wyjazdu ma być uczestnictwo polecenia w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim
w wybranym prz ez Was wydarz eniu kulturalnym. Wybierz informacje. Pamiętaj, że długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić
tę propozycję, która Twoim zdaniem byłaby najciekawsza, od 100 do 150 wyrazów (nie licząc słów w podanych już zdaniach

i uzasadnij swój wybór. Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz zaczynających wypowiedź). Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego
pozostałe propozycje. przekazania informacji, spójność i logika wypowiedzi, zakres środków
1 Who should encourage children and teenagers to take językowych oraz poprawność środków językowych.
part in cultural lif e: f amily or school? Why?
2 S ome people say that f ew people attend cultural
events because they are expensive. How far do you i e eryone,

agree with this opinion? uess w at spent t e w ole day on a ilm set as an e tra

1 5

friends and family • ph
rasal er s

1  Work in pairs. ook at the picture and write down
as any a ily e ers as you can. o you know any
interestin stories a out your ancestors

2   atch the words elow with the ite s in old.

step other hal rothers partner sister in law

nephew and niece acquaintance distant relative
collea ue ianc sin le parent

1 Catherine married my dad two years ago.

2 Paul has worked with my dad f or f iv e months.

3 I ’ v e spoken to him brief ly at parties, but I don’ t know him well.
M y sister liv es with im, but they are not married.
I think he’ s my dad s cousin, but I ’ m not really sure.
Tom and ulia are my older sister’ s children.
aura has raised her children on her own.

Peter and I hav e the same mum but dif f erent dads.
M y brother married ue three years ago.
arry and I are engaged to be married.
FR CD 1.08   isten to three dialo ues and answer
the questions.
3  Work in pairs. ell your partner a out so e people 1 What is the relationship between the people in each
you know usin the words ro exercises 1 and . Give dialogue?
so e extra in or ation a out each person. 2 I n which dialogue
I have a brother-in-law called Frank. a does someone take af ter another person?
He’s an architect. b do the people get on well?
c does someone mention a couple splitting up?
I really like him because …

  o plete the posts with the prepositions elow.  Work in pairs. o plete the questions with

the correct words. hen ask and answer the questions.

a ter up x or on out x 1 Who in your f amily do you af ter? Why do you think so?
2 Which of your f riends do you most

up to? Why?
3 D id you on well with all your classmates at primary
OUR RELATIONSHIPS school? Why? / Why not?
I guess I get 1 well with most of my family. I s it a good idea to up with someone online or by text?
We’ve all got similar interests and personalities, Why? / Why not?
but the person I have the best relationship with is Who hav e you out with recently and why?

my half brother Peter. He doesn’t live with us. Which celebrity couple do you think will up soon? Why?
His mum split 2 with my dad a while back,
but we hang 3 together a lot. He’s really cool VOCABULARY CHALLENGE! Unit 2, page 108, exercise 1
I look 4
and clever. I look to him a lot.
to him

 Rewrite the sentences usin the words in old

I have a very good relationship with all my
iven. o not chan e the words iven.
siblings, but I suppose I’m closest to my twin sister
(unsurprisingly!). She’s really my best friend. I I take 1 M y sister and her partner separated about a month ago.
our dad whereas she’s very much like our P IT
mum. We fallfall 6 from time to time – usually 2 Who in your f amily do you resemble? A TER
over silly things. But we always make 7 again 3 We have been engaged for six months now. T
quickly. T he person I really admire and respect in my f amily is my

grandf ather. UP
One of my classmates had been a very close Young people often meet up at shopping centres. T
friend of mine for about five years, but then we Why do you always f all in lov e with sporty boys? R
started going 8 together a few months ago.
We broke 9 two weeks ago because he fell  Work in pairs. hoose a a ous ro antic story ro
SueM 10
another girl. Now I’ve lost a boyfriend and a l or ook and descri e it to your partner. ow quickly

a friend. It’s horrible. Never date a good friend! can he she uess the l or ook

1 6 ŻYCIE PRYWATNE  na omo rodków zykowych rans ormacje zdań (zadanie otwarte)

determiners all e ery most some any no none etc

1 Who do you o to when you need so e advice a out   hoose the correct sentence.
a pro le Why 1 T here was no chocolate left in the box.

2 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the text. ow does 2 There wasn’t no chocolate left in the box.
the writer et advice 3 There wasn’t none chocolate in the box.

All teenagers have problems, but some PRACTISE   hoose the correct option to co plete

problems are more difficult to deal with the sentences.
than others. Most people have their own 1 I dislike all / e ery pop music.
way of coping. Every magazine seems 2 ot / couple o J ane and M aria play instruments.
to have its own problem page, but there 3 one / o of the shops was open.
is really no replacement for personal advice, is there? ost o t e / ost o questions were very difficult.
I’ve got two older sisters and both of them help me out I didn’ t eat no / any cake yesterday.
when I’m worried about something. I don’t usually go to M ost of my classmate / classmates liked the f ilm.

my parents. That’s because the problem is often related T here were a ew / little sandwiches lef t af ter the party.
to them or it’s something they have no idea about. They T here weren’ t any / some of my relativ es at the wedding.
don’t understand a lot of the pressure that I’m under at ery / All student can learn to speak E nglish well.
school. None of the magazine editors know personally
  ranslate the olish parts o the sentences
the people who write in, and, in my opinion, that’s
into n lish. se no ore than ve words.

important when you’re trying to give some advice.

 Read the lo a ain and correct the state ents

FR 1
( szystkie woje rady s ) useful. Thank you.
( iększo artykułów była
to read (je wszystkie).
była) interesting, so I decided

elow. 3 ( iektórzy ludzie

ludzie) subscribe to online magazines,
1 A ll teenage problems are dif f icult. but I don’ t.
2 E v eryone copes in the same way. ( ilkoro uczniów) failed the exam but not many.
3 M agaz ine problem pages are as good as personal adv ice. I enj oy (zarówno ilmy romantyczne, jak i komedie).
T he writer asks one of his sisters f or adv ice. ( boje moi rodzice) play chess.
( ie zostało nic do jedzenia) after the party.
ANALYSE    ook at the hi hli hted words in the text in
exercise and the deter iners elow. GRAMMAR CHALLENGE! Unit 2, page 109, exercise 1

a ew every a little so e any ost any all NOW YOU DO IT  Work in pairs. o plete the
a couple o none o oth o a lot o uch no
sentences so that they are true or you. se the ver s

Which of them can be used elow to help you. hen co pare your answers with your
a with singular countable nouns? partner. ow any answers are the sa e
b with plural nouns? like uy watch study o play
c with uncountable nouns?
1 N one of my … 3 A ll of my

! Tip None of my close friends S ome of my

likes rock music. M ost of my
We can use the determiners some,
some, any,
any many, most 2 Both of my N either of my
and all in the two different ways shown below (with of

and without of).). Always use of when the determiner is

f ollowed by a pronoun.
There were some students in the classroom. Many of them
were reading books.

