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1. Who dares to enter? 2. Don’t get tired 4. Doing dangerous tasks 5.

Fight or die
Max Stamina: Keep the half or roll the Physique die. Test a pertinent Ability to hit a Target.
Assign each die to a single Ability. For a normal Test Dice Steps
Short Rest (15 minutes, consume a drink): Damage = Weapon Damage + Attack Test SL
Roll the Ability Die.
Just the dice, don’t roll them. Roll Physique die, gain that much Stamina (up to max).
On 4+ you succeed. Target’s Armor reduce Damage to a minimum of 1.
Long Rest (8 hours, consume a meal and a drink): Then subtract reamining Damage to Target’s Stamina.
Restore all Stamina, if Stamina is already at max restore
d4 d6 d6 d8
For a Critical Test If you receive damage that exceed Stamina you must roll
1 Die Size step for 1 Ability Die. a Wound Test with a pertinent Ability (usually PHY ).
Same as Normal Tests but on 1 or 2 decrease
3. Don’t go alone, take this If you succeed (4+) decrease 1 die step in that Ability.
the Ability Die size by one step.
If you fail a Wound Test, you die.
d6 - Weapons If you’re Critical testing a d4 Ability Die:
Physique 1
Two Light Weapons
Light Weapon and up to 2 Spells 1 - You’re Dead 2 - You’re K.O.
6. Do your tricks
3 Medium Weapon and Ranged Weapon (with ammo) Aquire Spells
Success Level
4 Medium Weapon and Shield
Spell powers are granted by spirits that a creature can
5 Medium Weapon and 1 Spell Starting from 4+, earn 1 Success
6 Heavy Weapon absorb or transfer (one at time) through long rituals and
Level (SL) every 2 on a Test roll: a successful Critical Test on Charisma.
d6 - Armors
1 No Armor 4-5 Medium Armor 4+ = 1 SL A creature can hold 1 Spell (a spirit) for every Charisma

2-3 Light Armor 6 Heavy Armor

Mind 6+ = 2 SL Ability Die step (from 1 Spell for d4, to 5 for d12)
d12 - Gears (roll twice)
1 Torch (ud10) 7 Rope (20mt) 8+ = 3 SL
2 Flint & stone 8 Oil Flask ... and so on Cast Spells (you need a free hand and your voice)
Succed in a Critical Test on Mind to cast a Spell.
3 Rations (ud6) 9 Bandages (heal 1 PHY/AGI Die step) Odd situations
Charisma 4 Waterskin (ud6) 10 Compass
While doing a Test roll two dice: At the beginning of your next round, if required, do a
5 Candles (ud10) 11 Marbles
If there’s an Advantage choose the best result. Mind Ability Test to channel the spell.
6 Caltrops 12 Tent Once you fail a Channeling Test the spell ends.
If there’s a Disadvantage choose the worst result.

7. Sharp and shiny things 8. Nothing lasts forever 10. Who needs a grimoire?
You have item slots equal to your Physique Die. Heavy or Usage Critical Test *Channeling Spell Elements d4: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Bulky items need 2 slots. Every item has an Usage Die Area = SLx2 mt. radius
Do a Critical Test with the Usage Die when: d20 - Spells
One handed 1 Create 1+SL illusory yourself images
Light Weapon (1 Damage - ud8) Ammunitions and Consumables: 2 Hold SL creatures on their feet*
Hold one in both hands to Attack with Advantage. At every attack or use. 3 Silence Area around the caster*
Medium Weapon (2 Damage - ud10) Torches: 4 Target weapon inflicts double damage to undead*
You can use it 2 Handed for +1 Damage. At the end of a scene. 5 Hold a passage with magic barrier*
Shield (+1 Armor - ud10) Armors and Weapons: 6 Target next Ability/Critical Test gets Advantage
You can break the Shield to ignore any effect of an At the end of every combat. 7 Elemental dart strikes a target for 3+SL damage
incoming attack. 8 On touch gain 3+SL Stamina
If the Die is a d4 and you fail, the item is broken or 9 Force SL target living creatures to do an action
Two handed
consumed. 10 Darkness Area around the caster*
Heavy Weapon (4 Damage - ud12)
11 Elemental spray cone that deals 2+SL damage*
Roll Wound Tests VS Heavy Weapons with Disadvantage.
Ranged Weapon (2 Damage - ud10) 9. Learn something 12
Reverse gravity Area around the caster*
Summon a creature you killed today to help you*
Can attack at range. Needs Ammo. 14 Restore SL Ability die steps of a living creature
At the discretion of the Master, you will earn 1 Veteran
Armors and Wearables 15 Create SL animated illusions that can do sounds*
Point every X gold or when you progress with story
Light Armor (1 Armor - ud8) 16 Spit webs to create ropes or entangling traps
and/or exploration.
Medium Armor (2 Armor - ud10) 17 Elemental explosion that deals 2+SL Area damage
Spend VP to raise your max Ability Dice by one step (6VP
Heavy Armor (3 Armor - ud12) 18 Up to SL target slowly float in the air*
for a d6, 8VP for a d8 and so on). You must own all the Pocket-sized Dungeon Crawler
Quiver with arrows or bolts (Ammo - ud10) 19 Take the shape of a living creature you killed*
previous die steps. Reroll your STA die each “level up”. 20 Freeze the time (channel with Disadvantage)*
by Davide Bellani
Keep the new result only if it’s higher than previous one.
Spells Notes
Gold Veteran Points

Armor Stamina


Inventory Usage Die Inventory Usage Die

Physique Mind 1

2 8
d d d d
d Max d Max

3 9
d d

Agility Charisma 4

d 5 11
d Max d d d

6 12
d d

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