 Write exa ples ro the text in exercise to

illustrate each pa ern elow.

determiner o t e my er determiner noun

noun pronoun


 ŻYCIE PRYWATNE C WIE   na omo rodków zykowych łumaczenie ragmentów zdań (zadanie otwarte) 1 7

listening for gist and detail • ending relationships

1 as your roup o riends chan ed a lot over the last ew  Work in pairs. ell your partner a out the thin s
years Why Why not elow.

1 a time one of your f riends was v ery supportiv e
2 ook at the pictures. What is happenin What do you 2 a rumour someone recently spread on social media
think has ust happened When was the last ti e you had 3 a heartbreaking f ilm you’ v e seen recently
an ar u ent with so eone a f riendship that’ s v ery important to you

CD 1.10   isten to our other callers co entin
on Alice s ideas and answer the questions. here is one
extra question.
Which person
A believ es that f riends are more important than we think?
B adv ises A lice to make up with her f riend?

C shares what his/her own reaction to Alice’s experience
would be?
D mentions who opened his/her eyes to the situation?
2 E insists that losing a f riend is dif f erent f rom losing a partner?

Which speaker do you a ree with Why

FR CD 1.10   isten a ain. o plete the sentences so
that they correspond to the in or ation in the recordin s.
1 S peaker 1 considers breakups between f riends not as
some other people do. T he adv ice she giv es is to stop
some .
2 Speaker 2 with A lice and seems to understand that
breakups between f riends can be .
3 Speaker 2 also thinks that people do not appreciate how
v aluable and strong a close f riendship can be, in many
3 CD 1.09   isten to an interview. Where is it takin place cases lasting much longer than a .
What kinds o relationships do the speakers discuss Speaker 3 believes that there is no point as it’ s better

to forgive and forget. Conflicts make us realise who .

CD 1.09   isten a ain. Are the state ents true or S peaker 4 draws our attention to relationships which inv olv e
alse orrect the alse ones. . S he believ es that such relationships may af f ect .

1 A lice is calling to change the topic of the programme.

2 T he interv iewer thinks that some f riends lose touch when VOCABULARY CHALLENGE! Unit 2, page 109, exercise 2
lif e changes.
3 A lice has j ust had an argument with a v ery close f riend.
A lice’ s f riend ended the f riendship f ace to f ace.
A lice compares the loss of her f riend to a prev ious caller’ s Critical thinking

I n the conv ersation, the speakers discuss the similarities
between the end of a romance and a f riendship.

  o plete the sentences with the words elow.

riendship pain ul spread relationship heart reakin

devastated supportive

1 M y best f riend was really when I had problems with my

f amily last year.
2 When Alex broke up with Kathy, she was absolutely .

S he thought they were going to get married.

3 is v ery important when you’ re going through a hard time. ook at the picture. Work in pairs and answer
T he f ilm is a story about a girl whose boyf riend dies the questions.
in a crash. 1 What is more important in a f riendship: to know a lot
I t’ s horrible when people rumours about you that aren’ t about one another or to hav e a lot in common?
true. 2 D o you think that old f riends are our best f riends?

M eryl has a v ery close with her elder sister. Why? / Why not?
T he breakup with her boyf riend was a really experience.

1 8  ŻYCIE PRYWATNE Rozumienie ze s uchu Dobieranie (zdań do wypowiedzi), dania z lukami


future continuous and future perfect future tenses

1  Work in pairs and discuss the questions.  Write sentences ro the pro pts. se the uture
1 A re you doing anything on S aturday ev ening? continuous or the uture per ect.

2 What are you going to do today af ter school? 1 I / not study / at this school / in two years’ time.
3 Imagine it is the year 2029. Where are you? 2 your family / move to Italy / by the end of March?
What are you doing? What has changed in your lif e? 3 John / wait for us on the platform / when we get off the

2 CD 1.11 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read and listen Come round about 6.30. Jack and Maddy / arrive / by then.
to the dialo ue. Are you ore like a es or ucy In three months’ time / we / live / in the USA.
a es S o this is almost the last day of univ ersity and the end you / finish / studying / by the time you’re 26?
of our studying. I can’ t believ e we f inish tomorrow.
Next step – work! I wonder where we’ll be in ten   hoose the correct sentence.
years’ time. What do you think you’ ll be doing? 1 By the end of this year, I will make a few new friends.
ucy Well, with luck, I ’ ll be earning a lot of money because 2 By the end of this year, I will have made a few new friends.
I ’ m going to f ind a well- paid j ob! I imagine I ’ ll hav e got

3 By the end of this year, I will be making a few new friends.
married by then, but I probably won’ t hav e had any
children. T hat can wait! I ’ ll hav e married someone rich,
What other uture or s can you see in the dialo ues
so we won’ t be liv ing in a small f lat, but in a big country
house! What will you hav e done by then? in exercise Why have these tenses een used an you
a es G ood luck with that! I def initely won’ t hav e got
or ulate si ple rules or when we use these tenses
married by then, but I certainly won’ t be liv ing to re er to the uture
at home either. P erhaps I ’ ll be sharing a f lat with
a f riend. Will you still be riding your bike ev erywhere?
I’ll have learned to drive by next year, so I’ll be able to
FR Read the ollowin sentences. What is the di erence
in eanin i any
come and v isit you in the country! Well, talking of the 1 I am meeting J oe tonight.
v ery near f uture, what are you doing tonight, L ucy? 2 I ’ m going to meet J oe tonight.
F ancy eating out? 3 I ’ ll be meeting J oe tonight.
ucy Why not? I ’ m not doing anything special. H ow about
going to the new Chinese place? I promise I won’t be 1   o plete the sentences with the ti e expressions
late this time. elow. o eti es ore than one answer is correct.
a es O K , I’ll be waiting outside. 7 p. m. sharp!
y . toni ht in this ti e to orrow
3 ANALYSE   ook at the hi hli hted sentences in y Wednesday at that ti e y then at . to orrow

the dialo ue. Write a r ative and ne ative sentences soon in epte er
and questions usin the pro pts elow.
1 we’ll have finished two full days of exams.
will be -ing 2 Will people be liv ing in eco-f riendly houses ?

Lucy / work / at 10.00 tomorrow morning 3 T he plane lands , so I’ll call you at 6.45.
1 [+ ] 2 [–] 3 [? ] I’m writing an essay about the year 2099. no one will
will a e past participle be using pens or pencils to write with.
Dan / finish classes / by 3.00 A re you going out ?
1 [+ ] 2 [–] 3 [? ] T he f irst semester starts .

I ’ ll f inish my homework .
  atch the rules with exa ples a and .
1 We use the future continuous to talk about something 11 NOW YOU DO IT  Work in pairs. ell your partner
that will be in progress at a specif ic time in the f uture. what you your est riend or so eone in your a ily will

2 We use the future perfect to talk about something that won t have done and what you or they will won t e doin
will be completed efore a specif ic time in the f uture. at the ti es elow. Give reasons to support your opinion.
a In 2023 I’ll be studying English at university. y • This time ne t year • n aturday night
b By 2026 I’ll have graduated from university.

PRACTISE   hoose the correct option to co plete

the sentences.

1 By 6.00 I’ll
I’ll a e done / will be doing all my homework.
2 On Friday at 9.30, I ll a e played / will be playing tennis
with J im.
3 At 7.30 we ll a e eaten / will be eating dinner.
In six months’ time, I ll a e stayed / will be staying with
my f riend in E ngland.




reading for gist and detail • relationships and dating



Read the quiz and check the meanings of the words in bold. Then choose the answers which are true for you.

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Do you believe in love at first sight? 5 a Always. b It’s not my priority.

a Definitely. b A bit. c Not at all.
c What for?!
Do you think that everybody needs
2 a soulmate? How many crushes have you had so far?
6 a So many that I can’t remember.
a Yes. b Sometimes. c Not really.
b More than two.
c One or two.
How often would you like to see
3 someone you’re dating?

Gossip Girl, Never Have I Ever,
a Every day. b A few times a week. 7 Atypical – which of these series
c Once a week.
have you followed?
a All of them*.
How do you feel about romcoms and b None.
4 love stories?
a I love them.
c I hate them.
b I don’t mind them.
FR c One, two*.
*What do you make of them? Would you
recommend them to other young people?

2  Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in the quiz in exercise 1. Give reasons to explain your choices.

3 CD 1.12  Read the text quickly and answer the questions.

1 What do you learn about the characters, the relationship between them and their personalities?
2 What do you think the characters look like? Can you, using your imagination, describe their appearance in more detail?
3 What do you think may happen next in the story?

A ‘I won’t be staying for the extra chemistry, so see you tonight,

He was miles away. Some anxious thoughts were racing right? By the way, what surprise do you have in mind?’
‘I just want to share something with you. No worries.

through his mind. His best mate, in fact, his one and only
friend, was talking about some new series to watch that I’m not going to invite the whole class.’
‘Matt? Are you going to pop over tonight?’ Roman asked.
‘I have a surprise for you!’ As Matt was leaving school, he could hear Carla and
‘Uh, yeah, right. What time?’ Matt answered hesitantly. another boy from their class joking together. He was

Roman could sense that there was something going on confident that they were already an item. He wasn’t even
inside Matt’s head. ‘Are you okay?’ Roman asked. sure he fancied seeing Roman, but he wanted Roman to
‘Yeah. Sure. I just …’ Matt stopped in mid-sentence. know about his feelings for Carla. Deep down he hoped
that Roman would set him up with Carla. Then, suddenly,

B it occurred to him that the surprise could just be that.

The school bell rang, and all the students were leaving Roman guessed his feelings and was going to introduce
their classrooms. Matt turned back, looking for Roman, him to his crush properly. That changed the whole
but instead of his best friend, he saw the new girl, Carla perspective!
Hillway. She’d joined their class a couple of months before,
and Matt couldn’t stop thinking about her since then. It was
the way she smiled and the fact that she wanted to chat to Matt rushed home, put on his new top, prepared what he

him, unlike most of the girls in their class. was going to say and got on one of those city scooters
to be there on time. ‘I’ll have forgotten what to say by the
C time I get there, but maybe she’ll start the conversation.'
Their eyes met briefly. Matt mumbled something and Matt thought to himself. When he got there, Roman
walked away. He was too self-conscious. He ran outside opened the door and grinned at his best friend. Then,
and bumped straight into Roman. Carla appeared wearing a gorgeous green jumpsuit and

‘Why did you leave me there on my own?’ he asked, angrily. her hair in a ponytail. Matt was about to say something
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to. I was just looking for someone.’ when Roman butted in. ‘Matt, meet my new girlfriend.’

20  ŻYCIE PRYWATNE Rozumienie pisanych tekstów Dobieranie (zdań do akapitów), Uzupełnianie streszczenia w języku angielskim

 Read the text a ain and atch ra ents A to  Work in pairs and answer the questions.
questions 1 . ne ra ent atches two questions. 1 S hould best f riends tell each other all their secrets?
n which para raph does the author Why? / Why not?

1 present how M att’ s f eelings were changing? 2 What would make you break up a f riendship with someone
2 hint that R oman was worried about his f riend? close to you?
3 describe M att’ s personality directly? 3 Would you like someone to set you up with a date?
mention how M att f elt in his class? Why? / Why not?

describe one of the character’ s appearance? Is the extract interesting enough for you to read the rest
show R oman reassuring his f riend? of the story? Why? / Why not?

Which in or ation elow is entioned in the text Vo c a b u l a r y d e v e l o p m e n t

1 M att is R oman’ s only f riend.
2 Carla comes across as a friendly person.   hoose the correct preposition to co plete the
3 R oman didn’ t leav e M att on his own on purpose. sentences.

Matt wanted Roman to help him date Carla. 1 I f elt embarrassed when ev eryone was staring on / at me.
Carla was planning to tell Matt about her and Roman. 2 M y f riend introduced me to / wit R obert, and we
M att likes to be punctual. hav e been a couple since then.
3 I t’ s dif f icult to say why some people look attractiv e to / or
 Read the text in exercise a ain and write the us while others don’ t.
questions or the answers elow. M y brother got married wit / to his classmate f rom
? S he has been there f or two months.
? O utside.
? N o, he wasn’ t. H e was thinking about something else.
secondary school.
I ’ d like to f all in / or lov e to / wit a boy who is keen on
mountain climbing like me.
M y sister is married wit / to two children.
? Because she was talking to another boy.
M y sister and her boyf riend are v ery close wit / to
? A great outf it. each other.
? Roman did, and he announced that Carla was his date.
VOCABULARY CHALLENGE! Unit 2, page 109, exercises
  o plete the su ary o the text ro exercise .
3 and 4
se no ore than three words in each ap.
1  Work in pairs. Read the sayin s a out love elow.
What do you think they ean o you a ree or disa ree

The fragment most possibly comes from a love

with the Give reasons to support your opinion.
story for teenagers, and it focuses on Matt’s, one of
the characters, feelings towards a new girl from his 1 Love is blind. – I think it means that if you love someone, you

class, Carla. Roman, Matt’s best friend, invites him to can’t see any faults in them and you think they are perfect.
I think this statement is often true because …
his place and 1 , which Matt feels a little nervous
about. Matt meets his crush in the corridor at school,
but because he’s 2 , he walks away. He finds his 1 Love is blind.
friend in the school yard and 3 putting him in

a very awkward situation with Carla. As Matt leaves

school, he can see Carla and another classmate 2 Anyone can catch
chatting away, and he assumes that the two of them your eye, but it takes
have 4 . He feels upset but remembers Roman’s someone special to

surprise and thinks that his best friend wants to help catch your heart.
him out with Carla. Matt feels both 5 on his way to
Roman’s, but he soon discovers how wrong he’s got
everything. 3 ‘Loving is not just looking at each other,
it’s looking in the same direction.’
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

4 ‘You know you’re in love when you can’t fall

asleep because reality is finally better than
your dreams.’
– Theodor Seuss Geisel


negotiating • apologising • asking for permission

1 escri e the pictures. Which way o cele ratin the end CD 1.14   isten to the dialo ue etween a teacher
o the school year would you pre er Why and a student and answer the questions.

1 1 What does E mma discuss with her teacher?
2 What does the teacher agree to?

  o plete the sentences with the words elow.

allowed grateful impossi le not a le may fine

1 we inv ite our boyf riends and girlf riends to come along?
2 A re we to wear whatev er we like?
3 I ’ m af raid .
I ’ m sorry, but it’ s .
Yes, that’s . N o problem.

Would you be to do something about it?
2 CD 1.13   isten to the dialo ue etween two riends. I ’ d be f or your help.
Are the state ents true or alse
 Rewrite the sentences usin the pro pts iven.
1 Z ac and Li sa are talking about someone’ s birthday party. hen ask and answer the questions in pairs.
2 T hey agree to organise a barbecue party in the end.
1 L et’ s buy him a book f or his birthday. W Y
3 T hey will do the shopping together.
Li sa is angry with Z ac f or losing her memory stick.
FR Why not buy him a book for his birthday?
2 I want to use your laptop. AY
3 Can we wear something casual to the party? A WE
3 CD 1.13   o plete the hrase ank. hen listen to
H elp me with my homework! A E
the dialo ue a ain and check your answers.
M ay I leav e the class earlier today? P I Y
M a k ing s ug es tio ns  Work in pairs. Read the instructions and
Why just go out to a club like we did last year? role play the dialo ue. se the lan ua e and ideas
I think it might be if we do something different. ro this lesson.
Maybe a better would be to go to a pizza place? Przebywasz w Anglii na kursie językowym i mieszkasz
I really think that we try to arrange something special. u angielskiej rodziny. Za tydzień przypadają Twoje urodziny

If you agree to …, I’ll take care of … i chciałbyś/chciałabyś urządzić małe przyjęcie w domu.
Porozmawiaj z gospodarzem/gospodynią o:
• organizacji urodzin w jego/jej domu;

I’m not that’s a good idea.

Let’s give it a try. • liczbie zaproszonych gości;
OK. That’s with me. • terminie i kosz tach organiz acj i imprez y;
Ap o l o gis ing • sprzątaniu po imprezie.

I’m sorry for being late.

I feel about it.
Critical thinking

I’m afraid I have to apologise for …

Let me buy you a new one to replace it.
Don’t worry. | It’s not that important. REC

 Work in pairs. Role play the dialo ues usin the pro pts
1 A Wystąp z propozycją zaproszenia grupy znajomych
z innej klasy na Waszą imprezę klasową. Wyjaśnij,
dlaczego uważasz to za dobry pomysł.
B Nie zgódź się z propozycją kolegi/koleżanki i zaproponuj
inne rozwiązanie.

2 A Wspólnie z kolegą przygotowujecie projekt z języka

angielskiego. Zaproponuj podział pracy. ook at the picture. Work in pairs and answer
B Zgódź się lub odrzuć propozycję. Uzasadnij swoje
the questions.
1 What birthday songs, in E nglish and in P olish, do you know?
3 A Przeproś koleżankę, że nie powiedziałeś/powiedziałaś
2 Why do you think people sing songs at people’ s birthdays?
jej całej prawdy. Podaj przyczynę swego zachowania.

B Powiedz, jak się w związku z tym czujesz, i poproś 3 What other celebrations do people usually sing songs
o dodatkowe inf ormacj e. at in your country? What are these songs?

22  ŻYCIE PRYWATNE  ówienie ozmowa z odgrywaniem roli • na omo rodków zykowych rans ormacje zdań (zadanie otwarte)

an opinion essay

1 Work in pairs. Which o the ollowin state ents   ind phrases in the essay in exercise which atch
do you a ree with Why the headin s in the hrase ank.

1 S ocial networking sites are the best places to meet PHRASE BANK
new people.
In t r o d u c i n g y o u r o p i n i o n
2 I n the f uture ev en best f riends will communicate
mainly online. I am of the opinion that … | I strongly feel that … | 1

3 O nline dating is a good way f or shy people to f ind P r e s e n t in g o t h e r p o in t s o f v ie w
a partner. It could be argued that … | Others argue that …
Another point of view is that … | 2
2 Read the task and the exa ple essay. ow do Gi v i n g r e a s o n s , e x p l a i n i n g r e s u l t s
the opinions o parents and teena ers di er The reason I say that is …
Dorośli coraz częściej wyrażają obawy, że młodzież udziela This is due to the fact that … | 3
| 4

się towarzysko tylko na forach społecznościowych. Napisz

rozprawk (200–250 wyrazów), w której wyrazisz swoje

Watch out
zdanie na temat tego zjawiska, uwzględniając argumenty
rodz icó w oraz ich nastoletnich dz ieci. Because / ince / As + zdanie (ponieważ)
I cried because my girlfriend left me.
As far as I am concerned, social networking sites make our ince s he doesn’t have close friends, he feels very
social life more varied and exciting. More and more adults lonely.
worry, however, that social media are teenagers’ only
means of interacting with their peers.
Firstly, many parents have trouble understanding their
FR ecause o + rzeczownik (z powodu, przez coś/kogoś)
I cried because o my boyfriend.

teenage children’s need to be constantly connected to the

Read the writin task elow and choose a suita le
Internet. This may be because they themselves use the
openin para raph. Why are the other answers wron
Internet for work purposes rather than social reasons. As
Mówi się, że młodzi ludzie coraz później usamodzielniają się
a result of this, online friendships do not seem acceptable
i coraz chętniej pozostają na utrzymaniu rodziców. Napisz
to them as they would prefer their teenagers to socialise rozprawk (200–250 wyrazów), w której wyrazisz swoje
in the real world rather than the virtual one. Additionally, zdanie na temat tego zjawiska, uwzględniając argumenty
parents cannot control their children’s online activity and z perspektywy dorosłych dzieci i ich rodziców.
fear that their teenage child may, for example, become
a It could be argued that young people become

a victim of cyberbullying.
independent later and later these days. Being
As regards teenagers, they consider social networking independent has its advantages and disadvantages.
sites a very important channel of communication

b Do you agree that more and more young people leave

with others and a source of entertainment as well as
the family home very late in life? Is it a good or bad idea?
knowledge. The sites allow them to stay in touch with a lot
of people at the same time, share photos, play games, c More and more young adults choose to live with their
blog or even do school projects outside of class. It would parents rather than live on their own. I strongly feel that
be hard to deny the fact that the Internet provides them this is a good solution for both the children and their

with all they need: contact with their friends, fun and parents.
education. d As far as I am concerned, young people cannot become
In conclusion, I would say that social networking sites independent because of unemployment. That’s why they

help young people make friends with others and develop live with their parents.
their social skills despite all the concerns adults may
have. Since we are surrounded by internet technology,  Read the state ents elow. Write sentences
grown-ups must accept the fact that online communication supportin each ain point. se the pro pts in rackets
is here to stay. to help you.
1 T here are sometimes v ery good reasons why young people
stay at home with their parents.
3  Read the essay in exercise a ain and co plete the tip. Think of economic reasons eing ready to li e on your

R oz prawka, któr ej celem j est prz edstawienie opinii autora own

(opinion essay
na jakiś temat (opinion essay), składa się z 1 akapitó w: 2 F rom the parents’ point of v iew, the situation in which adult
we wstępie przedstaw 2 na temat opisany w z adaniu. children liv e with them also has some adv antages.
W dwóc h kolej nych akapitach uz asadnij swoj e stanowisko Think of housework sharing the ills etc
w odniesieniu do obu aspektów z polecenia (w przykładowym
esej u to 3 oraz 4 ). Pamiętaj, aby logicznie uzasadnić   o the writin task in exercise . se the

swoje stanowisko. Rozprawka powinna być napisana w stylu lan ua e and ideas ro this lesson.

 ŻYCIE PRYWATNE  Wypowied pisemna ozprawka wyra aj ca opinię 23


1  Work in pairs. o plete the phrases with the words 3 I hope that I ( a e)) two children by the time
elow. I’m 30 years old.
T he f irst time I (fall / lo e)) a boy was when I was 15.

en a ed sin le couple rin cheat O nly (couple / people)) came to the party yesterday.
I wonder why the others didn’ t.
1 giv e someone a / buy an engagement M ark (play / ootball)) on Saturday afternoon. Do you
2 in an exam / on someone f ancy eating out with us af ter the match?

3 ticket / a mother (none / us / take)) after our father. My sisters and I are
to get / an telephone line not really into maths, but we all hav e artistic abilities like
a married /a of problems our mother.
I do not recommend these books. (neither / they / be)
2   ranslate the olish parts o the sentences into v ery interesting.
n lish. se the phrases ro exercise 1. What time Ann / arri ee)) tomorrow? Are you meeting
her at the station?
1 H elen (zaręczyła się z omem) yesterday.

2 ( adzwonię do iebie) when I get home.
  o plete the text with the correct or s o
3 M any studies hav e shown that (szczę liwe mał eństwa
the words elow. here are two extra words.
yj ) longer.
I lef t P aul af ter (on mnie zdradził). support attract y relate introduce et arried
( ilet do ondynu w jedn stronę), please. co e split up
You may (mie kilka problemów) with this application.
( odzice samotnie wyc owuj cy dzieci) are pretty
commonplace nowadays.
Will you (kupisz pier cionek zaręczynowy) by Friday?
3   hoose the correct word to co plete each pair
o sentences.
1 Where do you out with your f riends?
I need to the washing out and then we can play.
a go b  put hang
2 I broke with T om because he kept lying to me.
M y older sister looks to our f ather.

a af ter b  up of f
3 I can’ t get through to her. T he line is all the time.
O liv er and J ulia got last month.

a engaged b  busy married

a list of all the things you need bef ore going on
When I met Adam, it was love at first sight. I  with
When we f all out, we usually up quickly. my previous boyfriend just a week before, and I was
a meet b  write make absolutely devastated. A friend of invited me to her
I ’ m single, I f eel lonely sometimes. party to cheer me up. I went, but I was sure it would be

last year I ’ v e been trying to f ind a partner but without the worst party of my life. How wrong I was! After about
much luck. an hour I  to Adam who turned out to be very friendly
a A s b  For S ince and funny and, what’s more important, single. In addition,
We broke up af ter a really bad and nev er made up.
he seemed very to me. We have been a couple since

J ohn’ s in f av our of being an only child was not v ery

conv incing. then and this time next month we . Adam is from
a f ight b  argument point England, so the wedding will be organised there. I am
I hav e a close with my parents. happy that all of my friends to the ceremony.
T here’ s a between pov erty and happiness.
a connection b  relationship
 relationship contact
WHAT DO YOU THINK?  Work in pairs and discuss
  o plete the sentences with the correct or o the questions.

the words in rackets. Add extra words where necessary. 1 D o you agree that f riends are more important f or young
se no ore than our words. people than their families? Why? / Why not?
1 M y f riend L ucy (get engaged) to her boyfriend this time 2 D o you get on better with boys or girls? Why is that?
tomorrow. 3 What should an ideal f riend be like? A re you a good f riend?
2 A s f ar (I / concern), love at first sight is impossible.

na omo rodków zykowych łumaczenie ragmentów zdań (zadanie otwarte), ety leksykalne
(zadanie zamknięte), ramatykalizacja, łowotwórstwo

bump into /bʌmp ˈɪntə/ wpaść na (coś/
Vocabulary MP3 10 Listening and vocabulary MP3 12 kogoś)
acquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/ znajomy/znajoma argument /ˈɑː(r)ɡjʊmənt/ kłótnia; argument date /deɪt/ chodzić
reak up /breɪk ˈʌp/ zrywać, breakup /ˈbreɪkʌp/ roz stanie, roz pad na randki

rozstawać się związku all in love with s /fɔːl ɪn ˈlʌv wɪθ zakochać się
rother in law /ˈbrʌðə(r)ɪnlɔː/ sz wagier crippling /ˈkrɪplɪŋ/ niszczący, ˌsʌmbədi/ w kimś
collea ue /ˈkɒliːɡ/ kolega/koleżanka paraliżujący f ancy /ˈfænsi/ mieć ochotę na
z pracy deep bond /diːp ˈbɒnd/ głęboka więź et arried to s /get ˈmærid tʊ poślubić kogoś
couple /ˈkʌpl/ para devastated /ˈdevəsteɪtɪd/ z druz gotany, ˌsʌmbədi/
distant relative /ˌdɪstənt ˈrelətɪv/ daleki krewny/ załamany grin /ɡrɪn/ uśmiechać się,

daleka krewna due to a /ˌdjuː tʊ ə z powodu szczerzyć zęby
engaged to sb /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd tʊ zaręczony/ misunderstanding ˌmɪsʌndə(r) nieporoz umienia have a crush /həv ə ˈkrʌʃ ɒn zadurzyć się
ˌsʌmbədi/ zaręczona ˈstændɪŋ/ on s ˌsʌmbədi/ (w kimś),
z kimś end a relationship /ˌend ə rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp/ zakończyć zakochać się
all or s /ˈfɔːl fə(r) zakochać się związek (w kimś)
ˌsʌmbədi/ w kimś riendship /ˈfren(d)ʃɪp/ przyjaźń in mid-s entence /ɪn mɪdˈsentəns/ w pół zdania
all out /fɔːl ˈaʊt/ pokłócić się grief /ɡriːf/ żal introduce s to s /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs przedstawić
ianc ianc e /fiˈɒnseɪ/ narzeczony/ grumpy /ˈɡrʌmpi/ zrzędliwy, ˌsʌmbədi tʊ kogoś komuś
narz ecz ona gderliwy ˌsʌmbədi/
f riends and f oes /ˈfrendz ənd prz yj aciele heart reakin /ˈhɑː(r)tˌbreɪkɪŋ/ rozdzierający love at irst si ht /ˈlʌv ət ˌfɜː(r)stmiłość od
ˈfəʊz/ i wrogowie serce ˈsaɪt/ pierwsz ego

et on with s /ɡet ˈɒn wɪθ dogadywać się it takes two to /ɪt ˌteɪks tuː tə do tanga trz eba wej rz enia
ˌsʌmbədi/ z kimś tango ˈtæŋɡəʊ/ dwoj ga mate /meɪt/ kumpel/kumpela
o out to ether /ɡəʊ ‚aʊt wychodzić long-t erm /ˌlɒŋˈtɜː(r)m/ długoterminowy mumble /ˈmʌmb(ə)l/ mamrotać
təˌɡeðə(r)/ wspóln ie lose touch /luːz ˈtʌtʃ/ tracić kontakt pop ov er /pɒp ˈəʊvə(r)/ wpaść (do kogoś)
hal rother /ˈhɑːf ˌbrʌðə(r)/ prz yrodni brat (z kimś) set sb up with sb /set ˌsʌmbədi ˈʌp umówić kogoś
hal sister /ˈhɑːf ˌsɪstə(r)/ prz yrodnia siostra manipulativ e /məˈnɪpjʊlətɪv/ manipulujący wɪθ ˌsʌmbədi/ z kimś
han out /hæŋ ˈaʊt/ spędzać razem minor /ˈmaɪnə(r)/ niewielki, romcom /ˈrɒmˌkɒm/ komedia
cz as niez nacz ny romantycz na
look up to s /lʊk ˈʌp tʊ podziwiać kogoś pain ul /ˈpeɪnf(ə)l/ bolesny self -c onscious /ˌselfˈkɒnʃəs/ skrępowany

ake up

/meɪk ˈʌp/

pogodzić się
(z kimś)
patch up the
dif f erences
/pætʃ ˌʌp ðə
konf likt
platonicz ny
związek, relacja
soul ate
stare at s

Speaking MP3 15
/ˈsteə(r) ət
bratnia dusz a
gapić się na

romance /rəʊˈmæns/ romans

niece /niːs/ siostrzenica/ spread ru ours /ˌspred ˈruːmə(r)z/ rozsiewać plotki dress code /ˈdres ˌkəʊd/ z asady ubioru,
bratanica supportive /səˈpɔː(r)tɪv/ wspierający, etykieta
partner /ˈpɑː(r)tnə(r)/ partner/partnerka pomocny ubioru
siblings /ˈsɪblɪŋz/ rodzeństwo time is a healer /ˌtaɪm ɪz ə ˈhiːlə(r)/ cz as lecz y rany memory stick /ˈmem(ə)ri ˌstɪk/ karta pamięci
sin le parent /ˌsɪŋɡ(ə)l rodz ic samotnie toxic /ˈtɒksɪk/ toksycz ny
ˈpeərənt/ wychowujący unaf f ected /ˌʌnəˈfektɪd/ niedotknięty Writing MP3 16
dz iecko czymś, concern /kənˈsɜː(r)n/ troska, obawa,
sister in law /ˈsɪstə(r)ɪnlɔː/ sz wagierka, niewz rusz ony z martwienie
bratowa underestimate /ˌʌndəˈrestɪmeɪt/ nie doceniać peer /pɪə(r)/ rówieśnik
split up with s /splɪt ˈʌp wɪθ rozstać się z kimś ups and downs /ˈʌps ənd ˈdaʊnz/ wz loty i upadki surrounded /səˈraʊndɪd/ otocz ony
wallow in sth /ˈwɒləʊ ɪn pogrążać się v aried /ˈveərɪd/ różnorodny,
step ather /ˈstepˌfɑːðə(r), ojczym/macocha

ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ w czymś uroz maicony

step other ˈstepˌmʌðə(r)/
take a ter /teɪk ˈɑːftə(r)/ być podobnym Grammar 2 MP3 13 English in Use MP3 17
do kogoś,
odziedziczyć with luck /wɪð ˈlʌk/ prz y odrobinie cheat /tʃiːt/ ściągać (na

po kimś pewne szczęścia egzaminie);

cechy zdradzać kogoś
twin brother /ˈtwɪn brʌðə(r)/ brat bliźniak Reading and vocabulary MP3 14 engagement ring /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt pierścionek
twin sister /ˈtwɪn ˌsɪstə(r)/ siostra bliźniaczka anxious thoughts /ˌæŋkʃəs ˈθɔːts / niespokojne myśli ˌrɪŋ/ zaręczynowy
wedding /’wedɪŋ/ ślub attractive to s /əˈtræktɪv tʊ pociągający, giv e sb a ring /ɡɪv ˌsʌmbədi dzwonić
ˌsʌmbədi/ atrakcyj ny dla ə ˈrɪŋ/ do kogoś,
Grammar 1 MP3 11 kogoś telefonować
awkward /ˈɔːkwə(r)d/ niezręczny married couple /ˈmærid ˌkʌp(ə)l/ małżeństwo, para
relativ e /ˈrelətɪv/ krewny/krewna małżeńska
e close to s /bi ‚kləʊz tʊ być z kimś blisko

ˌsʌmbədi/ single ticket /ˈsɪŋɡ(ə)l ˌtɪkɪt/ bilet w jedną

e arried with /bi ˌmærid wɪð mieć żonę/męża stronę
children ˈtʃɪldrən/ i dz ieci

Challenge! MP3 18
attraction /əˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ przyciąganie, co pare sth to /kəmˈpeə(r) porównywać coś look like /ˈlʊk laɪk/ wyglądać jak,
pociąg do
pociąg sth ˌsʌmθɪŋ tʊ z czymś być podobnym
kogoś; atrakcja
kogoś; ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ do
(np. turystyczna) crush /krʌʃ/ miażdżyć, ake riends with /ˌmeɪk ˈfrendz zaprzyjaźniać
e connected /bi kəˈnektɪd tʊ być powiązanym kruszyć; wɪθ/ się z
to s ˌsʌmbədi/ z kimś z adurz enie, atch /mætʃ/ pasować do
e en a ed /bi ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ być zaręczonym; miłość siebie; dobrana
być zajętym date /deɪt/ daktyl; chodzić na para
(o linii randki, spotykać party /ˈpɑː(r)ti/ przyjęcie,
telefonicznej) się z kimś imprez a; partia

e related to s /bi rɪˈleɪtɪd tʊ być ancy /ˈfænsi/ mieć na coś politycz na

ˌsʌmbədi/ spokrewnionym ochotę; re ain riends /rɪˌmeɪn ˈfrendz pozostać
z kimś podkochiwać się with wɪθ/ w przyjaźni z
e under the /bi ˌʌndə(r) ði odnosić wrażenie, w kimś, czuć do say so ethin /seɪ ˌsʌmθɪŋ mówić coś za
i pression ɪmˈpreʃ(ə)n/ sądzić kogoś pociąg ehind bɪˌhaɪnd czyimiś plecami
rin up /brɪŋ ˈʌp/ wychowywać row up /ɡrəʊ ˈʌp/ dorastać so eone s ack ˌsʌmwʌnz ˈbæk/
(dziecko) know ro /ˌnəʊ frəm wiedzieć support so eone /səˌpɔː(r)t wspierać kogoś
experience ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ z doświadczenia throu h ˌsʌmwʌn θruː w trudnym
a di icult ti e ə ˌdɪfɪk(ə)lt ˈtaɪm/ cz asie


o plete all the exercises ro this section in your note ook.


1 Are the de nitions elow true or alse orrect the alse TRANSFORMACJE ZDAŃ Wykorzystu c podane

ones. wyrazy uzupe ni zdania tak a y zachowa znaczenie
1 A n ac uaintance is someone you do not know v ery well. zdania wy ciowe o. ie z ienia podanych ra ent w
2 A colleague is a f riend f rom school. zda i or y podanych wyraz w. Wy a ana est pe na
poprawno ra atyczna i orto ra czna wpisywanych

3 A fianc is someone you are married to.
A half rother is a brother who is the son of only one of
wyraz w.
your parents. 1 E llen broke up with R ob because of his dif f icult character.
A nephew and a niece are the same as your cousins. ince As
2 I think that f riends are the most important people
2 o plete the sentences with appropriate prepositions. in teenagers’ liv es.
As far as I am of
1 When M ike and I f all , we make very quickly.
O ur arguments are nev er v ery serious. 3 I suggest we go to a club to celebrate V alentine’ s D ay this year.

Why not I think it might e
2 I look to my f ather because he’ s a wonderf ul man.
We f ell out because of a dif f erence of opinion.
3 M y sister got engaged an I talian. S he had been
We fell out due The reason
introduced him by her colleague.
S ome people think that the best time to start a f amily is
J ohn f ell A manda the f irst time they met. T hey’ v e been
when you are in your thirties.
going together f or a year now.
Another point of It could e
T im and R ebecca don’ t get v ery well anymore,
and I think they’ ll split
When I met G eorge, I f ell
I t was lov e f irst sight.
lov e
him immediately.
GRAMATYKALIZACJA  zupe ni zdania 1 .
Wykorzysta w odpowiednie or ie wyrazy podane
w nawiasach. ie nale y z ienia kole no ci podanych
wyraz w trze a nato iast e eli est to konieczne
3 Work in pairs and test each other.
doda inne wyrazy tak a y otrzy a lo iczne
tudent A go to page 123. i ra atycznie poprawne zdania. Wy a ana est pe na
tudent go to page 129. poprawno orto ra czna wpisywanych ra ent w
zda . wa a w ka d luk o esz wpisa aksy alnie
GRAMMAR cztery wyrazy wlicza c w to wyrazy u podane.
hoose the correct answer. o eti es oth options are 1 M y parents are ill, so (neither / they) going to their
school reunion party on S aturday.

1 ost / lot of the people I know hav e only a little / 2 ( one / grandma) distant relatives came to her birthday
a couple o real f riends. party because they all liv e abroad.
3 My sister Carrie

2 ew / Many people came to my barbecue party, but they (get / marry) to her boyfriend Jack this
didn’ t bring some / any f ood. time next week. I’m so happy for her!
3 one / ost of the people I know like f ancy dress parties. I hope I (graduate / rom) university by the time I am 28.
I enj oy all / bot romantic comedies and thrillers. I hav e Look, that is my half brother Tim – I (introduce / he) you.
some / a ew on D V D at home. I get on really well with my sister-in-law – (most / the /
ost / All teenagers dream of hav ing much / a lot o f riends. ad ice) she gives me is really helpful.

T here was none / no sugar lef t at home, so I went to get

some / a ew bef ore the guests came. READING
I didn’ t know any / no people at the party. ost o t em /
ost t em were my sister’ s colleagues. DOBIERANIE ZDAŃ DO AKAPITÓW  rzeczyta

tekst kt ry zosta podzielony na cztery cz ci A oraz

o plete the sentences with the correct or o the pytania o dotycz ce 1 . o ka de o pytania dopasu
ver s. se the uture per ect or the uture continuous. w a ciw cz tekstu. Wpisz rozwi zania do ta eli.
1 T his time tomorrow we (celebrate) our wedding wa a w edne cz ci tekstu zna du si odpowiedzi
anniv ersary. na dwa pytania.
2 I ’ m sorry, but I not inis ) this project by next Monday.
(not I n which paragraph does the author
3 T hey (be married
(be married) for ten years in 2025.
1 present the reasons why people may

Where (you / li e) in 20 years’ time?

(you misunderstand each other?
In two weeks’ time Monica and Bob (enjoy)
2 enumerate the steps leading to better
their honeymoon.
Mum will be back at 3.00 p.m. (you / clean) the flat
by then? 3 mention the name of a researcher who passed

talk about a common misconception?

ref er to research on the challenges of
interpersonal communication?


It’s a common belief that just because we often hang out with
w parach i wykona cie zadanie. ast pnie za ie cie si
our best friend or sibling, and we generally get on with them,
rola i. Roz ow rozpoczyna ucze A.
we should have no problems communicating. Unfortunately,
that is not the case, and we often feel upset, unhappy or even

devastated when our friends or siblings misunderstand us. Przebywasz za granicą na wakacyjnym kursie językowym.
According to Prof. Boaz Keysar, a Professor of Psychology Rozmawiasz z kolegą/koleżanką z grupy na temat
zorganizowania imprezy pożegnalnej. W rozmowie z uczniem B
at the University of Chicago, communicating with people we
omów poniższe cztery kwestie.
know really well is way more difficult than with those we don’t
know well – or don’t know at all. His studies show that there are
a number of factors which cause communication problems with miej sce imprez y
our nearest and dearest. ucz estnicy

First of all, we often wrongly assume that people close to us termin imprez y
understand what we are saying, so we don’t even bother to
check if our message is clear. Secondly, we tend to think that dodatkowe atrakcj e
what we know is known to them as well – which is not always
the case, as they may not have the same experiences or
knowledge. However, it’s the third factor which is responsible
for most miscommunications: conveying subtle messages,
FR Przebywasz za granicą na wakacyjnym kursie językowym.
Rozmawiasz z osobą z grupy, która wystąpiła z propozycją,
that is messages which are sarcastic, emotional or vague.
aby zorganizować imprezę pożegnalną. Rozmowę rozpoczyna
For example, when your friend apologises to you because uczeń A. W zależności od tego, jak rozmowa się potoczy,
he/she hasn’t answered your emails or messages, and you say spróbuj włączyć do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty:
something like ‘People lead such busy lives nowadays’, it may be • poproś ucznia A o dokładniejsze objaśnienie jakiejś kwestii,
either interpreted as criticism (‘You’re not a good friend because
• grz ecz nie nie zgódź się z wyborem miejsca imprezy
you have no time for me.’) or as empathy (‘You’re very busy at i z asugeruj inne miej sce,
the moment.’). • z aproponuj , aby zaprosić na imprezę lektorów uczących
waszą grupę,

• wyraź obawę, czy termin będzie odpowiadał wszystkim

Unfortunately, such miscommunications may lead to ucz estnikom kursu,
an argument with your friend or sibling or to them giving you • z aproponuj pomoc prz y organiz acj i imprez y.

the silent treatment. As Prof. Keysar claims, we may find it

difficult to eliminate our communication ‘bad habits’, but it is
worth trying. One of the things you can try doing is learning
the principles of nonviolent communication, developed by 1 ROZPRAWKA Wypowiedz si na poni szy te at.
the late psychologist Marshall Rosenberg, according to whom Wypowied powinna zawiera od do wyraz w
conflicts between people are a result of miscommunication, i spe nia wszystkie wy o i typowe dla or y wskazane

i.e. when words are used for power struggles rather than real w poleceniu.
Niektórzy uważają, że jedynacy, których jest coraz więcej
we współczesnym społeczeństwie, nie są samotni, ponieważ
budują głębokie więzi z przyjaciółmi. Napisz rozprawk ,

To make your communication successful, you need to start w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na ten temat, uwzględniając
with a neutral observation – you should not judge, evaluate argumenty rodziców oraz ich dorastających lub dorosłych dzieci.
or interpret the situation. So, in the case mentioned above,
you would say, ‘You haven’t answered my emails and messages’
rather than ‘You’re not really a good friend’ or ‘You’re not
reliable’. Then, you should describe your feelings, for example
‘I feel upset’ rather than interpret the other person’s feelings,

for example ‘You don’t really care about me’. Finally, you need
to express your needs (‘I’d really like you to let me know what’s
going on’) and express a request (‘Would you please let me
know you’re busy?’) rather than making a demand. Learning
these steps takes time, like learning a new language, but it leads
to better communication, deeper bonds and stronger and more

supportive relationships.


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